xt7ftt4fr47s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr47s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1997 1997 1997-12-10 2020 true xt7ftt4fr47s section xt7ftt4fr47s  





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MATTE Cloudy today.

big/.7 near 35. Ram possible
‘ tonight. [02.“ of20. Cold and

we! tomorrow, big/.7 near ? 5.

HUNG " Injuring Scott Padgett means

definite zeinjor Cats 'zrbofare (jtmisius

tonight. See Sports, page 2




By Erin Gritton

(.‘ontrilmtmg H 'riter

Students with childrett will no
longer have the opportunity to use
L'K's livening Child Care Program.

.At the end of the semester, Erikson
Hall. where the drop-off center is
located, will close its doors. Sponsored
by the College of Hutnan Environ-
tnental Science's Department of Fami-
ly Studies. the program will not
receive funding this year.

“It is too costly to run it anymore,"
said Jae Lee. director of the program.
“\Vith Lexington's chancellor not stip—
porting it this year. it can't afford to
stay open."

The program has been open since
1986. \Vhen it was started, various
sponsors funded the facility, such as the
Academic Support Services and the
Office of Continuing Education for
\Votnen. The Office ofthe Chancellor.

along with the college itself, has been
the main supporter in recent years.

The program costs parents $6.50 a
night for the first child and $350 for
each additional child. l’arents pay a
$20 supply fee at the beginning ofthe
semester for the first child and $10 for
the next child.

“\\'e have tried over the years to
maintain the cost and keep it -.:ttord«
able for the parents." said Retia \\'alk-
er. dean of the college. “It has been $5
in the past and just increased to $6.50.
and we think that is pretty reasonable."

The remaining tnoney needed to
run the facility totaled nearly $3.000 in
past years. The lowest the deficit has
been was the 19934993 school year,
when it was $290. Chancellor l§lisabeth
Zinser‘s office paid the deficit during
her first year at the L'niversit'y. btit last
year the debt was paid by the college,

The closure of the program leaves
many parents without child care while

they attend class.

“It is goitig to be a real crunch for
many parents." said Laurie (iardtter.
social work graduate student atid par—
cut. “( :hild care services are so expen—
sive at night. I'm not sure what the
parents are stipposed to do."

Although it seems parents are left
ottt in the cold. Lee said there
shouldn't be a problem.

“Since it is not getting utili'led frotii
many students. we don‘t see this as a
big issue.“ Lee said.

On the average night. the progratii
would have two or three kids. There
have been nights when no child was
dropped off.

“The facility is a drop-~off program.
so we never knew how many kids were
going to be there in one night.“ Lee
said. “This is not a good way to run
this kind of ptogram."

Lee attributes the lack of tisc to some
complaints she has t‘c't‘t'HL‘tl trom par

etits. The aspects ittcludc the hours of
operation and the ages the I‘CCI’
accepts kids at. The hours are Monday
through Thursday S pan. to 9 pm. Chil-
drcii can be frotii I to 13 years ofage

Suggestions have been to open ear»
her and stay open longer. \lso many
parents have infants which are too
young for the center to watch.

\\'alker says this is an important
service for many students btit adds that
the respotisibility should not be borne
by the college alone.

"It sltotild be a service offered. but
we don't ktiow how to sol\'e the issue of
Itow to pay for it." \Valker said. "This
needs to bc a universitywide decision.u

Public Affairs Director Ralph l)er—
icksoti said this is an issue that will not
be resolved easily.

“\\'e i‘ealile that it should be
offered.“ l)erickson said. “but who is
going to pay for it and who will pro~
\ ide the services?“



Group sells
trees grown
in tbe state

By Brian Dunn
elitist/mt News [Editor

Tom Kimmerer and his three
children decorated their Christ—
mas tree last night.

Linden, IS. Larkin. 10. anti
\\'ill, 3 months, helped string the
tree. a 7-foot eastern white pine.
with popcorn and cranberries.
\\'ell. Linden and Larkin decorat-
ed the tree.

“\Vill's a big help,“ Kimmerer
said of his infant son before roing
home last night. “He's in charge


The Kimmerers plan to donate
the tree. edible decorations and
all. to the birds when their fin-
ished with it —— their way of help-
ing out the environment.

