xt7dz02z6069 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z6069/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198407 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, July 1984 text GSO Newsletter, July 1984 1984 2019 true xt7dz02z6069 section xt7dz02z6069 ——————————TER ‘5'“
CILJl_FY', 1.9?E3‘4
lH LEXINGTON: th e appearing on join a political party because 1) they

HLEX-TU’S ”Your Government” the state have interegts in the policies and
chairperson Of the Kentucky Republican philosophies that party espouses, and
Party Bald he did not uelcome_gays In 2) they are made to feel welcome and
PaPtH leadership and _ did not encouraged to participate in Party
Personally wish to aSSOCIate With affairs. apparently, the Republican
them. ‘LEItChPIEId attorney JOE Party is only interested in the gay
Hhittle said he would not want the ugtepg as long as they keep quiet and
Hational Republican Party to form a da not tpg to get involved in the
political arm for gays as the National gggtem,"

Democratic Party plans to do. Whittle

said he would not discourage gays from

joining the Kentucky GDP, provided cgu PRIDE PICNIC

"they had interests other than sex".

Hi5 concern, Whittle said, _”35 that The second annual GSD Pride Picnic
9395 would try 10 USE their _party was held on June 16th to celebrate the
membership only to further their own month of June 35 Gay ppide month.
concerns about sexual freedom. _ Despite the thpeat of bad weather,

SEUEP31 local 939 Republicans there was a great turn out. Everyone

EXPPESSEd outrage at _ “hlttle 5 enjoyed themselves, and the following
statement but did not wish to be ”ape uihnepgg

identified publicly. The Co—Chalr of EUEHTS: Rope Game — Harghall
the Gay Lesbian Democrats of Paul
Kentucky, Keith Elston, in a Letter Balloan T055 — Chuck

to the Editor of the Lexington Herald Jim
Leader responded (in part): ”These 3 Legged Race — Bepnie
remarks show a clear insensitivity and Jim
ignorance of the issues raised by Gay High Heel Race — 15t place
Rights leaders such as the right to _ Hac
fair employment and housing practices 2nd place
and the opportunity to serve their _ Greg
country in the armed forces. Concerns RQFFLE: Champagne — Rod

about ‘sexual freedom’ have not been Bar passes - Curtis

at issue. ”hat is at issue is that Sam

gays and lesbians are citizens of the Thanks to all those who attended.
United States and therefore are Special thanks to ‘The Bap’ for the
entitled ‘ t0_ the same. rights, hot dogs, the ‘lCBE’ for the snacks,
responSIbllltles and privileges that and Barry for the Champagne. Hope to
Chairman Uhlttle IS Bhtltlfid t0, gee you again next year?

including political opportunities such

as leadership positions within the OFFICE SPQCE NEEDED

Party. Uhittle’s remark that he would ago is in need of office space,
not discourage gays from Jainlny the The space would be used for the
Kentucky GOP. provided ‘they had phoneline and G30 business/board
interests other than sex’. 15 one 05 meetings. If you have any information
the most disgusting statements I have about 3 nice space, ppefepablg fpee or
ever heard. Gay people have “0 HOPE at a nominal rent, please contact any
or less Interest In sex than anyone boapd membep up call Jim at 299—0352.
else. Gay and lesbian citizens should Thanks.

