xt7fn29p367p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fn29p367p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19240125  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1924 1924 2012 true xt7fn29p367p section xt7fn29p367p The Kentucky Kernel








No. 15




Dean Paul Anderson and Professor UNIVERSITY
L. S. O'Bannon arc spending this
in New York City attending the
meeting of the American Society of
Heating and Ventilating
Free Throw by "Cowboy" Under- which is being held at the Hotel Penn- Asks For Additional $120,000.00
wood Gives Wildcats
Income To Meet
Dean Anderson, who is director of
the Research Committee will give an
"MAC" SCORES 16 POINTS address on Research and Industrial COMMISSION FAVORABLE
Progress, Wednesday, January 23. On
Kentucky Passing is Effective the same day Professor O'Bannon will Women's Dormitory and Recitagive a paper on Checking up the Kut-te- r
tion Building Vital
Against Moccasin
Formula and its application to the
flow of liquids and gases through
Throwing from a twisted position, small pipes.
President Frank L. McVcy, accompanied by the members of the execuwith two men hanging over him, and
swinging his arms back as if start-rin- g
tive committee of the University apa swing for a discus throw, Jim- flEPORT OF EFFICIENCY peared before the budget commission
Tuesday morning at Frankfort to premy McFarland caged a phenomenal
ibasket that enabled Kentucky to deFILED sent the needs of the University during t'he next two years. Mcmlbers of
feat the University of Chattanooga at
Chattanooga Saturday night, 24 to 23.
the executive committee present were
The ball sped on a line with appar- Gives Urgent Needs of University Senator H. M. Forman, of Ghent;
And Solution of Probently no chance of ever reaching the
Robert G. Gordon, of Louisville, and
Judge Rainey T. Wells, of Murray.
thongs of the basket, hit the side rim,
Commissioner W. C. Wilson, secrewent straight up, and fell through the
"The University of Kentucky," says tary of the Alumni Association, repgoal in the manner of a ball dropped
from the ceiling. This goal was the a report of the Efficiency Commission, resented the alumni of the Univermargin of victory. McFarland caged which was filed with the General As- sity.
eight goals in all. One or two of his sembly at Frankfort, Monday, FebMcVey presented the
edshots came from behind or near the ruary 22, "is the capstone of public
needs of the University in a very forcecenter circle and the others were ucation in Kentucky."
ful manner, emphasizing the fact that
The report says that from the gradlong shots. He did the scoring for
the institution had increased in enuates of the University will come the
his team until, in the last three min300 per cent in the
growing high rollment more than
utes of play, "Cowboy" Underwood teachers for the rapidly
last ten years while building space and
broke a tie score and won the game schools of the state, and also of the class rooms had not kept pace with the
with a cleanly thrown foul. It was leaders in agricultural development, enrollment. He quoted from the renot, however, that foul which direct- engineering, and the other professions. port of the efficiency commission on
All of which are essential to the
ly won the game, for the shot of
University needs and showed the
put the Kentuckians in the growth and welfare of the state.
members how an outside organization
"The immediate needs of the Unilead after a tie of some minutes' durlooked at the University and its probation had given the Moccasins pep, versity are," to quote the commission, lems.
and gave his team life to continue "very great." Among the most urgent
Doctor McVey specifically asked for
is the necessity for a larger campus,
their great play.
more and better buildings, increased $120,000 additional income, to meet
salaries for the teachers, a greater the running expenses of the Univer(Continued on Page eight)
