xt7dz02z645x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dz02z645x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1983 1983 1983-12-02 2020 true xt7dz02z645x section xt7dz02z645x r i , . t
Mes. " * M ‘\ I
f _._ . 9 CHRISTMAS EDITION as ., ., - . _.. o A
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I By Knis'ioiiER RUSSELL an makes Rose Street even tougher l m, Mum U, MW , , ,.
StaffWriter t0 drive on than bCfOTe- ”R059 t Hull. a t'iuiiptili-r :rizi..i.... .z. 1.3...
Street was too narrow even before I i .3,“ “any“... hm; hm, 3._,.,,.. 3 .3
John Doe, a chemistry professor. the median was put in, and now it's , 3 W:- h. durum”. 3,,,. i ., _,.,.
, leaves his office at 4:30 pm. to go almost impossible to get through." | ”MW,
home. Dick Cooksey, manager of Blue 7.. \11 King lint-in 3\ Wm ug- -
As he moves toward his car. Grass Ambulance Service said some ‘ «m .i new Mimi-into: ,rm." 'l..'
parked across Rose Street in the of his firm‘s ambulances have come _, \ ‘ mll go lllfn elm-l 2r. i... t'u'i
faculty parking lot. a sharp pain in close to having accidents on Rose .it‘i’urlill)‘ in ii...“ was inn 2.” .2 , '
his chest suddenly overcomes him. Street. He blames the new median. 'i. “mints. nlih rm 3.r3 .n..:.-.: ., -_
Doeishavingaheartattack. “We’ve had some near wrecks," he ' 1‘) tern will lir hem-in in: m rm m- ' .,
The UK Medical Center is only a said. i iiiit-rsili campus “.ill\ m '.
quarter of a mile down Rose Street. Those interviewed, however, said “mm-l int-h 3w. 3st.
. Doe Should not have a long wait to none of the patients have died he- .. ”1 mm“ V.,\,,,., 3., ,1 3,, ,3...
receivemedicalattention. causeoflosttimeintrafficholdups. that ,3 ”mm“, n.1,,“ N3, 4,. 3,,,
‘ Or will he? An ambulance might Despite the obvious problems the .. . mm", ,3 my“, 3,". \1, ,3... ..,.
not reach him in time. median has caused, Cooksey said his ' , i...“ yum. tiipimit 3 iii. ~. tin .
Although this incident is fictitious, firm will not complain about it if it \ ‘ ' P out ,. in” mm must lit mi .. .tul
the median in the center of Rme helps the UniverSIty. its“ , ' mmlauuru \ltrlilh inftfnhgzwfl 3»:
Street can make problems for emer- The idea for the imtallation of a ‘ , ‘ I‘ h the- trunk and tin-invites nit 3...~s
gency vehicles during periods of median came about in Spring 1%3. \i » 1;," _ m, Mi... MW,“ ,3, 34,. ,.,,.,.
‘ heavy traffic. said David Uckotter. director of tra- “4 . 9 ‘5 ’\ hm. WWW“, _, 4,”, 1.“ t ,,, ,,
The median runs from the corner ffic engineering for Urban County , *If‘, ‘ . 9 m Hm “WW l.“ ,4 “9,, \ ,. ,
0f R059 Sire“?t and Washington Government. ‘5‘ ‘S '. q tiliit-cuixisuliiing .md lt‘lllili-n l:
Street to the corner of Rose and C0 Ken Agent, a researcher in UK‘s 9 > ' , i pr 1 i ‘ ‘ ' m.m\an [5,. ,3 In,” H, __3 \
lumbia Street u‘i'insl’m'ti‘l“mo“ "553mb depart- . «I. ‘1 . ' 1 half million rants lime to l-- itiml m
The median narrows the driving ment, said a $40,000 federal grant 6 .3 in j mm“ W,”
space on the street, which makes was allocated to study campus traf- o ,9- a 1, ' pum'wnn m“, m. M.,\ 3,... M...
. driVinS difficult, particularly for fiC Pmblems- He said the Study , - , - n\‘ I ”ml", \\,\l(‘"l will fill down ni.ii.ii.i1
large emergency vehicles, said a showeda“lot of potential pedestrian . 7 ‘ .Ai .‘ ‘ ' ”I...“ ”u, ,th m“ m“. ”M...
member of the Lexington-Fayette accidents” in the area around Rose 9 h “n". u, p.91, i...“ H, mm 1..
Urban County Fire Department. Street. ‘ 3 9 ‘ ‘ v\ 99“ 9d
“The median has caused quite a The results of the study indicate ,ji‘ri' < ' 1,3,”, um, W. “3...“ mi; mum.
bit of problems," said Capt. Gilbert that a median was necessary, Uck- Lf . m“, "an, ”m m“. ,, Mm”. “W,
Grogan of‘the department. “There‘s otter said. and it was built by the 1; . ”Mm M", ,3 m, ,,.,,. M“ h, ,, -,,
just not enough road space to get cityinAugust. 31‘ _ _ i9 ' (mm ,,mm..,. ”w 3“, .MM, W.
ourlarge vehicles through there.“ He said it has not caused many 9 , mm In W. ““3", uni, ”,1, “1.. "
Grogan said Rose Street is a main problems since its inception. “There 1,3}, 9.- , 9 ~ ,.,M.,.k”m “ ”m ”U, M” ,_. ,l, WM,
route for the department. “We come have been suprisingly few," he said, 9.533211% " in“, it \houltl inlu- .ilwill .. u - -‘.
through there quite a bit. And with “The only complaints we’ve had are . I. ””9 “M, w“,
. the median, it takes us more time to from drivers of emergency vehicles. ”0“,wa u M“ H, ”mm-lg,” , in, ‘ '
getthro‘Ighv"hesaid~ They say memadismmnow'" r“ g A ' ‘ student)» to have tho-ll ltlwitill- itiltil-
The median has caused problems Cooksey said a potential accident as ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 can”, [Mm wd 3.“ W, 4”,, t h,”
