xt7dv40jwx1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dv40jwx1f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1983 1983 1983-12-05 2020 true xt7dv40jwx1f section xt7dv40jwx1f . __ __ __ . _ M. .___...__ ..__ _._..__- _ -_ -
w .. , . - - A. t-yz-mg'.n\.‘q », t v y. I, g . _. , H34
DEC Vol. Wide“ or- Established!“ '4 _ Univerollydm. . fit" “1“ maid-«0mm ' ‘ .MSJN
, . . - . r . > - , . .. - , - , 1‘7““..W24- —* » A. . ». ~ -.-_. 3.1»? ~ w»... —
D t .k th U S k .

11186 S [‘1 BS reaten . . peace eeping force
5 gtyagakijNASHELL W" 0150". 3559913” 'PPOQSSOI‘ tons are attacked. we will rc \fl’l‘l) inlurni rumour: taxi-i. .mdt
. W- _, ‘ n er 0f ”Wyn” shec'ahzeshl Middle W by Syrian SOllef\

andAPreports East affairs. said the air attacks .. , . Ulsm said. The tinted stated the Pentagon Alliluulhul the zoo
BEIRUT _ Marines were killed were politically motivated to force W” wants to assure that the agreement mining {lien .is It “.HK \ i.l"i‘l
and two were wounded when Drise the Syna" government 9‘ “3‘11 M' takes place and may pussibl) ltsl and H Robert in tulntlt‘...‘ 1hr
. gunners opened heavy fire on the Asad to accept. the bUmted Stats' more militar) in fullscale attacks .\\rllm later told iv~piizn~ .4..-
‘ Marine base at the Beirut airport and [SPEC]! SpOSltlonsm Lebanon. . onSyria itself \nwrit‘ilndieduf hi‘ ”Ulll'lvs .
last night, a Marine spokesman re- . . . Secretar) of Defense t'aspar nu- olhrr t .s pi...“ It'ltlf'n‘!
ported. .dathe a]; strike 31:85:? toinigtm: - ~ . o TRIPOU Weinberger said the Syrians were safely to the Ain't-ill inl'lu‘fs l \\
Maj. Dennis Brooks said the MR- 1 . anmwarn 7 y ans 8 t W believed to be holding two of the independence and t \\ kminnti if!
rines came under intense fire about cepting 9 May 1 ‘ 198? agreemeil: WW fliers "We ore attempting to mg.» the ltlunene must the mom.- 2»
12 hours after Syrian soldiers shot and 5m? them from trying to wea - . . : 1 tiate their release ' Reagan said partment said
d0wntheton.S.Navyjets. en "If (Amlnl Gemayel govern- ’ Weinberger. WM Spoke to report A [heft-rue lletuirtiiirm \‘II‘INY‘ .1"
Brooks said, “The Marine posi- ment. Olsonsald. ers after meeting \th French he “id at least «I \htuuihl “may“:
“0118 have been under attack since Olson said the May 17 agreement tense Minister t‘harles lleriiu 5A 7 missiles .ind whit .r “his“ his!
approximately 7 pm. (yesterday) “gives Israel a strong role in the ; O stressed the attack was not run M s ril‘kfln were izmi .u '2.-
and the entire airport perimeter" government politically, economi- / BE". 00019le W W! 23 suu‘ltlt' attack planes along \Allh thunk ..v
hadcomeunderattack. callyandmililarlly.” ,« ~ 0" the Marlm‘ «‘Unllllund in ”firm craft lift’ the M is mt \\‘e .m-
US. Navy ships opened fire on the The Pentagon said a two-man A-6 M . " _ ”lat killed 33" Amvrlmn soldn‘rs slim-t made weapons
anti-govemment forces that were and a Single‘PHOt A'7 fighter-bomber I WANG" ‘ A Lebanese armi officer who wit The l'm‘HRW ““1 .!~ ill-i7)"
pounding the Marine encampment were downed when28 U.s. planes at- l ,' M‘s“, m, r‘ald from ,. mount” m dropped .i \arlt‘l} or must” it
with rockets, small-arms fire and tacked Syrian positions in Lebanon's > 1.“ lage said In. [t S. H: “W 1mm ) cluding t‘llfht‘fltlilhil . in. "Hunt
artillerybarrages. central mountains at about8a.m. (l / “we“ in ”m." “JR“ m {mm ‘rt tnmtlh and l‘ltt‘ild'f mm» I! (an.
