xt7ftt4fr72h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4fr72h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1955-05-26  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1955 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 26, 1955 1955 1955-05-26 2020 true xt7ftt4fr72h section xt7ftt4fr72h Minutes of the University Faculty, May 9. 1955

i 1 . . . . . .
; credit regulations as they apply to all other institutlons.

w % J"‘cting Dean Pawson presented recommendations frorn the Graduate Council
; that graduate credit be allowed for the following courses which hed previously
been apprOVed for undergraduate credit. These reCOmrendations were approved
by the Faculty.
Commerce 177C. College Business Management.
(2) Frank D. Peterson

Geolo y 135. Advanced Princioles 2; Geologx.
f4) Fisher

Associate Dean Horlacher presented a recommendamion from the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics that the rule governing the method by which a
special student may become a candidate for a degree be modified. He asked

that the reocommendation be referred to be Rules Committee and this was done
by the University Faculty.

1 .
m Freeident 1301mm; a fixinmltced the various events of Commencement Week
' and urged that the Faculty support all of these events by their attendance.

The Faculty adjourned.

1 Robert L. Mills

Minutes 2: the University Facult1L_May gé, lfififi

‘ The University Faculty met in special session at 4:00 p.m., Thursday,

3g; May 26, 1955 in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. President Donovan pre-

» sided. Members absent were A. D. Albright, Dana Card, John M. Carpenter,
Martha G. Carr, L. M. Chamberlain, Irving S. Fisher, J. W. Gladden, Carsie
Hammonds, Juan Eu Hernandez, Margaret Bell Humphreys, J. C. Humphries,

W. M. Insko. A. D, Kirwan‘, 0. T. Koyoius‘, Robert S. Larson, Homer C. Lewis,
A. C. McFarlan, L. L. Martin’, W. L. Matthews. Jr., J. H. Melzer, J. W. Miles,
Robert L. Hills‘, H. 3. Price, H. d. Ryland, Irwin T. Sanders, Dwight M.
Seath, W. A. Seay, Roy Sigafus, H. E. Spivey‘, D. G. Steele, J. Reid Sterrett,
Lawrence Thompson, Gilbert T. Webster and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of the meeting of May 9, 1955 were read and apnroved.
The Assistant Registrar presented the list of students who had completed

all requirements for their degrees and the Faculty voted to recommend these
persons to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated.

’Absence explained.













Iinutes of the University Faculty, May 25? 1955
Candidates for the Degree of Jnchelo” of Arts , ?

David Wayne Adams mobsrt Edwurd Lee
Raybell M. Adams Helen LuCrey Looney
Joan Violet Albaugh James Hackett Lucas
Elise Marie Anderson sarter Blaine MoDavid
Nancy Armstrong Joan Lucille flcGee
Margaret Carter Bailey Roberta Fe" McReynolds
Roger Maurice Bain Alallne Allen Marshall
William Hayden Baldwin Vernon Northfleet Martin
Asa Barnes, Jr. John Sims Mor=men
Wayne Clay Beekham Dewey Morgan
Sue Carter Beckwith Leslie White Morris II
Everett Wayne Botner Wynn Glass Moseley
Alice Husted Boyd Joyce Wesley
Gloria Ann Butler Charles Thomas Nell
Ronald Jerome Butler Lavena Sue Nell H
Ellen Byers Patricia Carole Nell I
Dwight Nolan Carter Henry Carfoll Neel
Donald James Cooper Jock Lee Nelson

William Edward Corbin
Loren Cox, Jr.

Frank Pllis Cranfill
Charlene Patricia Cross
Margaret June Crudden
Larry Joe Curry
Patricia Jeanne Curry
Jo Anne Therese Curtin
Marjorie Ann Davis
Norma Jean Pevine
Georgene Duckworth
Elizabeth Phillips Busing
Allis Eaton

Tommy Gene Edwarfis
Emily Ann Feltman

John Dallas Fischer
Dewell DrHVO Flanagan
Billy Ted Furnish
Manocher Ganji

Glenn Leon Greene, Jr,
Jack qelvin Hall
Joseph Jackson Harber
J. Paul Head

Luther Porter House II
Nanne Shel Howard
Noreen Elizabeth Howard
William Franklin Jolly
Calvin Paul Jones

John Clayton Justice
Thomas Moore Kennedy
Mary Martha Keyser
William Ray Knight
George Donald Koper
Barbara Joyce Lake

Themes Ambrose Human, Jr.
Ann Wilson Cakes

Joseph Francis O"Connell
John Wert Oldham

Plane Marie Parr

Jean F'ezer Patrick

Charles Bourne Pennington II


Eugene Powell
Kenneth Rayner
Jean Robson
Michael Rodes
Frances Ross

James Sheridan Sandidge
Mary Carleen Schneider
Richard M nroe Sellers
Victoria Shaver

