xt7fxp6txr95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6txr95/data/mets.xml Baptists. Kentucky. General Association. 1888  books b96-4-34068300 English J.P. Morton, : Louisville : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Baptists Kentucky.Pendleton, James M. Condition of the Baptist cause in Kentucky in 1837. Spencer, John H. Fifty years of Baptist progress in Kentucky. Pratt, Wm. M. Early Baptist churches of Kentucky. Sears, A. D. Baptists of Kentucky and benevolence. Dowden, D. Baptists of Kentucky and missions. Burrows, J. L. (John Lansing), 1814-1893. Recollections of the first General Association in Kentucky. Dudley, R. M. (Richard M.), b. 1838. Education among the Baptists of Kentucky. Felix, W. H. Present needs of the Baptists of Kentucky. Bell, Thos. C. Lessons of the figures. Lorimer, Geo. C. Baptists of the twentieth century. Memorial volume containing the papers and addresses that were delivered at the jubilee of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky  : held in honor of the semi-centennial anniversary of the body, at Walnut-Street Baptist Church, Louisville, October 20-22, 1887. text Memorial volume containing the papers and addresses that were delivered at the jubilee of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky  : held in honor of the semi-centennial anniversary of the body, at Walnut-Street Baptist Church, Louisville, October 20-22, 1887. 1888 2002 true xt7fxp6txr95 section xt7fxp6txr95 


               I)ELIVERhED AT' THIE

          G A S S O  IA T O  O B

                    () F TIV1


          IN KENTUCKY,

               20-22, 1887.


 This page in the original text is blank.



   The religions or'ganizatioiI that is known by the name of the
General Association of Baptists in Kentucky began its existence
in the citv of Louisville, on Friday the 20th of' October, 1837.
Its semli-centennial anniversary was celebrated at the Walnut-
street B3al)tist church in the same city from the 20th to the 22d
of October, 1887. Much interest was felt in the event; for two
or three vears before it was due the minds of many people were
tllrne(l toward it.  rhe Executive Committee of the Association
had given expression to the wishes of their constituents in more
than one of their annual reports, and urged the propriety of
taking proper notice of the occasion that was rap)idly drawing
nigl. Finally, in the meeting for the year 1886, the point was
brought to an issue, and it wvas resolve(d that the celebration
should be held,; and that it should take the form of a Jubilee.
   As the result of that action, the Executive Committee ap-
pointedl Rev. T. T. Eaton, 1). 1)., Rev. B. Manly, D. D., and Rev.
A. C. Caperton, D. D., to prepare a suitalble programme, which
should be reported at the session for 1887, in Danville. The
task wvas duly performed.  Following is a copy of the pro-
   Thursday, October 20th, 10 .\. t. Address of Welcome-
Rev. John A. Broadus, D. D., LL. D.
   Response-Rev. rhomas G. Keen, D. D.
   I I A. N[. Pa)er: Condition of the Baptist Churches in Ken-
tueky inl 1X'37-l1tev. .I. M. Penldleton, 1). D.
   :3:30 P. Ni. Paper: Progress of the Baptists of Kentucky
in Fifty Years-Rev. John H. Spencer, D. D.
   8 P. M. Address: The Baptists of the T'wentieth Century-
Rev. George C. Lorimer, 1). ID.
   Friday, October 21st, 10 A. MI. Pvaper: The Earliest Baptist
Cihrcles in Kentuckv-Rev. Wni. M. Pratt, D. D.
   11 ,. Ai. Addrezs: Benevolence of the Baptists of Kentucky-
Rev. A. D. Sears, D. D.
  3:30 P. M. Paper: The Baptists of Kentucky and Missions-
Rev. D. Dowden, D. D.


