xt7ftt4fr42v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr42v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1993 1993 1993-09-21 2020 true xt7ftt4fr42v section xt7ftt4fr42v  





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Ke ntucky Ke rn

Establishedj894i23e§mwniversity of KentuckYILexington, Kentucky ’


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fffigifigfilndependent since 1971‘2135

'.*;Tuesday. September 21, 1993.

President says UK must prove itself


vitally important to society


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


In a time of dwindling funds and
public scrutiny of higher education,
a university must prove its worth to
the community, UK President
Charles Wethington said yesterday.

“I believe that we cannot feel se-
cure in our claim to public support
and trust." Wethington said. “We


must be vigilant and continue to
demonstrate that we are responsible
and that higher education is making
a valuable contribution to this state,
nation and the world."

Wethington, addressing the Uni-
versity Senate, said UK in particu-
lar has a responsibility of public

“As the only statewide compre-

hensive university in Kentucky. we
must assume a unique leadership

role in the state," he said.

The University has been hit with
budget cuts totaling more than $26
million the past two years.

And. though Wethington praised
Gov. Brereton Jones and other leg—
islators for sparing UK from an-
other cut this fall, he warned that
higher education needs more state

“Some are beginning to regard
higher education as a mature indus-
try and monies accorded to it have
become a prime source of flexible
funds to redirect to other areas,"
Wethington said.

“We have become state-assisted,







Physical Plant Division employee Dwight Kendrick washes the bronze statue of UK's first
president, James Kennedy Patterson, yesterday outside the Administration Building.



- Alternative transportation
promoted by student group


Staff reports


Most people consider the automo-
bile their primary mode of transpor-
tation, but UK's Students Against
Violation of the Environment is
spending this week promoting other
ways of traveling.

The groups has designated
Sept.l9-25 as Alternative Transpor-
tation Week.

SAVE is encouraging students.
faculty and staff to walk, carpool.
ride bicycles or take the bus instead
of driving. The main focus of the

week is to promote environmental
benefits of reducing dependence on
fossil fuels, but other benefits are
emphasized as well.

Less traffic. fewer parking has-
sles and increased interaction with
others are advantages of carpooling
or riding the bus, SAVE members
say. Walking and biking improve
physical fitness.

SAVE members “ticketed" cars
yesterday with suggestions for re.
ducing the amount of driving and
for increasing automobile efficien-

Basic bike and car maintenance

will be the topic for Wednesday‘s 7
pm. SAVE meeting in 309 Student
Center. Speakers will include a UK
police officer. who will discuss
traffic rules as they apply to cy-

A bike caravan will leave the
Free Speech Area of the Student
Center at 4 pm. Friday. and a peti-
tion requesting more bike trails in
Lexington also will be circulated
throughout the week.

“Alternative Transptxtation" T-
shirts will be on sale, as well. Pro
coeds will be used to purchase
more bike racks for campus.

rather than state-supported, institu-

Add to this a growing distrust

from the public on how universities
are run.

“On the left, we are accused of
being elitist and spending too much
time on research and neglecting our
teaching responsibilities and engag-
ing in programs that have little di-
rect relevance to society's needs.”
be said.

“On the right. we are being ac-
cused of being obsessed with politi-
cal correctness."

Still, he said. universities are vi-
tally important to society, as evi-

SGA officials
seek mid-term
grade reports

By Erica Patterson
Assistant News Editor


Remember grade school mid-
term reports? T‘wo student govern-
ment officials think the evaluations
were such a good idea they want to
lring them to UK.

Student Government Association
Vice President ~ 7
Amber Leigh
and Senator at
Large Steven
Dawahare are
cosponsoring a
resolution that
asks the Uni-
versity to issue
written mid-
term grades in
all undergraduate

The resolution calls for mid—term
reports to be given out on the Fri-
day of the seventh week — before
the deadline to withdraw from a

Leigh said the evaluations would
give students the information and
time they need to decide whether
they should drop a class or stick it

“The level of (student) retention
at UK is a lot lower in comparison
to other schools of this size." Daw-
ahare said. “Little things like this
could help out in the long run.“

