xt7dz02z3p8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z3p8z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1932 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 07, no. 04, 1932 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 07, no. 04, 1932 1932 2012 true xt7dz02z3p8z section xt7dz02z3p8z M  entucku Alumnus    
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  ”   4 y     KENTUCKY ALUMNUS   K   
·   I Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky  
    _j Published Monthly, except July and August, on the Campus of the University, at Lexington 'Q} 
  1 Volume IV, MARCH, 1932 Number 7  
    Entered as second Class Matterwat the `Postomce at Lexington, Ky, May 22. 1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879  
`       JAMES s_ SHROPSHIRE,r`E$l>_. .     Editor and Manager my H A   _'  
~   Z` ` BETTY HULETT, '30 . . . . ..,. Assistant, Manager  
I ,    PAULINE HARMON, ’35 ...... Student Editor    
 wi .   ._ T Tm   ‘
 A ·   V
,  c_ g I E EC  
.   1 LEO§r;‘r§;§;;;LTr;§ AL¤~¤¤rASS<>¤rAg¤¤{d t vg.%vv1§e.;,£§, tHiéY$.°§3}f€`€qg5EFuiietensas  
_  lg ‘ . ‘ , ’ . . . l`€Sl €ll I`. P0. . lSOIl 'O4, WB, land RhO£l.dS ’l5, Walt I` if    ’;‘
  i fi ` MISS SARAH BLANDING’ ·23 _ Vicypresidem Hillenmeyer `il, Maury J.yCrutcher   J. Pelliain  
;   ` JAs. s. sHR0PsH1RE, *29 . secretary-Treasurer J°h“st°"’ GMQ$§$gg{;"&‘cL§;é,$i,$?g§S Budmer 08  
.  ·} +14L    A State
;  , ;-  —·——*  · or 3, busi]
{ T " .   · g  
; eg.  it » ALUMNI ewes   *‘ §;°;,fuS,
1 A :  `*
1  Y , J. Snead Yager, President, Blackstone build- :'°*“‘ I? }*““°°!‘· .P’°S*E*°“‘·.‘*12 mm T"'  "* Whéfewm
{  CQ V mg, Ashkmll mma] buildmg, Cincinnati, Ohio.   g€yia1$-t(
L  ., ` I. B. Helb1u·n, Vice-President.  as Rggggnj
i C 21. - ATLANTA ALUMNI CLUB Carl Riefkin. Secretary. `   tucky LE
l -  ,_, . Lawton Daley, Treasurer, 2111 Eastern Ave.   formulate
    Warren Clare, President, care Clare & C0., COViIlg‘t0I1, Ky.  =  ky’s adva
g   j Bona Allen building.   enacted i
? 5 r John Marsh, Vice-President, 463 Electric Bldg. CLEVELAND ALUMNI CLUB   the 3g€U‘
g Qi R. L. Porter, Secretary-Treasurer, 1310 At- R. E. Clark, President, 1388 East 101st St.,   the Kent
: 5 lanta Trust Co. Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio.   The pr
g _ C. R. McClure, Secretary-treasurer.   act Sefts
é tj BELL COUNTY CLUB  gg; following
I   Pi:5‘;“§¢;g;g¢ W- M°K°°» S°°"°t*“'Y· B°x 66· Mmarguergte McLaughlin, President, 226 East    
  g-_ ’ ‘ axwell S .   _ _
C   BIRMINGHAM ALUMNI CLUB Vlfglllla. B0y(l, SCC1'€t3.1'y, 119 Waller Ave.    
    J. M. Sprague, President, Box 66, Ensley, Ala. LOUISVILLE CLUB   poiegiat
E   S. C. Ebbert, Vice-President, 231 Brown-Marx Ben Garr King, ’28, President,   ;’°1at.€ t‘
j 5 ‘ building, Birmingham. Levi O. Coleman, ’14, Vice-President.   °?.€{,V}l91¤?
    A. B. Haswell, Treasurer, Box 1174, Birming- Oscar J. Stoesser, ’28, Secretary.   farmmeli
é    ` ham, Ala. D. (“D\1d") O. Williams, ’27, Treasurer.   agriculguf
‘ E   M .
