xt7g1j979h2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j979h2v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1980 1980 1980-01-25 2020 true xt7g1j979h2v section xt7g1j979h2v \
h l d k t f' d ' t'
By (‘HRIS CAMERON ranking squads (l-lorida. litdiana squad was required to submit a sts- eonlident ol the squad ‘s abilities. not— partners.“ she said "We miss a lot ot classes. and lnnss
chorlcf State. Memphis State.and()hio State) minute tilntthat included light song. a mg that "with the amourtt ol espe- (‘audill‘s partner is jimmy Morti— seeing my triendsand tum”) alot. but
will compete in the “National (‘olle- musical routine. cheers and pyramids. rience they (the cheerleadersi have, ”m. a busing“ junior 1mm (ilasgow oterall. it‘s worth it.“ Parks “Nd
. Sandy Rice paced neryously alonga giate (‘heerlcading (‘hampionshrpfl‘a lach squad was‘iudged tn nine catego- you should know they're going to be During the summer. the squad Although Parks said \hc didn't
mirrored wall in the gymnastics room (‘BS prime‘time telcyision special that ries. appearance. personality. tech- yery good." attended the l niyeisal (‘heerleading thirtk site would get neryotis about the
ot Seaton Athletic ('enter. She will air some time in April nique. degree ol dilliculty. Williamson noted that ten ol the (‘linicat.lohnson(‘iiy. lum de “1“ competition. her partner. physical
‘ shouted instructions in the tone ol a Filming ol' the show has tentatiyely incorporation ol clteers into routines. lour‘teen sqtiad members were pre— the ottly sqtiad to place In all catcgo~ education sophomore Iim Hudson ot
coach. yet she stopped periodically to .been set lor March 3-8 tn ()ilando. organi/ation and crowd rapport.mus- yiously cheerleaders. and tour [My cheers. “5m song and sideline. Henderson. disagreed.
tend to her young daughter. who was Fla. According to a spokesman at real awareness. \Crsztllllly‘ ol perlor~ members Hell i'tt‘W‘L Jt‘tmnll" (“audill said. lhe squad was also “I‘m realneiyousabotit it." Hudson
entertaining a friend. "Brad Marks Productions" ol Holly» rriance and oyerall perlorrnancc. Parks. (‘athy (‘audilL and Barbara chosen by the other groups participtit» said, “l'yery game I'm rieryous "
“We're going to cradle on “A not wood. the 90—minute special wilt lea- Prtiit-ssttinul L.heerleadcr itidgcs Bettsi haye taught cheerleadrng in mg m tlte “tn collegiate squad Htidson plans m coach basketball
.. _, ~ . .. , ' ttire a number ot celebrities (whose tanked squads six through twenty. summer camps Reasoningthatthis squad is“oncot alter graduating Hesaid hisinterestin
“‘c- j‘hc yelled '"Sonny. ”'p “"1”“ names haye not yet been disclosed) while the top liye squads will remain ('audill. a special education senior the most talented [1K has cycr had." athletics prorttptcd hiitt to become
now. ”1p errt 00. and is expected to draw a nationwide unrartked until the competition. lroin louisyille and ctr—captain ol the .lenniler Parks. a psychology iuiiior inyolyed iit chcerleadtng, “ l his is my
Rice is choreographer lor the l'K audience til oyer 45 million petipls‘. Asmlum l)eanol S‘Uds'm‘ ' 1W“ “Wild “ml approsirnately thirty trom Har'rodsburg. said she‘s “pretty lirst experience as a cheerleader." he
cheerleading squad. recently ranked lhe annual program has consistently Williamson.sponsorolthe group. said women and littcen men originally tried conlident“ cntcnng thc competition said "I iust watched them all the time
by' the (‘35 teleytsion network as one been among the top ten iii the \ielsen the live participating squads will be out. “Once the squad was chosen. we gm. said there were some disadyan— and decided to try out to become
oi the top the squads in the nation. tutlngfi. ths‘ Spttks‘smdn Mild “”"l‘mngmm shareinSZS.000worth “("de “”h“'CPOH‘CTiln‘HUSl W” 0' tages to being a cheerleader at such a closer to l‘k’ athletics "
l‘K. along with the other lottr lop- lo enter the competition. each ol scholarships Williamson skits its“ \tils‘d 0" “h“ “C “i“"t‘d ‘0 M ”t” large college. (‘ontinued on Page 4
V ii. LXXlI. No. 92 - . -
Fiidfl- “nu"! 25~ t9th Ker e] 1 Twin” 0‘ :miuciix . '
an independent student newspaper .ex nzton. en uc )
— E—
' ; ,7 - -'* ”f ”V ' " ' ‘7 . H "T "
‘ 5‘ {kg , J y- a .' ' ,, O . l '
. » .g ._ ., , . » ~. Some of state s Iranians .
