xt7fqz22d420 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22d420/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19730921 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, September 21, 1973, no. 18 text Bulletin, September 21, 1973, no. 18 1973 2014 true xt7fqz22d420 section xt7fqz22d420 I ·     ’ { "£¤.Z.’:! 'nllmi 7F ¤•‘·
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PERSQNN§L_CE£yG£Si Appointments. nancy ;§j—gQ.bmJ;n“gmQ E ES U
Whitmire, classified, CSR. Terminations:
Terriwgwens, classified, CSR.
MEETING: There will be a meeting of the LIBRARIES
Rrofessional Staff Wednesday, September
26th at 3:00 in the Rare Book Room of
. MIK. A film entitled "Motivation through  8
Job Enrichment" will be part of the program. ___m _ ___
UKLA: Announcement of the election results for the Professional Orga-
nization should appear next week. We should be hearinq from the new
Chairperson soon concerning our first meeting.
TUNED—IN LIBRARY: "'This is strictly an undergraduate library,’ ex-
plained University of Maryland library director J. Donald Qhggas. 'We
don’t care if the faculty ever comes in here. Our purpose is to dispense
information and we don't care what format it might come in.' ‘
Which is the basic reason why the university's undergraduate library
is one of the most popular and well used spaces on campus. In a number
of notable ways the library has made its concessions to the undergraduate
It is open 24 hours a day, for example, to accommodate the sometimes
bizarre studying habits of college undergraduates. And, yes, there
really are people who show up to read and study at 4 or 5:00 a.m. Sundays. I
One of the most frequented study spots in the library is a completely
defurnished room wired for quadraphonic sound. Four speakers blare
forth an assortment ranging from Jefferson Airplane to the sound of a
roller coaster in motion. All the furniture was taken out of the room
so that students could lie or squat in corners, simply relaxing to listen
to the music and study. ‘I listen to the music and associate it with
what I‘m studying,' says one student." (College Management, 8:10,
August/September l973)
MISSING: "One American traveler doing some research in the Vatican
Library in Rome needed to consult a work published in l580. He filled
out a request slip which was later returned to him marked 'missing since
l632.'" (New York Times, August l3, l973)
YISITOR: Mary Cassata, Assistant Director of University Libraries for
Public Service will be visiting our library on September 28th. She has
a Council on Library Resources fellowship to study the problem of facul~
ty status for librarians. If you should have a chance to talk with Ms.
Cassata, please do so and assist her in any way you can.
§MgLQXMEN@_Q§PORTUNIQ;: Head, Systems Development Office, Indiana
University Libraries, $l5,0GO+. Open 9/l/73. "Primary duties include
direction of systems analysis, design, implementation and evaluation
relative to the full range of library operations and services, consis-
tent in general with the library's overall goals and objectives and
its automation objectives in particular." Position requires Master's
degree in LS; minimum 4 years systems and related experience most in
university/research libraries; technical knowledge of computer appli—
cations. Apply to: Carolyn A. Snyder, Personnel Librarian, Indiana
University Libraries, BloomingtonTMIndiana 47401. “
  THR wEEK: Gunpowder Plot, l605 — Poetry; Library
technicians; Squidsinlravel agents ~ Accounting; University Players
Guild; Woolworth {P.W.) Company. ‘
84 days to the BlC MQVL