xt7dz02z619m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z619m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1991 Vol.62 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1991 Vol.62 No.4 1991 2019 true xt7dz02z619m section xt7dz02z619m M 7,.» ,
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~ 4 OffiCial Pubhcatlon of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 62, No. 4 - April 1991 ;
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How to avo1d publlc notlce-ltls I .
Question: What group of ad- There is evidence, the confer- Leg/956 z I
vertisersprovidemostnewspapers with ence leader said, that non-competitive ~, : ‘ V
amostconsistent source of revenue, but newspapers, especially, tend to take " 1 i 7 . v ‘ 4- v 7 -' ' ‘1 ’ 3 ~ " » I“ '
are often treated with the least respect? public notice advertisers for granted. Recent legal cases among KP A requested. Agencies are to charge only
. Answer: Public/ legal notice They treat these advertisers w1th arro- members: for the actual cost of the copies, under
advertisers. . $3“? ““8 as If PUbe’hmg the notices .The Kentucky Court oprpeals the law, but Hatfield had been charged
That’s one of the pomts that isa God—given right. . ruled March 1 that a judge incorrectly for the time involved in finding and ,
came (.Mt. Of a 865510“ at the Newspaper In reality,legislatures1n several dismissed The Courier—journal’s request copying the materials. '
Assocration Managers Legislative Con- states have been seriously debating to review guardianship records of chil- O A federal appeals court ruled V
ference last fall (and reported in the public notice regulations, which may dren injured in the Carrolltonbus crash in March against the Lexington Herald- .
SouthDakota Newspaper Assoc1ation pomt to the need for soul-searching on of May 1988. The appeal goes back to Leader in the paper’s attempt to access .
Bulletin). the part (ghpukllflhprs afid ad managers. Hardin Circuit Court where the judge documents in a 1981 antitrust lawsuit ,'
gave someepointerscgn Shibiinzegiib): mustconsiderthemeritsofthecase. The 516‘? by ,the US Justice. Pepartment i
1I{ b1 .t I r lations with ublic notice customers paper had asked the dee to unseal the against Kentucky Utllmes C05 The
evenue 1 Z e (1) Tal? th tb'll' . ' records relating to a series of stories governmentlater dropped the suit. The
set for 6 cities rect and fair' infcfiaiirseisieiiciéslifiiiiiiirg- ab°utlaws°n wtrdianship 9f mime- apptals Panel said the “we“? are
, _ . _ 0 Guy Hatfield ofthe Citizen V01ce not in the court record, and are private.
Inland Press Association and damage (tzlgeg;%e::e:§€::¥ps d ea d- (9’ Times in Irvine had t0 Challenge the O A state Supreme Court opinion
its foundation are taking a ”revenue lines for ubli shin g, an d treat the public ESfill County 5Ch001 Board in. March is expected inApril or May on a dispute
gress blitz” to six cities to help newspapers notice agvertiser in the same wa over a b1“ that charged hlm Wlth per- between The Times-Tribune of Corbin
‘ , y you sonnel fees for co ies of materials he d h Wh'tl R bl' N I
find new sohirces Of reverlilufe. tu would your best retail customers. p an t1 e l Idey JP“ 'Catn/ ””5 Iourna
WS Eac seminar wi ea re a - over e a a ver semen s.
half-day exchange of revenue devel— (3) Play up the notices so that L e fill worksho .8 A lawsuit in Bourbon Circuit
I opment ideas and a half-day of in- yourreaderswillbedrawntoreadthem. g , P Court, pitching The Bourbon County
structionon easy-to—administer sales If the case can be made tb'f‘t wagers slated for Nashville Citizen against The Bourbon Times, has
training programs, practical incen- don t pay attention to public notices, ”Managing Newspaper Cir- been delayed pending theKentuckySu— .
tives for staff and new revenue then what 15 the purpose 0f the" publi- culation” is the title of a one-da 1 1 preme Court’s decision on the Whitley
- - ~ ~ ' ?Su estions include summaries . y ega
- products including non-traditional “fink?“ bfig _ _ hed'ti d workshop, set for May2 m Nashville, County case. . . ’
ws ideas for'l‘ll‘ieewjgrerliifira: schedule is 33:59:21; 1113222: bsfltbbtgal aldg-n an Tenn, and sponsored by the law firm an offitia‘lfftlcienggrfiiniifigtei:begfofli:
April 11, Madison, Wis.; April 25, (4) Call on city clerks, SChOOI 0f ng gTthalnllbrkshOP will focus on 'OftheCourtShasadmitted thatamismke
Kansas City; May 16,Lansing,Mich.; board secretariesand otherpersonsriiého legal developments that affect pub- was made when the AOC placed legal
May 30' Champaign—Urbana, 111'; place the notices, luSt as you wou a lishers and circulation managers. advertising ofa special session 0f Perry
June 27, Troy, Ohio, and July 18, retail advertismg customerh ASk how Sessions include: ”Inde n- Circuit Court in The Perry County News,
ook better serve them or if there are pe . .