In an earlier incident Syrian am. EST) in response to earlier at. " ' I . . ' ' p . ' y non-pnrtofllI’llmtliigeimiswl
. ; SYRIA Medltt rrdm an for the dlldt k
forces shot down two US. warplanes tackson U.S. reconnaissance planes. . « . . , . .,. .
yesterday during the first American _ . j He said he thougm W. planes 1“(Norm committal in... i: ilk-“l 1..
air strike in Lebanon. One flier was Jam“ Kantara, .president of the p / mist have been "Slblt‘ to Syrian ‘ ‘mage (w _. ' mm" H m. "”7
mmnese Assoc1ation said the at- _ . _ _ - may hm e mused intuit-dint: it:
rescued, at leaSt one was captured tacks were in response to the Syrian ' 1’ r’j |SRAEL lookouts and rddnl stations for "9H. slruclllm lli arr-an llwliiiv- of till-:3
zilliijsufigh soldiers said a tlnrd died attacks on the United States‘ posi- p . { w. ral minutes before the) Stmlt wwmu.m,m
The air strikes marked the first tions and “to show the Syrians that H M“ MWUuMM AS the planes crossed over 8) Han Syrian Foreign \linisti-i \mui ‘
time US. forces in the area were the US‘ 1.5 0“?“ there to show some fire at American surveillance artillery shells killing eight and “M' mlss'les and hnh‘a'rm‘“ hr“ ”“1”“ K'“"‘“"‘ W" 3““ “Mm ‘
. known to have attacked Syrian forceandisn‘tJustsymbolic." planes. wounding two, ‘ murmnlan-‘ldfi- "WW!” were killed and in wtnlliilni .v. tho 3
army positions, bringing the United The White House said President Several hours later, word reached A lebanese photographer on as ““‘l 5‘1““ "‘3" “m" 1‘ “N ““" “'""-
States into direct military confronta— Reagan authorized the raid. Reagan Washington that even before Reagan “We are going to defend our Signment for The ASSOCIHlM Press “I" "'“‘ ‘“‘ “""“““'“"“ "U“‘l’ "”"
tion with the Soviet Union‘s closest vowed to order more strikes if Syri- SPORe, Drise gunners were blasting forces there,“ Reagan told reporters said he saw a captured American tit ”hm ‘1‘” ” mt” "\"“'r""'” “hm"
ally in the region. an antisircraft batteries continue to the Marine base with rockets and at the White House. " If our one crash site. as well as another .se Ill“ ‘l .,
, _ O O
on- w w» ,
. United Way drive tops goals
., at. Chairman is pleased With Umverszty s generosuy and work
‘ By WENDY SMITH the United Vlay for the past 25 tiles, (‘lay said A lllnki-tlmll (lrlllillr
Reporter years "And every year we've ex from [movilli- in ll‘Xlnxlllfl .l flux
.5 ceededour goal."Hornhack said football tow-name"! {hr ltmd Hull
s; . F The United Way of the Bluegrass The United Way asks for a rep Haunted “male and iii-um war‘
7 x. §§s\\§§ ‘1 » this year raised $3,204.59!) — 8200.000 resentative from most local units to were just some of the ilt‘ll\lll0'\ that
i “H‘s *1 more than its goal of $3,004,360. raise money in the drive Businesses students sponsored
s p} " From Sept. 16 to Nov. 23. the Unit and schools get involved for the . . , . . ,.
, t g N. ed Way, a non-profit agency. held its good of the community. Bryant and b ”no? binder“ M Milli-m .h‘”
m at annual campaign to raise money for Bryant organized a cabinet on cam- rough ”I m or ”a" v‘ u ' .H' W“
. its“ . . . . of the money “HM by the t fll\t‘r\l
§ gr : over imagencieslneightcounties pus. which works with the central w came [mm ”mm and ‘1‘” mn
. g . w. t. hrough office downtown ' ’ ‘
X The money “"15me t ch‘ tributiom and payroll deduiimm
‘* , an "l‘mwe cannigatgn bt’i rea R128 The student campaign. which is in Bryant said "The l'niveriiit) folk:
_ .. . 5309!; across 'dentc‘iifmtl: U 1;; its fourth year. was instrumental in did a superior ion in raising mom-i
5:" om 2f 95:! Bl m 'd this year‘s fund drive. Bob Clay. they achieved ii goal at a timo- when
\ ‘ E 31% 11 miss, “I ‘ vice chairman for student givmg, the economy iii not so great ho-
g; \\ Nah Pan-0 mm, per- said. "I talk with student leaders said
is sonal contributiom, and the tremen- a r oss the cam and ham call at
s dons efforts 0‘ UK we were ab“? ‘0 life t be "is m y *“ °' W "W" “W" "m
