xt7ffb4wm64c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ffb4wm64c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1980 1980 1980-09-22 2020 true xt7ffb4wm64c section xt7ffb4wm64c 801116 faculty IIlCIIleI‘ S fear 6d d 1

By RON HALL AAUP leaders at a meeting this afternoon. would. if . implemented. decrease the amount of paid affect faculty members.

Senior Stall wine. The AAup will hold a public meeting at 3;oo Thursday research time for some faculty members while increasing “Essentially they are altering the three components of
in the President‘s Room of the Student Center to discuss their teaching loads. teaching." he said. “Each year we sit down with the

A list of proposed guidelines for reducmg expenses and the proposed guidelines. ' One widely-discussed guideline reads: “Tenured (department) chairman and say how much time we will
reallocating resources within academic colleges has The guidelines were drawn up by Lewis Cochf.n'vjce faculty who have not published a scholarly boolt or allot for teaching. research and University service."
raised fears among some faculty members. president of academic affairs. and distributed to the referred journal article since January I977 will have min- Govindarajulu said a typical“division of effort”would

The proposed guidelines are in response to the St l.2 deans. department chairmen and faculty members of imum lZ-credit teaching loads each semester l981-82." be 40 to 50 percent for research, 40 percent for instruc-
million cut in the University‘s budget.and although their each college. Another guideline reads: “Faculty whose research is tional activities and ID percent for University service.
purpose is to temporarily tighten the financial belt. After meeting with their department chairmen to I" supported by University-paid released time will have a He was concerned about the possible effects the guide-
faculty members are concerned that they could become the reactions of faculty members to the proposed guide- maximum of 25 percent for research on l98l-82 division lines would have on the University‘s mission and its abil-
permanent. , lines. the college deans will meet with Cochran on Oct. l of effort. This implies nine-credit teaching load per ity to recruit new faculty members.

Those faculty members are afraid the University's mis- to discuss the guidelines. semester." “It is my understanding that the mission and the char-
sion as a center for research could be adversely affected [1' the guidelines are approved they will take effect in Two other proposals deal with cutting back the use of actcr of the University will be altered. Very productive
by the proposed guidelines. the I98] fall semester. telephones and photo-copying services Within “Ch col- faculty members would leave for other schools.” he said.

As a result of faculty members' objections. an ad-hoc The proposals which have generated the most discus- lege. The latter will reduce the amount of Xeroxed mate- “We would not be able to attract bright young professors
committee composed of members of the American Asso- sion among faculty members would affect faculty rial that professors can distribute to students. to this university."
ciation of University Professors is going over the pro members‘ research. These proposals suggest ehghges in Zakkula Govindarajulu. president of the UK chapter Donald Sands. dean of the College of Arts&Sciences,
posed guidelines and will submit its recommendations to the “division of effort" for each faculty member and of AAUP. explained how the proposed guidelines would continued on page 7.

. Vol. 1.xxiti. No. 27 i :21 21 University of Kentucky
Monday. September 22‘ 1980 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
— —
' Anderson Rea an ; — «W \ v: 3...... _. .
. - ' “7&5“ is . »- ~ a.
face Dress while . sews. .. w .
‘ . ., _ J._ . .. ,. g. ‘«
\ “ . “ '-‘?-\.\ \ .. \ .
' a, mm mm 0: new we . we \ «w - - . 1': ‘ ~ .
osul. he called the notion of states‘ \é. 9‘. \\\v( . , “x =" ‘ = w

Roniild Rea um and .lohn Andcr- rights “an anacronism In JCllbrsDn ’x “ .. stews ’ “V 9‘ ’ 1““ .. §x§ .' " ,.. www- “
wc wa aupcc in mm m .. e “if M ,- s... eh e... - = “~45" ”t
night in the first I980 presidential Anderson camc 0U! against abor- \ 45 5““:25' gfifi®§§%\ w 1; my 3}” “‘

. we. we tweed we. cw Retrcrmc m we Amend- ' ' e. eswy’ " , gr " e ii ~.
\c’il l'dcmll d 13““ NU“ M‘l ”1th Vi hllt‘ ”W“ ”03“”) Upheld h.‘ ”N Supreme \\ .: h “e. fir“ .. “Wig § . ““ ‘ 3‘. “‘6“ s
l'{(|[1\t‘ ( ourt. hc \illd the goycrtimcnt s tell- -::;::=.;. _.3 ‘1; WW . N " ,5? ‘ ‘(\\\\\ 3; 5:... __ \ i} \ a?“ 1 “w
. . mg a woman to carry it tcrm preg- “ je ' - g... ‘i“‘“ ‘ 33$ \lf‘“ ,
decls‘on none} 1\ a ‘. iolution ol thclrcedom of w“ '““ i w:- ; 1. 33:? _ ‘.‘$§x V_ F. . . g 1"” I? “ “‘ ‘ sag .4 x x
l ’ conscience “‘ ' '_ “kw X “\h xx? /:' p ' , T“
. ‘ 8 o lit-also CflllL‘l/Cd asa“\iolation of ‘ ”‘1 “er ““ / _ f“ . .v i: we“;
the \t‘p‘drdlltln of church and state" ““55: *3 49%;“? 3:" f "i"? '\\=‘ .9)“ ““ g i“ “
“ Both men made ”mun.“ [0 Cur— the Boston Catholic church that told . .. “gig: » fijfio . . w.- .gg‘yé .‘ e“ -' ’3‘“ ““ - ; i“
tcr\ ilb\L‘llL‘C. but ncithct stressed it its partshoncrs to \ote against anti- “ “ ' “““Iw‘x “ {Q‘s we?“ “ . f“, “ .5? *5“: “
during their hour .it the Podiunis abortion candidates, “1 “ § § § “ » “”6““: “ “ J y“ i'“ t 5““ “ “ :
bclorc d Baltimore (“omcntion (“e-n: Rea gun said he ht'llt'\t‘\ an unborn \R 93* § §§¥ 55i§fii5i“-:-“ er... .: , ' c» ,
tci and a national tclciision Chlld ”a humun beingand cycryone ' xi§‘““§ \ 1/) “ “ i i “K“ N - -
audience Should lld\c a respect lor nclplcss ‘ . . Egg“ SW“ ‘1 x. ,. A“ .15“ 3x31: ‘ ,_ ’ s i". it”.

