xt7ftt4frc87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ftt4frc87/data/mets.xml Bliss, P. P. (Philip Paul), 1838-1876 Sankey, Ira David, 1840-1908 McGranahan, James Stebbins, George C. (George Coles), 1846-1945 Biglow & Main 1883 1 close score (400 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2198 .G66 1883 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2198 .G66 1883 English J. Church Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox Collection Gospel music Hymns, English Revival hymns Gospel Hymns Consolidated: Embracing Volumes No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Without Duplicates, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services, 1883 text Gospel Hymns Consolidated: Embracing Volumes No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Without Duplicates, for Use in Gospel Meetings and Other Religious Services, 1883 1883 1883 2023 true xt7ftt4frc87 section xt7ftt4frc87  



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:. #7” Hus——




OC’ITHBER 1 and 2, 1884;).





Amung‘ {11v important tupics t0 In; vunsiderwl 211‘027

1. “Hmv In Study [119, BiMC.”


L. "The IIMIHH'UHH‘G Hf (‘11111'011 anhm'slxip.”

“A ssurnnce."


4. “The Hnly Spirit:9

0. "How to Cunduct l’myer Mevlings."

6. “TIMV tn I’l'UHlHH‘ Spirilmll Life in 1h<fi(‘1u11'ch.“

A meeting" fur 1mm ”1113' will 1w artltll'cswl by M1". Mumlx

Fridzn' evening.




At 1”. 2.33“ and 7 n'dnuk.

MR. MUHIJY will speak at; each session.

Hm. I)1:. A. J. (Mummy m” Hostnn.
lim'. '1‘. Hnmnas of Newtm] Centre and
REVS. H. 1531‘1’1‘1'8 and .I. M. LEUNAIHL uf Newtnn,

“"111 ”yen rupics fur general discussion.

MI:.;um1 Mus. I5. .\I. LAMB. the sweet gospel singers,

WiH 1w prwefini‘ HE «3:1(111 survive.

A huge vlmms uhuit'. 11ndw' the (lil'edinn nf MR. L. L.
(‘HASIL will load Hm singing. 1’1 mse bring Gospel Hymns

u: n nbhwd.


i’ersuns remaining ,i‘I‘Hm (me service In another slwnlil

pi'nvitlo themseh'cs with basket ilHH‘il. 111v church puiiurs

willb0n1wn i1)(IL‘L‘AHHHHHIQIIY‘ such.
I’el'suns not thus ]>1‘1=\'i(i(‘(i mm “Main n ilfli illllt‘l} at

[’axton's. corner Centre and Illinmmd Sil'H‘tS.

LEAVE IiHSTHN I'WII ,\'l£\\”l,‘<>i\': 11.05. A. XL. 12.0”. .\1.,1.:1H. 25.".

4.26,5.05,55H>.5n35.i11ttii;lh TALl P.\L

LEA \' 1') NF,“ VI“ >\ W Vi; {:4 WU!" *\ '

113& L31 :1: 131 4M1.LJH.JIA.
7.13. MU. r. u.

LISA V I“. NIC\\"I‘( )5 H ’1! \ E-‘,'\\"|‘( l3 \' I Lilli \ .\' l> \\ HST:

12.21. 1.5m. 2.1m. 3.2m. 4.42. 3.213%.
7.21,8.'_’1.‘.L'_’2,1H.21.11.f1'_’ 1-. n.






No. 1, 2, 3 AND 4,







Biglow & Main, John Church & Co.
76 East Ninth Street, New York, 66 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati,

81 Randolph Street, Chicago. 5 Union Square, New York.

May be ordered of Booksellers and Music Dealers.










THIS collection embraces in one volume all the
hymns and tunes, as used by D. L. MOODY, and others,
found in “Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs,” (vol. 1,)
“Gospel Hymns No. 2,” compiled by P. P. BLISS and
IRA D. SANKEY, “Gospel Hymns No. 3,” and “Gospel


The hymns from No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, have
been 7/e7zzzmée7/m’ in consecutive order; all duplicates


We are sure that “Gospel Hymns Consolidated,”
will prove acceptable and helpful to all who desire a

large collection of favorite Gospel Songs.





No. 1.

Rev. WM. KETIIE, 1561.

am imam. g1. git.

“Come before His presence with singing."—P5A. 100: 2.
G. FRANC, 1545.



9 ,
111:) i l l n H
m“ _ _/‘ ___:*jnl_.




1 J T [—


1. All pee-pie that on earth do dWell,



Sing to the Lord With cheerful voice;



HIL—tLr—:i K—«l



gglgl; 1

«Eff li-G



2 Know that the Lord is God indeed;
Without our aid He did us make :
We are His flock, He doth us feed.
And for His sheep He doth us take.

3 0 enter then His gates With praise,
Approach with joy His courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless His name always,
For it is seemly so to do.


“TL; 44 in m
li'l l
:jZH 3:6—

l Him serve With mllth His p1a1se forth tell, Come ye be-fore Him and re - joice.


