xt7g1j979k0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j979k0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1995 1995 1995-12-07 2020 true xt7g1j979k0s section xt7g1j979k0s  


M WEAIHEB (. lomly 'I'UII) mot."

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“ Icing/It lair IIIIII 20, yuIi/Iy
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lax! ”lg/.11. Stung page 3.


Dead week hardly dead

Broken policies
can be reported

By Mandy Cawood

(.IIIIII'iltIIIiIIg II how

The UK campus is ftill of life
this week; the computer labs are
crammed, classrooms are packed,
and the library has become home
to many students.

Students are preparing for filial
exams finishing papers and
icsearchinLr class projects.

I he picture hardly fits the
name given to the week before
final exams “dead week."

According to Selected Rtiles of

the University Senate (ioverning
Academic Relationships, no e.\ ain
shall be given duringr the last week
of regular session classes, and no
take home finals shall be due
before the regularly scheduled
exam time."

Faculty are also told not to
assign unreasonable class exercises
or fail to give students ample time
to prepare for an assignment, said

Lee A. FIdgerton, UK's academic

“Announcing a requirement on
Friday befoce dead week for a
major oral presentation to be
given during dead week is not in
the spirit I duerton said.

So what exactly is reasonable
during dead week?

A reasonable class exercise
might be an impromptu oral pre—
sentation in a speech class. Any
exercise that may occur on It nor—
inal class day is acceptable.

There are exceptions to the
rtile, ofcourse.

\ completion date during dead
week for a project assigned early In
the semester is acceptable. Laho-
ratory practicuins and make—up
examinations may also be given
during dead week.

Many sttidents, however, are
frustrated during this time of the
semester with faculty members
who pile the work on them and do
not give students a break to study.

“I haven’t even been able to
begin studying for finals yet
because I haie both a project and a
paper due this week, ' said I.mily

Bittinan, Ii nursing senior.

nge rton suggests faculty
ineinlieis pl an less intensive activi—
ties and communicate their sched—
ulcs and expectations in advance.

“I suspect most of (faculty and
students) agree that the intent is to
provide .1 week with reduced
load not an increased load,"

ngerton said

lhe office of the UK ()mbud
receives and considers the coin-
plaints and grievances of students.

“F.very semester we get around
15 to It) complaints from students
during dead week," said Michelle
Sohner, assistant to the ombud.

This week is Edgerton's first
exposure to dead week, having

only been in office since July of

this year, and so far it hasn't been
too overwhelming.

“A few students have raised
questions concerning the legitiina~

cy of an .issignnient,’ Edgerton
said.‘ but the phone s not ringing
off the wall."

(:lilllplillnt\. or questions con—
cerning dead week should be
directed to the office ofthc oinbiitl
at 357. I787 or 573530.




D€L€7lll7€7 7 I995

(lIHIIlt'if‘ —9
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BURNING "If MIDNIGHT D“. [immunity XIIIIIWII/(Il't' (III/'I‘it'l ly’I'y'IIIIltly gets ready for fiIIt/li :i‘I'I'I' .vr/IIly'I'IIg Iii ll't'

.\ IIII‘gIII'I't I. King III/trio}: I’IIIIII ext/mi ,i‘mrr «III A lam/Io:

Semester break a serious holiday lor thieves

By Chris Padgett

VII/I ll 'I'Iri'I'

.r\n unlocked window was all
that burglars needed to gain entry
into I exington Community (Iol
lege sophomore F llei1.\latthews
.\ylesforcl Place apartment cltiring
( hristmas break last year.

Unfortunately for Matthews
the burglars were able to steal
more than $l,5()() worth of mer—

“Fortunately, they didn't take
any of my personal belongings,”
Matthews said. [do not undei—
sti incl why anyone would want to
break into a college student s
apartment over the (Ihristmas

Matthews resolved to never
leave any window or door open in
her apartment again while she is

“The people who broke into
my apartment are the scum of the
earth!" she added.

Stephanie Bastin, UK crime
prevention coordinator, said it is
important for students to take
crime prevention techniques to
make sure their belongings are not
stolen over the break

‘Students need to act responsi—
hly and secure their rooms over
the break," Bastin said.