Lee Chadwick Shine

Rose Elaine Shumeker
Beverly Jane Sims
Hubbard B. Spencer, Jr.
Dwight Ward Gtevenson
Constance Cady Stewart
Donna Ruth Sturdevan
Don Chr 1 stian SulliVan
Rryant Forrest Thompson
Nancy Carol Thompson
Peggy Franklin Thompson
Ronalc Eugene Tiller
Nancy Hamon Tinder

Ruth Elizabeth Trimble
John Thomas Walton
Patricia Fue Watlington
Frank ”ilson II
Janet Carter Wood
Thornton Davies Wright





Peggy Marlene Young

 25-5321 —‘ T" ‘7 ' 'T“ “"

Minutes of the University Faculty, May 26, 1955


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science


Robert Edward Amie
Lewis Brinkley Barnett
Wendell Lee Belew
Joseph William Black
Clyde Reynolds Burress
Francis Marion Bush
Vincent Whitney Byers
Earl William Cox
Frederick Gerald Cox
Jay Richard Daniel
James Joseph Dickman
Robert Allen Dodson
Eldon Steven Duvmit, Jr.
Albert.Andre Busing
Ruby Jane Elliott
Barbara Ellen Giles
Kurt Ernst Goltermann
Thomas Lllen Cover
George Francis Grady
Carter John Hamilton
Hugh Buford Hemmet
Virginia Sheldon Hanly
Thomas King Henritze
RuSsell Aubra Hibbs
Mildred Joanne Hopkins
Archibald Lane Howard

Jerome King Layton
Jack Burton Llewellyn
Michael Eugene Lowrey
William James Mara, Jr.
Lowell Dean Martin
Martha Jean May

Edward Walton Miles
Maude Carley Moncure
Ernest Moore

John Celvin Partin
Patricia Ellen Patterson
Robert Bruce Roundstone
Carl Baker Rankin‘
Ronnie Reginald Ray
Bobby Gene Richie
Martha Jane Roettgers
Robert Gayle Rose
Richard Donald Saunders
Benjamin Lee Shely
Eugene Slusher

Don Neal Smith

Gary Eugene Smith
Melvin Owen Smith
Curtis Lee Songstcr

Joe Rufus Thompson, Jre
William Gray Velleau

Harvey Charles Young

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

in Journalism

Quentin Dale Allen

William Calvin Burleson
John Donald Henry

Julia Ann Lester

Kenneth Mitchell Litchfield
Barbara Nell Morgan

David Abie Nakdimen
Ann Marie O'Roark
Louis Carrol Pritchett
Emmett Vinson Rogers
Deborah Sue Schwerz
Donna Mae Villesvik

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Harry Hardin Carter, Jr.
Ruth Ernestine Cordell
Robert Bryson Curry

Lois Clarke Dale
William Joseph George
Joan Rosales Goldsmith
Rarah D'Arcy Hoffmann
Morvyth Kinney

Margaret Catherine Meehan
Suzanne Melton

James Elbart Moore

Mary Elizabeth Orem

Peggy Shannon Prather
Suzanne Wallace

Barbara Lee Watson
Margaret Bowling Wehle


achelor of uoience

Candidates for the Degree of
in Medical Technology

Jessie Sue Allen
Patricia Thornbury Allen
Mary Etta Watkins

Betty Booth Coleman
Rlouise Nantz

- Siemts-arzfi













Minutes of the University FCCUItJ’

Candidates for the C gree of Bacnelzr

Mohamed Adnan ATmTimsah
Leon Dudley Ball

Claude Thomas Barlow
James William Bartona Jro
Carl Donald Black
William Douglas Blair

Roy Williams Bunch

James Alferd Burger
James Albert Burrus

Jack Davis Butler

James Kenneth Caldwell? Jr.
Lois Jean Church

Allen Carol Cloud

Baxter Jean Coke9 Jr.
Clyde Bruce Collins
William Robert Cooke
Ceorge Maxville Cornett
Lloyd Neale Cosby

Robert Silas Crawford
James Earl Dalton

James Thomas

James Duwnrd


John Hawkins Dicken
Cecil Hall Dyer

Harold Clay Ecton

Earl Franklin Ellington
Lawrence Moore Ellis
Paul DaWSon Everman
Robert William Field, Jr,
Carl Theodore Fischer, Jr.
Jose Ramon Franco

Rufus Fugate

George Robert Herbst

Bill F. Hill

Willerd Spurgeon Igleheart
Dewnrd Johnson

Robert Edwin Jones
Raymond Lucian Keller

Leo Augustine Kelly

Hugh Gaston King III
Galen Wayne Kiser

Thomas Rhinehart Konsler


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laurenee James Ccanlan
Donald William Schamb'rger
Lois Selby

