xt7dz02z4310 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z4310/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19451102  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1945 1945 2013 true xt7dz02z4310 section xt7dz02z4310 KERNEL

ON PAGE TWO- Koffe Club,
Knowledge For All









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Begins At Uk

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LiP Abners, Youd Better Start Rwnnin' Cause CKasin Time Begins Monday
By Jim Wood
There'll be no Marryin' Sam to peddle the relics of the "South Chicago
Sewer System" to University coeds to further democracy in the Sadie
Hawkins man chase during the week of November 5 to 10, but there will
be two gals to pin down every hoomin' male on the campus.
Now, chillun, all and one knows the great tradition of Sadie Hawkins
week, which lo these many years has been the yearly custom of Dog- patchers and Universitiers of Kentuckiers.
To The Ignorant
If you are one of the ignorant (namely a freshman) I shall here and
now give the noble history of (oh happy day!) Sadie Hawkins week:
Bein' as men have done all (?) the chasin' and spoonin' of the women
360 days of the year, five days each November are set aside so as the
men can rest their weary carcasses by the telephone and wait for the
women to call 'em for the dates.

UK Plans To Schedule Prof Writes
Advanced ROTC Classes New Textbook
Col. O. T. MacKenzie, University

commandant, has announced that
authority for the reestablishment of
advanced courses in military science
and tactics at the University has
been requested of the War Department, under the provisions of the
recent War Department circular reactivating the work, and that since
no objection to the request is anticipated, the University is planning
to offer advanced course classes in
Infantry and Signal Corps ROTC
work beginning with the winter
quarter, January 2.

'Blythe Spirit,'
Guignol Play,
Opens November 26
"Blythe Spirit opens another
Guignol season, and the University
Little Theatre again goes into action
for the opening play of the year.
Noel Coward's



has been chosen by director Wallace
Briggs for the season's first offering to the Lexington audience, and
the play is scheduled to open November 26.

The cast is made up almost equally
of townsfolk and campus actors, for
Ed Mills, Minna Bloomfleld and
Susan H inkle will represent the
town, and Mary Lyons, William
Campbell, Jean Paxton and Margaret
McCorkle the students.
The cast is: Condomine. Ed Mills;
Condomine Minna Bloomfleld; Elvira, Susan Hinkle; Arcati, Mary
Lyons; Dr. Bradman, William Campbell; Mrs. Bradman, Jean Paxton;
Edith, the maid, Margaret McCorkle.
Admission to the play will be sixty
cents for students and one dollar for

Veterans Credited
Credit toward advanced course
entrance will be allowed veterans
who have been honorably discharged, or transferred to the Enlisted
Reserve corps and relieved from
active duty, as follows: for six
month's active service in the Army,
Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Ouard,
credit for one year of the basic
course; for one year's similar active
service, credit for the entire two-yebasic course.
Students who, after application to
and selection by University and
Military Department authorities, enroll in the advanced course, will
draw a monetary allowance equivalent to the current garrison ration,
uniform allowance (or uniform as
decided by the University, and
ROTC textbooks; these in addition
to whatever benefits the student is
receiving under the GI Bill of

Women Reporters
To Meet Monday
All women reporters on the
Kernel will meet at 4 p m. today,
in the news room.
ol the Cub
club, under the sponsorship of
Theta Sigma Phi, women's
journalism honorary, will be discussed at the meeting.

