xt7f1v5bgd8b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7f1v5bgd8b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 2002 2002 2002-11-18 2020 true xt7f1v5bgd8b section xt7f1v5bgd8b Ruin your shirt this weekend? Think again. i PAGE 5

November 18, 2002 , 7

Scouting out a new
ampus tradition

Girl talk

Celebrating 31 years of independence



Senior Ericka Harney (left), senior Theresa Brown, junior Robin Pearce and junior Shannon Gnau, all members of the UK Campus Girl
Scouts, watch Pretty Woman at Camp Judy Layne in Morgan County Friday night. The group went to the camp for a weekend getaway.


By Lauren Rizzo
coutkiuuimc which

They may not sell cook-
ies. sport beanies or plaster
merit badges to their chests
like the girls did in grade
school. but one group of UK
women still goes by the
same Girl Scout honor.

They are now the lead-
ers who volunteer their
time. hosting events for
younger Girl Scouts and
helping them earn merit
badges for their own vests,

The group was estab-
lished at l'K three years
ago: it is one of only 29 cam-
pus groups at universities
around the country.

Even those who have
known the groups members
for a long time are often sur-
prised to discover that col
lege students are still in Girl

“When you say Girl
Scouts. everybody sees that
little Brownie girl. and
there's so much more to it."
said Robin Pearce. a jour~
nalism junior. who has been
a member since she was in
fourth grade.

Shannon Gnau, also a

campus Girl Scout. said she
has had similar experiences.

“Sometimes there are
strange reactions when I tell
people that I am in Girl
Scouts. but they usually ex-


Robin Pearce,
junior and
member of
the UK
Campus Girl
cleans a
cooking tray
Friday night
at the group's
retreat at
Camp Judy
Layne in
County, Ky.


soon usnmsxv l

press interest in it and want
to know more about what
we do." said Gnau. an ele»
inentary education junior.
But don't expect to see
these Girl Scouts parading

around campus in the tradi»
tional uniform.

“We try to emphasize
that uniforms aren't re
quired or hardly ever worn
by college students." said
Ericka Harney. the group's
president. "We don't wear
uniforms really. Besides. the
adult uniforms are business
type suits and business
causal attire l have most
of the uniform parts."

Girl Scouts is not mere-
ly for young girls. The [K
members said it can provide
girls with a lifetime of op-
portunities to grow person-
ally and to contribute to the
community: four girls at UK
have taken advantage of
that opportunity

The campus group's ser-
vices go beyond cookies anti
singing around campfires:

- They volunteer their
time to work with younger
Girl Scouts as they prepare
to become the future volun-
teer force behind Girl

. They work with local
troops and host workshops
for them to earn badges.

See SCOUTS on 3

UK professor wins seat on appeals court

The 34-yearold Rogers has a (‘OllSt‘l'Vleth‘ judicial philos-

Confirmed: Law dean says appointment is deserved

srArr AND WIRE morn

I'K law professor .lolm Rogers \von

confirmation to a seat on a federal appeals court. nearly a
year after President Bush sent his nomination to the Senate.

Kentucky Sens. Mitch McConnell and .lim Bunning said
Friday that Rogers would make an outstanding judge on the
6th US. (‘ircuit (‘ourt of Appeals in (‘incinnati Rogers cone
firmation fills one of seven vacancies on an appeals court
that is “woefully tinderstafted.” McConnell said.

The Senate approved Rogers by a voice vote Thursday
night as it cleared away some of the backlog of judicial


Rogers could not be reached for comment Sunday.

Allan Vestal. dean of the UK (‘ollege of Law said Rogers
would be a good addition to the appellate court. which hears
cases from Kentucky. Michigan. Ohio and Tennessee.

“His appointment is a good one. John will make a won-
derful addition to the court. He‘s very thoughtful and smart.
But he also brings an element to the court as someone who
works for a consensus I‘m sure he‘ll work toward good rela
tions with everyone connected with the court." Vestal said.

