xt7fbg2hb21k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2hb21k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 1997 1997 1997-01-23 2020 true xt7fbg2hb21k section xt7fbg2hb21k  





‘ Study suggests tuition increase


By Capri Cicero
Staff ll 'r'itrr

Certain issues seem to be reborn every couple of
years, and regardless of when the cycles renew them—
selves, they create concern amon 7 students.

Increasing tuition is one oft ese concerns. The
mention of tuition increases produces a shudder in
students as \isions of dollar signs floating away seem
to close minds to any idea of compromise.

In the 1997 Kentucky Annual Economic Report
from the Center for Business and Economic
Research, Dan Black, a labor economist, and
Amitabh Chandra, a labor economics graduate stu—
dent, tackled the economics of raising tuition at pub-
lic universities in Kentucky. According to Chandra,
who became interested in the subject as a result of
his senior honors‘ thesis, increasing tuition is “one
angle of education reform that has gone unnoticed."

The report, titled “More Efficient Financing of
Higher Education: The Case for Tuition Increas—
es,” argues, among other things, that subsidizing

public universities is an inefficient way to provide
financial aid to residents of the state.

Not only does this method allow the universities
to rely on the government for financing. regardless
of the quality ofeducation, but it provides a foriii of
financial aid to students who could afford to pay
much more for college, according to the report.

Although Chandra agreed that UK is considered
by many to be the best school in the state, many of


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Kentucky's top high school gradu» r T T" ‘ ’ ‘
ates are still going out of state for Undergraduate IIIIIMII at the “IIIVBI'SIW III Kentucky
college. and ”WWII! IIIIIVBl'SilIBS 1985 and 1994 . .

Chandra said Kentucky's reten— ' ' a?“ . ‘- ' It“- ‘s‘ 't 3:3:th
tion rate is still low for students t: V 3
who have participated in (Iover- Undorgraduatein—statn {MIMI ,1} lllzlflVBi'Slly l
nor’s Scholars Programs, ' til IBIIMSSBB I
. According to'the report, provid- uC=|my3pgny
ing'students With a voucher and ‘ ofCincinnatl
riaising tuition ,“OUT allow stu- PU=PIINIUB IIIIVBI'SIIV
tents to choose between the pri—
vate and public schools in Ken— 080:0”) 8MB
tucky, causing the public universi- lhIVBl'SltV
ties to be more educationally coni— "1:“th Muffin
petitive. W=WWW3IW 0'
. Students, when asked if they 1&3: ‘ 1 Mi‘tll Caroiuia i
favor an increase in tuition, were um , Uiulzliniyerglty f
wary of youchers and reduced fed- 1'3: __ 1 0' Virginia ‘,
eral assistance to public institu— \ ,1 A. .7 1

tions. Ill UT


“Of course I don't want it, but ————_.....~-.._s_.

it's going to happen regardless.

The cost of living increases." said

.\'lissy .VIcCallister, an early elementary education
junior. “It's inc-Vitable. But ifyou feel your education
is worth it. you'll pay."

Tim llagedorn, a psychology freshman, answered
similarly. He believes students are not getting the
education they need as it is, and said increasing
tuition is not reasonable.

“\Ye aren‘t going to be able to afford it and

“C P” 08"



America will suffer." ll.igedoiii said “Inflation is the
only reason to im t'easc it."

I ‘K I’i‘esideiit ( :liarlcs \Yetlimgtoii s iid liis ( on
cei'n about the \out her system stems lioin the possi
bilitv that .1 higher lit'lt‘t’ tag will make a college etlur
cation less accessible to students.

“I h.i\ e .il\\ .iys pushed strongly to keep tuition is
low as possiblt \Yetliingt-iii said "It is the \t-it
best form of financial aid "


Allison Marsh
Senior Staff ll’rirer'

Yesterday marked the 24th anniversary ofthe Roe
v, “"3th decision that gave women the constitution-
ally protected right to abortion in the early stages of

“In Memory of the Courageous Women \Nho
Died from Illegal Unsafe Abortions Because They
Had No Choice" was a program designed to push
rights forward.

“\Ve need to remember we're not going to let the
clock be turned back," said Lise Smith—Peters of
Lexington Planned Parenthood.