Private's Pay
the required six weeks


summer camp, normally occuring between the first and second years of
the advanced course, the garrison
ration will be replaced by the pay of
a private in the Army, and travel
allowance of five cents per mile for
the trip from the University to the
camp, and return, will be made.
majors will be eligible for enrollment in the Signal corps advanced
course. Enrollment in the advanced
military ROTC is open to all students
who qualify otherwise.
By Lory Thomas
General qualifications include the
provision that the entrant must be
not less than 19 and not more than
PERSONNEL OP THE UNIVER26 years old; that he must qualify
physically as prescribed for appointCaralyn McMeekin, A AS, aapha-mar- ment in the Officers' reserve corps;
Sense of humor and practical that he must have an Army general
knowledge of the subject.
classification test score of not less
BUI StnrgUI, A AS, senior:
The than 110; and must plan to comconscientious
consideration which plete at leist two full calendar
the professors give each and every year's of college work.
student, and the fairness with which
Consult Commandant
they give the grades.
According to Col. MacKenzie, it is
Sarah Smith, A AS, junior: I like desired that veterans who meet the
teachers who refrain from giving above requirements and who wish to
pop quizzes on Monday, or any day
obtain appointment in the Officers'
of the week for that matter!
reserve corps, consult with the UniMendenhall, AAS, sophomore: versity commandant as soon as posPat
Students enjoy a teacher who honT sible and consistent with the reestly knows his field, and they dont quirements
of their academic classes.



A new book by Dr. Henry Beaumont, professor of psychology, "The
Psychology of Personnel," published September 26, has now been
adopted by nine institutions as a
classroom text, it was disclosed this
Dr. Beaumont's new work, published by Longmans, Green and Co.,
places emphasis on practicality and
according to its author, an academic
style is avoided in that the book
contains no footnotes, charts, or
other study aids.
Purpose of the book Is twofold
Firs,t, it was written to serve as a
college textbook for the benefit of
students preparing for a career in
personnel work, as well as for those
who are going into management
and want some idea as to what a
personnel department does. The
second purpose is to serve the industrialists who wish to establish improved personnel relations in their
companies and who wish to know of
the experiences of other companies
in that field.
"The Psychology of Personnel,'
contains a discussion of applica
tions of psychology to industrial re
lations which have been proved
feasible by industrialists who have
used them previously.
For use of college classes and
personnel technicians, a companion
volume, "Psychology Applied to
Personnel," now in print, has been
written by Dr. Beaumont. This
book. Dr. Beaumont states, is pri
marily to serve as a source book and
workbook for "The Psychology of
The former book is
straight reading, whereas the latter
contains discussions, questions and
other items helpful to the understanding of the first.
Previous to Dr. Beaumont's volume, no book had been written in
this field since 1942, it was stated.
and therefore problems brought
about by the war, such as rehabili
tation problems of returning service
men and provisions for women em
ployees in industry, are discussed
for the first time in this book. Mention is also made of the Army system of training.


mind if he's hard.
Franklin Bard wr 11, AAS, freshman: Their likeability.
Betty Ree Rhoads, AAS, sophomore: I like humane qualities, you
know, be kind to dumb animals, etc.
Jimmy Williams, Agriculture, senior: A teacher who not only knows
his subject but has the ability to
get it over to the student.
Charlotte Knapp, AAS, sophomore: I like profs who keep you

Sing Yeary, AAS, sophomore: Im
partiality to all students regardless
of race, color, or creed.
Marilyn Mitchell, AAS, sophomore: Concentration on subject
no sidetracking.
Corky Clarke, Commerce, junior:
The special attention that they will
give you upon your request.
Edwina Abraham, Commerce,
Those who don't start their
classes five minutes early or hold
them five minutes late.
Julian McKee, AAS, freshman
Witticisms and sense of humor.
Bobby Adams, AAS, freshman: I
don't know yet I haven't gotten
my grades I
Frances Estill, AAS, Junior: I like
a prof who can find something to
joke about once in awhile.

Sold,iers Leave UK
One hundred and sixty soldiers
left the campus Thursday to join
troops at Camp Bowie. Texas. Camp
Swift, Texas. Camp Campbell, Ky.,
and Camp Butner, North Carolina.
Forty-thre- e
are graduates of the
By order of Col. MacKenzie the
good conduct medal was awarded to
those who have served the requir
ed length of service with "excellent
character, exemplary behavior, ef
ficiency, and fidelity." The 27 soldiers receiving this award are: Henry
V. Antonuccl, Frank P. Boses, Richard R. Blough. Ralph Bowman.
Robert D. Buck, John A. Carter,
Henley D. Cohn, William K Conn,
Louis F. Dinardo, Ralph D. Divine,
Harry G. Durham, Richard C. Hul-ze- r,
Burnell P. Jones, John P.
King Jr., Stanley J. Kwolek, David
S. LeVine, Joseph LeVine, Donald
W. McPhail, Howard J. Pridmore,
George Rappaport, Gordon L Robinson, Alexander Schwartz, Irving L.
Spar, Edward J. Tabor, Bernard C.
Trueschler, William D. Turnhin, and
Robert H. Welsh.