imnumber of instructors, a large recrea- sity. In the line of permanent
tion building, a larger 'building for the provements, the president made a redepartment of education. A large as- quest for $75,000 to complete the chemsembly room, new engineering shops istry building, for which $100,000 is already in the bank, a service building
23 and equipment, another agricultural to cost $30,000 and to be used to ihouse
building, more dormitories, and a cencarpenter shops, paint shops, store
tral heating plant
University "These needs can be met only by an rooms and wagons and tools.
Contractors Assure
One of the most important things
increase in the general revenue of the
Representative at Meetstate, increased tuition fee, and special included in the report to the budget
effort on the part of the University commission was the request for a new
recitation building and a women's
The new 'basketball building at the alumni," says th report.
dormitory to cost $250,000 each. The
KUniversity of Kentucky, to be one of
need for a dormitory is vital and
the finest in the United States, will CONGRESSMAN APPOINTS
should be remedied at once for a
be completed in time for the
H. B. TILTON SECRETARY number of women are denied admisy-Georgia
Tech game Feb. 23,
sion to the University every year on
contractors assured University repredormitory
University Student To Assume Duties account of insufficient
sentatives in a conference last Friday.
requests were
space. Far
At Once
The date of the Kentucky-Centr-e
made for $50,000 to enlarge engineergame which was to have been played
ing buildings and to take care of the
Harry B. Tilton, a
here February 9, has been changed to
Feb.25, so that it may be contested member of the senior class of the Wendt gift. The president also asked
for $250,000 for a heating plant, $200,-00- 0
on the new court. There is always an University of Kentucky, has been apfor an agricultural building and
enormous demand for seats at any pointed private secretary to Fred M.
$150,000 for a men's dormitory. This
game between teams of the University Vinson, of Louisa, congressman-elec- t
is a total of $650,000 annually for perand its ancient rival, the Danville in- of the Ninth district.
Mr. Tilton is the son of Judge and manent improvements.
stitution, so that the authorities are
In tlhe presentation of the needs of
particular anxious to have that game Mrs. A. B. Tilton, of Carlisle. He
experiment station,
graduated from tire 'Carlisle high the University
played in the new building, where
school in 1920, as valedictorian of the requests were made for continuance of
spectators can be seated.
the appropriation of $50,000 and to
Those present at the conference class, and has since been a student at
raise the annual appropriation
the University of Kentucky.
were George B. Carey, chairman of
He is a member of Delta Sigma Pi, public service laboratories from
the building committee; S. A. Boles,
to $30,000.
Funds were likewise
athletic director; O. A. Whipple, sup- honorary economic fraternity and
requested for purchase of lands and
of the buildings and president of Kappa Alpha social fraternity. In 1922 and 1923 he was a
grounds at the University; Richard
(Continued on page 4.)
Shea, Lexington contractor, who has member of the varsity tennis team,
the contract for the birck work of the and this year is a representative in
the Men's Administrative Council and
new structure, and Mr. Crockett, of
the Blanchford Construction Co., of a member of the
Dayton, Ohio, the firm having the cil.
Mr. Vinson also appointed Hubert
According to long estabcontract for all the work except the
Hutton, of Cynthiana, whose duties
lished custom, there will be
brick work.
will be the same as those of Mr. Tilno issue of the Kernel durThe promise that the building will
ing examination week.
ton. The young men leave this week
for Washington.
(Continued on page 4)



