xt7fqz22fz15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fqz22fz15/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 2005 2005 2005-01-28 2020 true xt7fqz22fz15 section xt7fqz22fz15 Friday

January 28, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue free Subsequent issues 25 cents

State treasurer, secretary of state
discuss college costs with students

By Elizabeth Troutman
nit mnuckt 11min

Western Kentucky Uni-
versity student Jessica Mar-
tin wiped away tears as she
asked members of the Cradle
to College Commission to
consider the difficulties stu-
dents and their families face
when managing the expenses
of higher education.

“I believe the quality of
people goes up if they are

well-rounded and prepared
for the future." she said. “Let
it no longer be ‘if I go to col-
lege' but ‘when I go to col-

Martin was one of the 30
students from universities
across the state who attended
a forum in the Student Center
yesterday morning to address
the tuition increases with the

State Treasurer Jonathan
Miller and Secretary of State



Celebrating 33 years of independence

Trey Grayson listened to the
testimonies of students from
the University of Louisville
Eastern Kentucky University.
Western Kentucky University.
Morehead State University
and UK.

Miller said the committee
learned more about the finan-
cial inconveniences that stu-
dents are dealing with.

“I am someone that puts a
lot of value into the ideas of
young people.“ Miller said. “I
was very surprised. That was
a terrific hearing. I hope the
message is that students have
a voice and need to use it."

Martin, a Perry County

native pied for the peers of

her hometown community
According to a county census
2.5 percent of Perry County
residents have a bachelor’s or
associate‘s degree.

Finances did not keep

Martin from going to college.

Martin. a public relations and

sociology senior. plans on
graduating in May. Martin

said she has high school
friends who are spending
time in jail rather than pur-

suing a degree.

“lamhere to speak for my
friends that never made it
“I care

See College on page 3

this far." she said.







Iv mum nun l «mu srm

Above: (right) Anatomy and neurobiology lab assistant Verda Davis and Pat
Bennett, patient services coordinator at the College of Dentistry, takes a
breather after participating 1n the self- defense lesson in the Underground ‘
Fitness Center' In the basement of Donovan Hall last night “This course has
given me a lot of confidence, " Bennet said Her daughter lives in an apart-
ment by herself, Bennet said, “I' ve got to get her to come the next time."


Far Left: Bennett
maneuvers away
from a would-be
attacker. “i couldn't
believe how hard he
was hitting at us,
and we were able to
deflect everyone of
them," Bennet said.
"It was amazing."

Left: Protective gear
is required for this
drill, but in real life
the assailant will
have no protection
from the defense



Student leaders needed for first UK dance marathon

something much bigger

By Farra Franklin
111: ktnrucn mm

Students can apply to
help organize UK's first
dance marathon. which will
take place next year. The
marathon will raise funds to
help kids with cancer in the
UK Department of Pediatric

Organizers, along with
the Markey Cancer Center.
are looking for students in-
terested in planning the
event. Applications are due
Feb. 1 and can be picked up
at the Student Volunteer
Center in Room 106 of the
Student Center.

The dance marathon
would be held in spring 2006
over the course of 48 hours.
said Susannah Denomme. a
fundraiser for the Markey
Cancer Center. Bands will

be invited to play. and other
contests will be held as part
of the event. she said.

Participating student or-
ganizations will compete
with one another based on
the money and support they
are able to generate. De-
nomme said.

The UK Dance Marathon
Leadership Team will be
composed of a dance
marathon chair. committee
chairs and committee mem-

UK is not the first to hold
such an event. A dance
marathon at Penn State Uni-
versity raised over $30 mil-
lion for children‘ 5 cancer
programs. Denomme said.

“One of the major objec-
tives we have is that it is a
unifying event. and we want
students to come away
knowing that they have
been an important part of

than themselves." she said.

The students who attend—
ed information sessions
about the dance marathon
said they are excited about
the event.

“It's a great opportunity
for UK students to show that
they care more about serv-
ing others and becoming
more well rounded 111le idu
als." said Matt Douglas an
economics junior.

One of the leaders of the
event. Jennifer Mynear. be
came actively involved in
raising funds for children‘s
cancer research when her
13-year-old son. Jarrett. died
of cancer in October 2002.