   8 P. m.  kddres.: Recollections of the First General Asso-
ciation in Kentucky- Rev. J. L. Burrows, D. 1).
   Saturday, Ootober 22d, 10 A. M. Paper: Lessons From the
Figures-Hon. Thins. C. Bell.
  11 A. M1. Address: Education Among the Baptists of Ken-
tuckv-Rev. R. M1. Dudley, 1). D.
   8 P. Mt. Address: Present NeNhds of the BMptist Denioniiia-
tion in Kentucky-Rev. W. H. Felix, I). 1).

   Whieun the above programme had l)been) aldoteld by the Associ-
ation a conmmittee flas a1)ppiinted, consistinog otf '.  R. host, T. T.
Eaton, J. A. French, A. 1. Riles, G. F. Bagyv, and W. AI. Pratt,
to consider the propriety of ptiblishintg a seinii-centennial memo-
rial volunie. Through its chairman, J. Aid. Rust, this conmit-
tee offered as their report the followving resolution, which was
adopted :

   "P'esolred, That a committee be apl)ointe(l to arrange for the
publication of the Papers and Speeches of the Jubilee Celebra-
tion, provided they can do so witiout involving the Association
financially."  The moderator appointed Win. H. WVhitsitt. H.
A. Tupper, jr., anld T. C. Bell to comlp)ose the committee.

   On motion of R. M. Dudley, D. D., it was also " Resolved,
That the survivors of the first meeting of the General Associa-
tion be earnestly an(1 cordially invited to atten(l the Jubilee meet-
ing of this bodv in Lonisville, in October next, as guests of this
body."  It is believed that all of the persons indicated accepted
this ki udlv invitation except one, vho on -Iaccount of the remote-
ness of his residence and his precarious health was not able to
be present.

   The meeting was held at Walnut-street church, because it
was the successor and in some sort the representative of the
church in whiich the initial meeting occurred. Every circum-
stance conspired to favor it; the attendance was large, the inter-
est was well maintained and in some instances reached a degree
of festal enthusiasm. Shortly after the moderator, Rev. Green
Clav Smith, had called the body to order, the brethren who were
present at the organization of the Association were, on motion
of Dr. Eaton, appointed to be vice-presidents of this meeting.
There were six of them in all, namely, Rev. J. L. Burrows, D. D.,
Rev. J. M. Pendleton, D, D., Rev. E. G. Berry, Rev. George




Robertson, and Deacons M. WV. Sherrill and John Hansbrough.
Seats were assigned to themi on the platform near the mnoderaitor.
   The Address of' Welcome, the first item on the programnmne,
Was pronounCe(l by Rev. John A. Broad us, D. D.  blse following
outline of it was p)repa1re(l by Rev. M. D. Jeffries, who acted as
reporter for the Western Recorder:

   " It is always pleasant to say words of welcome. We welcome
you as Kentucky Baptists. Both of these words are significant.
Kentiickians have their characteristics; even their faults are
those of an independent, noble p)eol)Ie.  These characteristics
may account for the filct that there are so many Baptists in the
State. Some l)eol)le say this independent spirit causes skepticism,
and therefore we need a strong form of church government.
There is skepticism  here; bult there is far more in England,
where a strong form of church government exists. In church
government, as in civil government, the Baptists believe in inde-
pendence. Tlues are wvilling to bear the inconveniences of lib-
erty for the sake of its advantages. If we had our choice, we
would prefer independent church government. But we have no
choice; the Bible allows nothing else.  So, the fact that our
ministry could work without special collegiate training has met
a great need of the people. We have had pious men, called of
God and approved by the churches, who did a 'work that never
could have been done had collegiate training been demanded of
the preachers. We have larger numbers in Kentueky than all
the other evangelical (lenolninations combined.  This means
great responsibility, and this Jubilee should he more than a sim-
ple rejoicing.
   "We wvelcome you as Kentucky Baptists, and especially we
welcome those few venerable brethren who were at the first nmeet-
ing of the Association. It is a good thing to look upon a man
who has served Christ for fifty years. 'We welcome you to our
l)eautiful city, now five times as large as when the Association
was formed. The city is just on the threshold of her prosper-
ity. There ought to be no jealousy between city and country;
they are and should be a mutual help to each other. Baptists
in the citv are far in advance of what thev were at the organiza-
tion of the Association. The churches are well manned, and
the demand for new and enlarged buildings can hardly be met,
even bv Louisville benevolence.
   " We welcome you to the Baptist institutions of our city.
Here is the Mission Board, where busy men and a faithful and
zealous secretary give their time and thought to the work of