Reagan said ll was "unluii"to cri- inc“ ”E“. “W find that man was - “ “ “ ““ “ I! V. ““ f? I is “5““ we?“
[MIC ('arter when be “m ”M plC\- created according to our sacred .:, . .2 ~.:.:_::3:Eii: e\\\\ “ . ‘ ' gr '. k“ 2"“ “
cut but it would h.i\c been “much documents. thcl( onstttutin “Hid the 1 “3:..11: §Q§§§T “if“. , ““,“ 4S” “ . i“ ““ . “ .3 f“ .

Linie utiluii to exclude lolin Andet— “cumulmn i“! “““qun“““““’““ ' I. _"'“.::f:: Wig?“ “““ w “gm“ i“ 1 .. .3“ J“ '1 “'
3 50”.. “Um the debate. In {Cbulldh Andcison said oi the V .._... "§“$§3\ t, e 55 :, ~ .

[be candidates. m An dew)” unbor: child. -iic llilK a right to he \ p _ _ x .ii .
not-ed in hl\ closing remarks. dis— “an: “, dd _ . ., k . . \\\\\\\\\\\\+ .. “5.. M“ o” -“
agreed on cycr} mulor issue except 1:11 Can‘ I. “H“ “L“ M ‘ed .l‘ 1h” “ “TR“ §\\“““ 1““ “i“ “ ‘
lot the imposition ol u Pciicctimc 32:1“ [zr:s;r::kl\iilr (12:11:11; :5“:le o , By CHESTER Sl“BI'ETT/ Kernel 5""

l th‘iiitdcrfiiii““:iiispiiiitfilc»i that ”W“. or wild: their proposals would mean SpOkln around
issues wctc missing iron) the cum» m“\ln:j“:nm“l . . . '
piiign w h“ “mm” “Mm” with- . n erson said he would Reagan Seldom can one find the time to just (s)poke around with classes con- most anything he wants around the bike rack at the Law school. David.
m” J dam“. pull“ a“ “mu mu” ““1 hf" had dllt'dd) dtlm‘ Ihls stantly on the mind. but lb month-old Grant Thomas finds it easy to do Grant's father. is a law student here.
' do not lllilllL‘l. the countu's niitural Antic‘rson mm that (icot‘gc Bush.
rcsomccs. and nationalism c\ci\ (Rt‘tlgall s \icc pit-side'ntial \(‘lt‘ClltllL
Problem the country laces l\ in rczil~ ctllcgcd during ““1““ primary campaign
in u global one - that Rcugzii: s proposal\ a tax cut
eport ma e to U enate says summer faculty
you "doesn't understand the “““m ol “ht“ money WW”) and bu“— .
- llc’llltlni’ll-lnlt‘fnillltllliil cucrg\ ciisis." 2&2; thee-nine; “Cddmg It) ttrbitlunccd . O
attct Rcttgzin \Zild the l S “gmern— “3.5““ m If)?“ would produce 30 b t unde ald t h K t k
mcnt cicatcd the oil shot‘titgc by cut. Petizflt‘ittll-ttlrlnd l . ~ .. may 6 mos ’p eac erS In en ”6 y
ting 0“ 0'“ WWW“ with “0‘0“”! lion within“: :iiiwtiit-Eqiiriiiiriiii“ v . man )1 th‘ by ” A ' ' " ' '
‘ conseimtion “Ml“ mg“, A SH) mum“ (MIN Ll:- H; By NANC\ BRATTON \ il‘(R- t huntklilllfrllll“ on“ indl)‘ l K is falling behind year alter year impact the budget cut would hawon
Rcaga‘n.idun‘utcd iiuclcurcncrgy. 'd l “l _ .. .“ p (7 Start writer ff“ “our“. go‘cations ‘ ”did m ““1”“ 'nk“r§i‘5C5 In accordance ”105“ plans
the use of MO million dL‘lL‘\ ol tc‘\- EUR} “\N “Him“nL including A“) hacul'y w’hotcaih . .. ._ d lacult) member ”um“ 10 percent “"h the cost 0' “H"S‘" he Sald- The subcommtltc ‘5 d “n” of the
”WW“ Alaskanlandsiindoildrilling hilijgeihmmn “m m “h“ lcdcrcil here de be theL m:$':;:j:‘:f:fg 9h)“: MT: 58:8“) ‘0“:2‘490' “h" ACcording to Donald B. Clapp. Committee on Academic ()rgani1a~
oil-shore on the continental shell R .. ,. . . . ‘ teachers in the state accnd . L net is tss. or teas ing d thrcc— \tce president foradministratiomthe tion and Structure, Patrick said their

Anderson ollcicd reduced use ol Logan \dltl his t.i\ cut would r‘ ) ‘ ‘ ‘ d ‘ .mg ‘0 d hour summer class. Most other state rcccnt 115 percent increase m purpose ”to gather budget informa-

