xt7fbg2h884m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h884m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19850906 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 6, 1985, no. 463 text The Green Bean, September 6, 1985, no. 463 1985 2014 true xt7fbg2h884m section xt7fbg2h884m I y y A   I —IHUVERMTY OF]KENTUCKYIJBRARHB’NEWKLETTER - _ ‘ I I
t - I- _ »
_ , 9-5-35 _ ··c · 1. r._- Y _ ' . ~ _No. 463 " .
rt] — I_CALENDAR I. -I,_ i _ 1 _` I I- V
A ‘i September 10-12 Project Management ` l
' ‘ ’ _September 18 NEH Summer Stipends Application _
‘ ~ Deadline 1 `· · I
· my y September,l92 A Attrition and Retention Programs -
‘ September 20 `Coal Information Network of_ I
— 4 Kentucky Annual Fall Meeting
I September 20 Kentucky Council on Archives Fall
I I Meeting · g I
Next "Green Bean"_issuef_ Friday, September 20, 1985. It ~
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, September l6, 1985.
Production Staff: LCecil Madison, Carol Marcum, I A A
‘ Rob Aken (editor) " r

 I.l·Z’l'l'I·iR OI-` l\PI’IH·Zr·nd is $3,000 for two months of summer
Paul Willis received Lhc [¤.l10wj.nq letter. This year the University will nominate three
’ ' proposals for thc national competition.
On b<.·h.nli' 0I' the Modern Lnnquagrw Association, Intterested facu1Ly members should prepare a
I would like I;0 take this opportunity t0 proposal and submit it along with a
; nd:c—s journal z1rt·jclr>r<, essays, and If you have questions 0r need additional
  |T\()l|<)f]I'D[JI`I1;$ on Slavic literature each year. information, contact Nancy Dye at 7-6689.
3 Although this has always bcvn A demanding and
Q tim<*—c·¤r1s¤11n1ir.q rr*sp0nsibi I ity , |‘h¤w
I jmpl<~u»·mnLi1ic~ c·ssr~ml:inl to College of Library and Information Science at
I the production of each annum]. Ilibliwgrnphy. Lhc University 0f Kentucky, has been named
§ recipient of the Baker 6. Taylor Grassroots
{ Since al]. contributors do work entirely ns Grant for Kentucky. Ms. Goode is currently
i vr>lum·r·mrs, rc·wnrc1<·d only by their knowledge the librarian at the Mathematical Sciences
l 0[ Hur- j¤¤¤;¤.>rl.nr1c·<· of H10 Di[)1j(>C]l'il}'iII\] to Library 0n campus.
I international. scholarship in literature,
E linguistics, and folklore, the npprccabion The purpose of the grant, which is awarded by
· owwj Hwnn is especially great. Thr: the Baker 6* Tay lor Company, is to encourage »
I continuing service Mr. Mnrkiw performs mn the professional development 0f library
| this basis, in addition to his 0n—campus science students and their participation in
I service, is one nf whjrh both hc and the thc activities of library associations.
Univmxzjly of lr:u·i.¤;·s should bc Bnkcr & 'I‘:1yI0r cffcrs thc grant through a
justly proud. committee of Lhe Junior Members Round Table
of the American Library Association.
Eileen M. r-1nr·k0:=y, Director
i · Center for Bi.bli0qraphicnl_ Services The $250 grant will be used by Ms. Goode to
F i Modern Lmxqunqu Association uf America defray the cost of attending Lhc annual
l New York, Now York conference 0f the Kentucky Library Assocation
I in Paducah, Kc;·ntudt R€].¤tir>x’es and
Q have Ixunvanislzic contcent or focus. The Unc New Federal 'l`r»>: !,.ww." §'¤r 1urti:;;r