4 For why? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is for ever sure ;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Bp. Tues. KEN. 1697.





No.2. gamma, ’tifi £01121 (11.11.2435)

“P L or God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. ”—-JOHN 3:16.

P. P. Buss. P. P. Base, by per.





1. Tie e prom- -ise of God, full sal - va - tion to give
2. Tho’ the path- way be lone ~ 1y, and dan — ger - ous 2:),






I? - to him who on Je - sus, his Son, will be - lieve.


























Sure - 1y Je - sus is a - ble to car - ry me through.
~ ——0— , —p o o——.: - l a .‘ _L'-TH' '
—v— —~v— ———D—'—- I—v —o——b—L—:—b#fl
L4 1 L L z 1 1 E L 1_L
'v v | 1 . 1 1 .
_._4\ K A 1 K
.4 A i— . _N
E—a—e—a—ta—a—a—ba—wi—zflo ::::d: 3—:T. —"g
Hal - le - lu- jah, tis done! I be- lieve on the Slon; I am
1‘ l .. ' .
__ ___1_- n n n a "' d 1" ' 7" 4" I: ‘F‘ — 1' "'
'—4—- 5 g;- .- 1-{4‘ Lffl? ? W I
,1, 9 {‘F 4‘. EL 3 ‘2 LS—V'lL—e—v—T—e ""4—
: n é {I 18$ l 2nd




saved by the blood of the cru- ci-fied One; cru- ci-fied One.









p p o '9 1 3- fl- 4-
j—g _; ' 1 1 1 o n r: m' y l '0 ,-
Z" .' 4 ,9 ' ‘. 4% J! 1| '= ‘= = D ,2, .
i : l 1 ‘ l L l fl .1 l 1 l ,1_.
V V l f I— T 1 1 l -—r . l T

3 Many loved ones have I in you heavenly throng,
They are safe now in glory, and this is their song:
Hallelujah, tis done! etc.

4 Little children I see standing close by their King,
And He smiles as their song of salvation they sing
Hallelujah, ’tis done! etc.

5 There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold
And they sing as they march through the streets of pure gold:
Hallelujah, ’tis done! etc.

8 There’s a part in that chorus for you and for me,
And the theme of our praises forever will be.
Hallelujah, ’tis done. ‘ etc.



No.3. £3] %mi “@1122 63112133 wwc. (m. 2-114.)

"' Without Me ye can do nothing.” JOHN 15: 5.






Mrs. ANNIE S. HAWKS. ~ Rev. ROBERT Lownr, by per.
Ari K L I 4—. T \T‘ K
6-4‘5‘IL‘ 4? "‘1er I'

+— <—--‘—; 1L“ «1 y - = L' T a~++—
_ I . J 4‘: ' 4 ,9 .__'_ ,‘_;_.__'._.
4- ' + 1- 6- + l









l9; 3% 7#fi_x.p.__v_ iii—AT QT I"T';EE:§:T§:3TJ_g—4:fi
L 7 x



- v _ h
__.D_ #— _J._.11._ = j '
§:':iT:—;I" dT‘ fik7_i :





Thine Can peace af - ford. I need Thee, oh ! Ineed Thee; Ev - ery hour I


N + o- , t o— o- 79- o-
! q!- * < +— o- 4— --—- 4' o- +— #-























"Ma—FT 4 H a I . 1
kl V J' - I 1T v fiTgiflT p ‘1
I v [I 9 Fri ' [Er Ty T
1 t l
1 1T , | K n T: l L I
,?i 1 ‘ I 1 A T? i E l TL V g 7‘ I g 4
T‘i—fi a . a, J J' T 0’ 5 x . 0'. a
_ r- Li I t fig .. : L-
o—-—a—— ——o #— a——o a .——1——
4- 6-
need Thee; O bless me now, my Sav-iour! I come to Thee.
#- 4- ,
- 1 . I 1 f 1 ’ 9 F T- 1? F 5 I!" o F7 1
9; ! . T . T. I. I IL I I ['0 r T'Tl
T5“? , r r ' II n r L 4 17 I]
____[Z n = l g 4. ;.T L? , L If 11 | 0 Tu
I l I l V V V 1 V ‘ l

Stay Thou near by : Teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises

In me fulfil. Ref.

Temptations lose their power
When Thou art nigh. Ref

5 1 need Thee every hour,
Most Holy One;
0h. make me Thine indeed,
Thou blessed Son. Ref.

3 I need Thee every hour,
In joy or pain ;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain. Ref.

2 I need Thee every hour ; \ 4 I need Thee every hour;



No.4. fiat» in the batma- of 3125115.

“Underneath are the everlasting arms.”—-DEUT. 33: 27.