Read Below Too

Donovan Asks Advance
Budget Boost

Kyian Sales
Will Begin November 5

"The University has never gotten
out of the depression," President
Advance sales on the Kentuckian.'t
Donovan told the Kernel Wednesannual, will start on Gaines Speaks
request University
day, in commenting upon his
November 5, and will continue
to the state legislative council for
through November 16, Jean Crabb, On Education
increased appropriation in the next
business manager of the yearbook,
The request, presented last week
to touring legislators, asks for a
total of $2,874,280 in 1946-4Dr. Donovan
$2,955,010 in 1947-4continued, "We are still on a budget
below the appropriation received 14
years ago in 1931-3the largest ever
received." Our budget request for
the next biennium is a modest request which would take us out of
the depression."
Salary Supplement
"In the fall of 1947," Donovan declared, "the enrollment of the University will be not less than 5.000
students. This enrolment will re
quire at least 100 additional professors. The increase In the budget
for next biennium is for the purpose
of employing this additional staff to
versity student body and also to sup-cafor the instruction of the Uni- plement salaries of the present
Graphically explaining the presDr. Donovan said
ent salary set-uthat teachers of the University today
have only 80 percent of the purchasing power they had before the opening of the war. "It is important if
we are to hold these men and
women at the University that we
do something to correct the salary

So help me its true!
From November 5 through the 10, the females are to do all the askln'
for dates; they hold open the doors; they walk on the outside of the
sidewalks; they observe all the niceties which the men are burdened with
durin' the year. .
A Great Huge Dance
An' to top it all, girls, cast your blinkers on this here:
Saturday night, November 10, the girls are to hog-ti- e
boy friend (or any miserable male) and bring it to the Sadie
Hawkins dance in the Bluegrass room of the Union.

That There
Note to all lonely hearts:
At the Sadie Hawkins dance November .10 (9 to 12), an auction
will be held to sell all the available males who and which do not
have dates, and for real cash, too.
Any woman wantin' a man can take her choice and lay the
money on the line if she gives the highest bid.
Also, there'll be a race at the dance to see which male dances
with which female the females doin the catchin', nacherly.
Rules and Regulashuns
Now as fer rules and regulations:
WHEREAS: Some men ain't havin' the social life they orter, and
WHEREAS: Some young ladies, ditto, and
WHEREAS: Male pocketbooks need a rest
BE IT RESOLVED AND PROCLAIMED: University of Kentucky's Sadie
in the year of our Lord, one thousand
Hawkins week, November
will be governed by the following:
nine hundred and fourty-fiv- e
(1) It's the ladies who pay during the week.
(2) Joe College shall be the one to sit by the telephone waiting for
the date. The girls do the askin' to shows, cokes, walks etc.
(3) Boys, when escorted by girls, must keep to the inside of the
horses and things won't endanger the fragile
sidewalk so as
things' lives, and so that other things can't run over them.
P. S. The men must take the girls home 'cause taint right and fittin'
for 'em to be by themselves when it gets good an' dark.


Clapper Talks Cooper Named





There is already a scramble among
colleges and universities for teachers, college enrollment everywhere is
Increasing, and as a result college
teachers will be In great demand.
Dr. Donovan said. "Further raids on
our faculty may be anticipated un
less we can provide som increase in
salaries," he concluded.
Budget Report
A printed report entitled "University of Kentucky Presents Budget
Request, Biennium
published this week, containing
charts of neighboring state universities and their appropriations from
their respective state legislatures.
The publication concludes: "The
challenge to the people of a state
and to their state university is one
that calls for a measure of financial
support beyond that provided in
any previous period. This is true
for all institutions, but particularly
so for the University of Kentucky
which has not in the past been as
adequately financed as have the majority of institutions of a similar


