xt7dr785ms0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785ms0w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 2003 2003 2003-04-08 2020 true xt7dr785ms0w section xt7dr785ms0w Chinese officials kept news of SARS disease secret for months I 55:35 3





Syracuse Orangemen
start strong, survive
close finish to win

championsh' ip

l i

ications with SG elections continue to grow

Rules: Chairman adds evidence to call for re- election,
saying candidates were given outdated constitution

By Paul Leightty


Candidates in the Stu-
dent Government election
may have been misinformed
about election finance rules
because they were given an


Auditioning tier 5:35:

outdated copy of the consti—
tution. some in 86 say.
Kellen Baker. the St‘.
Elections Board of Supervi-
sion chairman. said that an
“incorrect" and “incoin—
plete" copy of the constitu-
tion was distributed to candi-


dates at an official meeting
before the campaign season
began. He said a similar out-
dated copy was being distrib-
uted to the public frotn the
SC office and 80 W b site.
Various individuals in
SC say they don‘t know who
would have been responsil'ile
for making sure the updated
version was available.
Baker said he would add

the constitution situation to
a claim he is submitting to
day to the St; election Board
of Claims. in which he is rec-
ommending that a new elec.
tion be held for all races.
The situation with the
constitution comes on top of
mounting complications
with last week's election In
the results of that election. a
discrepancy of 171 votes has

anirmwcumt | KERNELSTAFF

Mlcha O'Connor, a UK theatre junior, auditions for CBS's "Star Search." "I think you can learn a lot about yourself in an audition,"
O'Connor said. "Its nice to say, 'yeah, I can go to a cattle call for a hit TV show, and I can do it well."'

Producers in search
of Lexmgton’s stars



Micha O‘Connor glances at the number on her wristband.

“Ninety-seven." she reads over the din of activity in Wor-
sham Theater. Around her. people are singing to themselves.
making nervous conversations or fumbling with applications.
Some. like O'Connor. sit quietly and wait for their number to be

call held yesterday was for contestant-hopefuls in the Adult
Singers, Junior Singers. Models and Young Dancers

“I am here because I always wanted to be on ”Star Search"
when I was a kid." says O‘Connor. a UK theatre junior. “I want-
ed to do the theme song from Fievel (An American Tale). My
parents were really strict when it came to me pursuing a career
in this field. so they never let me try out. But I saw an ad in the

read from a clipboard.

All are preparing for the chance to see dreams and goals

Icalized. All are about to audition for
is CBS‘s classic talent program. recently

“Star Search“

“Star Search."

resurrected and revamped for primetime audiences. The open

Kernel for this and I'm here today i skipping all my classes."
O‘Connor‘s been at the Student Center since 9 am. when

she started by filling out an application and getting a wrist-

band. putting her in a block of 15—20 other adult singers.
“There's been a lot of standing and waiting. but I've been

See STAR on 5


LCC recruiting a more

Unique outreach: President, minority affairs director
visit church youth groups to promote LCC to minorities

By Matt Towner


Creative recruitment ef-
forts have helped make LCC
one of the most diverse
schools in the state.

Tony Hartsfield. the di-
rector of multicultural affairs
at LCC. is using unique meth
ads to promote diversity and
combat the stagnancy facing
other state institutions.

Hartsfield and LC(‘ Presi-
dent Jiiii Kerley have been
branching out into local
churches in an effort to iii-
crease diversity at the grow
ing school

“It's an innovative and
unique forth of recruiting."
Hartsfield said.

Ministers allowed Kerley

and Hartsfield to address the
entire congregation and visit
with youth groups.

“The ministers have been
extremely generous Ker—
ley said.

The approach is paying
off for the growing communi-
ty college. This semester.
LCt‘s black student popula-
tion rose six percent from last
spring. The 870 black students
now enrolled is a 72 percent
rise from five years ago.