The Student Newspa

ophy but is not doctrinaire. Vestal said. “But at the same time.
I think he will be very open to creative arguments.“ he said.
"He'll just be rigorous in assessing those arguments.”

Rogers is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Stanford lTni-
versity and received his law degree from the University of
Michigan. He joined the UK faculty in 1978 and has taught
courses in international law. administrative law. constitution»

al law and torts.

Vestal predicted that Rogers would try to find consensus
on the court. At UK. Rogers was known as someone who “gets
along well with and works well with people of all different

jx'rsuasions." Vestal said.

Vestal said that. in the meantime. UK will be trying to
find Rogers replacement. “We are currently bringing people
to campus for interviews." he said.

Vestal said he hopes an offer will be extended to someone
by Mid-December and have them take over full time on .luly 1.

Rogers will become the 10th full-time judge on the court.
which is supposed to have 16 judges. a court official said F‘ri-
day Bush has made nominations for the other six vacancies
but the Senate has not yet taken confirmation votes.

"It is surely a confirmation of John's ability and also
speaks to that of the faculty here at UK as well." Vestal said.

er at the University of Kent cky,


Cats slam
the ‘Dores as
seniors enjoy

their final

game at

UK students
join protest

at Army base

Activism: Six UK students join over 6,000 protesters
to condemn actions of the School of the Americas

By Ben Franzini
stirrwwni rut
Six UK students drove
eight hours to the gates of
Fort Benning. Ga. where
they attended a massive rally
in protest of the School of
the Americas this weekend.
About 6,500 protesters
gathered for the 13th annual
demonstration by the School
of the Americas Watch.
which continues to protest
the Nov. 19. 1989 killings of
six Jesuit priests in El Sal-
vador. Protesters said they
demonstrate because people
responsible for the killings
were trained at the School of
the Americas. a Fort Ben-
ning-based program that was
replacml last year by a new
institute. Protesters say the
change was only cosmetic
“It's such a powerful
thing to be a member of
10.000 people standing up for
what they believe in." said
Eileen Hroomall. a classics
junior. “The idea of Ameri-
can tax dollars supporting an
institution \\l]l(‘ll train sol-
diers from Central and South
America in counter insur»
gency techniques is crazy."
The Army‘s School of
the Americas was replaced
last year by a new institution
operated by the Department
of Defense and supervised
by an independent 13-mem-
ber board that includes law~
makers. scholars. diplomats
and religious leaders.

Officials say the new


school. known as the West-
ern Hemisphere Institute for
Security Cooperation. still
trains Latin American sol-
diers but also focuses on
civilian and diplomatic af-
fairs. Human rights courses
are mandatory.

The Rev. Cynthia Cain.
minister from the Unitarian
Universal Church in Lexing-
ton. attended the protest for
the fourth time this year and
has taken students with her
every year

“I think people are very
uninformed about what is
going on at the SOA." she
said. "It is truly one of the
largest conspiratorial cover-
ups of government."

Cain said that although
thousands attend the rally.
she has never seen large me—
dia networks cover it.

“People are often arrest-
ed for protesting the SOA."
(Yain said. “The more they
try to shut it down. the more
people show up.”

The weekend is made tip
of various rallies and work
shops. On Saturday. people
attended informational ses-
sions, Brooinall said.

On Sunday. everyone
gathered at the gates of Fort
Benning holding a cross with
the name of someone who
has been killed by a graduate
of the SOA written on it.
Cain said.

Inside. a line of military
police guided protesters tip a
hill where they were arrest-

See PROTEST on 3


urges reform

Perspective: Newman Center hosts speaker
who says Church should alter view of sexuality

By Tiffani Douglas
shirt/Rota 7 l

The Catholic (‘hurch
should consider a new vision
of human sexuality in the
church and among priests.
said a former priest who
spoke at the (‘atholic
Newman Center Friday

Eugene Kennedy. now
married for 25 years. was a
priest of the Maryknoll Mis-
sionaries for 22 years

Kennedy was brought to
the Newman (‘enteiz a cam
pus (‘atholic group. by the
Newman Foundation. an or-
ganization that brings guest
speakers to talk on various
religious topics

He said the recent sex
abuse scandals must be ad

"Sex abuse in the church
has wounded more people
than it has killed." he said.