“it . ; 3 exceedourgoal." rn' .0 .. gen ive Re , "'3‘.“ drive Will go to human welfare agen
*N%‘§® ‘ UK raised $217,775 — an 11 per- sinus; ha said“ as Lmrrg’; “5 WC“ 3’ 9* m “m“- n" 5‘”
. g o ’ 3‘ 7' cent increase over last year's total hirihestude [1:28:18 I ' '20:de vation Army and several other ago-n
’ \ Q _ —— John Bryant, chairman of the UK pa gn, cies The t'mvemly from llflio‘ in
' i ' United Way campaign, said. The The University students have done time even receive: funds for the
” \\ University has been involved with several different fund-raising activ Medicalfenter. Bryantsaid
’ ‘ Researcher concentrates his efforts
. on inventions to e p rug t erapy
* ByPAULS.SWlN1DSKY . - " " 1 grant from the University in W79
_ s i‘ ‘ Reporter M i The patients UK has obtained as a
A , ‘ i I ‘ j result of this march have netted
I One of UK's most successful re- ‘ ; the University large financial gains
, 5‘ searchers, concentrating on improv- f alncgliglble canto. homo
- ; j .. ingdrug tllerapy, has brought recog- . w s in the last four years, L'K has re
" _ nitlontoUKintheproceos. i " * celved about $00,000 in research
‘1‘ ‘ Anwal' Hmin. director 0f the di- , ’ funding from the National Cancer
1 . 3&3. vision of pharmaceutics and phar- ' a. Institute. Hmoain nld Pharmacy
~ y " - l maceutlcal analysis, has been with ! marchers have been tmng the
‘ . the College of Pharmacy since 1774 - ! fundl to develop an .nimnm
' ' andhasacquiredmpetentl in phar- , ‘ ' j agentheuid
., maceutical march. Among his ' , j i “Become of the quality of our re-
. patents acquired at UK. Humin nu €73; f search. we fCollege of Plurmacyl
_ ‘ developed contraceptive none drops a ., . are internationally considered one of
. -——-———-—~——J for women. which was the focus of a m I, the moat distmshed centers of re
. , . ’-°-”’""°°9£/""""5"” Nov.7Kentuchy Kernelertlcle. ' search in the are. of pharmaceut
Governor John Y. and .Phyllis George Brown greet the media briefly yesterday as they leave the UK A: a direct rault of the article. ‘ -. . ion," lit-um uid
Medical Center Wlth their newborn daughter. Pamela. Hmin said he was invited to con» \ 1 "mm sold mum of up ('01
duct I seminar at ti! UK Medical . lqe (1 Pharmacy: excellent new
Calta'm of the Medical Cen- .--.. ”a... lotion, many scholar and foreign
ter‘sf tywereworkingonaoim. -- ' muIWUWtot'Ktrido
Pamela Ashley Brown goes home i... m. 0. MW... .... We» gm“... W... ,. m, ,,
IV!" "I“ procra- hld been made )ection, imertion of ouppoeluriu or pulse of their own governmenta and
By CHARLES WOLFE white. kept her eyes squeezed shut Brown said the first thing she did elsewhereoncemptl. henld. inaction of tablets Clililcel data WW“.
AssociatedPressWriter inthe glareof camera lights. was count her daughter's fingers An oarlia' petal malted when have shown the-e methot inoffec- lit-Iain will be touring Friday to
Mrs. Brown said she thought and toes to assure herself the “main developede method for ad- tive in aborting migraine attacks. attend a symposium in ma Mllv'
(AP) — Gov. and Mrs. John Y. Pamela looked more like her childwasnormal. ministeim an antidote for poison- became they came slow nice-tion of emu-y,th
Brown Jr. took their baby daugh- mother than her father. She then “I said. “l‘hank you. dear Lord. ol- phosphori- nose while doll: diam.
for home from the hospital yester- turned to her parents. Bob and for giving in a healthy baby.‘ It march m fa Ayers! Laborato- “We have been calcentratim on
day, parading past 18 photogra- Louise George of Denton, Texas, hasn't been the best of years and ry in NewYorkbetweai 1'70. The the are: of null administration."
phers and report!!! and abwt 50 and solicited their opinion- abwt to have a healthy baby is a god- patalt for tile lnvmtion involved the iii-um laid.
startled onlookers in the lobby of familyresemblance. said" stabllintlon in liqild solution of on The tle of nasal drop allows the y .y x.
