xt7dv40jww6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jww6t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1981 1981 1981-04-27 2020 true xt7dv40jww6t section xt7dv40jww6t \ . _
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Vol. LXXXHI. No'l“ I l iiiversiti ot kenlticks .' ..'l
Monday. April 27. I981 ""'“"" “““”" “"""" |e\ington. unmet. “-1 - . .
. ‘3' . _ I II. .II
L 1 - 0 f4: . II-
. . ‘ u ent n s ace cuts
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., ' > , 3.x?!- "
c ' “F P5155” ““59“", student \\ :ll borrow ll i' ‘-\iillt'!. .iiiiiw. ;.. . .. . E 7"”
t Senior Stall Writer “'1. “Mum” “out: [Him I. “\i _ “my, ,.. , - -. . . : flirt];
I' ”l . , t in l\entuck\ to one halt or said In input at. in - ' -I‘,"I, I. '_.-II.
.M "at . ll congress adopts l‘residcnt ltcagau i“. l'l"‘l7"“"‘l a: A. l"‘” c1. I s .o I II I II . . IgIIIIaIi-I i
, " ”so. I” ' Reagan‘s proposed budget. college reduction at “In”. ”III... III“. . I"" “” 4 - “ 5' " 'i ', .
* 5 students may tuid the continuation ol \‘lolaiiiit \thei‘mis the lllill\t' twig...» "l "' l \ :3 I. I’ jI-jIIi‘
V ‘. . filt- their education in Jeopardy .‘Hmnpm... 1- aim...» I“; I. M. it"! I M, [a -. H....-' . . I . -. - _’II‘-I‘I.‘I'.‘II
M .. {é .. «5‘ Reagans proposed budget calls tor reduction . ha“... I.. =.: . I . , . .II . .I 13;; r I
W.” a , I f) cuts in (iuarenteed Students Loans 11“.“..1”. ““14“,“ I” .41... . .I, l‘.'1'[i «3:. :.f .:' g . . {.‘IIIIaII’ "
National Direct Student Loans and p,-.,t,.I\I.l,,HI.i I... --:;s WWII: .. ,I. it _. «41* Wt" ,_ . 1g, , . 1' . SI,
a Bil-“C l‘:(lll('1lll‘llldl ”l’l“”‘ll”“l.\ said Students tint. on In ii:'ll' .it Li'l‘ "ft' It . .- '., « H-l ,
“ « tiraiit> ltil‘tllti\t.t‘. lll“(.‘ititi.lil;."v iii-'t'd‘.:.i 3“» ' "‘K 11:531.
' Dr Robert Warren dciiuli' nation-Iv limo. “I PM. : .I, .Ig-I gIg'.
' . . . . . secretary in the stateIllepaitment ot Social N-curi'j. I. .I ”HM pi‘ogi us. do IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII It
«a a. . I hlllml('9~ 555155 ”W l’ll’lx’M'd CU“ ”1 proposed to be i‘enlut .-.t I . I I I II . . 1 III
.I, ‘ I linancial aid may be subtle but the the “ML”. l’l'Hlel “Mine“ ,.. “I New“ ~’ - L‘I‘ ' '1 .3!
u ’ m.‘ " ‘ - impact “\iillliedi‘astic ” ”11.,“ W, “m .gmiw- “1&1”me “54'1"” "‘1" ‘I ‘I‘"' . " 3-. f.
' " ' '- - "Q ‘12:. 51:33:32...» h - >l It l9. s « ~ 5 1‘ h“ «l L iedtite supple-titer. s Li peicent l” i h III ‘k' I I III . I III I... .- ".
. I- .' ‘ ' {"5 - symposium l‘riday. sponsoredb) the WI”— “I...“ “my WIN. the 3"“ 'i1 i“ .i -‘ 1" .\.. ~ ‘ "r ‘ IaII Ii-
5i: j .k .. I . ‘ Student Association gmuiou! lll tout \mi‘ i “Him :mt ;._ , -. _IIII , . I’;I-.'I I';
- , ' ‘ ‘ ' l)i‘ 'l'homas‘ \\olauui. senior pro \Koliunn \inl 'l.‘ odilook :- .3 It“... p... . , .I ., .,I., .I.‘
1 ‘ ’ lessional assistant to the 1981 l s “an“... \li\l. . I. ..‘c “WNW ”III IIW, I,I: . _ ,I 1‘ I?
L g ' lionse (‘omnuttee on Education and cicutually ”a”. .,\i . ”Hm w H" mew“ ,. . MI \ ., . II'AIII’ .:
» ' ‘ Labor. said 90 percent ol student Wm m “in”... m, .1”. Li.» “II lM' ,. ,..I._I ,\ . :I‘_I
' assistance at l'l\' comes troiu tederal Reagan's MAM” In.” “II- .III. 3...!“ “In” IIIIIII . .. I . II _ 1.; :I
\ .- ’ I 1’ ”hurt“ *“Ch‘” tlietlhl. strictci i'i-ouu‘eiuci :.. or won 'it_‘ ~l lli‘l‘lv' c: 'a‘ .i .ii i ’an s l.“
'. . .5 .I Reagan's proposal suggests the needtoi' mm H, \ lht’” . ., y J'I '.
‘ . . tiSl. program limit the amount a stu pm; lioi'd. :* M... Hm. 1,, H M H, ”III II III I, II II I I_ I . 1713':