By the will of the late Judge Evans, of Louisville, who was Federal


of the
Robert Coleman, senior law student,
has come into possession of a complete set of 291 volumes of Federal Reporter. Mr. Coleman is receiving the
congratulations of his many friends,
not only upon the possession of such
a valuable set of law books but also
paid him by
upon the compliment
Judge Evans.





A. A. Miln's English Comedy to
Play Week of February


for playfebruary













Former Northwestern and Denver Mentor to Come Here

Was Great





Athlete While A
Captained Eli Baseball Nine

J. Mur.phy,

Yale grad-

TO uate and former mentor at








The next offering to be given by
the "Romany Theatre," the unique
community playhouse on Winslow
street, will be "Mr. Pirn Passes,"
which will be presented the week of
February tenth.
"Mr. Pirn Passes" is a sparkling
English comedy by A. A. Miln, one
of England's premier writers, and its
production in this theatre will inaugurate the custom of alternating light
and heavy drama.
Though all of the parts have not
been cast it is safe to say that one
of the leading roles wi'll be given- to
Marjorie Warden, that sterling little
actress who played the part of "Julie"
in "Lilliom" with a perfection which
was wonderful. The part which she
probably carry in "Mr. Pirn
Passes' will ibe "Olivia."
Violet Young, who was a'lso a success in the last play will play the part
of Diana. The part of Lady Marden
will be acted iby Regina
George Marden will be played by Mr.
Oscar Hambleton, the man that
made the audience laugh in "Lilliom"
will appear in a role which will cause
no end of merriment to those present,
when he presents
himself as Mr.
Strange. Troy Perkins will act the
part of Mr. Pirn and Ann wall be enacted by Elizabeth Moorman, who
acquitted herself splendidly in "Lilliom."
Tickets for this play will be placed
on sale within the next few days and
it is hoped by the management that
enough students will buy tbam in order that 'wo University nights may
be held instead of one.

Extensive preparations
are being
made for Farmers' Week to be held
1, inthis year January
clusive. Many speakers and lecturers of national reputation are to appear. No expense has been spared in
order that many of the best may appear.
Oscar Erf, Ohio State, on
dairying; C. M. Vestal, "Purdue," on
feeding hogs; L. D. II. Weld, research worker with Swift & Co.; Dr.
O, S. Kent, research worker with
Quaker Oats, and the man originating poultry culling; Homer W. Jackson, editor of Reliable Poultry Journal, and Dr. C. J. Galpin, rural life
worker, Washington and among those
who will lecture. Some of these are
costing the college $100 a day and
their expenses.


western and Denver Universities, who
was chosen football and baseball
coach at the University of Kentucky
by the Athletic council at its meeting
Saturday night, wired his acceptance
Monday. Murphy will come to the
University March 1 to take charge of
the spring football training.
The decision of the athletic council
to offer Murphy the position came
only after much deliberation. Several
prominent coaches of the south and
west were up for consideration and it
was only after the council had gone
deep into the matter that Murphy was
selected for the position of resident
football and baseball coaeh. A wire
was sent to Murphy, who is residing
in Chicago and the former Yale star
sent in his acceptance Monday. Murphy will sign a three-yea- T
contract and
will start on his duties in earnest next
The contract of Cy Barger,
present Wildcat baseball coach, still
has one year more to run.
Murphy graduated from Yale in 1910
(Continued to Page 8)




Sutherland Has Good Material
For Debates With Other
The members of




of the state will open their attack on

February 15 with a debate between
the University of Kentucky and
Georgetown College, the subject for
debate being, 'Resolved that France
is justified in the Ruhr occupation."
On the same date the University will
be honored with a recital by Thomas
C. Trueblood Who will render a number of selections from Mark Twain.
Dr. Truablood is head of the department of Public Speaking at the University of Michigan, and will be remembered by many of the older
members of the faculty of this institution, having been professor of Public Speaking here in 1884-d
will also serve as one of the
judged in the debate after his recital.
Professor William P. Sutherland
has issued a call for a joint meeting
of all debaters and speakers who are
working on the World Court debate,
the Ruhr debate, and the Washington
Birthday Address, to meet in the
Little Theatre on Monday afternoon
at 4:30 p. m. when matters of importance will be brought before the
Professor Sutherland has been very
active in not only the debating work
of his department, but in all production work on the campus, and the student body feels assured that he will
produce a winning team.


Page Two

Alumni Notes
Editor Alun mi iecretary
Al" letter, in which he Itold the story
of the alumnus who sent a $5 contri-


bution to the Greater Kentucky fund,
leaving himself a balance of $12.15.
That man, who won the esteem of
the whole association, has been joined
by oHbers who made a similar sacrifice,
even to the extent of mailing their entire balance to the campaign fund.
For instance read part of a letter received from one of the class of '07
who is seeking his fortune in the Gol
den West.
"Your last appeal under the heading of "Dear Al" has reached me, in
more ways than one. I have no excuses to plead; I am merely placing
myself on a level with the grad that
was left with a bank balance of $12.15,
after sending his contribution of $5,
for by so doing I am doubling his
gift, with no bank balance as a result;
yet at the same time, it is more than
freely contributed when I think of
the piker who failed to send his little
mite, rather than be called a piker;
perhaps he labored under the same
impression as I, for I thought it was
or nothing, and I was un
able to meet the demand."
Close upon the heels of this letter
came another check for $10.97, the
entire bank balance of one of the re
cent graduates, now residing here in
Kentucky. This is the spirit that built
the walls of Rome and it will put the
roof on the basketball building and
keep the grass green inside the stadium.
Altogether the second "Dear Al"
letter brought in 35 subscriptions in
less than a month, more than one a
day, a total of $715.84.