“The groups of students
judging (and) committee
leaders are organized and
passionate with the 3.000
outpatients and the neigh
borhood of active 50-60


Dance Marathon

For more Information, call Susan-
nah Denomme at 323-5184. E-mail
her at susannah®email.uky.edu.




The promoters have
made formal presentations
to groups such as the Stu-
dent Volunteer Council. Stu-
dent Government and Stu-
dent Activities Board. but
she said they will accept as
many students as possible to
fill community positions.
“The project is a big un-
dertaking. and student lead-
ership is crucial in order to
have a strong steering com-
mittee." Mynear said.

patients." Mynear

One of the major objectives we have is that it is a

unifying event.”
—Susannlh benoiiime fundraiser for the Markey Cancer Center and an event organizer




Becky Ellingsworth, communication junior and Student Government sen-
ator, spoke at the second hearing for the Cradle to College Commission

on studnet financial aid yesterday.


Student referendum
would charge fee
for energy research

By Tricia McKenny


Green Thumb Environ-
mental Club has proposed a
referendum on the upcoming
Student Government ballot
to ask for funding for renew-
able energy sources at UK.

If approved by voters dur-
ing the March 30-31 election.
student fees would increase
by $638 each semester to pay
for the research.

Green Thumb is current-
ly surveying students to see
what . or if , they would
be willing to pay for this ser-
vice. The exact amount of
the increase will be decided
neilt month. said natural re-
sources senior Ben Abell. a
member of Green Thumb.

The referendum has re-
ceived about 400 of the 1.000
signatures it needs in order
to be placed on the ballot. and
members of Green Thumb
are optimistic that the rest of
the signatures will come
soon. The deadline for signa-
tures is March 2.

"Students have been real-
ly responsive. and I really
feel like they want to do
something to get inyolyed in
protecting our em irontnent
right here at home " Abell

Green Thumb. which has
between 20 and 30 members
at I'K. modeled the referen-
dum around programs at
benchmark schools like the
University of Tennessee. Uni-
versity of North Carolina-
(‘hapcl Hill and the l,’nivcrsi~
ty of Virginia.

Students at Tennessee ap

proved an $8 fee increase by a
60 percent majority. UNC ap-
proved a $4 increase by 74
percent. and 87 percent of
UVA students approved an
increase of $7 per semester.

These additional fees
have provided enough fund-
ing for several new renew-
able energy programs at
these universities. including
bringing UNC $200000 a year
that has been used for solar
panels for a water-heating
system in one of the dorms.
according to the UNC Renew-
able Energy Special Projects

Green Thumb members
decided to take action after
SG passed a constitutional
amendment earlier this year
that ensures that any referen-
dums approved by a majority
of students will automatical-
ly take effect if the action is
within SG‘s jurisdiction.

Otherwise. the action will
be presented to the adminis-

If the referendum is ap-
proved at UK. Green Thumb
hopes to work with adminis-
trators and the university
community to provide re-
search into effective ways UK
can implement renewable en»
ergy sources such as solar de-
velopment. wind energy and
energy saving measures.
Abell said.

"By allowing students to
vote for this small increase
for renewable energy. we
hope it will help the entire
community." Abell said.

tmclremiy u kykernel. com

If rule changes, any student
can run for SC president

By irICIa McKenny
lHE krmccxv KIRNEL

Students will no longer be
required to have previous ex
pcriencc 111 Student Govern-
ment to run for SG President.
if a constitutional amend-
ment is approved in its second
reading next Wednesday.

The SG constitution cur-
rently says that anyone run
111111: for a chief leadership
position in any branch of gov-
einment must have served
one year prior in office in SG.

The amendment. which
received initial approval after
its first reading on Jan, 19.
eliminates this condition and
says that the individual “shall
be a member of Student Gov-

According to the SG (‘on‘
stitution: “All students en-
rolled at the University of
Kentucky Lexington (‘am—
pus the lexington (‘ommuni-
ty (‘ollege and the Medical
( enter(‘ ampus shall be mem-
bers of the Student Govern-
ment Association of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky" and are
members of SG.

if the amendment is ap
proved next Wednesday. any
student can run for the posi-
tion of SC president.

Senate President Braphus

Kaalund spoke in favor of the
amendment at last week‘s SG
meeting and said it is always
a good idea to open SG up to
more people.

“The student body knows
what they are doing and what
they want." he said.