James Alfred dhaffer
Robert Lee Sneph d

John Leonidas Si
James Willi:m
Tom Rodney Smith

Charles Edwzrd Snyder

Si ger,

VNoel Stephensfl Jr,

George Bascom Stone

James Reed Stovall

Rondall Hughes Stull
Charles Eugene Summers
Clay Fudley Thompson
Thomas Hilton Williams? Jr.
John Knox Wills

Candidates for the Fegree of Cachelor of Science

in Home Economics

Laura Louise Antle
Conchita Bertan Brashear
Martha Jean Clark

Elle Virginia Cravens Coke
Julia Lee Collier

Sara Elizabeth Conn

Charlotte Ann Craig
Peggy Joann Day

Nancy Sue Dingus
Evelyn Greenwade Ensor

Stella Ray Flowers
Ada Br 3e Gash






Minutes of the University Faculty, May 26, 1955

Dolores Jean Hamilton
Sue Ann Hobgood
Martha Jane Holt
Margaret Ann Holyfield
Winifred Berokmen Humphrey
Margaret Ingle

Lydia Margwret Johnson
Bet y Ann Landrum
Alizabeti Ann Latimer
nee Ann Leet

Delia Jean Link
Amarillo McNeill

Nada Crum Tiller


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor

in Civil Engineering

Richard Dale Baldwin
William Bennesx
Lawrence Pcott Blevins

James Russell Boyle, Jr.
Richard William graun
Robert Edward Burdette
Charles Huston Campbell
William deon Creel
Ignacio Torres Cruz
William David Daugherty
Robert Douglas Edwards
George Melvin Fly, Jr.
Louis Charles Evans
Ronald Ray Fernsley
Ronald Davis Hughes
Thomas Andrew Humphrey
Victor Frank Jelen
Louis Hills Kahne
Warren Lee Kemmer
Marion Farris Lail
Carson Teal Lippold
William Buradell Locker
William Joseph Lynch
Freddie Carol Lynn Maggard

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor

in Electrical Engineer

Donald Eugene Brown
Ronald Monroe Coleman
James Leo Griffin
Raymond Paul Harris
Carl Eugene Howard

Linn William Jones
Ronald David Kincer
Gayle Brock Lawrence
Rayburn Howard Loo
Thomas Eugene Lovan, Jr.

Barha:a Ann Myers

Anna Dell Odle
Elizabeth Ann Orme

Anna Lee Osborne

Anna Guynd Stiff
Rosemary Tote

Lois May Taylor

Dorothy Lorelle Terrett
Emma Katherine Conder Tucker
Martha Carolyn Turner
Lucy Allen Ware

Ann Duncan Wiley
Frances Ann Wise

of Science

George Kenneth Martin
Kenneth Van Leer Miller
John Fdwurd Monfrch

James Willirm Moore, Sr.
Donald Wallace Neal
Victor Thomas Nicolas, Jr.
Frank Enos Owens

Luis Eduardo Frcheco Mendoza
Paul A. Patrick

Charles Peter Rapier III
David William Schandingv Jr.
Jack Ray Sellers

Benjamin Marshall Simcox
Henry Alan Vteilberg
David Edward Stewort
Forest Elwood Stoneg Jr.
Howard J. Stone, Jr.
Barney Umhargar Sword, Jr.
Kenneth Alvin Taylor
Newton Lune Taylor

John Wallace Walker

Logan Wilson Wallingford
Donald Lee White

James Tom Yonko:

of Science

Gerald Earl Nemetz
Morris Nolen Pitts
Billy Stewart Simpson
Donald Farl Sims

Lewis Paul Smith

Bobby Carol Stephens
Frank Finley Taylor III
. T. Turner, Jr.

1 hard Ira Underwood

’33 31) C4

hurt Jam,s Varson




Minutes of the Universit”

Candidates for the Degree of 4

in M onanioal Engineerin



Billy Frank Allen Charles Homer Lovry

Henry Webster Ball ?eul Glyn Lwop:

Earl Clinton Bovine Paul Stu?rt -efer

John Lovett Bishop Joseph Forlej Noore

Chorles Elva Burris iobert Neal Nelson

James Kenneth Cole Horace Style N70h01FQn; Jr.
Walter Greene Crouch Jos.ph Clarence Powell, Jr,
Robert Fullerton Dickson, Jr. Jerrv Glenn Price


Clayton Burris Flynn, Jr. Jae Lager Rice


Glenn Carroll Fuller Robert Ligon Rodgers
Posey Lawrence Geslin Edmund Berry Roimon III
William George Goff, Jr. Vincent John Ruck, Jr:
Fdwin Millikan Good Vearl Ray Stevert