Chicago, Feb. 18. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon at 12:30
p. m., Marshall Field's Restaur- ntit



(Last Sat- Detroit, Jan. 26.
dinner, Dixie- urday Regular)
land Tnn.
Buffalo, Feb. 9. (Second Satur- day Regular) luncheon at 1:15
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca Sts.
Feb. 9. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
n m..
Alumni Behind Bond Issue Represent all Sections of State


vcrtised. That is because it is in Virginia. A birthplace like that in New
England would be talked about by
the people at home. A Bunker Hill,
Lexington or Concord, noble, but of
no great consequence as battles, are
likewise advertised and celebrated in
the province, but a Princeton or York-tow- n
goes without a monument for
140 years and more because the people of the locality do not claim the
universe for themselves and their section."
It now looks like the University is
going' to celebrate and ccldbrate pretty strong when the bond issue and
the irequest for appropriations for the
next two years arc passed by the legAnd the University will
have a place to hold the meeting, for
the basketball building will sca!t 4,000
if it is raining and the stadium about
15,000 "if the sun shines."

be 'sweeter'

Betwixt Us

Every two years the alumni office
receives from Joseph Graham Lewis
a check to cover two years dues. Except during the period of the World
War, Mr. Lewis has a clear record as
an active member of the Association.
He is logging engineer for the Madera Sugar Pine Company, address
route K, box 172, Fresno, Calif.

"Herewith find check for alumni
dues and my subscription to the Greater Kentucky campaign fund, which I
hope will be of assistance." 'Roy C.
Hopgood, patcitt attorney with Western Electric Company, 463 West St.,
New York City. All mail should be
sent to residence, 41 So. Hillside Ave.,
Glen Ridge, N. J.



L. S. Boggcss, with the State High
"H. W. Taylor '06 and his wife con- way Department, asks that his Kernel
tinue to reside at Salisbury, Rhodesia, and also fthat of O. F. Thrclkeld '22,
where he is head of the Tobacco and be sent to Calla, Ky., where they have