,“ dummflhlm and commercial “mm MUM“) hl‘ d reduction in tax 8:?ch 3%“?th ‘3' ”W l m‘t‘Nl) institutions pay a highei percentage. lucully salaries did notbringthem up tion to present to decision-making
World oil demand will start passing “bnulm'w‘ “h_““'“_““ ( “‘1”ch hm fmwm “ “lK 1‘“ “Exam“ 1:) h‘ b “"1““ ““5 h‘gh 3‘ 3“ percent ”Y mom to the [etc] of benchmark institu- groups such as the Senate Council.
WW”) nu” lhccndolthe dccadc.hc _u1t into tht economy and cited hl\ the l t i F: . ‘ .‘N‘il'l < ottom 0‘ liitrick also said thcrc h a low lions. He said l“K had planned to In othcr action. the Council
\mdl regardless ot l S. output t‘ceord of spending reduction ih goy— teachll‘n )o~ siliitjy/‘sca'LFLlor summci growth rate in salaries pziid to litculty close the salary gdpmcrthe next [“0 upprmcd a proposal for sclecltyc
In order tl. Mu: the Mm “hm. ”m” ”‘ (“I'mrmd g. “ I ‘ ' ‘un‘k‘khd'r' “h" “M“ during ”RUIN WWW“ )L‘iif\. but he did not know what (ontinued on page 7
....‘t.“:’;;:.:::;:..;‘1:121:33:i5::i“:.3“? A ' ' ‘
-- ‘ "t'c.~
15:13:12; Tfl‘l‘i: ‘13:,“[IZ‘S‘IL‘PLIFJ'L‘ gun‘s term it: goycrnor Hc also said ppa‘lachlan center DlreCtor
monies and turn buck“ t;i\ sources ““1“” men 5 dF‘CHW proposals hdd
and it'\p(lll\lhllll\ h” “w ot lllL‘ll not bccn calculated into the cllcct
\ lunds m the “a”; which .i Rcugzin presidency would
4 Anderson \.tltl he would c'l’t'illc it how on “nu“"mn
. 84 billion urban llU\l lurid to rebuild ”nigwéiwn lli‘hd {LT atll‘ugonistij
_‘ _ . t L” C ' t“. Ci rill \illt ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “. ' ‘ ‘
I‘llytntlj‘l‘tgflllnumt;lgrt‘u;;;1n:l0arilj:1: that Anderson had "lust [ENC up :ipfiir‘tlei’h WH‘SLNBERGLR cribed his interest in the Appalachian (“ounty toa projection of manpower ccs Through this progra‘ttihlhcre '
ultdtht'cuilt‘tl s5 pctccm “mm ' _ lltcsc ligurcs“ about hl\ (“iililoiniii region m " h'ghl-l emotional training needs m Fastcrn Kentucky “'ch “I “mum: faculty mcm crs d“
‘ p m spending record “I‘ve managed to do what I wuh attachment. to a study of how mountain schools UK thls past summer. ‘
wasn‘t so uncommon. and that n m “I think it has to do with ancient lllC‘iunCllt)nlng. The Appalachian (enter Vlb cur-
put what is most mcaninglul m lilc memories almost beyond the level of Examples of scrytcc prolcCis rently m "5 fourth year 9” National
consciousness." he said " i here‘s a include the area ot poetry. in whicha Endowment lOT ‘hc Humanities
. . ' __'—' lccltng some people develop about a t§§g V\ grant and although this is the last
on the l Slde UK “Mimi Ca“ than that teem \ “tie w for the snm- w Avril-"man
‘ . n lustilication or explanation It's a ‘“‘“\ \e program I5 COMIdCTt-‘d SCCUW-
caring feeling anda purely romantic. ”ifw‘xx‘? “' ., “All Of the CONN-‘5 Wthh have
pe Ople sentimental attachment. I didn't 3‘ been dcvclvpcd through the generos-
work on it. It lust sort of grew over \‘ z: _ . .s ity of the National Endowment of the
the years." \_’__ " _._. Humanities will continue. And the
——-——-—— After serving as (he dll'CClOl‘ of [he ~‘ '53:“5‘ 2%“ ' “ Appalachian Center Will continue in
_ _ into my job. It‘s a good feeling to program for approximately one , “~"-‘j.'f?“ “ Hit-15ft, ‘7 . provide the coordination and adver-
0n the cdlforlal [”129 ‘0‘“! Andrew Young focuses 0“ come to work and not feel like it‘s year. Stephenson readily acknow-l- V “i ““1:9 tising." said Stephenson.

tactics used by some to limit the number of blacks in work.but something you wanttodo, edgesthet‘act that it has been benefi- e -' “ HaVins received his dmmme
influencial positions. That fecling‘s really too rare.“ cial to the University. \e‘:‘ f 5:: _ degree in sociology from the Univer-
’l“hosc comments reflect the senti- “Just to see people get excited §o _ , . sity Of North Carolina in 1966. SIC-
The first ofa five-part series on the National Guard is on merits of Dr. .lohn Stephenson, about learning is enough to tell me - \i\<&m\e\\ “ phenson's first position. here was

page 3 today along with the news roundup. director of the UK Appalachian it‘s been important to the University c; fies ‘\§ w“ assistant professor of socmlogy.
. ' (enter. “The primary purpose ol the -::.- g1 .0 e3” Followmg this position. Stephen—
Stephenson‘s office on South Appalachian program is. in a nut- DR. JOHN STEPHENSON 50“ was appointed ‘0 dean 0‘ under~

