xt7ftt4fp198 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fp198/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19481022 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1948 1948 2013 true xt7ftt4fp198 section xt7ftt4fp198 Best Copy Available The Kentucky Kernel Weather Today Cloudy and Mild High 68 Need A Ride? See Page Two UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLUME XXXIX LEXINGTON, Z246 Courses Planned Special Ruled Research In On Steel Methods Unconstitutional Notarized Free At SUB Ticket Booth Ballots BSU Experiment Program To Serve Industries By Wallace J. Fox Researchers in the department of metallurgical engineering at the University are planning an investigation of methods for reclaiming various types of expended steel foundry sand. The project is a portion of the expanding program of fundamental and applied research currently be ing engaged in by the department to further serve Kentucky industry. Contract Being Negotiated University authorities have an- nounced that a $6000 contract is being negotiated at the present time between the Steel Pounders Society of America and the Kentucky Re- it search Foundation, a corporation administering research nd public service funds allotted to uie university oy private aonors. Prof. F. Lewis Orrell. of the metal- -' lurgical engineering department, has ; been named director of the project. He will be aided by Norman C. ' Howells. graduate assistant of the Neu-deck- er and Katherine Barnett, Junior rep nsn-prof- department. The initial phase of experimenta-- , tion will take at least a year. Program Is Extensive The program is intended to be extensive enough to include develop- ment of a commercial process for certain types of sand used in preparing molds in which steel castings are poured. Foundry sand becomes useless for molding purposes after indefinite periods of tune depending upon the type of .casting. Although basically cheap, sand is used in large quantities since its useful life is short. Two tons of sand are used for each ton of castings. If . present experiments are successful savings ranging from $2 to $6 per ton may be realized on sand; $4 . , - $12 on castings. Yearly savings of should result, university engineers estimate. Simple Processes I'sed , Only applications of simple industrial processes have been used so far. Researchers decline to state the ex- act nature of the process they intend to develop, but the system is an outgrowth of two years of pre- liminary work on the problem. This preliminary work reportedly has developed two possible ways in " which sand may be reclaimed. The new project will be confined to de- velonine one of these mptharis on m pilot plant scale as the most effective and economical es UK Law Grads Pass Kentucky Bar Exams Eighteen of the 28 law students who passed the state bar examination given in September were University of Kentucky graduates, the Court of Appeals announced recently. Those recommended Women's residence units recently elected officers for the current year. Patterson Hall has elected Frances Whitten, president; Frances Barnett, Polly Boteler, reasurer; and Beverly Kay Zeet, social chairand men. Jewell Hall has chosen Margaret Wilson, president; Louise Swinford, Frances Megowan, secretary; Bonnie Hamilton, treasurer; Sylvia Smith, social chairman; secretary-t- ; for licenses to practice law are Robert H. Maxwell Pringle Barrett, Prank G. Gilliam. Ben Lee Kessinger Jr.. Harry B. Miller Jr., Thomas F. All-phi- n. Marshall, William S. Riley, Henry M. Caudill. Walter Clay Cox Jr, Catherine Elizabeth Gillis, John J. Hopkins. Raymond E. Howard, Jennings Hiram Kearby, James G. Sheehan Jr, Wanda Lee Spears, Bernard A. Wells Jr, Eugene S. Wiggins Jr, and Bunyan S. Wilson Jr. resentative. Boyd HaU Elects Boyd Hall has elected Ruth Adams,' president; Nancy Brewer, Nell Blair, secretary; and Nancy Gaskin, social chairman. Hamilton House has elected Marie Hatcher, house president; Clare Newton, president; Martha Rout, vice president; Katherine France, secretary; Eloise Eubank, treasurer; Hazel Jo Smith, corresponding secretary; Jean Eubank, social chair man; Evelyn Hammond, seargant at arms; and Evelyn Osborne, historian. Sayre HaU Names Officers Sayre Hall has elected Leslie Doer-inpresident; Jackie Day, vice president; Mary Gilbert, secretary; Dottie Sanford. chaplain; Dufch Hertlan, song chairman; and Beth Randall, social chairman. Lydia Brown House has elected Jo Ann Vincent, president; Joan Cook, vice president and secretary; Peggy Adams, treasurer and social chairman; and Mary Ann Rice and Betty Compton, council members. McDowell House his elected Eve lyn