.f‘ x . I 5 ‘
*}#4 fi‘ 5 e J ;,L: 3 —4L§——jst _
§$2£E;::§:—1::__.$r4’ 'o—%«——4a—wwiv—4Le2n
,__'_ 1P ' I l
1. Safe in the arms of J e - sus, Safe on His gen - tle breast,
CHo.— Safe in the arms of Je - hsus, Safe on His gen - tle breast,
. r
_p_ + 1. . Z a. .9. . ' .p. .p. .2.
412i—P 9 3 . Eh L1 9—P—th: .
l f _
f N L .J‘ \ L
fi‘é‘f—H \ ‘Zi—F‘L' 1 J 1 r r " Ni 1 . a
' __ - Fi‘é l ' - i 1 ,
::!#—-!:::fiti:——i— 2- a;:%.. 3 2 a ‘7fi7'téiifil
d 0‘ . a p I [ '1 V - v a a? a -

There by His love o’er-shad - ed, Sweet-1y my soul shall rest.
There by His love o’er-shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shcfl rest.














v 1
It :- -j ' ‘3 L% a Fig 1'- 1.- " 5+IQ'1_:H
I §_.___.._ ’1‘: 4" I‘ ‘ 1L1 in t L; 9 [LLL l. n
a 7‘ 7‘ i s PW‘T‘ L z . e Lo—u"
| l V V ' l
L A J 4N L
3‘ \m i F4 #i '1 . ' l g
@ .——— '—.-¢ —y'—- r— *—-+r¢— #—
_:____g_, ._'_—, / 5 ' 7 . _H_+ raj—.—

Hark! ’tis the-voice of an - gels, Borne in a song to me,
' .4‘
if 3.. ¢. .49. 49. fl. n E t .0. +§:J t
—r+—$ bw—9%+—%%—%+—%_P-—4i

__i I Am

V l j l





D. C. Chorus.

0 - ver the fields of glo - ry, O - ver the jas - per sex.

4-:— a;


‘2 Safe in the arms of J esus. 3 Jesus, my heart’s dear refuge,

Safe from corroding care, Jesus has died for me;

Safe from the world’s temptations, Firm on the Rock of Ages
Sin cannot harm me there. Ever my trust shall be.

Free from the blight of sorrow, Here let me wait with patience,
Free from my doubts and fears ; Wait till the night is o’er;

Only a few more trials, l Wait till.I see the morning
Only a few more tears !— Cho. Break on the golden shore.-~-- Cho.



No.5. We Elam will granitic.

‘Casting all your care upon Him, for He oareth for you.”—1 PETER, 5: 7.











Mrs. M. A. W. Coon. PHILIP PHILLIPS, by per.
. 1 I . ' L l I J
I , . I W I J T J v I ' .
I I 4W ; I | r 1 T - I r—Zifidn. " ""“
fl 1 d ‘_1 a, a d V II a ,3 L a I I L
if”; 41—" I t a g I a a I 1 I f c l
+ 4- v-

1. ln some way or 0th — er the Lord will pro — vide : It may not be
2. At some time or 0th - er the Lord will pro - wad: : It may not be

__‘+-o-4-o-o-+g++—- ,
"'l‘L—jlil‘m‘- 'm II—‘L—b

. I 1: . I: II ! .
flea—j. rfiI—ICH I ILqL J—ILtg—‘r—é
l :










my way, It may not be thy way; And yet, in His own way, “The
my time, It may not be thy time; And yet, in His own time,‘-The

,' ~0- 4— , 4- o—_ o— , _ 9 _ 4-!-
9" ——;——p—}——L;—~ L—j——5 4—L—+——F—~p———a—5—Ev—5
‘VW ': I I‘ IL f I 1 ’ L—t: ‘

I 4




CHORUS. l j 1

IE. 2 I I w L—‘fiewi— 5:45;]
@:L__L_::l:x_fl _LIL,__,'__,_LZ* .:;::1__
Lord will pro- vide.” Thennve ll trust in the Lo1d, And He mill pro-

Lord will pro — vide.”
a— o— 9- 4'— l- #-














|32.—~ —+— +4? 41; i I- P err l——'-—FF——I—+—'I
. *7; ,- ; Fifi. v MFR—4— —I;—I——4—+ F—f—H





vide; Yes, we’ll trust in the Lord, And He will pro - Vido.






~6- 4-4- m 4-4-

3 Despond then no longer: the Lord Will provide,
And this be the token—
No word He hath spoken
Was ever yet broken:
“ The Lord will provide.”

4 March on then right boldly; the sea shall divide;
The pathway made gloriouS,
With shoutings victorious,
We’ll join in the chorus.
“The Lord will provide.”