Longmont, Colo. you can . dent Contractors,” ”The Lawsuit _ rather than the largerCirculation Hazard
Registration is $85 for the problemsmthe way the paper hasbeen Preventing, preparing for and pre- Herald-Vaice. _ . . . i
fir“ participant from each newspa- handhng the ads. . . . ‘ vailing in circulation litigation,” ”Ad- .Whatgoesoninlegislativeparty i ‘
per and $75 for successive partici- (5) Educate OfflClaIS on the lm— ministrative Investi ations __ What caucuses apparently is not accountable
pants. For more information, call portance 0f publishing public notices. to do when (and after) the auditor to the public. Gene Cantrell, editor of
-- _ Point out that the ads help readers un— ,, H The Green River R blica nd Ohio
'59 708/696 1140' d ta dh th ffi 'als are usin tax calls, IRS Enforcement Update — 3p” n a.
ers n ow e0. Cl . g The good, thebad and the unknown,” County Messenger, requested informa-
se _ dollars and upholding the public trust. I, Assessing YourDistribution Options tion on a Ian- 30 Senate Democratic cau-
——- Youth or adult, buy/ sell or per cus during WhiCh the governor's “01.“?
Items piece/and'riisiAmendmeniUpdaie “665 *3?“ Staff 30;? 0? Edge“
der i55533!}?€555533???:EEEIESEQEEEEI3331i?55252535553255??iii?335%?:55if???5§5§§2355§5§5f¥§9133:5?733525:53???222:55;.;.;:§.-..1323:..5;-.:.;E§§i.;:55§5;n5;....5333531?if???ii5i5i51'57325????5555252535351:3325:iifIf?253$33535523233352}:55.335:35555555575352323212733? — Protecting newsracks and hawk- wefe Isms? ' ”only aucus
,, chairmanDaVid Karem repliedthat the
Beware those who prey Hometown Most Wanted ers. . ou .. does not maintainan records of
'95 The Council of Better Business Bu- In the same vein, the sheriff of C0“ 15 $50 Per person. Con- tglie Eoceedin 5 ii Thus CaiZ’trell could
reaus warnsthatduring sloweconomic times Winnebago County, Wisc., runs 2-columnX tact Tracie Albright, seminar COOI'di- P g ' ’
d . . . . . _ not find out who or how many senators
advertismg offraudulentschemeS/scamSIS 3-inchadsonpeoplewanted forlocalcrimes ator, at 615/259 3456. ,
rampant. Ad managers are advised to be in the legal notices section of the Oshkosh attended or what they discussed
wary of advertisements that offer ”pie in the Northwestern. Some of the cases have been
sky” solutions to economic problems. CBBB more than 10 years old and have ranged Three named to Hall Of Fame ‘
advises particular vigilance toward adver- from traffic citations to felonies; all have By Jackie Bondurant, UK News
ate tisers of credit repair compames, job listing been of people the sheriff’s department has Aformer newspaper publisher, News Network, was the Creason lec- ‘
. services, advance fee loans, work at home failed to locate by other means. The sheriff, a retired veteran reporter of the Ken- turer _
schemes, mail orderbusinesses, investment whose list includes 1,400 names, says he’s . ' . ,
)endent / pyramid scams. If you have a question pleased with the results and intends to ad- kay capltal press forps an? a Pho- The Hall OfFame now mdUdeS
' aboutanadvertiserwhoseproduct seemsto vertise the rest of the list. tographer for a natlonally-ClrculatEd 66 journalists, who are either-from i
fit one of these categories, call the CBBB at A word to the wise magazine have been named to the Kentucky or have worked in print or 1
703/ 276-0100. Astudy by the Professional Train- Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame at broadcast journalism in the state and g
Familiar faces? mg Institute list ed five things customers like the UmverSity of Kentucky. who have 'made a significant contribu- .