. ‘ ‘ limestone suggests his interest in the shell. to orient and gutde the rcsour- graduate studies in 1970-
I Look for highllghts of Saturday's home football game Appalachian region. as most of the ces ofthc University to the benefit of network of writers and poets in thc Some Of his functions in this POSl‘
on page 5. furniture comes from "one place or the region in ways a university is set Appalachian region have held I? tion included presiding 0"" ‘hc
. another in the mountains.“ up to function best teaching. poetry workshops in communities of Undergraduate COUDC“. operating
outSlde Included in the furnishings is a research and SCrVICC," SIX different states. . the Office of instructional research.
huge roll-top desk above which A teaching program of approxi- Another example of seryice IS the "“3 Honors Program. freshman
hangs a large photograph of the mately I5 courses pertaining to the faculty development program made seminars. residence hallinstructional
The weatherman says showers will be ending today. so crusty. blackened hand of a coal Appalachian region offers “every- possible bya $280.000grant from the Pr°873m5~ and other programs such
you hopefully can pack those umbrellls away, Highs "idly miner. An antique dry Sink and a thing from music to botanyand‘geo- Andrew Melon Foundation to 85 the Commonwealth SChOllTSh'P
in the low 90s. Lows tonight in the low to mid ‘0‘ fancy-stitch craiy qutlt made in the graphy. to politics and theater. ‘ benefit faculty membersfrom var- Program and the Oswald Research
~ 9 ' early |900s also enhance his office. The research effort encompasses a ious Appalachian universities tn the and (reatmty Awards Competition.
Stephenson. a Virginia native.des- study of a coal camp in Floyd area of humanities and social scien- ('ontinued on page 7
t i ‘ ’ t ‘