WWMGdiCllCGIW. “Phyllis," Mrs. We stated When a reporter stunted the mth-alnuld. N to be mood into the blood Eh" s9 ‘ $3. n (h
Phyllis 090780 Brown said “Mthflihtim~ baby possibly was a future Miss In the put, a feasible method for system in the minuta. compared 9'" it,” “a hh
Pamela Ashley Brown, who was George, W. held 1 biparti- America, Mn. Blown added “or multinational“. to Wale-half hours with tab ,- ”he" “i“ ' ' _ ,
born 'niesday. would spend at sen view. “She looks like you and maybeawomanpruldcnt." Medical doctor: first had to mix the lots taken orally. The anal prone ' ;' “— ‘ a;
least one night it the Governor's Jolinboth,“liesaid. rode the (in, which was in e powduod form an mooted by till-em also no i ' «@ng g -
Mansion in Frankfort before “That's a statuman." the gov- I M"; 3”“ W . at die time, into a liq-dd oolutial m in higher blood levell of the .3 ”2:13 to:
BrownleavesofficeDec.12. emorquippedwithachuckle. 3:” E" '. “Elam“ “'4'“ andthmadmlfitclttolnllvldnl mmwmm ' " “f; m
The only family member who CW "' ”m mi ooldlu. mammal: tooling. W said roeoercllen or UK ‘ p ‘3“ .
“I think we‘regoingover'mun- . rneemvhile. wee W variou- . g ’ . ”MM , -_ ~ ,
_, , declined to give an opinim was Magical-din. mummy mammoth: . . _ _ ,“5
day. Mrs. Brown said. Ive got the Browm‘ 3'de m Un- boopttal staff umber: who ac- M . W! W my. “w WWW“ . — I “
alittlecribforheroverthere." ' , canpanied Mn. Brown fran her ' . ' .. I...” , 1%,?” 5; er» -msw _. ,
coln, who scampered about wav tothclobby W I mm "Al ooh- nenclal revert to the mm. It ,, ' e. 53‘5“,» «l’. 37
Pamelaleftthehoepltalweigh- imaohdfedbeerandmckingthe loom ‘ tim"wfldlwuedf-lnjeet1fle.dlm- ll.and|houldbe.aneaoelllllmu-
imabouttheumeuehedldat lemuoftelevlllai mm Mn.Biwnlndlcatedohewould “unmodified“- "whtmm-thw-
. _ _ tryingtofocmonldm. nol. Since he Ind W a mtytodslulthelrrueerchec-
birth 7-pomrh.ltwiomcol .. homeomtohaspotwith
- ’l‘beBmwmhavebeenfamiliar mummomm» avid-notion tome.
andnlouichulong.hu'mother MMMJrmaLand Y
- .. . hm at the hospital since Lin- : .. h“. it could be “ed at military W.‘ but she to look fa -. ”e: trot-:wr
Illd. Shamnybefllllldy. Jimmy “Diem Wu F ,, u“.
...Slehun'tcrledmmhatall." “Wmmmimm cas'rvu staid-y football m. WW-Mwhul- Wmtww-M.h im”~s» --
should mm spent a and: at the ‘le-‘L’l‘erhyf' “Minimalism. aid. ~» Ni. 2 Winnie-kw “

' modlcelcentelutmmemnor mutants-lbw ln-einAIoopotntedouttl-tu . fiM ‘

mmmm.&m, littering complication. from Specialties-millennial” {CHM'ImbMIW loberetonwwththolutfn 4,» his .. :
nformaMl-Amclceandtele- triplcbypeuboerteuwy. withCBSdnclahwhomflyll‘ w d W not» ”Inbound-delimit“ . agrarian» fl
Malachi-immanent“. Whulnrthwa-dcllv- www.muntthelhted almmmmnrrdfld dvelybymuidm . 3..., ~ 1.“
blitthenewbwncledlnuitand oredbyCeanroenoectlon.Mn. Muhammad-tam. wm_mw ww‘m‘1w‘u v

memes-nova» Macao! for a small mm ”W

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL m, m I, 1.3
ODruse Santa Claus visits with UK children
_ Continued from page one
MA‘GEMMMIWW WeddttcSyrm,“di-umaboutawt3yfla hfl th i t t t d ff '
near Kfar Salwan,15 miles east at Beirut. Photographer includlm Lebenom bred. Jordan. lreel, Iraq and Ku- w e e r pare“ S ge ex ra ay 0
Ayman. Alwar, on assignment {or the AP. went to the wait that has existed since the “dish empire in which
“:3:qu he saw an American crewman in a flight “$12“er braidcut a statement by Khaddam By limit'llliiREED PENN spent from 12:30 to “”239 p.m. play- Student. Center. “We wanted 10
21:]! sittim in a ieep guarded by Syrian soldiers with staging the sequence ol the raiai “unveils the nature or S”“”“‘“ :5 mlgfi‘eznf nggggfigfs tiggfedo'g‘geoyn highlights?