:10, Domestic Relations officials in leastinasalesperson: flattery, overstaying a . They are Barry Bmgham in, tion to their professron.Plaqueshonor- -
Delaware County, PA, used the local news- welcome, too much talking, not keeping editor and publisher of the Louisville mg eachareonpermanentexhibitm the
paper in December as a way to track down promises and arguing. What do they ap- Courier-Journal ' and Louisville Times UK School of Journalism building. .
in child support offenders. Theytookoutafull Preciate? Product knowledge, presentable from 1971-86; Sam Abell, photographer
pageadinthe DelawareCountyDailyTimes appearance, courtesy, honesty, sincerity. forNational Geographic, and Livingston ‘W .
Jr a With PiCtu’es 0f eight 0f the countYIS “‘0“ Recycling promos wanted Taylor, Frankfort bureau reporter for Every journalist has a novel in ,
elusive ”deadbeat dads,” and names of The Southern Newspaper Publish- The Courier—Journal from 1964-87. him, which is a great place for it.
animal‘stingsrishsi‘yeaa‘ri m iiawninwenpnnnnnin .
iFrankfort, Support.” Pictures were furnished by the copies Of “151/. editorialuma‘tlefnal “Zed to ceremonies at theUKSingletary Center . Good judgment comes from .
2:32:51: children’s mothers. Officials said all other 51:23:13: 31% as 3;: dastb I: 3:111:33: for the Arts as partof the 14th annualloe experience, and experience comes from
332Capitol means of tracking down the delinquent De t SNP A >l30x 2g8.87S Atlanta Ga. 30358. Creason Lecture on March 26. Bernard bad judgment.
2) 7238821 parents had been eXhaUStEd- p " ' ' ' Shaw, world news anchor for Cable ”Barry ”Pam"

 Page 4, The Kentucky Press, April 1991
- '
Effigzééiz'ilennmes 3'? '1 I 922553115. 4 as! . !}:e:':25‘IE:' ’ A
STEVE AUSTIN, publisher of The new advertising manager Two new employees at The EVELYN M. BOONE, for-
The Cleaner in Henderson, has been at The Sentinel-Echo in London is News—Enterprise in Elizabethtown are merly with the Todd County Standard,
named ‘vice president of operations DAVID SPARKS, former classified STEPHEN NAGY, copy editor, and found she couldn’t get newspapering
for Gleaner and Journal Publishing ad manager for The Commonwealth- DANNY BRANDENBURG, reporter. out of her blood after moving to
Co. His added responsibilities include Journal in Somerset. Nagy is a graduate of Kent State Louisiana to be near her daughter and
supervision of six weekly newspapers Former general manager/ University, and Brandenburg, a grandchildren. Since last September,
and their associated publications: publisher of The News-Enterprise, former United Press International she has been office manager for The .
Benton Tribune-Courier, Cadiz Record, FRANK BATTEN IR. is the new reporter in Frankfort, lists Eastern Tensas Gazette in St. Joseph. She
Franklin Favorite, Union County president/ publisher of The Virginian- Kentucky University as his alma sends greetings to her KPA friends.
Advocate, McLean County News, as well Pilot and The Ledger Star in Norfolk. mater. MARCIA BURRIS has left the Two KPA members were to '
as Portland leader in Tennessee and He was with the Elizabethtown paper paper's advertising department for a have roles in the Kentucky Center for
radio station WFKN in Franklin. He from 1986-89 and is a former Associ- sales post at TeleCable Targeting. Public Issues’ 1991 Conference on
has been with the company for more ated Press reporter. WAYNE VAUGHAN has ”Our Common Wealth: Making
than 20 years. joined the advertising sales staff of the Democracy Work,” March 28-29 in
_ ., ,, 3 ,. . .. _. Five newsroom employees at Ohio County Messenger. A former Iexington. DAVID HAWPE, editor of
was The Messenger—Inquirer have been employee of The Daily News in The Courier-Journal, was to be a
.3"; {Kite promoted. Former city editor BEN Bowling Green, he attended WKU. panelist in a discussion of ”What role
- = ' , SHEROAN is now managing editor. Former composition manager should newspapers and television
j .3 a He worked for The News—Enterprise in CANDI JONES has left The Grant play in strengthening democracy?”
j Elizabethtown and for the Nashville County News to join the staff of The DAVID DICK, director of the UK
“ Banner before joining the Owensboro Boone County Recorder. School of Journalism, was to be
m staff in 1990. The new night editor is The Springfield Sun has added moderator of the conference’s synthe—
gag? . egg ., ANNE WOOTEN GREEN, former KAREN THOMPSON KOOS to its sis session on ”How can we improve
" sports editor. A Murray State Univer- composition department. She is a democracy in Kentucky?”
