xt7fxp6v1c6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7fxp6v1c6c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-03-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 18, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 18, 2002 2002 2002-03-18 2020 true xt7fxp6v1c6c section xt7fxp6v1c6c Cats smiling their way into Sweet 16 | Page a

March 18, 2002 ’ "






Tayshaun Prince (left)
is congratulated by
teammates Cliff
Hawkins (1) and Keith
Bogans during his
career-high 41-point
performance against
Tulsa Saturday.

ntctt toutcu i PHOTOEDIYOR




Prince is the first Cat to score at least
40 points since Derrick Miller netted 40
against Vanderbilt in 1990.

Junior Marquis Estill stuffs home two of
his 12 points against Valparaiso Thurs-
day. Estill also grabbed four rebounds.

Tubby Smith's teams have
only missed the Sweet 16

u twice (1997 and 2000) when
they qualified for the NCAA
Tournament. His tourney
record is 20-7.

R" Cohen
‘3' 9*. Brothers’
’ latest film
mances in
black and
| PAGE 5

http: www.ltylternel.com ,


Event sheds light
on homeless living


Participants line up
to register for a
24-hour homeless
experience last
weeit in Lexington.

sieve sue


A day in the lite: Participants spend night
on streets with a blanket, water and food

By Sara Zaehringer


While most of [,eXlligittii was watching the first round of the
.‘Jt .\.-\ tournament. more than to people spent an evening learn
11);! what it is like to be homeless in Lexu‘igton.

A group of Hi students. religious and business leaders. lo-
cal politicians and media representatives participated in a 2+
hour hoiiieiess “\lpt‘l‘lf‘llt‘f' sponsored by the Catholic Action
4 enter Thursday and Friday

"l'm rautiously ext ited," said Erik Hungerbuhler. a soc1olo-
gy iunior before embarking on the event.

Hungerbuhler and other participants met at the (‘atholic
;\('il(tli (‘enter on East Fifth Street last Thursday,

The participants were divided into four and five-person
teams and given a bottle of water. one blanket. two sandwiches
and a cherry pocket pie to be rarried in a black garbage bag

lake Hungerbuhler. Emily (' urry. an 18(' tumor. spent part
of hei Spring Break par'icipating iii the homeless exi‘ierience.

"i think this kind oi experience would benefit students."
( urrj. said ( urrv said this was her first experience with
homeless people

With their mutt hing pat ks siting over their shoulders (‘ur-
i s team made 'i‘e2r to Triangle Park “Time dragged on."
(‘itrry said

She remembers receiving strange looks from passersby as
they walked down the street. endless hours of haying absolutely
nothing to do and feeling lost as to why she was: there.

l'iirr'.‘ saiii the é‘Kpf‘l‘lf'llt‘t‘ gained meaning when she talked
with Hillbilly and James. two homeless people.

"Hillbilly was fun/‘t uri'y said "He told me about himself
and his experiences and why he-‘s‘ homeless.”

Hillbilly said he was glad people were learning more about
their community

"1 hope all of you get touched by this experience." he said.

Participants were encouraged to seek out resources used by
the estimated 1.2M) to i. too homeless people in Lexmgton. Some
participants ate dinner alongside homeless people at various lo~
ial i‘iltll‘t hes where free meals are provided.

t‘urry‘s team ate their dinner and slept inside St. Angus
tine, a church on Rose Street that feeds, those in need.

Some >l£lf.f‘(l in shelters .set up to house the homeless: while
others slept between buildings and in parking garages

Ray Abner. 't homeless member of the community. talked
with (‘itrry and other participants about his life as a young man
oi the streets. enrouraging all participants to never lead a
honn-iess illf‘, And after the weekend. he said he is optimistic
participants will now stop to say hello to the homeless.

Though the participants lived like homeless people for a
day Abner and (‘urry said people should be homeless for a
longer duration to get a true taste of what life on the streets
l.s ilkt‘

"Staying at the church felt like being at a lock in." Furry
said "You need to be homeless for three days. not 24 hours. to
11M (1 better effect ”

( urry said she now looks at homeless people differently.