‘   C. G. Bl k l , P· 'd t, T k _   5
A   w. J. Craig. rtesdent. me western Kentucky sr. 1. A? {2.%.., ‘$iL.`?‘{·....3§.‘i.,“e.........g,   éiiétii
1 2 State Teachers College. Mrs. Guy Smith, Secretary.   "Whert
, g Mary Lee Taylor, Secretary, care Western ‘   and Cth,
  i ' State Teachers College. NEW YORK CLUB   gardmg
  g   BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB Samuel A_ Smith, President, 17 John Street,   Q°{¤¤`1i§§
 i . .· New York·City, girl? CIVIC cig
 _ p 1 John w. Gudgel, President, 149 mgmand Ave. h W· G·;I*“°¤& S<=<=*·=*¤¤y·*¤>¤S¤r¢r· 850 Freimz-   @$1 CQOW
a_ , Dell Ramsey, Vice—president, Hamburg, N. Y. uysul v°·· cwarkr N- J·   velopmg;
 i Q I Claude W. Daniel, Secretary-treasurer, care PHILADELPHIA CLUB   3,gtgd,"C
i Ammcan Bmss C°·   0. Davidson, *23, President.   thghsuas
. e B. ' - "¤ jiiiai-J 1
  V CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Smoot, Secretary Treasurer.   program,
l 1 S .   m d
E I n. M. Nicholls, President, 134 sedtn Michigan WASHINGTON ALUMNI own   prflgixmgi
  _ Avenue, Elmer D. Hayes, President, Care Interstate   unsuccesl
\ `   S, M, Cassidy, Secretary-treasurer, 2,135 Black- Commerce Commission, OXf0l'd Stfeéis Chevy   Of the  
i` g — stone Ave. Chase. Md.   Chambelj
' f i   failure C
—   I ’ ·     j', · _
} t       trl`llS glg
Yi ‘ 1  
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  Cfhc Kcniuckq Proqress Commisswn   1 i 
V _».    i <
if  By C. FRANK DUNN, Editor Kentucky Progress Magazine    
  have been the inspiration for the Wh¤¤ arid as the barvmeter ¤f busi-   V
"  model organization set up by the UBSS agam aS°€P€1Sy and m_Pr°P°r‘   ,
..,   size Lesisieture when the Kentucky Fm to the ability ci business ’¤¤   -·
  l   Progress Commission was created. }¤cI`€3$mg1Y SUPPONV it fma¤c}9·uY· _? -
  ·   At any rate, the Act earned e bi- it $111 1*28b€¤;g¤§;0¤;dhi1§bi;e;1;<§§  
JSF;  ` f lt l 1 h‘b th K t k mlsclm Y Y S 1; “
--2i}*  `[   1;`§g?€S§)(§;1mY]Ill§;;>OI'l7 was auglaloitlged growth-  
  I ef' to expend an appropriation to ad- Three important surveys, funda- ; 4
fel; ‘   vertise the State—-funds restricted mental to any program of state- ;
    · ·——.—i# " exclusively to advertising—and was wide developrrmt, have been com-   ‘ 
_}s¤.;% T.     re-"‘ ‘» directed to organize a Kentucky pleted by the Commission and al-  
  A  r ·'··* Progress Association (State Cham- ready have played a decided part m  
  i'  ·$ em J ber of Commerce) to furnish the attracting industries to Kentucky.  
  =€“·"*j men and money required to eifect One was a "il0w of goods survey" to eg _ 
  1-   " '“'?`i¢3»»:.,   the development program. show the volume and kind of _c0m- E
      The program was Simple enough modities manufacturecrland shiglped  
  theoretically, and thoroughly sound, out of the Stal*€·ta$_ We T? Dum as' ` i  
  A state, like a city, HH i¤S'¤i@l1ti0¤ but it has taken much time and ef- Bd and bmugh . km- 13 $u€YgY _ i
  or 2. business, to succeed must have fort to effect the modus operandi. zgaiigieed tlgegggcgiggi ggries; 115 _ f i`
  _ Th t 't ` practical is now being _ §
  a Dfcglam f t_ _ proieg $(1 results arready achieved importance of goods manufactured I ;;
  . l` . . . . ; .
  g?dgX;eS;§g Egg prograni and the pected goal _vvill be 1`€£1Ch€d in due     Elite   I g
  wherewithal—men, _money and ma- prccess efdtime, wrt}? gilecgireglelssary tumty for Outside capitalists Seeking   .
  telitalktq gxectlilg llact the Ken m?i?tF;i;;p tiilgleirorngty of thegim industrial Sites` i i
  eoognizing is , - · - r _ i r
`   tucky Legislature four years ago dertaking, it eisrnecessary to tstete phggggghE;{§§g§r5;3,,;a1;?;;g;% t§]§lI;_   `_
  formulated a program for Kentuc- briefly the preliminary steps a en tr and to increase interest in Kem r [ i
  ky’s advancement and development. bv the Progress Commission before t Y, _mad6 mducts both at home   i
  ‘‘` , enacted it into law and created as outlining the status of their work. al;1%q;1brOa d gas compiled and pub_ · ir {
  the agency to carry it into eifect, Frrse it was necessary to appeal 1_ h d UIC] _H d Dimcmw Of .` . 