evangelizing the State. Here is our Orphan's Home, doing a
wonderfully good work under the control of its excellent and
fair matron. To it sonme of our best men have freely given of
their time and of their means." [Here tender and appropriate
reference was ma(le to Dr. J. Lawrence Smith and William F.
Norton, Esq., both of whom had lately passed away.]
   "Here is our Seminary that has grown after years of struggle
to be the largest Baptist Seminary in the land, and it bids fair
to outstril) all those of other denominations. Brethren are asked
to pray for the Seminary. Here also is the Western Recorder
that has done so milch, and with increased facilities is (lestined
to do more.
   "WVe welcome you to our homes, our churches, our institutions,
and onr hearts."

   It had been arranged by the committee in charge of the pro-
gramnme that Dr. Thomas G. Keen, D. D., should respon(1 to the
foregoing address, but, by the dispensation of Providence, he
had been called to enter a higher assembly before the (late of
the Jubilee arrived, and the duty that he was expected to per-
fornm was laid upon Rev. Henry McDonald, D. D., pastol of the
Second Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, who, being on a visit
to the State in which lie had so long resided and is so much
beloved, had come to attend the celebration.  Unexpectedly to
him, Dr. -.McDonald was called upon to make a reply to the Ad-
dress ofX Weleome. He spoke as follows:

   ' It would be singular if we (lid not gladly accept so hearty
a welcome. Our hearts are filled with the joy of .Jubilee. Per-
sonallv he deplored that Dr. Keen, who had been appointe(l, was
not present to perform the duty that now had been laid upon
himself; liut he had passed into higher joys.
    We are here to catch inspiration for the futiure. Kentucky
was settled by brave nmen from Virginia and the Carolinas, and
it was a special mercy that many of them were godly men.
Something ever led them to keep near to God, and( where the
pioneer builded his home there he raised his altar likewise.
We are also to give thanks for the singular unity of faith that
has been maintained among us. The early preachers declared in
well-nigh every sermon their personal experience of grace and
their personal struggle with sin. Many of them had little else
to discourse about; but such topics were powerful for good in
their hands. They kept close to the Word of God, and hence
their unity. As we look at the past behind us, and at the present



                   INTRODUCTORY REMARKS.                    Vii

ar'oun(l us, we have great occasion to be glad. We likewise may
rey)ice as we look toward the future. It is not a prospect of
smnset, for the sun never sets on God's people.
   " In conclusion, he said he was glad that he came to this meet-
ing. It was in Kentucky that he first established himself years
ago, upon his arrival from Ireland. He had resided in Virginia
an(l in Georgia, bult his love still lingers with Kentucky. May
the l)lessinv of (-od be upon this our Jubilee."

   The fact will  e remarked upon that in the present volume
the papers an(d addresses are not 1)riuted in the order of their
delivery.  rhis difference is due to the circumstance that the
manuscripts were not in all cases promptly sul)plied by the au-
thors, anld, for that reason, the printers could not strictly observe
the order of the p'rogranine. If any regrets are felt on that ac-
count, it may be conl)ensate(1 in a measure by the fact that the
documents have all been printed in full just as they were orig-
inally produced.