 lN_Ufi3HlHGTDN D.C.§ A group of
Picnic.hithe Park politically conservative homosexuals
Volleyball within the republican party have
(Jacobson Park Shelter # 5) launched a national group, The
Concerned Americans For Individual
Rights, to offset the influence of the
Party’s Hew Right faction on the
. . homosexual issue and to counter the
Egetiignécflfotlugé andkyoileyball athfndggii soQinant liberalH leadeiship E? The
n e 0 gr eac lme we mee - i iona- Ga .ivemen . 'illi:_
Volleyball and non-Volleyball players have GEEE‘HEP, Siflkesgerson for til:
been coniing out for a good time, soc1aliZing Republican fiatignal Committee, said,
and eating 900d fOOd- hthe party will wait and see what it
GSO is supplying the refreshments paper lSt‘t—hat aCtElazlg l5 Frill-7059c} bifore u?
_ L . I, , pu _ourse;ves in tie posi ion o
Elatij{ agdtgte§311i_for “”3 {jfrsfpiig;?:' reacting favorably or unfavorahlys hut
fir t 9 Oh uc.’ plfifi:u:e’ e O l 9 there are not glans now to set up any
C ar 5 in C OOSlng w a O ring' special unit Within the party to act
Jul 13 Jul 27 as liaison with the Gay Community”.
——JL—— «~—JL—— .dgarticipants say the group includes
_ _ mic. e-ani upper—income professionals
$_g g:i:§rt §_g giiiis as well as political activists and
I_L Snacks I_L Entree campaign workers _ for prom1nent
M_P Entree M—P Bread/Buns Republican politicians. ”There’s a
0—5 Bread/Buns Q-S Ve etables tremendous frustration out there of
T-Z Ve etables T—Z Degsert moderatejto-conservative gays who have
9 had to Sit on the Sidelines and watch
a nor: liheral element of the
. . communi 9 being presented as their
This Event is Free of charge! A small . -. . H . _
donation toi‘help cover expenses and the cost ?§€§S?E¥tatlve ’ sald one GDP
of the shelter would be greatly appreciated. M" "‘ .
All of us in GSO would like to see you , 4;
there! . Do Busmess '-
suppom'oun ADVERTISERS! “’“h the f
Gay :
IN URLnHonn: The United} States Community
Court of appeals, Tenth Circuit, in 3 h ’_ . .
major legal victory for the gay an I . .
lesbian community, has reversed the , ‘5 NE” YURK' firethSHOP John
ruling of a lower court and struck 0 Connor told a gay group that the flew
down the main part of an Oklahoma law Y9Pk- QPChdIDCEEE would _rather 1959
which permitted the firing of teachers ”‘IIIDTS of §§113P§t 1:} Phlig‘idr
for speaking in favor of gay ané contracts with- _e oi.y “ian p e ge
lesbian civil rights not to discriminate against gays in
' hiring, "We would rather closelour
l : . in ’ the child-care agencies Ithan vio ate
natigns Hggggfigop largesihohgaye cable ChUPCh teaching, 8 Connor . told
television service will have the “EMbEPS of Courage, an organization 0?
premiere of "Brothers” on July 13th. gays comm1tted to celibacy, last week.
‘ - ‘ bu n , .
Remain? ”in, “lfiihe h“ m mum: Wm #3410
original ’ weekly series with ‘a personality ana Gay Community activist
homosexual hero. Six additional gghfi _Zeh $35 arresteg o; charges
episodes will run weekly starting on :_§rME29 Pg? 3 a_nege 1 emigexgg
August 16th. ”Brothers” is a comedy “E l”? 195 “1 ‘ . §1¥0r35 “993. _1 j
about three brother, two of whom are haditional GomPIICdfffin5 set _!“ “he"
shocked when the third announces that ”0’4 9°t out tfdt the kid? are
he is gay. If you have Showtime, why reportedly helow“ normai intelligence
not invite someone who doesn’t over to i9?91§' -39“ 5 b5”é hds been 59 a
see the premier? 2e21utnithwl.

 5 x
a Tami-Ami, Covered
a Litter Boxes, Kitty Litter, 1
1 Captin Cat Litter Deodorant,
5 Toys, Cosmic Catmp and
: \‘x‘é‘x 1“» \1 51 \ .. ::.=-_--, \\\\ *W‘\M\&\‘ \‘1 2;»:
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“" ' W_h_ _