Crawford, president; Betty Maxey, vice president; Rachel Johnson, secretary; and Eletha Gillespie, g, treasurer. Kentuckian Queen Selection Is Set- The Kentuckian Beauty Queen will be selected from 29 candidates Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. The elimination contest will be open to the public with a twenty cent admission fee. The queen will be crowned at a cabaret style dance sponsored by Lamp and Cross, senior men's honorary. Tinker Baggar-ly'- s Orchestra will play for the dance, scheduled Nov. 27 in the Student Union Ballroom. Sponsors and candidates for the queen's crown are Alpha Delta Pi, Jo Ann Marsh and Marianne Poer; Alpha Gamma Delta, Jane Barnett and Anna Faye Hooks; Alpha Xi Delta, Bertha Ann Lutes and Mary Ann McQuaid; Chi Omega, Patsy Allen and Elizabeth LaRue; Delta Delta Delta, Frances White and Priscilla McVey; Delta Zeta, Nancy Gallen and Betty Hensley; Kappa Alpha Theta, Cora Frances Saffell and Nancy Brewer. Kappa Delta, Marianna Parker, Nell Martin; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Ann Guthrie and Forgy Kirk pa trick; Zeta Tau Alpha. Ann Simpkins and Jeanette Blair; Tau Alpha Pi, Anita Levy; Jewell Hall, Christine Cook; Patterson Hall, Harriet Russell; Boyd HaU, Petty Lyon; and Sayre Hall, Eloise Kirk. fort. Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of the University, requested an opinion after W. C. Boone, general secretary of the Baptist group, asked the University to grant authority to establish a Bible chair at the Baptist Student Union under University sponsorship. The organization proposed to inaugurate four Bible courses to be taught by a professor selected by the Baptist executive board and approv- ed by Dr. Donovan and the University deans. M. B. Holllfield, assistant attorney Tau Sigma, modern dance socigeneral said the proposal would vi- ety, has pledged seventeen new olate Section 189 of the Kentucky members, Mrs. Revell Estill Shaw, Constitution and the first and four- director, announced Tuesday. teenth amendments of the Federal The official pledging of the new Constitution. 4 members will take place Monday night in Room 206 of the SUB. Tau Sigma active members selected the new pledges from 60 students who tried out. The new pledges to Tau Sigma Boyd R. Keenan, journalism sen- a re Lois Brandon, Phyllis Cliver, ior, has been elected president of the Mary Hal Cochran, Polly Day, MarBest Band in Dixie, it was announc- guerite Day, Marilyn Kilgus, Caroed this week by Director Frank line Lee. Judith Luigart, Beverly Newdecker, Beulah Reynolds, MariPrindl. lyn Roberts, Jean Stephens, MilOther officers include Tinker v i c p resident; Forrest dred Vance, Jeanne Wilson, Lois Schenks, secretary-treasure- r; and Wilson, and Bobbie Dean Yates. One man, Eugene Dearinger, was Cornelius Von Boyer, sergeant at pledged. arms. .Keenan succeeds Wililam Peavy-hous- e, who served as president last Law year. According to the newly elected president, the varsity club of the band has been The University has given proviThe purpose of the club is to create sional approval to the College of a spirit of fellowship and responsi bility between the freshmen and Law for a course termed Kentucky Practice. of the band. An freshman award The course will be designed as an will be given to the first-yestu orientation for law practice and will dent who best represents the high be open only to seniors. It will be standards of the band, Keenan, an- optional and carry no credit. nounced. Members of the class will supervise the preparation of briefs by freshman and sophomore students Student Makes News Joan Harborne, English exchange and will also visit state and federal student at UK last year, was men- courts. Practising lawyers will be invited tioned in an article in the October issue of the American Magazine. to speak to the class on specific subShe was also featured in a recent jects relating to entry upon practice of law. issue of Look magazine. Tau Sigma Names Pledges; Initiation Ceremony Monday Keenan Elected Band President Bag-garl- College Opens New Practice Course upper-classm- One hunred and seventy-fiv- e students must make reservations oii the train to Knoxville for the Kentucky-Tennessgame before the special train can be SuKy-sponsor- ee chartered. Reservations can be made after 1 with Ryburn Weakly, chairman of the arrangements committee for SuKy. Weakly can be contacted by phone at 8674. The $16 fee for each reservation includes a ticket to the game and Nov. tram fare. the round-tri- p The train will leave Union Station for Knoxville Nov. 20 at 6 a.m, and will leave Knoxville at 11 p.m. the same day. Balfour Man Coming I A representative