xt7fqz22cc8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22cc8v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1921053 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-05-jun3-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1921-05-jun3-ec. 1921 2011 true xt7fqz22cc8v section xt7fqz22cc8v Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus- tees; (tniversity of Eentucoky, for its regular monthly meeting on Friday, JTune 3; 1921. The }Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of KCentucky, met in regular monthly session in the office of the President of the University at the hour of 11:30 otclock, a. m,,. Friday, June 3, 1921. The following members were present: Richard C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston,,0 Jr.., and Rainey To Wells. Frank La. McVey' President of the University and Wellington Patriok, Secretary of the Committee were also present. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee were read and approved with the exception of a correction of the last paragraph where certain temporary appointments were made at $4 a day, namely, the appointment of John B., eams' Wilson Hendrix, Mrs. Pearl Davis,' J. L. Davis, William Meadows and C0 W. Lefor~e as club agents, the appointments being at $4 a week instead. (Dean Cooper's office states that these appointments are made on the basis that these persons are allowed $4 for attending a meeting held presumably once a week, and supposedly covering one day' The total'allowance for each for the entire period of appointment is not to exceed $100). (1) Report of Ate Business Ag.ent The report. of the Business Agent was read and ordered inoorporated in the minutes, as follows: June 3,- 1921 President Frank L. McVey University of Kentucky Dear Dootor McVey: I submit an estimate of bank account of the University of KentuOy as of June 30,, 1921, This est imate- means that we will have a possible overdraft of approximately $50,000 in addition to the overdraft of $95,000 now covered by notes, and that it will be necessary for us to procure a loan of approximately $50,000 to meet all demands, including the pay roll; that will accrue by June 30,p 1921. This loan will have to be in ad'dition to all warrants that may be procured and sold by that datea I think it will be well to have the Executive Committee make an order authorizing the procuring of such a loans I suggest that you call to the attention of the xecutive Committee the fact that we are selling warrants now at 980 and at present that seems to be the best that can be done. Very truly (Signed) D. R. Peak Business Agent. 2. UNIVERSITY OF KIMTUCKY LEXINGTON Statement Showing Condition of Bank Account as at June 30, 1921 - Estimatec. Balance April 30, 1921 . .. I. ... ........ ....... $15,275.94 Deposited in May 1921 ....................... ............ e Expenditures for May 1921 92 . ................. Overdraft May 31, 1921 .................................... Estimated excess of Expenditures over Receipts for June, General Fund a.. e. Estimated excess of Expenditures over Receipts for June, Experiment Stat.ion ee. Estimated excess of Expenditures over Receipts for June, Extension Division. . .... . e.e_ oo.. Offset by State Warrants as follows: Speoial Agriculture Appropriation b e o $3,734.26 Special Engineering Equipment Appropriation 1,318.82 Dormitory Appropriation . 6;ooo.oo State-50 M4-Experiment Station ..ee 15,371,01 State Smith-Lever.... . . .. .... 42,091.44 Estimated Overdraft June 30D7 1921 .. ....... Overdraft Notes Outstanding............. ............. . Available in July 1921 State Warrants on Special Engineering Equdipment Appropriation for 1921- }922 spent prior to June 31, 1921 ....... 15e,000*00 1920-1921 Income Collected in July 1921 State Tax~aok4........................... 25p7000eO0 Vocational Education Board . l 000-00O Government Student Fees ..- .............. 700.00 OverdraftM .......................... .. 85,7S8.31 1010,034.25 1..4, 741,96 -13,707 )71 66,ooo.oo 10 t000 400 28 p000 .00 117,,707.71i 68,,515.53 49e ;192.18 293000.00 -144,192e13- 51,700.00 92,7492.18 On motionA, duly seconded, and unanimously adopted the Business Agent was Authorized to dispose oZ warrants on hand at 98 and interest, and the Business Agent and Chairman of the Executive Committee were authorized to borrow $50,000 to meei expenditures in June. 1924 50 (2) Expenditures on DoritIorye President MoVey reported to the Coma mittee that a total of $28J.693 had been spent on the dormitory. The point was raised as to whether or not any remaining portion of the $75a,000 appro- priated for the erec-ioa of the dormitory3 by the Legislature for the current fiscal year would be covered into the State Treasury if the Ulniversity had 24led to spend up to the limit of the appropriatioan On motion, duly secondedaa Judge Wells was requested to make inquiry of the Attorney General regarding the matter and make report at once to the President of the Uni- vers itY. (3) Bill-of3. TO Saeksen Lber Company for Expenditures on Dormitory A bill for $5,210e,23 in favor of- JSe T0 J-aokscaa -umber-Company -for expenditures on dormitory was presented to the Committee with a statement from Superiaten- dent Ao O* Whipple that it was correot. The Business Agent was directed to make payment under the provisions of instructions previously given by the Board. (4) Cost of p of Commission to Northern tUniversitiese President McVey reported to the Committee that the following amounts had been expended for the expense of the Commission on its recent visit to northern universities'. Railroad fare o - oo$l47675 Meals and incidentals. . . 