5"! «cf * dent can borrow to his reiiiauung the hpmmh Mutation \“NIIIHI. III I III IIIII‘I II 'I . tI-IrII
3}? V ’. : ”0051'\Vl’ldmnhmd \UlliHllH stilil lliis thisl ll‘~t'.tl \t .i! t;- 1"; \I, .1 l» I. III: I. :; ti}.
9/ . A . .. The remaining need is the cost oi ”H.3- “do I I... iollars IV“. 'i. s II IIII I IIII .., I 'I I . {.5
.2 ’ ' :I .g‘ {WM'K'Q . attending college minus the expected u, Mm: tut l\' Um,” l',\ tnl. \ III III I .. ' ' I-IfIaI
II. .I. .' \ = .5- fi;"" parental contribution and an} .iid l h mi- ,I, ”a...” U. H. “lt‘ti' ,II . . . hf“. ..
3 ' I) , l - Q - ~ ' 4 l “a... ”Nd“ t1"“"‘h”l"”l“l “W” tuiids ll 4:. s'.:'.i‘ nut-s mm: Ratio: M l""“‘ l" ' -' ‘ ‘ ( 52-.1
if“ ;« s i '. s .' 5 15‘ .~ ‘1’ I if 1; t'uder this proposal. it is also sug 'l‘lic JHM ;. in “HIV . “I,” .IM: 'iI-li'i‘“ 1:..2. "v Itlw' ~ ' "- ”II; 'I
{w . ‘ , I gested the government no longer pay tothc ”II“. um ,....ID.I,.I. ‘ ‘i ‘illltt it "t . .\ a .. .. ‘t- I I‘,‘I«II
'5 \ l l ‘ C“ < 7 the ”"WP-‘l ""5555'" Warren saint l'llt’ lt‘vlt‘lltl . iii “”‘wTV‘ “ l' '.,“.
,I"; t .3 ' 3- 1“ /- Wolanin said it has proposed adopted 3.. “Hum...“ . 1.. ,I... ,,, .. stats-r” W.‘ .. I, . .- III . . ‘.I-.'I,‘.'
5‘ . 7'12“ ~ .. f ‘ If I students pay the interest while they llllllkt'l\ nu: “1W“ W. 5W. 4”». .i: I .m-w .\, MI... U 5. ~. II‘?
I ._ Ir . l y ‘ ' are in school to "d1scourage borrow Wn-anpm ._ out: “I“ I”, in»- 2' .I ".v : I III. ,.. 2‘2 .. .- . :_.-:
I . ’I: ' ing and the amount ot money the WW”... IIIII .. .e' w; ._ i; -;
' ‘. - . ‘ Iv ., {I .
' ‘ ~ * ‘ / S 211 harassment to t k h '
- . ~ ’ ‘ I'CSU O OWGT S [‘11 C S a Cf 83 S
~ 4 p g , p6 y
. V’ ' A ~~._ ' By ltt)BHR'l‘\\'t)Uli Saturday‘s “1‘\lltt tiav issrzuci‘ i , H'Ml‘it w ‘: 3..» :.. . Vi
0‘ f Reporter ten-octaheldniliztsc; Halt ‘vnm .7 l i. ‘
Illit' t'llltti‘lt'iit't' iIi ii iii; lyiy'H'I' :I... . .._;t'*"" ‘7. . .' I.4IIIIrIII
V . Sexual harasstnent is men striving workshops and .l lli\t‘tl\\lii!'; to! . xipiw' v:;i- ' , --. x ., i; 3??sz};
.‘v' v to pt‘ti\'t‘th('li‘ power over \Hiliit‘ii, ac wricl composed in .y p .\'- t.oloy.~' tli‘l‘ -. ;_ 4K5 4i , 5.5;"? I1.
\I , cording to Joan (ioodui esccutne ll“ :tl‘itli‘\\‘l‘.ti1i5I‘l'lil"*-'i- =?“»i“‘ ‘ Ml ‘- 7‘ “Ht“ 1: »' ' ‘ i 1 “FIJI/1‘:
\ ,. 4 \ » r I' director ot the National l oriiuus‘sioi: \t'U'ml l'K'iil lt‘liillll-‘l ”1‘11”“ .ation: ‘4'” " 5”“ l" "“3" ' “ ‘4'” ll."
. mittoikuig “omen Hoodiusaidnines st:.tii.g:..iiri..t . .. - ,' '.",'f=.."."
. I "Socitty has tri\ial:/eii the at "‘cii‘ poiicr ii\t‘l \io'uei; I‘ll or 1' . a f “ -' 5. x 1. :~» .« 1.I'I‘_,~':
Blke r k h) D.“ ”’5‘" UC/Kt‘rm‘l Null coinplishments and contributions ot «use ‘~"\ll.ll li.‘tl‘;l\‘!l.i'l‘l ou' .dm a; \ ; n: r: .i v ' ‘ "i ‘ r.‘;fIT-".
. _ ac _ _ women because ot the patriarchal IN" vitiincu s tw'lmgs .tli'i‘l' i: =.~.i' ~ < . . ' ‘ till/pg
After competing in Saturday‘s Marathon Stakes. rode for the Fettuccini Brothers (‘ycling( lub and plac- Hm‘wmi which ruinhif‘t‘ps “how :lieinseii es the-iv «sat team- .tflil Tltt‘ c v: a . oi lll._ ' ~ z ‘3?"
Thomas Ragland relaxes “h"? recoving from the ‘2' edseventh i" the “91d "5:“l'i‘l‘T‘ For "‘"N‘ Little Km and dependent attitudes ,sdltl titllli' assigned 2» then sum to» i. .s 'ilwv . i:;..-.v 'i i' v .r ‘ 5-: . l,’ {1’1”
" “" m" ___. ‘“ ’—";*“""" —"‘" "" "I contributions b\ ”Wit 1 Y'. is‘ .m ~ 4-5 '. -'. ,lijfI‘.
\ ‘ ' , T , . 1 'l'lit‘tolitet‘t int .\ l‘ cw-tditialw?‘ ‘ i z’l'l v. lei“ . ".l-'-.'."”'
apso y In ac serves S ac communltj) l I‘ll 'l'odd toundt-i of ‘hc l,t\.lllL1'i ii ..i iii-l1 iii-255

