xt7fxp6tzk0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6tzk0n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19750801 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 1, 1975 text The Green Bean, August 1, 1975 1975 2014 true xt7fxp6tzk0n section xt7fxp6tzk0n ""` Y%z¢YA Q-
Aggggggj; 8 5555;; 55Am T H E
I will be on vacation next week G R E E N
(August 4-8) , so please submit . I-
items for the Green Bean to Ann A I l B E A N
Short in the Director's Office
no later than noon, Wednesday.
Gail Kennedy W 8/1 75
The head of Acquisitions has asked that anyone leaving notes, books,
or cards on desks of Acquisitions staff members also leave their name.
Several untraceable items found recently have caused confusion within
the department.
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The Systems and Procedures Exchange Center (SPEC), which is operated
by the Association for Research Libraries/Office of Management
Studies, is a mechanism for sharing management techniques and exper-
tise. The Center collects data and documentation related to academic
and research library management and makes the material available to
the library community via "SPEC Kits." SPEC regularly announces new
kits available through SPEC Flyers. Each flyer describes in detail
the contents of the new kit and prices.
The Director's Office receives SPEC Flyers and we will be announcing
new kits as they are available.
SPEC Flyer no. l9 for July 1975 is on library staff associations. For
more details see the Flyer in the D.O.
mgggrosfs gs=r=1g·=, gggmsgs ,
Dctty Green will be leaving the Library on August 21. Her husband is
completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in economics and will join
the Naval Research Training Center in Orlando, Florida.
As outlined earlier, John Bryant is assuming responsibility for all
administrative services activities except for personnel matters.
Faith Harders will move to the Director's Office in a few weeks to
assume the position of Acting Assistant Director for Personnel. Faith
will continue her assignment in Maps and Reference.
This administrative assignment is being made for the following reasons:
l. The personnel work of the University Libraries is not conveniently
coordinated with the functions of administrative services.
2. An added person is needed for "coverage" in the Director's Office,
especially in view of the fact that I will be at the College of
Library Science for a part of each day.
3. There is not sufficient time to fill the position permanently
before Dotty leaves. Filling the position from within also allows
us some salary savings to supplement student wages for this year.

 -2- .
In establishing criteria to select a person for this interim assign-
ment, the Administrative Committee discussed the following. Someone
was needed who would:
l. Accept a temporary assignment with the understanding that they
might return to their present position.
2. Not require any additional compensation.
3. Be an effective member of the Administrative Committee.
4. Based on past performance satisfy the various requirements of-
working effectively with the Library staff and persons outside
the University in all phases of personnel activities.
Later in the year, this position will be reviewed.· Before it is
filled permanently, advertising, etc. will be done.
Pat Joseph will be on maternity leave without pay until October. A
typist/receptionist is now needed for the Director's Office. Good
typing speed is necessary. The Library will probably hire a regular
hourly person.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in this work, please
refer them to Dotty Green as soon as possible. V
Administrative Council, August 18, 8:00 A.M. -`12 Noon, Alumni House.
Library Faculty, August 20, All Day, Shakertown. . .s
Support Staff, August 2l, 11:00 A.M. — 2:00 P.M., Spindletop. A
Another wallet was apparently stolen Wednesday, July 30, in Technical
Services. All such incidents should be reported immediately to the
Director's Office and the campus police.
Also, staff should again be reminded to keep all valuables locked
up at all times.
l Openings:
Med. Center Library
LT I, Public Service, open August 23.
V LT II, Reference, open September 6.

Personnel Librarian, Syracuse University Libraries, Syracuse, New
York. Salary: $14,000 _