Louis Swift. dean of Undergrad
irate Studies. said students often





See SGA. Back Page

Panelists discuss a changing Japan

Forum deals
with attitudes,
ethics, politics

By Scarlett Consalvl
Staff Writer

The end of the Liberal Democrat-
ic Party‘s 38-year rule in Japan
could have internatioml repercus-
sions, a Japanese journalist said

Yoichiro lchioka. former deputy
chief editor for Nikkei Business,
said the Japanese government now



.is attempting to become moreac-

tive player in world politics, seek-
ing. for instance. a stronger role in
the United Nations.

lchioka‘s comments came during
a UK panel discussion titled “Japan
Today: Changing Attitudes. Ethia,
and Priorities." The fonrm was part
of The Japan Society‘s 1993 Fall
Caravan Conference Program spon-
New York. The Japrm/Arnerica So-
ciety of Kentucky and the Univu'ai-
ty's Patterson School Of Diplomcy
ltd International Commerce.



Yolchlro lchloka, Takashl Hoshlno and Fumle Kumagai share
their Insights at UK's Patterson School of Diplomacy.

Joining lchioka were Takashi Ho-
shino. a social analyst who follows
trends for Japan's Long-Term Cred-
it Bank; and Fumie Kumagai. a so-
ciology professor at Kyorin Univer-
sity's Department of Foreign

Kumagai spoke on communica-
tions gaps between Japanese and
Americas. attributing them to dif-
ferences in the two countries soc'ml

America prin-ily is a “tricking
pot” society, she said. while 1m


is extrerrtely homogeneous. Kuma-
gai said her country‘s homogeneity
allows Jmse society to western-
izc itself while maintaining a dis-
tinct culture.

Another difference discussed by
Kumagai is the Jmsc preference
group rather that an individual.

"It you asked an American.
‘What is you occupatiorr?‘ he
would probably respond by saying
you asked a June the sane

question. he would respond by say-
ing. ‘1 work for ABC Engineering
firm.‘ "

Kumagai also addressed the
changing role of women in Japa-
nese society. citing the election of a
woman as the chairperson of the
Japanese House of Representatives
as an example of the growing politi-
cal power of women in Japan.

The number of women pursuing
managerial and executive positions
also is growing. and the average
age of marriage is being delayed.

“l can't say how often these
changes are occurring or even if
they are welcane.’ Kumagai said,
noting that the majority of Japanese
women remain content with being

housewifes and mothers.
The third speaker. Hoshino.
spoke of “the new role for Japanese

corporatiom in the global environ-
sibility of government to build char-
acter ltd create a good society has
been. to some extent. taken over by
businesses that assume resporrsibilio
ty for their workers.

Horhhto used the slogan, “Think
Globally, Act Locally" to express
the harm depenrhrce of


denced by rising enrollment figures.

Wethington cited 1993 enrollment
figures of first-year students on the
Lexington Campus —- up 4.2 per
cent from 1992 —- as proof.

“in spite of the criticism and the
growing cost of higher education.
more students are attending col-
lege," he said.

“I personally believe our higher
education system is the envy of the

-In action at yesterday‘s meeting,
the senate approved a measure rec-
ommending a change in Administra-
tive Regulations regarding tenure
for assistant professors.


The recommendation reads that if
an assistant professor is denied ten-
ure by a dean, that professor should
have his or her dOssier reviewed by
the appropriate chancellor or vice
president, who then would send the
file to the relevant Area (‘omrnittee
for review.

Associate professors have that
privilege under the current regula-

The recommendation will be sent
to Wethington for approval.

The Senate adopted similar rec-
ommendations in January 1990 and
August 1992.

On both occasions. Wethington
rejected the proposal.

scoff McKEEUKemei Contributor

Intermezzo. the new cafe on the mezzanine of Patterson Office
Tower, otters pastries, salads and sandwiches.

Office tower’s
café now open


By Kathy W. Larkln
Contributing Writer

Step through the revolving doors
of Patterson Office Tower these
days, and the aroma of fresh coffee
and pastries waits down from the
mezzanine like a culinary cloud of
sensual delight.

That aroma and a banner hanging
over the office tower‘s lobby are

Espresso runs $1.50. while a cup
of regular cappuccino is $1.75. Fla-
vored cappuccino is $2.25.

Although the menu new changes
weekly. DeWeese hopes to offer a
new menu daily after the cafe has
been open for some time.