Women shared their stories of back—street abor—
tions prior to 1973 in the film ”lien Abortion War
Illegal: Untold Stories. A doctor in the film said that in
the 19505, at least 20 or 30 women came in daily,
bleeding from botched abortions.

To obtain medical treatment, some women had to
testify against their husbands. Others drank toxic
chemicals or were raped by criminal abortionists.

In Kentucky, women can choose to have abor—
tions in Fayette and Jefferson counties. The risk fac—
tor is one percent for women in their first trimester
and less than two percent for women in the second
trimester, said Elizabeth Strom of the Kentucky
chapter of the National Organization for Women.

Today, abortion is one of the most common clini—
cal procedures, I 1 times safer than carryin a preg—
nancy to term, and twice as safe as a penicil in injec—
tion, according to a Planned Parenthood fact sheet.

More than 50 percent of pregnancies are unin—
tended, and half-are terminated by abortion, accord—
ing to the Alan Guttmacher Institute.

Strom works at a clinic that performs abortions,
and she defends the practice. She said nothing in the




M l r nu
\'()l "




yesterday in commemoration of the 24th anniverxary of the

Bible says abortion in immoral, nor is it ille ral.
However, Strom said the clinic gets anonymous Tet—
ters and phone calls from anti—abortion citizens.

“Those who are opposed to abortion are coward—
ly," Strom said. “They haven’t expressed their opin-
ions openly.”

Tom Stickler from the American Civil Liberties
Union views abortion as a personal choice.

He said human beings are here solely to pass on

FAMIlY PLANNING Elizabeth Strom, of Kentucky National Organization for M 'omen, spoke in the Student Center

Roe v. lVade Supreme Court deriiion.

genetic heritage. Stickler said ifa women cannot be
forced to get pregnant, she should not be forced to
have a baby ifshe is not ready to.

“Think'of all the liinsteins andJeffrcy l)aliiners
we've lost to abortion," he said. “Then, think oftlic
ones we've lost to abstinence."

As the program wound down and open discussion
began, the audience was urged to take political
action and share their stories.


Tuition Refund Policies

of UK’s Benchmarks:


UK: Board of Trustees reduced the refund limit from eight
weeks to four weeks beginning next fall.

Indiana University: No refund after 4th week

iloitii Carolian State University". No refund after 2nd week
Ohio State University: No refund after 3rd week

Purdue Unvorsity: No refund after 6th week

University of Team: No refund after 4th week
Univeristy of "loci: at Urbana: No refund after 10th week
University of Missouri: No refund after 8th week
University ol itorliicaroiino: No refund after 9th week
University of Virginia: No i’BI‘iiid after 6th week

Virginia Polytechnic institute: No rutund after 6th week
Vlost Virginia Univlrsliy: No refund after 6th week.







By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

Refunds for courses dropped after the
fourth week of the semester will not be an
option starting this fall.

Currently, students can receive a 50 per—
cent refund until the eighth week of the
term. The UK Board of Trustees voted
Tuesday to implement the change despite
opposition from faculty and student mem-

The policy revision is designed to save
administrative costs and provide students
with quicker refunds, as well as make UK’s
policy more consistent with its benchmark
institutions, according to the recommenda-
tion from the Office of the President.

But the policy may be detrimental to
community college students, said commu—
nity college faculty representative Jim
Miller, one of three trustees who voted
against the revision.

Many of these students work at least one
job, are married and have children, he said.

They sometimes need the extra time to
make a decision about a course because
they may have to deal with unexpected cir-
cumstances, such as a shift change at work
or a sick child.

“-We’vc effectively closed the door (for
refunds) to those students,” Miller said.

Jack Guthrie, an alumni member who


BUT changes refund policy despite protests

voted in favor of the recommendation, said
“there is no intention at all to hurt a stu-

Though the revision is good because it
brings the University in line with its
benchmarks and increases efficiency,
Guthrie said he would be interested in
reviewing the policy after a year if it seems
to be having a detrimental effect on stu-
dents. Based on his experience as a student,
Guthrie said, most students probably will
not have a problem in simply dropping
classes earlier to receive a refund.

“Whatever time period you've got, you
take," he said.

Student member and Student (iovern-
ment Association President Alan Aja, who
voted against the change, said he did so for
the community college students and finan—
cially unstable students.

“It’s very important to them that they
have a more open option,” Aja said.