llllflllllill inn IIlr·:I::<~ <:<.IIII:Icl· the IJIrector's lOl-IA
(ul I Im-. f
A Information Services: liibrarian. Iowa State {
University . Salary: $17,500 minimum. i
Nljw IDOKS Deadline: October 4, 1985. ·
Li, 'I'zr·—r:hnn¢;. An Int reduction to Online P
S·‘·-Irr·lIiIIq . _l·{estpor t", Cl`: Lireenwoocl ler 30, 1985.  
Collections Maiiilenance OI ficer. Johns  
[>[{(i|-'I·§!5Sl()(JAIJ (_IPP(JR'I'I lI·lT’I’ I IE5 Hopiq ins Uni versity . Salary: $27 , OOO i
(l·`or more info, see the Refs-rence Dept.) minimum. Deadline: September 30, 1985. E
if";]/'Il lU,‘lr(‘I`(‘ll|']Q Librarian. University of
Cal i1r·I‘IIia , Los /\Il']VT‘l<"Ii . Sri I ary: $22,180 — Catalnquer , M.l'1` Publications, Massachusetts
$39,031. I»r~a/1liIIe: October Bl , 1.985. Institute of 'l'er·lIno1c·g]y. Salary: $18,400 — I
$20,000. Deadline: September 30, 1985.
llervl ol /\t`(l|.l`llil t imnzc and lI·Il'lIl /\IIII-rican  
Ililil infn ·l|‘ll\‘I'. Ilnivei sity II  
l'>ea<11iII<:: October 1. , 1985 . g
Government lr`Ll1)ll.CZItQ10lI.'i Librarian .
S¤‘lllIWI' (VII Fli|'l£]t‘I` anrl Lala ill ]\Illl‘l"l('JlIl I_IIIj vpriaity rI[ i`·l(‘\1{l(,lil Reno. [Sal atv: $24 ,000
llilil iwql :1; II 1'.‘l` . Univcrsi ly ol` Cal ilurn iii, IIIiniIIIuIiI, Deadli ne: Octoli~r·r 31, 1985.
l?ivr·r.¤.ie|·: Salary: $25,728 — $28,428. I.
Deadline: October l, 1985. Banque Studies Librarian. University of i
Nevada Reno . Sal ary: $23 , 000 minimum . I
Head, I?r·Ierr·nr;e Department. University of Deadline; Ogkglpgy 3],, i985_
California, Santa Barbara. Salary: $27,156 {
- $50,604. Deadline: l··lOVC‘llll'>*')l" 15, 1985. Business Reference Lihrari an. l.iZll.Vf‘l`fill`g’ of {
Nevada Reno . Sa l ary: $22 , 000 mi ::‘.mI.Im . I
Deadline: October 31, 1985. - i
Science Di.bliograpIir·r and Science Rofererice OIIIO I
Librarian. University of Georgia Libraries. I.
Salary: $.16 , 500 minimum. Deadline: Head , Catalog IJ; pa=·t1IIIr·::i· . (>@~ I   Sl =1 tre i
November l, 1985. University. Satrny; S3(l,<“-3 - $.lt`§_I,E:.0. [
Deadline: Seoten.T>;-r 10, l98‘}. _
Assistant Director for 'I'echni.rtal Services and I
Collection Development. Georgia Irisstiliite of Head lIil>ITaITJ.¢¤II, .*¢1¢‘i~.2‘l.·=` Ij=_ ·I`I»_;§,n¢r;,—I l
Technology . Salary: $40,000 minimum 1nsl:i.tI_Ite_ Wooster . (T>}I§;» f$l~I· · llai vm s`—.l *3 . i
Deadline: Septeirber 30, 1985. Salary: J$22,(I1s0 —— $Z;5,ElI;;·. l.¢·arlti.I~. 1 ·
October 7, 1985.  
i ILLINOIS Assist ant lla. rl , Wee: ff` ‘:·r.=1.:r¤ Ir   I: I no  
Ffesoiirtes (jr-Iit»··I3 (>lI`1I r—·:¤ =w;#·· ;-lly’-  
Humanities Librarian/Catalcqer. Salary: $1'*,l··:0 — F~3f.%,0"0 I.···.··:?li·I¤; I
Southern 11 linois University at Carbondale. September 30, 19+35 . I
Salary: $17,900 up. Deadline: Open until l
filled. I ·
‘ `:,Z\fi’.5 I
Direrlor of lliiixmsrci rj; I I»z I I~+.. llii ~z··I~ .- I
cataloger of Rare Books and Special Texans Slnrtir Uni III ws.;  . Il, ~·i;iII»·; *?·¤(.~;~I¤.l ·-r Ii
Collections. Indiana Universi I1y_ Salary: 15, 1985. l ,
Sl.6 , 480 minimum. Deadline: November 15 , 1985 .  

5 Reference Librarian. University of _
Tennessee. Salary: $16,500 — $20,500
Deadline: November 15, 1985.
I (If interested, contact Ann Howell.)
E l » l
{ Library Tech IV, grade 6, Chemistry Physics
1 Library TECh V, grade 7, Microfilm Center .
Library Tech VI, grade 8,
Newspaper/Periodicals _
Library Tech V, grade 7, Special Collections
[ The position consists of four main areas of
responsibility: processing manuscript .
collections; answering mail inquiries,
especially those relating to genealogical
I questions; serving at the reference desk
assisting patrons; preparing Kentucky Guide
Project sheets for our manuscripts to enter V
into the SPINDEX/National Historical ‘
Publications and Records Commission data base
as well as local date records. The applicant
should have substantial knowledge of
genealogical tools and historical resources, ‘ _ _
particularly Kentucky-related sources.
Innediate Supervisor: Claire McCann.
Staff Assistant VII, grade 8, Director's · M
Library Tech VI, grade 8, Medical Center,
Audiovisual Library — contact Canpus
Personnel 7-3841