New \lassey -
KENTUCKY lirir ,, ,ti.( hull Jay rossett (an “illis John (1“ David Maynard
erkIGreen Anne ( harles Inliwlurrrmwrl Itlilor Spurn Lr'llrur ”“4“" “I Phil/"waldo
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
I . krrhi stephens ('indy McGee John little 3
e ”6 H W I‘ll/W AHMM“, I"”“" “f“ Poole I Steve Lowther ‘
("ms ASH .s.l'. Robinson Donnie “an! David (‘0er
8mm: Slut! H rile/t l\\l\ltllll IJrh'r/uutnri'nr [Lt/IIUI‘ shaman! Spam tall/ins I’lrulo Lulu”
lacki Rudd Paul Mann
0 . ’t. l /" tr Fdrmrrul Editor TINA HOOLEV
editorials 8: comments
' US government should show puggie®
f c‘ti en, S life S '- Cz- "Vii .- - ‘ ' - '75-'"711 ‘3' if: ' ;f;,';_vi?§:53f§73'{' 7:}? (1'3: 51353; ,.-.£25335?535:???3':25.§E33‘;;}E§ziéii‘iii 5‘51;g-23%;?:2IEEEii‘E-EESEEEEEEE:§:E§§§§§E}. .
- \k ltilt‘ a monumental disaster was axeitcd. l‘l’l- couldn't h“ lound, Instead. “m“ill‘ “i” only 53)’ nix:- 33:23" , , " -- vii-:1:3:22:33???:1'535‘53:‘f;};1;:- f _
‘ day ‘s litan ll ttiisstle silo explostot. .1} Arkansas that ii” warheads 1” ”71 Illa” ll \V‘Wm are l‘ail- » l ~ I I I._ l 7 pi: ; l ;
I illttstrate‘ \that potentially could he one oi the 51”“ ‘ -' ; - ' ' ' -;I I» V V’ I ’ 5; -
. , m. t punt-mt an M. tut-a thnmut hctruc; butwit-nthczcmncxpiosion . «A»: * ; '2-;
- -‘ Cltlsk’ti-ltti-lliil illlIL‘ldl\. ("L“m“"1““h“h’”“‘ “’"WN“““lCi‘m'a’hcad‘ \ \‘x' - . .-.-;:5.-;':;fi’.':3'i13F-i..§2}af35:33:23-ii5135'”??25E¥32::;5'ELLE5$555?3533;55:525--l
‘, And 3! 's lhts tat-i that leads not only to distrust the" the Pmplc in thc “Elmo Puma right to know f"; ' '5IQ$55355jlf'fiiifiilii-$532222£22553?E555:3Qfif???T'J5'-;;ij‘=.5" i
' . ot the itiit.taty htit distrtlst ot the g-iyet'riment‘s ll. [hi-5 warhead ‘5 planted ‘“ ”W” backyard. 5". it“'9'::I:5:2it?‘Eig'iisiiiziill'3':‘:.:"*.5'I_1"3E': ‘ " 'H'Tjjtl'}
,- . I I mm“ :‘ ;_,, my pulvlic And beyond reports on the warhead itsell. there ; \N " 3.73;33523:": " - :1; }?'-.I' 1:
‘ ' ; (it‘antt-tt. tl‘, 'i e are possible lllllcs ‘a hen military 1‘ the tact that alter 1h“ C-‘l‘lmmm [Will CHI/Cm ~~\\/ ‘ .r i I. fill'i'Ta-l-I; 121::gi'Jgifigislfiifl
. t , seereex i‘iit’h he :l’: the best interests ..: the public and not mllltitl’) 'de gm 01””an officials were “w / . ' " Til: lf.',‘»;Iiifilgil}lsi-3,;;-fxii-3233'?;f;;;',::;§3§3;3§f:_”§ .
' I , and tht nation lhe Iranian ran" \yttr—ttme responsible ll” CWWUJUHP lt’k‘ill Clil/Cllr.‘~ mil“! * f . l: .2 I '
I tn‘antieyezs. coding systems and sucl‘. at -' examples going door l“ door ’/ \ '1' if;{555537;7:33;»?-753:3."
; ; . “here sechm‘} mm \CFH‘ these best tt:::rests. furthermore mlllml.‘ “H‘Ual‘ dld ““l prthdC ‘I \ i; .
- ' ' Hut \s hen the al'tairs ot the nllllidi’} .ttid gowrn- any $35 masks or 01h” equipment to aid ”1 protec- . l h \ “will: 3:§.:3'::§>-"i.2::2f
‘ ' tnent mtg a ‘11,“: impact U“ [m t ”t Mm“. tion or eyacuation oi lht‘VJpL'UplC‘LWL'llllllngllth ’\S~ _ ‘- "
I - ,‘ cans. mm mg“. people haye a ”3}” h, Mm“ what one worker who died did so because he inhaled ,7 ~ // m
- - is going on and what they can do about it [0ch E33“ ”0m ”1" blast " ii J” /\ w
.l 1, Such ts the case vuth l‘ridifl‘s blast BC-‘ldfi‘ letting ”W P‘"'P3L‘ km)“ “hi“ 5 going "it - m
‘ . .’ Bay,“- the actual Ma“. which mum-rt M I» H) m on. the military and gmetnment should also a DO 3 I /'£
- ' t tne morning. t0”: citi/ens “ere “UN”. -l in “W, accept the responsibility tot utilization ol a sale w ill. , - .
; ‘ . f q eials that t “A; \th to stax 1mm w \ Zetl eyaeutttion program lot those areas ulteredelcnse NOT fir ' 'V "'i J" 7:54-55:
I. '. l which had been detected lhursda rt ; 'r, hiid stip~ ““5715 “I“ heing PL” ‘0 “W ll 1-“ “-’ll.‘ ’11” ““10““ ' ' I .. 2 t q I
‘ posedi'; "CI” HM.“ tttnsiileri“: that these Illi‘t‘f‘lt ire Willing to alloyy k ’3, ' I I;
' C A ten 3mm; WWI the blast (“I “WI. .mm‘ t.: possible title‘lk‘itl “.tll‘i ,itls to be planted in their Y‘ DISTURB A ‘ ’ _“ ‘
. e .. , , l ' ‘ I 0 ' . F » ‘ ‘ u I
- .- . \yarnini de‘? 'e the tart that '1 xttt- -. :trcsetiit "MMLHM ~ “ fl 3 ’ ' ; / ’ ‘ ' 1;“
L armed win a nuclear warhead ’\ *t-inegtton lht‘ goxetrtnient and Willi“) WWW" ”Chic-‘5 ¢ 0 , ’- 7 1' "2'5"";
'I . ' nuclear uaihead. according to inetiae ;-tit.es .;\ dl‘H‘g‘il'd “l ”W PUNK Will l‘rldaVs blast. [heir _ V ‘ ' i i I ' _ l; N "
. _ I “mm-mt Wm ‘srt t mes my P““‘~' , ,tu hftmh ho-hum closed~month policies haye lelttlte people . @l U ” I , ;' f " ' l ’