The continual arrival of communications from alumni clubs and indiCotton Division for the Government
pledging their loyal
vidual alumni
of Rhodesia. Taylor is in a good posupport to the $75,000,000 bond issue
sition up there, and has the full confiis worthy of mention although the
dence of the people.
Alumni Page had a long article about
"For the past four years I have
There is a new list 'to
it last week.
been honored with an invitation from
quote this week and at is to be hoped
the Rhodesian Government to judge
that the influence they exert in behalf
at their annual Agricultural Show;
of the bond issue grows as fast as the
these visits have been most enjoyoble,
pile of ldttars on the subject in the
and both Taylor and I make full use
office has.
of our spare time discussing the past,
It is interesting to note that the
present and future of 'Old State.'
former students are behind the Uni"O. B. Chisholm '69 and his wife
versity as firmly in one part of the
live near Cape Town. Mr. Chisholm
State as in another. From the Jack
is one of the principal leaf buyers for
son Purchase to Sandy Hook the senthe United Tobacco Company, Cape
timent among them is apparently the
Town. Both Chisholm and Taylor
same. For instance D.
came out to Africa with me fifteen
class of '20, writing from Calhoun, in
years ago, and I am very pleased to
Western Kentucky, says:
say that both of them have been very
"Those of us who are here are al
ways iloyal to the University and are
"J. du P. Oosthuizen '12, wife and
all doine what we can to have the
children are still living in Rustenburg,
issue succeed
$75,000,000 "bond
A recent communication from the though he resigned as Assistant
have written to both our senator and
representative, whom I feel will sup mother of four former students Chief of Ithe Tobacco and Cotton Di
seems 'to have been written under the vision of the Government, about four
port the bill."
ago, to accept a lucrative post
Two communications have been re impression that the Alumni Secretary months
etters as head of the Development Departseveral
ceived from Madison county mem is a woman. After
"Madison were sent to the different members of ment of the United Tobacco Combers of the association.
the family in regard to the stadium pany. Oos'thuizen's resignation was
supcounty alumni
a sei:iotis blow to my staff.
port the $75,000,000 bond issue for drive and other matters the mother
"W. B. Wilson '11, wife and two
good roads, adequate education and wrote back, "Sis, its such a waste of
humanity of ithe state time to keep writing Ito the boys. children recently moved to Bulawayo
the honor and
is dead, others is scattered out Rhodesia, where Wilson has accepted'
and we pledge assistance by all means Some
farms. Thetrc was Henry and the management of the Glenville To
iii our power to this challenge to rally on
Roy, the twins. All went bacco Company. This company plants
all Kentuckians to ipull Kentucky out Robert and
and moral mud," to State with their sister Margaret. about 400 acres to Turkish tobacco an
of physical, mental
Henry is dead, so nually. He appears to be 'on a good
wrote the chairman of the Madison They are scattered,
I get the boy's mail and it is useless wickcV to make money, however, 1
county club.
and postage."
was sorry to loose his services from
A ldtter written the same day worn to waste time
That's right, Old State's sons and my staff.
club at Richmond
a member of the
a way it
wife and son
said, "Sentiment amonJg the Madi- (laughters are scattered. In
"Paul Koch
county alumni seems to be is sad to know they are so far away have been transferred to Rustenburg
they can
strongly in favor of the bond issue. I but think of the influence
He was piromotcd to the post of As
all over the face of ithe earth
think it likely that if the issue is sub- cxeet
sistant Chief of the Tobacco and Cot
mitted to the people, there will be and write a story creditable to their ton Division, and manager of bhc Ex
Alma Mater in the distant sands of perimcnt Station.
much more interest aroused."
former student, now county desserts and in the pure white snow
"H. R. Halbert '20, completed his
mountain countries.
of ithe highest
agent of Warren tcounty, in the
September and
But they need' not get so far away two years contract last
adds his district of the state to
for another twelve
that it "is useless to waste time and was
the different localities behind the
months. So he remains as manager
University by writing in a recent let- postage" for Old State is waiting to of Ithe Experiment Station at Piet
hear from them often through the
"I am heartily in accord with a Alumni office.
"V. F. Olivier '20, the most recent
movement to organize alumni groups
'Kentucky State man' to join this staff,
every section as a booster tor tne
returned about two years ago and
University. Unless the grads makr
Former Student Discourses on Val- was placed at Oudfrshoorn,
others feel that the University has
Province, as Itinerant Officer for that
ue of Publicity
been of some value to them fthere will
be fewer of the younger students en(Miss Lucy Stall
"Mrs. Mostcrt
Rufus Lee Weaver, class of '95, an
I will talk to some
roll for the work.
arrived in South Africa
attornev in New York City, wrote ings)
of the other alumni here at the first
husband about .two months
nd lend what assistance some time ago to offer the suggestion with her
that the University might very profit- ago. They both (took their B. S. de
will be of service."
I can that
grees at lite Kansas Agricultural Col
This long list of correspondence ably celebrate a Mtle more and get
itself on the map by advertising. In lege last June. He is a South African
represents men who are willing and
now some by birth, and therefore returned to
in most cases alumni who have al- his letter lie points out
land, where he is at prescommunicated with itheir repre- places are so well advertised, saying: his native
"Why cannot the University take up ent engaged in the Census DepartComing as
sentatives at Frankfort.
oi State.
they will from all sections of the a few matters like other provincials, ment
"T. R. Hayes, ex-- , is in the employ
state there is every reason to hope that or like provincials, and celebrate.
United Tobacco Company, asthey will exert much influence in fa- There was an old elm by the side of of the
Oosthuizen. lie has
the way near Harvard under which, it sistant to Mr.
vor of old State.
was stated, Washington stood and ac- been in our midst just over a year bu't
army. he has made lots of friends and seems
OLD GRAD GIVES HIS BALANCE cepted the command of the
Now, they say, Washington did not to be 'hale fellow' with all who know
Regardless of that him." Wm. H. SclmrfTius '99, Chief,
Check Book Now Worthless, But Con- stand there at all.
Tob. & Cot. Div., Union of South Af
doubt, the old elm has been a shrine
tribution Freely Given
a shrine just because it happened to rica, also Director of the Cotton In
even me stitute, Transvaal University College,
Shortly before Christmas the Alum grow in Massacnuseus.
Washington is not ad-- , Pretoria, So. Africa.
ni Secretary sent out the second "Dear birthplace of