I l and state iliiipti-i‘s .- the \.llllvl.i. howl}: tint?» .{l \ " \ _ ' in"
Bv-(‘UNCHITA Rl'll broadcasts have included tributes WBKY general manager ”“mh‘hlmhilh h” 5” llm‘ht‘h‘ I ”Fulfill/Allie!" '11 “mic ii We ”Hiv- sh i P. \liiM "ml H? ‘4 ~’ ‘L ‘ - ;,;:r
.h - \ v‘ - (' i ‘4 ...I I .Ii ‘-_1 .I' i-v .,II V .I, I Ii'I'IaI,
Senior StaffWriter to black women in American “I would like to see more intoi Wheeler hopes to expand the pro l in,“ onuIiIiiIinin It.t.IutI.IiIiIiII.i.I .i. \l iI\I\I :iIt. IAIItIlllIit .I.I.. t .. II I. I . II; IIIIII

historv and the children in Atlanta. , . , ., . , . . l n “I ‘ "ll \‘ ll 1‘ ”H .i... ‘H. 4 “i 7- J H 5,
, , .. . , , .. :I .- . I I .. .. mation the illack community on lemmtwthellh -\ltliiillfllilit said . tl‘t'oii’li .i tie «it , ”III. N, «IMAM II I, II“, . .IIIII :, I’ll-4
Fhe L'K s Black Graduate and said Larnestine Hargrove. assixiar th I h I . ’Wh xeler‘ dded ”(I s'iid he “I“ expand the program \\ ith or l is it up a. l .uig .ll . .. .i . t 7‘?
Professional Students Association‘s thn president. 5* 5 5“ -I . t , I- “ II “ I . .. I ‘ I I . I . I I “til‘kt'tl tilll l)\ \'tltlt‘ll'. \~\1M".i‘lw i'l MB... 1‘ *Y‘.t ‘. .'.v‘ litt‘» ' '7 ', I,r-

. . u .- . . .. -- . . * . . ~~ ' . he expects "“T‘lhlhg ‘0 ll“l l‘.‘ \ilthout pum” ”5”"th llargtod l and l’residett 'ttis \' i 'l -' "*x 'lu . ‘ ”xiii m» l" .i' . ui‘,'~‘v
production of Rhapsody in Black Rhapsody in Black otters tall Both Wheeler 'ilid H'irgrove “.915. “Stem”. mmxm Ig “SHIN” to l I 1 ”it. tI -~- .I . - . . P .
brings Black radio programming to selections in rhythm and blues and II‘ III th- t l ‘II II will net the show‘s tuture i l ll“"“*"¥ PM“ ht" ”1 l 5‘ \‘il‘lt’lil‘ ‘ ‘ ’ "' ' ’ ""i "l“ ' ’5';!: I.
the Lexington area every Saturday progressive jazz. said Hargrove ”“5“ . d . pIrqu‘I I‘ " h ' registration tees ., s ii w .I.. pulpit x. . ‘. l, '1
night at90n WBKY. 91.31’.M. "The music played m the program ““5“ rmthcxpt ”5 ”t 5‘ “People don't realize how inipor | (.oodiu said smual harassment i'lll v' - .» "- a . .i s l mu 5.11.577,