No.6. We may and @112. ((1112-61)

“ Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.”—LUKE 15: 6.



v v V
There were ninety and nine that safe-1y lay In the shel- ter of the
2. “Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine; Are they not e - nough for

A . Ao-o-A:





v V V V
fold, But one was out on the hills away, Far off fiom the gates of
Thee? ” But the Shepherd made answer: “ ’Tis of mine Has wandered away from



° ’-











éw i’i_;fi—T "—1_‘N_— ‘N-‘N ft ”ti—tibi"rr.—i———il +—1\-:]‘
fl:_;:§:1 ' FT 1 1 F: ' h o o '
ga-i_ _ _. _'_L.L _ ‘_Q_

”at: V: 0 ii a $0—H~—l—l——i———d——‘
gold— A... way 011 the mountains wild and ba1e, Away from the tender
me And although the load be rough and steep I go to the desert to

4- 4- 4- -D- o— -o- o— o-




. —! u—fi—r*f-::O_
_.—‘ —ba—b —
:E r W Tue—es Eb} We







Shepherds care, A - way from the ten - der Shepherd’s care.
find my sheep, I go to the desert to find my sheep.”

o— -F— ~0- m




But none of the ransomed ever knew Ere the Shepherd could bring him back ”
How deep were the waters CIOSsed; “ Lord, whence are Thy hands so rent and
Nor how dark was the night that the Lord torn. ‘9 ”
passed through “They are pierced to-night by many a
Ere He found His sheep that was lost. thorn.”
Out 1n the deseit He heard its cry— . 5‘
310k and helpless, and r Bad)? to (116- But all thro the mountains, thunder-riven,

. And up f1 om the rocky steep,
“Lord, whence are those blood-drops all There rose a cry to the gate of heaven,
the way “Rejoice! I have found my sheep! ”
That mark out the mountain’s track?” And the angels echoed around the throne,
“They were shed for one who had gone “Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His
astray own!”



 .:. 4-- “Mm“..uwav v Sink 44*.ng “


No.7. 2w» ($112111 %m £3 and $15.

“The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come toZion with songs and everlasting
joy rpon their heads.”—ISAIAH 30: 10.














ff_rk_r, fins] if“. abPlK P, L
523: ,x‘ ‘ri 7" 1 a9?! .1 afaj". in,“ .‘wlL—P—l
fiH—r 'j—E'T' -, .= r L- 2 n". F, If: 5—:
II; "'1' 4 . c v v v v—' \r
1. We shall meet be - yond the riv - er, By and by, by and by ;
2. We shall strike the harps of glo - ry, By and by. by and by ;
.N V" K
‘TT—TTP’ FH—Fr'fi—‘J' 73s"J—'T'-‘Tirf-_fi
gel—be - r' . l h‘ P—& H: Te— '
_9’ t - I: l p L: ; l Tiff—13E
u u l V V u .






b— ___k 4;. jfi#% I ,L 4‘ I0 1 W 1 J 1
M’ gr I ' "f L 4 ti " ‘7" ‘_ 2;]
——a——4— l—fi—Cfld— o—J—v—o—L—a——o——a— 6“—


And the darkness shall be 0 - ver, By and by, by and by;
XVe shall sing redemption’s sto - ry, By and by, by and by;


















With the toil - some journey done, And the glorious bat - tle won,
And the strains for ev - er-more Shall re — sound in sweetness o’er









—— ——————o

a? W ‘ '*'::;—Z 5 n no *- i 1 I—'fl

ELM 2 .IAALV—Le ,1 12 J 9 LS“: +



V U 4- 4- \y

We shall shine forth as the sun, By and by, by and by.

Yon-der ev - er -last-ing shore, By and b . by and by.



We shall see and be like Jesus, 4 There our tears shall all cease flowing,
By and by, by and by; By and by. by and by;

Who a crown of life Will give us, And with sweetest rapture knowing,
BV and by, by and by; By and by, by and by;

And the angels who fulfil All the blest ones, who have gone

All the mandates of His Will To the land of life and song,—

Shall attend. and love us still, We with shoutings shall rejoin,
By and by, by and by. By and by, by and by.





No.8. 51251123 of imam}; $115521}; £15.

“He heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth.”—MARK 10: 47. (G. H- 2‘1 15-)

m h




1. \Vhat means this ea - ger, anxious throng, Which moves with busy haste along—-
2. Who is this Jo - sus 2 Why should He The cit - y move so might-i - 1y?




#— -o- 1—4!-


T11ese wondrous gatherings day bV dav? What means this strange commotion pray?
A pass - ing stranger, has He 5 {111 To move the 111111- ti - rude at W111?







o— o-






In accents hush’d the throng,r rc—p1y: “ Je - sus of Naz - a—roth passoth by.”
A - gain the stir- ringr notes l'e—ply: “Je - sus of Naz - a— reth passeth by.”




.1. h







In accents hush’d the throng reply : “ Je — sus of Naz-a- reth passeth by.”
A - gain the stir ring notes re- ply: “ Je — sus of Naz-a-reth passeth by.”

4- 1‘ 9+ #— ~0-




$125115 of itazarethficuuauaea.


8 Jesus! ’tis He Who once below 5 Ho! all ye heavy—laden come!
Man’s pathway trod, ’inid pain and woe ; Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and ham:
And burdened ones, Where’er He came, Ye wanderers from a Father‘s face,
Brought out their sick,and deaf, andlame Return, accept His protfered grace.
The blind rejoiced to hear the cry : Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigh .
“ Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.” “ Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.”