. d'opreu tn lititisitima in ill-15 ”1 th‘ “lid . ' ’ . " f - _ .1". l
' ‘ \s p it! at Polio~ the military m?! neither con- And ”‘9 ””Wd.‘ bChl'ld 1‘ all " m5 ““31 lhi“ bl‘lh l V ‘. ‘. ' " ’31-: f ' 2'3".- .i i
, I ‘4 I 3, Mm “I, dezt‘. 12'; (“\lcncc U, the warheaddespite the gowrnment and nitl;tai‘.. under the gUIse of ; ‘" \ MN , . ‘ I ' ”.4 -I ' I-_;I':-f.".- , r ’ .‘ '
- ' H II" many rep. itstha' ttdidex'ist tnclttditiganinter» ”USlimd(WU-«418k1h“Pl’hlls'l“‘UPP“”[hcmmlh 2' " ,H .' l ’ l' ' l l i V" 1’ '7 l I! ' V
f ', I, .,' “’f;-‘1‘}? 51.1fm anddcght that ed“! ’}1; “ilrht‘dd tax d()lli‘ll’\ which Vila} lilt‘Hlithl} lC'dd [0 tlL‘lllll ' I I- W' V1.25 ’ i': '2 3" 1' i
. . . 9 50
1" I W I
h i L It 1‘ I‘ll Ed ‘1‘ I
' I . W
f ' I ' S ‘ f mi: ambassador to lebanon vtas “alleged"must be used by the news hour. he stated he was headed «res. me quite Ll\\itiL‘ to then motorists“hotusthut'etooyertakea
_ f ' I occer an ”had. your headline t'cdil. "l .‘s media until one is arrested.charged. toward the intersection with the itilnertmilitx \Alicn riding in tt'allic htuclist I“ an assertion ot mt.”
I~ : Mu, than» 9 II mt. “w“, WWW!“ ultflxtssatil‘vl attacked " liL nasit‘i tried by jury. convicted and sent— rightmway W hen he got tt-theinter- lhat ,\ \xhy mine oi thciti \slll occas- Wmmm‘, m “1““.er e\en though . 'I
I I I‘ 3 Septenihe' 'ihth bx Robbie Kaiser .ill',.t;etli\ attacked “ encetl 'lhus. robberies are “alleged section he almost hit a cyclist who smith disregard motor \elitt'le- there are m” stopped ahead at a '
I J 2 , " in: t I.“ I,“ M” RUM,“ It s certatnit iaiidatort to rm 'Jtt robberies" until the process of the had disobeyedaredlight.Mannthen oriented traltic regulations at lll'.‘ [lng and then they haye to squeal _I i
.t. I 'I \Mm _ v: .tt yutputdr “mid; x ; ‘att-z-Ieed iaper' lllllll ti gut mi' is law is completed. proceeded through the intersection.t interests oI sell piesetyatiott l .ittt ”u.”- hmkm m “”P usually ”lith-
‘. : ; “id; \p,.-~ , on.” it gummy: ids: - mm. hut this dots not warm-l ('rimes committed against Ameri- ()ll' hille taught itt dim-r s edtim- tint hcitip corttradtttoiy here my t, desperate mu“. to the right In
; " I, m who: .I‘, I; .. M, ”Ingram”, it me ti illiL'llL'li to described the can citizens in foreign countries are ttott is to do“ dourt “htftl .tptmtat h- I mc Putt-Q“
.7 J ; “I “to; .. 3 ; watt-rt has hccrt not termed "alleged" because the [Mg .tri iritwseetnttt ani‘ art-vs it. sit. ll 1"“ ”W” Pmm "1 ”'3 ““3”? “ I‘
’ ~ * l 'V I” . 1H, 7, I r~_t .t u;,.I,u_,7[,t‘Id;,m, A at 1e tattiigela! theatre-“y "'tl incident is not under l .5. legal am nan. td L\i\l\ l}. ~ -t appum amt“ lllf' arrogant LIt’lIllcml'” 3’4““ So. I, l’aul Mann or anyone else I
; V‘ ; “5,;va It _ ”my PL‘UPW pdgmg .'_t; it. .oi.t' cltotte ml vst :th jurisdiction. di 3 d ”1 1\ “Li A“ -. 1‘ "1 "MIMI hhl“ 1”, bit-\Llhh LI ht \L‘L‘\ [his lofty-Isl] guy wearing hls .
3 ".f I“. d ‘.t-.- I .I,tI,I. III,“ L.“ to t k r [t e :t-; “with ax to “hither a tape \oii max tind llCllY‘ttly. .tt -i ll‘lttrrl\ “““l‘l “ll“ m“ “m“ “‘ “““lI ken— striped helmet pedalinghtshig; blacl ‘
h: ' . conic 't 'V. tn; ~ ":tlilsvlill tit sa ‘ ' ‘ N-tu' l‘l‘s' Pli’mel t "‘ 3‘ o "Is” ""‘u l‘I‘""““‘l i" "‘7'" ' ”"1“ “HM 5mm” ”1‘;me hc,w)lnddw ZX—inch Raleigh down the street _
w.‘- 'I . '. i'te t‘ti‘: ’ II fpt \ I. y I\ are III!“ Courteous biker prutttitiat ,\ l’t:‘ttet than mt .. .ft.. ”Lil ltt- taiied to yield the right aysa‘; from [M rightcurh,1t\ rtte PH"
. ' , ‘_ t . .~ , f; ,; -_. .t .1 \\.i\ to the l\\lt hinclishiit l\'nst' ‘ '
, . ; t ; 7-3.1 ( m~ « mart; «cut .2 ‘ t n ‘ -t MPH‘MI'K ”mt ( ‘ h’t‘h‘ (“ll‘ ' t ' tectingmyselt lromthe surpriseright
I~ f , V gar-.t‘; VIP? tutu :ttt coach httx thc ' ' -! - -tt:.l‘~ attorded lt' rant- 1' s not you: point I ha t i-' .t~ 'm‘l ( lilton m“ M””““-‘ ttirners.
. i. :;‘;t e v ; .t .- ; \ ht-tp i-l.! t‘i ‘* w vli netht-rttm- \.»'1 ”A “i :l‘~*""';“3‘ “3“" ”V“ ”1C “kW-<0 “t” ‘-""-t l""*1““ " \tttce it |\ ills intention to tttrt. And ityou teelthatyoureally need
I ; 'f‘.tY‘s{7 _t, '. \; .5 n glatt I.t ,, ' ., toticetns oi _.' t'xL‘ l"”“i“ I'l‘” “"““l“\““‘l‘m‘lml “‘1“! l‘t'l‘.‘ ”Hm“ ““‘l "‘7‘" L" ”in“ 'nIcltl and the t\clist vyere propeth to put me tn my place. squee/e me