  the Kemuckv Plwéss <>¤m¤¤SS1s>¤- is the business interests of the gejrueiia Ma;§ga§rm,erS_,, This .    
 ie; The preamble ¤¤ the leelsletlvc state to provide e sustaining fund. Survey irieiuded the number and ;i ~
  act sets fortn tne. program in. the This was inaugurated through mem_ quality Of employes, giving an index i re  
  foilowmg all—1nc1usive language. berehrps in the Kentucky progrees éf the availability and high type   A
‘ “  Whereas- the Commomvealth Of Association. The necessary mvesti- Of labor te be round n Kentucky for g A  
  Kmlckvi bv r¤¤s¤¤ of the ¤¤tw1 eenens and data. as wen as all op- mdusiriei r,urr,eSeS_ i · r
  resource? _ geograplg1calAl0cetl0¤». ei-etiie expenses, had to he paid eut Stiii another Survey ef 125 Ken- f ,
  “““‘°°‘ “‘°" fm ‘ “*S» “""“°a“‘ of f¤¤¤s med bv public S¤b$¤¤P· tucky cities embraced every Comer- l r
  b°{n €?li°1`1Su€P1Yi develcpcdd and tion, in accordance with the legis- able bit ef data of Value in getting 1 _
s?  p°‘€n la BBC me p°‘V€1`* an a` lative act industries down to rates on all y _
  vorable tax laws offer advantageous Second Without Waiting until fun eraseee or urirtiesh It is one of the 5 ;
  1°‘ia“°“? f°" .md“s“`?€S? wd . funds meht be subscribed. it was most eempiete industrial surveys & g
  Whe1$a5’ Its varled and.?€1`m€ O°°El‘1l7l3l   CEI`t3lI`1 SUYVEYS. re' €V€1` !l12ldE. BHC] I']Ol} only equlps   P
Jil?  arming `lmds mer Opportunities fm ouiring months of trained work. be these cities with valuable inforrna- g l
  a$l§,Lgm}]a1 development and _. launched. It was realized that an tion to be used in negotiating with r ,
  i. . elgtal IFS unusual ?‘“d_.Va“€d eH`ective advertising campaign. even prospective industries but, by com- r { i
  °98mc a mcmms and hlstquc Set` with a fund appropriated for the grisonr peints Outdisadvantages. as ~ i ·
.¢.~ t h . . . . p
  mg S 9%*** mem i¤¤1s¤S¤¤1=¤e€ me-ime coun notbe waseduxen- Wei as advantages, in rates that i »
  mll$5-)§lS’ and . . . . tucky did not have a definite idea Of need adjustment to place these Ken- 1
 esi .r.‘ and Ofrgeas ?‘ ‘lrSS;€‘?“?aF*°“t.°f mm what the state had to advertise. tneky cities in a favorable position - i
  garding Egeigzgl 1ntg;.I;ra.;On sg;} Third, the advertising must be t0 compete f01` manufelctufefe.  
  Commission &nd§;}11.0ugh are loca] started as soon as the first reslléts The Progress Cognngissipnkgl dd-  
  ' ' ~· ‘ · · .- · · of research and investi2Cati0H jus 1- dition to these ac lvl es in e H1- R
  glsic tfgtgiglzgitligi llggrigorgiwggigg ned, and continued consistently with dustrial field, has aided local c0m·  
 ° Wculd promote its ·· the progress and development ef the rnnnities in taking advantage of the {
  g10wth and de- _ _ _ . . f . d Sn, noted , ,
  veiepmeiii new therefore be it en_ other featui·es of the program. deeentiairzation 0 in u y i r I
  actedh ete_ The raising ei funds tnreuen in very recenttyearsf iiee sssglliqgf V l
  Thc Legislature did not step with membership subscriptions in the the disieqming lglismil h these Sup i g
  the Outlllle of a sound deveigpment Progress Association succeeded to UGH Ear ere _ _ g _ d _ I- .