at times other than heavy traffic pe~ is more likely to result from an . 9 i 4- your ll) that M, A “may .3 3
riods, said Lyle Scott of Metropol- emergency vehicle driver’s error _ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ . , 3 ;.0u,.an-t,,,wk mmmmflm
itan Ambulance Service. "At any than the median. “A lot depends on ., ' ,_ - , _3 *gv: . ..-3_, "L ., , ' " "-, ' 54mm mm. “m', ”human“, 33,.
time during the day you cannot get the driver of the ambulance, and 3 "' . 7”.§ri¥£ $3,: , ’7‘- 5“? ‘3"3 ml om,” an- not in.- ...i~. MW 3
through there. The median is too also on the patient," he said. The 9“ . _ ._ ,9 :_ M I, ' '1 (9" 99 ”i", " b_ . 'S' v 7' i“ .9 that can b, “Chm“, m m. ,,,,.,.,.,_,
high to get up on and drive by." he more severe the patient's condition, "I~i-~t_4(,5:3?"2§é“""5 -' ,1. w’anyi- ”v" ,. 5f L ,1 ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 . . , . A ,
said. the faster an ambulance is likely to i .8. ~ ' 3497“» Shf’afififi . .T ti; 3- .' _,;,;,;"1;___ g‘ mini?) fl'i‘dfifih r“?! M? ”WM”.
Scott said the addition of the medi- travel. to ism...” - - book ., h, um ~11 w. m“, M“: ,,
Jody Bosomuorlh, wife til the chancellor til the l’K Medical ( cnlcr. t‘lllt‘lldllh .it‘tllll 2‘ .hillllt'n student With 32:: ”l lino-s t’HV’t'ib'
. - ..... _, , “r, “m”, ,3” ..9_ 9/ with a Christmas Slim as. part of the second annual ”tilidii) her: I igliliiiu ( t'lt'llli!ll\ l.l\l night out ““39 hr- w,“ y”. Maw” ,3, it".
4?“ ._ Wear The 30-t'om pine tree Mt decorated wnh ornaments prmidt-d hi \lillillh \ltulti t t'lllt'l 31mm (.omwm ~-
" “Egfig fl 9 _ ‘9.“ it}? 2,33% $51” 2;” r ' 0 0 said it will talu- time to mints: n- :,..
~ to» 1:. 9:2 3 3;. cw“ a“ "W S m " W" M“ "‘ I' "’ ”'1
. “3&9 ‘ v ”5': ' y, Q3; {‘I. said "hunng the transition in 3.1
- fa - " .. 33M for both hospital patients and staff m .
. .fi ‘ 99 $9993“: By ANGELO B. HENDERSUN employees” who participated in room 73‘? of the hihpliiii for a lactiunld lhrffimdsntr‘irlmis l7";
.133 * ., $315. Senior Staff Writer this event. Peter P Bosomworth. week and he wanted to see what lat vu corm rom if 91:1“? ..
. .. ”/3? ”31‘? ‘2 g, chancellor of the Medical ('entvr. was gmng on I tli'lil‘tl so much 098"le ldm'm’mm‘“ ll: I‘N'Wt
3 " Qty’gff it“ " . “WW” Despite the below 30 degree said about this and cvcryhmty else said (ampm UN") "0 MW WWW W“
“ w ‘ Z ‘ ‘* temperatures. ab0ut 150 peOple About 25 ornaments adorned the the) were coming sh I Just came the Sl'hi'm- “'53”,
:Wiw ; - . g i "12:", ,«7‘ both UK Medical (‘enter staff and tree, designed with the theme along but l wont last long out The (“9' ‘0 "W’ll-‘h ”ll“ ‘“"""
.3 ’3 . . ’ ,‘ patients -~ braved the cold weath» “Winter Wonderland " The orna- hereintht- cold " m U" I'm”) "‘ “h“ “"‘"""”'
//.9_ . .3,“ ~w *‘f 2 er to witness the second annual ments were entries by various Bonnie Smith. a patient. do Aug-am“ n, 11,”. u).- m-u-l
" .. , 5*} ‘33? Holiday Tree Lighting ('eremony Medical (‘enter departments in scribed the hOIIdH) run-mun) as opment of the ”9“,,“ vH“ ,“u, m
. 9 f”}£e\gl last myit the Holiday Tree Ornament con raining spiriLs and brightening the m," “as” They hm plat. in lli
, so. ~ 3. ' 3, A 30f00t pine tree. filled with test. Mary Colliver of the UK Duh day will termmals for the autlunatul
s9 ‘ ' ,9?” «xi ornaments and garland. was did no information. said, And the tree Tom Reynolds. also a patient system m m, M l King mm”; tho-
3 iségéwgw 9_9 9 ,1 A it minated when one of the small itself, she said. was donated by said the cert-mun). was it great Medical (‘entcr Library and wrm‘,
‘ 9_ '3 «extra.» I W children surrOunding the front of the(‘ollege of Agriculture way to kick 0" the holiday “fa-W" one-other branch
’7” '7' veqfig‘ thetrefinippediheSWiiCh Patients in wheelchairs iomed This brings out ”i“ ‘hmmas six-and ii i. it 'l-o
“3““ 1 ‘ ' :1 . Multicolored blinking lights. hospital staff members and nurses spirit in pmple and that IS 3 8“" ll (,1 {NUT}: *hlom Ali mild- it I
. L in? . .. - I .. ' “ghfiégi with red. yellow. green and blue to participate in this festive occa way to start of! tho- first day. of "5” the 9"“: 9 9‘" " 99 ‘9'
,figgi y , wmsrtj’} spheres glistened as two local girl Sim December hesairi stage. a" “'L‘ ”g “' '
‘ xiii“ . . . 3%.; £5 ‘ scout troops sang “Deck the “The nurses: ‘ said the) wen- Bosomwirih said those wilentii "M “"1“" "““a‘ “‘H "9“” "
l k " ’" ~ 3, ”j is 7- In“ Halls"and“Silent Night ” gomg to light the Christmas trer- that could not get out to see the ”We have brughi a iiyalrn: lurin-