In the same vein. Kimmerer’s
buying the tree from L‘K’s Student
Forestry and \Vildlife Association
was his way of helping out the
club's future plans and the Ken-
tucky farmer. he said. The club has
Christmas trees at the Thomas Poe
Cooper Building since Dec. I hop—
ing to raise money for its future
trips to conferences.

Not only does buying a tree
frotn the forestry clttb help with
its expenses. it also helps Keit-
tticky farttiers who raise the trees
as a supplemental income to their
main crops and livestock, said



selling Kentucky—grown

.St'e THEE on 5



FlM'lY "TEE Dan Bishop. an education trade/Ir. picked up a free at the l 'K Forestry Club‘s free
sale behind Cooper Hall on Central (Jam/ills.


lilcw public relations director nlt'd

Former Royal Caribbean
exec becomes UK spokesman

By Joe Dobncr
Smjf u 'riter

The December Board of Trustees
meeting is traditionally short. and this
year was no exception.

()nly part of the president‘s report
was covered, and briefly. as the meet—
ing started late.

Dean Tom Lester of the College of

Engineering covered the first item on
the agenda.

Lester was hired in 1990. and
gave the board a hybrid of a progress
report and a departmental overview.

The National Science Foundation
ranks UK 55th out of I96 engineer—
in schools nationwide. President
C arles \Vethington said he antici-

pates that UK will move into the top
20 engineering schools in the next

\Vethington then introduced
UK's new public relations director.
Lloyd Axelrod. Bernie Vonderheide.
the outgoing public relations direc-
tor, served for 23 years and is now
retirin .

Axcfrod was formerly employed
by Royal Caribbean Cruises as their
public relations director.

The board approved all of the fol—
lowing action items presented at the

'Granting authority over the com-
tnunity colle e system to the Board of
Re ents oft e Kentucky Community
ant Technical College System








VApproval of the degree candidates
frotn the Community College System
and the Lexin Iton Campus

VApproy’al‘of the associate tlegrce
programs at llopkinsville and Owens-
boro community colleges in agricul-
tural technology and nursing, respec—

\Vaiver of the reqtiired compli-
ance with Senate bill W8 for the pro—
posed law enforcement associate
degree program at l’restonburg com—
munity college.

The program has not yet met its
affirmative action goals.

VAppointment of Luther Deaton.
Jr. and jolitta \Vickliffe and the rca -

ointment of Alan Bloomfield to the
lioard of directors of the Kentucky
Business Partnership Foundation for
four years

VAcceptance of fottr gifts and
pled es totalling $695,000 dollars

Renewal and additions to three
on oin leases

Saie of the real estate donated to

the itiedical school froin Margaret
Logan Colvin for $331,000 dollars

V'l‘ransferring ownership of the
Crisp Higher Education Center in
l’adueah to Murray State L'niversity.

The $2.2 million generated ove 20
years will be used to back bonds for a
new educational facility at Padticah
Community College.

VApproval of budget revisions for
the 199-598 fiscal year. acceptance of

. the interim financial report fromjuly-

Aug. I997 and the quarterly capital
construction report

VAtithorization of a compliance
program for the medical center to pre-
vent fraud and abuse.

The authorization states that the
federal government requires that.
“healthcarc providers will take a
proactive stance in assuring conformio
ty with applicable laws."

The federal government mitigates
sanctions against medical centers that
have compliance programs.






December 10, 1997

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line killed in tire
at Brccnvillc dormitory

(iRl‘iliNVlIJJ’, lll. \\'hen lid (Ionkle woke
to a loud crash and soot flowing from betieath the
door of his dorm room. he figured someone was
playing a trick on him. Then he saw the tlames.

Coiikle escaped uiihartiied. btit one studeiii
died atid seven others were injtired iii the tire early
'litlcstltly at (ireemille College iii this southwest~
erii Illinois town.

"I watched the door light on fire. theti the coltia
ptttcr. then the stereo. ’l‘hat‘s when I started haul?
itig rear." said the 19—year—old (Ionkle. peering
through glasses still stittidged with soot. i

The fire apparently began iii a lounge area
adjacent to Conkle‘s rooiti. lt gutted half the 3"-
y‘eiit‘~oltl building. Investigators searched the
building for clties to the cause.