   An important episodle of the meeting was not set down ou
the programme. It occuirred on Thursday night, October the
20th, immediately after the address by Dr. Lorimer, on the
Baptists of the Twentieth Century, annd consisted of the present-
ation of a couple of Bibles to the churches at Bullittsburg and
Big Bone, in Boone County, and to their pastor, Rev. -James A.
Kirtley, D. D., in recognition of their prolonged, happy, and
successful union.  Dr. Kirtley had been pastor of Bullittsburg
for thirtv-one years, and of the church at Big Bone for thirty-
five years, and both churches had flourished greatly all the time,
while he had appeared annually to renew his youth and to in-
creaise in power and grace. The Bibles, which were fine copies
of standard pulpit editions, were brought forwavrd, and the mod-
erator announced that the hreseiltation ceremony would now be
   At the re(l uest of Prof. Whitsitt, the first address was made
bv Dr. Eaton, who supplied a brief review of the history and
progress of both churches since the pastorate of Dr. Kirtley
was begun, and, in conclusion, added that " it was remarkable
for a man to serve one church for thirty-one years and another
for thirty-five years, and vet the churches did not kill the pastor,
nor the pastor the churches. God will honor faithfulness, and


bv it will measure the reward of his servants. In ancient Rome
there was but a single entrance to the Temple of Honor, and that
was through the Temple of Virtue. Such faithfulness as Dr.
Kirtley had exhibited was worthy of special distinction."

   A few remarks were added bv Prof. Whitsitt. Among other
things, "lie alluded to the circumstance that Dr. Spencer, in his
excellent work on the Historv of Kentucky Baptists, often refers
to churcnhes that have fallen from their former position and infltl-
enlce by reason of a too frequent change of pastors. His atten-
tion was therebv called anew to a subject in which he had often
felt much interest, and he had resolved, if any way was opened,
to do what might be in his p)ower to encourage a longer contin-
uance of the pastoral relation among the churches of the State.
He had fallen upon the plan of calling attention to the subject
by putting honor upon an excellent illustration of the benefits
o0 a lengthy pastorate.
    He was not prepared to speak against brief pastorates with-
out discrimination. Something might be said in favor of them;
but certaimlv far more might be said in favor of lengthy pastor-
ates. The evils of a brief pastoral relation are constantly spring-
inig lip within our sight. They sometimes occasion a disastrous
falling away during the period of the interregnum when the church
is without a pastor. By lengthy pastorates that loss, which it
must lie allowed too frequentlv occurs, would be avoided. Con-
tentions now aned then arise upon the choice of a new pastor. It
can hardly fail to be of advantage that the occasion for such con-
tenition should l)e rendered less frequent. A  restless spirit is
fostered both on the part of the Church and on the part of min-
isters of the gospel by frequent changes in the pastoral office.
There can be no right continuity of development in the graces
or in the policy and history of a church where so important a
functionary as the pastor is constantly coming and going. Other
things being equal, lengthy pastorates are more profitable to the
young people of a church. The sentiment of reverence is more
easilv cultivated under such circumstances, and the hold which
the Church may obtain over the minds of those who are without
is not so likely to be endangered.
   "To serve one and the same church for five-and-thirty years
is indeed a splendid achievement. Dr. Broadus had reminded
us this. morning that it was good to look upon a man who had
served Christ fifty years, and all our hearts responded to the sen-
timent. It is a still nobler thing to serve Christ for five-and-
thirty years in the labor of ministering to one and the same con-