______ _ ' .. .1. WW *" a “This is to formally recognize so I came on out to see it," t‘raig lighting (vrr-niliny will h1- ablr- to Q-nough to includi- (_‘Umnlunll‘y man:
"MM“ "°'""°"°“"‘ on the part of the Medical ('enter Thursby, a patient. said “it beats watch the Pnllrf' ('Pleirallon on ".5 31.0 Lach “"1 n 35 (W r I...
The traditions and excitement of the holidays are explored in the start of the holiday season and stayingln the room ' closed mmnt triathlon sets in hie that we could mm plat. ,
the Kentucky Kerrie/’5 Christmas edition. SCC inside. also to thank both the patients and Jim Cole said he has been in their rooms for tho- ill’\l tinir- :ninal m “Cy, dorm
l i
Schwoooosh' "'3'" A
. #
Experienced Skl instructors fmd fun and profit on the snow—capped slopes of area resorts -m‘*“*“’“’”‘=‘*"“ “ . ,
By JOHN S. WATSON" General Butler State Resort Park hours is a drop in the bucket comI areas but she said her goal is to a substantial discount (m a piece _ , 1 _ hind
Reporter in Carrolton, Ky, has a small ski re- pared to. say. Aspenor Vail " haveall her instructors certified of trim equipment they. InstnX‘tml a, , ‘~ h P.“
sort located within its acreage. lt Butler Ski School Director Mar- Both Marshall and K259 «and in ('anget.say iimoll ” _ . . “'0"
Picture this . . . the sun is shilling opened inJaninry 1m. shall said beginning instructors do structors are paid according to the g, git-wow 3:35? 3
brightly ina clear blue sky; the sur- Katie Marshall, director of the not have to be registered or certl- number of ski classes they teach a K381 “"1 S‘W'm‘ '"lflai'd '” r “I , ‘f
rounding hillsides are snow-covered General Butler ski school, said she had. Prospective instructors are day Both also noted that private in WWI WW‘W‘ '3‘ "'0" Pa” 3.3,, ', “a Anh- an
and sparkling in the sun‘s rays. The would “highly recommend" college evaluated on their skiing ability. she struclion. the most expensive type of “mum 3mm 9" WW" “hm” "‘9" m 9‘“ ..§?}E3i‘3n3 ‘: m
thrilling "scliwoooosh" of skis can students who are good skiers to be- said Registration and certification instruction for sin students. earns in- 0" ““C "I“ K331 “"1 P30“ P9.” Magnesium.“ W“
be heard breaking the peaceful si- corneinstructore. mobtainedleter stmctors moremaiey “uh”? "mwu'm‘m ..’ .9, “If .3 ,3. .. .
lence. Margarit Kagi, director of Mar- Marshall said instnictors are reg- Kagi said instmctors at Paoli Marshall “m Butler has already L ,g?f.$9;3‘; 95.1,, .9
In the midst of this “winter won- keting for Paoli Peeks Ski Resort in late-red after they have taught ski "earn from u to $12 an how do m‘nd ”w”, lm,m,n for this “M - ’ _ 3"" "
act-land," a part-time ski imtructor Paoli, Ind, defined “good" skiersas students for about 60 hours. She pending on their skiing ability and m‘sm so am registered or "m Z't‘aj I; '9 3 “t _ g .
caneernuptoSIOOaday. “upper-intermediate to advanced noted that there is also a registra- experience " “damn are {mm “(WW ' ‘ ' ‘
Patrick Sullivan, a business ad- skiers." tion fee ’l‘hisyearltism Marshall said "an instnicttr can ' ‘ ’ ‘
ministration junior. was just such a Paoli Peaks and m Butler Instructors may apply for national earn $100 a day if he hustle! and Both 3k) grus .re minimal to
skiineti-uctnratanarea resort. are both within two In r of UK certification after they have taught he's gotxl‘attHchlt‘l " open In midnecemher, but cold .
“I‘d been skiing for about six and are good chutes fa' mu fora minimum ofthree full seam. Besides a lot of skiing and good tmwgim an essential to meet- -, . u. a; “t
years Sillivan “id. “but I had m rt-tlme Wt a: Marshall said. Certification raises pay. instr-uctan at both Pooh and mg fluid-{Q M‘mllnidwm- ., - ., it” To .
mbeaianimtructu'before. skiimmgm an intruder: position on the pay Butler get dint-outta on in comp prraun mint be below 12 decla- - 1. <3 “”3 ~. . ’9’
“AM General Butler (Ski Areal ' scale and embla hm to gain an merit in order to "make min with the 3. 1-3-5 IIi'I.‘ ‘ “
opundip. I decided to try being an “Some pewle may think two ployment easier if m desired poei- According to Kagi. "'Skl equip snow blowen' - -.,9 or. b ~
ir-tmctor (there)," he said. "I love hours is along the for a part-time timisindemand. menti compimiee are very thin ~' , i“ i "In ‘a -
to ski and getting paid while dong job." Sullivan said, "biitit'u a-lve Mai-stun added that certificatim and m hmng ski lmlnrctors use The mom an oven until lat! ? . . .m‘
sanctum you really like is terrif- you don‘t mind. You get no psyched is more important in the West where theireqmpment " F‘ebnnry or early Mnrvh. I100 69 ' ‘ ' to
lc." to skithetimefliaby. MJVO there is a greater number of ski Mmhnu said ski instructm gel Mmmwnw-tm ‘ a ‘
. 9 ‘9