?. FQZ prefer the newsletter to have national
The results of 653’s recent telephone survey are in. coverage.
Approximately 102 of the local names on the 212 said they get this information from other
newsletter mailing list were called. Participation sources.
was excellent and none of the people contacted
refused to tote the survey. h summary of the results 8. do a scale of l-lu {l0 being highest) the follouing
are as follows: seryices were rated; both on their overall
importance and on 550’s performance in providing
1. ASE 18-25 102 the seryice.
23-35 652
36-45 82 l_‘--"___'—'_—"_—-_"'T""_'_—_-_"—l‘__'-"'“‘"—l
56-65 at {Service Provided { importance l 656’s g
l l of service i performancel
2. 392 have attended at least one general business f“"“‘“"""“"“"‘f""”"“"l"“”"““"l
meeting (112 said they attend regularly). sheusletter l 9.9 l ?.7 E
612 have never attended a general business ianline l 8.2 l 5.5 t
meeting. {Speakers Bureau l b.9 l 6.3 l
(Sociall‘lctivities 13.1 9 73 g
3. 54% said they thought general business meetings {Educating the straight E 7.5 i 4.4 i
would get better attendance if they were well lcommunity l l I
structured and included social time following the L——~—————-——————-~—-——-—i-~--————————i——————-—-———4
462 thought they would not. 9. The following activities were suggested as possible.
benefits for 633 {also shown, Z who said they would
4. 402 said they are paid voting members. participate}.
392 said they are “friends of BBB".
212 said they are neither. Quiet socials 85X
Dances 702
5. Discounts for voting members: Talent Show E72
Voting Members Banquet 5&3
552 said they should receive a discount at 850 Easino flight as:
social events. Raffle 432
452 did not.
"Friends of 858": flther suggested benefits:
302 said paid 536 voting members should receive hienie Roast Competitive Sports
a discount at social events. Scavenger Hunt Fool Partyilea dance
70% did not. Lectures Roller Skating
Of the total respondents:
42% felt paid voting members should receive a 1o. Eocial activities suggested {also showny per-
discount. centage who were interested in participatingl
582 did not.
Fotlucts 733
b. 892 said they would be willing to pay a small fee Field Trips 73%
for the newsletter. Volleyball 44%
112 said they would not. Banquet 332
(of the respondents who said they would pay: the Camping 30%
average amount they suggested was $1.05 per Bridge :32
month) 45 Softball 15/2

 SSE SURVEY RESULTS {centineedl thEhtht 533?? BE iHE BLUEEEQSS hEhE
it. sit said they neeld eeienteer {er eennenity The eeurt eeule iite te eenerateiate Jenn.~ winner
ngyite: hi the PEEh-h-BUB CBGKIES eentest and te say ”ihants“
59K 551d thee hiuté net. te alt these nhe attended the event. he heee
eeerynne had a let at ten.
12. Sit said they had earticieated in at least ene ESE nna seeatine ei tun. neid aise tihe te shew eer
aetiritj. aeereeiatien te E38 ier inviting ea te their Bay
iii said they had net. . Pride Picnic en June iéth. it was indeed a iet ei
Suggested eaye te inctnde eere at the ear and lesbian Eeneeher. the 3rd annual eieset hall is geine te
:eenunity in 29% activities ineiaded: he en auly tat. Senteatants have been ereearing fer
- adaertise at The Ear sene tine already te ensure an entertaining evening
- increase visibility within the eemnunitg ier yen. liehets are en sate nee fer $3.03 each by
- nerd el neeth tailing 2&3-2323. The event nill he held at the
- nedia eeeeraee Sheraten Inn and everyene is neleene?
hthH FDR EEThltS ei the “Brag Queen Heller fierhy‘
eeeeming in hugietl
h LESSEh EN HiSieht
the Ear...hen lane has it been areune? ii eeersei 1H Hfittthfifihi Shentiee. the natiens seeend
the teeatien has hen seeerai naees. hut has it aleays largest eat eahie teteeisien'serviee. nill have the
eeen a meeting etaee ier teaieaten e hay eeeetatien? premiere at "Brethers“ en July 13th. this haii-heur
hhat did it ieet lite heinre it acquired its neene. sitcen, ereduced by Faraneunt, will hetene the first
tieelis and ”surprise hint" iieediiehts? erieinal neehly series with a hemesexuel here. Si:
It yen have ever nendered aheut the histery e? 224 additienai eeisedes will run neetiy starting en
East hath, yeu*11 eniy have ene mere eenth e? august iéth. "Brethers“ is a eenedy aheut three
needering. (end it yea ve never eendered - start hrether. tee ei nhee are ehected when the third
nee.i anneunees that he is gee. l? gnu have Shentine. nhy
Hatch ier “h Rendezveus hith Bur ?ast" in heeust 5 net invite seneene nhe deesn’t ever te see the
nensietteri premier?
ih hEh tfihh: hrehhishee Jehn S’Cenner teld a gay IN Clhilhhhll: hell hnenn radie eersenaiity and
green that the hen Yert hrehdieeese neuld rather lese Ea; Cennunity activist Jehn Zeh nee arrested en
niiiiens ei deltars in child-ear centracts with the charges steneing tree alleged heneseiuai activities
city than eledee net te diserininate against gays in nith 3 miners. ages 15 35. hdditienal eenpiieatiens
hiring. “he neuid rather elese eer child-tare set in ehen nerd get nut that the kids are repertediy
ageneies than eielete ehereh teaching," S’Eenner teid heten nereai inteiiieenee levels. Zeh’s hend has
neneers eé Zeurage. an erganieatien el gays eennitted been set at tie 390.
t: eeiihaey. last week.
CINCINNATI autism». , CRIS/Stillf
sw ITc H B 0 A H n (502) 637-4342 ANTI-GAY VIOLENCE
. 8pm-1 II“ 7 DIV. A WOOK . TO OBTAIN
Mondaythru Friday IMWW.quWToT-hh .
. . PM SmebyGlyllLubunnul-madlm saw/mews; A.|.D_s_ REFERRALS
7'00 PM to 11'00 * Canton-free In NY State
221 -7800 ! '2 (500)221-7044 1212) 007-6016
_________.e__maa a., a” ___¥W—ermnv.u ”a 7m,” ,NfiiaeeedamAevaaeaaw ”