PleasSaid £3$mcrewman with a leg missing 0133:2935]; mgnfi‘iii'iffiidffneii Prime Mir?- 5““ a“ w“ i“ "‘9 8mm mm“ mm" ‘° “"3 i“ u” Ceme'i" She said- ”We Probably
still seated amid the wreckage alive but unable t6 isterYitzhsirShamirrecenti toWashi ton " 0"“ “dim" ”tad" 3" smdem Ceme’v making Chm ““35 won‘t make any money this .war
. sol di ' lifted hi f the .y ng ' . ternoon. giving out candy and treeornaments and watching Walt But if it draws attention to the
, madam“: amt? ”m significance; ”f”.:“"ar°‘3§ sir: we me warm ram mmy'smmm" asthma... ~-
I A few hours later Syrian solgiers told reporters. one da ’3 ls'ra‘e‘li atytack shouly d not .b: illitepreet‘ed as ' int pated in the Student Activities ”I liked the movie beat'" Zach Dorsey said the univem'y 80"“
ofthecrewman haddiedfromhisin'uries military strategy Meridor id the Cabi t 23;“ Md Cl“ tines Camp what they Mural, 8' said. "I'd seen it 0009 Store donated all of the supplies
- An A-7 Corsair 2 crashed intoJa residential area in oftheUS airstriires but“dis:not react "m was a “mall“ cm" “m" “dmmghmwas m‘¢°°°-" needed to make the ornaments
. Jounieh on the Lebanese coast The ilot parachuted roiaddsni aiso said 5 'a which maintains bo t so. 590mm“ by S“ and “V9" Jenny Dorsey. SAB vice presi- Porter Paints donated the drop
1 into the'Mediterranean and was rescues after suffering mo troops in northern ‘yéi eastern Lebanon wits cuall' , other organizations, the “m9 was dent. said “I think the kids here Cloths and the sum“ Center 9'"
1 “minor injuries ,, . . . ' "'3 held for children of UK faculty, are having a really good time. rectors Office donated popcorn
: . said the Pentagon. which identified on the UN. secretary-general. Javrer Peru de Cuellar staff and students in mder to pro- This is the first time as far as l andcandy
i :22: titaim'mWJfJ-mt- mi: 3:. new: mass “amass: .s. parents my time, to prepare m... i... am n. .... “we ...-. ...,,
3 carrier" independence The Pentagon said he was in andtheMiddleEast " pra icng n for finals, do ' shopping beendone." She said. ”Everyb0dy's voltm-
. “goodcondition"aboardthecarrier. Kantara said “'l‘he reason that everyone wants a orcompleteotherchores. . A $6 fee per ‘child was charged teered,it's been really nice.
Lebanese state radio said six people were injured. piece of Lebanon is because it has a strong economic The Chum‘ age m and up, m order wraisewmoney for the Walrealllygowere lug? trivgethzlt:
. A Pentagon spokesman, Cmdr. Fred Leeder, said potential." § ‘s § Sll our {EA r sey 5‘? d t '3: l
1 “unknown sources" have repeatedly shot at US. recon- [citation is occupied by “25 percent Lebanese and 75 1;. ‘ 3* ‘3? l {22: o g‘ 30%;; S g! fi'l‘w.;”(‘£'
_ naissance craft in the past, and two F-14 Tomcats on percent Syrians, Palestinians and Israelis," Kantara 223‘ 1 be] S ,. a c g ' ’ 1
_ Saturday. were fired upon by “a heavy volume of anti- said. _. 1 , £35:- Cummgham an cam-
1' almfglrahimqflglgzlg:g:cgtswrgcomfime air- In the war that has lasted over eight y ears, the Leb- ‘3‘ fr childhood education senior. said
' . ‘ : anese still only have “about 25,000 volunteer soldiers of "* 1 members of the UK student cha .
. craft re asents a serious and deliberate threat to the II ill I I ~ 9
mummgronalpeace-keeplng mission.” .,, on nose because we don't believe in .{i ' a * ter of the National Education As-
The Syrians have tried to force the United States out drafting, Kantara “ld‘ , ’ ' ‘ ~' socration volunteered to ’help with
g of Lebanon by “sniping, bombing, and killing because Olson said that the Syrian government “would proba- _ 1 the ornaments ”039C: the Bap»
: the United States’ W is a tin-eat and is preventing bly accept (the May 17 agreement) and try to salvage vs... 1_ * at“ Student Center “339“ pro- '
the Syrians from achieving their goal,"Kanturasaid. theirreputation." 1. ' M f - Videdapuppets ow
. f D I , 1%. " ,N' > .i. Diane MacKenzie brought her ¢
. ' ‘ daughter, Carrie, 8. to the camp.