O ‘ O , e
. ..,,.,,,,.,,,.,..,,,,,,,,, Forum discusses gays coming out folidaytsustfms «timer
I'Oll‘l an ion 0 nu ma
_, wrltlcajeutrgsct mmwwlwwm ummmswmmmsmm
- - lo the individuals "acceptance ,not the sum "Ito "tycmmmv * - ' ' 3“
Th0 WRITING Kristine a sociology junior said her ts the “straight" world. “It’s the idea of comm to tame NW“! A
. , we” use withyomself,"Randellsaid.
CENTER can hOIPI W Vibe" mt?“ "mm :1“ a mam“ But The group had diffs-eat am however a: mum Santa Claus, alriltmls m and the NW 8,1“
. WWhh‘e‘i'iel thr unzclnepttheir l: gtrwas 'a total mess " '1‘“. WWW” ‘° "”“3 W“ "x cm" "V” “n mum” ”n“ ”e n" “fly ‘ “diam ‘1 a” UN" ““5,
Mm‘la Icrl'ror she said ‘mieenget used to “Pig“ I’m sorry that ’it my cgmamiléyi” one student said. “'I‘hey’d send me to a all StaufiuOthermcountAmtries alsIt:ll have many of the $51”;
- H. ~ . . , , ',, pay .” same ons encam ve.
I 1°" Room 103 “mmiimmzlgm mmumm residents wend’ said her pawn“ “up” we I“ a labia“ but Jorge mmm’ an mew"!- “1 lemme .‘mmm T
w 104, 6-9 ho . . M . di . last ‘ght on the com she has not actually told them. “When I go home they student. said Santa Claus eXlsts iii Argentina also. C0"
I 10-4 —-—-— WM parthlpa figmmmgum" to ents mention grandchil' dren . I let them believe what “It’s verymuch like Westerncultllre,”hesaid. off
, 10.4 sag: 2nd W Y 9” they want,””she said. “It would hurt them more to ruin tJessie East, direc' tor of international student af- E":
n. _— Wu'mds by the Gay and Lesbian Union of Students, unRfindeHWand Wendy said their parents tried to send fans, summednup the universal nature of the 25‘
"'° 25“,“ ,0, ”minimum"... rmmfimxg afi‘heg‘edmgxfmfg‘fiigcgfgmfi; them to small religious colleges hoping it would change “Qiristmas has become a worldwide phenome- CI};
out" and how homosexuals can deal with parents and them. And Kristine said, “It wouldn’t matter where I non,”shesaid.
Manda wesigglewpzfg 3:2 53182:; sunrise.k than the. he Paul fill, a radiation health and physics graduate {:25
‘- ' out doesn't he to niean on world, I’m . y e” " . “"“ex' Smut, said Malaysia is mostly Modem. so
883,993,? R i u_ GALUSlilresident, said. amps not an! and say {fields When they came out. while when Chnstmas is a public holiday, but not a religious we. a
what coming out means to me. It is a decision regard- ”3.81M only gay acquaintances. .. “lt’sapublic holidaytoenjoy.” “
inglifestyle." . My friends felt that I had lied ‘0 them, PM student Taiwan also considers Christmasa public holiday. . ear
S ’ F “It's admitting to yourseii and finally saying I know ““1 W] “'5’ he “a”? mp8“ “’5 “Style and "1" Taiwan "'5 “1888‘ ‘0 have a NW” With» a Si
anta 8 orest whatlwant"Bryansaid. Wmehsnewmrcleoffnendsrspredommdysay. so the govemment gave us one day off,” Terry stai
Ch . T ’ Yang, a journalism graduate student said. “We have
"ma-s “es C (1] H for 8 (1 Ion Hanukkah “MW” WW“ WW 0..., 5"?
wreaths ’ roping ‘ holly an es 1 - 3”. g but it’sjustcoinc. ace thatitfallsonthatday.” pen
CONCEPCION LEDEZMA b the . t' _ f the Ma bees (hf ted Peter Purdue, a professor of statistics, said that in
. . By y ' "“81, I 161‘ Slim" orces. C68 ea Ireland it is mainly a relig‘ous holiday. “A lot of peo-
Specnal dISCOUm '0 students, SeniorStaffWriter , Antiochissamy. . . ple go to church on Christmas Day.” One of the
~ staff and faculty. It 18 said that after the Victory. 8 your) of JeWIsh sol- unique things about Ireland’s Christmas trees is that .
ff . h While Christmas trees are lit in many homes for the diets retumed to restore their temples in Tahmud. they not only decorate them with ornaments and the
$1 -00 ° "99 W” COUpon holiday season, Jewish families began yesterday an These men found a small jar of oil with which they lit usual figures, but they also decorate them with bal-
Zandale Shopping Cente fiddling?“ 0f hymns candla w Observe the boh- 1811:: 31m ”mtg-ma to he bee ugh to last Icons. They do "at no 1y pop' they juSt “le de-
r y . was an ve n eno one flate,hesaid. '
.. .. Nicholasville Road “This holiday commemorates the Maccabees’ (a day. The miracle was that it lasted eight days. There— “One thing I miss is plum pudding,” he said.
' ” " Phone 277_3053 group of Jewish religious zealots) victory over King An- fore the .lews observe the eight-day period in which a According to Purdue, plum pudding contaim, among
llOChLB from Syria, said Rabbi William Leffler of Lex- candleis lit each night. . other things, various fruits and raisinS, mixed with
ington’s Temple Adath Israel. There are no religious sech for Hanukkah. Guiness stout beer.
l The Maccabees revolted about 168 BC. when King For the Jewish students, the holiday celebration will England’s Christmas, according to Jim Booth, a
‘ " Antiochus, who ruled all_of Judea, demanded that the take place at the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity from 4 to 7 statistics graduate student, is much like America's.
Jews Wm!) idols. Despite mlng largely outnummred pflm DeC.4. “It’s basically a family affair_ We buy afts and own
them on Christmas Day,” he said.
Expert to lecture on sex roles ‘
i I ' - By LIN] s. KADABA Eagly said stereotypes are not illogical
. ‘ a /’ Executive Editor biases, but based on realities such as