0200. ..0.00.0.. 210040 Expense of five gentlemen to and from Lexington to their homes 0 e 8027 Estimated expense for the above item for the other gentleMelI of the Commission ...................... 111r00 Total ......-... I.. . .. q. 89 On motion, duly secoadedp and uuanimously adopted, the expenditure was approved. (5) Contraot with Federal B oard for Voontional Vducation for Conduct of Vooational Sohoole President -MoVey reported thsat he had exeouted thie following oontraot with the Federal Board for Vocational Education for the oonduct of a Vooational Sohool at the Uiaiversity. FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL STUDETSe CONTRACT COVERN INSTRUCTIONa TEIS CONTRACT, made this 25th &ay of Mayo 1921 by and between the University of Keeantuky of Lexington, Kentucky party of the first part,. hereinafter referred to as the Iastitution, and the United States of America' by E. So Baird, District Vocational Officer, aoting under the authority of the Yederal Board for Vooational Eduoationa and for amd in behalf of the United States of Amerioca, hereinafter referred to as the Board,' party of the secoad parti 71ITNESSETH: The parties hereto have Mutually covenazted ad agreed, and by these presents de covenant and agree with eaah other as follows:i 4.6 FIRST, That' subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter expressed, Institution will, during the period from July 1, 1921 to July 1922, up to the limit of its capacity, accept for instruction in courses approved by it and the Board, persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United States entitled to training under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act; as shown on the schedule hereto attached and made a part hereof, and furnish instruction to suoh persons at the charges stated on said schedule, such charges being not in excess of those paid by other students in this insti- tution taking the same course or courses. SECOND* That, for and in consideration of the faithful performance of the stipulations of this contract by the Institution, the Board will pay, upon presentation of properly prepared and approved vouchers, the charges as indicated on the schedule of .......... pages hereto attached and made a part hereof. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. Regular reports coverning the attendance, deportment, and progress of students placed in training by the Board, and such additional reports as may be deemed necessary, shall be furnished by the Institution at such intervals as may be specified by the Board. 2a Any person duly authorized by the Board shall be permitted at any time to visit the Institution and examine the same, as well as the work of the students placed in training by the Board, 3, The training of disabled persons under this contract, or the fact that the United States is utilizing the facilities of the Institution for the training of disabled soldiers and sailors shall be used in no way to advertise- the Institution, nor shall any reference be made thereto in its advertising literature or private correspondence or in any other manner for advertising purposes. 4. In the event that the physical condition, conduct, or inaptitude of any person placed in training in the Institution by the Board necessitates his withdrawal prior to the completion of his course; or training it dis- continued for any reason, it is understood that the charge for tuition will cover'the period of his aotual attendance only. 5. This agreement shall not take effect until approved by the Federal Board for Vocational Yducation; and no Member of or Delegate to Congress, Resident Commissioner, or other person whose name is not at this time dosclosed, shall be admitted to any share or interest therein, or to any benefit to arose therefrom; and it shall be subjeot ivL all respects to the provisions of sections 114, 115 and 116 of the Criminal Code of the United States (35 Stat0, 1109), SO far as the same may be applicable thereto,. In Testimony WThereof, The parties hereto, in the capacity and under the authority aforesaid, have hereunto set their, hands and seals the day and year first above written. (Name of Institution.) (Name of signer*) (Signer s official title.) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, By_ District Vocational Officer, Approved., District No_ _ FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Attest:_ Secretary Form 459 Rev. SCHfEBULE OF CHARGES FOR INSTRUCTION AT ME UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY FOR ALL PERSONS DESIGNATED BY qE FEDERAL BOARD ENTITLED TO SRAINING UNDER TEE VOCATIONAL RERAB- ILITATION ACT TO BE ATTACGED TO WND MADE A PART OF CONTRACT DATED MAY 25, 1921. 