"My goal is to continue to
show an increase each year."
Hartsficld said. He said he
thinks the college‘s student
population should mirror the
state‘s demographic makeup.

Kerley said he shares
Hartsfield's vision.

diverse enrollment

“We want to mirror the
society that people will work
'n " he said. He added that
LCC has also placed adver-
tisements in minority publi-

State figures from last fall
Show blacks make tip 8.3 per
cent of Kentucky‘s popula-
tion. In comparison. the per-
centage at LCC is already at
11 percent. The goal for public
universities set forth by the
state is 7.3 percent.

LCC'S diversity figures
also compare well with other
state community colleges

During the fall semester.
black enrollment was eight
percent in schools in the Ken-
tucky Community and Tech-
nical (‘ollege System. which
includes 62 schools that are
open or under construction in
16 districts.

l.(‘(‘ staff and officials

say they are doing all they
can to retain and graduate mis
nority students once they en-
roll. Hartsfield said he is
putting more effort into net-
working and graduating mi-
nority students.

“I work closely with the
UK Office of Minority Affairs.
as well as groups at EKU, Ken-
tucky State and Louisville."
he said.

Students are not the only
group growing more diverse
at LCC. Hiring faculty with
diverse backgrounds also has
a high priority. Kerley said.
He said the members of the
l.(‘(‘ faculty and professional
staffs are about 20 percent
AfricanAmerican These fig-
lll‘t‘S exceed the set goals of
Illl‘t‘f‘ percent for faculty and a
little less than five percent for
other stall

See LCC on 2

David Hutchinson who
lost in his bid for the presi-
dential race. said the election
results are invalidated by
various problems. in particu-
lar the question of the con-
stitution. He said he also
plans to file claims against
the Watts'Rippetoe cam-
paign today on grounds of
various campaign violations.


le -lt senate candidates uncer
tain if they w ill have to cani-
paign in a new election
sometime before finals week.

Although Baker has said
there shouldn't be a new
election if it isn‘t in every
race. the discrepancy was
not sufficient to throw
Rachel Watts' win of the
presidential election into

U. S. may have hit
Saddam and his sons

approacha WMWE

Target: At least three buildings destroyed
during attack on upscale neighborhood


BAGHDAD, Iraq — The US. bombing of an up-
scale neighborhood where Saddam Hussein and top
aides were believed to be meeting blasted a 60-foot-
deep crater, ripped orange trees from their roots and
left a heap of concrete, mangled iron rods and shred-
ded furniture and clothes.

At least three buildings were destroyed in Mon-
day's 2 pm. attack on the western Baghdad district of
al-Mansour, which broke windows and doors as far as
300 yards from the site.

Rescue workers looking in the rubble for victims
said two bodies had been recovered and the death toll
could be as high as 14. They didn't release any names.

A single B-lB dropped four “bunker-busting”
bombs on the district after US. military intelligence
was tipped that Saddam, his sons Odai and Qusai and
other Iraqi leaders might be meeting there, U.S. offi-
cials said.

“A leadership target was hit very hard,” said Ma-
rine Maj. Brad Bartelt, a spokesman for US. Central
Command in Qatar.

He said he could not comment on casualties or
say how long it would take to determine the damage.
Battle assessment typically involves ground recon-
naissance or satellite imagery, though Bartelt would

See VAR on 2


Former UK law student
joins gubernatorial ticket

By Rebecca Neal

A UK law professor has fond memories of one of his for-
mer students ~ Stephen Pence. the new running mate of
Republican gubernatorial candidate Ernie Fletcher.

“He was a good student and a nice young man — though
I guess he's not such a young man any-
more.“ said law professor Robert Lawson.

Pence. who attended UK's College of
Law from 1978 to 1981 and graduated in
1981. announced his candidacy Monday in
Lexington. He replaces Fletcher‘s first run-
ning mate. Hunter Bates. whom a judge
ruled ineligible because Bates had spent
the past few years in Virginia and didn't
meet residency requirements.