  pr°gram· but made provision for a an adequate degree until the eCO- \’€YS.`_S€V€·Y8l ¤1t§€$ E;;€BgCq';§`€ CS2- -{
Wg model 0l`S8HiZati0n to initiate the nemie depression arrived. Like all dll°t11€S f01m€!`_Y _ i
  - · · · · · t-·— ested centers in the North and
  pmgicm. There had been severei nre;anizati0ns cf _a; similai UH me il r `_g_(mi7pdlnca1 foundations for I i
  unsuccessful attempts iii the history the work and facilities 0f the Assc- ew 0_ ~__ de ma] expansion  
 Of the state to organize a State eiatien were curtailed to Ineet the flll*h;‘_O`{1l 1;; Dubucitv caimmigny ;
  Cl?amb€l` of Commercer and the impairment of illC01Tl€‘ dlJl`m€ the A 1* `C ‘ u_ tOm;a_ i °
    fail · · · · t ar The noiidxwted throuvh the a ro ,.-
  _m€ of Kentuckians to supply business St18SS of thi? Das Ye — _ f k Pronrese Magazine ` l
  this greatly needed agency must Association is D1`€‘l¤¥¢¤‘€d to Expand Vme Ken uc V ‘° ` ` Y `

`  _    2 l l t *
      ‘ an 8-reel motion picture of Kerituc- PARAGRAPHS FROM THE the General Electric Company fm - —-··""
.   l I ky’s attractions and resources, a ro- UNIVERSITY the University has been done alma;  1
`  _ ;· Tl togravure tourist guide and several ——- €X¢l¤$lV€lY by Ml'- B0l‘11lg,  
 Y  , ·§ technical pamphlets, have received An article by Dr. Paul P. Boyd, many of the Kentucky graduates- 
 ,1.}   a. most, favorable reaction from the déan of the College of Arts Hlld that €0mD?lll3{ NW9 l`l$€¤ to Dlac:  
  i . entire nation. The current (March) Sciences at the University of Ken- of responsibility. _ pry 
. 5;;; l issue of the magazine contains ex- tucky. entitled "Gn_¤neine the Ein- _ Richard Priest ¤i€¤Zm¤¤» ¤li2:;;¤‘  UN
  ra cerpts from letters of praise and phasis from Quantitative to Quail- Justine of the Court of Appealsl  To THE
L im i commendation ygcgjvgd from Mmm tative Standards in Accreditmg of Kontuoky, ll;/HS liigblégfégil Pg an ln;  ,
 I   to California. and in some cases Hieh Schoolsf was rooonty Dub- ¤l‘€¤‘Y mm EY 0 _¤ B ¤ Pi 
t i jii   from the far East, lished in the March issue of the li01i0;‘nl‘yfli‘Ev i1‘nt1;>1‘n1ty atlthe  gg;  ’eS;1g€ag‘
` *i3—· II · · North Central Association Quarter- V€1‘Si y 0 61} uc y recon y.   `
J qi   . The Progress Magazine, while _ . . · _   of
 Wl j · - V 1_ ly_ This paper, which Dean Boyd JUSUCG DIGEZIUPIH, H gl`€idL13te  
 ge; ~ '3§i$%i3gt§`££e§¥S§§y?E3Z°pSMEEYSY- iw btw ine eniceis ef nie em- H=¤‘v=¤‘l'0gl‘2m Fllday, MHl‘T ·gg;13idI;f
l   l that, in a test conducted by the According to the preface, the The May Queen will bo olecltd  =mg“¤.1.€,
l   E\   American Automobile Association Worls is not 3 text but is designed to week earheu _ _  ifulngss (
; {    l V among its Several hundred touring furnish a proper background for The SuKy circle this year T stju ful.