The amendments spon-
sors. Senator at Large Becky
Ellingsworth and College of
Business and Economics Sen-
ator Ben Carter. said they
know some SG members may
fear the possibility of electing
a president who has no expe
rience but they hope the
amendment will open 86 up
and make it available to more

Many students have very
good ideas that need to be
heard. (‘arter said.

Running for SC president.
even without winning the
election. can be an opportuni-
ty for students to get their
message out just like how
third party candidates in the
US. government use elec-
tions, he said.

"(The president) will obvi-
ously need to be prepared for
the job. but students are more
than capable of selecting
someone who can do the job."
1311in said.



 Jan. 28, 2005



Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone: 251-l9l5
E-mall: clittle®liy|iernelcom


mm. at“ .s.

ETCETERA I the poore philosophy
I’d like to deposit money, not Visit an inmate

I’ve noticed a trend
among banks: They do every-
thing in their power to forbid
human contact.

First it was ATMs. but
that was OK. I could get cash
pretty much anywhere as
long as I paid a 10 percent
surcharge of my life's savings
and a decent chunk of my fu-
ture children‘s college money.

Next: Online banking.
Now this was truly a god-
send. I didn't have to walk
into banks anymore. I could
just sit in my underwear and cry as I read my
checking account balance. This saves me the
embarrassment of crying in my underwear in
a public place. Like a bank.

Derek ..



But it all appears to be a covert operation.
Banks have now allowed so much automation

they‘re clearly preparing for war.

For protection purposes, banks have begun
fortifying their branches. This is an obvious
prelude to an attack. When we're least expect
ing it. bankers and possibly their ally the
accountants will rise tip and hurl calcula-
tors and balloons and complimentary lollipops
at us.

These bank forts are popping up every-
where. You walk into the unsuspecting lobby
and are met with computer screens and
closed-circuit video monitors. Everything is
walled tip. Instead of a 'hello‘ and a smile.
you‘re met with. “Welcome to a wall. would
you like to deposit some money?"

I felt like I was waiting to enter a prison
during visiting hours. You talk to the bank

tellers through the monitors. I might as well
ask to see Prisoner No. 3539583.

How do we actually know these people are
back there? What if they‘re in some central
operations center? What if they're on another
planet? And what are they doing exactly with
the money I give them? Where do I put the

Going through the drive thru is the same
experience. More cameras and teeny televi-
sion monitors. That pipe that sucks up your
paycheck? That‘s nothing new. but it‘s obvious-
ly alien technology.

It‘s less appealing than going to a fast food
drive thru ,w, and that art has been impossible
to perfect for decades. They‘ve tried. You still
can‘t understand anything. and they can‘t un-
derstand you. so it‘s a mutual disaster.

In recent years. fast food places have i11-


stalled computer displays to show you just
how badly they screwed up your order, so you
can get angry lie/ore you get your food.

But don't try to use that screen to correct
your order. THEY (‘AN "1‘ HEAR YOU.

Now I grew up with Atari. Nintendo and
the Internet. I can‘t remember when technolo-
gy wasn't a part of my life.

But the automated age is becoming proud-
ly goofy.

Where's the face time‘.’ The customer ser-

I'd rather have trained monkeys with see—
through green poker hats handling my check-
ing account if not for the interaction. then
for the comedy.

But I don't think I can complain about it.


F mail dpooreru Aj'li‘crnelrom

‘Blood Relations offers audience true- crime drama

By Melissa Smith Mallerv matic.


111 depth look at the
events leading

tween Lizzie and Bridget the

up to the maid with even more ease.

years after the murders to
the historical facts of the

visage as to the depth ot
Lizzie' s guilt. Her slight and


Blood Relations

Many know the story of
Lizzie Borden or at the very
least recognize her name.

In Fall River. Mass. near
the turn of the century: she
was tried and acquitted for
the murders of her father
and stepmother. The case re-
mains essentially open to
this day. as no one has been
convicted for the heinous

killings. the actual killings.
and Lizzie Borden‘s life years
after the trial, An actress has
come to visit Lizzie many
years after her acquittal. and
eventually the question aris—
es: Did she. or didn‘t she'.’
Debbie Sharp's portrayal
of the actress eventually
takes the place of Lizzie in
her retelling. and she exe»
cutes the switches between

Within the story. her accent
as the Irish maid never fal-
ters. which helps to disasso-
ciate her connection to the
character of Lizzie.