Lawson said Pence‘s legal work is well-

“He‘s sman. he‘s capable and he's fair." Lawson said.

Pence. 49. resigned Sunday from his post as US. attor-
ney for the western district of Kentucky:

Lawson said he hadn't thought about Pence entering
politics ”He‘s got a good reputation as a lawyer. and he must
have had some good political ties too.“ Lawson said.


Steve Pence


See FENCE on 2










The Low-down


guys are

going to
die in
to ram

Col. Mid
Perkins, on the
estimated 6,000
lraqi troops who

were killed.

Kentucky native wins prestigious award

.loiin ".lat k‘ chains .1 physics and inatheinaticsju
nior. has won the Barry .\1 (‘ioldwater Scholarship. an
hoiioi given to only too students nationwide. (‘hallis'
award is worth .tinilll $7300 and covers tuition. fees.
books. and room and board. 'l'o compete. the Ei‘langel‘
native did research on lasers (‘hallis is a 2000 graduate
of \'ill;i Madonna Academy in Villa Hills and hopes to
earn a doctorate in lili'til‘t‘tlt'il physics.

UK observes National Alcohol Screening Day
To help reduce and prevent high risk and binge
drinking. UK is participating in National Alcohol
Screening Day on Thursday The program will give stu
dents the chance to complete an anonymous written
questionnaire about alcohol. talk one-on-one with
health professionals and. if necessary receive a refer-
ral to a support or treatment service. The program is
sponsored by the l'niversity Counseling and Testing
(‘enter and is free Screenings will be held Thursday
from ll am to 2 pin. in the W. T, Young Library lobby.

Professor awarded for research in geriatrics

Jayakrishna Ainbati. assistant professor of oph-
thalmology. was awarded a 2003 Dennis W. Jahnigen
(‘areer Dt‘V't‘ltiplllt‘lll Scholars Award from the Ameri-
can Geriatric Society the leading clinical society devot-
ed to the care of older adults. Each award provides two
years salary and research support of up to 3200.000 iii-
tended to assist young clinical research faculty in initi-
ating oi sust uning c aieeis in research and education
in the geriatric isper ts of then fields. Ainbati conducts
research in angiogenesis the growth of blood vessels
in the eye. and t: irgeted d1 ug delivery for ocular disor
ders Research in Ambati‘s laboratory has led to dis-
coveries about the mechanisms underlying age-related
macular degeneration. the leading cause of blindness
among the elderly in the United States.

Three alumni awarded for work in business

he chairman of a managed care company. the
president of a Tennessee ( oal company and the retired
chairman of a Louisville accounting firm were induct-
ed into UK s Gatton College of Business and Econom-
ics‘ 10th annual Alumni Hall of Fame. The 2003 in-
ductees are Nolen C, Allen of Louisville. Lee Congleton
of Knoxville anti Jeffrey L. McWaters of Virginia
Beach. Va. McWaters. 47. is founder. chairman and
CEO of Amerigroup Corp. established in 1994 to help
states respond to the health care needs of low-income
and uninsured families and people with disabilities.
Congleton is president of Concoal Corp. in Knoxville.
Tenn. as well as president of Richland Coal Co.. Con-
rich Tennessee Inc.. Conrich Ohio Inc.. Spring C01-
lieries Inc.. Stroud Coal Co.. BBC Coal C0.. and Hill &
Hill Coal Co. Allen. is the retired president and chair-
man of Cotton & Allen. a Louisville CPA firm.