Aja said he would have supported a
compromise in which students could
receive a refund until the fifth or sixth

“Sometimes I don’t even have a grade by
the fourth week," Aja said.

In a study of UK’s benchmarks con-
ducted by the Office of Management and
Budget, only two universities out of l I had
policies more liberal than UK’s current





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Senate ratifies
national security group

\\':\Sl ll\(i lit )_\' , The Senate ratified l’res
ident Clinton's groundbreaking national securit\
team uitli lightning speed yesterday. L‘iililii'llillii'
Madeleine Alliriglit as the nation's first female
secretary of state and former Republican Sen
\Yilliam Cohen as defense secretary.

Both won ‘)‘)-() approval with no word of doubt
or dissent.

"She‘s a strong lady She's a courageous lady,"
Senate lioreign Relations Committee Chairman
Jesse Helms, R—N.C.. said of Albright, the L'.S.
ambassador to the Lnitcd Nations during Clin-
ton's first four years in office.

The Cohen debate wa~ equally laudatoiy

“It's a pleasure to participate in your coronav
tion -. lniean. your confirmation." said Sen l’at
Roberts, R AKair, welt oming ( iolien back.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, I) \\'.\'a., out of the
country “till .i trade mission in Japan, was the
only senator not to \tilt.‘

Congress, Clinton plan to compromise
\\"\Sl ll\( i'l ( i\ l’iesident (:Illlllill and

Republitan leaders are making conciliatory gesr
titres toward each other in the first days ofthe new
administration .ind ( Zonsii'ess (:linton is offering:
to narrow the gap on .\ledicare spending. ind the
Senate is upping through his key Cabinet noini

Plenty of disagreement lies ahead, particularly
on budget issues

Still, two days after Clinton's inauguration and
a day after the l louse reprimanded Speaker Newt
(iingrich for ethics \‘ltil uions. an unusual sense of
civility and bipartisansliip pervaded the nation's

“This is the way we ought to do business
around here," said Sen. Christopher Dodd. l)v
Conn, as the chamber sped to confirm Clinton's
nomination of Madeleine Albright as secretary of

“\Ye will try to work together." Senate .\I.i]ori~
ty Leader Trent Lott. R-;\Iiss.. told the Senate
He called the confirmations of >\lbright. and Iatei
of Republican \\'illi.iiii Cohen as defense secretary
both by votes of ”9—H “indicative of what we
can do in the weeks and months ahead."

The day before, in a gesture of deep political
significance, Clinton offered to split the difference
with Republicans on restraining the soaring costs
of Medicare.

Simpson attorney critical ol police

SANTA MONICA, Calif. - O.J. Simpson's
lawyer took aim at police yesterday to counter a
theatrical summation by the victims' relatives that
featured pictures of a smiling Ron Goldman and
the anguished voice of.\"icole Brown Simpson.

“\Ve will demonstrate to you there is an
immense amount wrong With the evidence," attor—
ney Robert Baker told jurors. “They talk about
results of tests. we talk about contamination
before these tests were ever done."

He also criticized the plaintiffs, who spent a
tlay—;iiid~a—halfiinploring jurors to find Sim ison
responsible for the June II, 1994 deaths oilMs.
Simpson and Goldman, and to strip the football
star of his fortune.

“I sat here as have you for the last two days. . I
didn’t hear one word about police malfeasance,
Did you hear one word about it:" Baker asked.

“You cannot put sympathy, passion, prcpudice
into your work," Baker told the jury. “You get
to decide the fact. filter through the law, and more
importantly filter through your commonsense "

m Yeltsin returns to Kremlin

MOSC( )\V —~ Boris Yeltsin showed up at thi
Kremlin on yesterday for the first time in two
weeks, a surprise appearance that took the wind
out ofa parliamentary move to oust him because
ofhis poor health.

The a ipearance clearly was timed to quell
claims Yeltsin is too sick to govern, althou rh offi~
cially he went to the Kremlin for what ai es said
was a working meeting with Prime Minister Vik-
tor Chernomyrdin.

The visit was reported by the presidential press
service, but it said no photographs or video
footage of Yeltsin’s return to work were made.

The president, who had heart surgery in
November. hasn't been seen in pet.“ or in pic—
tures since he fell ill with pneumonia o .Jan. 6.