oso Gayline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-0335 *
oso Newsletter/Hailing List . . . . . . . 259-3755 ’
E30 Recreational Events . . . . . . . . . 2??-0352 r
650 Calendar/Advertising. . . . . . . . . 223—4598 E
Bay and Lesbian Democrats . . . . . . . . Boo-3734 i
Dignity/Lexington . . . . . . . . . . . . 26?~BSOD l
Louisville Crisis Hotline . . . . . . 502—637-4342 ’
Cincinnati Gay Switchboard . . i . . 513-221-7800 YN
National Gay Task Force Crisistine . 800-221-7044 '
NETF AIDS CrisiSLine . . . . . . . . 890-221-7044
ET "GS inaysaveyourhfla
On the first Honday of every month,
G30 _holds it’s general business WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF
meeting. The meetings provide 3: AIDS?
chance for the Board to inform 630’s -——-—-——‘————————‘—-‘————‘—‘
membership about actions it has taken meolmeAmsnmwmmSMQWMWamjm”
and PPOPOSES to take . lion-m embers only indicate simple. everyday ailments; therefore.
RPE_ also _HEIQDME. ThlS “(flit-11,5 you should be alerted but not alarmed if you have
bilSINEE-S "111 Inelgd? the QONtlmllng one or more of the following symptoms:
discu5510n on obtaining office space, _ _
staffing £01" the newsletter, future IWeight loss of more than ten pounds duringa
- - period of less than two months that is not
glint] Pal serslandbspem al fEVEHtS ‘ t The related to diet or increased activity; prolonged
oor u: a so e open or any oyic lmsdammme
of concern that you may wish to bring U 1' d . ,
UP (the f l 001‘ is open to anyone .- I Vnzxp ainet . per5istent or recurrent evers or
. . . ni swea s
membership 15 not required). If you 9 .
are interested in being more involved 'SWdhngmfis“wmhnmkswmwlntw
Hi tl’l G38 HE UPQE you to attend the neck. armpits. and groin) which persist and are
. ' . . unex lained b other illness
busrness rueetlnys and gEt In 011 what I Profopund fatigue that is not transient or ex-
1 5 happenl “9 ' HE hDPE to be 5881 “g plainable by physical activity. substance abuse.
you 500" - or a psychological disorder
I Persistent and unexplained diarrhea or bloody
GSO Sponsors 680 I A persistent. whitish coating (or spotting) on
the tongue or in the throat which may be
accompanied by soreness or difficulty in swal-
* 'rhe Styhsts. 1641 Nicholasvflle Rii. 278—7481 I A heavy.perefient.drycoughthatisnotdueto
_ _ smoking and has lasted too long to be explained
The Bar, 224 E. Mam St. 255 1551 by a cold or flu
* Lady Diana Hair Design, 508 13' Mam St“ 252—4595 I Easy bruising or unexplained bleeding from
Joe Bologna's. 103 W. Maxwell St. 252—4933 any orifice .
Kentucky Theater 214 E. Main St. 254—6010 I Skin rashes or discolorations of the skin
' . I Blurred vision and/or persistent. severe head-
Brett Johnson Gallery. 144 Harrison Ave- 255—2124 aches.
Movieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 278'1451 Kaposi's sarcoma patients may have any of the
ReflectiOnS in Hair D3313”: 335 Winchester Rd' 255—3325 above symptoms and/or might develop slowly
at Fur'N Feathers, 2909 Richmond Rd. 266-0226 enlarging purplish or discolored nodules. plaques.
Flowers By Don, 200 Southland Dr. 278-0555 lumps. or other new growths on top of or beneath
it Mark Cross Productions. PO Box 25601. Lex. Ky. 40524 the skin or on the mucous membranes (inside the
' mouth. nasal passages. anus. or underneath the
eyelids) These lesions do not disappear and may
f (:30 M b I i get larger. and cannot be attributed to explanations
* Ask about DISCOUNTS 01' em ers.. ——\ such as bruises. blood blisters. insect bites or
m pimples.