Compiled from staff reports



Johnny Cash was

released from a

Nashville hospital

this week after
being treated for
pneumonia, a
hospital spokes-

woman said. The

singer was
admitted to
Baptist Hospital
on March to. lie
was released
Tuesday night,
said spokes-
woman Jennifer
Jackson. "He's
obviously doing
much better,"
Jackson said
Thursday. "We
wanted to make

sure he was com-

pletely better

before we let him

go." Cash, whose
hits include "I
Walk the Line"
and "A Boy

Named Sue," suf-

fers from auto-
nomic neuropa-
thy. a disease of
the nervous sys-
tem that makes
him susceptible

to pneumonia. He

was diagnosed
with the disease
about IS months
ago. He won his
llth Grammy
Award in
February for
male country
vocal perfor-
mance for "Give
My Love to
Rose." Cash was
hospitalized in
August for an
allergic reaction,
and twice in the
fall of 2001

for bronchitis.




Continued from page I

not say what method was be-
ing used.

Those close to Saddam
have said the Iraqi leader is
so obsessed with security
that very few people would
know about his movements.
He maintains dozens of resi-
dences and uses doubles to
keep people guessing.

An exiled dissident told
The Associated Press that
only two people are kept
posted about Saddam's
whereabouts W his son Qu-
sai. who commands the Re-
publican Guard and heads
the president's security. and
his private secretary. Abed
Hameed Hmoud. a member
of Saddam's Tikriti clan.

Even oldest son ()dai is
thought to be out of the loop
because he is considered to
have a reckless nature.

About three miles from
the al-Mansour district.
white smoke from l'.S. ar
tillery fire rose early ’l‘ues
day from Saddam's Old
Palace grounds on the banks
of the Tigris River.

Heavy machine gun fire
and the buzz of aircraft
broke the silence of an un-
characteristically quiet
night. and silent. yellow
flares illuminated a sky even
blacker from Baghdad's
wartime power outage.

Under cover of dark
ness. US. Marines spent the
night patrolling a field in the
southeast corner of the capi-
tal. probing foxholes. trench-
es and what appeared to be
bunkers dug under roads
Snipers. machine gunners





Continued from page 1

Charles McGrew. LCC’s
strategic planning coordina-
tor. said the increase in minor»
ity faculty since last year re-
flects a tradition at the college.

“We‘ve traditionally been
higher than the university as
a whole," he said.

Kerley said that the open
enrollment policy at a commu-

nity college helps Lt‘(‘ main-
tain this advantage over the
state‘s universities.

Margaret Perry. an early
childhood education fresh-
man. said she has been pleas-
antly surprised by the LCC‘s

“It's not nearly as bad as I
thought it would be," she

Curtisha Bracken, an un-
declared sophomore. said
more work can still be done.

“Groups should try to
bring more than one culture
together." she said.



and infantryinen made sure
the area was free of lraqis.

Marines stopped suspi-
cious vehicles. Snipers saw
two men carrying an AK-«lTs.

They shot two of them
and the rest fled into the

More than 70 tanks and
tin Bradley fighting vehicles
took part in the lightning
thrust Monday by the
Army's 3rd Infantry Divi—
sion. with tank-killing A-ltl
Warthog planes and pilotless
drones providing air cover
against mostly disorganized

Iraqi snipers fired on an
American platoon from
rooms in the state-owned Al—
Rashid Hotel on Monday af-
ternoon while the soldiers
patrolled a neighborhood
near the palace. soldiers
said. US. tanks returned fire.

That is where Harstfield‘s
office comes in. He said the Of-
fice of Multicultural Affairs
has celebrated Native Ameri-
can. Hispanic. Appalachian
and women‘s history and tra-

LCC staff and faculty can
also volunteer to participate in
the Mandala Movement. a di-
versity awareness program.
Over 40 members of the LCC
community have participated
in the program.

“The goal is to develop
LCC into a diversity-aware
program." Hartsfield said.





Continued from page l

At a news conference.
Pence said he joined Fletch—
er’s race because he was dis—
gusted with state politicians.

“I know that Frankfort
needs change, and I know that
the top leadership needs
change," he said.