1- This institution will give approved courses of instruction to trainees sent to it by the Federal Board for Vocational Education under terms and conditions as hereinafter specified. CHARGES FOR REGILhA COURSES 2- Charges for trainees of the Federal Board who have required credits or training to enter the regular courses of the institution will be as follows; .A- A flat race of $1500 (fifteen dollars) per month per man wrill be charged to all trainees acceptee, for enrollment in the regular courses as listed in the 1921-1922 authorized catalog of the institution. This flat rate of $15.00 (fifteen dollars) per month per man shall inolude all charges incident to instruotion suoh as tuition, all fees, books,' student equipment, necessary classroom stationery and supplies and all other charges necessary for the proper instruction of Federal Board trainees it. regular olasseso B- Trainees who were residents ox Kentucky at the time of their enlistment into the army, navy or marine corps and entitled by al act of the Kentucicy legislature of '1920, to free tuition at the rate of $5o00 (five doli.idrs) per month, will be charged a flat rate of $ OOO (ten dollars) Fer month per man, which shall incaude all other fees, books . student equipment, necessary classroom stationery and supplies and all other charges necessary for the proper instruction of Federal Board trainees in regular classes. C- The charges specified in 'A" and "B" of paragraph 2; of this cpp!eontract are the same as charged to other students taking regular courses who elect to pay their college obligations in the same manjaer. D- The First Semester of the institution for students enrolled in the regular classes begins September 19, 1921 and ends February 4, 1922. E- The Seoond Semester of the institution for students enrolled in regular classes begins February 6, 1922 and ends June 14, 1922. F- Bills fOr Federal Board trainees enrolled in regular olasses will be rendered monthly on voucher forms to be furnished br the Federal Board, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, of Part I, of this oantraoto CHARGEVS FOR SUNMMI COURSES. 3- Charges for Federal Board trainees enrolled in the six weeks summer courses offered by the institution will be as follows: A.- A flat rate of $25,00 (twenty-five dollars) per man per ocurse of six weeks instruction will be made. This flat rate of $25.00 (twenty-five dollars) per man per course of six reeks instruction shall include all charges incident'to his proper instruction, such as tuition, all fees, books; student equipment,, necessary classroom stationery and supplies and a11 other charges necessary for his proper instruction in any of the courses offered in the Summer' School. B- The charge specified in "AC of paragraph 3,; of this contract are the same as charged to other students taking summer courses who elect to pay their obligations in the same mannerm C- The summer course begins June 19th and ends July 28th. D- Bi:lls for Federal Board trainees enrolled in the Summer school will be rendered on voucher forms to be furnished by the Federal Board at the end of the six weeks course subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, of Part I; of this cottract, and will be paid by the Federal Board when properly prepared and authenticated. CORRBSPONDaTCE COURSES. 4-No charge enumerated in this contract shall be construed as applying to the correspondence courses offered by the institution. Provri si ons covering charges for Federal Board trainees who may be enrolled in the correspondence ocurses of the institution will be covered in a supple- mentary contract, GUIDANICE SCHOOL. 5- This Institution, whioh is maintained by public taxation and is not operated for profit, will cooperate 4th the Federal Board in establish- ing and operating a Guidance School for the exclusive instruotion of Federal Board trainees who are in need of elementary instruction in connection with their special vocational studies in mining and agriculture and such other studies as may be added from time to time by the insti- tution and Federal Board, The Federal Board and the institution will operate the Guidance School under the following terms and conditions: A- A flat rate of $259-5o (twtty-five dollars) per month per main will be paid by the Federal Board to the University for all trainees earolled in the Guidanoe school provided the number earlled on the fifteenth of the calendar month is 25 ora more. When the nEamber enrolled on the fifteenth of the calendar month is less thaa 25, a flat sum of $625 (six hun4red and twenty-five doilarsi per month will be paid by the Federal Board to the lastitution for all trainees undergoinginstrue- tionc . The flat rate specified in 'A of paragraph 5, of this c2en traot will include the furnishing by the Institution to Pederal Board trainees -undergoing training in the Guid darce Sohool with all necessary books, classroom stationery and smpplies and all other fees. C- The flat rate specified