“Unfortunately, burglars do
not discriminate on which apart-
ment rooms they choose to hur—

Bastin recommends students
secure their rooms by locking w iii-
dows and loors. \partinent
dwellers should leave both alight
timer and a radio tinned on.

“Students should contact the
post office and have a stop placed
on your mail and or newspaper
and better y'et, if a friend or neigh—
bor will be staying in the neigh-
borhood, have them monitor the
area and pick up the mail and
newspaper," Bastin said.

liasiiti also said that is lniptir~

over Holiday Break

Dorm roads

5 0 Lock all wi
= 0 Turn off al


. OTake valu Ie ssessions i
g With you or ide em. 1
' OFollow Igu' elineslrom ,
‘ your ball irec, r. ‘
i // 1/

3 Apartments ;
‘ timer for a well lit ‘

tni hi. i
radio turned on. 1


Do patch nge your

ijIgnswtuinm machine or allude to
ourabse onyouroutgoing

up u. j

I messag9s] /


tant to tell others about your holi—
day plans.

“It is very important that some—
one know where you are going
and w hen you will be back " Bastin

said. “It would also he a good idea

to leave a number that you can be
reached at with a friend or neigh—
bor that will be staying in Lexing-

Residence hall students should
lock their doors, close the blinds
and turn off all appliances.

If possible, residents should
take valuable possessions with
them and place all valuable posses-
sions left behind in art inconspicu—
ous place.

Also bicycles shotild not be left
on campus bike racks and should
be locked away in storage. SIIIA
dents can check with individual
hall directors to find out if it is all
right to leave bicycles in residence
hall rooms.







BREAKING AND ENTERING There are many ript .y'flltlt'llf\ I'IIII [ii/lat." In Imp II't'iI' IIPIHTIIH’IIIA III/II

I‘Izi'i'ilwn'e lel roomy XII/c during the ImliIlIty' l’l't’ll“.

CHE task force to analyze relationship
between UK, Community College System

By Lindsay Hendrix
XII/ff ll 'I'Ift'I'

\ (Iouncil on

ernance of community

schools yesterday, and said that it will substitute

another study on the issue.

I he report also endorsed the proposal from the
council to inc rease higher education funding oy er a

two year period.

lhe 'I ask force on Higher qucations' first draft

Higher qucation task force
iepealecl its original suggestion of merging the gov-

President (Iharles \\'ethington.
“Such a study shotild get opinions from students,

factilty, staff, businesses and industry to deter-
mine how Kentucky can be best served in the
vocational and technical schools and community

.ind yocational colle res."

T e study should help determine the fate of
the community colleges.

Although thev currently oper rate throughout
the state by UK the other seven state universities
consider them competition and would like to play
a role in their governance.



of the proposal suggested a merger of the govern ance
of community colleges and vocational schools
But yesterday the coininittec decided to conduct a
study of the relationship between Kentucky's coin—
munitv college s, \ocational schools and tiniyersitics.
“lhe study needs to collect information and talk
with people who are actiyely involved," said [ K

Representative Freed (Itird, the chairman of
the House Faltication (Iommittee. said he expected
le rislation in the WW1 (General Assembly that would
ac dress the issue of governing higher education.

He said that he thought the committee ducked the
issue of control of the community colleges because it
was too controversial.

In ad lition to announcing the study, the task force
also emphasized the need for increased funding for
the state s higher education establishments.

The report endorsed the council's recommenda
tion of an 8.4 percent increase in higher education
ftindin 7 next year and 0.8 percent the following year.

“(T e proposal) has singled otit the funding prob~
lemon higher education in Kentucky," “'ethington

“It has focused on the need for deferred
maintenance moneys."

House Speaker jody Richards, the
chairman ofthe task force, said the impor—
tance of the report is that it recommends
more money for all ofhigher education.

“'ethington said he hopes the task
force s proposal will help to clarify many
issues that the public may not understand
about institutions of higher education s
financial situation.

“()ne of the purposes (of the report) is that of
informing our niblics of what is occurring in our
schools today," IVethington said.

“I think we ve got a good story to tell."