Fletcher is a congress-


man representing central
Kentucky‘s 6th District.
which includes Lexington.
Pence gained prominence
for prosecuting and investigat-
ing high-profile Democrats. in.
cluding Lt. Gov. Steve Henry
and Don Blandford. former
speaker of the Kentucky
House. He has also helped in-
vestigate whether Gov. Paul
Patton misused his office dur-
ing an extramarital affair
Others on the May 20 pri-
mary ballot include Republi-

cans Jefferson County Judge-
Executive Rebecca Jackson.
state Senator Virgil Moore
and state Representative
Steve Nunn, whose campaign
is pursuing a court battle to
keep Fletcher from filling the
vacancy on his ticket.
Democratic candidates

include Attorney General Ben
Chandler. state house speaker
Jody Richards and business-
man Bruce Lunsford.

The Associated Press contributed

to this story.



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Experts disagree on prospects for SARS

Mystery illness: Some say epidemic leveling off


number of people infected by
the mysterious flu-like illness
dubbed SARS is beginning to
stabilize. a top Bush adminis-
tration official said Monday.
even as other health officials
cautioned that the interna-
tional epidemic could contin-
ue to spread.

The numbers continue to
creep up for severe acute res-
piratory syndrome. World
wide. more than 2.300 people
have been sickened, and the
death toll hit 100 on Monday
There are now 148 US cases
in 30 states with no deaths.

“1 think we've started to
stabilize in the number of
cases. We‘re not seeing these
large jumps every day." said
Jerry Hauer. acting assistant
secretary for public health
preparedness at the Depart-




Continued from page 1

Matt Rippetoe. Watts‘
running mate, said the prob-
lem with the constitution
shouldn‘t make any differ-
ence, and he said there
shouldn‘t be a new election.

“It’s something that's be-
come a tradition at UK [in
SC]. After an election. you're
supposed to look for ways to
do it again" and have the re-
sults overturned. he said.

SG Election Investigator
Eric Mills said he didn't
think the omissions were sig-
nificant enough to make

ment or Health and Human
Services “We‘re hoping that
this lack of a rapid growth is
a true indicator that iiiayhe
it's slacking oil‘ a bit.”

In an interview with The
Associated Press. Hauer
added that it's too early to do
Clare victory. “We don't know
yet whether we‘re through
act one of a tyvo-act play or
whether we're just four lines
into a three-act play"

With China a hotbed for
new respiratory hugs. Hauer
said, US. officials are working
to install health officials in
China who could monitor
events year round.

He said that officials ex-

sick \\Illl a more Illlllllillll
hug .\i:o lie said ottii ials
are battled is to why ['5 pa
tients are less sick than those
in (Itnada. where S.\R.\‘ has
loit‘ed lliollsai‘ids o1 |ii opie .i:
'l'oionto to he ini.iiaiiiiiii-il
and has killed lll

"it might be tlrit some ot‘
these t'olks int .inada inst got
more of the \irus. were in
closer contact " he said. “Any
theory I gne you at this
point in time would lust he a

'l‘estii'yinu iii-tore a coli-
gressional coiiiinutee top
health lllllt ia'is cautioned that
things may get worse.

"This has \ery quickly
hecoiiie an international epi-
demic." llr Julie tierherding.

this to continue to spread "

()llii'izlls believe the
virus originated in tiuang
dong. a southern province of
l‘hina. where respiratory ill-
lii-sst‘s tlllt'll slili‘i (liitl slii‘ezlll
(‘hinese (iiilt‘iilh kept news of
the disease secret for months.
allowing SARS to spread he
tote international health an
thorities could begin to light

Halter hopes that will
change ll international ex
perts are stationed there per~

.lust Monday. (‘hinese oi
ticials reported that the dis»
eas‘c had spread farther than
they initially reported. State
television reported one SAKS
death each in the provinces ol






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,txi'i aim: 51..;;t.


UK Federal Credit Union so." "so rm! cert. ..