sity graduate, she has experience with design graduate of Eastern Kentucky HAWPE is among 65 nomi-
.3 The Paducah Sun and the Elizabeth- University. nating jurors charged with initial
v ' town paper. RICH SUWAN SKI ELLEN BALLARD has been judging of 1990 entries for the Pulitzer
_' v succeeds Green as sports editor, a job named editor of Visions, the monthly Prize in journalism. He spoke recently
' he held from 1977-79 before returning members’ magazine published by at Brescia College, as part of its GTE
Steve Austin to reporting. With the paper since KET, a KPA Associate. Ballard also Lecture Series, on ”Ethics and the
Gleaner Vp 1974, he is an alumnus of Kentucky edits KET’s weekly press packet. She Newspaper” and ”The Public’s Right
Wesleyan College. Former news is a former staff writer for The Win- to Know and the Limits to Probing.”
_ , . _ .. . ,_ ., - .. _- . . editor TOMMY NEWTON. fills the. . Chester Sun and former editor of. The IRENE NOLAN, managing _ ,
Newly apporntedeublisher/ post of Sunday editor. Before joining News-Democrat in Carrollton. editor of The Courier-Journal, is one of ' ' ggi
86“?“ manager Of The Richmond the staff in 1987, Newton, a Western - KENNETH M. FAULKNER 14 candidates for seven seats on the
Register 15 RAAMIEPARKER’ Kentucky University graduate, JR. has joined The Clay City Times as board of directors of the American
former managing editor 0f the Mon- worked with The Crittenden Press and reporter/ photographer. He is a Society of Newspaper Editors. Elec-
roe (N‘C') Enquirer-Joumal. He The Daily News in Bowling Green. student at the University of Kentucky. tion is to take place during ASNE’s
replaces RUTH BRYANT; who has PAUL RAUPP, former city staff April convention.
been named publisher 0f the Leader- reporter is the paper’ 5 new editorial The LaRue County Chamber ‘A
Call in Laurel, MiSS-r her hometown. writer. The University of Kentucky of Commerce honored former Herald At The Recorder papers in Si
A graduate of Marshall University, graduate worked for The Winchester News publishers BOB and CELIA Northern Kentucky, TERRY P
Barker has worked with papers in Sun and the Bowling Green paper CREAL MCDONALD for their many O’CONNOR’s title has changed to D
Beckley, Logan and Madison, W.Va., before joining the Owenser staff in years of community service at a Jan_29 managing editor, and CHRIS BURNS D
and is a former labor commissioner 1990. meeting. Celia is 1991 KPA president. is the new associate editor of the
for West Virginia. The Kentucky Standard has Kenton County Recorder. e1
JAMES D. MARCHAL, vice added BETH DOLEZAL to its roster KENZIE WINSTEAD has in
president/ advertising for The Courier— f ta ff . t A In d' na Uni . 3*;iffgrgzgssggf"2=3:szigzagg3:g1:;3;:g:2ég3;;:2;s:é;sgs::22;a;f'"a2.;;ggglé.22;;sa:3;:sgiggigz.:,:3;gg3;;5;é2.gég;-g;g;3;s5:;gg;.;;;:;;5;§s§r§s;:§;gg been named sports editor of the newly in
Journal, is president-elect of Interna- o s d twrlfrsf. n 1 1a rk ed versrty SChoaIShlpsoen merged Corbin! This Week and Whitley F'
tional Newspaper Advertising and giat“ar:';:;’;‘1fgglxsm.r:fia k1 Republican News Journal. A 1985 L1
Marketing Executives. git; olid pTlfe Bardstown newspaper toweeYEdltflrS University Of Kentucky graduate, he 1“
' ' TheIIItematmnalSocieof previously covered sports for the m
year term on the board of directors of staff in 1980 as office ’su 1 ] clerk and twoscholarshlpstoyoungweekly Morehead State University 7
Mid-America Press Institute was . later worked in a e angpag com si- newspapereditorswhowouldliketo graduate GLEN GREENE is a new w
°‘T”“P“"“C“”S“"' . sentative SHERRY SMITH produc- IMHO-“warms Mt Ster’ing Advocate-Hewasformefly *9
MIKE BOAZ IS the new tion coordinator /0 f fice mana er of Eachscholarshipcoverscon- on the staff of The Morehead News.