. ' . ' a... . -..;g"5::. " ’ , ';,;,::t;.:::::’::'11.22;. . - ‘4 4
My. «w- » , ~= M have lost student statu3'
' f d rt t'
. I
may ace GPO 6 IO”
‘ By ANNE (HARLES ‘ykotring cites sucli lactors as not
7%,,” stair \ytttet carrying ltill course loads. changing
~ .. l schools or oycrstay iitg allotted tiittc as
‘ i .-.W*s.,rwm-. ‘ MW l‘orty—one ot the 4X4 Iranians reasonstorthelr'anians‘cancellations -
- 7' _ 45 enrolled iii Kentucky‘s eight state uni- 'l he yiolators can atoid deportation it .
‘ ., a ,j' ' I ~ . yersities haye lost their student status tltcy reapply and obtain their student
. ' I . and may be subiect to deportation. status.
- . - . .5- » it??? . , 4,5,4” according to Roy Schremp criminal Iranian students all oy er the timed
_ ' I, -. fil’ '; inyestigator tor the l .S Immigration States were ordered by President (‘:tr~
' . ' " - i, . i 1;, 'i and \atura‘li/ation Seryicc in ter to report to immigration ollicials
I . ' 9' .f‘ ' I“ ,6??? louisyille. belore l)ec H to hayc their student
I '2; ‘ ~ .‘ . .- y . {/‘(H‘ :1, It”! ty m ”u fl “New ”mu 1... status chcckcd \yotriiig said the ,
i 'I’. , . . ‘ ' fa ' _ l (“mum rm» hearings will be immigration ollice is looking tor those
V l . / . 1 ’i, ’ i‘cyiewed leb. 20 and 2|. “'1“ lilllk‘d l" ”POW ”ltd Mild [ht-W
i ' '1 (31., 332/3? ‘ ' . students will be dealt with on a case-
; , " ,. ‘ Dean of Students loseph Burch said b _ .. _ b' .
i ‘ " i. 3 M - .. .. r «mu-w - liye or sl.\ oll K's Ho Iranian students -\ “N ‘lm'
. ~a——»~-—~«-—m—~m- .42.”,77 » 7-» » » » » .. .. »» I» » » -» » 7 ~ , - . » »» . _ lhcdeportation process can be ten
, , were required to report to louisyille .
, By ”M II) ( (it It» kernel shift _ _ , . long and drawn ottt. according to Dr .
' . lor the reytew But Dewey “UlllllL’. ,. . ,.
. . Farm out h’ 1 . _ , ‘ ' ' . ‘ Douglas “liStin. director ot l l\ s
cat or the louisyille immigration Hum'tn Reittions (‘cnter He ”“1
“The American Farm"c\hibit on display until Feb.28 in the l'K art museum The display of historical pictures. taken at different periods after the turn of “HM! \ittd ht‘ had n“ SPs‘Ctl's" 4‘1“” dcpoitation ;\ a threat to any loreign
contains oyer 80 photographs collected by photographer Richard ('onrat. the century. is sponsored by the (‘alifornia Historical Society. htliid‘iii procedures lit-“Ill“ ”1’3 l K students who \iolatc [hm “gm“
. s e s
C dd k hm ff" m l'f' 'l'dff' ‘
row 9 WOT space 3 pers e ICIGHCY, ora e In inanCIa 8| 0 ICE
By R03 SHEHIAN Sl05 million were giyen to students, employs eight administratiyc stall and eyen though they are more important " ~ ' ' ‘
Rt-purtet lhe large increase, lngle said_ seyen lull-time secretaries. he said. In to you," FlnanClal A'd ' I .