3 om no 8 enowuus ABOUT g f 1‘» .st‘ 1 She said she had leamed ol' the
; Pizza 5 9 ' - camp through the Kentucky Ker
: . . I M i ' “ “I think it's an excellent idea."
1 -_ - - - - _ - - _ _ - .‘\ \r . _ 1; she said. “It would be nice to see
1' ll . ‘ ' m 3 ‘ student government and other
i ' FREE ' FREE ' ‘ ‘ .‘5 V” l ‘ ~ xi’e ' " Marinara?tinting:
: Pars» : PEPSI : . ‘ t , . . .. we
. ‘a " - ~ W E ‘ g“ a - “We didn‘t get more children
I Two tree 16 oz. _ I Four tree 16 02‘. I _, g - x if .1 i, 2.. . . .> - because people aren't familiar ,
I bottles 01 Pepsi with I bottles of Pepsi with I T; I I ”at ., -, , with 't (th I , t .. D ,
any 12“ pizza. One any 16" pizza One \“ ’ 3" - ,, M 33‘ 'd luN (t3 camp field h orsex
I coupon per pizza. I coupon per pizza I \ 1 IA , sat . ex yearv s on ate a
Customer pays ' Customer pays I , ‘ i“? an . 1 larger turnout. Wed like to see
I 33°71???” e 2323:; tan/es com: norms am wmi currs NOTES ~ ‘-- s» -- 1 1. ~» 1 1 3“ d°"“se"e'y-"““r
I p ' I I” I ' I Cliffs Notes help you save time and earn better grades . » - . 1 " \ W Other organizations involved
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Good at any Good at any a as! and easy way to revuew for exams. too . . ‘ ‘ "“° “ and Junior Panhellenic Councils,
I Lexington ,ma‘ion I Lexmgmn “manor, I Dawn Diorio, pre-pharmacy freshman, helps Sarah Weeks, 6. make Chi Omega. p, Beta Phi and
I I I Available at Christmas decorations in the Student Center during Sunday’s Stu- Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities
. 1 g | . g I KENNEDY BOOK STORE dent Activities Board Christmas Camp. Sarah’s mother, Paula, and Student Government Associa-
l . is . :5 works in the College of Dentistry. tion.
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Gutty Hoosners battle complacent il cats down to the Wire
"3,2 " By MICKEY “mason ered an illegal “limin- t it a.“
Sports Editor hit with a lfi‘hfllt'di
£00k Hall's mou- hth-u-r .t.i- consul _ '
)lies ’— as.“ It was a case of a team with all ered zi ‘corru‘tiihii- error and
his ..... . _. " the talent in the mid facing a team Winston Bennett hit froth fl‘m- \lliiis ..
lrop ' with relatively no experience. not Alford hit llltllanli\ tn nun-.1; \liol
Di- \ ”3%" near as much talent and Inches and on the ensuing ll‘ll‘ Altl“llttluf‘l . .
‘Orn ’\ Q wife-i , mathearly evey position. was fouled by {K \ Roger Harden
\‘ ' But what the Indiana Hoosiers had Alford canned tioih \htll5 it'.i\ :ng l K I
ul ~ \ was a tremendots amount of guts. ahead 24-21 With seven mintllm fell ’ ,
lu‘n_ ‘\ grit and determination before finally in the first inn . -
.. falling 59-54 to the N0, 1 ranked Enter Blackfoot: oine again
i all k . Wildcats. For 40 minutes the young Blackmon llppl’alh in in- ~ii-pping g
had x ' , Howie's. led by a pair fearless into His traditional and \lllli sulh . _-
lun- -. . ' w- fmhman. Steve Alford and Marty man role He lilllllt'illdft'l) hi? .i : J ‘ ‘ ‘1‘
own 2*: . 3 Simmons. battled UK to a standoff Jumper from the ltitll lim- .md :nirit \ _ 4
""1 let it it i in a game that saw the Wildcats seconds later set the crowd on iis / (
arly J“ H is» p i " a being favored by 17 points. ear with a pretty f‘t'\t‘f‘\(' Lump i'\t'f — a
said "l _ After last week‘s blowout of Louis- 12 t'we Blah to pui fix up at :1 _ '3 '»
13p- * l ' I. ‘ ville, fans acrtss the state were Indiana countered with .i pair at ‘ , > I ‘ ‘
AS- 3th ' ‘ making hotel reservations in Seattle bombs from the right corner in -\l . . . k ' '
with l N in Indiana brought the UK fans and ford and Simmons .nid lwi Alford xi 1 V ‘ ' ¥
lap~ i ’ -‘“~’.._ 1 players back to earth rather quickv free throws liliit'knioii .iiqu-red " J ,A y
pro- _ ~14 egg .. ly. with another )lll’llpt’l' from the lonl -‘ ‘f d , '" _ .e
V was ‘n;;~,.:é—"l “After you’ve won about ten line But a minute Liter llltilrtllfl ~ \ 1 f -
. games and are riding high. you can Winston Morgan scored met 1 K s C- ‘ " ‘ ' . .i .