IIvr. lwm mm! I ’i to alto Imm Ilvm-Il In
flirt art/III:





Clinton to unveil
new federal budget plan

\VASI IIN( i'l'( ).\' 'lil1e\\ihitc llotisc began
unveiling its new seven year budget balancing pro
posal to congressional Deinocrits on FLISICHTIIH
even as President (.linton delivered his long-
promis‘ed coup—de-grace to a Republican plati he
said bore “wrongheaded ctits and misplaced priori-

(Ilinton dispatched Leon l’aiietta. his chief of

staff, to the (Iapitol to brief House and Senate
Democrats about the package. which the adminis»
tration plans to present to Republicans when biid—
get talks resume UNI; 1y
( .ompared with a proposal ( liiiton madc

~lune, the new plan will ban: deepei cuts in w elfarc
and many domestic programs and additional limits
on business tax breaks. It w ill call for the same sav—
ingsof5124 billion from .\ledicare and $54 billion
from Medicaid that he had sought earlier, and
about the same SW4 billion t.i\' ctit for families he
litltl proposed.

Simpson agrees to television interview

l.( )S :\.\'(iFl.FS~ (LI. Simpson has agreed to
an unrestricted interview with (I\'\' at an uncle—
terinined date s» ind is reportedly negotiating to
proclaim his innocence in a iiiiilti million dollar
yideo and infomcrit al.

(iret ta \ an Siisteien, a lawyer who helped ana-
lyze Simpsons murder cisc foi (..\.\. said he
promised the network an interview with no ground
rtiles during a four-hour com ersation with her last

Simpson backed otit of .1 scheduled NBC—IV
interview in October after his lawyers warned that
anything he said could be used against him in
pending civil suits.

Ethics committee to investigate Gingrich

\\’.\SIIII\'(}’I'().\' lhe llouse ethics coin»
inittec yesterday approvcd an outside counsel to
in\cstigatc Rep. .\cwt (illlLIllLll s conduct ensure
iiig a piotricted probe cytciidiiig wcll into the I‘M/i
clcctioll year. lhc yotc w as If) H

(Gingrich s spokesin in lony I'laiiklcy and coir
gressitinal sources said the counscl woul l inyesti—
Lt itc I'-1co|chrc course t night by thc llousc speakcr
1nd financed with my dcductiblt don itions

lhe committee also found (vingrich violated a
rule that prohibits mingling official and unofficial
resources, according to sources who spoke (in CUH‘
dition of anonymity.


Michael Jackson taken to hospital

NFAV Y( )RK _- Michael Jackson collapsed on
stage yesterday while rehearsing fora national tele-
yision special and was taken to a hospital suffering
from apparent dehydration.

Jackson was in stable condition and was under-
going tests, according to a statement from Beth
Israel Medical (Ienter \'orth. He was being held
overnight. A police source. speaking condition of
anonymity, said singerjanet jackson went into the
hospital to visit her ailing brother.

Emer encv workers found a semiconscious

Fying on the side of the stage when they
arrived at the Beacon T heater shortly after 5 p. m.,
Emergencv Medical Service technician Kevin Bar-
wick said

“He was lethargic. He was speaking slowly,
mumbling, said Barwick, who treated the po star.

lhe I7— -year- old singer ap cared dehytfrated
and was treated with oxygen ant intravenous fluids.
(.mprlnl fi am a II r ifpflf'h‘.


drift ‘.I 'h


a .


 -_._...... - ‘.- ‘ ‘4 W<~M~ .. .

2 Tbmrduv. December 7, 199i, Kent/uh Kernel



Lance Vthliams ........

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"P M” [mm The 4/lvlllt'lllf’t'l‘ cr/ucl‘rl'iim rim” (UNI/it‘lt’a' in [mine .l/Juu'l urn/(ml tlte region. 'Il'tjl' are making .I I’ll!) tit Aime/MIX t/chiiil‘r :z‘t'clc I'II .llily.

Equestrian team riding way to top

Term] {12'7712'72 g

for nationals

By Jason Dallilo
.Sjlll/‘It Iii/11m

(Zentral Kentucky is world
faiiiotis for its thoroughbred hors—
es, but equine activity is not limit—
ed to the llllllllallllllltill dollar
business of race horses.