    "He wished to speak a word of congratulation to Pastor
 Kirtley upon the remarkable feat that he had aceomiplished. In
 Keituct;k, whtere his lal)ors had been given, it was rare eiiough
 to find a Baptist pastora1te that was of even ten years' duration.
 He also wvislhed to congratulate an(1 to thank the clai rches of' Big
 Bone and(l 3ifliittsburg for the example they had set before us.
 Tiies hlad been alullndantly usefuil in many directions an(l in
 many (dec)artments o)f' Christian exertion: the good which they
 hadl (lone by maintaining withl dignity and success the pastoral
 relation for so long a season was not the least of their merits.
 Tliey had denmonstrate(d to our restless generation of churches
 an(l )reachers that, despite all kinds of' appearances to the con-
 trary, a lon(g-continued pastorate was both feasible and profit-
 a)le. They deserved the thanks of our entire brotherhood: they
 were as a city set upon a hill. Big Bone, by reason of its his-
 torical and scientific connections, was one of the best-knowit
 places in the annals of the Comnionwealti : it has now added
 another item to its (distinctions, which, amiong the Baptists of
 Kentucky, will renlder it quite as celebrated as the extensive re-
 mains that were once found there have sprea(1 its fame abroad
 aimong (levotees of scientific culture. In conclusion, he invoked
 the blessing of' God upon both of these churches an(l their pas-
 tor, an(I upon the example which they had set before all their
   At the close of' Prof Whitsitt's address the pastor of these
churches came forward to make a brief response on their behalf
and his own.   He desired to "express the higrh appreciation
which his churches had of the kindness done them by Professor
Whitsitt. He declared that he had never been able to render to
his churches as faithful service as hle could have desired, for he
loved his people with all hiis heart. Nevertheless, he had occa-
sion to rejoice in their present spiritual condition: he had just
closed a good meeting aniong them in which there were many
additions. It gave him strength for his labors to feel assured
that while lie loved his churches they also loved him in return."

   It is deemed appropriate in this place to record the list of
members of the General Association who were in attendance
upon the Jubilee. It is taken from the report of the secretary
as printed in the minutes. When the Centennial Anniversary
of the body shall roll round there will be a mournful interest
attached to the inspection of this list, especially on the part of
such as may be spared to witness the day in question.





Arvin, W. B., Camphellsville.
Armstrong, Wm., Drip Rock.
Armstrong, J, Leitchfield.
Allen, Samuel, Eminence.
Bow, J. G., Pembroke.
Burkholder. J. C., Eli zabethtown.
Bagbv, G. F., Frankfort.
Bristow. J. L.. and wife, Covington.
Burrows, J. 1,, Norfolk. Va.
Bolinger, .J. T.. Mavfield.
Barber, F. W.. and wife. Boston.
Bell, T. C., Louisville
Boyce, Jas. P., Loui. vill.
Board, -Mrs. .J. IS., Hilt.
Burnett, J. C.. Shelbvvlle.
Bowling, J. N., Middlebur,
Brown, Mrs., Hart Countv.
Bagbv, H. A., Frankf rt.
Berry, E. G., Smithbeld.
Barber, Catharine, Camphellsville.
Bond, M1rs.. Breckinridge County.
Biggert, W. L., Louisvile.
Broadus, ,John A., Louinville.
Boone, A. U.. Elkton.
Barbour, Sallie W., Eminr !ete,
Coleman. J. 31., McKinne v
('rabb J. M., and wife, Eminence.
C'hanev, W. E., Willow Tow.i.
Cropper, .John C., Boone (ountv.
Ch'elf, A. N., Elizabethtowvn.
Caldwell, XW. B.. Louisville.
Coak. Emmia E., Danville.
Casebier, ,J. F., R)ckport.
Caperton, A. C., Louisvillt.
Cox, W. J. E. Georgetown.
Coleman, .1. S.. Hartford.
Coakleq, E. WV.. Camphpellsvil-..
Crouch, .J. B., Hamnoimonsville.
Crawford. A., Stephensport.
Crabb, Anna B.. Eminence.
Chelf, W. B., Elizabethtown.
Caldwell, .Junius, sr.. Louisville.
Casebier, J. T., Rockport.
Cabaniss, A. B., Trenton.
Calvert, E. T., Louisville.
Dicken, C. W.. Fairview.
Daniel, H. T., and wife, Glasgow.
Durritt, B. 0,, Campbollsville.
[)ickev, E., and wife, Barren County.
Dale, J. T., Tavlorsville.
i)icken, E. N.. Fairview.
l)owden, D., and wife. Brandenburg.
Dudley, R. M1., Georgetown.
Duncan, W. B., and wife-. Eminence.

