xt7dr785mr2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785mr2h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1996 1996 1996-02-22 2020 true xt7dr785mr2h section xt7dr785mr2h   

By Chris Padgett
Stafl l'Vritcr

Yesterday, the day after conser—
vative Republican presidential
candidate, Patrick Buchanan, nar-
rowly defeated Bob Dole to win
the New Hampshire GOP prima-
ry, thousands came from near and
far to welcome First Lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton to Lexington.

The first lady made an appear—
ance atJoseph—Beth Booksellers in
Lexington Green on Nicholasville
Road to promote her new book, It
Takes a Village and Other Stories .

Clinton arrived at the book—
store at noon, and stayed until she
had shook hands with the more
than 2,000 people who decided to
purchase her book.

After exchanging small talk
with Clinton, individuals were
~ given a previously autographed
). copy of the book.

“I am so glad to see all of you
here today," Clinton said.

“I am so grateful that so many
of you could come to support my

Amid a crowd of thousands that

winded around the mall not a sin-
l gle opponent of the first lady
could be found.
E “Mrs. Clinton’s noble efforts
‘ and concerns with children and
health care policy distinguish her
as one of the greatest Americans
now living," Mark Shipley, a Lex-
ington resident said.

“She is a truly wonderful
woman and our country is privi-
leged to have her.”

Those in attendance at joseph-
Beth’s spoke only kind words of
Clinton’s contribution to Ameri—
can society.

“She is truly a first lady of all
the people,” Martha Chadwick, a
Louisville resident said.

“This woman has taken it from

all sides over the past four years,
and she has distinguished herself
as by far the best first lady since
Eleanor Roosevelt."
. Clinton’s visit to Lexington
4' marked one of the last stops on
. her third promotional tour for It
‘ Takesa Village.




..su ..


um unroii Kerrie/surf?"

SPWHD DI" Several faculty and
stafl met to tall: about UK '5 low
rates of retention.


...,...~~~v-~..-—~.. ~a-. :\

According to representatives
from Mrs. Clinton’s publisher,
Simon and Shuster, every stop on
the book tour has brought crowds
of thousands to see the first lady.

Former Kentucky first lady and
crowned Miss America, Phyllis
George Brown, Kentucky Demo-
cratic Party Chair Bob Babbage,
UK political science professor
Penny Miller and Lexington
Mayor Pam Miller were among
the first to greet Clinton.

“She is a truly dedicated person
to stand up for the worthy causes
she advocates,” Brown said.

UK students Dale Howard and
Doug Barnett, both political sci-
ence sophomores, decided to pur—
chase a copy of It Takes a Village.
Howard, a founder of the new
campus group, UK Young
Democrats, had only words of
praise for the first lady.

“She has overcome so much
adversity over the past year that it
is amazing that she is able to per-
form as well as she does,” Howard

In her first published work, It
Takes a Village, Clinton discusses
her personal pursuit to discover
how we can mold our society into
the kind of village that enables all
of its children to grow into able.
caring, resilient adults.

The title is taken from the
African proverb “It takes a village
to raise a child."

The work is filled with pro—
grams and organizations that are
devoted to helping children and

Mrs. Clinton is donating all
profits from the sale of the book
to charities that support children
and their families.

In Kentucky, all profits will go
to support Kosair Children's Hos-

“I am glad the first lady is
donating profits of the book to
charity, and not to her own pock—
etbook like Newtie (Newt Gin—
grich) was going to do,” said
Helen Caleb, a Somerset resident
who drove to Lexington to see
Clinton and purchase one of the


By John Abbott

Senior Staff l/Vriter

Where are they all going?

Louis Swift, dean of Undergradu-
ate Studies, presented the findings
yesterday of a study conducted to
determine why students don't come
back to UK. About 20 people attended
the meeting in 359 Student Center.

The study was conducted by
Roseann Hogan from UK Lexington
Campus Planning and Assessment.

A comparison of the six-year grad—
uation rates of UK and its benchmark
institutions for freshmen entering
school in the 1987-88 and 1988—89
school years ranked UK dead last both
times. The leader of the pack, the
University of Virginia, exceeded 90
percent in both years; UK, on the
other hand, lim ed to 50 percent.