zz zi bureau directors, these experts gmc- iniellieent enniwatinn of ine facts publish a M¤Y·D¤Y i¤i·oei·am. wha:  result t-
    5 _ ed 96,;,; On their knowledge of Kem of government. The book was des- will include a listing of the day smte mi
{   Q tucky, the next closest being Maine iionacted plriimarily for fg·etslhm%n_stu— egzecnts band histories of éthehvario  tmuancl
.. y . . en s, an is m use a e mver- s u en cr ·a i a o s `r. ·y 
-   P —   ghgsfagvirgf Si;4Z;Ihc;v1g;EEcBi_S1§gC} sity and at Transylvania college. versity, g n Z 1 H 3 8  gllzmiug
Z gi formed on Kentucky’s attractions, H Cl d R M.d K -——-—[1‘_‘  gmore vi
1 tn ‘ , mph K t K . ,· .Y 6 ewes- l WW Y·—   _ ·
i   Pr$gI_€2§T&V;;a§;;, 9 an uc Y gunior in tthéah College oi Ar;sKand   Kercheval  
i   ‘ ciences a e mversi v o en-   . _
I it · The Commisison has unbounded t k · -d d H. t 1 · t€§§§_°€palm
  it faith in the future of Kentucky and tag y’a1?;§a]aW;2gniuck;S ingggillgi ,   5J1»5E’° SU
1. g believes when conditions right them- giate Oyatorical contest held at   I  ’pg°S€“t
i   $€lV€$ generally that Kentucky will Georgetown College recently. His   ‘    Rghvaum
Q S make oven more rapid $tYid€s· That sublect was “A Redeclaration of In-    c ls ey] CC
L § Kentuckians themselves are awake depéndem-:€»» , V,  tgggfule Y;
  - · · · · -   V ions it
r   ., to their opportunities and remain   _  —;@t0 mah
 _ g ready to cooperate is attested in the Prof. Wilhelm Schick, assistant `-`“`Y  -  idthis
y { following resolution recently pass’ed professor of Romance languages at , · - as  The
=· g by the Kentucky Press Association, the University of Kentuckv. has   S _  —€  igrthrgugr
 ‘ Q representative of every community been granted a leave of absence    . ` V  ‘ ` 5  <-%{bl€ pgy
2 ;. in the state: "We wish to endorse from teaching duties for the school ‘· w  ‘ .    ‘i;§‘g§ucati0n
l Q the unusually effective work of the vear 1932-’33 and will spend the   `'.  . ;    $i$g§muSt b
  g Kentucky Progress Commission and time in study and travel in this "     I    
t ; y to recoesnize the vaiue or the Ken- country and abroad-     3   ir tr
i g . tucky Progress Magazine for its ad- —-—·   I _· 1?=§;§2shou1d
l Z ` vertisinz value in bringing tourists Dr. Frank L. Mcvev, resident of ” ?i*   ”  .. i   gtigboardc
i · . D hg; » {tz., . Aw .
; j i and siszht-seers to points of interest the Universitv of Kentucky acl- nee.-; ,,,  `.   e@?;$otlier
  * · — thI‘0L19Jh0ut thc state." dressed the Southern division of V` ' A' E§*§tY`9·YY U
 . = ` . From present indications, thc the American_Minin;z Congress at  ;_ ¥&/Ezfollowe
    states accmmiaticns for the Prog- its nn¤u¤l_ dinner nicotine bold i makllie
  4 _ regs C0mmi55i0n’S program Of pub- I}/I?LI`Ch 17 111 L0l1liVlH€. His sub- “  `AJ  Gnu
{ ` · licitv will be reduced to $25,()()0_ (mg- E60; 285 1;"I'l;1€ Relation 0f Education  glélBul‘€2
{ half of the former annual appro- »° ll US l`Y·’ Ralph Kercheval has been clllli  le
I mation but as the appropriated M M Bering director cr the to play the loading role in the S“`* " um"B"E
E Q J funds are and have been used personnel department cr the Gen- lor spring production, "Good N€“E :“°Pth$i
Q Strictly for advertising. Kentuckws eral Electric Company visited thc Kercheval is an outstanding follll  **1%
 _ ,Y l bid for tourists. capitalists and College of Ecqlpccpjnq at thc Uni- player, a member of Delta Taullf s mss -
  ‘ home-seekers will continue to be versity of Keutuckv rcccntlv fm- thc ta fraternity, and was aiiiiollllt gmd g
{ __ " félt and Should be maintained on nurncsc of selecting members cf thc winner of the recently COllduC·_' t;§m§l
;   > ~ the same high plane. It will mere- 1932 graduating class for employ- D0DLll2ll`ll5Y COUYBSV SD0¤S0I`€d Wi m uet
K L E { ly mean a larger opportunity for ment in the oomnanv which he rep- li€l`ml¤€ ml? m0$V DOPUIQY mall “' .nOr€¤j
 , I { _ service. ;·csc¤ts_ The Selection Of men for woman student on the camlJu5·   ma
= ii F  
it .   2  
    . it >“` 

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V p, The Ul\I\ERSITYS SERVICES and suis who complete their hi h 1; · Bd . ~i
Dggagog TO THE STATE §gig;¤;1_;¤i§§;i1;¤u¤t who {eel ttgat vilging vt]l1‘l§11$er?1g€atig1El;do?6l;Il¥§ lspgis     t it
git P;   _ -7 _ r . _ . 0 een miie the system, on h d _ J ' O