Davi.-, A. J., and wife, Bloomfield.
Ellis, M1rs. Agnest, Eminence.
Elrod, M1rs. E W, Glasgow.
Eaton, T. T., Louisville.
Felix, W. H., Lexington.
Felix, J. S., Owensboro.
Farnam, .1. E., Louisville.
French, ,J. A., Shelhvville.
Guthric, J. T., Louisville.
Greenwvell, H. J., Bardstown.
Garrett, R. B., Mavsville.
Gre-,,. J. L., and wife, Simpsonville.
Gard ner, Harriet A., Bardstown.
Grant, S-phia, New Salem.
Graves, A. C., Lebanon.
Gardner, W. W., Bardstowzn.
Gardner, M. R.
Gaunt, J. L., Fisherville.
Humphreys, T. .J., Louisville.
Hillsberv, A..1., Louisville.
Hall, Tlionmai, Bloomfield,
Hicks, Mi-s A. l., Clinton.
Hunger ford. B. F., Slelbvville.
Howardl. J. R., Lexington.
Hansr, uguh. J. G., Glasgoiwv.
Hale, P. P., Louisville.
Harvev, NV. P'., Louisville.
Hminzhes. Wiett, D:mnviile.
Head. William, LO(leburg.
Herid, .1. A., and wife, Monterev.
Ireland, J. A., Louisville.
Jenkins, J. II., Elizabethtown.
.Jordan, John D., Princeton.
Jones, W. C.. Louisville.
Jeffries. M. D., Louisville.
Jolly, W. T., Ashland.
.James, John R.. Paris.
Kirte1ev. James A., Petersburg.
Kelley, Minnie, Eminence.
Lorimer, George C., Chicago, Ill.
Lentz, B. Bruce, Louiisville.
Middleton, J. A., Shelbyyville.
McKnight, Mrs. S. L, (Colesburgh.
McKni-ht, 31i s (' A, Cole-burgh.
McKay, A. H., Tavlrsville.
'Morris, Miss Ruby, Shelbyvilie.
Manly, B. Louisville.
MeFerran, J. B, Louisville.
Medaris, R. C., Williamsburg.
McCulibch, H1. H. Louisville.
Mc D. nahl, H. nry, Atlant", Ga.
Mitebl!, Warren, Louisville.
Maddox, E. H., MeHenry.
Middleton, J. T., Shelbyville.




Moses, William, sr., Louisville.
McKay, J. W., Horse Cave.
Nunn, J. E., Simpsonville.
Nunnelly, J. K., Shlrpsburg.
Osborn, Thomas D., Louisville.
Proctor, Mrs. B. F., Bowling Green.
Parks, L. L., and Wife, 14ouisville.
Pratt, W. M1., Lexington.  [Green.
Pondleton, .J. M., and wife, Bowling
Powan, Miss L. H., lbeards.
Peter, Arthur, Louisville.
Peter, Mrs. Arthur, Louisville.
Prestridge, .1. N., Hopkinsville.
Parsons, J. G., Drip Rock.
Purdom, R. L, Texas.
Provence, S. M., Russellville.
Powers, W. E., Todd's Point.
Penick. B. W., Greensburg.
Rust, J. W., Hopkinsville.
Riley, J. V., Mortonsville.
Rowland, Mrs. H., Eminence.
Reid,.,C. M., Lancaster.
Scearce, G. S., Shelbyville.
Sherrill, M. W., Louisville.
Suddith, L. H., Louisa.
Spencer, J. H., Eminence.
Speiden, Theodore, Louisville.
Sears, A. D., Clarksville, Tenn.
Scearce, Mrs. Julia, Clay Village.
Smith, T. J., Hartford.
Smith, Green Clay, Danville.
Stevenson, T. J., Georgetown.