The study a so found that the er—
centage of people graduating ffom
UK in four years has declined from
about 20 percent for students entering
school in 1984 to a little more than 13
percent for students who entered
school in 1991.

A large part of the study focused
on people who attended UK in the

WEATHER Partly sunny

today, big/J near 5 5; partly
cloudy, lot.“ near 50,- sunny


tomorrow, big/J near

KEG Chick Corea and Isis/ate quartet bring
their unique sound to campus this wee/tend.

See inside section.


titticials discuss retention rates

fall of 1993 but did not return in the
fall of 1994.

All of the students surveyed had a
grade-point average of2.0 or higher.

For students polled who were
freshmen in the fall of 1993, the top
four reasons for leaving UK were: to
transfer to another university, because
the university was too large and
impersonal, lack of money, and to be
closer to family and friends.

Students polled who were sopho-
mores in the fall of 1993 also cited the
intention oftransfer as the top reason
for leaving.

The next most popular reasons list-
ed were: disliking Lexington, person-
al/family problems or illness, and
deciding to pursue a major that UK
does not offer. The intention to trans-
fer was also number one for students

olled who were juniors or seniors in
the fall of 1993.

Personal/family problems or ill—
ness, “stopping out” for a time before
returning to UK, and lack of money
rounded out their top four.

What can UK do to plug up this



SAM HAVE “STICK Kerncl siafl'

II TAKE: A "IMAGE First lady Hillary Clinton takes time out to shake bands with Todd Bled—
soe, UK political science senior. She later granted him a bug.



Retention at UK

These figures show the
percentage of UK students
that return from one

to the next (1984-94






. ....._...-.M....







Graduation «
firmmw ..

Uriivegslty of Virginia









‘ . ,
RUSTY IANSEAU Kmie/ rtafl”



February 22, I996

. WIS/Tu. ‘9‘ I}: 2
IN (Mm. 3 Spam 5



Student dies
during Seaton workout

A UK student died last night. apparently after
collapsing while exercising at the Scaton Center.
Kok l.im, an electrical engineering graduate stu‘
dent, was pronounced dead at "930.

Lim, a native of Malaysia, \\ as .‘3.

Kay Yelton, public affairs spokeswoman for the
UK Chandler Medical Center. said l.im's parents
were notified by telephone last night. l.im was
transported by ambulance from the Scaton (Zen~
ter at 6:31 pm. to the L'K llospital.

Seaton Center officials did not return nuiner~
ous phone calls last night, so additional inforina~
tion was not immediately available.

The Fayette County Coroner's office also
would not comment last night.





Train wreck kills two in Colo.

RED CLIFF, Colo. ~ A freight train derailed
near a snowy pass high in the Rockies yesterday.
killin r two crew members and spilling thousands
of a lons of sulfuric acid down a mountainside
andzacross a highway.

Rescuers trudged through “"JlNI’thCP snow to
reach the wreckage oftlic Southern Pacific Rail—
road train near l0,-l00~foot 'l'cnnesscc l’ass, south
of this village and 10 miles north of the historic
mining town of l.ead\ ille.

“At this time we do not know what caused the
derailment," said sheriff's spokeswoman Kim
Andre, “but we are surmising snow may have
played a major part in it."

Nearly: 1/3 feet of snow had fallen 'l'ucsday
night and more snow fell yesterday, Andre said.

The National \Veathcr Service said several
avalanches were reported in the area. But sheriffs
spokesman Jeff Beavers said there was no obvious
sign of an avalanche near the tracks.

Caiitornia bill may end attirmative action

SACRAMEN’I'O, Calif. W, (luv. Pete \\'ilson
and backers ofan anti—affiriniitn c action initiative
turned in nearly 1.1 million voter signatures yes—
terday — potentially more than enough to qualify
the hot—button measure for California's Novem»
ber ballot.

“Now the campaign begins," said \Vard (Ion
nerly, chairman of the drive to repeal i'JCC and
gender preferences in state programs. as he and
“'ilson submitted a stack (if-$6,574 signatures to
the Sacramento County registrar.

Signatures were submitted at other county
offices throughout California yesterday, a consti~
tutional deadline to turn in thc namcs.