      The @nt,]]_‘€ state iS vitally intel`- Yflalnlng Wbtcll would better     of fl1ICi§i$iOfia'Ig)[;€·]Egdgt£I1;?grr€aI?I$   `
_y_ Chg    ested and concerned over the prob- them for ““?°“Shli” and ter Service Such system natizraily entailed ar]; il
mate  _,—·  lgmgt/Of ttiqe Cljniversrgy of Kentucky giogvéigigngg 1g;i;Xh€1`€%hW{th Pmper i¤€lTiCieI1Cy Of Operation and an an- O   ‘
lim Y  fdue o e ecrease revenue this ~ ne, elf iiatiifal annual fmane l ti · -;
sy cg;-O fr _.;’ year and forecast for the next two mlemi Character and energy W0uld to waste la Ou ay gwen Over it  
__ · _years. Despite the tact that Dr. Stake Fhem successful and value- The university, mgdermy and Y? -
  L. McVey cut running ex- €· useful Y€l“`€S€matlVe$ Oi the Scientiiically equipped as it is is  
5.; A‘tp=. ;  penses materially fer tins year, in- °°m’“°“‘""’e“’h· fully able to take ovefthe duties of it
B Of Mr cludmg the reduction of salaries, Tfiey Shfluld not be denied the the two outlawed departments gf  
uckv  gi}?  funds derived under the 1933 iiiilest 0DD01‘w11ities that the state State government. It is tree from   Y
my ~af[; _appr0pr-rations have fgllgn under can give to them and should be en- political influences and employs   I
TS Of K  is needed to operate the uni- eeuiaged, rather than discouraged, men and women both capable and E ·
the E:  ___  }ve1·Srty_ to take such training as is afforded interested in the work they are do- E E=
whe   For the next two years the budget lil the Colleges of Engineering, the ing. As the state usually employed -5 -
the UI  for a considerable redug- Ceilege of Law, the College of Com- university graduates through its li q
` tiongiici Governor Laifoon is now iileieek geiiese of Agricuture, Col- agents, it now serves itself and its   O
of it  ering what items in the bud- eee _O eacher Training and other DOte¤tiai employees by availing   `
E mwt get he will cut still further; diV13i0nS of the university. them the opportunity of operating K i
te for   In the case of the university, The student enrollment at th under the Very <=¤¤diti<>¤s they Will   -
Sem t§i t)I13SIT1l1Cl'ld3S reductions already had University of Kentucky has con? miet with later at no additional l i
y May  eefi ma 6 as sweeping as were sistently <>·rown_ refie t' - th - Ou lay to the g0V€1`I11’!l€I1t. ‘ L l *
elected ?°nS1d?1`€d D0ssibie_\Yitl10L1t impair- D1`€Cii·1tiO11bl1l the stageuigr thi gg- .-—————-——· i {
  gieatly the efficiency and use- vantages that it oifers. If a back- REUNIONS IN 1932 ii, `
year T iulness of the varous departments, ward step is taken it will requre ——  
lm, “_hx _st1l11gu1tl1e1 cuts would necessarily years for the unversity to recover Despite the fact that the Univer- W A
the day grgkie ini lessened service to the the position it. now occupies, For sity has taken a cut, the University =t i
ne Vam  ~ all lll spine Cases the CllSCF)l1` the boys and girls of today and for eI11pl0yeeS have taken a cut, and   .
the u_ _1$[i`QlIl1a$,¤C§i\g;i(lg1ghly£ igluable serviaes. the future of Kentucky, the univer- other bewildering things have hap- { ‘ z
  is 0 ie service t at sity must be given the opportunity pened to us we still do not believe   i
  university renders are needed to render the service that K ' ‘ ` y ` i I
  _ _' _ _ . r entucky in depiessions. At least, not when z
 meieiiially during a period of de- now so greatly needs. it is time for a Class Reunion or a Q ‘ i
gval V  greéslqll than at eiiy Othef time. ....»—»————· Homecoming. For we know that 1    
  example.-there is the extension T 7 anyone who really can come back it Q
 eepaitment, leaching approximately THE Uhll ERSITY AS A will not let any thing stand in the r   ‘
 1,590 Students at their homes at the STATE AGENT way of their returning. i i
 Pgeseiii lime and giving them the *‘ Did you see the article in the 1 l , »
 ·€h;;“;g§$d Oft*mthed¤eatiO1i that Altlwugh the state legislature may ALUMNUS last month about the { · f
  _ 110 0 erwise receive, be harshly criticized for its sever- 1907 class? ISn’t that a splendid E _ 
 fiuleiy; be€ai1Se Of present condi- ity toward the university appropria- record? Fifty-five out of the orig- , i »
 *t1011S it is all the more necessary tion and its many failures to act i1iaiseVe¤tY·O1ie· HOW many Classes i
 mallltalll such a department as upon important bills during its re- will be able to boast of this per cent?    