” . ' t N 3’ women being homemakers and men job
' - I. , . Men should act powerful and aggres- holders in the past. “Things won’t
. . z ' sive. Women should be emotional and change unless reality changes,”shesaid.
, passive. Douglas Snyder, a professor of pey-
. .. ‘ “ Such stereotypes originate from public chology, said Eagly’s research is perti-
- f ‘ g ‘ perceptions of men and women in dis- nent to the times. “The notion is that ‘
_ . “"1 .. tinct occupational roles, said Alice men and women have prescribed roles to
Eagly, a professor of psychological sci- play — dominant, passive, sugges~
. 0 . ences at Purdue University, during a tive, taking a lead, following a lead,” he
’y ~ telephone interview. said. “How do these roles — stereotypes
of, y I . = . . Eagly will speak on “Gender Stereo- set out by society—influence behavior?
I" ' " M, . . ‘ , . ~ ‘ types and Social Roles” at 3 pm. today Eagly’s research, which she has stud-
‘ ‘ 3'" I .« , " in the Gallery of the MI. King Library ied for the past eight years, is a new 1
“ , a up. . _ ’ North. field. “The idea of linking sex differences
. ‘ ’ ,1 _ . “People in society have beliefs about to social roles to explain origin of gender
l I i ~ 1 what men are like and women are like," stereotypes is new,"she said.
' V ’ . she said, adding that men generally are Eagly’s method, too, is innflative, said
. K. "631; seen as masters of the environment and David Kravitz, a professor in social psy-
t ' — A'fredo Leal women as people-oriented. “People con- chology.
{ . .. a. ‘ ' firm stereotypes by treating people in The method is meta-analysis _. the
' , =. 1‘ FamOUS Ullfl hter particular ways to brings out these combining of results from other studies
”I f; . g traits." that then are analyzed statistically rath-
' ' W ‘ 1 . , . ‘ . . , . Noted for her research in sex differ- er than ”impressionistically,” Eagly
, - . 4" i ences and gender roles, Eagly will focus said. “In general, meta-anal 'cal stud-
; , . 1
. ,, r ’ . in her talk — sponsored by the psycholo- ies have shown sex differencs aren’t
, » ~ i . 1‘ t . gy department and women’s studies pro- large in controlled settings, in experi-
‘ i . . V,‘ w é lug} . ;, “it , gram —'on the origin of stereotypes and ments."‘ ‘
. ' 13‘- “M‘ - i J, their soc1al context. KraVitz said Eagly’s talk should appeal
~ _ I ~ W‘s She said such an investigation should to a wide audience. “It’s like reading
\ ' .1. lead to attitudinal changes among peo- Alice in Wonderland —people can appre-
. ' r . ple. “If people understand their origim, ciate it on different levels."
‘ K. ' '3 , ' they would understand what would be re- He said Eagly is well known in her
. ' I quired to see change," she said. “Unless field. She has written about 40 research ‘
‘ , it", ‘s g . we have an evening out of gender roles, papers and holds membership in several
' , {€99 ' , . . _ . we will still have these beliefs.” prestigiom societies, he said.
. I, ' f"; 2,, , i , . . - Michael Hubbard, a professor of psy- “For people who are in social psychol-
-. 4g , '..,~ r“ , 1,3 I ' chology, recommended Eagly’s talk. “I ogy, this is a woman with a national rep-
, ~ ,. l‘ ' ’ . : .w ~ think it’s interesting that, especially in utation," Kravitz said. “For your aver-
.. ' i ' t ‘ r ,‘ ' ’ ' t - g ' . times when perceptions of men and age person interested in gender
, p . ‘ ‘ . a‘ - .
e t o", . x " y "‘ t e‘ . i' s _ . a a" women are changing, they’re still based differences or women’s liberation, she
, l ‘ . ‘ °.-..,\ .. , ‘ t .. ' r . ‘ ‘4 engender stereotypenotions,”hesaid. might have somethingtosay.” t
’ u t vi ‘ . .\l ‘ I. 1 I ' '
. _ 4) ,. .‘n’ _ -,. t 3%. s , . .- ‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘. I i g
‘ g a: t? ‘ ' “K. .. "- 7' ' 3 l 0"" "0""
‘ . "W- 77"“ ‘ ‘ "7;. l =W‘ l i
.| » I»: i 0% i; i, ' . ~ ... : ., . “I: > . , Libertarian
I ‘ “I! ‘ é 0% ‘-““\\l y.“ 3' “'i I; l I : BOBBY BROOKS I Party of
‘ . g . H ,1“ ~33 eta -. .. . . ‘ ‘ l Kentucky
% f, “f: f . . EA _ .. fl . I I} ”i , Holiday Sample Sale ; 139 watchmen”
‘3‘ 's 23‘ 0‘ 0% ‘ ¢ '3 _ ’ t a ‘ 7‘ 9" ' i 40% OFF i Saturday, Dec 3rd
' 313% E E y ' ‘ , ‘2’ , " . ‘; .l‘ 3 Sweaters, Blouses, Skirts, Pants 2300' 5300““
. _ _ . , -. ‘\ " ‘ 1” £4! .. . ,T' E l and Jackets 1 Ph‘gfrffgzm ‘
" . , , l ‘ ll . ' r} ., i} _. - “ 4 All Samples are size 9 or Medium ' “Chickenomics”
We 3m?! $393 ‘:%;Ci€igga§ p1,. /Q%‘ _3 , i 1
‘ N.; or 9“ ”a r . ". , I! l Saturday, Dec. 3 ll am-6 pm
a'| ' 3* . I ' . f ' i l
. :3 Vfi‘kw W 1 . J _' I; . i Ramada Inn '
\o w , \‘A . ’7 t‘ i t [’3 a _ (,1! , 525 Waller Avo. - Across from St. Joe
V “'- t 2 3'": O . l .. . .
i”. ‘Q‘ a“
‘.‘ \x‘i ii I] 1/ :3 0'
.1 , . y N
\ , l l, ' (”I ., ,
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* fr“ ~ 4 ' ' ‘ -
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3'4: 4, a . . ~ , K 3207
41,35, w I 3 . l v ._
”it . fl... _ PER
‘ 2.’ ' ' .
- an a +. $1 2 'I ’3 m"
A “H { PAYMENTS BASED ON $4995. $500 oowu mo 4s mourns.
l » ~ OPTIONS.
D .. .,, .. ”I . 7 V H" KEEPTHATGREAT
p INABIERJN 32:” l .. . 1 .. sum .G_M, masts.
‘7 g mmmm
In" -. -.-
1 y .
, ‘ 3* can
r- > r (6 .
"7 ~...‘.‘ ..- 2800 RICHMOND RD. PH 269-4321
: .’ i u