from L. G. Balfour Company will be in the Campus Book Store, to take orders for class rings on Nov. 3. Season 9 Pierrette Aterie, Canadian-bor- n colorature opera star, will open the 1948-- 9 season of Sunday musicales with an operatic concert at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Memorial Hall. Miss Alarie will offer as her first ; 1 &.JSI tT 'fflryf v, w u fibs Frill ' TIE3 y tut r-- K for Kentuckian pictures is Nov. 2, Charles Whaley, editor of the University annual, announced today. Students can have their pictures a.m. and 1:30-- 6 p.m. taken Monday through Friday, and a.m. Saturday. Students who failed to have 9-- 9-- Rimsky-Korsakof- Students To Vote At Mock Election - Two More Join Pygmalion Cast UK Will Not Submit 'Who's Who' Names The University will not submit names of students for inclusion in the annual volume of "Who's Who in American Collegese and Univer sities" this year. Dean A. B. Kir- win said today. Dean Kirwin said the action is in line with the policy of the Na tional Association of Deans of Men. w hich does not recognize the book as a part of its program. Kent Hollingsworth and Gordon Brown, both University students, have been selected to play roles in the Guignol production of "Pygmalion," which is scheduled to open Nov. 15, Wallace N. Briggs. director of the Guignol Theater announced today. Beginning Nov. 1. rehearsals for the production will be held nightly, Mr. Briggs said. Rehearsals are now being held only three nights a week. The play is to be rehearsed in its entirety for one week before opening. Mr. Briggs said, "The response of students working toward keys has been gratifying. If there are others who are interested, tney may sun sign up." Johnson Drops Plea For $15,000 Damages Louisville Lyman T. Johnson, Negro seeking entrance to the Uniaction, has versity by federal court agreed to drop his plea for damages when the case is tried on Jan. 4. Johnson had asked for $15,000. Johnson's suit charged the Uni versity with violating the fourteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution by pursuing a policy of race segregation. In addition to monetary damages, The staff of the history depart- the original petition asked for a ment will attend a meeting of the permanent injunction forbidding the Southern Historical Association, Nov. University to refuse Johnson admisat Jackson. Miss. sion to the Graduate School. Professor Clement Eaton will preside over "The South in American Literature" section of the meeting. A report will be read by Professor Y of Hopkins on "The Production New members of the University Hemp in Kentucky for Navy Use." perwill be recognized at spe- Approximately three hundred sons from Kentucky. Georgia. Flor- cial candlelight services at 7:15 p.m ida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mis- Tuesday in the Student Union ballroom. sissippi are expected to attend. The program will be opened with a processional into the ballroom by Be Film YWCA cabinet members. The president's message will be delivered by BSU Sara Mae Green. Special music for the ceremony The Baptist Student Union will will be provided by Miss Ruth feature a sermon film. "He That Adams, soloist. Winneth Souls", at the King's Hour Mrs. Alice Rucker, chairman of tonight at 7:30. The film was pre- the YWCA advisory committee, will evangepared by Dr. John R. Rice, lead the litany. list. Wheatonr 111. expected to last The ceremony arranged a special approximately 30is minutes. The BSU has program for the daily noon day deLois Ferring .chairman of the votions. Bron Clifford, pastor of the YWCA workshop committee, has Baptist Temple, Oklahoma City, charge of arrangements. and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dibble, musicians from Sheveport, La, will be special guest at the devotions next week. tomorrow. They will visit an exhibition of contemportary American paintings at the Art Museum, study installa tions at the museum, and tour the recently remodeled Art Academy. History Staff Attends Southern Conference Program Recognizes Members Tuesday German Student Compares UK Favorably To Foreign Schools At By Nancy Gaskin , "Everyone is so Kind and. friendly," was Ingeborg Dcdering's enthusiastic comment when questioned about her first impressions of the United States. Miss Dedering a native of Ber- - Kentuck7on;P of offered her by President Donovan when he was in Germany last spring. Applications are now oeing accept- Rh. is studvin joljrnaii.sm during ed for membership in Pitkin Club, her year at the University. Al sponsored by though she has sold, feature articles an organization jointly Presbyterian Church to small newspapers