In Los Angeles, meanwhile, hundreds of stu—
dents marched through the I'(Il.:\ campus and
occupied a building yesterday to protest the drive
to eliminate affirmative action,

The initiative re uires about 700.000 valid sig-
natures of registered voters to qualify. County and
state elections official say it Will take more than a
month to verify the signatures.

Connerly, a member of the University ofC-ali—
fornia board of regents, played a pivotal role in
the board's decision last summer to eliminate
affirmative action in university admissions. hiring
and contracting.

He said the November initiative, dubbed by its
supporters the California Civil Rights Initiative,
would establish a similar prohibition in all state
government programs.


8010 looks “1" his replacement
NEVV YORK — The crowd of buffoons, some

in makeup, were not justclowningaround. They
were singing, dancing, juggling and doing magic
tricks in an effort to step into the size 83—XXX
shoes of Larry Harmon.

Harmon, the original Bozo the Clown, audi-
tioned about 50 men and women Tuesday at the
Harley-Davidson Cafe.

Although he already has 75 fill—ins hel ing him
play Bozo on the road, at malls, in videos and
around the world, there's always room for another

Bv cloning himself, Hartnon reasons, “You've
got Bozo forever. You never have to let him go."

The young-at—heart Harmon, who refuses to
reveal his a e, recently signed a contract to con—
tinue his " show throu h 2001. (A clue: He
launched Bozo on record al ums 50 years ago.)

Compilrdfi'om staff it"? reports.


N.H. votes
Alexander 45.291

Forbes 24,036
UPCOMING rmmmrs (dates in




y‘a—v—w—W—s *1


Votes anddelegates

er said.

"K III'OIBSSDI‘ says Buchanan victory changes race tor GDP nomination

Buchanan-led ticket could be dis-






North Mm (2/27), Soul: Doha (2/27), Saab We: 3/2), Gal/'5' (3/ ,VM (3/5),




26% 4 16

12% 2 5

theses): Delmar (2/24), Arizona (2/27).




Colorado (M), Maryland (3/9, cm (3/9. Mm libs-J (3/5),
- Main (3/5), and MW (3/5).
source. THE ASSOCIATED mass
mm mm Wm!
I l l


By Jolt Vinson

Campus Editor

The New Hampshire primary
is over and nothing has been set—
tled. Pat Buchanan’s victo over
Bob Dole has muddie the
Republican waters and created a
possible split in the Grand Old


rUyK political science professor
Phillip Roeder said Buchanan's
strong running so far shows that
the GOP house is not in order.

“I think the (Republican) Party
is obviously in some disarray right
now,” Roeder said. “I think it's


Bretty clear that Buchanan has
een a surprise and most people
expected Dole to be the frontrun—
ner, so I’d say there's quite a bit of
concern in the Republican Party
over Buchanan."

Roeder said it may be a false
hope for other candidates to think
that Buchanan's support has
peaked, as it did in New Hamp-
shire four ears ago.

“I think it's too soon to tell
whether he's reached his peak
Even though the margin of victory
was pretty slim, since be exceeded
his expectations I think eople are
looking at him different ," Roed—

Roeder added that while he is
not sure Buchanan will et the
nomination, “I think he'l be in
there quite away,” and may make a

All week long the GOP estab-
lishment worried about the

rospect of a Buchanan victory.
lilis protectionist trade views are
ridiculed by economic conserva—
tives, and his outs ken views on
cultural issues ma e him a tough
sell among independent—minded
voters critical to winnin national
elections. House SpeaEer Newt
Gingrich has warned allies that a

astrous to Republican candidates
on the ballot.

Roeder described the
Buchanan win as a “mild sur—


“I think most everyone thought
that Dole would start wrappin
things by now," Roeder saidi
“When you look back on it Dole
had some baggage that he's been
carrying around and he's lost in
New Hampshire before so I guess
it shouldn t have been a big sur-
prise, but he was the perceived

See PRIMARY on 10




 2 7331340,!"qu 2,1996,KmmkyKnml







, _ .-..._........., _

PI‘OIBSSDI‘ tackles

The academic autobiography
departs from the mainstream of
the genre, he said, because it not
only tells about the author’s life,
but it tells the story of the scholar—
ly group to which the author
belongs, how the author learned
“to think like a historian or think
like a physicist.”