 . C . t . . m: KENTUCKV “nun nun, m 2.1m 1
hrns mas season picks up momentum wnth each passing (1
33' DEBRA NRA!!! the Grimm spirit“ sand another ---_—__.__—______._,_
- Heck I trust-imam stirs-n normal . . , .
4 W . . I I . I . 0-4.: my: and applianun and in,
grim?“ 3°:th ‘Westart looking like Christmas around Am; uImutIiunr: i... {fr lump-n) -... mm .i. In...” W m: I. I
. . , g 9'09 . . . se r -t l‘lhn‘ .u I..
AIsnsn posted outside a low iew- (nu-um rush 15! or else we won ’I get there in lime . . . H e 15 film"; SURE: ., ‘. a; m " "mm“ ’ ' “M“
m1 eIlers shopquletly but almost taun- The area stores began decking , . . . . . MM n u H .II J I: ‘ "" "Wu" " " ““W‘“ 4'
UM tmw rem “ch M m” I n . n in with I u of mm. try 10 be finished before Thanksgiving or the - hmnllZ-gln I: "r u}: II n-rmm um um mum in rr
u . . . I . . . a . - t'.‘ “it“ ~ 1‘ "I“ n'lunn: anonymous and the t;
nt the gym? mm Wile dlytf 313311 fig” mmm Emma do) after (because) that 5 when the ( hrnstmas an and J i Penney it. [mt mm ”mm“ mm. “a, u, 3",:
duate me moving frenzy that over- tainng' Chm unastreeswhen niex. push really begins. . . We try to gel 1h,» $533?“qu iIIhIrInsIlfInIaI-IIIIIvl-s'i u-ttIumnInI-I-anM-mm mun»
com 3 4 - . . . I _ . . . , , I ‘- ‘ “ Ni n-ir innit-it fr «Arr 1
'1” of, fiemz‘gefig at": 1:52:03 mmmdogu‘gyswzailgszziflné 3 customer In the Christmas .Splfll by setting up Me sum ltlnkliu lnhr t'hrzstnus mi WW", m, h, m w,” MI;
. . , )1 around \m lst or else no our. 1 get 1hr hymn.“ hr “ d l! t I
It af- Eng day 9m to the momentum mgmerWMourar-I [hen' there nn tnme‘ \dll’ 1hr L\\.stnn! ”mm“ .1 M, m I ‘ at
the all winding down toward the Dec We break as ho h ‘ “ “‘m‘m“ "“’ '
25 the day of reckoning 4 (Chris' tmas toy: and1 ‘trilmoatrie-e? John \orrls mamxfl “I J ‘ PM”) ‘1‘" \" "NW ‘3‘“ ”n 3* WW"! mu
‘ ' . . - ‘ A ' n‘ .n ' n u t ‘ ’
W mlltm- . specials) around the fast week in J.('. Penney \w- in no 'I' minim lrlnln- “Mil J" m “mm-”m" W‘
Tlus ns the time of year that we all September," he said. "So we have to ' V m ' ‘ H ‘ WM l” "n” Wt" ‘h M m"-
luate expect Christmas promotions to have the merchandise set up in Au- “55‘3”"! manager Muslims "' m“ “M W" "‘ "Null rn-im Iv “rennin all Ur