Sallee, J. M., Cox's Creek.
Scearce, W. A., Clay Village.
Smith, L. W., Shelbyville.
Stackhous-e, T. C., Lexington.
Slaughter, Jas. A., and wife, Danville.
Seeley, B. W. D., Midway.
Turner, Fannie, Eminence.
Talbht, D. L., Elizabethtown.
Tupppr, H. Allen, jr., Louisville.
Terhune, C. P., D.inville.
Thomas, A. C., Bloomfield.
Thompson, Mattie, Beards.
Thurman, R. L., Bardstown.
Thomas, E. P., Hartford.
Thomas, A. W., Cadiz.
Thompson, C. M., Louisville.
Thompson, S. F. and wife, Finchville.
Wise, Mattie F., Eminence.
Whitsitt, W. H., Louisville.
Whitsitt, Mrs. W. H., Louisville.
Webb, L. G., Eminence..
Weller, John H., Louisville.
Warder, J. W., Louisville.
Waters, H. G., Louisville.
Wise, J. A., Eminence.
Wilson, B. A., Bloomfield.
Williamson, A. A, Alexandria.
Willett, John S., Louisville.
Woodruff. E. N., Louisville.
Waters, Mrs. James, Bowling Green.
Yates, R. E., Leitchfield.
Yates, Martha, Leitehfield.

   The above list may not be complete, but it contains all the
names that were reported to the secretary.

   The resolution under which the committee on the publication
of the Memorial Volume was appointed contained a proviso
that the work might be carried to completion, provided this could
be done without imposing upon the General Association any kind
of financial burden. It was considered that the effect of that
proviso would be to prevent the committee from taking any ac-
tion, and so to defeat the entire. project of publication. Il view
of that condition of affairs Dr. Arthur Peter, on the closing day
of the meeting, offered the following resolution:

   " Re8olved, That the committee appointed on the Jubilee
Volume be directed to proceed to have such volume prepared
and published as soon as a guarantee fund of not less than five
hundred dollars shall have been provided for."



   The resolution was adopted, and Rev. T. T. Eaton, D. D., was
added to the Committee of Publication. Through the exertions
of Dr. Eaton, the aforesaid guarantee fund wvas in due time ob-
tailned. Without his co-ol)eratioll and interest it would ltot have
been possible for the Memorial Volume to have been prepared
and sent forth. It is believed to be proper to suppiy iII this place
a list of the persons who subscribed to the guarantee fun, each
of whom agreed to become responsible for the sum of twenty-
five dollars.


   R. M. Dudley,     T. D. Osborne,       J. S. Phelps,
   T. C. Bell,        J. T. Bolinger,     John A. Broadus,
   Arthur Peter,     J. L. Burrows,     .John A. McDowell,
   W. B. Caldwell,   Junius Caldwell, sr.,  Mrs.J.Lawrence Smith.
   T. 1'. Enton,      E. T. Calvert,      P. P. Huston,
   J. E. Farnam,      W. H. Felix,        Western Recorder.
   H. A. Tupper, jr.,  J. D. Jordan,

   While it is regretted that so many circumstances have con-
spire(l to delay the appearance of this volume, it is hoped it will
be a welcome record of the proceedings of an interesting and
important assemblage of Baptist people, and will contribute
much to promote the welfare and prosperity of the Baptists of
                             WM. H. WHITSITT,
                             H. A. TUPPER, JR.,
                             T. C. BELL,
                             T. T. EATON,
                                   (Jornmittee of Publication.
   LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 19, 1888.




                  KENTUCKY IN 1887.

                1Y .JAME8 M. PENDLETON, D. D.