"I‘d want to acknowledge them." (‘urry said "i feel like I
know them more "

Professor, students excavate plantation in Virginia

History: 250-year-old house's post hole
considered most important discovery of dig

By John Wampler


While their colleagues were
on the beach making sandcas-
tics. six 17K historic preserva
tion students were digging
holes in the din at a plantation
in Hopewell. \'a.

They were there to exca-
vate artifacts where a house
once stood more than 2:30 years

The wooden house. which
was owned by Robert Rolling. a
17th»ceiitury merchanttrader.
was probably built around 1670
and lasted until about the late
lTiiOs or early 1740s. said Don
l,,iiieliatigli. an assistant [)l‘ttfits»
sor in anthropology and an al-
lied faculty member in the De

partment of Historic Preserva-
tion. Rolling's wife. Jane Rolfe.
was the granddaughter of Poca<

“We're hoping to learn
more about this particular Vir-
ginia family and how they lived
their lives." Linebaugh said.

Linebaugh has been work-
ing at this plantation. known as
Kippax. since 1981. when he
was an undergraduate at the
(‘ollege of William and Mary.
While a professor there from
1988 to 1997. he took students to
excavate at the plantation.
Linebaugh came to UK in 1997
and now takes UK students and
staff to excavate at the site.

This is the first year his-
toric preservation students
have participated. They said

The at Nevispaper at the University of Kentucli , Lexington

performing excavations was a
valuable learning experience

“It's not just something
you're reading.“ said Trent
Spurlock. a firstyear historu
preservation student, “You get
to go experience it first-hand,"

To find the artifacts located
below the surface of the ground.
students broke into three
groups of two and dug three 3
feet by 5 feet units. They dug
the earth in layers and then
poured the dirt through screens
to find the artifacts.

“It's a fairly intenswe
process. but it's been really a
lot of fun." said Bryan ()rthell.
a first-year historic preserva-
tion student.

Linebaugh said the largest
discovery made during this exr
cavation was probably a post
hole. where the posts of the
wooden house were placed di
rectly in the ground A post
hole can be identified because it
will have mixed-up still that

_W -. i

won t match the surroundings.
lanebaiigh explained

Last year Liiielst iii ind
several l'lfi graduates identified
two post holes Line'iv tug}: s'iid
the third post's div o'.ei‘\ toiild
help determine the sii’e and
orientation oi the house

in addition to the pest hole.
the students found irt'ii‘iber of
artifacts from the llllit' period.
including more than Motto
glass beads and parts from to
bacco pipes and rities
Linebaugh said Rolling sold
such items to traders who used
them to trade with Native

Amelia .-\riiistron;. a first
year historic preservition stu
dent. has worked in museums
before. and said her ilt'ili expev
rience provided her w ith a
fresh iwrspectiye

“We've always had to touch
artifacts \\ ith glows she said
“It's quite diilei'eitt tit‘d them
in the ground '



(Top) Don Limbaugh. an
assistant professor in
anthropology . and Stephanie
Lechert, a historical preser-
vation student, excavate the
site of the 17th century Kip-
pax Plantation in Virginia.
(Left) Pottery found at the




The Low-down


Arboretum holds sculpture exhibit
1'1111 I'lx' \1‘11111‘111'11111 Will celebrate the arts
“'1 :1s 1111111111 “Sculpture 111 the (larden' “\lll‘
. 1111111 .11 .1111. 111.3 p.111. . larch 3.1 and Lil
1111111~ss11111111an1l studeni artwork will beon
1~'111‘111111‘11 information. call the Arbore


‘_ l lflli 11 11' 1l.‘.‘1§1111"_"171'1$l.'1.'1.

57 45

Not bad for a
Idesoay _ .
, Deadline for servrce award approaches
.11 i‘i‘llll‘ll 1111' lilt‘ “111'
Award Modems .ire
11111111111111 .111. iindei‘gi‘adiLiIe 111
VOL $31113 11-:t \l 111 11111111111111 11111
15511113111} .: 1 ..1..f'11s '1‘1:1-111-a1l111‘11 11111111111.;na
- 1s \‘1'1-111111s.i 1‘. I111 1111111 1111111111a 1:1111. 1.111
ESiABUSHED'" 1.1. 1‘111‘1II.111.11.‘71I 101111