occurred in l973~74 when the Basic addition. 20studcnts work parttimein l'niycrsity oltictals haye suggested ' i
As Financial Aid Awareness Week (Brant Program began. Although there tht‘ olliccs that some (it the Financial Aid's ollices . .
:7 draw'stoaclose. the flow ol studentsto is no litttit on total lunds the goycin‘ in ”m. area irieasuring l50-squarc could relocate in the Hamilton House. ‘ ‘— '
the fifth—floor ollices in the Patterson ment awards tor the grants. l'K's pro- l'ect. there are three part-iime worker's located on Sotttlt limestone beside . ‘ _ . ’ I '
()l’lice lower continues. Howeyer. gram began with a small number ot and one secretary. Halsey said. [“0 Kecncland and Holmes halls. How— I96S-66 1757 $1 million
’ employees working invthe ollice say its grants until the goyernment program administratiyestail members sltarethe eier. lngle said the building‘s inside
crowded work space is allecting their reached lull lunding in NW»? “Hm ollice m ”k. l'inancial A:d‘s walls could not be easily altered “to
“1'“ch and morale. last year. the ollice awarded 5.500 loans arid collections department accorttodate [its \t/L‘ til the operation '
lhe situation is “serious and criti- basic grants. lngle said. He predicts ”L Robert [tiniwmkle m1. presi~ lhulthxfcrlii‘cil h ‘ 7 1970-71 3347 $1.75 million
cal." according to Financial Aid that(i.500 basic grants willbe awarded dent lor Student Altairs: submitted 1h)“: h' 171???? (Pl‘xf.,:(:\ll.l:rlhf):d . i .
DirectorJim lngle thisyearnlheselrgu1csmclt:dethctK two lloor Plum outlining possible ire: lng‘ic :in k mdmm ' I ‘Ml .' j .. '. -.
I"l'he bottom line is that we can't (timmunity' ( ”HUI-gs“, ways to renoyatc the l‘iatiancial Aid lngle said another problem was iii $3Smillion .
giye the kind ol seryice that we would Because the ollice handles a larger ollice to the Physical Plant diyision tlte oltiices’cl‘liciency Secretaries must 1974'75 5832 ' L ' - :1."
llkt‘ to (because ol the space shot» nutnberot grants and awards. it hasa last week. He said he doesn‘t know now UP“ indiyidtial Financial aid .. i. -
tage). said Jim Kcnnedy.a loans and larger number ol eniploy'eecWhile the when he will get a reply on the plans. checks. A committee has beenlormed. - . , :
collectionsolticcr in the Financial Aid workload arid stall si/c has increased. Although lfriiycrstty ollicials haye lngle “my. m initiate a data processing - ‘~ ‘ j ‘.'
ollice the space allotted to the ollice has not been cooperatiye. the dollars arid sysiern lor linancral aid. 1976-77 12‘190 $7.5 million -
(her a lite-year period. the olt'icc with the exception ol the inlorrtiaiion space aren't ayailable now. [umwin— lngle md it could take anywhere . 7 -. '
has increased the number 0‘ grants ” desk space created last year klc said from lwclye to eighteen months to '
distributes by almost l0.000 awards. “It alliects the working conditions “lhere is no question ot need lot ”“C‘Uk‘illc and dcyclop ”“5 \“ls‘m "
lngle said, In ”74-75. students and the morale ot the people additional space." lngle said. How- Witt“ It Is ds‘ieloped ltc said. work can 1979-80 15 000 510.5 million
receiyed 5.R32 awards worth $3.5 mtl- insolyed." said Bob Halsey. assistant cycr. he added that ”You can‘t be self» be done ”WW CllLlC'C'l‘I.‘ 3”“ i" it “NUT L 9
lion. This year. 15.000 awards worth director lor l‘inancial Aid. lhe othee ish about your own considerations l'itts‘ ’
the (iames be postponed. nioyed or canceled unlesstheSoiit-t lt’el and ministerial contacts with the Soyiet I own. cancel Sl'PPORTI‘IRS 0F ANDREI l). SAKHAROV. Nobel ‘
State lap-""1 “”hdmw ”‘ mll'm'.‘ lt‘tCt‘N'Wm 'Ughanistan h\ lcb military exchanges between the two cotiritrics arid beam rtiore Peace Prize Winner and unspartngcritic ol Soyict ottiualdom.