Herman Alvin Harrison William Franklin Voit, Jr.
Henry Everett Head Chesuer Howard Walters
James Francis Lafferty George Hawley White, Jr,
Hugo Arnulfo Lineres Omer Edvard Villianr

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Metallurgical Engineering
Charles Fdw rd Brohawn, Jr.
James Alfred Burka

Clyde Lyndon Langley
Howard Thomas McHenry
Richard Lane Matchett
Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Mining Engineering







John William Crawford
Bobby Gene ?step


Lonald Gene Freeman

William Raymo

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

George Bennett Baker, Jr.
William Wetts Blanton, Jro
Charles Richard Doyle
Donald Duff

Oscar Hillard Geralds, Jr.
John Arne Gregory, Jr.
Ollen Bernard Hinnent, Jr.
Robert Rivers Humphreys
Paul Elwood Hunley

Joe Lee

James Levin

Jack Leighton Lewis
James William Lyon

nd Stout

Thomas Allen Mitchell
Edwin Alexander Monroe, J
Homer Arthur Porter, Jr.

John Marshall
Lemuel Morris
George Dayton
Phyllis Joan

Neville Smith
William Ellen

Tiyton Reed


Donald Earle Weight

Harold Gerlan

d Wells

Conley Clan. Wilkerson

Wendell Safri

et Williems





Minutes of the University Faculty, May 26, 1955 1149



Candidates for the Legree of Bachelor of Arts

Uonna Jo fidams
James Jackson All

ine Baruera fillen
e i ff

Ljamin Huff Averitt
ifiubeth Sue gartlett
izabeth June Bassett
wry Morrison Bigstaff
nry 1Patricia Blevens
leggy Tipton Bright
heverly Anne Broadbent
Alice Marie Callahan
Jane Ann Clark
Margaret Ann Clift



Tifflij H w







Flem David Srmnson Colson

Marvin Lee Combs
Vyvyen Combs

Sarah Joan Compton
Raymond Cook

Vivian Elizabeth Cox
Roy William Culley

Virginie Calvert Pemerson

Mary Alice Dunn
Barbara Ann Lyer
Norma Peters Enete
Everett Wayne Everage
Elizabeth Linnea Farris
Kathryn Fannin Paw
Betty Myers Fischer
Sydney Carolyn Fitch
Sally Lou Flournoy
Wilton Hope Fuller
Donna Sue Galbraith,
Peggy Jo Goodman
M-rle Castlyn Heffler
Joe Beesman Hall

John Cliveous Hancock

Cordelia Shinnick Harden

Thomas Franklin Harper
Arthur Douglas Haywood
John Stephen Hogg
Nancy Lee Houston
William K. Howard
Margaret Diane Hunt
Virginie Ann Jennings
Elsie Jean Johnson
”aroara Eleanor Jones
Marthe Alice Jones

Mary Siler Joseph
Leland Thornton Kennedy
Mildred Snyder Kuhis
Margueritte Nagill Lacy

in Education

Barbara Jeanne Lyons
Jack Watson Nchcneld
Elizabeth Ann Wclntosh
Jean Ellen McNicheel
Dorothy Virginia Nchhail
Sally Frances Haggard
BeVerly Dean Mangum
Marilyn McKinley Nerouette
Jesyie Mae Martin
Jessie Robb Michael
Lawna Lonnie Miller
Peggy Jean Neal

Marilyn Jean Overfield
Geraline Page

Mildred H. King Patrick
Clara Barbara Pfeiffer
Ishmael Hendricks Phillips
Robert Nelson “igg

Ann Frances Pruitt

Sara Crooks Querles
Margaret Lou Redd

Bonnie Lou Bedding

Joan Kirkland Reynolds
Marilyn Mitchell Riggs
Janice Roberts

Irene Blackerby Ross
Cherrie Moore Rupert
Joline Marie Fcofield
Agnes Ann Searcy

John Hugh Shenahan, r.
Emily Pearl Shelburne
Eleanor Louise Shelton
Daniel Hash Shindelbower
Patricia Joan Shrader
Szrah Elizabeth Shumete
Carolyn Olive Siler

Lela Juanita Singleton
Thomas Vernon Fmith
William Edwin Spivey
Patricia Sullivan

'evid Wear Swor

5am Renedict Thomas

Ann Gibson Vaughan
Walter Fredrick Von Gruenigen
Feline Mae Warner

Mary Wilhoite Watson
Carol Lee Weber

Barbara Braxton White
Nancy Eunice Wildman
Byron Carlyle Wilhoit
Mary Elizabeth Wilkins
Niles Risher Willard, Jr.