The one hour program includes serves a need in the community Sponsors have also been taut ” ,5 toglveotlicial opinion lt‘kt' mum 101“» \ldl‘i‘ _ \ . 3:38.." .
interviews and special features as because it is not available from any "somewhat ot a problem” said at. new a lot 0, ("mm *“PWI‘I- - much-”ii: outright ti'i :tultons to sc\ m. -: c“ i ' m, i x It‘ll"? '5': 1
I well as a varietv of music. Recent other source." said Don Wheeler, llargrove adding that there is magma 5”“ i'm'ri‘lit'i tlii‘elltlli 'lIi' Dime! ' ' ‘- We“ ~‘ Wm” 5,,
L——————-—~———-———-————-—-————————-—‘-—..__..__A._. _-.. .._ .__,,.,,,. __~___ _. ___Aw” structure. \tlitt'h implies Fluif ~es is .i : .c' t ' ~. ’m' "w it.” lw' ' {III-'5 {i
Tak 0 - conditionot employment .,., .e 30;", 5
es teaChlng teChmqueS abroad Strategies which she suggested he i's i L‘ Tidal ':. \\ .t. ,. wt. .3; IJ'I- 'I
l ‘ ’ C reducing harassment lllt'ltlilt‘ greate: . ‘ ft'i' 31L .i-ma ‘ iw' -. 55:35.35
Per'essor coa h public awareness tn-i .il.'.\t‘ "issue '1i-~‘ i' ‘4 :' "if ‘ ' ' ‘ Iv"
c eS S u en S In c assroom liittsl llt‘ liroiight lo VPH» Hut} \\lit‘i‘t’ liiltltl'illiliiii ii. -I‘Ii,~I,II-II.IJ
”___ .___.-. ._.__.-__.._ II_II___I ___II_II I I .-..‘.. li
3." KIM BROL’ILLARD likes to use to describe his teaching hpiukes ..iecla:=..s abroad tits In “till his thmry that learning 3555/15
Staff Writer method. because he hf‘ht‘WS writing Davis has been teaching the should be an active process '55)“ 5" ‘f
is similar to other actiVities which re- English course. based on "'l'heatre should be exix-rieuced to I'; ' . '_ ’ig'IVI}
Ken DaVlS‘ assistant professor 0f qu1re coaches. SUCh as Slhg‘hg- 5005’ Shakespeare's plays. for the past he learned.” he said “You can learn ‘ ,Ifi- I'I,
English, thinks the student needs im» ball or even Child birth three years The class meets on canr something about theatre by reading I ".~"':."-' ',
mediate feedback from the in- “The COifl'h is 5h?” [0 l9” .VOU pi's for three weeks and then travels about it or hearing lectures about it ' l .‘ ‘.‘?f‘:‘-"‘.:I
structor. things about what you‘re doing that to Strattord. tintario for the But plays weren‘t written to be read. \ '55." THIS}

. He believes h‘S main purpose as a You otherwise may not have 59“" Shakespeare festival they were written to be acted " ‘ ‘ - .‘II 3“. 1 C,
teacher is to help students learn and yourself." he said This year. however. alter the three In addition to the Shakesix-are .‘3 ' 4 fit I: hay-5“,"
students do not necessarily learn best AllhOUgh he emphasizes students weeks of studying plays Davis \Aill course. Davis is teaching several up .‘I 0" 1". . b0 ‘ ‘lf.’.Ii.’I'-‘.I.:t
by being “talked 35-" being active learners. ”3‘15 Said h“ take the class one step farther, to per level writing courses this ‘2} U‘ ‘1. I‘ 0‘ 0 ‘ _‘ . "g‘l "-‘i'

“People more often learn best by remains dlrE‘ChV“ and authoritative England semester torthettrst time 0 °: 0 ‘3 I“ C . I.“ .32th .sz..:
dOlhg things," DaVlS said, ”and if 35 a traditional lecturer who 53%. The class will be in London seven tine ot' the classes is “Editing ' v ' . :,..‘ ; 2.51”".‘3‘5'
there is anything I “IV 50 d0 l" the “Here are the “1195 for what 3'01”" davs and see at least live shows. he English Prose " Davis said he enioys .% “53.3"":
Classroom "'5 create experiences in ROlhgtO d0 5055333“ said The students will not have a teaching the class and believes it O .-‘.'I 1-; -‘
Wthh people learn. ”YOU have [0 d0 11 in an a" standard tour. "but we are going to gives students valuable writing ex .. -_ 0 . - 1".“I‘

“You don't learn to write by mosphere of shared understanding see the best of British theatre atid periencc ‘3". Jgg’fi "7’. 5:5 ".5. ,‘l‘
reading about writing or hearing P00" and WSP‘K‘L” he said. will be meeting actors and directors "l have the class Ili\'iil\t‘(l in ‘ . ' , ~ ‘ 13-, . f: - .' l" I
ple talk about writing. You learn to T0 "935“ SUCh an atmosphere backstage.” Davis said several outstde writing activities that ’ I . ' ‘ 5‘ . I. .I’“; ‘ ':.
write by (50th h and by 89“th help Davis tries t0 make his (435595 85 in “We will also take walking tours of help students receive immediate __ I # ,. l E' . ~ .I .i ‘1. ' ~
with it asyou'redoingit." formal as possible. In one of his London as Shakespearknewu “ feedback. which is how they learn _v V lh lttilu‘ilt’l \uititi'kmm-tsi ii' 1",‘I .‘

“Coaching“ is the metaphor Davis courses. taught during intersessmn. Davis said the Shakespeare tour liestfhesaid .loaaii('-mdui makes a point at suiurday's N-\ii.i| ilmasum-momit-no. II -. ‘g’ '

‘ _ R . . . . . {155:7 ‘\
I -I .

. lots continue In Britain Ulstel a-
. . y '. 3 ’

—————-——————‘—-————-——— H) H) BIANHHAI Hotel and split them into two groups h‘mllt‘” Whi't‘ WW .. ‘I-
"Wilde ' OUtSiS 1c . Associated Press Writer Alter sciillles and shouting. the [{i’ithli ”'N‘l" vi til. “mm. {'- .‘ U
A +1‘H'w ’_ . demonstiuitors dispersed Thirty \i-hu li-s maxed lntti lht‘ post u. t3}: ‘-
‘ - ' ' BHFN‘. Niirthi‘m lré‘limd (‘Iitht iieeiilc “or reiwtcd arrested lica\il\ Roman cutimiit \niiww ..‘n “ I. I

l‘ln i. en. in i. in... \\ .I,..,[ .,, I. In. 1...: ~l.i\\ III \il. IIII II III I . - Hundreds of rioters battled him and three aiiibiilain-es earned away hm” “NH” but mum. no IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . I.I.. III_ II