and magazines the Maxwell St. and the University YMCA and YW-C- in Germany, she has never before Don Robinson, president, an- formally studied journalism. nounced. The club Is made up of 80 memDrafted By Government bers, 40 boys and 40 girls, and memAfter being enrolled at the Unibership is by invitation only. Prior ity for membership depends largely versity of Berlin for only two days, on applications filed at the earliest she was drafted by the German date, and any interested student's government to work in a telephone name will be considered. The club is office and remained on the job for six years. During that time she interdenominational. Interested women may contact studied English with a British tutor. Mrs. Carolyn King in the YMCA German universities are comoffice in the SUB, and men should pletely different from those in contact Mr. Bart Peak in the YMCA America Miss Dedering said. The office. strictly formal professors impress Support of a school in Finland will their authority on the students. be the chief activity of the Pitkin Faculty and students have little Club this year. Plans for this project personal Classes often contact. were discussed at a meeting, Wed- or four hundred stunesday at the Maxwell Street Pres- - have threeis extremely difficult to dents. It byterian Church. Germany. Bart Peak, YMCA director, spoke obtain books in on the history of the Pitkin Club at There is little social life on a German university campus. "The stuthe University of Kentucky. The Pitkin Cclub will sponsor a dents have but one goal, and that discussion series featuring Catholic, is to go to school, learn as much Jewish, and Protestant speakers be- as they can as fast as they can. ginning Oct. 27. and then get out before something else happens to interfere with their education." Dancing Forbidden Dancing was forbidden during the war because German soldiers were dying not far off. Miss Dedering felt that that was an unnecessary restriction because when the men go out and dance and have a good time, since they never knew what might happen to them the next day. No so long ago Miss Dedering visited her brother in Hessen. where he was attending Marburg University. (Hessen, by the way, was one of the few cities in Germany that was not destroyed during the war.) He took her out to dance at a night spot that was a tig room wiuh no equipment other than a few chairs. They were offered only water or a substitute- for coffee to drink. for The musical accompaniment dancing in Germany now is usually a three or fjur piece band, generally with an accordion, or a phonograph. Friend Sent to Prison Miss Dedering attended a party during the war, at which a girl friend of hers told a political joke. A few days later the girl disappeared and didn't show up for two years. She had been sent to a prison camp. It Is still very difficult to travel from one part of Germany to another. Miss Dedering's brother cannot get home from Marburg except by plane. Plane reservations y ticket are hard to get, and a one-wa- (Continued on Page Four) To Vassar President Will Be Speaker Miss Sarah Blanding. president f Vassar College, and former dean of women at UK will be the principal speaker at a formal banquet. Saturday. Oct. 30, given by Theta chapter of Cwens as a part of the national convention to be held here : Oct. '1 1 Miss Blanding will also participate in the Lexington Forum program Friday evening at Memorial Hall, on the subject. "Needed Revision in Human Relationships if Permanent Peace Is To Prevail." This di.scus.sion is also on the list of activities Tor the convention. All Chapters Represented The convention will bring delegates from all 13 chapters of Cwens. na- tional leadership honorary for sophomore women, to the University campus for a round of business meetings, discussions, speeches, din ners, and entertainment. Sarah Blanding The delegates will register at the Phoenix Hotel from 4 p.m. Friday afternoon, and will attend a dinner in the Student Union at 3 p.m. .he same evening. Miss Juanita Violette. president of the University Theta chapter, and Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, bill to aid dean of women, will welcome the A transportation-poo- l students in getting rides to the cam- delegates. Miss Mary Louise Foote. pus was passed by the Student national president of Cwens, will adGovernment Assembly Monday dress the group. At 8 pjn. the ?roup will attend the forum In Memorial night. Two thousand cards reading "Go- Haa ing to UK" are now being printed. Saturday Program Scheduled Rusty Russell, SGA member who inOn Saturday morning there will be troduced the bill, said that plans a business