A3011 500 PERSONSgathcrt-d n" thet‘aptiol Mr“ \W ‘“ radio broadcasts into Russia and "lithitnmim admitted yesterday that his banishment lrom \loscowao
terdat in hanktori to hear legislators. cleft!) men and leaders ("WM dealt a “mom M0“ in [he already ham-red dl‘cldsm
of the Kentucky Pro»l ile moycmcrit oppose abortion worId moycment . - _ .» 4 '
' ”W cnmd «Nomi: sums protesting abortion stood in thc IRANIAN Prtvstr‘ius siisisri1Rt1titn the stricken , ”“de “’“m‘ ““d “ ”‘md “‘ WM“ ‘ l“ “9“" a
cold lor more than an hour and cheered as speakers most oi THI". SO‘ ll-IT I'VION \csterday scolled at President (‘ar- Ayatollah Rtihollah Khomeini in the intensiye care unit ol a \ ”I!“ port “1) 480 miles “N ”I Moscow that " closed “ii-0k
them lawmakers said they support the Phil ile moycment tcr‘selaimthat theorI-rich Persiantiiill area is null tothcl‘ni Ichrati hospital yesterday. but he and his doctors sought to “gm” telephoned contacts m “mm“ and reported Mk.
Seieral bills restricting the .tyailahility ol abortion hate tcd States Btttainanttounccd a tough packagcolmcasurcsto reassure anxrotrs lranraris that his heart ailment posed no hotoy “m “CH _
been introduced d“””tl lht‘ current WW0“ protest the Sottet military interyention in Afghanistan immediate danger 'hmugh ”WW contacts triends “"1 Mkh‘m“ m” h“ “PIC
Respondiniz to(’arter‘s Statcol the l'nion address Wedncs lhe "3-year~o|d reyolutronary lcadcr made a broadcast I” maintain at Ia"! some 0' hl‘ human tlghts Campaigning
I da\ night. the Soyiet news agency lass said “the absurdity ol statement tront his sickbcd telling the nation his condition was But at the ”my time u M" cyrdent as one dli‘ldcm put It that
“anon »“'asltingttin tlaims that the Persian (tull area is a sphere ol “not bad"and his illness “not important " the dm'dcm mmenicnt had “PM I“ head
. ‘ y l S ‘yital interest‘ is an axiom which needs no proot " But its precise nature was not disclosed and his sudden hos.
PRESIDENT (‘ARTER W()\ swilt House apprmal yes» lass said the only maior "outside lorce"in the Persian (tull pitalilation camcon the eye til what could beacrueially signit~ weather
terday '0' h" stand “” ”1“ “mm” ”limp” (iamcs '“ Mm' area was an American natal torce ”the biggest armada ol icant presidential election in Iran, lensions already were
cow but h" hope for weed} action h) the m” ('ongrcss “3‘ nasal |orces.".ind said Americansweretheonly ones blocking running high because ol reports reaching lchran that “mcr- , .