Council Reorganized
By motion of a majority of the
Interfraternity council representatives, all officers of the group resigned at the regular meeting of the
body Tuesday night, and Bill Sullivan, Phi Delta Theta, was elected
president, after the resignation of
Joe Covington, Sigma Chi, former
president of the group.
Bill Carroll, Delta Chi, was elected
from the form
er cabinet are Jim Miller,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ' and
Clyde Tipton, treasurer, Sigma Phi
The majority also agreed to abolish
made by the group this
year, and that the present group of
officers shall serve pro tern until the
plan of rotation of officers is put
into effect.
The rotation plan rules that the
officers of the IPC shall be placed
In office by the alphabetical listing
of the fraternities.
passed last week stating
that all fraternities may have un- limited number of actives and
pledges and that a pledge who
a fraternity may not
for three quarters were also




"The testimony of the men wto
made the atomic bomb should mate
a deep impression upon every American citizen," said Mrs. Raymond
Clapper yesterday morning in her
address at 10 a.m. In Memorial hall.
Higher Plane

The progress of this late invert- tion has created a new and higher
plane for the scientist, and scientists
will be the new type of Individuals
j seen around Washington In the fu
ture, she continued. The world view- points of great scientists are an essential addition to our government.
The victory of the war does not bring- relaxation to the United States. We
face a new crisis as tense and difficult as the war stemming from the
invention of the atomic bomb, Mrs.
Clapper declared.
These experts know the fearful
Sixty men of the Navy unit at implications in the bomb unless conMurray State teachers college will trols are exercised to prevent its
be entertained on the University use by the nations of the world.
campus Saturday and Sunday, No- Many people believe in a secrecy of
vember 3 and 4, under the direction this great invention. Others realize
of William Goddell, USO director the necessary work required for
for the area. The sixty guests, ac- further investigation, she concluded.
companied by two faculty members
Correspondent's Wife
from Murray State teachers college,
Mrs. Clapper is the wife of Raythe Blue-grawill be taken for a tour of
Saturday. They will then be mond Clapper, late war correspon
entertained at a dance at Jewell hall dent. She is a newspaperwoman,
Saturday night. The men will be radio commentator, feature writer,
guests for dinner at the residence author and lecturer. She was introduced by Lee Keedick.
halls and sorority houses Sunday.

Phi Beta To Hold
Tryouts Sunday


UK's Honored Dean
Dean Thomas Poe Cooper, of the
College of Agriculture, was elected
president of the Association of land
grant colleges and 'universities at
Its last meeting. Dean Cooper has
been secretary of the association
since 1931.
Paying tribute to the University
dean's election. President YL L.
Donovan said. "By unanimous choice,
the group chose Dean Cooper. They
are planning a reorganization and
they wanted a man who could do
an effective job of It."


Sixty Sailors
Here Tomorrow


Dr. Holmes Dies
Dr. Henry Bert Holmes, 70. assistant professor of Romance languages at the University, died Wednesday night at the Good Samaritan
hospital where he had been admitted earlier in the day.
Dr. Holmes had returned to the
University last May after a leave

of absence at Lakeworth, Fla. He
was to have been retired at the end
of the present quarter. Dr. Holmes
came to the University in 1925; he
received his master of arts degree
from Indiana University and his
doctor of philosophy degree at the
University of Wisconsin.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Bertha Holmes; a daughter, Miss
Rebecca Holmes, Washington, D. C;
and a sister in Lakeworth, Fla.

Kappa chapter of Phi Beta,
women's drama and music fraternity, will hold tryouts on Sunday af
ternoon at 3:30 pjn. in the Carnegie
Music room in the Union building, it
was announced this week by Betty
Ann Ginocchio, president.
All patrons and alumnae of the
fraternity are invited to attend.
A social hour will be held after the
formal program. Melrose McGurk,
is in charge of arrangements.