”VII“ I. I II ,III .. ,. I,, II t. l‘- l. II II IIIIIIIIIII IIII n lI III I' “II” ‘ I dreds ot police in Beltast and London an undetermined number ot injured i‘llt‘lhlll I.)|h§‘)(‘]‘\(‘ the rum-H ‘I' .I . Iv

“I .ii‘ Miwbw III II . \.. II I . I . I ‘ lI I‘- ‘I“”“' l" . yesterday in support of jailed IRA British police warned members ot the ralb came .it the end oi it.“ .- -. Ir. .i‘

‘ ' l” 4 I' ' . \ l” "' l“ “W “l” ili' we ‘ guerrilla RobhySands. reported at 98 Parliament and other publu figures II ile I III- h led in ‘v’t'ltls IIIIIIII . . , .

H: ..il IIIIII I_IIII I II . I III 'l IUIIHI I‘II‘ ljlllllll .lfjlllhllltl‘. ‘lI’I" ‘I l , pounds in the 37th day of a hunger to be wiry ot a ptisSllilt‘ letter bomb l\l.it‘t'¢‘ll|.‘i (Kt‘ll‘. ‘ “ho held iioi: I . . .

lip... ow. II, .I m.-. .- I II ll‘. IIIII‘ 1,53 IIIII "\I‘I‘I ‘I‘Il'"‘ ‘I“I " ’ strike l’rison olficuils denied campaignb) Irish Republican Arno pustt't‘ smut photograph III i... . . .' I

it.” .is mm -3. I. , l , \.. i l' dl I, "uh IIIIIII .. 't l I"I' ‘I"" ’ widespreadIrumors he had died guerrilias IIIIIIIIIIII . II ‘.‘ I.I

_, I. _ .s ., ti lit‘ .. i at I About .ill‘l Sands backers ln Beltast rioters pitched I. .. _ .

l'i' ' l‘x‘lhiwhdll 'v w . v ,, .5,“ . ti:,5,l,l:,\,ll.HIl,lIl,‘I Till: “Ill-Ir: 5”] ‘ . ' . . demonstrated at 1‘ 1:0!“th SUhVHI)‘ firehombs at a bus depot in the HWH'DVW: “Him \h \Ill‘cm 'I » I I 5‘
but. [III .III 5 III in" . ~ ‘ ‘ " "‘ ' ‘ " " j. . station and then marched toward Roman t atholic '\l‘tltiI\nt‘ district ot ‘iiittit‘t I s \ltiii‘ni'\ (mm

‘ ‘ ' ‘ . Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher s Beltast then hundreds ot vouths ILHH\I'\ t l.iik the Km Immoi it” . . _ u

h . V f - itiliowning Street residence broke away lrom somi t: ooh people my...» .uid \ldi‘t llom- .l sta‘ “ .
‘ g ’. 4” ~s . _. ' C ' Police forced the demonstrators in attending a rally tor Sands and hurl legislator trom 'vl;l\<;ii~hugpn\ “4., .
‘ ‘ .. ’ to a street behind the posh Savov ed bricks stones and lead pipes at .i m in... man
a . 4 i . _
. .