Mainstream autobiographies,
he said, often seek to prove ‘what
tremendously important individu-
als the authors are, but academic
autobiographers often write to
demonstrate “not that they are



3.2.4... -4). —. ;,_




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Advertising- 257-2871
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E Mail: Keri)el@pup.uky.edu
Lance Williams ................................................... Editor in Chief
Jennifer Smith .........,....\l1ltt'.igiilg Editor By John “99°"
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor ”WNW/j ”'7'”
y. ., .
JeffV inson ........................................................... ( .iiiitiiis Editor History pmfcssorkremy P0p_
AllSOD Klgllt .................................................... .l‘ “111th l‘.LlltOl‘ kin addressed the subject of aca-
Matt Felice ....................................................... l’ditorial Editor dcmjc 33:),biogflplgesp atf this
. . ‘ . . year s is inguis e r0 essor
Jason Dattilo ....................................................... .Spurls Editor Lecture delivered last n, h, in [he
. . . g .
Robert Duffy ............................................................ Arts ltdlli)!‘ Recital Hall of the Otis A. Single-
Erin Bacher .......................................................... liesign Editor WY 96“.“? f‘." the A"?

. V , . . Popkin 5 interest in the aca—
Claire Johnston ..................................................... Kety Editor demic autobiography was piqued
YiBien Thain ............................................. Photography Editor fige yeahrs Ego whken lye vlv)as :itting

' ' ' ' t roug t e stac s o a 00 store
Benlamm Abes . ‘ . in a small German town.

Andreas Gustafsson .................................... .. ..( ll’l- llllt’ l‘.(llt0l‘S There he discovered a volume
Ashley Shrewsburv ................................... \ssr l5ditv irizil Editor Bf aumbifig’aphiFal essays written

- - ' r. .. . H ‘ ~ y severa prominent contempo—
Chris Easterling ...................................... w 8; Ill? Editor m French historians.

. . . Y ,
Julie Anderson ................................... . ....... . AN r‘U’fS Editor “To a large extent, academic
Dan O’Neill .............................................. isst KeG Editor “U‘Obiogmphers ”fer ‘0 the same
Tracie Purdon motive as autobiographers in gen-

. . _ ‘ . eral — they write, or so they tell
Sheri Phalsaphie ......................................... Asst. “Sign Editors us, to find meaning and coherence

John Abbott, Scott Gordon, Brian l’rivett, Jeff \‘inson, m the” “vest ‘0 Clam? "ed“ for
. . (. . . what they see as their personal
Tlffany “rhlte .......................................................... ”py Iidltors achieven-1ent5, and to act as wit-
nesses to a path that seems to be

slipping away,” he said.

exceptional, but that they are typi—
cal,” he said.

Writing an autobiography

“constitutes a departure from the
public norms of academic life,” he
said. Academics aren’t supposed
to be interesting people, they're
supposed to be dull.

Some academics undertake to

write their life stories, he said,
because they once had youthful
aspirations to be writers which


abandoned when they








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entered their disciplines.

Others, however, are frank in
their admissions that they have no
literary ambitions whatsoever.
They enjo a free dom which they
cannot in ulge in the strict world
of academic writing, but this free-
dom, he said, has its price.




DISTINGUISHED Hirrary proferror'_7ermy Popkin delivery his address during

A 715 and .S'i'ic'mei‘ LVN/c.

Greek groups ready to make splash

By Karen Hartlage

Contributing M’n'ter

Members of the Greek community are
inakin a splash while making money for
a wort while cause.

The 25th annual Anchor Splash, spon—
sored by Delta Gamma social sorority
and Sigma Phi Epsilon social fraternity,
will take place tonight at Lancaster
Aquatic Center. Proceeds raised from
admission and T-shirt sales will go to
sight conservation and help provide aid to
the blind.

Anchor Splash brings together mem—
bers of the Greek community in a variety
of traditional and non-traditional swim—
ming events. The more traditional events
include the ZOO—yard medley relay and
synchronized swimming. Other events
include the 100 yard sweatshirt relay, the



wrapped around their waist.





Hair opens at I 0
p. 771. Thursday
and rum thraugb
April 30. Ticket:
$3 ()~$ 50; call
2 5 5-2 34 5.