Because the shop has only 67
seats. DeWeese encouraged “Euro-
pean-style seating." where tables
are shared among strangers.



the only Encouraging custornegslh gr); join
signs that DeWeese
finch” It almost makes up for the said. also
$60323; tuition increase. 32$?“
for busi- — Steve Robertson, staff and
fuzdayim Political science junior 34:12:...

_ a -
planogas to open and not tell any- mary 8:131

kinks." said Patti DeWeese. manag-
er of the coffee shop. “Students are
finding us little by little."

She added that the clientele ap-
pears to be about half faculty and
staff, and half students.

A grand opening is being
planned DeWeese said. but will not
be announced until a date can be
found when campus officials can at-

The shop offers a variety of fresh
pastries. muffins. bagels. cookies
— including a fat-free variety. fresh
fruit, orange juice and yogurt.

The we also plans to offer a re-
duced-calorie cream cheese. as well
as soup. which DeWeese said will
be added to a salad and sandwich
lunch menu.

The lunch menu now includes
turkey. roast beef and vegetable
sandwiches. which range in price
from $3.25 to $4.25.

A tossed gm'den salad is priced at
$1.50. while a Greek-style salad
costs $3.25.

of the cafe.

The shop also has a newspaper
rack that is stocked with intema-
tional newspapers as well as local
and major city newspapers.

DeWeese said she is purchasing
the papers on a weekly basis and
will wait to see how her customers
react to the papers‘ availability.

Customer response cards have
been placed on each table. and De-
Weese said she rs very interested in
what her customers have to say.

Political science junior Steve
Robertson said he enjoys eating
breakfast at the Intermezzo

“1 think it's great." he said. “it al-
most makes up for the tuition in-

UK mreer adviser Sharon Childs
said that although she likes the
cafe. “i wish lunch prices were a
little less, but I understand they are
trying to give a little gourmet touch
tocarnpus food."

The Intermezzo is open Monday
through Friday from 7 am. to 5




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Rich nations to combine
resources on Mideast aid


By Barry Schwaid
Associate Press


NEW YORK — Cabinet minis-
ters frotn wealthy nations will meet
in Washington. probably on Oct. 1,
to put together up to $3 billion to
support a fledgling Palestinian enti-
Secretary of State Warren
Christopher said yesterday.

“if peace is to be achieved, the
agreement must be translated into
results quickly and vividly,"
lChr-istopher said in a speech at
Columbia University that staked out
a pivotal role for the Clinton ad-
rninisuation in nunuring the Israel-
PLO accord signed last week at the
White House.

Chairman Yasser Arafat,
claiming up to 1 million Gazans
face starvation. has grander expect-
ations in retum for recognizing
Israel's right to exist and renounc-
ing violence as a tool to further Pal-
estinian statehood.

A PLO plan calls for an infusion
of $11.6 billion from the outside by
the year 2000, with $2 billion up

Already, partly as the result of
President Clinton and Christopher
rattling their tin cups over the tele-
phone. West Europe, Japan and oil-
rich Arab countries are expected to
put together $590 million for stan-
up costs.



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University of Kentucky Advising Network

Scandinavian countries have
pledged $140 million in aid over the
next four years.

Christopher said while estimates
of the resources required by the Pal-
estinians vary, the World Bank has
projected a need for $3 billion over
the next 10 years.

Other US. officials have estimat-
ed the fund-raising goal of the Clin-
ton administration at $300 million a
year for five years.

“All agree," Christopher said,
“that we must take immediate steps
to address the high rate of
unemployment that robs families of
hope and fuels extremism.

“Housing. roads and other penna-
nent improvements must be devel-
oped quickly.

“We must also act now to provide
assistance in public administration,
tax collection and social services."

Presumably, some of the
assistance would be shared with
Israel, which anticipates a wide
range of cooperative ventures with
the Palestinians who live on the
West Bank and in Gaza.

Also, security measures are to be
enhanced through the contributions.

The Washington meeting will co-
incide with the special session of
the UN. General Assembly.