   The ancient Israelites wvere commanded to " hallow the fiftieth
year." It was with them an important division of time pre-
ce(led )Y "seven weeks of years."  Seven wvas the perfect num-
ber, and "seven Sabbaths of years" were forty and nine years.
Then " the trumpet of the Jubilee " was " to sound on the tenth
day of the seventh month ;" and it is added, "In the day of
atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your
land." (See Leviticus, 25th chapter.)
   We are not required to hallow the fiftieth year more than any
other year. There is no injunction on the Baptist Israel of Ken-
tucky to (lo this; but the expiration of half a century from the
formation of the General Association suggests the propriety of
indulging reminiscences, so as to correct mistakes and form wiser
purposes for the future.
   The topic assionied me for discussion on this occasion is The
Condition of the Baptist CGause in KCentucky in 1837.
   The imperfection of my knowledge renders it certain that I
shall not treat the subject with adequate justice; but it "is re-
(uired of a man according to that lie hath, and not according to
that he hath miot."  Having never kept a diary, I shall have to
go to the storehouse of memory and see what is laid up there.
   It wvas in the first third of this century that a few of our min-
isters in this State began to feel the importance of a closer union
among the churches. Of these ministers, Dr. Silas M. Noel, of
Frankfort, and Rev. John S. Willson, of Elkton, were most
prominent. The former initiated the first movement toward a
general union, and the latter seconded it. For some years little
was done. The truth is, there was much of the anti-mission
spirit in the churches, and that spirit was fostered by what, in
no offensive sense, I am obliged to call Campbellism. Rev.
Alexander Campbell, of Virginia. had a "Debate on Baptism,"
in the year 1823, with Rev. W. L. M'Calla. a Presbyterian min-
ister. The debate took place at the village of Washington,



Mason County, near Maysville. Mr. Campbell made such a dis-
play of controversial learning and ability as the Baptists of the
State had known nothing of before. They at once regarded him
as their champion, and were disposed to consider favorably what-
ever views he presented. Very soon after the debate he began
the publication of a monthly paper called The Christian Baptist,
which he issued for six years, and it then became The Millennial
Harbinger. Strange to say, Mr. Campbell, with all his intelli-
gence, published many things in 17te Ohristian Baptist against
missions, colleges, Sunday-schools, paying preacllers, etc. He
changed his theory and practice on these matters afterward ; but
in the early part of his editorial career he satirized with great
severity the subjects I have named. His satire was an indirect
appeal to the covetous principle, and many Baptists held their
purse-strings tighter than ever, and the cause of missions, for the
time, received in various places a staggering blow.
   Messrs. Noel and Willson, with others, felt that something
should be done to supply the (lestitute parts of the State with the
preaching of the gospel. In furtherance of this object, the
Kentucky Baptist Convention was organized at Bardstown in
March, 1832. Dr. Noel was chosen moderator, and the number
of messengers was only thirty-seven.  Truly this was, in one
sense, " the day of small things," but, in another sense, it was
the day of great things. -It was the planting of a grain of mus-
tard seed which germinated slowvly and grew slowly in its early
years, but which has nowv become a tree of respectable size, and
destined, as we trust, at no distant day to send out its branches
so that all parts of the State may enjoy its grateful shade.
   From the Constitution adopted at Bardstown, we learn that
the chief functions of the Convention were to " devise and exe-
cute plans for supplying destitute churches and neighborhoods
with the gospel of Christ," to "disburse moneys contributed by
the churches and Associations in the manner specified by the con-
tributors, provided special instructions are sent, and to send forth
men of tried integrity and usefulness to preach the gospel."
   The Convention began its work with less than two hundred
dollars in its treasury, and if all the Baptist ministers in the
State had been its friends the number would not have been much
in excess of two hundred, while the churches were not far from
five hundred, and the members not much more than thirty-five
thousand. The difficulty of bringing these comparatively small
numbers into harmonious co-operation was much greater than
most persons can now easily imagine. Many brethren were, of
course, suspicious Gf interference with the independence of the



churches, and many others knew that, as the purposes of the Con-
vention could not be carried into effect without money, the best
way to keep their money was to stand aloof. There were doc-
trinal differences among ministers. Some in the upper part of
the State were, probably, too Calvinistic, and some in the Green
River section had Arminian proclivities. Brethren were afraid
of one another, and very jealous for the interests of orthodoxy
as held by themselves. Each minister believed himself ortho-
dox, and always looked away from himself to find heterodoxy,
and very often found what he looked for. In short, the state of
things was by no means promising.
  The Convention having been formed at Bardstown, adjourned
to meet at New Castle in October, 1832. Here my personal
knowledge of