Sex abuse in churches
should be remedied by
restoring the health of the
priests. he said,

He said that the leaders
of a church must be spiritn
ally and physically healthy
to support the church. By be»
irig made to choose between
the spiritual and natural,
priests cannot be whole and
healthy. Kennedy said

“They (priests) battle
against nature and spirit.
and spirit slays nature. but

Lexin . ton

spirit suffers a great wound."
he said.

Kennedy said the church
needs to recognize that hu-
man sexuality is a basic right.

“Whole persons know hu
man sexuality is a part of life
and is healthy." Kennedy said.

Not everyone agreed
with Kennedy‘s ideas about
the priesthood and sexuality.
Doug Kennedy. a local physi-
cian. said a priest's vovvs of
celibacy are important.

"A man who can't keep
his vows as a priest 18 in no
position to lead people." Doug
Kennedy said

Doug Kennedy said the
former priest talked around
the issues

"His views are contrary
and cataclysmic of the
church." Doug Kennedy said.

Yet others agreed with
Eugene Kennedy

Newman (‘enter Founda-
tion Speakers (‘ommittee
members .ludy McLaughlin
and Barbara Whitlock said
they thought Eugene
Kennedy had important in-
sight into the priesthood.

“He has so much to say
that makes sense to us."
Mclaughlin said

Kennedy said his wish
for the future of the church
is to restore the health of the
priests and the people and to
make it ”a place where peo-
ple can feel safe and free."






The Low-down

Mr. Reu-
bens has
never at
any time
any art-
work from
his exten~
sive vin-
tage and
art collec-
tion even
related to

Blair Berk,
Paul Reubens'
attorney in de-

fense of charges
of child pornog-
raphy possession
against Reuben


Security guards toil hijacking attempt

IS'I‘.\NIil'l.. Turkey Security guards
on Israel‘s national airline El Al overpow
ered a man who tried to hijack a flight from
Tel Aviv to Istaiibtil on Sunday. He was ap-
parently armed only with a pen knife. None
of the 171: passengers on board the Boeing
757 were harmed and the plaiie landed safe-
ly. said (iktay (‘akirlaiz ati official at Istan-
bul‘s Ataturk International Airport. The
semi Ulla ial Anatolia news agency identi-
tied the huacker as 'I‘awtiq l’ukra. a 23-year
old Arab with an Israeli passport. (‘akirlar
said I‘ll Al l’light Bill \l'lll out a liijackltig sig
nal as it approached Istanbul btit the sus
pet'l was (i\‘f‘l'('()llll' "No title was injured.”
(‘akirlar told The Associated Press by teler
phone. "The terrorist is in custody at the po
lice station at the airport." The general
manager of III .\I. Amos Shapira. confirmed
the suspect was an Israeli Arab but refused
to identity him

United Airlines cutting 9,000 jobs

('lllt‘Alit) l'nitetl Airlines will cut
noon jobs and reduce its flight schedule by
another it percent as part of aii effort to re-
turn to profitability. the carrier‘s parent
company announced Sunday. l'AI. (‘orp
faces .t liec 3 deadline to avoid a bankrupt-
cy filing and hopes to receive a $1.8 billion
federal loan guarantee by then. The carrier
has been talking \\lIll the Air 'I‘ransporta
tioii Stabili/ation Itoard over the last week
about its application and what it needs to do
to quality for the loan guarantee. "()ur plan
is intended to restore I'nited‘s financial
health. and it goes us the ability to repay
A'I‘Sli guaranteed loans.” (ilenn Tilton.
I'nited‘s chairman and chief executive offi-
cer. said ma statement l'nited spokesman
Jeff (ireeii said the airline plans to drop
from its current liltlltltl etiiployees it) Tllillll
by Blllll, The additional si.\ percent flight re
tllli'iltill would decrease the size of the has
lion‘s .\‘o 3 carrier by 25‘. percent overall
from pre Sept II levels. Spokeswoinan
(‘hrts .\'ardella declined to discuss which

jobs are being targeted by the cuts. Earlier

this month. I‘nited said it plans to furlough
Zion flight attendants beginning in January
which would bring the number of fur-
loughed attendants to roughly 1.8tlli.