in 'A' of paragraph 5, of this coatract will be paid by the Federal Board to the Institution for all trainees taking oae or more elasses of instrmetion in the Guidanee shool1 Trainees in the Guidance school will be per- initted to enter the regular olasses of the Institution ia adaition to their courses in the Guidance schools should such a program be deemed advisable for the manes rehabilitation by the Thstitution and Federal Board, but such trainees will be dlassified as Guidance school trainees ancd the Federal Beard will pay the tuition specified for Guidance school trainees. D' The Guidabee sohool shall be under the direction of a oa W~iS$C8D who will be an employee of and paid by the Federal Board, and an advisory committee consisting of three members of the faculty of the Institution who will be paid by the Institution. F All teaohers of educational subjects, namely, -English aad mathematios,, in the Guidance school, will be employed by and paid by the Federal Boarde S All teachers of vocational subjects will be employed and paid by the Institution and will devote their entire time to the exolusive inistruotion of Federal Board trainees in the Cuid- anee schoole The Institution will furnish teachers of voeational subjects in the general proportioa of two teachers to every 25 Federa-L Board trainees. Go As the regular classroom facilities of the Institution are insuffioient to acoommodate the Guidanoe sohool and the Insti- tution has no funds available for sudh building or leasing additional quarters, the Federal Board agrees to lease, main- tain and equip such quarters as may in the judgment of the Federal Board be suitable and adequate for the proper aoeonmodation of Federal Board students in the Guidance Scohool0 Ro The Institution will permit Federal Board trainees enrolled in the Guidazoe school to use the faoilities of the shops, laboratories and experimental stations under the supervision of teach ers of the Guidance Scbool when such use does not interfere with the regular classes of the Institution, without extra cost to the Federal Board0 80 (6) Bill of Louisville apeor Company for Tags, Mrs, Wiells made his report en the bill of the Louisville Paper Company for $10,00O for prinit- ing tags. (The bill was previously presented to the Committee and Mr., Wells was appointed as a committee to make investigation and report. See minutes of the Executive Committee for March 16, 1921). Mro Wells stated to the Committee that under the laws of the State there are two classes of printing as follows: First class, being printing for the various state departments; and second class, being printing for county officers ard like printing. Under a recent ruling of the State Printing Commission, the printing of tags for the Experiment Station had been placed with the second class,. thereby necessitating the purchase of paper on th6 part of the University for stock for the tags. Under the first class, he stated, all paper stook is furnished by the4;tate. He indicated that he did not believe that the classification was correct nor that the University should be obligated, but stated that before making a definite statement regarding the olassification he desired to confer with the State Printing Commission, and indicated that he would make further report to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. (7) Mso Wolcott's Claim, Judge Stoll reported to the Committee that pressure of &dties in connection with the work of the Fayette Circuit Court had prevented his taking up with Mrs. Wolcott and Mr. Thatcher the matter of Mrso Wolcott's olaima (See minutes of the Executive Committee for April 6,, 1921) R He requested that for this reason, he be relieved of the matter. On motion, duly seconded, Judge Stoll was relieved, and the matter was re- ferred to Mr0 Gordon5 (8) Farm Boys' Encampment, A communication was read from Dean Cooper indicating that the State Fair Board had decided to discontinue the farm boys' encampment for the present year0 (9) Possible Erection of Dormitories by Masons, President MoVey Stated to the Committee that he had been informed that the Masonic Order might, if invited to do so by the governing body of the University; erect dormitories for use by students whose parents are members of that order. After discussion, a motion was made, , seconded, and unanimously adopted indicating that such a proposal on the part of the Masonic Order would be favorabl reoeived. President MoVey was authorized to communicate with the proper authorities and convey the sense of the Committee, (10) Resolution on the Death of Hterman Pheifer, The following resolution on the death of Berman Pheifer, a student of the University of Kentucky, in Kentucky River on June 2, 1921, was offered and unanimously adopted: The Executive Committee of the Board of T'rJtees in session to- day learned with the greatest regret of the drowning of Rerman Pheifer, a member of the Freshman class. It extends to the father and relatives of the young man and to his fraternity brothers and members of his class their profound sympathy for the loss that has been occasioned