    cent session, two measures were The exact date of the reunions l ~
 thmuegh sglige also thas available passed which should gain wide- has not been set definitey but it   j
  ll111V€1`Sl y 21 {zonsidera- spread apprgbatigu Both the con- will be SOm€ time near the last of i “
 ble portion of federal funds for ed trol of the Kentuek ‘ " ‘ ’ ` ‘° ` ‘ ‘ 1
  . - y geological sui- Mai O1 first Ox June. The program
 ·l;·t$atE0¤ and eX_te1iSi0n purposes and vey and the distribution of seed will last over at period Of three O1`   ‘
»·  adwznggggeéét tip 2; (position to take were delegated to the University of four clays, every minute full of in- ;~ i
’   e e era aid. Kentucky. teresting highlights. We are plan- 1
  it the red · · — i ~
{dr.  UCUOH of State funds Heretofore these functions of our ning to have a Sliappy DI‘0gI‘am for 1 t
 ·i)hOLiid make it necessary for the state government have been direct- each day. s0 that YOU may l’iaVe an It 2
 Ogg? Offegusiejes to raisie tuition and ly in charge of the state and de- enjoyable visit with us. , 4
  y is _wou run con- partments created by the state for At the last meeting of the Exec- — 
 gefy to the policies that have been that especial purpoes. The state utive Committee we realized that  
 ,ma§We€l and Shouldllbe followed in itself realizing the need fOl' such Reuniml Time W0uld SOON be he1`€· ;
  mtg `iile state university easy to agencies but having no further need COI'¤H1ittees were appointed and , E
 ath er} eied and its facilities within for the scientific equipment and the definite Plans We1`e begun- Pei`- - Q
I ofeuleaeli of all the boys and girls technically trained experts natu1‘— haps iii the ¤eXi? issue of the 1 Q
>ee1i  m lj state desirous of college and ally employed in such works was ALUMNUS we can tell you what i ' l
E1 the   g/§isity_ training _without regard forced nevertheless, to maintain dates of the celebration will be, and y
{ood  OP   illlallfilal C1l`CuI'X'lSl]3l')(]€S_ this equiprnent and hire specialists WE shall l31'Y to give YOU D9·I`l3 of thi? Q
Ling   tr aY°{€uiai`iY ill a time of financial in order that the functions of its p1‘Og1‘am, SO that YOU Call See f01` , `
ta TallD¥_ , ngSS {S` it ii€C€SSa1‘y. that the boys departments he successfully and yourself h0W attractive it will be. L l
aii1ieil“{" r gills UDOH being graduated properly fulfilled. Kentucky, at the Our goal for this year is 1,000. 1 i
eeilduif  .°m high Seheels may plan for CO1]· same time, supported another state We feel that it is a conservative ;
rtw  d · , 1 . . i
501`€€l   €€t€_duC&tiOU, €Speclally training institution, the university, already 1i1lmb€1‘ to expect, €S}Z>€C1ally lf all '  
t1·ma1i¤ h0_“ei_the professions, Even in equipped to handle these works. classes follow the lead of 1907 and r , 
ampu5·   mm times there are many boys Three separate agencies were main- come back 75 per cent strong. i ‘
wiz;  I ’
adn-·'   _

     rs  so ` -y T f' l. ` .
 ii l 1  _
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i =le`  Y  ’
     ...---—-—————— P
1   3 +1  my
T   { r Campus Ilcws a    »{j_ .
E   ` U, K, OFFICIAL WINS ning and Saturday courses on thi   lo
I  E ~  we     _    _.,.; · PROMOTION University of Kentucky campus, ttl g _  
' C§’ r ··         1- greatest distance travelled being 14; ‘ 1 _
s   Y s   to   -t-~—z==¥Y¥' Major Owen R. Meredith com- miles by 2* student whe cemes fmt   V
.   l so  *“" Tis;   mandant of the University of Ken- Hazslo Two. students fren B?  
~ . i E   i l__ ,e—,~ . . — bourville, a distance of 123 mile ·-a;_
 ·; i- , l._ i ·. , _ , tucky R. O .T. C. unit, has ieceived f_ L r. ii f iio th H _  
j a ‘ ga   notification or his promotion to the _i$i‘(i‘Bm;"iiig igjiieaoe gyoveigd sig? 5;.