so begin, but hints of Chns' tmas have glut tobeready for thespecials that ——-————_—-___ \lmh-uw refill:t iii-3n: ti: (.Nihuhi“ “mm“ mmmmm “ ”mm
’one. 3') 933‘“ “II’ in 201116 tstores in weofferatthetime." trees and putting merchandise out ment store in July. thnstmas duo try to get the n'kL‘it‘Iu'slduJ‘. "h: “”0"", mm,“ “um

xing . asearyas ugm ‘ McAlpin's starts hiring extra Per- arOutld the third week nn Septem- ratnom and trees did not hegnn to ap l‘hrlstmas spirit l-\ wining in. then "‘1‘ “‘m‘ “‘"" ““1‘ ““ “ma"
1 1t S ndnculous that they start 80 i _ ber' shesand l l he . ~ hr u'l‘ \ um! '\ 'iln «nth
Iy. . early ,, said Pat Bume of Lexington sonnel and setting up their . . pear an n i start of llctober for lhr ,hrwn shoppe? ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘
idly. a Shopper at Turfland Mall “1 don’i “Clu’istmas Shop“ around the mid- We already sold out some items according to Robert Shuster man t'hrnstnlaa showing (in, 2r... minimum; Wm m. ,mm ”mm“, “I, “I. '
Ferry start until the 22nd of December ,. dle of September, according to Sue and InewIIntems keep coming nn all agerIofthe Southpark brunt-h year tnegnnis nun llu :r and. .iullnllin!~ 1mm; with llnrninmn granitic-nu ..
have she said “(I‘m a) last minute Sm},- Lynch, a senior clerk in the shop at the time, Lynch sand. . "\Ihe started putting them up ‘dec. throughout the \m: l‘he .n.l-.i-z'.s.nn,i sin: 1- mrli \m etintnrr and Santa \
Day, per __ - Lexington Mall. IAlthoughdttems blikemwnlnter cIoatsI oraIItInIornsSIend such- lien is! and in“, schemi- of ‘ t'hrlslllma .nv. .lln.\ ., z.“ "mm". M.“ “um”, ”I tum;