the sole purpose of enabling life to
by selling and installing
the proper sugar machinery. It his
philosophy to learn all these Is to
know about the subject that is interesting to him. When he realized that
sugar machinery engineering had such
very soon after
he had graduated from the University
of Kentucky, he went down to Louisiana and studied sugar chemistry
where he could see direct application
to the sugar making industry. He has
been in Cuba, Haiti, Porto Rico and
several of the South American States
during the last few years. I have enjoyed being with him quite recently
when he was in New York, previous
to sailing January 19 for Rio dc Janeiro, Brazil, as the representative of
Petrcc & Dorr Engineers, Inc., 67
Wall Street, New York City. He is
going down to Brazil to organize the
company's interests
there from ithe
standpoint of sales and engineering
in the development and' installation of
Brown, who was from Somerset also,
and the two small Browns, the light of
their fait her and much of the reason
for his advance in his particular profession, will sail from New York in
May, to join L. E. in their new location, which undoubtedly
Rio de Janeiro for the next two or
three years."


recently been transferred.

The announcement of the engagement of Dr. Philip Blumenthal to Miss
Bertha Julia Kirtz of 120 St. James
Place, Buffalo, N. Y., was received in
the Alumni office this week. Dr.
Blumenthal is secretary-treasure- r
the Lacteal Analytical Laboratories,
176 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. He
is prominent in the civic affairs of
Buffalo, a member of several clubs,
civic and social, and last year was
president of the University of Kentucky Alumni Club of Buffalo, and is
a life member of the general Association. For several years he was research chemist at the Iowa Experiment Station and afterwards at the
Kentucky Experiment Station. During the World War he had eight
months of chemical warfare service
and at the Itime of the Armistice was
in officers' training school. Dr. Blumenthal has ever been a loyial and enthusiastic supporter of his Alma Mater and last year, in addition to other
services, was chairman of the Placement Committee of the Buffalo Alumni
Club, securing positrons for Univer
sity of Kentucky graduates in Buffalo. It is not anticipated that the wedding will take place until fall. The
honeymoon will be Uaken.-iEurope
where they expect to spendJTseveral
months in travel.

pros-pects- ,


W. E. Hobson, mining engineer with
Crecclius & Phillips, of Pittsburgh,
asks that his Kernel be sent to 1420
Dormont Ave., So. Hills P. O., Pittsburgh, Penna.

"I have been very slow finding out
just what I could do for the
campaign and it cannot be
much now for I am trying to finance
my own "situdent loan" to come Iback
school as
to Kentucky and
soon as I possibly can. I am enclosing a check for the treasurer and I
wish I could go on making circles to
the right of it. Hoping that this
campaign will be a big success."
Jesse T. Hendricks ex- farming, Eden,



Richard W. Scearce is manager of
the Kentucky Live Stock Improve
ment Association with office at 214
Bldg., Bourbon Stock
(.Continued from Page 5)



Dues and The Kernel


The "lost list" published in the Ker
always attracts
the notice of
some who are able iro put us in touch
with someone of these "lost" ones. A
letter from L. S. O'Roark regarding
Brown, is quoted herewith in part.
"Those who remember L. E. Brown
will remember him as a very quiet,
studious individual, who never made
much noise but managed to go off
with the highes't honors of his class
at the end of his senior year, and with
all his later developments, he still remains the same quiet, purposeful individual. To look at him you would
not think that this boy who had his
s'tart in Somerset, Ky., had covered
so much of the earth's surface with

One Year

University of Kentucky,

Sufficient money for final payment on the Dean Lafferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
'07, 707 Marion E- Taylor Bldg.,
Louisville, Ky.