stymied by the chairman ”' the “7“"? ”mt!“ Whilst!“ the gull and the Normal Straits. and boycotting oil shipments cenaries" had tntiltrated lrom Iraq to “make trouble" during IT WI”! ('(WTINI'I‘: 1“ be cold ””1 P‘T'Dd‘ 0' light '3'”
t ommittec ”0m Iran the election today and highs in the mid 40s It will becold tonightwiththc
i . B) a ”6“”: "13'1“”th ”WW adopteda rcwlutwnurgmiz In l ondon. meanwhile lorctgn Secretary lord (‘airington lhe ruling Rcyolutionary (‘ouncil ordered the reyolution- lows '" the low 20‘ Saturday “ outlook " "H clotrds and SUM
the l] 5 Olympic ( ommittee 1“ hy‘nt" (iatlt‘ti‘ request that announced Britain would stispt ittl “lor the time being" high ary guard militia on alert nationwide temperatures “'"h ”"7 h'gh‘ '" the ”PP“ 20‘
.M‘WMH**W ___________,
. I

 - J
_W__—_—___————MM-~ V
I KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel V
l I‘m" 1" ( In“, M.“ Green Kim Aubrey Thom-s ( lurk 10"" “l! (5"! “Nu"
_ Jay l-ouetl Bob (‘ochrane /,,,‘,,t‘,,,,,,,,i,,, I‘m" . V“ m I,t/II(W ltrm tor or Photographi
( ury “illis 4mm rurr [it/HUM Poul Mann V
Hurtuume Ii/tIur (‘indy McGee 5." ‘l‘lrhnn Brian Rifif'd Dnid Mlynlrd
chkl Rudd “mm,” {nix/ant Spur/t ltd/tor Photo llanager
' o O t New Mum: U“ 00‘5““. (0!” IMHO“ I'nlt'rtammmt I‘tIr/tu
editorials 8: common 5 V
S t f ' m tb d ’
ta 8 0 UNION ay I70 e 900 , .
‘ . . l 7 WHO Am ya)
but rs draft registration needed. - can Believe, t a
_ t tile 0R ‘
l’r‘estdent (artet ga\e his State of the ltiion llnClUdmtl Iran 595- £1“le “duh?” W“ heard ‘t [pm‘g 916987? l; \§
dtlxll‘k‘ss \\ edriesday night and told us iii no uncertain “till” V .... f B
terms that the \‘tate ol the l ntoti is not good In laet. Wllh ”“5 l.‘ P“ "l (“M War threatening ll l5 begin- ‘ a
' ('arter gave its all reason to be scared rirngtoseemdoubtlulthatthe l‘nited Stateswillayoid \ / g3? R
' ' ‘ another conflict where American youths are asked to / ‘ ‘ ‘ jg §
' _ . \ltlioiigh he declared tritlatrori to be the nation‘s detend a piece 0t turt that two months preyious wasa ’ ‘5
number one thttttt‘slle problem. he spent by tar the name that had to look up in the ttttugy
.‘Jl's'ills‘l l‘itH "l ll“ ‘PL‘Wl‘ lillmtl dim” the lit“ “ll ”1“ lhe President‘s request may also be on|\ a formal , ‘
. “ crisis an the \liddle last -\ White llottse aide declared ity to gain popular support In the past. his‘aides have 3 .
' lllk‘ it"l‘ilh‘l ”R‘VKL’L' l“ (“Ht-”'5“ “‘1‘ m" “it bugle Gill“ said the President has the power to order registration / ‘ ~
' . tor war but the President is sullteently concerned without the legislative body‘s consent But ('ongres- sr.\ ‘ “
dl‘t’l” '«lls‘ H‘l-lllls‘ \Illldlit'“ ”1 'llt‘ PCNH” (iUll R‘tllt’” sional reiection of the request (which seems highly é‘fi‘r VI/ ‘ -
V ‘ l“ “'slll‘s"I s1 lt-‘ll‘lllll‘m'l 0' “‘lWllW WWW doubtlul alter the enthusiastic response wliicligreeted ; ‘8” ‘. ' - .\ r'
. . , ‘ IL‘tJM-filllt‘” the requestt would cause the President to thitik twice. 0 0 Ci i‘“ “ , x 'k
‘ . , _ . , _ lhe registration of |h-\ear-olds lor the dratt is an 0 ,> \r "a X -1: r“\—~‘-;§p<4-
. V.' Niritprt pttt. l resitleritt artet liasrequested therern- V . . . . )VVV. V 'V . , V __ , Air“ , \ [,3.‘ -'\ ~u\
. trial or the dratt troni the moth balls that lia\e held it MN “huh lht huldmt and [hL (ongrcss need to ‘ (t , r:- r,‘ “615-“ .V ‘.Nfg}
. strut We: appr‘oaeliwtth great care and carelul consideration. ' \V/f lip" , ' ' i \ New» ‘iVn/‘d
‘ . .‘ lts necessity at this point is a debatable issue. ()thet‘ ’V 3 , .L (\‘VZ 1 at \\\ * V
’ . llie arinoirrteeriierit ol the registration renewal ar‘easol response need to beexplored betorewespend 054’ ‘,V ~ ‘._ "Q. .