. . I c othos an an a un n supp y 0 to ye m all up by me is”, " h.» laughing math-r . . i . .

. If 0 ho .. I I , . .nnnn «write and lurflanil malls thr
P“ m y u s p too early, you sponl We started setting up Christmas toys were put up at Hills depart- sand ‘Peoplc buy my" mum “in. MM“. WW,“ [hwmmh up"!
.3. Sh ' '
“it? - oppnng mall Santas n
| ' é? . -* if .4' i
y it , Faculty ranks money , . °t h° Id 9 . ;
IIII t t f . h l' - awal c l ren s wnshes n
m if a op o wns 1st ~ ,. _ . l
with §'_ . .' -. . ‘ 'g’x‘n l,” I'.I.IIZ.\BI~TTH( "l \‘ ‘ lnn'nstnnms in' sand lllr l‘lnnlnlli-i:

:i ByEMILYMORSE . . ‘ . W" mum“ ""' “ " “W "‘ WW ”- ' I
g a. . ginosinnvrllllns l
L23": :7: Reporter . «Mi,- . Some of the children: rim .n‘ in.” in.“ \Lir\l1 “My” m pun-m. ‘
. . .7; II "w ~ ‘3 .I‘ ’hl Kht' .‘ " l '3 ' ' in lit-i: » . . ? . nr -n i
open 3; Although most University Students and faculty would V fly ~ ' .. ‘ rhdrin: tnnrt‘ll‘ilh: w “l 1' ‘u m Yin m- \muwr‘ ”WW“. far 4
«I». feel uncomfortable sitting on Santa‘s knee they still ‘ 4 P " “ b g' man n th ‘I (lit vmiv5 i“ H ‘ “Wm: ”NW”! Md um hf H ‘
.477“ I-I-x . 4 . g, » .. -4.- I .» l e "litll' l‘ it n; it . n N ,. H“; n w v- . . ‘
II, havequiteafewrequestsmmindtowhisperinhisear. t g < ’ , 5* g 5" hidden behind , “:1 1“: if, k I: inf”? “hf! \;,?,r,‘:, d, “:1”. ‘ °
_...I,._ . . > . “'7; .I.. ‘ “ “-‘ -- - ‘~ ..n.t till‘Ls
not: “Kalle both red and green are Christmas C0105, mm! at , a . .. ‘f-i ‘ L " III-I: btlDLN and While ll'drnl lnlnl he i\ 3“.“ plnHIlg [ha- Imr‘. J! 0”,, I... ‘
. ‘3": .95? in men]?! wfmld like to concentrate onthegreen. i . 1 . l 0 J V 3/. 1 fl ' ‘ “ 59“”! Character “1 "W Wilson: t‘dlltllh for three wan .
-_ a Money. IsanId Herbert Drennon. dean of the College . . t :1 >‘ Although t'hrlslnlnns l5 sin mm. ”H”. . H.” ”N. ,. I, . ,
.I of Communications. “We're Just snttnng here expressing \ ' . as In “w.“ awm \‘tnll'n II III‘ hm w n . , . . . .. n.. . ...

- :3“ our fmuation over “Ot being able to meet the StUdemS‘ as J : .'--.f ( fl - ' . ' let that keep ihllll‘frtlll mnnn'n 'u i“: I‘M Mn” ( lulu MM“ W ‘

Egg :35?" n and give them adequate classes for lack of f» .s I, '4» 5 §¢ lhis town There are .nlrmnli ":lta-nn‘i‘xrlit nitimvm- \n‘rirtlilnfmi
:-:. money. -='_, -' "ago“. ,i. .’ w w ‘ 'b0 i ., -. I 'h l . II I ‘ ' l ”W l I
Ien lob 14 David Stockham director of td t r' ‘ n a i‘ , _ ‘ is d u 2" Mm” “ ” M" "W “NW"

won’t - said he would like, enough new fixatfgial lxincfifndsalto flf‘sk’ae‘ if: x. ‘ M. l is: [All . "‘S‘W‘R ””7"” 5h“l’l”"K “"1“ 3" “null shims. hl‘ hours with :2
nsaid. ”“gw' make up for all the tuition increases. “That‘s only seve- iii??? ; . Q? - _ . - ”Xingu,“ » Him“ “mm “ ”WW '\ n" "man i
)f "y. it“ . 1 ill' butSa , . I III . . '. I I, I 3‘ , Mark Miller an (indium-ii llnlll up,“ In“, “BMW“, I. “"“Nll‘r ;

._ .ng . ra m non, maIS pretty generous lsnthe. I J, .~. nster. has just tit-gun lll\ \ti‘Ullti Mg 1hr“. . , 3

ispetglt :' " ' Dmald Sands, ”515mm Vice Chancellor for academic I?:.;I'$r,..:: V c ‘ ’ ’ year as \‘antn it llk- 'l‘nnrfl mil nn tllll nl unziingniu‘n 'l I mricjluil‘ d 1
LT . . . . . _ pug, -=‘. ”1 {I . ' ‘ " ‘ ‘ . - 1| um ll h‘

.‘016 to ‘53::— affflanrs,sandhewouldlnkeunlnmlted SChOlarsmpmoney' . ’ $3” ii} , V V " , M3” H" 53‘" h" got ”‘“’l“‘l I" n‘lnnldnn t rv-slst mc- \nllthwnil \ !

macs" 2:5 dence mrfifgorlénd’elssgggle dz“: 0:1 smdelns {0:1 relstlh I ,n w a“ ‘ cause H” sounded “k" “ h“ ”l Hr l~ a t‘vlnrml innut'lnllunl and i

n 3;: . , y w a s e wan . “ ea :9:sz . V f " . I . . . _ .

'd’ he wit: first,thensomefun and then complete rest." ”1%” ;‘.-i::::‘., u“ . y n .. .. . W’ m "Wm” m th- "" h'
”types In th . 't f 00d '1] Do 1d l‘a‘:-:;s;ii\‘2..y .:-~*e' » Mllltr un.l rn-unu hh nnnnslu x mm“. m. m3 alums MM In”
ior? . e sign-II o gd Iwn ,I na hey. a professor of ,fiéflzgifi: -ll. degree