Inspector: Result depends on Iraq
I..\I<.‘\'.r\t‘.-\. (‘vprus The chief l'..\'.
weapons inspector landed in ('yprus Sun
day to assemble his team for a return to
Baghdad and s.’ll(l the "question of war and

-"4’ d > .7“
.f t





Actor Paul
Reubens was
charged Friday
with one misde-
meanor count of
possessing mate-
rial depicting
children engaged
in sexual conduct,
a spokesman for
the Los Angeles
City Attorney's
Office said.
Reubens' attor-
ney, Blair Berk,
said the charge,
which stems from
artwork seized
from Reubens'
Hollywood Hills
home last year,
"is simply untrue
and without mer-
it." "Mr. Reu-
bens has never at
any time know-
ingly possessed
any artwork from
his extensive vin-
tage and antique
art collection
even remotely re-
lated to anything
improper," Berk
said in a state-
ment. "When all
the facts come
out, it will be
clear he did not
commit any
crime." Reubens,
best known for
his character

Pee Wee Herman,
turned himself in
late Friday after-
noon at a Los An-
geles Police De-
partment facility,
and hail was set
at $20,000, po-
lice said. If con-
victed, he could
face up to a year
in jail and a fine
of $2,500, said
Matt Littman, a
spokesman for
the city attorney.


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. r

I iichardl/Inliiu

peace" awaits an answer from Saddam Hus»
sein. President Bush has warned that Sad-
dam faces military action if he fails to coop.
erate fully with the inspectors. who will fly
to Iraq on Monday. Saddam faces a three-
week deadline to reveal weapons of mass de-
struction or provide convincing evidence he
no longer has any Chief UN. inspector Hans
Blix arid Mohamed ElBaradei. overseeing
the International Atomic Energy Agency's
search for nuclear arms. flew to (‘yprus
front Vienna. Austria. They joined about two
dozen other members of the advance team
assembling here to prepare for a resumption
of inspections after a nearly fouryear ab-
sence. Blix. who will lead the overall mis-
sion. said his team was prepared to meet the
challenge of ensuring Iraqi compliance. But
he said he hoped Iraq would not try to hide
anything. The 74-year—old Swedish diplomat
said inspectors would be taking along much
more sophisticated equipment than was
available when the inspection program was
suspended in December 1998.

Iraqi powder can penetrate U.S. suits
WASHINGTON Iraqi scientists know
how to make chemical weapons that can
penetrate military protective clothing. and
Iraq imported up to 25 metric tons last
month of a powder that is a crucial ingredi-
ent to such “dusty" weapons. Iraq told the
United Nations the powder was destined for
a pharmaceutical company that a former
weapons inspector says was ordered by Press
ideiit Saddam Hussein before the 1991 Per-
sian Gulf War to work on chemical and bio-
logical weapons. The powder. sold under the
brand name Aerosil. has particles so small
that. when coated with deadly poisons. can
pass through the tiniest gaps in protective
suits. Experts inside and outside the US
government say they are not certain Iraq
Iias dusty chemical weapons. Pentagon offi-
cials refused to discuss the permeability of
the niilitary‘s new suits or whether Iraq has
weapons that could pass through them. Such
information is classified. they said.