‘,1 ‘1 1111111s 11'i' 111‘11‘1‘;
“\11111-1 5111\11‘1-

.1“ [\

Conference features reporter, anchor

111.1111 Young. a reporter and 1111111111“ 1111'
\\'.\\'l1. \ 111 I.11ui~\ 11111. will speak at 1111- eighth
CaitlSi‘HIS or l'.1‘k111s are $1.? and can hc purchased from the

e‘maii 1'19 .\t'r11‘;1n American Studies I)1.1par‘nnei‘.t.
«Gillel‘ukvrdt‘ with-11 is 1111‘ 111.111 111 111‘111‘kinridgeIlall Room 102.
-11‘l1\ walling 371117-1113.

Speaker applications being accepted
\pplications are being accepted for student
speaker for 1111- 211112 i‘1amnenceinent Ceremony
1:1 .\I‘1\ .‘1 The 111-1111:1111 for applying is Friday
.\1111111';illilll:~' are ayailahle at the Student Govern
11111111 ilftice. 111-an 111‘Stiiilt1nts Office. Ag Science
North 1111111111111: 111‘ online at
111111 1111I1s11n1‘a11141111111 RegASP commence si


Call 257-2872 or

Call 257-2871 or
tax 323-1906

‘Body studies' creator will speak

11 111111111 ”1111111111111 111a lit“ inteidisci-
: '111111y studies." A 111 speak

I1111111 sytiipiisitllll at l p 111 Fri

1'I' Yo 111111 1.1111. ll‘_\ Boidoisan

Editor in chief
if you have
comments, e-
mail them to
Ashley York at
kykernetcom or
call 257-1915.

11111 ()1 s \ Si 111111111y i '11 1.111‘ in 1'1uinanit1es

Theater offers free advance screening
'l‘here '\\lll 1111 a free adyance screening of
"Death to Smoochy." starring Robin Williams. at
.11 11111 Wednesday. March 27 at the Worsham
”heatit Tickets are available at the Student
tentei licket Office For more inforinatirm. call
33'. 8811'?

Ethiopian officials
have complained
that a movie star
ring Angelina Jolie
being filmed in
Namibia gives a
biased portrayal of
their country.
Ethiopia lodged a
complaint With the
Namibian govern-
ment, saying
Beyond Borders
only shows the
1984 drought and
starvation in the
country and none
of the progress
made Since then. In
the film, Jolie falls
in love with a doc-
tor who travels to
Cambodia, Chech-
nya and Ethiopia to
help war victims.
Scenes for the
movie are being
shot in Namibia
instead of Ethiopia
-- both countries
have similar ter-
rain -- because at
the time filming
was being consid-
ered in Ethiopia,
the country was at
war with neighbor-
inq Eritrea. "The
portrayal of hap‘
penings of 1984 in
the film does not
reflect the true
image of Ethiopia
today," said
Tegenaw Goshu,
spokesman of the
Ethiopian embassy
in South Africa.
There was no
immediate reaction
from the Namibian
Thursday. Jolie.
who serves as a
goodwill ambas-
sador for the U.N.
High Commissioner
for Refugees, said
she had been want-
ing to shoot the
film for three
years. and that the
script was one of
the best she had
ever seen.

SAB accepts applications for officers

The Student Activities Board is accepting
applications for president. vicepresident and
ni1nprogramming directors. Any undergradu-
ate student with a minimum 2.0 gradepoint av-
erage is encouraged to apply, Applications can
be picked up at the SAB otl'ice in the Student
t‘enter Room 203. or are available online at
wwwuksaborg The deadline for applications
is 4:30 pm. Friday.

Diabetes seminar to discuss nutrition

A free diabetes seminar will be held at 9
a. 111 Saturday on the second floor ofthe phar-
mac) building. Holly Divine an assistant pro-
lessor w 111 onduct nutrition semiin‘ns. For
more information. call £313..)- 891'. ’ or 112 047:1.