 Certainly, in my view, gays are no more
BEING spy 15 MORE THAN A PREFERENCE "immoral" nor "sicker" than anyone else simply
. ?rom “Pieces oi Eight” by Slidét J. Harris. by virtue oi their condition; but just as
: Penmanship is the only still I can perform certainly, their -condition is bound to have
' with my right hand. For everything specific disadyantages in a heterosexual
’ else--cutting, throwing a ball, dealing cards, society. the? ShfiUld demand, and receive,
E sainoine a tennis racguet--l use mv left hand. egual treatment; bUt equal treatment, after
i That is just the way I am. all, does not mean identical treatment.
1 it is not a preference of mine. In fact, ll HE DPt l5 b5 diliErenli or EVE” it "E
I this anomaly is often uncomfortable in a can’t help it, HE have to pay the price of that
- - ~ -‘.'—.-.-.e. --i - ‘ .-. .4 ‘.- -,
right-handed world. But there is nothing I can dslierHLEs en“ part 0* that piice 1: t” 59
' do abgut it, and 1 mugt {gnfgrm to the Harld looted upon slightly askance by the others.
more than it caters to mp, Since it costs a premium to declare and live by
l mention these dull facts by way of drawing a difference, it becomes even more important
an analogy aith the current controversy about that moralities of any kind be protected form
homosexual rights. There has lately been, as added discrimination.
we know, an intense backlash in many cities
relating to the rights of homosexuals to teach The roiiowing poem appeared in the
. . __.. . . _ December 1979 Ga zette (the BSD
-,. ., _-., - , V y- u _ ___¥___.__
dud “IL-(dug lfi ”thy FIL'lIUIC éL'l'lhE“ Newsletter in a prior incarnation).
What has happened, I think, is that the gay It was written by Joe Lincoln.
l.’-.,.',., I”... -I,J ' -"'- .
liberation moiement ani its dttllldlES have Only three hours to be ready herore
beoun to claim too much for their anomaly. I have to go out.
_, ‘ . . . . . . . Hope I can make it in time.
~~ - -. - ,- ~ ' ~.. - -. _.
IhEy are righ. in inSisting that their condi My nails are clipped, I,ve shaved,
tion is neither a yice nor an illness. But my beard is trimmed.
4, H g ,_ ‘~ U ; ~_ ‘- Cl -_ ”l. . Oh, God, didn’t I use the last of
the, are wrong, in My opinion, in eSigna ing the conditioner this morning,
it as merely a "sexual preference.n No, I think there’s enough lett-
_ _ I1:+.. _, _ + __‘ . Let’s see, guess I’ll get my shower. . .
Homosexuality, in almost all cases, is no maybe think 0, what ,,m going to wear
c a matte' o‘ se"ual reference than mv while I’m in thera-
T'TE ' f A p I ’ This humidity! My hair will never
left-handedness is a matter o. manual pre- dry. . . well, what’s left of it
i ,- r i-. up 1; Flu l E ' , El” anyway.
ierente. . nay- iittle -uG c_in the matt ., At least I did the laundry this
and they have little choice. Uurs is a condi- week.
. Sho 1d I b t h t /
tion or a state, not a preference. . :ueen?9° “ C 0’ queen or b” C“
People who would punish or penalize them tor Are these jeans too tight?
th'c ‘ edit‘ n h'v on more 'n'tili‘at‘on th'n Imposs’ble'
ch]:- LG..ui_lD.. die iIU L: LsLl . -.-:i Probably not tight enough.
to punish me for leit-handedness. Society has Hmmm- It I wear this shirt, it will
. . . _ _ ' g 1 make me look tanner. I need all
a high and severe obligation to aesure all the help I can get_
minorities--whether they be racial, religious, “his“ earring? The sapphire should
‘ ' ‘ .' 0.
sexual, manual, or what have you--all their How in the hell do you roid this
”-4”: :1: ,1”- l7 ‘ .5. handkerchief anyway? That’s not
“9““" bdfidn Elm“ . _ right; it looks like I’ve got a
Beyond this, there is little we can do to sheet sturred back there.
51' if” F _ :..- ,,_,.i.- _ - n] ' :1! ‘ - There, that’s better.
ciliTi..i.-it- the: disadvantages Lit E“. 1n :1 Where did I put that necklace?
largely right-handed world. I have as much Right if] front or me.
. ' ” . i _ . _ If it had been Anita it would have
right to play the yiolin as the neat man, but prayed for me_ ’
on the other hand (to mate a bad pun), a Cigarettes, lighter, bracelet, keys,
_ 4 wallet rings, change watch,
symphony orchestra would scarcely hire me to comb, ;un9,asses_ ’
play in the violin section. My handedness is a Don’t tell me I’m ready-
disability in a manually dexterous society, and God, 1 hate going to the grocery_
I must live with it.

 JULY 1984
BSD Potluck 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1:30pn,Castleton BSD Business 8:00 Gay AA Cards and Babes.
Park (231-0100). neeting, 8:00pm Room 186 Call 231-0100 for
Imperial Court Comp Care Center. St. Joseph’s time and place.
Closet Ball. Call 299-0352. Hospital.
4:00 Gay Al-Anon. Independence Day. .
, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
8:00 Gay AA 6:30 Volleyball
Room 186 and Potluck in
St. Joseph’s Jacobson Park,
4:00 Say Al-Anon Hospital. Shelter 45.
Rm 186, St. Joe Call 231-0100
Tentative 15 Last day to 16 17 8:00 Gay AA 18 19 20 21
date For BSD submit items to Room 186, St. Cards and Babes.
Pool Party. appear in August Joseph’s Hospital Call 231-0100 for
Call 299-0352. Newsletter. 7:30 Dignity tins and place.
4:00 Gay Al-Anon program/meeting.
Rn 186, St. Joe Call 266-2046.
22 23 24 8:00 Say AA 25 26 27 28
Room 186 6:30 Volleyball
St. Joseph’s and Potluck in
Hospital. Jacobson Park,
4:00 Gay Al-Anon Happy Birthday to Shelter 05.
Re 186, St. Joe Jil H. Call 231-0100
Tentative 29 30 31 ;
date for Field j
trip to Natural }
Bridge. E
Cone to the }
Business Meeting. E