Lizzie puts the actress
into the events of her day so
that she can decide for her-
self the degree of Lizzie‘s
guilt. Interspersed into the
reenactment are short scenes
of testimony from the trial.

Playwright Sharon Pol-
lock has established an inter-
esting frame in which the au-
dience can just barely distin-
guish reality and truth from
the duplicity of Lizzie's story.
The picture within the frame
is presented as truth. yet in a
final twist. the audience is
forced fitto the jury box.
Kloiber plays up the mys-

infrequent smiles inject just
the right amount of doubt
into any observer‘s theories.
Although Lizzie Borden
was acquitted for the fatal
bludgeoning of her father
and stepmother. Sharon Pol-
lock's play presents the facts
and a little fiction in such a
way that the unsolved case is
reopened and you've been re-
cruited as lead detective.

When: 8 tonight and Saturday;
2:30 pm. Sunday; 8 pm. Feb. 4
and 5; 2:30 pm. Feb. 6

Where: The Carriage House The-
atre, located on Bell Court off
Main Street

Phone: 253-2512
Web site: www.5tudioplayers.orq
How much: Tickets cost $10 to $14

The Studio Players pre-

sent Blood Relations. a dra» Beth

the two characters very well.

Kitiiber \‘acillates be

which serve to tie the hap-
penings of both before and

tery surrounding her charac-
ter. revealing nothing in her

features a A’j'li'ernelrom






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Campus Works to ensure safety after second slaying

By Jason Song and JoAnna Daemmrich
nit wander sun

Hopkins officials. students
and parents. grappling with
the violent death of a second
student in less than a year. are
renewing efforts to strengthen
security on campus anti in the
nearby neighborhtxid.

Administrators are sched
uling meetings with students
and sending letters home to
try to calm the fears.


Continued from page 1

about the people where I am
from. 1 have to get up every»
day and prove myself be-
cause of where I am from."

UK integrated strategic
communication sophomore
Alise Marshall said paying
for college is an investment
for the future.

“i feel like this is a busi
ness.“ she said. “A living.
breathing business. not just
an institution of langmage.

”I‘d like to know where
this money is going." she
said. "This is just like any
other investment. I would like
to know how I am going to

Marshall said she was dis-
appointed in the student
turnout for the forum.

“We are the university."
she said of the student body
“I don‘t feel like our voice is
heard enough. We just need
to be heard. Just listen to us.
This place would not exist
without us. We need to know
what We are getting out of
this besides going to class

University of Louisville
senior Lindsay Zoeller is a
fifth-year student who said
students waste a lot of time
and money taking hours that
are not within their major,
She suggested that better ad-
vising Would help students
graduate in four years.

“I wish someone would
have asked me what I wanted
to do," she said. “Nobody
asked until my junior year. If
someone had asked the my
freshman or sophomore year.

Last weekend, I inda
’l‘rinh. 21, a biomedical engi-
neering senior. was found
dead in the bathtub of an
apartment building across the
street from campus. Junior
Christopher l‘llser was fatally
stabbed at his fraternity house
last April.

Hopkins has taken steps to
improve security over the past
year. The university has iden
tified poorly lighted areas near
campus and is working to in-

crease the number of emer-
gency telephones.

Officials have issued stu-
dent ll) cards that carry phone
numbers for emergency ser-
vices. In a letter to parents.
President William R. Brody
said the university might do
more. "011ch we have an un-
derstanding of what occurred
in this case. that understand-
ing may well suggest new
steps we must take. and we
will take them." he wrote.


Jessica Martin, sociology and public relations senior at Western Kentucky
University, pleaded to the Cradle to College Commission that Perry County
was the 20th poorest county in Kentucky.

1 probably would have given
the same answer. Then they
could have steered me in the
right direction.“

Zoeller works two part-
time jobs to pay for school
along with a 10-hour intern-
ship. She is currently taking
18 hours at UofL to finish her
history and political science
degrees. Homework is usual-
ly completed between 11 pm.
and 2 am. she said.

Zoeller said many work-
ing students neglect paying
for insurance and other es-
sential finances to make it
through college. Loans are
also a burden for students
even after graduation.

"I know students who did-
n‘t buy books this semester
because they couldn't afford
them." she said. "I know a lot
of students without health in-
surance, without car insur-
ance. There just aren‘t many
other options out there."