.   A ‘   ‘f` t\  — —. at rank of lieutenant-colonel. The s f_ M L. is iio .1* Y hf   isa
.   T *i      rtl     t· trectiv March 1. ‘?“" mm 9** we Oi . m"’S· °¤=    
 ,s; v ~   '   __ _l promo loo Woo o o from Coumbia, 109 miles; one not   
·   · oi l     s   The new lieutenant-eclcnei nes Brock, iio miles, and one from ot. 
      iff site " been 1n Charge Qi tne R-_ O- T- C· bin, 107 miles, complete the list  THE UN
  q A » * -- ‘ . unit at the Unrversity since July. these men and women who trait;  cULTUR
Z ; .       ; .1 `    1928, when he Was transferred h€1`€ more than 100 miles each week it  
 fl. ‘—·‘ . Q      _. ~— so"? from Panama Canal Zone d¤tY· AL the University for instruction i;   The CU
    ..l..Ifg1J   r` a=’?Y`*°‘*?‘§E:-.’—~ though Lieut.-COI. Meredith is DOW l·g5ld€ll(;;_> (;gul·se5_   bodied ll'!
E   ‘ an infantry officer, he served with B .b o t Cl tl l   ky reach·
¥  ii ,   the chemical warfare service for oologgtlgg to Fl;§ iggosinoosooifii  state th:
·  If several years after the close of the Nloholos follows with tho Some  ofTer1ng<
Q   T *_ World War. His Army record in- l lo lo . o S tt F. [   along th
_  . ,_ A large crowd attended the a.1l- cludes service in the Phillippine Is- llgggildlglxl-gol3;l·e tflglnl inliiti   ment as
 ; E campus circus presented in the Uni- lands, France, Panama. and at nu— The oopulntlty of the hours and tts   metres. E
l ;  é versity of Kentucky men’s gym- merous posts throughout the United Subjécts Oggygd is attested to by lll   The U
   ‘   i naslllm recently by the University States. When l}h€ Urlitéd St3.l3€S CII- laygg gygupg who attend fl·0m Ollj.   progranou
i   Y. W. C. A., for the benefit of the teyed the W0l·]d Wal-, he was sto- ootown iii addition to the iogulu   on the (
  l Y. W. C. A. budget, the student loan tioned a.t the University of Minne- Students on the campus who are   of tho E
?  ;. . , fund end the ¤ercescnne Commun' $0ta cn R- O· T· C— duty- enrolled in these courses.   msy hss
i r  3 , ity center in Letcner county. Lieut.-Col. Meredith entered the e   mms ef
i Y :} _UmV€I`$1tY $lJud€nt$ DIf€$€nTD€d 17 United States Military Academy at   The G
  ol V ring acts and several side shows. West point, New yoylo fygm Ne- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY   i§=l££/esi?
l   - Wllqon Thomas was ¥`mgma$t·€i` and braska in 1904 and was graduated UNDER U. K. CONTROL   h_ is
· ij · · received applause when he stepped ln l9o8_   Y 1011%}
i Q • into the role of a performer and _________j___ _   Band H
i gg presented lariat, whip cracking and The House of Representatives ti : Carrolltr
‘ e bar acts. Walter Williams gave the U. K. STUDENTS TRAVEL the Kentucky General Assemti  for the
; ig audience a thrill when he carried 100 Mrmss TO oLAssEs l>€$€ed eiseneie bm te ttibchsh it  gtililtitgli
i   a boa constrictor into the ring, -—- S a e E60 cerca survey an 1‘€·¤F€¤it & n Y
    Loving oops were presented to tho I ih .. _ d id d ,, ii it as a board of mineral and topt ioggi Governc
E i fraternity end the S°Y0n'¤Y Offering horlsebaci rigllgg wgs theagfily xoiilo gmphlcal Survey under the U“"'s‘ ??*?. Tho. so
l {Er the best ying eot_ Alpha, Delta, Oi Conveyance Over Wiidomoss trails sity of Kentucky. The measure  ganizatt
.   Theta, presented a free act, wcn many persons marveled at the am; g°“"’. to. me goyomlor who alert ? m°ky‘ o
F   the sorority cup. Presenting the ulnoos of Koutuoky youths who has indicated he will approve it- it  nrescnte
    frog act were Misses Helen Lacy, rode 30 Hliles to o country Sonool Dr-. W.   Jillson, Frankfort,  wesigsg
s i _, giern Osbognooi Lois Grubbsi Anirie nouso Today, with imp1