meeting at sayre Man. for distributing the cards would be followed by discussion groups on the announced next week. Cwens ritual, led by Nan Sutch. Coupons for the proposed SGA national secretary, and Miss Foote: car-pcwill be found on page two. scholarship. Miss Jane Haselden. asA bill to erect a sign. "The Bas- sistant dean of women; maintaining ketball Capitol of The World" above social standards on campus through Alumni Gym. was held over until Cwens. Dorothy Cruther; and creatnext week. The bill to affiliate with ing a sense of community responsithe National Student Association bility, Helen Bridgeman. Bluegrass The group will tour the will also be voted on Monday night. at 2 has been Horse farms tea will p.m. Saturday The SGA fall election A be held tentatively scheduled for Nov. 23. afternoon. in the Music Room,for the delegates SUB. according to John Crockett, assem- at 4 p.m. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes will bly president. serve as hostess. Open House To Be Given Following the dinner Saturday night. Mortar Board will hold an open house for ths delegates in Jewell HaU. The biennial conference of the beOn Sunday morning breakfast will served in the Boyd Hall dining-roomSoutheastern Library Association is Following a speech by Mi.su being held in the Brown Hotel at Chloe Gif ford, a short business meetLouisville, Oct. ing will conclude the convention. Appearing on the programs or genApproximately fifty delegates are eral sessions of the conferences are expected. McGill, editor of the Atlantic Ralph Constitution; Dr. Louis R. Wilson, University of North Carolina, and Everett W. McDiarmid, president of the American Library Association. At a section meeting for college and u n i v e r s i t.y librarians. Dr Nine University ROTC cadet ofThomas D. Clark, University of Kentucky, will discuss "Collecting His- ficers have been selected as distinmilitary students for torical Research Materials in the guished school year. CoL G. T. the 1948-4- 9 Southeast." anROTC commandant, Mrs.' Ellen B. Stutsman, heaa of nounced recently. the King Library department will The cadet officers who were honspeak to the cataloging section on ored are Merl M. Moore. Walter A. cataloging rules. Members of the library staff at- Hogge. William H. King. Joseph C. Thompson. Landon Garret. Geralt tending the conference are Dr. Law- - W. Recktenwald, Haldon Robin-so- t renre S. Thomoson. Dr. Jacqueline Edwin S. Walters, and John M. Buu Mrs. Ellen Stutsman. Mrs. Walton. ine 1 perrine, and Misses Mary A. At the end of the spring term, the Nooe, Emily V. Smith. Algernon Dickson, Bessie Boughton. Katherine nine men will be eligible for regular Katterjohn, Elizabeth Hanson. Kate Army commissions. Irvine, Ada Wells. Norma B. Cass, Artie Lee Taylor, and Margaret Tut-tl- e. Room-Judgin- g ,1 r 29-3- 1. La VJ 2-- SGA Passes Bill To Aid Students ol Librarians Hold Biennial Meeting . 6. Ingeborg Dedering, transfer student, tells reporter Nancy Gaskin about school days in Germany. Cwens Open Fall Meeting desig- "Aria-Allelui- The art seminar, some advanced art students and various members of the faculty of the art department will make a field trip to Cincinnati Y IT The deadline their pictures taken at the from nated time may sign up now in by Mozart. the Y Lounge, SUB. "Where the Bee Sucks," Arne, and "Aria Hymn to the Sun." from "Coq d'Or," I, are also included in the first part of the program. The second part of the program will include "Pur dicesti," Lotti: "A des oiseaux," Rub; and "The A mock election sponsored by the Shadow Song," from "Dinorah," League of Women Voters will be Meyerbeer. held on the campus Tuesday to survey student opinion on the com'Claire De Lune' Included Chopin, ing presidential and senatorial '"Fantasie Impromptu," and "Clair de lune," Debusse. will elections. be presented in the third part. One voting booth will be located Part four will offer "La Capinera." at the ticket booth in the SUB and Benedict; "Coolan Dhu," Leonia; another will be stationed in the Delibes. AfrHfulttir CuilHinn- TTV ctuHnnta Made Debut In Canada Born in Montreal, Miss Alarie aenis 01 uie state wm pe permiuea made her professional radio debut to vote. at 14 over a local station. The "straw vote" has been spon In 1943, under the baton of Sir sored for the past two years by the Thomas Beechman. Miss Alarie League. Last year the poll predicted made her operatic debut In Mon- the choice of Earle C. Clements for as Barbarina in "The Mar- governor. treal riage of Figaro." At that time the proposed revi A winner of the Metropolitan sion of ' the Kentucky Constitution "Auditions of the Air;" Miss Alarie was also