UK biology sophomore
Kyle Burns said he couldn‘t
imagine paying for his own
health insurance. He said he

knows students who have had
to take out thousands of dol-
lars in loans to pay for the re
moval of wisdom teeth.

“Loans are a big burden."
Burns said, “People that do it
on their own...l can‘t imagine.
It is unfathomable."

The Cradle to College
Commission was organized
several months ago with the
goal to make higher educa-
tion easier for students.
Grayson said setting up pro-
grams to help students and
families is the biggest hurdle.

“It was interesting hear-
ing the different perspectives
we had," he said.

“I was very much im~
pressed with how articulate
and knowledgeable the stu-
dents came across as.

"Students are looking for
ways to ignore loans. Stu-
dents expressed an interest
such as service or lower pay-
ing jobs to pay for school. It
was good to get that confir-

etroutma n t a kykernel. com



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Friday Jan. 23. 2005 l mu

Wanna find out?
Check out KEKNELS 0F TKUTH every Monday In the Kernel.

Sulnnlt a quutlon of your own to
kcrnclsoftruthokykerncl.cont. Include your name. year and major.







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Jan. 28. 2005



By Michael Brent
iHE xtrrrucrrv KERNEL

You've heard the story be.
fore — the top-10 recruit who
comes to school with great
expectations but never meets
them. They enter the college
basketball arena as a savior.
and they leave as a disap-
pointment. A bust. A failure.

James Blackmon came to
UK in 1983 prepared to set
the world on fire. He aver-
aged over 30 points per game
at Marion High School in In-
diana. He earned a spot on
the McDonald‘s All-Ameri-
can team and was a first
team Parade All—American.
A 6-foot-3 shooting guard
with elite athleticism. Black-
mon was a “can‘t miss“

But Blackmon struggled
early in his UK career. He
showed flashes of brilliance
but remained handcuffed in
the power game employed by
UK coach Joe B. Hall. Mid-
way through his sophomore
season. Blackmon left the
team and went home.

Blackmon acknowledges
his decision was rash.

“Being young. placing too
much pressure on myself. I
wasn‘t performing at the ley~
el I thought I would." Black-
mon said. “I didn‘t talk with
the coaches about it. I just
packed up and headed

He left with intentions to
transfer to the University of
Louisville. He even spoke
with Cardinal head coach
Denny Crum about the possi~
bility But after talking with
his family and the UK coach-
ing staff. Blackmon decided
to at least finish the season at
UK. The rest is history

Blackmon finished his ca-
reer at UK as a three-year
starter. He had a solid career
and played in a Final Four.
but he never met the lofty ex-
pectations his high school
reputation fueled.

"I think Dick Vitale said
it best." Blackmon recalled.
"I was a great high school
player. but for whatever rea-
son. I was just an average col

lege player"

That‘s debatable.

There aren't many “aver
age" basketball players who
can say they started for the
Kentucky Wildcats for three
years. He also played pro has;
ketball in the (‘ontiriental
Basketball Association and
World Basketball League for
several years. And while it's
possible his star might have
shone brighter in a system
more tailored to his abilities
(such as l’ofl. at that tiniei.
Blackmon has no regrets.

"I'll always believe I did
the right thing returning."
he said. "I met my wite

In addition. Blackmon
says he understands Hall's
philosophy: even though it

l BR from 5349'

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now. I‘d dothe something '

(lft the coin" lllzicknion
cherishes the ac trlt‘llllt’ sup
pill‘l lil’ I'r‘r‘ii;‘~.t-(l HP logger
Bolt Bradley. {he :icudciiim‘
mentoring of Hi .-essrir‘i';'~
athletics (lll‘r'i tor for student
services. as our of Ilii

biggest :ntluenci-s on his llll

"School wasil' my lllL! '
pt'ioii'x whirl l cot iiei‘v ‘
lll;tr'?‘.i:.on .‘lilllli""v’l ‘lio'
ilil‘.illit".l stayed .32, me Ill


nittdc lllt'l‘r'Iill/Tr' ".1? l to .ld
get no degree. an:
or. Tll‘. illsr‘ liliori' .‘ "

llc i'i'tiii‘ni-d'
tiller lie colnplc'v’ i? his colli-
grate eligibility to tiiiisii his
degree lll “It'lill work liltck
ll‘llitl t-Xiil’r-sseil drinlrls .‘llirvll'
whether ti» would ‘. or v-‘wi
graduated fiwzii 1.1- :.s'-. slit or
lill'\'\‘»llt‘l‘t lysi-


tic suited

l‘.‘ \ llllllt L'