by his death. As D. befitting rememberance of Herman Pheifer it has ordered this resolution spread upon the minutes of the Committee. C.I (ni) Resignation of Wellington Patrick as Seoretary of the Board. A communication from WTellington Patriok, Secretary of the Board, was presented, tendering his resignation as Seoretary of the Board. The Com- mittee declined to accept the resignation, and referred the matter to the Board of Trusteeso (12) Payment of Pailroad Fare to Ex-service Menrl The ouestion of payment of railroad fare to ex-service men who have been at the University for less than one school year was brought up, discussed, and on motion0 duly seconded, the President of the University was asked to request the Attorney General for a written opinion on the matter. (13) Audit of Universitavs Books. On reoeipt of a favorable report from Mre Gordon, recommending that the annual audit of the University's books agaia be made by Marwiok, Mitchell, Peat and Company of Nlew York and Chicago, the Business Agent was authorized to request that firm to make the annual (14) Budget for the Soholastio Year 1921-1922. President MoVey pre- sented to the Committee the proposed budget of the University for the scholastic year 1921-1922. After consideration and modification by the Gom- mittee it wmas recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval. (15) Appointments. The following list of appointments vras presented to the Committee by President MoVey and on motion, duly seconded0 and unanimously adopted, approved aa recommended: Appointnent of Earry W. Farmer as coordinator for ex-servioe men in the Vocational Schoolg, his salary to be paid by the Federal Board for Vocational Education0 (The University has the privilege of reoommending a man for this position). Appointment of Chester G. Fuss as assistant chemist in the public service laboratories at a salary of $2,000 a year, effective June 10, 1921, or upon Such date as he may repo rt for duty. He has the degree of Ph. C. from the University of Michigan, and is at present instructor in pharacy in the Uni- versity of ITest Virginia. It is planned to have him assist with the analytical work in drugs. Appointment of Mrs. Henderson Hostetter as clerk in the Department of Farm Economics, at a salary of $90.00 a month, effective June 1 1921. Appointment of Miss Gladys Waddell as oounty home demonstration agentp Wfhitley County, Kentucky, at a salary of $133 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve month s, effective May 1, 1921. Appointment of Robert H. Ford as assistant county agent, Daviess County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month,9 for a period of twelve months, effec- tive May 30, 1921e Appointment of Thomas Keith as assistant county agent, Clay County, Kentucky, at a salary of $140 a month, for a period of six months, effective May VS, 1921. Appointment of Miss Zerelda Baxter as-temporary club agent, Shelby County, Kentuoky, at a salary of $90 a month, for a period of four months, effective May 9,. 1921. Appointment of Ernest E. @anon, as assistant county agent, Shelby County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of four months. effeo- tive May 9, 1921. Appointment of Miss Elizabeth Roberts as assistant home demonstration agent, Whitley and Harlan Counties, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective April 21, 1921. Appointment of James McCoy, Jr., as field agent in club work, Breoken- ridge County, Kentucky at a salary of $100 a month, for. a period of five months, effective June 1, 1921. Appointment of A. J. Walker as field agent in club work, in Eastern Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of three months, effec- tive June 1, 1921. Appointment of Miss Pearl Morgan as field agent in club work at a salary of $100 a month, for a period of three months, effective June 15, 1921. Continuation of employment of Jo Xl. Farmer as county agent, Knott County, Kentucky at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of six months, effective May 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of J- L.. Miller as county agent, Taylor County, Kentucky, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, for a period of five-months, effective January 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of R. B. Rankin as county agent, Morgan County, Kentucky' at a salary of $150 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective June 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of J. W. Whitehouse as county agent. Daviess and McLean Counties, at a salary of $333 1/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective April 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of Co L, Hill as county agent, Nelson County, Kentucky, at a salary of $175 a month, for a period of nine months, effective April 1, 1921. Continuation of employment of Robert T. Harrison as county agent, Rarlan County, Kentucky, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months: effective April 12, 1921- Whereupon the Committee adjourned. Respectfully submitted Wellington Patrick Secretary of the Board