Nominations sought for award

L'K is seeking nominations for the 2002 Sul-
liyan Medallion. an award presented annually
at the May commencement. The medallion rec-
ognizes a male and female student who have
had outstanding impacts on their connnunities.
The recipients must graduate 111 May 2002 or re-
ceived their bachelor‘s degrees in August 2001
or December 2001. The award is also presented
to a non-student who is either :i I'K employee.
alumni or friend. Nomination forms are avail-
able online at wwwukyedu SullivanAward .
Nominations and supporting letters should be
sent to (‘arol L. Elam. (‘hairz 2002 Sullivan
Awards Committee. I'niyersity of Kentucky
College of Medicine; Office of Admissions: 800
Rose St. MN102: Lexington. Ky. 40506-0298.
Deadline for submitting nominations is 4:30
pm. Wednesday.


Seven killed in grenade attack

ISLAMABAI). Pakistan A grenade attack
on a Protestant church packed with Sunday
worshippers killed five people including an
American Woman and her daughter in an as
sault clearly aimed at Pakistan's foreign com
munity. No group claimed responsibility for the
attack. in which at least one young man in
black ran through the Protestant International
(‘hurch hurling grenades. Some witnesses re-
ported two people. lslamic extremists
were suspected as being behind the attack. Ten
Americans were among the 4.3 people injured.
most of whom were foreigners. police. and hospi
tals said. One body remained unidentified late
Sunday. and officials said it may be the as-
sailant. President Bush condemned the attack
on the church and called it an act of terrorism.
He pledged to find those responsible and bring
them to justice. The attack occurred at 10:50
am. during a sermon before 60 to T) worship-
pers. Dozens of police and soldiers rushed to the

Compiled from wire reports

‘...until justice rolls down like
waters and righteousness like
a mighty stream.

-MLK, Jr.


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iravis Hubbard
SportsDaily Editor
Phone 257 l9l5 | E-matl: kernelsportseyahoocom



Cats finally get in the mood
win first two NCAA games

We love to see you smile: Positive attitude
by Tubby Smith transfers into players’ play

By Will Messer

SleR'hsA‘iV 53"th

ST LUCIS Team Tui‘
tnoil. meet Team McDonald's

No. four seed l'K which
looked ready to FedEx the post-
season after falling to South
Carolina 7057 in the Southeast
ern Conference 'l‘ournameni
grinned its way to the Sweet 16
with a victory against .\'o. 12
Tulsa Saturday at the Edward
Jones Dome.

“For me to look around and
see everyone smiling and see
everyone on the same page
pulling together with the same
end in mind it feels really
good." said senior pomt guard
.l.P. Blevins.

Forward Tayshaun Prince
gave the Cats 41 reasons to
cheese Saturday

The seniors' career-high 41
points the most scored by a
Cat in the NCAA Tournament
since .lack’ "Goose" Givens
scored 41 during l'K's win
against Duke in the 1978 fin: ls
~ translated into an 818‘: win.

Prince grabbed a game-
high nine rebminds and played
‘ 7 minutes. including every sec
ondvhalf minute. Guard Keith
Bogans added 19 points. Neither
star had a turnover.

Bogans had 21 points dur»
ing L'K's 83-68 victory against

Sports ~

Divers qualify for NCAAs

UK will send two divers to
the NCAA Championships

Junior Clayton Moss. who
qualified yesterday in the :Hne-
ter. and freshman Trisha Tum-
linson. who qualified by placing
second with a school record
score in the platform competi-
tion at L'K‘s Lancaster Aquatic
Center in the NCAA Zone 8

Senior Aaron Kirkpatrick.
junior Kelli Frost. and fresh—
men .lohn Collier and Alison
Riccobono (lid not get the
scores needed to advance to the
championships The top 13
women and 12 men in this meet

lli-seeded Valparaiso Thursday.

The junior made a com—
bined b‘-of»10 3-pointers in the
two games to break out of a
shooting slump. He had made
29.7 percent of his 3-pointers be-
fore the Valpo game.

Bogans credited His new
attitude for his. and the Cats'

"Coach (Tubby Smith) is
Aiust trying to stay positive
trying to eliminate that mean
stare and stomping his feet.

“If you watch the way we
played in the past and the. way
we play now you'll see a lot of

An obvious difference is
the Cats' shooting. UK shot 44.4
percent against Tulsa and 49.1
percent against Valpo on

Against SEC opponents UK
shot 43.9 percent overall and
made 304 percent of its 3—point

The low point came against
South Carolina when the Cats
shot 31.1. percent and made 1-of-
16 3-pointers.