 i I g i '
i g ‘ . (mm a . m
i e d 't or. a Is & i I :anrMu-ihzzief Emmi-132v $342..” gartt‘igzltor 2:32:33“: Editor 17;..." Etta!
" ' l . bobble McDollel David ('oyle
i e nts . I tsntizz‘b‘ditor fmditou Chic] Photographer
‘ ‘ ,I I II I I . \‘icliil’oolt- .
i l : JackiRudd “mummy mm” Emma?“ mnw u" mun. run::
1 > Dav Editor John [Jule AuiotantSpor'I Editor Annotant Entertainment Editor SMArtlfll
i i In: Armin-At Anon-whom. Alli-lul‘4i-J an... as IIll:‘l\llldllvllll-nll\\htlulaNhpl'll Inplrv | DlIOG.M0lW
‘ ‘ ward mm mutudr llnllll‘ until-mi ‘llll in au- illillillhdllwil iii-toiling l I III to! sludrnls and | I ‘ 1 cm.“- “I
i rmplmres lulu» slllllltll In lli'lilid lo :00 a not and upllltuih uni immunity to l0!) words i i SUMO! SMIIWHICU '
A l __,,‘7fl_”‘_‘ fl— 7 . V‘_—.__ _>_ ,_ _—._'___,—_____7—4__—____._———____—__—____—————————u~~.————
. I
’ SA — b d b b t
. . Thisyears nota a 30 , u j
’ o o o k
. . next year 8 should avord its mista es 6
. ' i
" ~ In our April 24 edition, the Kernel analyz— organization was the only one in the state l ‘4: *fl”
'_ . ed the overall performance and effec- completely without representation when ' @ 9 . §
' -. . tiveness of this year's lTK Student Associa- Gov. John Y Brown addressed the council in l 0
lion and termed it “favorable." March. i
' . .- . indeed. SA has a lot to show for itself this Another problem has been a lack of com- T
year. it has taken itself seriously and, for the munication between the Sturgeon ad- , ’
‘ ‘ most part, has done what it was elected to do ministration and the senate, which has led to i I .
~ .‘ .- ’ u represent the student body to the Univer- the accusations of “railroading“ noted - / , / . I
-~ , ' sit); administration and the state. above. All too often the senators, elected as i i ‘
. - ‘ ' Brad Sturgeon. as SA president. has been direct representatives of the campus pOpula- , / - I}, .
f‘ l ' particularly effective Although at times he tion, have been denied the opportunity to ( ' \l . fi 0
- ‘ as exceeded his power (claiming that he paritcipate in important decisions, in some \ .. , - Q 1;,
" ' . could “activate or deactivate“ sections of cases involving the expenditure of signifi- . i Q '
‘ the SA constitution at will) and has often cant sums of money. Although, as Sturgeon / Al‘- rmti... \
- , u been accused of railroading legislation has often claimed, "it probably wouldn‘t .——-—— ———_ "me. @
.‘ , through the l'mversity Senate. his strong have made any difference anyway."callous ( .- t: m". ‘ é
« y posture is preferable to the indecisiveness disregard of constitutional responsibilities / \l Q Q
- ~ that has characterized some past ad- cannot be Overlooked. w, < ' ‘
- , . '. ministrations. The incoming administration of Britt . g / . - ' '
. . ' However. the 1980—81 edition of SA has also Brockman and Bobby Clark shOuld take note 3 1'
made its share of mistakes. MOst notable, of of these errors and attempt to avoid them. It «A; y, BUY amend” 3"
. - course. was the student insurance scandal should also attempt to continue the positive 40', .7 31,, ' -—————-__._
' ' " invoicing an unwarranted use. of power by programs initiated this year, particularly ' " fie. w
' Sturgeon and former administrative assis- the movement toward a UK - University of ___~ A i lllliii‘.»
' tant Dean (iiii‘l‘ltSOil. Louisville student lobby in Frankfort and ef- "g—‘l; ‘ {l PM ~\ . W
‘ in the same category falls SA‘s lawsuit forts to preserve a reasonable level of stu- "\ W» . ’ -
-- Challenging General Telephone of Ken- dent financial aid. ' W ' ' n A
. tucky‘s proposed rate hikes Although seem- But most important, SA and its ad— ’ ; 5 V ‘ ' ' , ' ‘
' , ‘ ingly a noble effort at the outset, it has ministrators must be Open to the press, par- - "““5 ware “
. grOwn to the point of draining a dispropor— ticularly the Kernel. Sturgeon's record on
-_ - _ , tionate share of SA‘s time and resources. this account has been well-appreciated by . »
. . ‘ . preventing it from acting as a represen- this organization. and his willingness to Letters deadllne '
'1 .. tative oi thc l'K student body during the speak frankly with reporters testifies of his
, ' . é opiicii .0,“ ) llltglhc:()lh.d(i)ictat.ior(ii s nlengthy wnflidetraceén hislc}:‘(edibti:]ityt End programsd. Due to restrictions in available time and taries after 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 28. All
. _ t trinina it n. in l ic s san u lyersi } ‘e d .e .erne p? a . roc man an space the Kernel editorial department will contributions must be submitted prior to
. ~_ appropriations tor the coming year. In fact. (,lark wxll Similarly recognize and respect not acce t letters to the editor or commen- this time
-' _ '. SA representation at these meetings has the vital role of the press in monitoring and p '
. ’ _. been mi - l'K's student government reporting on their affairs.
_ , V ' i" . All contributions should be delivered to IN Journolhm Building. University of Kentucky. Lex- .
' . ; ington, Ky.. 40506. The Kernel reserves the right mean for grommor and clarity and to eliminate
. .I ' ,1 i '2 ft 2 rs to th e e d ltor libelous mainland may condenseorrekctcontributlom.
, ' ‘ ' ' ' Switzerland. the country with the lowest crime rate in ra ist. in that case. after-the-fact choices must be where nobody Will know 7). the possibility 0f toxemia 0f
. . ' V ’ for more ln‘ormanon the world every familyisrequircd by law to possess an mgdeShOuldawoman who has been rapedbeforcedtO pregnancy, etc. The “St is very long. I could never
.' ' * i . automaticweapon for purposes of nationaldei‘ense. bear the daily nausea and other complications of relate every situation Wh‘Ch "“gh‘ make abortion ,3
' :, \itci read'ng Hon llall's commentary favoring hand A final pomt of irritation is the way those in favor of pregnancy by a person who will probably never be very real possibility for anyone'else but myself. LUCkl'
‘ , ‘ ,_ dgun control which appeared in last Tuesday‘s Kernel, gun control pass around the argument that “guns don‘t caught? (daily reminders ofa violent act — an ongOing ly. Ihave never been in that P061t10h- Ipray that 1 never
. 1’ it has become evident that a rebuttal is nwessary. if on kill people. people kill people" as if it were only a mean- violence for her). Should a young girl try to deal with will be. But. I believe that I should have chOices after
I. - ly to carryout the main functionof journalism, the pro- ingless slogan in reality. this phrase contains the truth these happenings and the disrespect Of her peers —- the person responsible has left the scene. I believe
" j » wrdissimilationoiiniormationtoihcpublic that chills the liberal supporters of the gun control those who will never believe the cry of “Rape"? (Or, every w0man should!
' ' , _ i take issue with many points brought out in this arti- movement to the bone and sums up the whole con— worse. those who ask for sex under the guise, “At least
.‘ A , clc because it typically presents its arguments trowrsy of the gun. The truth. the reason that " . . we won‘t have to worry about your getting pregnant“.l Paula Smith
. _- .9 haplia/ardly . only to gain support ior those who want to assassination seems to be a disease endemic to These things all depend on the maturity of the woman, A &Sjunior
_ j 'sH handguns banned Aim-meansocwiy . " lies within our society itself. and the resources at hand, (to provide for proper care, to go