4 Again He comes ! From place to place 6 But if you still this call refuse,
His holy footprints we can trace. And all His wondrous love abuse,
He pauseth at our threshold—nay, Soon will He sadly from you turn,
He enters—condescends to stay. Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn.
Shall we not gladly raise the cry-—— “Too late! too late !" Will be the cry—
“Jesus of Nazareth passeth by ?” “Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.”


No. 9. Qfialling flaw.

“ To—day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.“——HEB. 3 : 15.
P P. BLISS. P. P. BLISS, by per.

iégfiflfi'zir‘f Fifi—Fifi: —6 7‘43}???



















1. This lov- ing Sav- iour Stands pa tient— 1y; Tho 0ft re — ject- ed

2. Oh boundless mer- cy, Free, tree to all! Stay, child 0t er - ror

3. Tho’ all un- wor- thy, Come, now, come homev—Sayflvhile he’ swaiting,
~9- ' 79- 19 . , -6-'-19- + #'#.-12'-19-

. . F4‘.r—t+.r"—1f 1 1_‘( .11 0 ‘_L*—“*—. .—
9,ffi—?g“i—f9-‘.—[‘V9—i—é’.j 1 1 l (I [(11) 1% 0—”{"
‘EA 1 L 1 11_ L L/j-o n L 11 1 1 1'“—r

VTF 1 1 1 Ll 1 L; - 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1
l' 1 I
n P l J l l L l 1 1 l l . l
T. 1 1 1 1 l 1 j : 1 n fr 4 J 1 1 1 , _
hi 1 1 1 15.163 cw. ATa'. «12 10_
Lg_.‘_ __ -9: l L ‘1 ' ‘ ‘11 _:#,_i Q‘UAL-
64—0 4 0—7—99 L 0 ‘ ’1 LLO ‘ V ,
i V
Calls a- gain for thee. Calling now for thee, prodizral, C 111i ncr no N for
Heed the ten- der call. Calling etc.
“J e — sus, dear, I come.” Calling, etc. £4
4— o- 39- + 4—- ~0-





‘9- 1
thee; Thou hast wandered far away, But He’s calling now for thee.

4- *-






 ;.-...v .-..1.. .


«.1... '_‘a‘- ~ ‘

No. 10. “ 331110502va aw .’

“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."——Rn'v. 2‘2: 1'7.

P. P. Buss. P. P. BLISS, by per.

3 \
M4”:*:“A:fi_j‘__ _ . ‘ m—Tfif
e..- n+1- 2%.. ,

1. ‘5 Who-s0 - ev - er heareth,” shout, shout the sound! Send the blessed tidings

2. Who-s0 - eV - er com—eth, need not de Jay, Now the door is 0 — pen,

3. “Who-so - ev — er Will,”the promise secure ; “ Whoso — ev-er will,” for
1. - .1. 1. 1 . 4!- .2. 4c. ,0. p.


















fi—‘fi::t:1:£::—*—Fl:p_::-J 1+ 1 . : g E 1
, fi+ -+D+—D‘:D—D——I————D VJ—(++ D+ '44IA—Dv—fi
A, ‘4‘""—P r . I Lfi ‘V V .1 a. V '—T“
—_ W—‘V—Wfl—V I 1 W .
4" L N L I K K 4‘ K 41—.
e“ _ __n _" Q 7‘ . 4 I I ‘ s - P
:$_fi§_ fi— \ d‘ 1 4L- - 4" " 1 4' __‘_
1 no 1 1 [a -_: a 1 L'_-_ -_ 7
a o . V r a y 4 . 0 0— d
——a .— +a+—y+—.flfi‘ , 1
4- 1+- 4- -64- P

2111 the world around; Spread the joy-ful news Wher- eV- er man is found:
en- ter Whileyoumm; Je— sus is the true the on— 1y Liv- ing Way:
eV-- er must en- dure , “ Who- so- ev - er “in, ” tis life for e- vermore:
:- 1. :— h 4t 2.
9i —§—-—O—' +D—D—D—-a—jr— . ‘ 9 —|—l—ig— *4
#:M:_'1—  }—+p+ +3+ D++D , —D:b( :LfT—vé—e













”#1:; i " w .1
gm: i“vg:Jd:F%W :[i . 111:5: . l: Wj
‘J—j—i—v—Ad -r.-* fiffli _, -:—Wv—v—-r
“VV 110- so- eV—er will, may come ”“VVho 50- ev- er will, who— 50- ev- er W111 ”
—#——d ——a": .—a§_g:aLJ—J— #' 4— h—ag—o—a—a—tg— 44—45—46—3



91%;: 21+ ~e+L2+w++H—3+g:g—a—:I

t V V V I








Send the proc-la-ma—tion 0— ver vale and hill; ’Tis a. lov-ing

1—:— 4!—











. m

3 4 #1 i ’f j“ \ 3 N i! 4i I i 1]

[I 1 L ~ \‘ .