Literary Deadline
To Be November 10
Chi Delta Phi, national literary honorary for women, has announced November 10 as the
deadline for the submission of
manuscripts to its sponsor. Miss
Jane Haselden, assistant dean
of women.
Elizabeth McNeal, president
of the society, urges women to
submit manuscripts of any type
poetry, prose, plays, essays,
sketches before the deadline.
The group plans to publish a
magazine next quarter.
Many faculty members and
students have expressed confidence in Chi Delta Phi's aim at
publication, and the first issue
of the magazine will probably

appear in January.

announced Tuesday.
Two representatives from each
fraternity and sorority and six independents will handle the sales.
A deposit of two dollars will be required on the advanced sales, and an
additional two dollars will be paid
when the Kentuckian is published in
Save 50 Cents
The price of the Kentuckian Is
$4.50, and those who buy a copy in
advance will save 50 cents. Students
failing to order yearbooks now will
be charged the full purchase price.
For each 20 copies sold by organization representatives, one contestant may be entered in the Kentuckian Beauty Queen contest. The
beauty queen will be announced to
the public in December. Salesmen
must turn in the money they have
collected to the business office of
the Kentuckian by November 16.

At Convocation

"Through learning and diligence
the peoples of the world must learn
to live and work together." Dr.
Francis P. Gaines, president of
Washington and Lee University told
faculty and students in a convocation address Friday night In Me-

morial hall
Speaking at the second fall convocation sponsored by the Student
Government association. Dr. Games
was introduced by Clay Salyer. S. O.
A. president.
Ed Barry, president
of the University YMCA cabinet,
gave the invocation and benediction.
Not Lost Years
Veterans who are returning to
colleges and universities throughout
the country must not think of their
years in military service as lost years.
he stressed. The military life has'
developed In men four qualit:ea
which are Invaluable in abundant
Organization representatives living and pursuit of an education:
who are to take advance orders courage,
contempt for softness,
for the Kentorkian must report obedience to authority, and the
to the Kertockiaii office at S p.m. readinoss to sacrifice self on behalf
on November S to obtain order of a cause and ideal of life. These
- --'
qualities were cited from the wnt-- (
Mary Lillian Davi. editor of the
Continued on Page Four)
annual, has announced that all material which will be in the annual
must be turned into the Kentuckian
office by November 15. This in
cludes fraternities, sororities, juniors
and seniors and all other organizations which will have individual
photographs in the annual.
Group Pictures
. open house
All group pictures will be made by Kappa Alpha This . .
a photographer for the Kentuckian from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today. 16S
before November 15. and all organ- East Maxwell.
is sponsoring a weiner
izations should arrange a date H elub
through the annual's office for their roast at 7:30. November 3. for all
students interested in joining the
The Kentuckian will have a much group. Those who wish to particilarger snapshot section this year pate are to meet at the Stock Pathan last, and any one havtng snaps vilion.
of campus life sould turn them in Veterans' elub . . . will meet at 7