; . “ CL: ; ' t ‘t H when. \tltit haslk‘tll san "' W" “' l’i’l‘l 1' ‘i‘tllt‘s ”14” Mi 1.) “Int \t‘tl! athItn'W \\ lM’ \""‘ r.tj:ttuttttlllt}ttdl1l sideol illt'f‘ll\L* mer or somethinglml pray lhi‘lM’U
4‘ . ,1 ‘ VI ' ‘ “bl” "’l‘“ ‘ll"“"l ' \1‘1' , ‘ “dud / d MH'“ "‘l‘Im‘lH-d ‘h" dd ”J“. ““‘l “‘ ‘ ‘ m" 'l' tl‘it‘lll. li|\ duty \ias to remain ’tt‘ltim/ do not get stuck in ttalticat the next _
". I ‘- “"Fll‘ll 1" h‘lllll H ‘l I 1" l‘ Mh,’ “m i “I .“m” “WM-‘5 H ‘l‘ll‘l‘ " ‘i ”W “‘“l tl't \\Lll\l\. signal hl\ intention to light
I , ' Pt'llfl‘ B'iglz‘ ‘ x liar ""II‘f "’ "“‘ "'“Vll'l * ”“l "‘m‘“ ‘lllll-‘l‘ it"ll hm“ ”JV” ““ ""‘l 'tiltr and then check again hit any
:‘ V - 'j; r» W'IHW mot \' "‘ ““ 't‘l “56‘4"” " i "‘ ‘lVi' .txtitalttiynclists belorernalxinc llls Because any commIentIIIthat dCIrIn‘
‘i, ; R3 6 I f, ‘ I I. ItIuIiistdtIs Ii txiiy slitt\I. A“. “(Hum “mold! a mtg-Kt ”Hit it) lht~ situation. [ht i‘rlk'tL‘lHl onsltdles Ithdt yoti I in )rTIuIILan I
'. I .I .’; p ,i; t t to {‘Itstnl any rim fI II my “gm I” \\il\. “huh“ “In“, plistt bicyclists around tust ccaust
: ' 2 I{ II ‘ . “,3 k Henfield Hi i\ o“ cmtorttit uas u'tttt-rtatter lllllll.\ I, II sttipid or ”I” they ateonadinky hthiin you haul
I I \\ a .‘ in it t‘ mtr: but?“ Patterson he lldtl"'l\|‘lill't(-li'(l-1ll lliLt'Zhlthtillt' (hug 1 . \mith your carcass around iii a tvyo ton
‘ ‘2 , ' ‘ '. NT tr ' "' ‘ ‘ 'ttf? l‘i 1‘ t tt i\ ”may“ I an (aucus new: ltwaeter llt PIK‘\tl‘.lL't§ all Home Hortomics \Uphrmmn 14”? -‘ “W‘U‘ («”ld ““lllimll his,“ stiltlg~hClClle.V\lllbUI\_\t)Uilnadn1lS'
I " » "’ truth-1m MT 3: ~l--M\ ”his ti on lisw m intonipetettt lleshotild 3*“ ““1“ l” “Wk CW“ dd‘ U“ M NH)“ ticket to a demonstration on .
Ii 1: ti \k-‘EHA '; in: ‘ -«itl_1:'tlh\‘. t it Uh ii‘. .lllttllltl potnt ol \tcss 1"" “W" “'1 ttt\ h'M' ldCl‘WMl 1“” ho“ to demoli‘h a car by the gloved
it 'I ,f‘r ‘t!I-~ «it » -, At iv :i-i up may» I '(llW‘! s note lhe articlein twestion \\ tit \tv \tann did too Imss the Militant biker t' ”t' H” 1‘“ ml” l 1”” “V” d‘NH‘ hand and booted toot,
'I V I ‘; slit'\ l’._it. . N .\ ;‘ ti \\ ;' 'ta's'tt “6‘ ”fine" as a strulghl news SN”) \I\Ltt\l tip in Itrlti ltgl‘tl ttll 10(‘liilt‘li' ”Mix lllL'l'L‘ ktlt' t'lllk’lt3\\ itlltl .tllt‘gillll \ 0“ hdH‘ hccn “itl’llt‘d,
(1.3:; i "r; rld'f' -13 -' ' -- = rt‘i-‘t ‘ — .5 tt a feature story This does not l he mitt-wits thing to do would be "" ““N‘ “ll“ cannot h" hmhtml "‘
i , ‘ l't! v ‘ ‘ ' Mia“ r: mean the stor) was written with a 't " “‘ l“\”tl’~"-“‘lfr ‘t'illlil‘U i‘t‘“
17,9; I '- ' ‘21“ Watt tin-ll -:l so-nsitiyily. it was eonipnstd 'f‘a t to .t -t. at ii the inalt the “UM“ “ 3“” ”m” h ‘ ’ “ 1‘ “ “"4”“ “ ”gm ””n because 1h“ A”
t. .I‘ -' ~*' " ' ' ‘ '"‘»t“s‘ Mid i-{ft -s iityentothe reporter fromthe tum WWW 't-t“. ”I” out" 511“" ‘ III!“ N tented htttl tn the car seat oti one ‘
'. :. ' I _I ,i an ‘A x tht El tli- \ott {mitt r' department. \& l‘\ \\;‘I\ you lll.|hll])_’ ti rtItzht tutti an “mm?“ :‘I'II “hm“ k; l“ “M Em" h‘m “”Ih my” ”Rm aim deUi .
‘ I, I‘ "“7’ ' ' ; i ”P" Just because the word alleged is ‘it \lifiht. itll'»‘ \Hl‘t‘lit\\lllt at All "‘1‘ “”i‘ "5‘“5“ d“"‘“ 1" mm" “4“” 1““ P“\‘V'll~'IW W””““"~ Ml"
~ ‘ ' . ‘ t‘ " Llll 1s incortsts used 'n ,m “3) implies the incident mitt. l“ . l t”, ildttor's note: \‘Ir. «WU. miteu and that ol ; \'l‘t:ll~ "tny cannot be hottieted to let go til I
' t .i a. 'l' . i. ' lit... often do \l‘li use nut-t octtired or the ytctint is altar. Henri did not say he turned right on . ““9 ”h'l‘m‘l‘ ‘1'"! bl“ ‘ m“ D" it“. “in.” to “gnu! a “H" Iom Stickler .
'\ I ‘ "" i in! ttlhhs'u “ ’1: I; Hi-t ause of legal reasons the word to \ieholasyille Road at 40 miles per H‘” ‘ I" ““5 H‘”“‘““‘ l“ 1'" '3‘” I "’l‘ “1‘“ ”“4“" mi” ”N" d“ IBM "“1“"??? ~
. V ‘. ‘ '4 - o o o o o a o o /
. a ‘
. -, Reagamtes at Oidmg pending nominations of federal court Justices
.I - '
.' _ e.» 1, -. ‘ ; _. I? an I,; t ‘ ‘7 H-‘~ two-H it'll” ll‘itlly‘ intlt mthettloi 'sC\ft‘t polttt- {llt'f‘ls l! h.ts something it do “rill hf“; attempted a deal where m- smokedilled rooms ot the Republi-
; . I list ‘~ -\ V t' v;- ~= - . \1-ltmt I)” l "h l L 1" “‘ l)‘ " ‘ ”m ”M“ cal “at n "llntl‘ and uttered rate and \t'K but itgoes ht‘xttrttl these “Ullltl sign oil on the ntlnllnulltltl it can ('omenttott in Detroit. where ’