Heather \Villiams, co—chair for the
event, said that “Save the Mermaid" was a
way to get the coaches from each frater-
nity and sorority team involved. In this
event, a male and female swimmer from
each team swims one of their coaches
across the pool and back in an inner tube.

Special events that correlate with
Anchor Splash consist of a banner con—
test, a serenade contest, and the “Most
Beautiful Eyes” contest. In addition, Mr.
and Miss Anchor Splash will be crowned.

\Villiams said that the special events
allow the groups involved to use their
creativity. She said that members of the
sororities and fraternities involved are
encouraged to “dress wacky" and show
spirit in supporting the participants.

\Villiaiiis said that everyone should



rubber ducky relay and the 50—yard candle relay. A
new everit, “Save the Mermaid," has been added this

These events test the ability of swimmers in dif-
ferent ways. For example, in the rubber ducky relay
members of a team swim laps with an inner tube

come because it is a fun event for a great

cause. Last year the event raised more than $1,000.
\Villiaiiis added that the sponsors work to make the

event a fun time for everyone and to get a lot of peo-


ple involved. The sponsors are hoping to raise even
more money this year.
Admission is $2, and the events begin at 6:30 p.in.




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t\ll Hi‘i»'_"7._

“The Ancient Olympics and the
Enduring Power of Place" Peal
Gallery, M.l. King Library North,

Dr. Nancy Felson-Rubin, Professor of
Classics, University of Georgia. The
Olympic Games and their representation
in Greek poetry

“Election 1996: Money, Race, Religion

— E905 and Superegos," A roundtable

discussion by the UK Political Science
Department, West End of the Board
Room, 18th Floor, Patterson Office Tower.
Faculty Participants: Professor Penny
Miller, Professor Greg Hager,
Professor Horace Bartilow, and
Professor Don Gross.

“Colleague to Colleague: Opening the
Classroom Doors," 213E King Library
South. The first in a series sponsored by
the Teaching and Learning Center on the
uses of instructional technology to
enhance teaming.

“Databases, Active Leaming,and
Undergraduates, " Professor Susan
Abbott-Jamieson, Dept. of Anthropology

“Spinning Webs to Orient Students to
Socioiogy, " Professor Johanna
Badagliacco and Lyn Hirano,
Department of Sociology

'Wsualization of DNA -Binding Proteins, "

Professor Chuck Staben, Biological

Arts and Sciences Staff Reception,
Hunt Morgan Room, Hilary J. Boone
Faculty Center

Staff Recognitions at 4:00 pm.

l'ii': l\\li .\»l\\lil l.\'lt‘l{.\.l\llt“\'
















tt' ‘

c .._. . m...“

.- -.-.1





Kmrmky Kenn]. lburiduy. I'rlrriurfy .73, 1996 8 :' f '


Berg: Aid should be
tripled not trampled

Iy' Jams aiiaiio
Sufi Wn‘ier

Roger Berg said those Ameri-
cans who criticize forei aid and
want to do away with it glin’t real-
ly know the whole story about
where their money is goin .

“It’s remarkable to ffiid any
interest in international develop-
ment these days,” he said.

Berg, who is president of the
International Development Con-

However, he said that many
critics want to decrease foreign
aid expenditures to three percent
of the United States budget.

He ex lained that this would
not possible, because foreign aid
has comprised only one percent of
the budget for several years.

“Maybe we should triple it and
not trample it,” he said.

He ex ressed concern that
much of t e aid that the United
States does provide for poor


ference, delivered a





. countries is misdirect-
speech titled: “Inter- ed.
national Develop— . . “Only a very small
ment: :Yhat SEC)“; m a . part of U.S. foreign aid
um; o ieopéir K h is really addressing
eff-if“ t at, t.e awry getting people out of
word )eopardy in WOf poverty )1 he said.
she title of his speech US farei - Berg, mentioned
oes not refer just to z '_ . . . .
t. .. a...” 222:1? “.5.
countries, but-also to WW g“- countries inclulding
the foreign aid pro- a." P‘ out finance , technology
grams for those coun- W- ” and ' international
mes. ,

Foreign aid peaked V ‘ cooperation. ,
three years ago at $60 MOT Berg ME"), . countrifis
billion worldWide and International now ave qua-OTC“, t
has been declining Development banks, whichprowde
Since, he said. (3me banking serVices for

Before the cuts president people who may have
were jm lemented, norollateral and may
foreign ai programs be illiterate.

caused tremendous advancements
in growth, education and health
programs, he said.