Q ,4 J 1) m .-“ 1 fli—ufi ‘ a. 1 1 Lake?!

-—§:—fig‘:—LJ ~—a+1£»+ 1- = ‘ La 1.
a a . if 4 4 L '
""" / V 4 ' ' '


Fa. - ther calls the wand‘rer home: ‘VV Vho— so - ev- er Will, may come.’




7“ + fl- 1‘, h h
u‘n‘u ‘ ,’ 1 5*? 3 5 4 .2 {1‘ —'—"_—'—-'—-_':Efl
'3 ~v = “ g g z. . n 12‘ 12—12



v ] LF_—_Ll






No. 11.

_ _,1,.v.“.-1-.111M ~ .1 - .. .14. .,

3 gm 31113121111 for Wu. (G.H.2_52.)

“Evening, and moi lung, and at noon, will I pray. "—PsA 55: 17.

IRA D. SANKEY by per.






25-11” #:’_-»9



w e—v

1. I have a Saviour, He’s pleading 1n glo- ry, A dear, loving Saviour tho’


















1 l l I #- 41-!-
e— 4:?
_1 1 1 J i
LY— fin 1L 1*]
J .
__...J_._._ fi...# fi‘: 1 1 1.1 J
"i u 11, i #14
, {Edw’ 1
g71fitg -o--o- vat-91'


earth- friends. be 1';er And now He is

watching in ten- derness oer me, And






i: ifl :5




44L 9 : La .- 1
:F'it‘i #719 1-3









oh that my Saviour were y our Saviour too!

gag: :efi

For you I am praying, For









o— 4- -€- #-
g Jfl 7—;1:£7::E
J4.L:E____r_ —__._
I I l ‘ I
gde‘hahfi—P _
:€:::;% ,_
you I am praymg, For you I am praying









I have a Father: to me He has given
A hope for eternity blessed and true ,
And soon will He call me to meet Him in
But oh that He’d let me bring you with
me too!


I have a robe: ’tis resplendent in whiteness,
Awaiting in gloi y 1ny wondering View;
Oh, when I leeeive it all shining in bright-

Dear f11e11d could I see you receiving
One too!

I have a peace. it is calm as a riv er—
A peace that the friends of this world
nev er knew ,
My Sav1our alone is its Author and Giver,
And oh could I know it was given to you!

When Jesus has found you, tell others the‘
story, [toon
That my loving Saviour is your Saviour
Then pray that your Saviour may bring
them to glory,
And prayer will be answered——’twas Im-
swered for you!




 was”; r

“2* wwrré‘m'é‘urwuflw‘fi


nuW-hx‘fit .

"’-"'-.‘-.*"'.c c”? r

f ..u,:_.v¢...m.wfi..m.

No. 12. when: gm the me?

Read LUKE 17: 12-19.



P. P. Buss. P. P. Buss, by per
(1 MOdemw y. I I 1“ ‘N 5 r1“ h J ‘1
L E3 I“ ‘ ‘ j‘ g r 1“ 4 A



D L f1 I n 1 1 : a;
W 1D‘i—HHr—a—EH—i’ifiri'FHg—‘E
V IV I v- -0- 4 '
1. Wand’ringa — 1111' from the dwellings of men, Hear the sad cry of the
2. Loud-1y the stranger sang praiseto the Lord, Knowing the cure had been
+' 4- 4— o- o— o-

l ;:%.$_lj— 3+.—.—.—+r——t—I-_}.—i+-—m4 1.4—7.3
r s , . El





























498+:5—v—tw—V-m= .- I 1w 5 e1
P 'V V
t‘ L H K K I
“T. ,. ,1 \I TIL " in!“ L I‘ '"—IE.:1
' e a 4»
@1221 .41: iL: 5—t —a—ajr1—+—r—l—¢<fi
lep - ers—the ten; “Je - sus, have mer- cy!” brings healing di - vine ,
wrought by His word, Grateful -1y own-ing the Heal-er Di - vine;
‘- o
+ o— + 4- ' +— £- 4- o— .4 _ ,
9:—+ ‘%——l—v’i -*'*‘—I'.—'—'—i:'—"~’——F 7 '11 r
94' ;‘ 3% 117' vwfilv m" L?—'1—-' .-‘
n J‘ K h i I" b h J
V. f x “I n s r I I. 1 I I 1 n 1 I 1
9‘4; ‘__::‘E yenbLnj‘ n ‘1—Igzq QLL-J
g—d—fi. F—a—d—tG—i—FH—H—“vwd—i: -:i
4'- 4 4- 4 + 4’
i One came to wor-ship, but whereare the nine? Where are the nine?
Je - sus says ten- der- 1y, “Where are the nine?"
. f- o— +. _ , '_ ,
gi—ver-aH—r-«H—vq—qea— —I—i-—Iv—v'—':FF:1
F. V . Van 1 (LE 1*. VijJ
I V V V V 1y V V [—7 V V L! J
’5 Fit








"' - "‘ . 4- °
Where are the nine? Were there not ten cleansed?Where are the nine?
4- ' o— ' o— ' 4- m





‘v 5
3 “Who is this Nazarene? ” Pharisees say;
“Is He the Christ ? tell us plainly, we pray.”
Multitudes follow Him seeking a sign,
Show them His mighty works—Where are the nine ‘l—wa.