.,,, , . m,
ill/ii ..‘ (VJ!

r: vi 3,3 :1:

.. ., ,
Cd , 01'

what ,221' "ex.

pect to distribute a test within director of the ( enters for ShanXi in the north. Sichuan circcase To sum iv": (23;); . x a ’i ii "to /"te"ie!.
a week that can definitively liisease t‘ontrol and l’reveir in the west arid Hunan in cen yr‘jn 25‘7LO/W i552»:

diagnose the new virus. That tion. told the Senate Health. tral (‘hina the first report

would allow laboratorie.s Education. Labor and Pen ed fatalities in those areas Easy loan application

around the nation to easily sions (,‘oimiiittee. '\\'e don't and an indication the disease L t

settle whether a patient is on know where this is going to was more widespread than ow ra es

1y infected with SARS. or is go. We have to he prepared for previously acknowledged. Lease options ’

much difference in the elec-
tion. He said he didn't think

sion of the constitution con
cerns campaign tinance. Dat-

What's missing



Extended warranties
AAA memberships


the amendment made any ed November goal. the Th , d' t 'b tedd , UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
changes that were different amendment makes additions “”5”” '5 n 5‘ _”"n9

from accepted procedures dictating how campaigns the €l95tl°n stated "I Article V, FEDERAL CREDIT UNION
within SG. should report certain donav SGCUO" 5. Paragraph E "A” mon-

Mills said that although
he has been caretaker of the
SG Web site along with Ed
win Orange (who recently re-
signed), “1 don’t feel like be-
cause we update the Web site.
that that puts us as the custo-
dian of the constitution."

Mary Katherine Thomp-
son, 86 president. said that
she wasn't sure whose job it
is to make sure that an updat-

tions and expenditures,

For example, a cam
paign Web site designed by a
student would count as a
free service and would not
have to be reported as an

The amendment also
specified rules regarding the
burden of proof in election
overspending claims.

If someone files a claim.

etary, material, and commercial
services donated to candidates
shall be attributed as expendi-
tures of that candidate at a rea-
sonable retail value. The Election
Board of Claims has the jurisdic-
tion to settle valuation

The November 2001 amend-
ment included several changes.
including some lengthy additions.
Phrasing such as "all monetary,

1080 Export Street, Lexington. KY 40504

Room 249 UK Student Center





(Milli (llllllll

ed copy of the constitution is the burden is on them to . ~ . .
available. prove the truth of their material, and commercral" was Week Oprr’l 7 ' April 13

At least one Change not claim. the atiieiidment omitted. Another change states Megawatts. Calendar is produced try the on” in exam Atom Registerstisimen:gigs
‘ ' ' . . . . J . ' V 'nrt UK D . ,‘n ‘ it) iii vol II IN FREE lin . ONE WEEK F’RlOR t n MONDAY oil I
included in the available yet- stair .s. that a candidate “095'” “a“ *0 " ‘ffli SSin‘. .3 mSWLLCdtywéflmim came... cnii‘zis‘yfiam o m:

It’s become a tradition after an

election, you look for ways to do it again.”




balanced diet.






report donations of services
made by students, including Web
site hosting. Another addition
says that decisions by the Board
of Claims can be appealed to the
56 Supreme Court. A final addi-
tion states that persons filing
claims have the burden of proof.

The UK Greeks and
Big Brothers 8. Big
Sisters .

A Home Run!