For instance, the avera e lifes—
pan worldwide increased rom 41
years in 1950 to 62 years last year.
Infant mortality decreased during
the same period from 14 million
to 9 million.

“That system fostered the
largest growth in human well-
being in human history," he said.

He will be one of several hun-
dred people involved in a “peo-
ple’s summit” next year intended
to expand the micro-credit sys-

The summit will include
American Express, Citibank and
\Vorld Bank.

He said technology, particular—
ly computers and telecommunica-
tions, could help poor countries to


Arrests by UK Police

Feb. 20

VDavid Garland. 31,
Mayfield Ky., alcohol
VTimoth Wallace,

VAndrew S. Hollister,



32, 1310 airway, states she loaded her
Mayfield Ky. alcohol car to go home and
intoxication, 10g secured her vehicle.
Feb. 18 ' She observed the

the second floor of Kir-
wan lll.

Feb. 17

V Theft by unlawful
taking of more than
$300; Virginia Avenue
parking lot, victim


damage trunk lock.



23, 1761 R e Lane,

Lexington, y. domestic violence
order violation.

Feb. 16

VFlicky North, 31, 102 Camp-
ground, London, Ky. violation of
an emergency protection order.
VGregory L. Williams, 42, 329
Wilson St. no. 2. driving under the
influence, warrant assist.

Feb. 15

VJason H. Watson, 21, Wilming-
ton, N.C., driving under the influ-
ence and expired registration.
VPat Halpin, 41, 1201 S. Lime-
stone St., shoplifting.

Complainants filed with UK

Feb. 20
VTheft by unlawful taking of more
than $300, Virginia Avenue park-
ing lot, complainant advised
unknown people took item from
his vehicle and caused listed dam.
gie to vehicle. _ ‘.
Third degree criminal mischief;

Scott Street parking lot, com-
plainant advised unknown people
cpused listed damage to her vehi-
c e.
VThird degree criminal mischief,
Scott Street parking lot, com-
plainant advised unknown person
caused damage to her vehicle.
VThird degree criminal mischief,
College View Drive, complainant
advised unknown eople dam-
aged his vehicle. ntry was

ained with a brick and the vehicle
ooked rummaged through.
VTheft by unlawful taking of more
than $300; Patterson Drive, com-
plainant stated she parked her
vehicle on Patterson Drive while
she studied. Upon returning she
discovered unknown sub‘ect broke
out the driver’s side win ow with
an unknown ob'ect and unlawfully
removed comp ainants purse.
Feb. 19
VThird degree criminal mischief;
Alumni Gym, com lainant advised
unknown geople id listed dam-
age possi ly in an attempt to turn
on 1gym lights.
V eft b unlawful taking of more
than $30 ;241 Commonwealth
Village, complainant advised vehi-
cle was taken without permission
by a suspect.
Feb. 18
VViolation of domestic violence
order, 800 Rose St. Arrested sus-
pect for a violation of a domestic
violence order.
VFirst res arson, North Lobby
of second tear of Kirwan ill, the
complainant stated unknown p20-
pls to her set a small tire on t
carpet in the north lobby on the

Upon opening the
trunk it was empty.
VThird degree criminal mischief;
Nutter Center parkin lot, com-
Iainant states that s e parked
er vehicle and when she
returned she found unknown peo-
ple had poured a brown-colored
iquid onto the trunk.
VThird degree criminal mischief;
Nutter Center parking lot, com-
plainant states that he parked his
vehicle and when he returned he
found that person unknown had
poured a brown-color liquid onto
the trunk of his vehicle.

VThird degree criminal mischief;
as pumps rear of 591 S. Upper
St; while at fuel pumps unknown
peo le had broken the gas panel

ont e diesel fuel pump.