George Kenneth Williams

Jessie Elinor Wyatt










Candidates for the w"egree of Hecne

in Commerce
James Lane Adams
John Delno Adams
William Roy Allen
Joyce Alley
Robert Haywood Alves
Crawford Covington Anderson, Jr,
James Greaver Baker
James Lee Barnes
Mary Lou Beeler
Emily Mchath Bell
William Orville Banner
Harry Wayne Bitner
Tnomas Kittrell Black, Jr.
James nice Blackwell
William Stanley Blake
Howard George Brewer, Jro
Gailen Wayne Bridges
Robert Lanville Brown
Clarence Yenneth Bruce
William Geno pvuokner
Wary Bernice Bumgardner
Malcolm Givens Burnside
Walter Carroll Carneal
Wayne Jaukson Carroll
Carlos Zwinglio Castillo
Eugene Caudill
Walter Joseph Clarke, Jr,
William Eugene Clayton
James Wesley Collins
Robert Ray Combs
Billy Whitson Cook
Paul Cornett
Jacquelyn Cottom
Mary Lou Gover Crnnfill
Mildred Martin Cronin
Timothy James Cronin
Patricia Ann Cross
Fusen Elisabeth Pruley
Lewis Frederick duBusc, Jr.
Jo Ann Ensslin
Fielden Edward Faulkner II
Donald Roland Felker
Rohnrt Jay Finn
William Wayne Finnegan
Kay Rogers Fisher
Wayne Thomas Flanary
James Berry Ford
Claude Andrew Fouse
Matthew Houston Quin Franck, Jr.
Betty Jo Frentz
Helen Hester Gum
Leo Thomas Hang
William Bentley Holcomb


- - . v .. m, l
of the Univer51ty Faculty, “$3


w o




e "lley
rling Harding

es Carrorl Hildreth
e Boswell Hodgkin

-t Overton Holbrook

a Holton II
no Anne Houlehan
Richard Wayne Hubbard
George Wood Jenkins
Julian Douglass Jones
Raymond Graham Jones
Harbara Joan Kelly
Donald Curtis Kelly
Joseyh Nicheel Koch
Janet Lou Kohl

Erle Lawrence Levy
Phillip Bay

.1 Osborne


Robcrt Dean Logrn
Kenneth Hey Lucas

John Lee McElroy

John Jackson McGee V
Marilyn Sue McKnight

Arch Glass Vainous, Jr.
John Tormey Mandt

Nabih Boulos Merhni

Joseph McDowell Mathews

‘ Miller

?atricia Mobley

Charles Pobert Hoffitt
Jacaueline Monk

Julia Lois Montgomery Monroe
Charles Robert Moore

Hugh Delano Moore

Melvin Jackson Moore
William Cosnas Nudd, Jr.
Theodore William Negel, Jr.
Thomas Edward Nelson

John Wesley Newton

Joe Colvin Ookerman

Wanda Ann Pace

Samuel Edward Peege
Zacheary Thomas Perkins
Curtis Theodore Phillips
James Collier Pollard
William Risk Reed

John Edward Rhodes: ‘
Joyce Ann dichey — ’
Craig Henry Ritchie
John McDowell Ross
Burnett Ray Senders

John Daniel



Minutes of the University Faculty, May 26, 1955

Jeanne Welby Saunders
Frank Harry Scott
Sandra Marilyn Shaikun
Brown Johnson Sharp
Charles Fdward Shinnick
Martin Berthold Solomon, Jr.
Elam Gary Stokes

Mervin Wilson Suit

Paul Hughes Swanson
Th~mas Shanks Tate
Hildegerde Taylor

James Trabue Taylor
Mildred Pickett Terrell
Donald William Thomas
Glen Davis Thompson


Thomas Arthur Twehues
Thomas Franklin Underwood
Barbara Sue Verney

John Columbus Ward, Jr.
Lawrence Edwin Watson
Wayne Douglas Watson
Lucy Logan West

James Hampton Whitis
John Case Whittenberg
Sue Frances Wilmer
Lester Wise

George Burkley Wombwell
Lonnie Everett Yates
Stuart Yussman

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

in Pharmacy

Elizabeth Sue Arnette

Charles Duncan Asher

Chester James Baltenberger, Jr.
Donnlo Glenn Barker

John Henry Beierle

James Clerk Britten

Tom Turner Crecelius

John Henry FitchP Jr.