to the office or to Jean Paxton, the p.m. Monday in the Card room of
the Union building.
snapshot editor.
The '46 annual will be centered SuKy . . . will hold its meeting at
around the theme "U. K. Looks 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Union
Ahead." Featured in the annual building.
will' be pictures of the University Outing elub . . . will give a hayrick
as it was when it was first founded, at i p.m. Friday. November 9. All
as it is today, and as it will appear interested students are invited and
in the future when present plans will meet in the Union building at
this time. Those coming are required
for new buildings are achieved.
Today will be the last day that to sign in the bookstore or Union
pictures will be taken in Memorial building before Friday, and a fee of
hall for the annual. Those who fifty cents will be charged to cover
havent had their picture taken expenses.
earlier should be sure to have them S p.m. Youth group . . . will meet at
Sunday at the Adath Israel
made today.
Temple. There will be a forum.
supper, and dancing.
Wesley Foundation . . . will hold its
meeting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in
Pitkin club held its first meeting room 204 of the Union building. The
Wednesday, October 31. at the Max- subject for discussion will be Ta
well street Presbyterian church. Rev. Flunk or Not to Flunk."
John K. Johnson began the first of Phalanx fraternity . . . will meet at
his series of talks on "Living in an 12 noon Tuesday at the Colonial
Atomic Age."
Bowling lanes.
Thirty-si- x
new members attend Folk dancing claw . . . will be con
ed the meeting. They are: Virginia ducted from"7 to 8 tonight in the
Ray, Jane Jameson, Helen Williams. gym annex.
Mary Lee Stamper, Harriet Free- Dance committee of the Student
man, Martha Jacobs Pat Jackson, I'nion . . . will meet at 4 p.m. TuesCarolyn Hayes. Mattie C. Douglas, day in room 204 of the Union buildLib Walters, Charlotte Knapp, Edna ing. Plans for the Homecoming
Crawford, Jewell McBee, Ann T. dance will be made and committees
Clayton, Martha Hagan Harold appointed.
Friedly. Edwin Davis, Vaden Cox, Dutch Lunch club-- . . will meet at
Ross Moore, Milton Owens, Deward noon Friday, November 2. at tha
Compton. Landon Garrett. William Colonial Bowling lanes.
I'pperclass Y . . . will meet at 7
Fisher, John Allen. William
Carter, David Holland. p.m. Tuesday in the lounge of the
Union building.
Howard Stephenson, Tommy Gish,
Newman elub . . will hold their
Paul Sands, George Campbell, Rob- monthly
meeting at 9:30 am. on
ert Smith. Tom Phillips, Juan
Sunday, November 4, at St. CathWright, and David
erine's Academy.
Student Government Association...
The Pitkin club, which is sponsorwill meet at 5 p.m. on Monday in
ed by the Maxwell street Presbyter- room 204 of the Union building
YWCA. and YMCA. was Koffee Klub . . .
ian church.
will meet at 4 p m.
organized in 1925 and named for on Tuesday in room 205 of the UnHorace Tracy Pitkin, missionary to ion building.
China, who was killed in the Boxer Wesley foundation . . .
meet at
rebellion. Its membership Is limited 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union
to 80.
with Mr. Olin Burkholder of Korea,
Officers for the year are: Lloyd as speaker.
Booth, president; John Hopkins, Activities committee
Mary Keith Dosker, Thursday. 4 p.m., in room 204 of
secretary, and Jean Splcer, treasurer. the Union.