”mt-s ed‘tmtmmmnge’ m th rintin d artment for tlgree ferencecostSPlusuPt0$600mtravel ‘ RICHARD SWIHART has he
PICKENS who moved to the sports Val Ir _ resentafive P g whohavebeenmthehemfewefihan Hancock Clarion in Hawesville after 1“
department of The Messenger-Inquirer 5 es epLIN HOBBS is' the new IOyearsaremVItedtoapply almost 10 years at that post.
i“We“5*?°’°'a““eightyea’si“ adverts. director at The pagan. ApplicantSshuldendalt ' * C“
Madisonvflle. Boaz, who attended the s _C _S He has ad les ex fi_ terofmmommnzsowmdsde LALIE DICK has stewed a‘
University of Evansville, has covered un 3:511?" 1 b0 :a T pe scrlbmgfilelrjob,theirphilosophyof down as general manager of The N
sports in Kentucky, Indiana, Okla- ence in ‘dd es ro an m ennes— communityjournalismandwhythey Bourbon Times to devote more time to AI
homa, Europe and North Africa. see. N h ff f h wouldilketoafiend,t(;DonaldBrod the family farm and to assist her to
Pickens is a Western Kentucky M h t e: tp t ‘3 Sta, nge ISWNE,DEpt.ofJournalism,Northei-ii husband with the writing of a book. fn
University alumnus. S £3551:th mg; glrsaduate of Clay IlhnmsUmverSity,DeKa1b,IL60115 Editor JAMES MULCAHY has 3;
' ' ' , County High’smol, Apphcahondeadhneasmyl “me“ ‘hemanagmhat- is,
WWW—WW. , WW . . W . , 7 H

7 The Kentucky Press, April 1991, Page 5 .
JANICE YEAROUT- DR. GLEN KLEINE, head of CHRISTINE TAYLOR of oops . . . Last month's f
f i PATTON, publisher Of The Allen the mass communications department Independence has been selected b edition of The Kentuc Pr bled I i

‘5: County News in Scottsville was tEastern Kentuck Uni r 't h h D y ' ' ky asss gar k
I . recognized during Februa ceremo- a y ve Sl y, as t e . ow Jones Newspaper Fund to some information. DICK BARRY, ; ;
4‘ I nies in Louisville as one ofrlive been named dean of EKU s College of receive a scholarship, two-week pre- former president of Landmark Com- ,3 .V

3 Outstanding Youn Leaders in Applied Arts and Technology, ,effec- internship editing resrdency at the munity Newspapers Inc., headquar— i j.
j‘ Kentucky by the stgte la cees Her tlve July 1. Unryersity of Missouri and summer tered in Shelbyville, has been pro— i
husband editor MICHAYEL PATTON . . Two KPA members are ' editing mtemship at the Lexington moted to vice chairman of the parent } f

. received t he honor in 1984 makin I presrdmg over their community 5 Herald—Leader. A Junior at Western company, Landmark Communica- {

j?" the couple the first husband-wife tge am chamber of commerce thls year: Kentucky Umversrty, she wasone of ham of Norfolk, Va. ,
. to win the award STEVE LOWERY, publisher of The 45 college students nahonwrde chosen )9
, ; - Kentucky Standard 1n Bardstown, and for the award from among 786 appli- l i

_ j; LOU ANN GREEDY is the LUCY VANHOOK, advertising cants. peeial thanks to Tim Ballard, The l .
new regional manager for Metro Cre— manager at The Cynthiana Democrat. New to The Central Kentucky entucky Standard, and [int Rector, : i
f 7 ative Graphics, a KP A Associate. News-Journal staff is camera techni- ' e Georgetown Graphic,for helping With l .
_ A former columnist for The G. BART DeLASHMET has Cian/ driver BOB REEF. ' e P7355, PhOtO processing needs. j i
Mountain Advocate in Barbourville has been {‘3de president Of a KPA i .
published her first book. DES Assocrate member, Southeast Publish— ”_ l 7
McKEEHAN is the author of The Earth ers Newsprint Sales Company- He P053101! “lame“ 3 .
and Beyond, a collection of short joined the Georgia company, which J C SEieaszned sped; ggtler 5:33;: 232—132;” dolly or weekly. Have covered preps. j
t‘; - ' ' U 05, an lOS. 0 rs O . f
{1: Stones, poetry and a play. producis rfcyclifd 118sz nnt, In 1989 Ad dlregtorposltlon wlth~l5,0(iO—25.000 clrculatlon paper,or general manager of i _.
as 335,15 an to t, e pres ent. He has - weekly group. Would also make good RAM for a med