But those Cats didn't make
the trip to St. Louis.

And. if Blevins has his way.
they won't make the trip to
Syracuse. NY. the site of the
East Regional. either.

“I think this might be the
first time all year that guys are

In the men‘s 1-meter, Moss
(288.50) and Kirkpatrick (279.65)
finished ninth and 10th. while
Collier came in 31st. Later in
the afternoon. in the platform
competition. Moss had another
strong round. finishing sixth
with a score 01485.35.

Tumlinson will compete in
the women's NCAA Swimming
and Diving Championships on
March 21-23 at the University of
Texas at Austin.

Moss will at the University
of Georgia in the NCAA Cham-
pionships March 28-30.

Softball Cats drop two

Florida scored three unearned


W t .‘t

NICK tomcat | PHOTO tonon

Sophomore Erik Daniels and Tulsa's Greg Harrington dive for a loose ball
during UK's 87-82 win Saturday. The Cats advanced to the Sweet 16 for
the ninth time in eleven years and for the second consecutive season.

really understanding what be-
lieving in one another and lean-
ing on one another can do for
you." Blevins said.

The win gave UK its second
straight trip to the Sweet 16. the
Cats' ninth in 11 years.

Sophomore guard CliiT
Hawkins. who had six points.
four assists and one turnover
against Tulsa. said the grins are
a constant.

“We‘ve always had the
smiles." he said. “A lot of us are
living a dream this is what
we‘ve waited and worked so
hard for to play for an NCAA

runs in the bottom of the fifth
inning to erase a one-run deficit
and down the visiting UK soft-
ball team. 4-3. at the Florida
Softball Field on Sunday. tak~
ing the final game of the three-
game series.

With the loss. UK falls to 15-
11 on the season and 1-2 in
Southeastern Conference play.

Trailing 2~1 entering the
bottom of the fifth. the Gators
loaded the bases with two outs
before all three runners came
home on an error by UK left-
fielder Meghan Brooks.

Howland was saddled with
the loss despite allowing just
three hits and four runs. all un—
earned. Angus and senior Ang-
ie Dal Pozzo each finished the
game 1~for~2 while Eilertson
and Dal Pozzo both picked up
an RBI.

The Cats will retake the
field on Tuesday at the UK Soft‘
ball Complex against

The doubleheader will be

Championship for Kentucky.
Through the good times and the
bad. you‘ve still got to be happy
you‘re here.“

Hawkins‘ and UK‘s dream
will continue Friday at the Car-
rier Dome when the Cats face
No. 1 Maryland.

For now, the Cats will re-
main in their oxymoron-like
state: loose but focused.

“We want to continue to be
positive." Blevins said. “That‘s
the attitude we've chosen for
the postseason. We'll keep pick-
ing each other up and rallying
around each other."

the conference homeopener for
the Cats.

Gymltats win season f’male

DENTON. Texas 77 In the
last regular—season meet of the
season. the UK gymnastics
team shattered the school
record with a 196.325 to defeat
homestanding Texas Woman's
University in Kitty Magee Are»
na on Friday.

UK needed every score be-
cause TWU‘s 195.400 was a
school record.

UK‘s previous high was a
196.100 set against Ball State on
Feb. 15.

With the completion of the
regular season. UK now heads
to the Southeastern Conference
Championships on Saturday.

Action is scheduled to take
place in Bartow Arena at the
University of Alabama-

Compiled from wire reports

Ladigs of the SEC 2003


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top 10

Welcome back from a
week of no
worries and even
less memories
While you were
zone the
basketball team
“eteived a swift
KICK in the
buttocks from
tubby they ve
been praying
great and what's
even more
nrportant is that
the fans have
:ecreaseo their
‘ubbv hasnrng
No you‘re not 221
ac alcoholic daze
« tubby has
turned the team
1» the right
Jiit‘CilOl’l You're
wondering how he
did it too 2f
you‘ve regained
that rs

Here are lubyy's top
to motivational

‘13 r the Cats rose.
they Will all be
owed to attend a
seminar hosted by
“one oth