Police 3860" GOIUUCPI iii "'IVCIS

NFAVARK, NJ. — A funny thing happened
on the way to the inaugural, so Whoopi Goldberg
decided to apologize.

She got a little help from Maryland and
Delaware state police in traveling from New York
to Washington, DC, to arrive on time Sunday
for pro—inauguration festivities. But New Jersey
told her to go alone, saying it wasn’t appropriate.

Goldberg hadn’t requested the escort — that
was done by one of the inaugural's organizers. But
she called Gov. Christie Whitman's office anyway
Tuesday to say she was sorry for any misunder—

“Shc was concerned that she not be seen as
someone who was demanding special attention,”
the governor said.

Compiled fim wire repent.




wm‘smvama t... , .



2 Thursday, ]rmuury 2 i, 1997', KmmtI'y Kernel


By Chris Easterllng

Spam lidrmr


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Editor lti Chief .....

.BI’CI‘IIH Reilly

CINCINNATI —— Life without

Klan-“I‘m"g Hm” ' ' “““ I‘ll “"5"" Derek Anderson began for UK
5“” NW” ' 4 ‘ ““““ Kathi" Ruling last night, btit judging by the out-
.Msocnie News Editor . , ( .tn- \\'ulf come you wouldn't have known he
Features l’ditor _ . . . _ \1” “an.” was gone to begin with.
mum“ NH." . [ I”,,,,,(,,j”wnn Allen I‘:(IV\"8I’(IS and Scott Pad-
:\s»isr.mt Editorial Him 1 1,.“ ( 3“,”de gett stepped into the spotlight to
SIM“ Hum , I hm l- WWW replace Anderson, whose colle—
, . ‘ F giate career ended Nlonday when
ll “'ka \PW“ l‘ ‘l""’ l“"" II‘ "I“ re was diagnosed with a torn ante-
\ycckcnd 5pm,, NH”, 11-. 1. Int rior cruciate liga-
Arts l-‘diior 1).” . i \.~.|| ment in his right
Assistant Am Ikliior . .1 ,,,.,,. p ,j, M knee.
KcU I‘iditor .. l. ,1.” III I' II tI.iris Ii'llwarlls and
(Inltne I'Zditor I - vzmon Padgett scored 16
‘ " “ ‘ points each the
l’lltiltrl‘tllffll . ., i“! W I r'illu (Zats defeated
Design l’diior i ' I M Vanderbilt 58-46
.\.\\l\l.ll1ll)t‘\l}jll I'Tlnt r ~'. ~ 3‘ ' at Riverfront Coli—
. 'l he littleju :1 1,1 ‘ ' ‘ 'l ‘ i “In” Edwards
I‘HllnllL'tl In I ‘5‘” ' V ' j “( inat I] sorta
“It" (in-hon Iiillll‘ v'Iw "‘ ‘ l ‘ hall :1 li'tlr' talk with me about (my
I“"“I~’""' I‘ shot selettion)." Padgett said. “I

l'r/mrrrr m _ .
.l.‘.“4" " 11/

can't go out thinking before the
gtine that I've got to go out and
take over a game, because that's
when you force things."

Added Edwards, “The way I
felt I had to step up my game was
to be more aggressive and put up
more points."

(‘n 'l‘tiesday, Coach Rick I’iti—
no challenged the duo, along with
m iPl‘H tmore \Vayne Turner, to ele-


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vate their games in order to fill the
void left by Anderson’s departure.

Apparently, the challenge was

The pair, which will never
exactly match the Hair that Ander~
son and teammate Ron Mercer
have rovided this year, hit a com-
bine 7~of—IS from behind the
three—point line.

Included in that performance
were three strai ht treys to start
the second half. dwards finished
with four threes, Padgett with

Each had career highs in threes
attempted and made, while Pad-
gett added highs in field goals
attempted (10) and made (6),
points and assists (3).

“I thought Wayne Turner,
Scott Padgett and Allen Edwards
all stepped it up tonight," I’itino
said. “Everybody was more
aggressive. We have to generate
more points and we have to shoot
more threes."

And shoot the three they did,
almost at a frenzy reminiscent of
the “Pitino‘s Bombinos" da 5. UK
finished ll-of-32 behind t e arc,
while attempting just two free

But, Pitino pointed out, these
are a far cry from the old days.

“W'e’re still Kentucky" Pitino
said. “We’re not David and Van-


derbilt Goliath. We still have
scholarship athletes.