‘1 mum-e: wt'n hand iii hand ‘.\L'.lt a proclatiiatron that an estttiiatcd Slit million to proceed on a course of / " 4 eat L. ‘('q(1\-\“‘ : . “-K-.. at- k\
. :iirztiei some: aggression in the oil fields ol the l’er- action which maybedilficult.il notitiipossibletostop ,9 “/ (V1 33 "'.‘ {J .7) i 3‘3 fl XS
. _ ‘ star: (iiitt :eeton ‘.\trlll\l be met with swrtt -\mertean short ol war. Andalter registration. the steptoiniple- ”w/ 7" 7 ‘17 C) “ 33‘ ‘1 \
. . . retaliation tip to and including a military response menting the actual draft process is tttst too simple.
- . Purpose of eXIstence . Wfifi—KLL‘K .
“ Wh b 7 Ltt tth Ed't
. YWGI’GYOU 0m. 9 9’ 0 9 l0,
. . By R \l P“ l. .l()ll\.\()\ Rcmcnthct ()mat. the tent- Lteate esen as isetery normal hung Mismanagement? aryVI was to be LlasstVlteVd as a Vchlm—V any. V h V . V df
V V . -V V V . V V tilitlu‘f pttL‘l“ “”1““. me hit qlltlllllt.’ ”1”th lttllttlttlc' tit inummutc~ lll‘l stt . V quent senior m regar S [0 0 lLyV . gUVCSSI ChCV SCfVllOfS appeare VrVom V
_ , .e w sate ~ 'rieargamenr lt‘l tl‘s mm ”plum” but tn. “M m up! ttthL. as tt hunt the spark oi lite. Vt hatdoyou havewhen htlgraduat- prerequisites. and subsequently thin arr clearly IhCVddlenlSlrdKIOVn
. ‘ ' s 't‘}‘ Ilia? you were born tor it Here 1‘ d WNW“ “mm” he beautt- tntttvcthtiwnhitgttttttng i‘yerlosc mg seniorstrytofill/eroavatlablespa- removed from the roll. V did not antrcrpate their arrival, Or is
‘ iV Vt'ititritwe In other words. \ttlll hirth lull\ “M“ h“ Inwnctlmw your “pm-tut." lhe wry thottght 0t ces in Business Policy"? A mess! I was shocked.punled.furious and the problem more directly related to
' ‘ . “““"""7 “'“lVlmlW‘l” ll“‘[“l‘"lll“l Ht!ic‘“tt\ltttt tood was revolting. lhtts. w tthout that Madly the problem in llK‘s bust- any other adjectives you‘d caretoadd. the fact that we have onlyV80 profes-
' I 1 ‘1““5‘1 1"“ “I“ "‘l “‘l’ll'ltl .L'J‘L‘ "l setit m\ Soul through the ll]\l.\|— appetite and taste buds w liich provide ness ‘50“930 During pre-rcgistration Al this time I “‘35 informed that there 59” whereas a untversrty' tn Virginia
. f ‘ . ' and .r 't. ilirrli gettetatltttis or ble 5mm. letter M that “mt,“ m tlte rewards. you would not perform for the current semester students were wasapossrbility that lwould notgrad- with comparable enrollment has 120.