Christopher said foreign and
finance ministers from Europe,
Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia and
other Persian Gulf countries would

attend along with Israel and the Pal-

The World Bank, which is due to
coordinate the flow of assistance,
will be sending a delegation, as

Christopher drew a parallel be-
tween the fund-raising effort and the
Bush administration's successful
drive to raise billions of dollars
from wealthy countries to finance
the war against Iraq.

The accord between Israel and
the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
tion was developed in secret, with
little apparent help from the Clinton
administration, though some of the
principles adopted by the two sides
mirrored U.S. proposals.

Since it emerged, however, Clin-
ton and Christopher have seized on
the agreement as a promising us.
foreign policy success.

“Our intention," Christopher said,
“(is) to lead a wide-ranging effort
not simply to give peace a chance
but to ensure that it will not fail.”

On related issues, Christopher

Congress should move quickly to
change laws that inhibit U.S. deal-
ings with the PLO.

-The Arabs should revoke their
economic boycott of companies that
do business with Israel.

“11 is a relic that should be
relegated to history,” Christopher

Former US. senators
offer deficit proposal

Plan focuses on reduction of entitlements



By Harry F. Rosenthal
Associate Press


WASHINGTON — With a clock
behind them clicking off the rising
federal debt at a $12,000-a-second
clip, two former senators offered a
plan yesterday to reduce the annual
deficit to zero by the year 2000 -—
mostly through cuts in entitlement

“Can you hear that?“ asked Paul
Tsongas, pointing to the clock
which at that second stood at
$4,388,900.813,764 — representing
the total federal debt.

“That's our children's future
ticking away," he said. “Those
numbers are generationally

Tsongas, a Massachusetts Demo-
crat who made a bid for the presi-
dency last year, and Warren B. Rud-
man, a New Hampshire Republican.
founded the Concord Coalition to
work toward an end to budget defi-
cits. They claimed yesterday to
have members in 50 states after
only one year.

The plan envisions cutting the
annual deficit by $251 billion in the
year 2000 by cutting $154 billion
from spending and raising taxes by

$71 billion. In addition, $35 billion
would be added in interest savings
arid $10 billion would be set aside
for investments to increase pro-
ductive capacity.

Last month, Congress passed
President Clinton‘s economic
proposal to save $500 billion over 5

The coalition says that still will
leave a deficit of $251 billion at the
turn of the century.

At the heart of the Tsongas-
Rudman proposal is reducing enti-
tlement payments, such as Social
Security and Medicare, for people
with incomes above $40,000 a year.

“The 58 percent of Americans
with incomes below $40,000 in
1995, when the means test begins to
be phased in, would keep all of their
entitlement benefits," the report

“Entitlement payments, except
for federal pensions (which would
be reduced by other policies),
would be reduced by 10 percent for
every $10,000 of income above
$40,000 up to a maximum reduction
of 85 percent."

Rudman said that $81 billion of
entitlement payments this year is
going to Americans with incomes
above $50,000.








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Shuttle crew
ends mission,
plans return





mission evern'lheyalsotested
navigaion aids for next year’s
shuttle fly-around of Mir ad

“We’ve accomplished a lot
country and for NASA,”

conference. “There really
haven’t been any low points
sofar. ...1tisatheancomc

Discovery was due to laid
at Kennedy Space Center
today before sumise, nine
days after taking off on the
satellite-delivery and multi-
mrssron' ' «rehearsal flight. A
before in Mines: I
Kennedy. Shuttles have
taint“ acfidgfm Air Fora

aseirt ornhthcmtp

The five-man crew spent
yesterday mwingupexpcti
mentamdstowing ”amt
One of the last chaos was to
fly Discovery in a position
fly timing the Hubble rqrair
mm NASA waned to
measure the summit of fuel

NW Discovery was
lighter now titan when it left
Sept. 12 —— one of the main
P81110048. an experimental
communicatiom satellite.was
rocketed to a 22 300-mile-high
orbit —— the crew was loaded
down with tips ofall sorts for

Walz and his spacewalking
punter. lanes Newman, de-
termined that foot restraints
are essential when trying to
'1th and “1|“th bolts, a
big put of the Hubble repair
job. They also found 'n
bulky foot platform strapped

Both were tired after their
seven-how spacewalk
Thursday. But thcynotedtha
they didn’t use the shuttle
robotarm toferry themelm
motmd the bay as the Hubble

five ad perhqis seven
111811110 install corrective
replace sohr panels,
gymscopes, a canon aid


Newman said after his
spacewalk. “I thhk thn the
Hubble Space Telescope

mission should really high-








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Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, Septentber 21, 1993 - 3










Wyatt, Curry

in Wildcats

Wooten says Cats primed for U of L

In-state rivalry not basketball,
but both teams ready to play


By Doe Purcell
Contributing Writer

By Brett Dawson
Contributing Writer



For Coach Bill Curry lit!
the UK football team. the
nightmare continues.