@ 8 PM


The UK Greeks

and Big Brothers 8.
Big Sisters team
up for a day of

fun at the



‘Anlmo, 7:00pm, Student Center, Rm 119


'TNT Worship Sorvlcu, 7:30pm, 429 Columbia Ave

'Conkutlonal EngIl-h Clan. 3:30pm, Baptist Student



Tues 8

‘Grun Thumb Environment-l Club "looting, 7:00pm,

Student Center, Rm. 106

“Min Studont Union floating. B'OOprn, Student Center. Rm. 228
‘UK Damn Bibl- Study. 8:000rn, Student Center, RmJtS

'lntorV-nity Christian Foliowthlp. 7:11pm. UK Student Center, Rm. 230. Free‘

‘Chomlstry TutoringaAll 100 level coursesl. 6:00‘91009rn, Holmes Hall Lobby

'Biology, (All 1007level Tutoringl, 6:00-9'00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby
‘Mnh Tutoring. (All lOOelevel courses), 6'00-10'OOpm, Commons Rm 307
‘M-th Tutoring, (All too level courses], 6 00-9100pm, Holmes Hall Lobby

'Womon'u Rugby Pnnico, 4:£5»7:00pm, Rugby Pitch

'Phy-lco Tutoring, (All 100 level courses At 211/213), 6 (lo—9.00pm, Homes Hall Lobby

'UK Shoolin-Do Karat. Club, 56:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott

www.phatcatcru isein.org

‘Encountor, 7 00pm, Student Center, Rm 230

'lnstitute oi HoligionlDoctrlno It Coven-nu Study,

Noon. Student Center, Rm 119

”T.- Kwon Do practloo. 6:3078:OOpm, Alumni Gym Lott

“Phat Cat Car Show April 12‘“, 2003, Currently accepting applications onlme at:

'Drou-go Toam, 5 000m, Garrigus 2' " floor conlerence


Weds 9

“Lavender Society Mating, 6 000m. Student Center Rm 106
“Follow-hip of Christian Athlatus, 9 009m. CSF Bulldlng, Corner of Woodland and


'Tablo irancliso. Fronch conversation group, 3 00 4 30pm Student Center, Rm 228
'Collogo Democrat: Mooting. 7 459m Student Center, Rm 211


'Chamiotry Tutoring, IAII 100 Level coursesl, 8‘00 to 009m, Commons Rm 307
“Biology, (All 100 level coursesl. 8,00 10 000m, Commons Rm 307
’Boginning and lntermodiute JIPIHOIO Tutoring 7 00 8 30pm Voting L-brnvy check

the Circulation desk for the room

'Mlth Tutoring, (All 100Aleve| coarsest, 10 00 2 00pm Math Resolute Center 063

Classroom Building

’Mlth Tutoring, iAlI 100 level coursest, 6 0010 00pm Holmes Hall Lobby
'Muth Tutoring, «All 100 level coursesl, 6.00 to 00pm Commons Rm 307
“Physics Tutoring, lAll 100 level courses 81 211 213i 8 00 to 009m Commons Rm


'Fronch Tutoring, A 00 S'DODm Keeneland Hall Lobby


'Voritll Forum, 7 00pm, Memorial Hall


'Womon': Rugby Practice, 4 45 7 00pm Rugby Pitt n

'Equostrinn Team, 8 000m Ag North Building

'Ph-t Cut Car Show April 12‘”. 2003. Current'y act eptim; applications online at


'Frunch Film Sari-I, 7 00pm WT Young lela'v Auditorium Freel


”UK Lambda, 7:309m, UK Student Center. Rm 231
‘lnttltuto of Roliglon: Hinory oi' Tho Church oi Janus
Christ of My Slim, 1200 i2’50pm, UK Medical

Building 3'“ Floor


'Dovotions I. Lunch. 12:00pm. 429 Columbia Ave, St 00
“Freshman Focun. 7:30pm. Baptist Student Union
'Convurutlonul English Class. 7 30pm, Baptist Student Union

'Synorgy. B'OOpm, CSF Building

'Arnnooty Intonation-i Mating. 7:ooom, Student Center, Rm. 228

'lntorvlowlng Skills, 3:30»4:309rn, Career Center

'Arn-tour Radio Club, 7'00-9'00pm, Chemistry Physics, Rm. l63

‘Muth Tutoring, (All 100 level coursesl 2:OOpm<6:OOpm Math Resource Center 063 CE