» V. , “in c\\.‘ .r' .tm :iiar: sc‘tL‘ylHC breeding spell »\rid 'm and by my Soul that obligatory duty And so it tloes; informed ol‘dil‘ficulties in enrolling in uatc on time. in a meeting for students Management therefore seems to bean
' , . . V l' l ‘irittV m: tVtioViee :ri :tie matter returned 1“ “WV Mid answer‘d .1 the mandatori tasks for which thc’c rs \ai'ious BA courses. However. l had tora Better B& ECollVege. Dean Leton obvious problem at UVKV; the lack of
. . , . a:i.: lsl‘li.‘ ld tike to beltese that l “\th am llea\'rr and Hell.” always. when hildll\ iiintnittt ts iioi~ my schedule signed by the assistant promised all graduating seniors that which warranted my initial removal
_ ~ . . ' r. ‘ ‘13:: r. a rat that there is ‘l he ‘0’“. h ”01 “MM” nope mal. an overpowering urge and a cor-- deanand was assuredthatthere would the arrangements would beVmadtho from Policy. Perhaps we should offer
‘ :, VV 1‘ i-eii I . r: r"; i-taevrig, irrialtera- \m am i “mm”! hope responding sensational reward, benoproblemingctttngit through our insure a timelygraduation, lhe asstst- another section of BA 335 and enroll
» ' 9 ' . “"~» “9-“ Willi “Ht ‘1‘ t‘t's'sN‘ so ills" *HVf‘fi—— lhe end resultwouldappeartohern indispensible computer. I had my ant dean explained that even though our administrators!
* . V . . V' ans ..: V'tl‘t‘xsies pas/t/ve unsucrtttlhuiCOmindnd. l’roereiiiion doubts until I picked up my schedule they'added another groupto each Pol-
' . s. .t: ptt‘sltttit no the purpose - l’roereate and \ttul|\c_ l‘zill‘dnd you in December. little did I know that icy section. accommodations for 44 Alice Downs
,,‘ ‘g ' V this llttt \\ Ita!’ negat/VQ die ‘ ‘ during the first class meeting in .lanu- seniors were still necessary but under Accounting senior
‘. \h 'ttat‘r has sought that answer M“ lhere are no more dinosaurs and
. - ~ srnt .. tie stt tzggled rat! at pt irneial oo/e lhe question. however. is why were the dodo bird is estrnct Both de oth— ' .
.‘ .' . ‘ V ”l“! ”1‘" w ~14“ ”7 L'“lii-‘lllk‘llk'd “ll-”Ell“ W“ h“”l‘ ers. tor a \ariety ol reasons. tailed to Letters 0/,0
. VI “'. '.iue tint iil\\it'.‘ there :\ that tttiin ltrttst \ou lia\e tinned nie tn reteet» generate more ot their kinds. l p y
" V ‘ J . ’ietrnii: Mud. we trtllilttl see lint the trig the thesis that it is all in min. \\ere ()tnar find it "I M\sell am ““1“”
' ‘_' ‘ . a'rrs' t': new ~~:\ ant tainair/es it so you would as would we all and Hell ~~ ‘ lhe [\(‘Hlllt/H Kernel welcomes all contributions from Contributions should be delivered to Room ll4Jour-
.- . » . . _ \VV 7:.”an Vim .MMHWM m. sun. .i hate been better on rn(ririana with the \k'hx‘ the l'K community for publication on the editorial and nalism. l'niversity 0f Kentucky, Lexington. Ky. 40506.
,‘ . . -' atom. “me; in has worked ltte late Rev .ltm .lories when he per— ()ni‘ar wrote. in mum” stun/a. opinion pages. For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK ID
- t. .g tat , s.. Ittt' ..lt‘:t1st)l his t*\pc. siiadeil ltls tloek to drink the cyanrde— "Strange. h it not'.’ that of the mt” . V before the Kernel will be able to accept the material.
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