“This game pleased me more
than any (game) this season.
There is only one way for us to
win now, and that is to scratch and

“The days of the 20- and 30-
point blowouts are over for this

Mercer also stepped up his play
to fill in for his best friend, putting
together one of his most balanced
statistical efforts of the season.

He finished with 15 points
along with 9 rebounds, 3 assists
and 2 steals.“Ron )layed terrific,"
I’itino said. “He played great bas-
ketball all ni ht.”

“I don't eel like I have to go
out and score 20 or 30 points
every night," Mercer said. “I just
need to go out and do the little
things — get the rebounds, get the
stea , play better defense, every—
thing else. The rest will take care

The Cats (17-2, 5-1 in the
Southeastern Conference) opened
the game looking ragged on
offense, allowing the Commodore
(11-6, 3-3) to battle back from
seven down to within one point on
two separate occasions.

But the Wildcats forced Van-
derbilt to misfire on a pair of
shots, which they converted into a

film bombs sink 'Dores


Ilt 58, Handel-hilt 48

I (5.): Edwards 6-11, 00 16; Padget1 6-10.
1-2 16; Mohammad 2-4. 04) 4: Epps 1-8. 0-0
3; Mercer 6-16. 04) 15; Pridtett 04, 0-0 0;
Turner 2-6, 0—0 4; Magloire 0-1, 00 0; MIIIS 0-
3. 00 0. Totals 2363, 1.2 58.

‘14.): DiSpaltro 6-9, 46 16; Whitehead 2-
8, 0-0 5, Bales 2-9, 0-0 4; Prater 2-4, 00 6;
Maddux 3-13, 0-2 7; Pride 1-4. 0-0 2; Langhi
1-100 2; Strong 1.3, 2-2 4; Cugtni 0-0, 0-0
0. Totals 18-53, 6-10 46

Hamime UK 27. VU 21. Rebounds UK 42 (Mercer.
Pncxen 9), VU 34 (DISplatro 10) Threepomt FG
UK 11-32 (Edwards 4-8, Padgett 3-7. Epps 1-6
Mercer 38, Mills 03), VU 4-17 (Whitehead r4.
Prater 24. Maddux 1-7, Pride 0-i,Langh101j
Assrsls UK 17 (Epps 5) VU 8 (Maddux 4) Blocks
UK 5 (Mohammad 2) vu o Fouls UK 12, vu 11
Fouled out None

A: 17,121




deuce by Nazr Mohammed and a
three-pointer by Iidwards. The
short spurt game UK a 27—21 lead
at intermission.

Whatever Pitino said to the
team at halftime must have been
taken to heart.UK came out on
fire, beginning the second stanza
with a 20—4 streak, which effec-
tively shut the door on the 'Dores.

Vanderbilt would battle back,
but the closest they could ever get
was within 10, 56-46, with 1:26
left in the game.



By Brett Dawson

Senior Staff IVrrrn‘

It’s nothing new for Derek
Anderson, but that doesn’t make
things any easier.

Anderson yesterday had suc-
cessful arthroscopic surgery on his
right knee, the second time in his
collegiate career that such an
operation has ended his season.

In a release issued by the UK
Medical Center, David Caborn,
M.I)., said the operation was suc—
cessful and Anderson began
immediate physical physical thera-
py with quadriceps activation, full
extension anti continuous passive
motion while in the recovery

The operation lasted one hour
and 20 minutes. Anderson’s prog-
nosis is excellent, according to the
release, and he should be fully
recovered by this summer.

UK coach Rick Pitino said on
'I‘uesday that UK's objective was
to have Anderson in good shape
in time forjune's NBA Draft.

“I le won't be ready to play, but
he’ll be ready to get drafted," Piti—
no said. “The question is, will
someone draft him. Hopefully we
can have him close to where they
can see the surgery was very suc—
cessful at that point."

(Iaborn, orthapaedic and sports
medicine specialist at UK I Iospital
and L'K's team physician. per—
formed the operation. \\'hile a
sophomore at Ohio State, Ander-
son suffered a similar injury to his
left knee.

Those injuries coupled togeth-
er will hinder Anderson's draft
position, said Pitino, who said
Anderson was “on the verge of
becoming a lottery pick" before
the injury.