:1 er: gi‘e-z' ‘l .in ;il;i

support here. but a lot of
(Louisville) guys weren‘t
graduating at that time."

in today's world of ill-
stunt gratification. it‘s easy
to relate to a young player be-
coming dissatisfied and look
in! to more elsewhere. l'lx'
:usi experienced that this
si'ilsolt \\ itli freshman guard
.loc l‘rawtord

What r-Jis_\‘ Io
gi'isp, especially for today's
young players. is the tact that
lilzir'kriion reconsidered his
decision to Monster and pp.
more successful No. he did
ii" fulfill NRA dreams. nor
was. no men it college star To
.l ‘ vicar old toriner Mellon
.lltf «.\li _\iiieric;in. this may
lll ’ sound lllir' .i success sto
:\ llut take i look Iii lliack»
liilvii :iou

lsll‘l so

’l‘ud'iy En- 'iiid his \\llt‘.
\TJlli'i. Eiux'r- liccii liilt‘l'led
iiiitmt lit \ezlrs. art have
t‘i1wcsons ages :i'ne. scv

er: iiidtuo

lle \\iill'.‘~ .ls .lii .ldminls»
'r. ‘zw 'issiszaiit at .\leiiiori:il
l":il\ Heidi» School lll Fort
\\ Mic. lud lie is list» in his

as m mails.

Phone. 2571915 I [mark WSMMMKOM


James Biackmon (center) came to UK's campus in 1983 as a highly-touted shooting guard. But he left the team
dunno his sophomore season because he "wasn't performing at the level" he thought he could. He would
return and left UK as a three-year starter.

first year as a head basket
ball coach for the Bishop
Liters Knights. a 3A high
school in the same city. They
have already doubled last
season‘s win total with a 6-4
record to date. thanks in part
to the defensive teaching he
received playing his filial two
seasons for Eddie Sutton.
Does that sound like a
bust‘.’ ()r a failure'.’ Only in a

shallow college basketball
fan's world.
“Maybe it would have

been a different outcome on
the court somewhere else."
Blackmon said. “But Ken-
tucky prepared me for life.

"If I had it to do over. I‘d
choose the same path."

So the guy with all that
talent tinished his college ca~
i'eer without establishing
himself as one of the greats.
yet he's still successful and

That isn't a story you
hear very often today. but it
is the story that Blackmon

sports ti Arkernelcorn



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There ’s a Lot
” Riding on



this loss." III m I! m. from. In all m In a Mom Ito-t.





Friday. Jan. 28. 2005 | PAGE 5


VANDY 73W .7”


mun-Ln | sm'r

Vanderbilt quard Abi Ramsey pressures UK senior forward Sara Potts during last night's game at Memorial Coli-
seum. Potts scored to points, but Vandy ended UK's iO-qame winning streak at home this season.

Loss is latest growing pain

bylindsey Keith

mt Eunice KERNEL

In their first home loss of
the season. the yoting (‘ats
experienced maior growing
pains against No. 21 Vander-

The Commodores defeat-
eti the (‘ats 7367 last night in
front of 6.009 fans at Meritori-
al Coliseum bringing lTK‘s
12-game home winning
streak to a close. [7K was iii-(l
at home this season before
last night's loss.

"We shot the ball well
enottgh to win." saiti l'K
heati coach Mickie heMoss.
“We take care of the
turnovers. anti we would
have won the game bttt
Vandy did what they had to
(lo to win the game."

The growth spurt the
(‘ats (13-8. ‘34 Southeastern
Conference) hit at the begin-
ning of conference play has
been brotight to a standstill
as they have now dropped
three-straight games.

The Commodores (14—5. 1i~
3 SEC) dominated tiown the
stretch anti would not let the
Cats get the baskets they
needed to pull off the upset.

"l am frustrated that we
lost. We could have gotten
things done; we could have
executed." said freshmen
center Sarah Elliott. "We
need to come together tighter
as a team right now it is a
crucial point in the season "

Elliott led the way for the
(‘ats scoring a team-high ‘30