Charles Frederick Freudenberger
James Arthur Fugate

William Ray Gaines

James Calvert Grugin

Charles William Henderson
Gilbert Wayne Hopkins

Sheldon Nathaniel Isaacs

Martha Lucy Jaunzems

Harold Lloyd Jones

Arthur Conrad King
Thomas Baird Leunhert II
Donald Garrett Marsh
Gayle Franklin Marshall
Allen Moskowitz

Kenneth Joseph Niemann
David Allen Pfeiffer
James Leonard Rick

Laura Ann Roddie

Richard Flynn Schnatter
Robert Greyson Self
Benjamin Ray bhedwick
Margaret Ann Shaw

Hugh Byron Sims. Jr.
William Calhoun Sutherland
Paul Adolphus Vatson
Lewis Wayne Wheeler

Charles Elmer Zuberer


Candidates for the Degree of Master or Arts

Carl Edward Begley

Hilda Jane Bolling

Nancy Minerva Cawood
William Thomas Clark, Jr.
Edward McKenzie Coffman
Francis Gerald Ham

Abraham Lincoln Hammons, Jr.
Rose Onnalee McGinNnry Vaufmen
William Francis Kelly
Dwight Lawrence Hikkelson
William Sherman Oxendine
John Paul Bunyan

Paul Floyd Taylor





 r. . . . a. "'1, _ - T", 7' Or ”:25!"
hlnutes of the UanCrsqu fl Calif, mu fig, 1%))

Candidates for the Pegree cf Master of wCiShCQ

Virginia Frances Andersan Fant '311015 Xircin
Robert anyl 3urr3ws Y17I-)n feitn Psy43
~ ' m,., W:,1 ‘. fin~fl v
Pav1d Shelton Byrd, Jr. Seurgé .;1;1,- U 3‘58; ;

John Thomas Dnnforth

Edwin Bell Hanna

Richard Royce Tolmes

Joseph Fdward Vole:

Frederick James Kcllreath, Jr,



Candiiates for the Degree of Magyar of Science
in Public Health



David Franklin Brov¢ William Hughes Trymire
72 V “v v ‘7 ' r‘ ‘ _‘ .:~ .
L rid-ll 4399.713 nyJQLimfilJ.
Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
in Agriculture
William Samuel Bennett, Sr. Uilliam Ténrer Henley
er1 Lee Wavis Lennefih Fraser Mayra
Alvin Charles Egbert Wot ”aiaon
Tmery Keck, Jr. Walngr Ralph ”oofis

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
in Home Economics

Mary Strom McKee Jacaueline Stamper Webb

Candidates for the Degree of Master of vcience
in Civil Engineering

Claude iitchell Brown” Jr. James Lee Cartcr, Jr,
Paul Hilton Brown Keith Lge Guthrie
Robert Wood Calvert Thomas Le: Hcieynolde

Loren Herman thrunk


Candidrte for the Pegree o
' in Electrical Fn

Arnold Doyle Baker


Candidate for the Degree of Vastnr to
in Mechanical Engineering


,C ence


Arthur Reginald Maddox

Candidate for the Degree of Na. f Science

3 o
in Metallurgical Vngineering

Howard Jacob Siegel




 Minutes of the University Faculty, May 26, 1955

Candidates for the Degree of
in Education

Aloert John Asch

Francis Lee Baker

William Gratz Tonkwright
Delbert RogeTF Cunningham
Homer Clayton E? TViS
Bonert McCue Davis

Evelyn Myers Edwards
7illiam Best Evans
Margaret Griffith Farmer
Jess Lewis Gardner

Hazel Hayes Gotherman
Lawrence Edward Griesinger, Jr.
milnred bkin Grimes

wide taker Jackson
Clare "lizcbeth Jacobs
George Franklin Johnson, Jr.

Master of Arts

Mary Elizabeth Kellis
Roy Le e Lawr e nce

William Kenneth McCarty

Curtis McDaniel
Newell Hobgood Martin
Randal Odell Martin
E:unie Sue Nonson
lly Loretta THoor
8:5 1 Thomas Mullins
Flora Willis Nichols
Walter Iawson Orman
Edith Mae Eulliam
John Carroll ghwab
Robert Dee Sither _
Thomas Alwin Siwick i

William Campbell Stevens

Joseph Calvin Khomas
Bet ie Jane Tuttle
Roy Herbert walker

Vevie Smii’ h Walker

Candidates for the Degree of
in Education

Ed Jard Ellis Ball

{ark Maynard Botto
Eli ZWtb th Shelton Ce ylor

Maste or of Science

John Robert Miller
Buell G. Moore

John Peterman Pirtle
Milton O'Rear Traylor

Dencil McKinney Vincent

Candiaetes for the Degree of “as+ er

Alfred Wélburn anson
John Morris Greene

of Business Administration

Thomas Aldridge Pardue,
John Maxey Walton

Kenneth Joseph Vessel

Sandi czates for the Eegree of Master of Science
in Library Science


d.re iMcCarty Kearns
Gla dye Elizabeth Scheer

Stanley Joseph Scllmidt
George Thomas Yeemans

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

Bonnie Laura Gibson

Anne Vatheryn Huddleston

Jean McNeW Sawyer

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Harold ROPer Binkley
Sam “dwxrd Clagg