Ridge: No new threats in letter

WASHINGTON With the Senate set to
approve the agency-he's expected to lead.
President Bush‘s homeland security adviser
on Sunday played down as “really nothing
new" an alleged al-Qaida threat of attacks in
New York anti Washington. Tom Ridge also
said he doubted the Bush administration
would create an agency separate from the
FBI to gather domestic intelligence. Several
senators said the White House should not
pursue that idea without congressional in-
put. Ridge declined to discuss whether he
wants to become secretary of the Depart-
ment of Homeland Security. A senior admin-
istratioti official confirmed Sunday that
Ridge. a former Pennsylvania governor and
close friend of Bush. is the president's
choice for the job. Appearing on three Sun»


: i . Y







Lucasfilm, the
company behind
"Star Wars," Is
in discussions
with the Cartoon
Network about
joining forces for
an undisclosed
project, a
spokesperson for
the cable channel
tells EVI.com.
Internet reports
have suggested
that the project
in question is a
"Star Wars" car-
toon series, pos-
sibly titled "The
Clone Wars," but
Laurie Goldberg,
a Cartoon Net-
work senior vice
president for
publicity, declined

to offer details on

the negotiations.
"Cartoon Net-
work is constant-
ly seeking part-
nership opportu-
nities with great
creative compa-
nies," Goldberg
said. "So natu-
rally Lucasfilm
would be high on
that list. But to
speculate now on
a series launch or
the nature of

our discussions
would be very
There have al-
ready been two
traditionally ani-
mated "Star
Wars" cartoon
series --"Droids"
and "Ewoks"
both ran in the


production has been helmed by such labels as Subliminal, Moonshine, IHR, and Empire Nation/ll


day morning talk shows. Ridge tried to iitin
iniizc the alleged al (Jaitla threat. A corre
spondent for the Arab satellite TV station
Aldazeera told The Associated Press he re
ceived an unsigned. sis-page document on
Wednesday. a day after the station broadcast
an audiotape believed tnade by al-Qaida
leader ()sama bin Laden

‘Potter' has $87.7 million debut

I,()SAI\'(}I~ZI.I~JS The "Chamber of Se-
crets” has been opetied. antl Harry Potter
has found a fortune inside. Harry Potter and
the (‘liumher of Secrets. the second install
ment in the fantasy franchise based on .l.K.
Rowling's no\els. took 1118877 million. the
third-best debut weekend ever. according to
studio estimates Sunday. (Wu/HIMI‘ of Se
crcrs came in behind the record $114.8 mil-
lion that Spit/er .llmi grossed iii its first
three days last spring and the $90.3 million
haul of Harry l'otter and the Sorcerer's
Stone a year ago. Though “(‘hainber of Se»
crets” opened iii a record 3.882 theaters on a
record H.313 st‘i‘t-eiis. distributor Warner
Bros. had not expected the movie to set rev-
enue records. .>\nticip.‘ttion had been greater
for Sorcerer's Stone becatise it was the first
big-screen adaptation of Rowling's tales.
said Dan Fellinan. Warner head of distribu-

Stewart wraps up NASCAR title

boy finally made good. Tony Stewart won
the Winston (‘up championship Sunday
with an 18th~place finish in the Ford too. It
wasn't the way the intense. combative 31»
year-old wanted to win his first stock car ti-
tle. but he got the job done. Kurt Busch. the
hottest driver in the series. won the race for
his third victory iii the last five events.
Stewart came into the race knowing he
needed only to finisli 22nd or better to beat
Mark Martin in their championship duel.
Martin gave it a game try. finishing fourth
but coining tip 38 points short. "llnbeliev
able!" Stewart said as he got out of his car
and thrust his arms skyward. "We never
gave tip. I‘m really happy. This team de-
serves this.”

Compiled from staff and wire reports.










You've got mail,
Saddam Hussein

Password: Journalist cracks into Iraqi dictator’s inbox

DURHAM. NH, Even Saddam Hussein gets spam.

He also gets e-tnail purporting to be from US. companies
offering bttsiness deals. and threats. according to a journal-
ist who figured out a way into an Iraqi government e-mail
account and downloaded tnore than 1.000 messages.

Brian McWilliams. a freelancer who specializes in In-
ternet security. says he hardly needed high