“Derek's game is quickness,
speed," the UK coach said. “For
Danny Manning, who‘s now a

)ower forward to (tear ACLs in
I)()tl‘l knees) is UK. For Derek, it's
going to be tough."

Anderson was in good condi-


JAMES CRISP Krnrrlrra/j‘

UNDER THE KNIFE I )erek Anderson underwent rurrmfirl (tn/Jrorroprr knee
surgery after pom-mg [th right knee in [an Saturday's game (lg/rim! .‘irrlwrn.

tion yesterday and was to remain
in UK Hospital overnight with
discharge scheduled for this morn-
ing. Meanwhile, Anderson's team—
mates said on 'I‘iiesday that the
senior is keeping his spirits up.

“If he was to walk through here
right now, you wouldn't know
there was anything wrong with
him,” said Anthony Epps, Antler-
son’s roommate. “I Ie's still got
that smile on his face."






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lilo. 4 Title rolls over Cats

By Rob Herbst
ll 'rrl’t'm.’ Spurn [idimr

(IlNCl.\'.\':\'l‘l w Sometimes
statistics don't tell the whole
story, but last night the statistics
didn't lie for the UK women’s
basketball team.

As a prelude to the UK men's
game. the Cats were out rebound-
ed by more than a l—to-l margin
iii a 78-02 loss to No. 4 Alabama.

In an otherwise even statistical
battle. UK was dominated on the
glass 53—25, and that spelled doom
for the Cats.

“()ne of the things that we've
talked about in the past few days is
rebounding," L'K head coach
Bernadette Mattox said.

“And one of the keys to losing
this game is that we didn‘t block
out at all."

:\t the outset of the game, it
seemed as if the Tide would roll
over the Cats. Alabama started the
gattte with a blit'ling 13—0 run.

The Cats regained composure
arid were able to close within two
points with 7:5:- left in the first
half. and CK went to the locker
rootii down only () against the
nationally ranked Crimson Tide.

“It appeared to tile early in the
game that this could be a run—
away," said Alabama head coach
Rick .\lootly. “:\t the same time
you have to give Kentucky a lot of
credit for lighting and getting
back in the gante. At the half it

arve gets (ill to whet thirst

By Paul Newberry

slit/itit/rrd I'H'n‘

\ll“.\\' ()Rl.l".:\,\'S w: .\laybe it
was the timing. just a few days
before the Super Bowl in a city
known for revelry. :\fter all. this is
the place where the most famous
thoroughfare shares its name with
a whiskey.

\\'hatevcr the case, the NFL
sounded none too pleased when
Brett l5avre‘s agent revealed the
(ireen Bay Packers quarterback
has been given the go-ahead by
the league to resume drinking

The agent, james “Bus" Cook.
stressed that the two—time MVP
doesn’t plan to spend the days
leading up to Sunday's game
against the New lingland l’atriots
partying away the nights on Bour-
bon Street.

“lle's got one thing on his
mind and that's to win the Super
Bowl," Cook said yesterday frotn
his office in llattiesburg, Miss.
“Brett's not expressed to tne that
he wants to go out and drink. It’s
not a matter of drinking; it’s a
matter ofchoice.”

l’avre admitted being addicted
to a pain-killing drug, and he
spent 46 days in a Kansas treat—


- t . ...---._..

was still a game."

L‘K hung around with .‘\l‘.ll)‘.llll;l
at the beginning ol the second half
but was struck with disaster with
15:1l left in the game.

Second—team ;\ll Southeastern
Conference player Kiiti Denkins
aggravated a sprained ankle after
she was fouled. She was able to hit
one of two free throws before
leaving the game.

Denkins was having her best
game ofthe season with 1‘) points
before the injury. She was able to
return with 13 minutes left but
was ineffective, scoring only four
more points.

Alabama took advantage ofthe
injury, going on a H—Z run ending
UK's hopes for a shocker in
Riverfront Coliseum.

“Kim sprained her ankle today
in the shoot-around. btit she
understood this was an SFC game
and she played her heart and soul
out," Mattos said.

Moody added. “I don't know
how she stayed on the floor, that
was a valiant and brave effort. and
Kentucky played as hard as they
possibly could."

Although the loss of Denkins
was enough for the Cats (6-11, ()-
5) to handle in the late stages of
the gaiite, L7K also had to battle
fatigue against the Crimson Tide
(16-2, 5-0).