her 4 , expect some complacency." t'K Kenny Walker and in: .1 free throw '3‘ \‘ t, ' , ‘ o ’ . ‘ .
mp. _ ‘ head coach Joe B. Hall said "But tying the gami- at .to lilnckiiion hit ‘ - ‘ ‘ k5 . s ‘ . .‘
the . a the praise we received after the one of two free throws hilt »\lford ‘ '3 ‘ 1‘“ ‘
(9’ set " ' i Louisville game was too much. cooly hit ii 1.3 footer from the corner ‘ ‘ ‘ - a
l a 7“” we‘renotthatgoodateamyet." with five seconds left to true the \3" .. V ' ‘
,. i l N 3- W' .‘ It wasn’t as if Indiana had done Hoosiers a 32 31 fliiiflllllt' it'nlll ‘ ‘e , \ i i c:
'Ia' - Weed» an thing different. The layed the The Hlackmoii Alford llltllt‘illlp ‘ .1; . ‘ ‘ . l '
. . y y p . r , . . .
see r, . same sticky man-to-man defense proved to he an omen for years to ~ . - , f ‘ -
her _\' l" and ran the same confusing motion come The tvto gu‘tnis litittleii each ‘ . ' J a ‘ ‘ -
gain ' ~ . ‘ ‘ ii - L ‘ offense that Bobby Knight‘s teams other tooth and ”fill in high school ‘ ' ‘ - ‘ l
om» g“ N ‘t- J" ‘ ° ’ are known for. Despite their youth and appear to he set to do the stilllt' 1‘ ‘ l ,
t l , .c ¥ and lack of height they ran it to near in college ' . t» i f g
.. A ,. M- perfectitm. For the game Alford finished with j 1 .— ‘ ' '\ _ .. .
{fen t . ' § We rtfi’ & :$\ .: “This game. from the beginning to 17 points while ltliickmon finished ' "it ; . f ' \i ”'5‘
f”, l fa, «t5 the end, was played at the defensive With 14 [fill it was the phi) of Sun _ W g V . ¢ . . ' “
sey ‘ ' ‘ - g _~ .. " end with two really contrasting mons that kept lll(l1lln£l in the game - ,< t‘ g {a
c a 3”“- ,. ’ A V i ‘1; thoughts being applied," Indiana Wearing goggles ii iii Kzireeiii . ' ‘ ‘ t . a . i .
see § ' v ‘ a“ coach Bobby Knight said. “Ken. Abdul Jahhtir became of an eye in r X . \ f ‘
l* '-- . , ‘ “ tucky pressured is from the ouLSide jury suffered in pl‘ilt‘llt'e_ sininiom , i O ‘
ved ‘ 3 " E " to try and make it difficult for us to played the whole game without ii . . I ‘ ~‘fl .
anic (“*AVDMHLHMANIKemeISu" handle the basketball and get it to break. scoring 19 points en route to - . .
:ils, UK center Melvin Turpin is trapped by Indiana’s Uwe Blab and people his position to score. Ourde- bemg named the (‘BS MVP for the .i. i.-......t. .
and Mike Giomi. Turpin finished with 11 points. Giomi had four while tense wanted to take the inside game llt'\illlltlll L'lldltl l.l|llt‘\ lilmtmon tll|\l’\ inc! l1ul:.il;.i ii. - .
ties Blab chipped in 11 points and piilled down 12 rebounds. away." llall praised Alford and Simmons \lilli'illl lll \tiiiide. W ‘4 win lilJthllli'l‘. no 1 lit .i -- or a "
cia- The two teams battled each other but he was critical of his own team 1.; pump
. on even terms until Knight launched except for Blarkmon 7
- Lady Kats oust ()th State into one of his classic tirades “Blackmon was super Hall said Mlllllllms to pull within im. with woman. ”mm mm“: .m mm is,
agaimt the officials for allowing a "He was the only guy we had who M'H'll minutes left (,1 51‘ (r...- throw. m up. “mm“. ..
. _ TV timeout to run too long. Knight played " l'K began to pull in”) iigziiii with inc-ms liiilnuui was sf 1: :n 1hr g. l .i
The UK Lady Kats upset No. l6 asmsts. .Kelly “901130" .led Ohm attempted to kick his chair up into The second half mirrored the first three minutes left A l‘llflt‘knlotl in mm 5...“ ”dumm Vim, Hump}...