'Vorim Forum, 7:00pm, Memorial Hall






'UK Shootin—Do Knot. Club, 56 30pm, Alumni Gym Lott

'Womon'l Rugby Fraction. £245 7'00pm, Rugby Pitch


'Pi-Athlon, d'OOprn, Goodbarn Field, Free Everit’

“Ham Radio Lleonu Training Class, 7 00 9 00pm Chem Physics Building Rm to)

'Phlt Clt Car Show April 12". 2003, Currently accepting annotations entitle at


'80" Manuel Kornpo elm. 6 30-8200iim, Alumni Gym Lott, Free' No experienre

The fraternity
or sorority

with the most
people attending
will win a

DVD player


‘Phat Cat Car Show April 12‘", 2001i we" . a e ‘l c.

til I H .t .
for their. tonsonl 'wa: wwwphattati'inseiniirt) Fri
'Ln Ronidonco ironcaiu, 5 6pm KPmm‘ao i H,>
Chapter. ' 'Tno Kwon Do practico. s .10 7 001"“ A W“ w W"
'A Tut- oi Chino-o Munic, .i this in on \ ms ~i . , so: urs , ., our:
arui tea-y
Everyone, 'Robortc May Photogr-phy Lecture 400i “ i - -‘ mm. W P" .‘v e i'

Come and join H
us for some
fun and a
great cause.


'Phnt Cut Cruiu In (Car Show), 1200;) m 6 00:» in Blue lot

Commonwealth SIBIIIUH‘ Sat

'Tlo Kwon Do practice, ll 005m 1‘} 309m Alumni Gyn Lori

'39" Dmna/ Km cl... 3 00 5 00pm Alumni Gym Lott Frflfll Nn ellipriqmsg


'lntarnationnl Student Bibi. Study is tilt ., it a . ., , s

‘ u n
'Alphn Kappa Poi Elncutlvo Board Meeting, i‘; » v. -

.h m, i.


'Math Tutoring is MC V») Hi ”we is ,7,» ~ s, a, o
‘Mlth Tutoring ‘lf‘ . to in isng ty no or“ it ,,.\ i, , . ,

'Phylicu Tutoring, \ “C we rm mm 5., ' ~ i .t y - mp.“ , o..

'Chnmrntry Tutoring .\, 'M‘ m.» “my, ,. . - M ,\ rs, 1c
'Bmtogy A ”v mom son than“ - . u i, ~


 Travis Hubbard
SportsDain Editor

s 0' ts " 7 W as? Phone: 257-1915
if Email kernelsportwyahoo com



Freshmen lead Orangemen

Final Four MVP Carmelo Anthony, a freshman, scored 20 points last
night in Syracuse's 81-78 win over Kansas last night.


Gerry McNamara. Syracuse's "oth

er” freshman star. did all of his damage in the first half,

McNamara scored 18 points by Sinking dot-8 3-pointers
in the first 20 minutes as the Orangemen built an llrpoint
halftime lead on their way to an 81-78 victory over Kansas for
coach Jim Boeheim's first national championship

“I just got off early." McNamara
said, “I knew that if we were going
to be successful I'd have to make my
shots. I got the looks in the first half
and the guys carried us off in the
second half."

Fellow freshman Carmelo An-
thony led the Orangemen with 20
points and was named Final Four
Most Valuable Player.

After McNamara's first-half per
formance. Kansas coach Roy
Williams switched defenders. replac-
ing Aaron Miles with Kirk Hinrich
and Michael Lee.

It worked, but the Orangemen
were too far in front by then for
Kansas to catch up, especially with
the Jayhawks misfiring from near
and far. They finished 12-of-30 from
the free throw line and 4-0f~20 from
beyond the arc.

For a while it appeared that Mc-
Namara would challenge the NCAA
championship mark of 10 3-pointers
set by UNLV's Freddie Banks
against Indiana in 1987.

“He looked like