Martha FranCes Hill
Curtis Phinps








154 Minutes of the University Faculty, Nay ?6¢ 1955
Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Jack 3asham Nolan Fowler
Monroe Lee Billington Lucy Dickinson Tryxell
Lee Byers Caldwell Henry Unpenheim
Robert Gunn Crawford T"hillip Alden Smith ;
John Aisele Davis, Jr. William Clenent Swift
John Lynn Fletcher Walter Washington Uherton
Wilson Tiles Zering
Graduated "With High Distinction"

Joan Violet Albaugh Linn William Jones
Lewis Brinkley Barnett Thomas Rhinehart Konsler
Elizabeth Sue Wertlett James Pranois Lafferty
James Russell Boyle, Jr. Barbara Joyce Lake
James Kenneth Cole Barbara Jeanne Lyons
Tom Turner Crecelius Leslie White Morris
Mildred Martin Cronin Jack Lee Nelson W
Lois Clarke Dale Ann Marie Olfioark
Wi lien David Daugherty Diane Marie Parr
Ruby Jane Elliott Robert Ligon Rodgers
Betty Myers Fischer Lois Selby
John Dallas Fischer Robert Grayson Self
Vay Rogers Fisher Victoria Shaver
George Francis Grmdy Margaret Ann Shaw
HEIGR HGSt“r Gum Henry Alan Steilberg
Virginio Sheldon ganly Charles Eugene Summers
Margaret Ann Holyfield Frank Finley Taylor III
Thames Andrew Humphrey Patricia Sue Watlington
Lydia Margaret Johnson Omer Edward Williams

Graduated "hith Distin~tion"
David ”ayne Adems Elizabeth Ann McIntosh
John Henry Beierle Adaline Allen Marshall
Gailen Wayne Bridges
James Alfred Burke
Charles Huston Campbell
Wayne Jackson Carroll
Harry Hardin Carter, Jr.
Mary Lou Cover Cranfill
William Ray Gaines
Thomas Allen Gover


Martha Jeen Hay

Ann Wilson Cakes

Wanda Ann Pace

Donald Gordon Paris

John Leonard Ragland
Charles Peter Rapier III
Patricia Joan :hrader
Sarah Elizabeth 9hvmate
Bobby Carol 9tephens
Anna Guynd Stiff

Gilbert Wayne Hepkins
Mildred Joanne Hopkins
John Clayton Justice Rosemary Tate
Margueritte Magill Lacy Nancy Carolyn Thompson
Kenneth Mitchell Litchfield Paul Adolohus Watson
Charles Homer Lowry A




Minutes of the UniVersity Faculty, May 26, 1955

Departmental Honors

Honors in Chemistry » Thomas A. Cover
Honors in English ~ Barbara Lake
Patricia Watlington
Honors in Geography ~ Dwight Carter
Honors in Journalism ~ Kenneth N. Litchfield
Honors in Library Science m Joan Violet Albeugh
Honors in Music _ Harry Hardin Carter
Lois Clark Dole
Honors in Political Science — Leslie White Norris
Robert M. Rodes
Victoria Shaver

Honors in Radio Arts n Bryant Forrest Thompson
Honors in Social Work - Janet Carter Wood
Honors in Zoology - Ruby Jane Elliott

Mildred Joanne Hopkins

Dean White presented for the College of Arts and Sciences three recom-

mendations. The first was for a new course, which was apnroved by the

1. That the following course be added:

PhysiCS 8. General physics for Students in Agriculture and Home
Economies. (4)
A general elementary course summarizing in one
semester the main features of a two semester course in
physicse Five hours a week; recitation and laboratory.
Prereq: College algebra; registration in the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics.

The other recommendations were as follows:

2. That the President of the University of Kentucky be rccuested
to lay before the Council on Public Higher Education, of which he
is a member, a :equest that the Dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences of the University of Kentucvy 0e appointed to the Advisory
Committee of the Council on Public Higher Education.

3. That a study of the operation of Section 5, page 1129, Common~
wealth of Kentucky Educational Bulletin, Vol. XIX, No, 11 \January 1952)
be made by a subcommittee of the idvisory Committee to the Council

on Public Higher Education, and that the President of the University

of Kentucky be asked to lay the request for this study before the
Council on Public Higher Education.