' . 1“ his ""“li'lt’md‘lri- Hall has ml‘d “' WNW} ii“ Nil certainly not with the number of handguns available to O
“ .' ' 'tonal iiiilt’ Asstx'iation as opposing, the wishes of the members of our society. in America. we have been con-
~ ~. - 'lliljfli‘l’} oi adults in this country by using its lobbying (imbued to believe that crime docs pay instead of ’~ eteran Cat llneman proves
‘ ‘ ‘ 1.: . power toprcvcnt t‘ongrcss from passing strict laws ap— ilk-rising our attention on the gun. we should work to I
“ . »‘ iiix'lligltllht'il'lrt'ililSPUi handguns mild a strong judicial system and establish cultural ’
. . Nothing could be tllrther from thi- truth, Although a norms that do not reward the criminal, butstop him, ball pla
. ’ 1 recent (iallup poll has shown that s2 percent of Our David Wayne Price yers are“ a a news
j ; population favors more strict regulations of guns. so
.‘ ',\f.', ,1. 3 . ‘
:1:..-.,.:::.:t:.itarsus:egalitarian: “lewhll'e‘lll‘h m... .............ag...a.... . usnm
" ' see criminals unable to obtain handguns ii only i'am llerdv's letter represented the whole pic- Editorial Editor Why don t we ever read anything People are gomg to get into trou-
. .. , , .. -. ' . tive about anv football players'?’ ble, he said, wherever you find them.
- . . . . Abolbcr misconstrued argument is that Victims Of ture‘ “hat a wonderful thing that would be. But, alas. p05] . .. .. ‘ . -
. . . . . , _ . - , . . . i asked myself. i dont know, i There are people who ve been (in-
: gun i runes are more likely to be harmed than Victims that is not the case. i iiiortunately, there is no answered “Wh don‘t we look into v0lved in similar incidents in other
. ’. . , oi other types of crimes Studies have shown that. in "rt-liable“ method of birth control which does not also [don‘t knowa whole lot about foot- it"“ ' y areas) on cam us The football
. ‘ ' ' , ~' fact, the victim of non gun related crimes is more likely place some type of medical risk, usually to the woman ball except that Ienjoy watching it. 1 So we did And let me tell you what players are the (files that make the
-- 3 to sustain injury for several reasons Just look at the andror the unborn (unconceived) child. The only see maybe a dozen games a year. we f0und ' news because they‘re always in
'- ‘ typical mugging and see that the victim has been stabb- method of birth control which i have come across which mOStly bowl games_ and the only ' ' ' the ' r ..
~ .j .‘ edor pummelled. then robbed. is completely safe for women is a condom provided and team 1 pay attention to is Dallas. Gap: enoys the compan of his
.‘ . Then take the most commonly misused stastistic correctly used by the man Another unfortunate occur— They'll Come back. Marko, yo“ just teammatesJ“F‘ootball is a friternity
1" ., ,. '. spouted by those in favor of gun control: the com- rence is the lack of use of this method by rapists. pcr- wait Defensive lineman 'I‘im Gooch in itself You spend so muuch time
. parison oi gar. related cnmes in countries like Japan sons indulging in incest. and other persons of the male But i'm not too ignorant to notice grew up in the country He d even- together in practice working out
. '7 and Britain 'o iht number of gun-related crimes in the persuasion. that every time Curci's Cats make tually like to get back wit and likes travelingior games ‘thae are the
j.; ._ 3 , .- ' l‘niicd States ()feourse. there is another completely safe method of the headlines. it is a less-than- the small town environment people you associatevvith
3‘ , (,rantod. Japan has slirloi gun control laws and a low birth control ,. abstanencc This is the wisest Nurse {0" pleasant experience. it seems that, Gooch has lived here in Lexington “After five years the friends
I g“ ' , gun related crum- rate However. crime in general is an unmarried woman. However. it is often difficult to gudty or not, the Cats are getting for his past five years here at UK ou've made are life-long friends
.; - _. ,2 prm-iH-un} non (-xisiei‘ll in Japan Further. in explain and uphold this practice when confronted Wllha alleged right off the sports page and where he now lives with his wife ¥hey‘rc the kind of friends you can
t I . __ .-- _. Kathy (they were married last May). call up years later and get together
;: :.., x -‘ ”W “a Arrer receiving his ass. Gooch's wimanyume."
,” l ~ ‘15=l;;:g§;§§322‘ g assassin: HE RE BOY‘ - L AT attention will be turned to the pro Gooch and his wife attend Southern
'. .‘~ ' ‘ " E LY draft, in the hope of playing ball for a Heights Baptist Church here in Lex-
, " . ' 9 J few more years. After that, he's ington. They like the people they've
W. .' ' a thinking of returning to his home met there, and have made good
W“ ~ . YO U VE BE E town. where he may open a retail mm a some of the other
" M; l L O 0 K1 N G Gwen was recruited whilevlaylns "We llke ldxlnslon” he "ml
' n, , . ‘ .“”’r-_nd'/,, for Owensboro his senior year. He saying that the town overall had
" . i sldrled as a defensive lineman nls madea favorable impression on lllm
‘ 1' ’- U N D E R F ED ~— ‘mhma'l yeala‘UK- and "lat “6 all“ “ls wile W“ P”-
1; " ~' a; “l dues "l8 he“ Pd." ‘0‘ "lat bdblvslny here ll lllelr Sltndlllln ever
“I ' » - .i id‘liililliiéé three games 0‘ "‘9 WSW" he - he seems ‘0 llke P°°Ple wherever
- .- . r’ " i i ‘sl- iéiiiiini: iiiiiin 3°“ "‘3‘ ye“ The ‘°“°“""8 °"° “m"‘eci‘y-
' ‘ ' . ‘ “ . l _ / . . .2; l injur nearl cell game e re's way 00 me .
' , " l‘ a ’V //' ‘/‘- ' in ”it *5: sat out most or the seam. UK went coach is pretty agreeable. It's too
; ‘4 /// /W‘i “iii tilt 10-1 thatyear. but there aren’t more We like
‘ '. V ' I V :i 71/ x w" . j» l,‘*:’ , ii'f " These last two years. which as we him.
,' I ,‘ ,1 2/ 1/, N 1/ / l h v High iiii‘h' g} spirational, haven't gotten Gooch
f .' g _ %// f p G ' ' 'éllzlxail' ill: down. “Personally We felt they‘ve As this ”mater draws to I close.
" ,‘x . ,/ y - , I {l \ , / 7,: ii. iii? been pretty good," he said, even l'dllketotbmeochreoderwbom-
.- .- . / 1jn“, ' t . _ , 0,3 Kb though the team hadn't gotten as Hirotedtoihlopoge. WWH
.1 '. ‘ ..,, - ’4 A..- i WK l l ‘ manywinsustheycmldbave. ondoplnlono and commentaries. I'd
f ' / ’ a l’ ( ,n. ‘ ‘ w 2 L) Regarding the recent incidents oholketotbonkmycolomniotozhy
; . . _ , / ' l “‘6 ( . h 5/ , referred to above. Good! and. “You remit. John Clay. Vicki Poole. Bill
, . . . J. / a, '26 . t have to remember that the media stem. Nell Fields and of course
.' . .. , l l “ ‘ i In? Wllldll all“ “M ll “fill” We Cw Wlllh °l llle Kme' ll-ll- llllll
.. ' , l :9... / - i (i F . i ‘1.” Fa wanttoread about. Manyoftbeoein- niciiimi moo-ma. Jim Grimn.
' ' « .i‘ ‘If' {155522923 J” f’s // ‘ I \‘ai, ”I ‘ cidenis were “blown out 0‘ 9'09““ Scott Owell. Dona Plco and Kevin
H: .74“ 5‘47””? _. "372"" ' ($13”; / Mt W A . f". % tion. Motthewoofthe Lexington communi-
. . "" ‘ "a ' ,39“; "1 - ‘ // ' ' r . l 4 ~‘ ' . _‘ "x 4"? ”Any time you bring peOple from ty. I encourage all “Menu, faculty
‘géi’ ‘ 5 / {‘1 Mé /////} t A l ‘ _ ‘ “ 1., “77:7. (different backywidlondportsoi “sunflowinretmtovxthis
a. 2n ,_ ._ , l / //// ~ mu (w »‘(‘\ thecmmtry) together,they'renotgo- coming foil to combine getting in-
. y ‘ / ““ 7‘ l .. i, . - ./ ‘ (figfigw ing tohave much in common niftrst. volved with the school and the coni-
” They’re (gain. to have trouble) ld- munityWiheKomi.
' “ r w A U ' ' I

 _..____,. __‘_777_7__777777 77 _7v7 7 7 WWW 7 77 7 _ __ W77_ #7 W7 __ 7 777g 7 77 7 7 W7 W_ 7 7W___ _77_77_7___W‘_7__77777 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, April 27, 1981-3 7
. w o ndup P “ °’“ - -
i ”2 5 r U op dlspofches 1 UK history professor to attend , ;
. - 07 “We've lost all our water. There's a lot of damage I b 0 . '
ate Natlon toms stan u co erenee in May ,
No injuries were reported after the quake, the . "
. . . ' " UK associate professor of history of the Turkish overnmen‘ in the " H '

A fire that gutted a furniture factory at the Ken- Members of Congress returning to Washington largest m a swarm of more than three dozen g t 7
tucky State Penitentiary on Friday may have had after a two-week recess face tough decisions on quakes above magnitude 3'0 that have Sh°°k this Robent0$hileaiies tog?" to attend l940s, h’hhi‘ the body was r eturned, '
aSiispiciousorigin.according tostateofficials. President Reagan’s proposals to revitalize the area sinceFriday evening. . . in IS“? “It?“ co erence m 1° establish " closer connection

Dan Kreutzer, a member of the state fire mar~ economy. But the quake caused extenswe damage to this Stan ”'s elf Am . . between the old [umpire and the . . _
shal’s staff, said a closer examination of the Many of the lawmakers spent part of the recess :gtng community, where .many structures ‘7‘" 't e31): thgrclzéerlgnec er tans ii] ”R