4 Jesus on trial to-day we can see,
Thousands deridingly ask, “ Who is He? ”
How they’re rejecting Him, your Lord and mine!
Bring in the witnesses—Where are the nine?—0ho.

14 .,


 No.13. Wat will In: $211an fur £2.

“We know that, when He shall a. pear we shall be like Him; for we shall
see Him as e is."-—l JOHN 3: 2.










\ J‘ n In-_
’6” L 1‘ . I ‘ 4' 1 1 1 \ k—i
V 1‘ ' J3 r", “ ' a j a ,7} fl ' 1‘ 4,7
fi:::l:i~ :, hi i_1 ‘ Q E '_1 o‘ 1
g. V' I ' U C

.I know not the hour when my Lord will come T
.I know not the song that the an - gels sing, I
.I know not the form of my man - sion fair, I



take me a— —way to His own dear home; But I know His presence will
know not the sound of the harps ’glad ring; But I know there 11 be mention of
know not the name that I then shall bear; But I know that my Sav- lour will







1 K I} ah I 4K K K l‘ #4 l l

flitf—f? 1 11%? i 41 TFWTfl
“(SB , : ' ' ' L-!—-————'-————' ' a g—‘Ld—ro—J


light- en the gloom, And that will be glo - ry for me.
Je - sds our King, And that will be mu - sic for me.
wel- come me there, And that will be heav-en for me.


























'4242ss“ —4L"4‘1"\, ”a
‘ 3EI,__,__,__- d = I; ‘l—a—-a a a _ el t4—\T~-Tl
— ‘ ' 1,; ‘ 5:]
JE—g‘i —,‘——o—'—lo~: ——;——~;-J~fia—o——a—o—a—;~i '—' '—1--
V v l Vi
And that will be glory for me, ...... Oh, that will be glo-ry for me. .
! And that will be music for me, ...... Oh, that will be music for me .....
And that will be heaven for me. ...... Oh, that will be heaven for me .....
931;??? “_ ‘11:;_:—L"1;:1‘ loll '12:;1':
’1 ' 311.211 11 111tl—34V4—11‘1lvm
Yes, that will be glory, oh, that will be glory for me.
Yes, that will be musm, oh. that will be music for me.
Yes, that will be heaven, oh, that will be heaven for me.
p \ b s ‘7 h N s s
.f- Alfi_1‘/ L ET A a 3 A: RILi_‘_n'_t¥‘: ._ ‘.._g.___—_dN Ni: ’
f fi9—fiH-‘b7—j— —T—‘—t= 1 1 - - 1 J ‘


iii—Jai'lsfi’ ._:_'_'5'_r' { I v j 1' U U C I

But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom And that will be glory for me.
But I know there 11 be mention 0: Jesus our King, And that will be music for me.
But I know that my Saviour will welcome me there, And that will be heaven for me.









m A
,m53r111 l_%ie!%JYIZTMl"



 ”WVm- A

want. t arr. .-:.v~

«a urn-2* '

vumflrw-ux x- r.

.u mum. r .r 1,,

mm myrmmwwmw "gum . ,wmmofiatw- .z‘ :‘ .» '\

we .IW‘ Human-‘2 A

"Mama—m. v '»



No.14. flow the gum. (m. 2-130.)

“ That which ye have, hold fast till I come.”—REV. 2: 25.
P P Buss. P. P. Buss, by per.

N t _ t, _
g%~;——>« -*———k+"‘ —;:t—*NT,"__:—-fi
"4- ' :i—fli- —'—c——'il:F’—0-‘i—'
V ~0-
1. Ho! my comrades, see the sig- nal Wav-ing in the sky!

.L-.fl.1_ LL-LL ,





:—,—r- t—o——o——r——ra———r——o—[—o————
- 4—7—44 flea—4%

V._,l J


‘) ‘
%— "—3—;





. 6-
Re ~ in-force-ments now ap - pear -ing, Vic - to - ry is nigh!




n #5 \ b N

atfia—a—f—e—er “+Ha—«+H+~+—~—,a1% E l
,, ‘ _




‘i—‘ii ”—‘I—d—T—lfz ' "—‘


“Hold the fort, for I am com-ing,” Je - sus sig - nals still,






_-#—“"— 4'11 Fin.- 3! in nrr. J
9: 4ggae—q—v— gem—«flawed
I. I i m ,. pr ' ' Vi .1
a z w v V V v v



Wave the an - swer back to Hea-ven,—“By Thy grace we will.”