After suffering a devalu-
ing home loss to national
powerhouse Florida. the Ca:
took their show on the road.
hoping to rebound lid
capture their second wk: of
the year.

But. like previous mans.
the Wildcats couldn‘t seem to
forget that heartbreaking
blow that dashed their victory
hopes: falling to king-time
adversary Indiana, 24-8, in a
lackluster offensive showing.

Still. Curry insists his Cats
haven't given up yet.

“It was very, very
encouraging. Our team
worked extremely hard
yesterday (in practice), as if
nothing had happened the day
before," he said.

There’s no doubt the Cats
will have to exhibit this same
resilience Thursday night,
when they meet a 2-1 Somh
Carolina team in front of a
prime-time ESPN audience.

Led by brash sophomore
signal-caller Steve Tmeyhill
and junior tailback Brandon
Barnett, the Gamecock
offense touts boundless
explosion and potential.

Taneyhiil. known primarily
for his rebellious image and
on-field enthusiasm, is
coming off perhaps the most
impressive outing of his
collegiate career, passing for
311 yards in leading the
Gamecocks to a 343 win
over an overrnatched
Louisiana Tech squad

“There's a certain thing
you like a quarterback to
have. and (T aneyhiil) has it,"
Curry said.

While Taneyhili was
impressive, it was Bennett
who stole the show.

The 6-foot, 198.pound
Taylors, SC, native rushed
for 127 yards while catching
five passes and scoring two
touchdowns on the evening.

With such an impressive
outing, Curry knows Bennett
and his backfield mates could
cause the Wildcat defense
major problems in Columbia.

“I guess the thing that
impresses me most is the way
their backs nrrt," he said
"lhey run very bad."

After an offensive outing
against Indiana highlighwd
by just two first-downs
before the half, Curry
maintains the UK unit must
get down the basics.

“We've got to block.
We've got to throw and
catch. We've got to run with

Forturltely for the Cu. th-
ings will be made much easi-
er in this department with
junior quarterback Pookie
Jones at full strength.

it won't be Andre Riddick bat-
tling Clifford Rozicr in the paint or
Travis Ford and Dewayne Morton
trading three-pointers.

It won't even be the clashing
styles of quarterbacks Pookie Jones
and Jeff Brohm.

Chances are it won't even be seas
of fans in blue and red shouting
Obscenities at each other.

What it will be when the UK
men’s soccer team (2-3-1) travels to
Louisville today is UK vs. U of L,
the Cats and the Cards — a rivalry
that demands serious attention
whatever the sport being played
happens to be.

The Wildcats go into the

Louisville game coming off a fierce
battle with Wright State on Satur-
day. After two 40-minute halves
and an overtime, UK and WSU
finished deadlocked at 00.

Facing your biggest. non-
conference rival coming off a
physically draining encounter like
the Wright State game might conc-
ern some coaches. If UK head
coach Sam Wooten is one of them,
he certainly isn‘t showing it.

“We‘re ready for Louisville.“
Wooten said yesterday. “We want
Louisville. Louisville probably
wants us. but we‘re hungry for

While Wooten said his Cats are
the superior squad heading into the
game, he also said he has the ut-
most respect for Cardinal coach
Victor Petroni and pointed out that

the rivalry will play an important
role in determining the final
outcome of the game.

“We're hungry to go out there
andjust put a beatin' on (U of L),"
Wooten said. “That's not in a cocky
sense because Louisville can come
back at us. it's that big of a rivalry.

“We do fear that they're going to
be dangerous at times, but i have
never seen our team more hungry to
go after a learn than they are going
to be Tuesday night."

if Wooten seems confident, it's
most likely because he is.