Pitkin Club News



w-- Jl


* The Kernel Editorial Page







the Post

matter under the Act ot March 1,

tkkui dv..ti





One Quarter

Anita Levy, Betty

Tuttle. Allene

MlM CoHF.N . . . Advertising Solicitors

tinned mrticlet end column i mre to be eontidered the
opinion of the writert themsetvet, end do not neceaiaritw
reflect the opinio of The Kernel.

$1 50

By Scotty McCnlloeh
Congress this week voted to give
the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration at least
$550,000,000 for use in the feeding,
"clothing, and caring
of the starving and homeless peoples of Europe; with this condition,
that the administration accept any
crit cism offered by Congress and

Circulation Manager


The Free Lance



.b. m,






Marilyn Mitchell
Martha Yates



One Tear

Action Instead Of Auction




twf worthy



The TJNRRA, headed by former
At long last it looks as though definite ac- governor of the State of New York,
lion is being taken to patch up the old Wildruts made of your officers and leading members
Herbert Lehman, has completed
years of perhaps the most ill- cat's football battle scars and get him back on if you'll bring a glossy print and $2 to The
managed plan of this war. Its orig- his feet.
Kernel office' before November 1 5.
inal aim was to distribute food and
to those that needed such,
After the cuts' are made we'll keep them in
1 lie Board of Trustees has authorized the
for a period of time until those peo- of a special committee to work with The Kernel file for use whenever news warrants
pies were able to care for them- I'lihersity officials in formulating a plan which it. Elections and parties and similar events often
selves, and then to back out and
with call for a picture. After we've used the cuts
will gie the University an athletic set-uleave the people to till their own
soil and make their own livelihood,
a fooi hall team 10 take pride in as well as an they are yours to keep. We ask only to have
However, to date, the working of the
outstanding basketball learn. If the several the privilege of using them when the names
UNRRA have fallen far short of
alumni groiqw which it is rumored have held make news.
the original aim.
meetings to discuss suggestions for the athletic
Tf .
ite aiw .Horcrwi Vinw
We know you'll want to help us and yourmoney could have been wasted In
mi nation here, will throw their energy for reform
selves to a fuller news coverage by cooperating
this deal, because the entire war
behind the efforts of the administration, some- with us in this picture project.
mia a eVinf rhrnnoh ttri t Vi rwnrH a rtf
thing constructive should lie accomplished. The
millions of wasted dollars. It is also
And incidentally, we suggest that you apunderstood how many of the organ
good part is, that UK fans in Lexington and the
ofpoint a press representative or come to the
ization's ., aims could have misfired.
Mate are enthusiastic about backing the team.
fice and let us appoint a reporter to cover your
uue to uie state 01 uuueavai 111 .i..
In all fairness to the members of the squad, artivities regularly. Any suggestions and ideas,
JournaUsmm, or occupied countries, tne constant
By Adele Denman
whether enGlish
streams of army supplies, machinery
and to Qah Bernie Shively, the problem should rritical or laudatory, are always welcome on
Commerace but we Is gotta have it.
This discussion of life for the
and equipment which took priority
be approached impersonally. "Shive," as an out- The Kernel.
They're not on the beam.
week is primarily one of- last weekover the relief work, and the fact
Said the Kernel of the team.
developed the only
end's activities on the pilgrimage
that the UNRRA had no great
Sincerely yours,
The boys did curse and brawl, , method of distribution. There is
to Cincy. A handful of hopefuls
a tackle that .Kentucky has had. He
Betty Tevis, News Editor
The little students laughed to
even room for a slight realization of
started to the game and spent most
luIK'd the team out of a spot by taking the job
see such sport
of their time in the nasty ole night
the problems of management con- spots.
of lull coach, and now he is left holding the bag.
While Cincy ran away with the
fronting this organization, whose
All This part of the week finis at the ball! . - .
scope was not merely one, but dozens
If a team wins, the roach is hailed as a conquer- Koffee Klub, Knowledge
th , h under on
spots, was not profitable to AFTER THOUGHT Would anyone "
Overlooked bv manv in the maze of ramDus night
ing hero, but if it loses woe unto him. It's a
of activities is the Koffee Klub. "Organized to en- - niost people for the gains made were Uke to have an unused student
thankless job, but "Shive" deserves a lot
take over tne Job of
tuiic ui nerving wii.il a wcu miuwu llCKcfc- OOOK r
titling U h.Hrf. nf mur.i.r.l
lertain ana to guicte students in current anatrs, theory of economics called the law
persons they .must be prepared to
Yah, rah rah! Kernel! At last
invites everyone to drop in at 4 o'clock of diminishing returns.
.The members of the squad may well feel that the club r
con- .
fleet- narf rt tViaa tHlrwrcr T The Kernel has quit trying to
the student lxxly and alums are down on them. meetings lor miormai discussions over a cup orf
sole the University about its illnesses
nave icwiucu
(ref. last week's Issue). Now It Is
It isn't that. But the respect which students feel coffee.
lec- - from the University. Like most bush
for the team must begin between the members
Authorities in various fields are asked to
he was st
of the team itself. A well disciplined, high spirKernel. "Pardon me,
ture on subjects carefully chosen for timeliness Impress-th- Phulans talent at f'vin8
We J
Krd Warman
ited squad, which keeps training to a T is and student interest. Both sides of controversial diey wink" table. After reducing but your mtestlnal
Out of the crop of young bands
8 ow
originated during the war period,
worthy of resjx-ct- .
They can take pride in wear- subjects are presented in an effort to inform his packed wallet to a mere shade wlth CftPltal
few have hit the road to success,
ing the letter "K." It has been suggested that
f;"6 cashier's cage.
than to sway the audience.
group is nanay
nas come tnat a sou One of this exclusiveBrown trumpet- which has been extinct since 1942,
Brooks, former Le.
Today at 4 p.m. Dr. and Mn.Mym.psychol- - Several big leagu