Dean White asked Tr. Cone, Chairman of the Arts 4nd Sciences Committee
which prepared these recommendations, to explain their purpose. Pr. Cone
revieWed the structure of the Council on Public Wign(r Tfiucation and
stated that his cemmittee felt that the Dean of their college should be
represented on the Advisory Committee, in View of the fact that students
propering for certification as teachers took a large nercen age of their
program in the College of Arts and Tciences. The section of the Bulletin
of the Department of Tducetion referred to in the second recommendation
reads as follows:





IL n ' . T1- _..': ._ “iv 1‘» "y. (‘:f‘
‘ Minutes or t1“ 8 Univ {:1 t3. :ucoity, he“, ,_o; 1:21.;
"5, Any person nrcsenting r L89 hing fire? any ct—iify U3 :e'cu
an additional Subject by eresetting 12 semester hour~ th;t
- ’I -. -~. 1. 1,. W1 1,, _:-,1_.
suhgect. flhe audition of 12 genettei JUuih UC the I ..... 1 V; “g
certificate to take Elite only in cases where the evali:hup her
‘ '. 1 - . . . r .— ' * H
fulfilled the requ13emeuts in henerel Odeutlclu ,
“3“ - A .7,‘ ’fi , 4
p - g} c» ‘7‘ v.10 b , 81.x ‘2‘ to it c 1 u uch

President Donovan statcd the’ he ard Dev
reque sts to the Council on Publi


ssociate Tee n Worlficher presented for the College


Economi1c: recommendations conce iniug dropled and added
appro ved 0y the Faculty.


Agronomy 1, Elementary Fern Crops; Agronomy 10? Soils; tad igronemyll,
Soils Laboratory.

Substitute the fOIIOWing:

. '\
Agronomy 5. W to Aggrggox’n'v.1~ (3,?
T 22583 and crot Troducticn.

The interrelation of coil, plant
Lecture, discussion and denouztrati



figronomy 6, Princi.les o ield Crop Production (3)
A course in scientific undernentals undrrl.yirg the nioductlcn of

21b ,




cereal, fiber, forage and t b(? 000 crons. Lecture, two hours;
0 'V

two hours. Trereo: Agr n. 5; Bot, l or annrovnl of tie instructors

Agronomy él, Soils (4)

A general study of s 1 properties and process 3 wit} emphssis

upon their influence on soil mane. gement. Lecture and fiiscussion,

three hours; lab, two hours. :rerrq: Aaron 5; or ap;roval of

the instructor; Prereg or concurrenl: Chemistry lb or 4h

Dean Dickey presented for the College of quceticn a1=ecom..ende.tiori .
concerning a new course and a change in 0011r se which was afiwroved by ti e

University Faculty,


New Course

General Orientation to the teaching profe o
is given to choosing the level or field of teacAing and de—

velo§ing plans for meeting certification renu rements. (1 semester

n; emphasis

n"! ”1-1

n~ .. ,
vnnnge of Title and fiumber or bourse With to
in Course Description

EducaoBE. INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION (2 sea star hours) to be Changed t6:


Topics include: the school in a democratic . e

tench r, the learner, the educative proceSs, legal fiétects

of education, and history of education. (2 semester hours).


Fl I


 Minutes of the University Faculty. May 26. 1955 1157

President Donovan reviewed the Commencement weekend activities and
urged that all members of the faculty be present at these functions.

The President spoke briefly to the Faculty of the problems of parking
at the University and outlined some of the groundwork which had been laid
in providing for adequate parking. He called on the faculty to help in this
major project which was under study by the Board of Trustees and the administra~

The Chairman introduced Mr. Don Whitehouse. 1955~56 President of the
Student Government Association, and welcomed him to the University Faculty

The President stated that Mrs. DonOVan and he would be away from the
University during the summer and that during his absence Vice President Chamber—
lain would act as President of the University and any item of business should
be taken up with Dr. Chamberlain.‘ He extended to the Faculty wishes for a
delightful summer.

The Faculty adjourned.

Maple Moores
Acting Secretary


The University Faculty met in special session at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday,
August 3, 1955 in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Vice President Chambera
lain presided° Members absent were Staley F. Adams. A. D. Albright. Merl Baker,
L. L. Boyarsky. A. J. Brown, Dana Card. John M. Carpenter. Anne Clemmons.

Frank Ge Coolsen. V. F. Corling, Jesse DeBoer, H. L. Donovan‘, C. Howard Eckel,
Frank Essene, Irving 8. Fisher, Lyman T. Ginger° H. W. Hargreaves, W. W. Haynes,
D. V. Hegeman, W. A. Heinz. Margaret Bell Humphreys‘, J. C. Humphries. A. D.
Kirwan‘, Homer C. Lewis, A. C. McFarlan, C. T. Maney. L. L. Martin‘, John H.
Melzer‘. J. w. Miles. Robert L. Mills‘, Vernon Musselman, EdWard Newbury. Niel
Plummer, H. B. Price, William S. Rehberg, H. H. Rogers, H. A. Ryland, Irwin To
Sanders, J. R. Schwendemen, Don Cash Seaton, W. A. Seay, Roy Sigafus, E. P.
Slone, E. M. Spokes. J. Reid Sterrett, Rhea A. Taylor‘. E. G. Trimble. William F.
Wagner, Frank J. Welch, Kenneth Wright, F. Le Yost‘. Earl Young.

The minutes of May 26. 1955 were read and approved.
Vice President Chamberlain pre