The college idetitificd the stttdeiit killed as_locl
Pierce. 23, of\\'arren. NI l. l‘iiretighters found his
body just outside his rootii in the iiiost heayii\
datiiaged part ofthe btttlding. I

l’tercc. a junior. was scheduled to be married
Dec. .‘0.

Teacher will not lace prosecution

(il‘i()l{(il".ili()\\'.\i, SC. .\ teacher accused
of forcing two kindergarten sttidents to eat \loon
l’ies they threw away will not face prosecution.

State '\Il()l'nc_\‘ Charlie Condoii said Tuesday
that a reyiew ofthe investigation found there was
insufficient evidence against _losie Solomon. w ho
was scheduled for trial Dec. 32 on two child cruel
ty charges.

,\ teacher of H years, Ms. Solomon cotild hay c
faced a ttiaximutii of W days in jail or a $500 fine
on each of the tmsdemcanors.

llcr lawyer. I)a\id Ilood. acknowledged that
Ms. Solomon warned her students at McDonald
I'llettietitary School not to take food they wouldn't
eat dttring snacktttiie Not. 3 I.

“but two iryear~old girls threw away their
\loon l’ies after taking jtist a bite. she reminded
them of the rule. he said.

According to a school investigation. one oi the
girls plucked her choctdate-covered cookie and
marshmallow snack otit of a classroom trash can
and a teacher's aide retrieved the other Moon l’ic
atid ptit it in front ofthe second girl.

“At no time was any food eatctt out of any
garbage can. period. And we were prepared to go
forward with that in court." Hood said.

There was no answ er at the school district
office late 'l'ucsday.

Corneal may he TI‘IBII 88 adult

l’:\l)L'C;\H. Ky. fl ;\ grand jury
may meet as early as Friday to consider criminal
charges against a high school freshman accused of
opening fire on his classmates.

Michael Carneal. the 14—year—old student
charged as a juvenile in the shootings. was expect”
ed at a closed-door hearing iii Mc( Iracken District
Court on \Vednesday. when a jtidge was all bttt
certain to transfer his case to adult court.

L‘nder Kentucky law. a person at least I-I who
ttses a firearm to commit a felony iiitist be charged
as an adult. Once that happens. courthouse
sources said a grand jury will meet I’riday to coliv
sider an indictment.

()nce indicted, any criminal trial , ~ if the case
ever reaches that stage _. wouldn't begin for nine
to II months.

Carneal. at an ttiiidentified juvenile deteiitioti
center in another part of Kentucky. is charged
with murder. attempted murder and burglary


Slltfll‘ II‘I‘IItId TOI' hflltlllfl DIPITI'IOIIII

LOS .-\.\'(il“,Ll“.S 7» Actor Christian Slater
agreed 'l‘uesday to a 90-day jail tertn for beating
his girlfriend during a drug and alcohol bender.
then fighting police who found hint screaiiting in .i

Slater was not iii court. btit his attorney.
Michael Nasatir. entered no contest pleas on his
behalf to battery on a dating partner, battery on a
peace officer atid being under the influence of a
controlled substance. Three other counts were

“l have been acting since the age oft‘l and l have
been a celebrity for a long time." Slater said in a
stateiticnt issued through his publicist. “And when
you‘re a celebrity, you start believing you can act
off the screen any way you want without conse-

“Now l know that that is not the way I wish to
live my life. and I‘m ready to take responsibility
for my actions.”

His plea caine one day after actor Robert
Downcy .lr. was ordered to spend six months in
jail for violating parole on a dru t conviction.

Slater's tenn is to be followed )y three months in
a residential drug treatment program. He tnust
begin his sentence sometime iefore Jan. IO and
enroll in a yearlong batterers treatttient program,
said Ted (ioldstein, spokesman for the city attorney.

The 28—year-old star of the movies “Broken
Arrow" and “Interview with a Vampire" was arrest-
ed Aug. I I after officers were called to a brawl at the
posh “’ilshire Boulevard condominiums.

l’olicc heard screaming and found Slater in a
stairwell “swinging his arms and yelling incoher—

( .‘ompllrdfiom u'm reports.








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The NotoPatl, Inc.

506 Etittliti Aw:
