xt7dr785mt7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dr785mt7j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1912-12-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 6, 1912 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 6, 1912 1912 1912-12-06 2021 true xt7dr785mt7j section xt7dr785mt7j _.>____






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“Jate Univereity of Kentucky, Dec. 6, 1918.

3137393390 mo mgr vA/qmrw.

. . 7., those
”305 Pree3dent 1h3t3 Profeeecre

antz1er, Fasten, Parcuhar,
g3933y, Jcnce, V3119, Eaff er y

3 ”+3" , Petct'", WOT"? , 933633 tland ,
and Venhrod.

The wjnntee c? the last two meetinge were read and utd3
n(t1nr etrrcvec 3
,,,_c3 1“ ,L.

Pee) ‘11133 9T33=nted t3 the feéu1ty tie name of
Sec. ". Pu1ler ae t CFtd1datQ “er the de egree cf A. V. to be
wnnfe3r=d at the ”fitter 933*:99 a; the boa,d of t3 neteee.
“n motiot (f Vifle Preefident Th‘te du1y seconded it was
C14393d that 7“. Puller he ec renownenue‘ 2' the bcawd
(f trustee: e‘ the <1nt3r mee‘3n9.

Phe rercrts ct stand3n9 cornitteee were then cellec
for in order.



0e Presidiht ._. 1n h3ha1? 3? the ccnw3tte 33 on
tjnns etated firaFcrmal1y ‘hat it wae planned to hive
st hour class umrancre rn Prfiday, Tee. 13th, and
1aseer tr fc1lcv 3n the3r usue 1 ther. P rof.
for the committee nn nttrtc3ngcnte ncn a3 1et1r
3’ d that the dances 3h ch had been held efin3e the
laet n3et3n9 of the facu1ty, at wh5ch acticn was ta ken
metalning tie rules of the committee, had been carried out
Very .tiefactc3? 19 accoraance W1u the nu1es refer? d
tw, hed ceen c1csed 23099t1y at the r33n333d hour. We
fur expressed his appreciation of the reinforcement of authority
aff vad to the committee by the 3c‘1cncf the faculty at
th: act meetin9. Per the ccnnittee on student organization
Pr. ,0: renertea that since the 1eet meet3n9 cf the faculty

‘ 4L1

. hkd a ccnference w4th the memcere cf the Pen U8118n10
coun,fh wh3ch he thought 9;


_n r31n? U1 in rrcmc‘fnp a b3tT9T
v S


- a _ 3
und tand3n9 cetween the facu‘t_ are the fratern3 3e . 1n
th3 -nLecticn Peen ham31tcn am

\. 'cked Pct advice re9ard 39 the
turpcse if the erect of the fecul v the 1aet 933t3n9 ete~

3r H the eonmjttee Fr entert33_t» “e9arflfin9 the conduct
of FiHnCGS. The que't1rn had aria: the lenc es neferrcd
to 3nc1ude a1? dances of every ch: r given llDdGI the
auspices ct the various fretern3t3es co nected with the
Vniverejty. After an *nfcrmal diecuesicn it was crde red
on Itotjon of Prof, 1 l1er that the dances reIerr '
the re9ulat 3cne of t 3 faculty 33u cormr3'ttee on n
tainmente, 3nclude a 1 drnces 91ven 3n the name of any
organization W31Qh fie reccvrized by th1e "n3versit

Prof. 1Malcher on beha]? ct the rzcvni-ttee cr .1
schedules TenOIteC that war? was rrcgrese3n9 uron th‘s me
but that the ccmm3tee was nct yet ready for retort.
“n nct3on the commimee adjourned.



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