put to a vote. UK students made her New York debut in the favored the revision by a ratio of role of "Oscar" in Verdi's "Masked 17-- 1. although the official election Ball." results showed that the majority Both the Paris Opera and the of the state was against the change. Opera Comique in France recently An accurate prediction of the senengaged her to appear in leading congressional races was roles during the current and next atorial and 1940 election. made in the seasons. Presented under the auspices of the Music Department, the musicale programs are open without charge to students, faculty, and the general public. selection, ' Hud-dlesto- n. Reservations Available For Knoxville Trip Of '48-M- Art Group Schedules Cincinnati Field Trip Vp Deadline Anounced For Kyian Pictures In First Musicale en V NUMBER 4 Coloratura Stars ar Club To Hear Talks On New York Forum party nominated The Dr. John Reeves, associate procandidates Wednesday for six of Uie ten SGA positions open in the fessor of political science, and Shelby Darbishire, student, will speak election. to the KofTee Klub concerning the Those selected were Charles College of Law; Allison Cau- Herald Tribune Forum Monday at dill and W. F. Lewis, College of En- 4:C0 p.m. in the Music Rocm of the gineering; John Ellis, College of SUB. Agriculture: Rosemary Haley and Dr. Reeves and Mr. Darbishire James Eddlcman, arts and science returned from New York Wednesday college. wnere uiey auenaea uie iorum. ACP Chairman Eddleman announced that the nominations would Annlicntions Accented' be continued until 5 P.m. Tuesday, at a meeting in the SUB. For Pitkin Members y, e-- semi-form- Election Candidates Nominated By ACP Absentee ballots will be notarized free of charge from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. next Friday at the Student Union ticket booth, Betty Ann Shropshire, president of the Campus League of Women Voters, announced. The League cannot furnish ballots. Miss Shropshire said, but it will furnish notary public service to those who have obtained their ballots from their county clerks. The proposed cooperation of the University with the General Association of Baptists in the establishment of Bible courses on the campus has been ruled unconstitutional by the attorney general's offices at Frank- Women's Dorms Elect Officers For School Year KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1943 Shown King's Hour ROTC Selects Outstanding Men Mac-Kenz- Max-YWC- A Dean Taylor Remains In Serious Condition Dr. William S. Taylor. Dean of the College of Education is still reported to be in serious condition, although he has improved since last week. Dean Taylor was taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital Oct. 2 after a severe heart attack. Run For The Hills, Hurry Pals; Radio Journal Prints Article About WBKY Sadie's A Lady - Are WBKY. the University's frequency modulation station, is featured in , an article written by Mrs. Lolo Rob-- ! c inson, acting head director of theJrUna IxOISing UrlVe radio arts department, the article Hillel members are participating appearing in the Journal of the As- m tne United Jewish Appeal cam- sociation By Radio. n Mrs. Robinson describes the sta- - Pa'S" to raise funds to send and outlines its history since placed persons to America or Israel Kaooi uanon, nuiei aavisor. re 1929. Her article is the first in a ported on the UJA campaign, and series planned by the magazine. plans were formulated for the Hillel pledge drive at an executive meet- ing Tuesday in the Student Union Box Placed In SUB Building. The main object of the For Address Changes pledge drive is to secure iooa ana ciotuig ior jewisn oipiacea persons. Anyone who has changed his address or phone number since registration may turn in the change, for correction in the StuThomas R. Spillman has been dent Directory, at the SGA box on n secretary the Henry the main floor of the Student elected Press Club,ofprofessional honUnion Building. Katherine Barorary organization for UK journalnett, chairman of the directory ism students. committee announced. Spillman succeeds Thomas E. Dis-ki- n who resigned. Hillel Members Back n; . dis-tio- Press Club Elects Wat-terso- YOU Gals? By Nell Blair the Have you been noticing agonized expressions on all the bachelors faces recently? And ihe satisfied grins the gals are wearing? That cau only mean ONE thing: Sadie Hawkins Week is comin' closer and closer! According to Bill McCann, president of Keys, the sophomore men's leadership fraternity that sponsors celebration, this big all Li 1 Abner facsimilies have until Nov. 1 to live a normal, natural, human life. For a week thereafter