Carrier Engineering Corporation

Frelinehuvsen Avenue.

Newark, N. J.
Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia


to make "Every day a good


with the help of the following Kentuckians:
J. I. Lyle. '96
E. T. Lyle, '00
L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith, '08
R. L. Jones, '12
J. R. Duncan, '12
R. R. Taliaferro, '13

J. E. Boiling, '15
H. Worsham, '16
R. Waterfill, '20
J. H. Bailey, '20
W. B. Thornton, '21
N. O. Belt. '22
A. P. Shaaklin, '2 J


* Pa ft Tkrw







Santa Barbara,
Chic, Mexico., to Nellis, W. Va.

"One of the boys has been sending
week and the
section that interests nic most is the
alumni notes. It is almost the same
as seeing my schoolmates to read one
of their letters. I also look with interest on the doings of the various organizations foe the promotion of a bct-tschool and a better spirit among
the students. What has become of
the Greater Kentucky Council we or19
Perry E. Thomas, a geologist in the ganized last year? Have seen nothing
oil fields in and around
Texas, is visiting friends in Lexington.
Wm. J. Kallbreicr, with his brother,
Walter, is
Bros. Markets, in Louisville, Ky. He
asks that his Kernel be mailed to Store
No. 2, 18th and Maple streets.
Frank Homer Bell is a salesman
with the Philadelphia Quartz Company, 121 So. Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

PHONE 1594

W. W. Kirtlcy, 204
East Lynn Apartments, Tulsa, Okla.


A Complete Line


tne the Kernel

Ruth Latimer is teaching
at Junction City, Ky., p. o. box 164.


of Candies for the

Fraternity Store

Candy Co.

Serv-U- s

The Sign of Food
Diner "But this menu is in Freeh."
Waiter "Quite right, sir, but the
prices arc in English, and that's all
nios tof our customers read." Pear
son's Weekly (London)




401 South Lime



Something Happened in 1891


The announcement is made of the
marriage of Wm. Coleman Brown to
Miss Lois Phillips of Owcnsboro, on
December 27, in Louisville. After a
short wedding trip they returned to
Lexington and aire at home at 227
South Limestone street, Lexington,
Ky. Mr. Brown is connected with
the Allender Company.
Miss Martha Pollitt is teaching in
the high school at Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mailing address 1729 Hutchins Ave.

enclosed check for alumni
am still with the Carbondale
Company and at present am
to the sales force of the loEli Zuckerman,
cal Ibrance office."
care Carbondale Machine Company,
1637 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, 111.

dues. I


The marriage of Miss Helen Mae
Christian of Fayette County and Mr.
Lawrence A. Atkinson, of Chester, S.
C, was solemnized December 20,
1923 at the home of the bride's father.
Mr. Atkinson received his M. S. in
Agriculture at the University of Kentucky. They will reside in Chicago.
Miss Lucy M. Whitwoirth is teaching in Model High, University of Kentucky. Residence address 117 Bassett
Court, Lexington, Ky.

"Enclosed find check for dues. I
certainly am sorry for the delay but
because of traveling around so much
I forgot many important matters and
duties." T. R. Anderson, salesman
with Larkin Company, Inc., Buffalo,
N. Y. Mailing address 776 Elnvwood
Paul Cain, who is with the American Rolling Mill Company, has been

Kentucky Belts


Owes To


no phase of
is more

fascinating than the events
leading up to the practical use of electricity as the motive