U of L‘s soccer program is at
least a step behind UK's, and
Wooten is anxious to get in a game
with the Cards after being snowed
into a tie last season.

“We are definitely a better learn
than they are, from a talent
perspective," Wooten said.

“They are going to get better
because Victor is a great coach. It‘s
going to become a more intense
rivalry because they are going to

become a more competitive team."

Aside from the talent gap be-
tween the Cats and Cards, UK's
play against Wright State also has
Wooten liking his team‘s chances.

“I look at (tying Wright State) as
a positive for our team because,
one. we played great, and two, they
played great, and it was just a
defensive struggle and a very in-
tense game." Wooten said.

Despite the shutout, Wooten was
not at all disappointed with his
team‘s offensive effort against
Wright State.

“(The shutout) was just their
defense." Wooten said.

“We had many opportunities
where great offensive things
happened in the box, but then a
great defensive play mine. Their
goalie made a lot of great stops, and
just barely missed the goal.“

The improvements made on both
offense and defense against WSU
have given Wooten a much more

Indiana game should not be a shocker


Ernest Wrentmore
Kernel Columnist



Below average normality re-
turned to UK football Saturday.

Never be surprised by that.
Below average normality tends to
inundate this program regularly like
a bad hair day for Phyllis Diller.
The Florida game was merely an
aberration, a flirt with minor

The Indiana game is reality, not
aberration. The Indiana game is
where this program is for now.

You are only as good as your last
game. and talk about consistently
competing with the Horidas, the
Tennessees and the Alabamas
should die until UK can compete
with a team like indiana. a ready-
to-crack-the-Top—25 squad.

UK coach Bill Curry speaks of a
Fellowship of the Miserable, the
group of UK fans that whines and
cries about the way his Wildcats

Is there anyone who isn‘t an avid
supporter of the Miserable when
UK plays so poorly, so unemotion-
ally, so unpreparedly?

After a bean-breaking defeat to

Mississippi State last season, the
Mildcats bowed their heads for the
rest of the season. This team should
have learned from that.

When it lost the heart-breaker to
Florida 10 days ago. this team
should have been better prepared by
the coaching staff not to have a
repeat performance. This team
should have been ready to grind
with the Hoosiers, play for play.

Yet, the Cats looked uninterested.

This team could become Mildcats
1]. It already has the look of a defe-
ated bunch, collectively hanging its

UK needs to take out a Lloyd's of
London insurance policy on Nicky
Nickels‘ right foot if the offense
produces like it did Saturday.
Nickels, a punter for God‘s sake.
could be the most valuable player
on UK's squad.

Nickels, after 10 official punts
during the game (11 in all). prob-
ably has a bruise from his foot to

his knee. Do you think he gets that.

much practice during practice?

The offense was just shameful.

This misery Curry has labeled the
Stack-l should be dismantled,
shelved and forever forgotten. It
yielded 34 yards on 41 carries, or
29 inches a carry. in other words.
the Stack-i was an ineffective pile

of dung. The only thing about it that g~





Procedure for Recommending

Revisions of Student Code

Pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct, Article
VII, the Student Code Committee will accept and re-
view recommendations from UK students, faculty
and staff regarding proposed revisions of the Code.
Such recommendations must be in writing, should
be as explicit as possible, and be addressed to the
Committee, clo Office of Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs, Lexington Campus, 529 Patterson Office
Tower, 00273. Recommendations should Indicate
the name of the proposing individual or organiza-
tion, mailing address and telephone number. Rec-
ommended revisions should be submitted by Octo-
ber 5, 1993, and preferably earlier than that date.
The Code is published as Part l (pages 1-27) of the

, document entitled “Student Rights and Responsibil-
ities" dated August 16, 1993.








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actually was “offensive“ is that fans
paid to see it.

If the Cats are going to look this
helpless every weekend. they
should put some excitement into the
offense. Go to a mn-and-shoot. or
at least something that impiernents
30 passes a game.

This brand of “,run run and run
some more" is history, even in the
Southeastern Conference. Every top
team in the SEC throws much more
than it used to.

UK‘s offensive line, the Invisible
Five, resembled a Swiss cheese unit
as Indiana thugged through it to
sack UK quarterback Pookie Jones
eight times. And that is such a
definitive problem with this team