In the final 15 minutes, the
Cats played with seven healthy
players along with Denkins. UK

ment facility last summer. But he
protested when the league also
banned him frorn drinking alcohol
for two years and subjected him to
random testing.

Cook said l“avre told him last
week that league officials agreed
to change the quarterback's status
in its substance-abuse program
and that he'll no longer face ran-
dom testing for alcohol use.

liavre could not be reached for
comment until early today, when
he said, simply: “l can‘t drink until
the season‘s over. I don’t want to
get into trouble now because
we've got a game this week."

Packers coach Mike llolmgren
said he understands the NFL is
not planning to address the issue
further until after the Super Bowl.

The NFL wouldn't comment
because of the confidentiality of
its substance abuse policy. It was
clear, however, that the league
wanted all parties to keep their
silence on the matter. at least until
after the season was over.

“\rVe don‘t plan to make any
further comment this week nor at
the time the final report is deliv—
ered," league spokesman Greg
:\iello said. “Due to the policy’s
confidentiality provisions, we
would hope that the Packers and

NCAA completes
Huskies probe

HARTFORD. Conn. ~—- The
.\'C:\:\ on \Vednesday completed
its review of whether Connecticut
center Kirk King and point guard
Ricky Moore should be further
penalized for accepting improper

The findings were not released
by the NCAA, which said it was
forwarding copies of its final
report to the school and the Big
l‘iast Conference.

Under standard procedures. it
is up to the school to release any
further sanctions

.King, a senior ca itain. and
Moore, a sophomore, already have
been sidelined for two games, the
second being last night's loss at



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The pair, who sat out Sunday’s
loss to top-ranked Kansas, did not
travel with the Huskies to Miami.

Connecticut sports information
director Tim Tolokan. reached at
halftime on press row at the
tVliami game, said the school was
aware the .\'C;\;\ had completed
its report but had not been
informed of the ruling.

Athletic director Lew Perkins
and members of his staff were due
back on a late flight and not
expected to review the decision
until Thursday at the earliest,
'l‘olokan said.

King and Moore have been key
contributors for the Huskies.
King. the team’s tnost experienced
player, is the leading rebounder at
nearly eight per game, and is sec—
ond in scoring at nearly 12 points.

Moore has run the floor for
Connecticut all season, averaging
eight points and 6.5 assists.

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Malian: 78, III 82

II (.2): Martinez 2-7 0-1 6, Wait 4-10 2-2
11.Embry 0-100 0, Hay 4-9 6-615;Viethl-
5 0-0 2. Boyd 2-6 l-2 5; Jackson 0-2 0-0 0.
Denkins 6-10 11-34 23 Totals 19-50 20-25

-aM-M _


. -.~——....—...-. m

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M (7'): Enis 5-7 2-3 ‘2. L Jones 3-5 4-7
10; Mills 3-11 1-2 7. Canty 8-12 5-5 23, Dun-
can 1-2 0-0 2; Teeple 0-2 0-0 0; Ezell 0-3 2-2
2: Baragry 1-1 2-2 4. Monteith 1-4 00 3,
Crosslin 0-4 0-2 0, Holtzclaw 0-0 0—0 0: J,
Jones M 0-0 2; Watkins 7-161-1 15. Totals
30-7317-22 78.

Halftime UK ’32 UA 28 Rebounds UK 25 jDeniuns
Bl. UA 52 (Watkins 10) Three-90ml FG UK 4-H
(Martinez 25. Want it Hay l-A. Boyd O'll UA 1-10
(Ems 01. Duncan ()1,Teeple 02. Ezell Ov‘.
Moietth 1-4. Crossiin ()2) Assets UK 5 (Eme'y 2i
UA 4 (Cavity 2) Blocks UK 0. UA 3 (Canty L
Jones. Watkins) Fouls UK 79. UA l9 Fouled out
Mills (UAj

A .763





forward Shaunda Roberts missed
the game due a back injury and
forward Shawn Manning sat out
because ofthe coach's decision.

“I had players playing 38, 3o,
35 minutes,“ Mattox said. “l can't
go to the bench as ntuclt as I'd like
to go. I needed those players on
the floor and l exhausted them


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Alabama's Dominique Canty
and UK‘s Denkins led their
respective squads with 23 p