Feb. 16

VTheft by unlawful taking of more
than $300; Student Center botani-
cal gardens, complainant stated
unknown people removed listed

VViolation of domestic violence
order, 610 UK Chandler Medical
Center, complainant called and
advised of a domestic violence
order violation at the Med Center.
The sus ect was located and
arreste on confirmation of the

Feb. 15

VThird de ree criminal mischief;
Columbia venue parking lot, the
complainant states that someone
damaged her vehicle.

VSecond degree attempted bur-
glary, Greg Page no. 106, com-
plainant said unknown people
attempted the enter their locked
apartment by kicking the door.

T e lock and frame were dam-
aged but entry was not gained.
Feb 14

VTheft by unlawful takin of
more than $300 (felony), irginia
Ave. lot, complainant advised
unknown people removed proper-
ty from her vehicle without permis-
sion and did damage to her vehi-

VThird degree criminal mischief,
Press Ave. Complainant advised
that unknown people did damage
to his vehicle.

VThett by unlawful taking of more
than $300, Virginia Ave. lot, com-
plainant advised unknown people
removed property from her vehicle
without permission and did dam-
ge to her vehicle. . _ ‘

First degree crimmal mischief,
Virginia Avenue lot, complainant
advised unknown people dam-
aged his vehicle by throwing rock
thro window, cracked wind-
shie , tore convertible top and
took $1 worth of change.



hat kind .
didyou play. Conrnodore?
"5 made our own fin
We’dplay ’l'oss The Rake”
or hours a .






childhood games





ran’s Alley by Gibbs 'N' Volgt

501MB interest .
Plus “Mr. ShoveL"
‘Kick The Turnip." and
“Goad The Weasel.”


‘411’. -

‘ games Pioneers Play
fWe invented Basketball year; _

before it was stpposcdly
created. Of course. our
version didn't have a
ball or basket.




Didn’t ou have
“Hide Sock?“


In our day. it hadn't
advanced that far.
. It was only called “Hide”









Still approves Lambda
prevention conference

By Gary Wolf

A bill appropriating funds to
help UK Lambda coordinate its
Come Together Kentucky
Youth Prevention Conference
on April 19-21 passed last ni ht.

T e bill sponsored by Co lege
of Architecture Senator Daniel
Piseli originally asked for $1,950
in order to cover advertisements,
space rental and the speakers.

However, it was quickly
amended to $1,800 to pay for
only the keynote speaker,
Urvasha Vaid.

John Davis of UK Lambda, a
campus gay, lesbian and bi—sexu-
al student group, was pleased
with the results.

“We are very happy," he said.
“We got all the money we asked

The purpose of the confer-
ence is to enable students from
Kentucky schools to come
together one-on—one and in
small groups to discuss effective
strategies for HIV prevention
through the building of commu-
nity and identity as lesbian, gay
and bisexual youth, he said.

Senator at Large Alan Aja
supported the bill.

”Doesn’t matter what the
organization is,” he said. “It is
addressing issues the student
body wants to hear about.”

Bill sponsors said the confer-
ence would not only help UK
students but also those in rural
areas of Kentucky that don’t
have the access to informations
and empowerment to stop the
spread of HIV.

The conference will provide
workshops that focus on empow-
ering young people to make
healthy decisions in their lives by
building self-esteem, developing
relationship skills, providing
knowledge about health options
and enhancing leadership skills.

“Through the types of work-
shops that this conference pro-
vides, students are educated in
the most effective ways possible
and then are able to return to
educate their peers creating a
ripple effect that truly combats
the spread of HIV,” said John D.
Davis in a letter to SGA commit-
tee members.

Senator at large Tim Niebel
was against the amendment, but
supported the bill.

“The amendment was
ambi ruous and I don't like vot—
ing fbr something where the
money could go anywhere,"
Niebel said.

Lexington Community Col—
lege Senator Jared Ison spoke
against the bill.

“I had brought this issue to
LCC students and explained it to
them to the best of my ability.
No one I talked to was for it,” he

“I'm sure it would be a good
conference for AIDS prevention,
but no one I talked to was a bun—
dred percent for it.”

UK Lambda had previously
raised 70 ercent of the $6,950
needed to liold the event.

To raise money for the event,
UK Lambda received a grant
from Lexington Frontrunners
and the Centers for Disease




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