women display aii tne masculine tricks j mean traitSi on this here campus Comes the big event Nov. 5 when a big race is held, contest and too. a just for boys. And the biggest event on Nov. 6 when everybody goes dressed Sadie Hawkins style to the dance in the SUB. Watch your Kernel for more about week, this all important gals! turnip-chomp- in Contest Set For November 7 The House has announced President's Council that the anntu.l conte. t will be held on Nov. 7. All residence halls and sorority houses will participate, and prizes will be given to the girls having the most attractive rooms. Recently elected officers of tre Marsart-- t council are president. Wikon. Jewell Hall; vice president. Leslie Deerine. Sayre Hall; secri- itary. Clair Mabry. Kappa Alpi-- i 'Theta; and treasurer, Betty Whits. Alpha Delta Pi. campus-wid- e, room-judgi- Bacteriology Society In Joint Conference A joint meeting of the Bacteriology Society and the Biological Science Division of the College tf Arts and Sciences wil be held Nor. 1. in Room 200 of the Funkhouser Biological Sciences Building. Dr. Richard S. KimbrelL geneticist. Oak Ridge. Tenn.. will be suet speaker. The meeting will be open jo the public. Dr. E. R. Doll, of the Experiment Station spoke to the Bacteriolosj-Society Monday night. y Veterans Must Sign For Graduating Fees Senior veterans graduating in June who want the Veterans Administration to pay their graduation fees, must sign up between Dec. 8. 1948 Jan. 21. 1949, at the Veterans Office. * T HE Page Two KEN TUCK magnet. What's happened to bring about the change? Similarly, the dance was a big success, in vivid contrast to some of last year's flops. The University, remember, band ventures, and dropped considerable money on the gave up the attempts. logically This year, with the slack in veteran enrollment and the greater influx of younger students, Union dances are once more popular. If the Homecoming Dance is as well liked as it promises to riisc cl big name Ik-- , the Union Board ought to try one wc dance. If it goes over, pe rhaps those big dances could Ix" resumed The Kentucky Kernel OFF CUL OF KENTUCKY NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY Editor to he Helen Deiss 4 column mre of the writere Harry Green themseivei, end do not necessarily reflect Sue Warren the opinio of The Kernel. Tom Diskin PTTBLTPHFD WISRLT DTJRTNO THT5 Jerry Pinch ATI wigned mrUclea onidered the cpinwnt BCHOOL YEAR Managing Editor News Editor Sports Editor .. HOLIDAYS EXCFPT big-nam- e Feature Editor Ben Reeves Assistant News Editor OREXAMIN A T ION PERIODS Erutivd t the Post Office) at Lexinpton, Joan Cook and Monte R. Tussey Kentucky. t second class matter under Associate Managing Editors the Art of March S, 1879. Hollingsworth and Dudley Kent Saunders MEMBER Associate Sports Editors Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association Rubye Society Editor Graham Lexlnton Boord of Commerce Cartoonist Herbert A. Moore Kentucky Press Association National Editorial Association Allen Terhune Business Manager rO MMttltMTtB National Advertising Service, Inc. 420 CttUf Pmtluktn Krtmrnltn New Yomk. N. V. KWIKM Ave. X0 I MUlll - as a Advertising Manager Donald K. Clark, Charles Breckel, Advertising and Joan Cook Solicitors Mary Bert McKenna Circulation Rusty Russell Proofreader Frank Cassidy ADVCF. TWIM NATIONAL FtMCIM BUBeCRIPTIOT PATFS 91.M semester pr Fridav, October 22, 1943 KERNEL Y regular joIicy. It's worth thinking alout. Letters To The Editor Editor: were losing? What could they do game. about the casualties? Nothing!!! We Saturday at the I became quite aware that I was " tnow u15" There is one player in particular ashamed to be called a student at who has been taking the brunt of the University of Kentucky. everyone's accusations. I don't know The booing, howling, side-lin- e him personally, but I certainly do coaches, many of whom ought to feel sorry for him. He's a good play-b- e in uniform, were going through er as has been proven in previous their weekly act of criticism of the games, but wouldn't you feel a little way our University football team nervous and upset if you heard the conducts themselves on the football stands booing you as your ran onto the field. field. It just isn't fair, Madame Editor! But this past game was truly unbearable. Not only were there boos The way I feel has been expressed by and hisses for some of the players, other students here at UK. But what but also for the coach that everywe hope one simply adored last year when can we do except say that most of the games were won and our students, as a group, will eon- when the team went to play a bowl game. It cannot