2 See the mighty host advancing, In our Leader’s name we’ll triumph
Satan leading 011; Over every foe.——-Cho.

Mighty men around us falling,

Courage almost gone—Che.

4 Fierce and long,r the battle rages,
But our Help is near :

3 See the glorious banner waving, Onward comes our Great Commander,
Hear the bugle blow. Cheer, my comrades, cheer I—Oho



V7,._M‘.__h..,...w .i

No.15. film fiat: @390: fax gm.

“The gates of it shall not be shut at all by day; for there shall be
no night there ”—REV.9 2;).

MRS. Lrnu Burma. From “Hallowed Songs, 'by ”1',


J5 1 rt

" PM I J I' 11" L fix I i‘r l
E‘ A J 41—11:. ’i ; 41%.. =17 l M
\ w L: 4 = L“ 7
Lie—- . . -1—0—4—'—o——d~——< or:












1 There is gate that stands a - Jar And throucrh its portals gleamm
o— o- o— o— 4- o— o- 4- 4- 1 L
r 1 n I s L- r. L 3 Fl L p o r: - a I
l ' i b I ' v I 7 r7 I l n u ; I
8 p ‘ F :fi 3 .r l 1 h '1 ‘0 l , , '7- l [V r 1
,, r z u l I v ' z u t l g ' ' _l
P V I ' l P F V .

A radiance from the Cross a - far, The Saviour’s love re 7 veal - ing.








.- g- g- o- 4- t o- o— o- [

’ l r F v _ [1 l I I D ' 1

‘7 H 5‘ t I” 1“. h h , L5. " 1" j

'7) l ’17 u f r l L; '1 ' __ l
l V I? H I w



v ' v
For me,.... for me?.... Was left a-Jar for me?





or me, for me?

9 That gate ajar stands free for all 3 Press onward then, though foes may
Who seek through it salvation; While mercy’s gate is open; [frown
The rich and poor, the great and small, Accept the cross, and Win the crown,
Of every tribe and nation. Ref. Love’s everlasting token. Ref.

4 Beyond the river’s brink we’ll lay
The cross that here is given,
And bear the crown of life away,
And love Him more in heaven. Raf

‘3 1'7



‘0‘”; .r . M



69MB £013 $11. (an 2—116.)

“Justified by His grace, through the redemption that is in
Christ J esus.”—ROMANS 3 : 24.
P. P. Buss, by pa:










h ;

h 4 f 1 I \ . > A . . l
p H o 1 ,f 1 4‘ H NIL » I N y. m

a—- ' a—T—a—,—‘—‘ 5—7— - 7— ' " 1
——o——— —; —a—r.——a —o—c—l:¢—;—-——:::—i—':Ea—~:EI
1. Free from the law, oh, hap - py con - di - tion, J e — 8118 hath

. '4 ' I o

- | u o I 1 T 1 ~ L ' g o I ‘ r' r. I. '1‘}
L g 1'41? P i ' ‘ P ' i C' P L ‘ ' i T 3

. 9%71 :1 1 .7 v ‘# '9 2—E'_ _._ ' 1' I

f I H V V

bled, and there is re - mis - sion; Curs’d by the law and bruised by the
o- - go-










ceive it. Once for all, oh, brother, be - lieve it; Cling to the
+ o + I N


‘ C
‘ v l‘i

Cross, the bur - den will fall, Christ hath redeemed us once for all.
A +










7,..‘M‘...w»mnmm w - , g” ‘ . .7... , c

0911132 for alt—emanate

2 Now are we free—there’s no condemnation,
Jesus provides a perfect salvation ;
“Come unto file,” oh, hear His sweet call.
Come, and He saves us once for all.—— 0110.

3 “ Children of God,” oh, glorious calling,
Surely His grace will keep us from falling;
Passing from-death to life at His call,
Blessed salvation once for all—(Mo.


No.17. finntking, finntkiug, m1: 725 @wang 2-27

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if any man hear My voice and open the
door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me.”-—REV. 3: 20.

Mrs. H. B. STOWE, arr. GEO, F. ROOT, by per.
With feeling.


1. Knocking, knocking, who is there? Whiting, waiting, oh, how fuir!







’Tis a Pil-grim, strange and kingly, Nev-er such was seen be - fore.



Ah! my soul, for such a. won-der, Wilt thou not un - do the door.





y y l I
2 Knocking, knocking, still He’s there, 3 Knocking, knocking-«what still there?
Waiting, waiting, wondrous fair; “’aiting, waiting, grand and fair;
But the door is hard to open, Yes, the pierced hand still knocketh,
For the weeds and ivy-vine, And beneath the crownéd hair
With their dark and clinging tendrils, Beam the patient eyes, so tender,
Ever round the hinges twine. Of thy Saviour. waiting there.




;. "1"

.‘.,r'. -. wvgszr.” 1‘:



No.18. firms the gruelling. (3 3-121.)

“ Go out into the highway s and hedges and compel them to come in, that
my house may be filled —LUKE 14:23.