* Ohlo State 73'63 Friday mEhL 135119 State mm 18 pomts while Yvette the Rupp Arena stands and was hit Wlth both teams scrapping for every ltovtii- nlle) mp slam raw-d ll riui piiliiiing the half will. l.’ an on E
/ ‘ NIChOIS mt 13 0f 16 5h?“ from the Angel had 13 for the lady Buckeyes with a technical foul. And then. con- basket With nine minutes left in the that put lit up 5648 with two min '9“
2381‘ :(lfgdngoincalxiefgbrggfdswtmgtd “0%):an the Lad Kats re fusionset in. ‘ . game L'K appeared to be pulling utes left Alford again hit another lftill had ’iolhing liol priiw- le
p “ms ‘ y . " Once Hallreallzed Knight had suc- away. Blackmon hit a layup over long Jumper and Blah dunked one ill-men I thought Indium ....--.
' UK' cord t°.3'1' They “”11 face Indiana m ceeded in receiving a “T." he sent three Indiana players. Melvm 'l\ir over Turpin to pull the ”omit-rs to plan hi- \a'lltl 'llw» Rod-fr .t.
_ Memorial C°llseum tomorrow night. Jim Master back into the game for pin converted two free throws and withinlourai so 52 PN‘WTM m1 ,,,.,,.nm1 m “.3; ;
Guards Diane Stephnesand Sandy Indiana upset the fourth-ranked his replacement James Blackmon. than hit an uncharacteristic 15-foot l'K went to its delay game and jusl wnnt llittlfllpllllll'lll til’lii 1'.
Harding had. 14 and 12.90"” "5p?” Lady Kats last year m the “mt Master promptly missed the techni- er to put l‘K up 4640 lndiana cami- began missing free throws allowing pm," ”MW", m m.” (“mums ..
} “VGIY- Harding 3130 mm out mne round 0‘ the NCAA tournament. cal free throws. but he was considr storming back behind Alford zind Indiana to stay in the game The the-board»
’ a
0‘ .
Freshman emer es from the baseline .9 o m
, 'O‘ "‘b ' I.‘ ’
M I l,
holds big man to poor peformance fl 3‘ : i:
3 By ANDY DUMSTORF more difficult tasks during the game line, where Simmons canned all six y s - I!
Senior Staff Writer when he was assigned the chore of of his jumpers, threading the nets ’l a i l.
guarding UK‘s 7-1 Sam Bowie. like a seamstress, impressed Bome ’ t ' "
When it all boils down in the end, Not only did Simmons keep Bowie more than his own “lackadaisical” ‘9‘ is .0. i.
only if a team walks off the floor from scoring from the field in the performancedid. I i , I. ,
with a notch in the win column can a first half but held the senior center- “We knew he was a good shooter A . f V
player cherish an MVPaward. forward to only one field goal the en- and hecan fill it up." Bowie said. ’0‘ d , ° ' '
Indiana‘s Marty Simmons dressed tire game. That field goal. however, The small forward outclassed all f g I ‘l(}‘ [fl/l, ‘ ) (I ‘1) . .
hurriedly and dejectedly in the In- an alley-00p slam dunk from James his opponents going the full 40—min- .‘ 0 e‘ . . .
diana locker room Saturday after Blackmon. virtually sealed IU‘s cof- utas compared to Bowie's 20. ’0‘ i‘ . ‘ t K t k .
his team had been dealt its second fin. “I wasn’t that tired at all," Sim- p . 1 ex g .
loss in 'three starts to UK, 59-54. “Our game plan called for me to mons said. ”I think they expected 5‘ g In an, en "C y .
Simmons. who at six for nine from force Bowie out to where he was," thistobetheway it was." ’0‘ 3:. % w__..___.__._...._-_..am_,_w .. 3"
the field and seven for eight from Simmons said. “The fact that we “Our goal was to play the way we 0 . 1/ ' ' , ’ , ' .r 5 '
the line and paced the Hoosier team, were able to do this never let him did. Take away the passing lanes 3‘ '0‘ Parents 0’ l," V913! (.l 0, Ilt’IIfUCky SfUdPllwfj: :-
could only look back on his CBS (Bowie) become a real factor in the and controlthetempoofthegame." t i . . , - , . J .
MVP award and wonder why his game.“ Simmons cleared the glass Bowie had tthat lndi , pg 5 Alum," 0f Uflllemlf} 0’ APDIUCIU' t.
I - - - - “Ml am 5 . ---‘———~——-——-——————_——————————____._...--
team hadnt played Just a little bet- for