I’ i I' ,I'v" f IIN ‘t.-; I I. I. I_ -t' . l‘x' N a l ;« ‘9 “' "it"s 5" " “V" “1"" .idilitiotiiif statt to help lhurtnond in ldilltltill titlllk'llllttnsltt.tqu1‘\lltlllill [mm would admit publtcy that he Strom lhurmond was got" the go
A_ l I". i' pat. ' ' - ’ ., ' Rr titan V J U V“ A h‘ IN» I" ( "MI Phil““*’l“1\.rl‘lWWl‘HUttitl 'llk Ittlt' had made a “mistake-"in tntroduung ahead by the Reagan camp to do
'l I' ;' at ; - ' a‘ at. _.-tt;r I II II 'IV‘II'I'II‘I'I‘IY‘I‘III’II‘III’I'I“1“II ’i“ oi tht t.-tirts tn the LiL‘lk‘llxt‘ til hasit legislation m amend his stutc‘s right» eycrything necessary/I to plow under
. f .l;‘.” t':. -. .. .k'.t\ltllil»\.1\ ' “ " ‘ul’ " " ‘ “"’ "‘ hllnmi‘t Mid WUdl “Shh (WNW; to~\\ork hm tn order to support the the pending nominations: [his
I, ‘. 'V 1"." ' a c ' «v r ; ettflltllt M w "‘m “mm “Um“. _ . , _ “W‘JR'WUR” Inth'rit'l‘lL'l‘dl'tt”t" rights ot \mrkerstoorgani/e f'tssitt. manueyering IS political. pure and
‘ ' til‘ 't.« -< t'” ' l" V ' ”WWW“ “”1“ ”H“ mm \ .. l it Rt't'llit” \Ik‘lt'r} “Nth “Wild mi" no“ a state lodge and an honorable simple I
' I .I ' \ it. . > .3 b; ,g tmmpmt l ‘ ‘V “'M VIM" WW” ”HHHHM‘V’” \ I NC ll‘t'm 1“ pack lhl‘ “”1" “W‘m oneatthat,relusedonthegroundsol Slnt‘t‘ .llll). Republican senators
, " ' Imp”; . ; \ -t ”1,, \ptflh 4* '~“ l“ "i“ R‘"‘¥-‘”"” H“ ’l “ \ ; ' awn and rescue the march touttrd principle haye been busy ducking JudiCiary
-, ' “- partit II , ; .‘t , "‘t'. 'ad run “IT,” — w” gt‘lllittl" equal tiistice under the law [he philosophical design to dis- (‘ommtttee executiyc sessions.
I ” m" l' "t “We \k'WH'HN l“ And " “Q” ll'tt‘ \mtst case among the \l\ tupt and change the American tour» Kennedy. however. got smart and
" Reagttt - Z't-tttfll manager Paul rew . smacks ot t‘\l0rlltlll l‘at-rttrht \orth Llill system goes beyond the courts. tied the late ol the six to that of the
I . laialt lf‘ni miter Reagan stlttogatcs § _ ,I (‘arolina Sen .lesse Helms'ettised to Reaganites in the Senate recently sever. a neat parliamentary move
I‘ A. ‘-" 'l k "' 't - " " “4‘ l ‘l‘ PWMHW You" I § ‘ return the “Blue Slip" on \orth demanded turther hearings on an that ensures a tinal attempt at con-
’ ”on: “at t t r . it; ~, tmrdl hymh g F (‘arolina nominee Richatd l tysin obscure l‘ S; Parole Board nominee lormation ht‘lore the end of this
. . ' the w. v-_. .‘t\l‘"1itll\l\('hflppt'll \I 7 i . t lhe “Blue Sltp"systeni.ontestippo- trotn Minnesota. l.es (ircen. “hose sess‘iont
I to he thu t- at l 'Ti.llt’\ mo mtnttn m f i {: sedely dead. is still aloe and well It public and pmate record had l'hurmond and hlsalltestnsistthat
, lttttt ‘Ahttv ’t' ‘1 at n i, one Hispantt t \I‘ t’tl tl't ground that statl ' _ >iI giyes a senator an automatic \eto itt already been thoroughly scruttnt/ed they have bent oyer backwards to be
and l J. -, hi'dl male “host- tll\"‘~ll);illt|'ll\ t-t 'ltt‘ stK haye not the i'dttotis task ol tnyesttlizttingthe any "“html nominee ”W“ ”W “W“ ““7“"le (rung ‘0 complete 0“” “4” to blacks and women. but m 4
mm titmt u rm 't ’-e that he is too hwr ionip‘t‘ted the implitation nominees Kennedy also ("tL‘rtHL‘tl WY“ “8”“) l"“”‘\ “ml“rmilm’“ lirmatton proceedings hall” Detroit Rcaganandlaxaltsenscdan
hm titt \t "~.th' ithx- t\t‘.'\ describi- ht my that “um-Ht them might ”(an h“ mcmgmflc as chairman and said hearing in the Senate has heett des adtonrnment. asked what more was opportunity to seize the initiative
thud k ttiil‘dttzt's at w.»\ scouts and M 'v “k ltlthtW the tmpeuahlc smcn would not he (“bed t“ 4‘ ”honcytttoon " ”W“: '” “car “”h regard I” me before th dnllupawd January
. girl \Lt‘lll\ wilt ”spotless Ht my rt Rt‘dgflhllt‘ mantieyer steainiolled through the commitee Hot-.e er in addition to being (treen appointment He Was chosen Inauguration,
; credentcals " (ll'\ ettt-o ll‘ mntIrm the Impet'utble \shtle the disparaged six were held hli'd- h“ ”(“th ”1 ”19 \‘Wlh film" it” th board ‘PCV'f'W‘lh MUN“? h“ President (‘artcr “ “8m: they
’ I In contrast lilt‘l'.‘ tllt‘ sewn addt \r\ H and st .ittle the disDatragt‘d sl\ hostage. awaiting the ott‘tumie ot the ”M “ill" ll‘fll‘ldll‘fl‘ C"““"’“‘ ”H” h? |\ an erolfcnder and Is though! 10 “1"” l” turn haCh the ClOCk. and [he
tional pending nominations tor led \t t: ldyyard Kennedy, chairman Voyembet elet‘tion is also pro-labor Helms it-portcdh bring a dillcrcnt point ol new to the courts and iusticc as well.
era! ttidaeships Ml .IYt' Mute males tit l ltidit'rt