The L'K equestrian travels to
horse shows aroutid the region
competing against teams from var—
ious colleges, including Midway,
Morehead State and Tennessee.

The equestrian team at UK
competes as a club sport and is a
member of the lntercollegiate
Horse Show Association. The 40
participants pay a Slll membership
fee entitling them to compete at


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collcgt‘ llorse slums around the

As a club sport, the team has to
ctnei‘ all its own expenses from
lessons to travel time. The squad
doesn‘t have its own barn or ani—
mals so team members are forced
to pursue individual instruction on
their own.

L'K head coach Shelly Mann
operates out ofChampaign Run, a
local barn, and teaches lessons in
Hunt seat riding, Hunt seat is
basically an English style of riding
that includes the jumping of
fences. The saddle in Hunt seat is
of English design and includes a
saddle horn.

Most of the instruction in
\Vestern riding takes place at the
High Point Equestrian (Ienter in
Georgetown, Ky. In \A’estern rid»
ing, participants are judged on a

variety of techniques from trots
ting. walking .iiid cantering.plump—
ing is not part of a \\'estern com—
petition wlierc participants use a
hornless saddle.

“The two events are judged
totally different." said junior team
member Kate Schwegman.
“(\ludgesl want the “'estern horses
to be slower. calmer and head low.
They want the Hunt horses to be
more forward."

\\'hen teams travel to shows,
they use horses provided by the
host school. Participants draw the
name of a particular horse and are
forced to compete without ever
riding or even seeing the animal.

“You're led otit into the ring
and you ride," Mann said. “lt can
be kind of scary."

The Cats have competed at
four shows so far this season and

are preparing for the postseason
tournaments next semester.

Regional competition is sclied
uled for the end of March at Ten
nessee. llunt seat riders finishing
first. second or thirdmove on to
zone competition. The top two
riders at zones move on to nation»
al competition slated for the first
week in May in Hollywood, (Ialif.

In \Vestern competition the
top two riders in the regional
show advance to nationals.

“They get better every show,"
Mann said. “\Ve got a lot of peo—
ple who have never horseshowed
before and they're winning rib

“\Ve've had a lot more team
spirit this year," said “lulie LaFleur.
the team's president. “Everybody
goes out to the shows and supports
everybody else."

Charging llll students to attend the
JV basketball games is I‘llllClllllllS

few random observations as
basketball season begins to
get in full-swing:

I understand UK basket-
ball is big, and that the athletic
department makes a lot of money
off of it. But please. Making the
students pay S3 to attend a [Hi/I'M
I'll/wily game is a little ridiculous.
The students don't even have to
pay to attend varsity women's
game. “by should they have to
pay to get into see junior varsity

Now l‘ni not trying to
ptit down the guys who
play on the team, they are
giving everything they can
to impress the coaching
staff and get playing titne.
Heck, I only wish I could
play basketball at UK, L'\ en



in the country. It's not that (lat
fans don't make a lot of noise dur—
ing the big games, such as L" of l.
or Arkansas, but it does not even
come close to the mayhem that
reigns at (Ianieron for any game,
be it North (Iarolina or Ttiws‘on

Vl7or all I care, Kansas can
have the number one ranking in
December. As long as L'K can
have the national championship iii

VAfter suffering
through two seasons of
fashion abuse, it‘s good to
see the (Iats attired much
tiiore conservatively, but
speaking of fashion, could
sotiieoiie please explain
why Rick l’itino was wear—
itig that tie he wore against

at the junior varsity level. Chris Massachusetts. lt had to be

But why? Easterlinn the ugliest thing l‘ve ever

\Vho knows, maybe next . seen. I ll chalk It up to a

_ ~ - ' .‘la‘a‘la’timl .Spm‘fl . .

statt charging students to I’lmu' bad tie-(lav, or maybe it

if . - ' c. ' .

attetid cross country V was a gift. (. tiioii Armani
meets? man, sport the good stuff.

Vlaist Saturday, Duke suffered
its first non-conference loss at
(Iameron lndoor Stadiutn since
Louisville beat them in _lantiary of
Will, a string of 95 games.
(Ianieron is arguably the toughest
arena to play in because of the
sheer enthusiasm that l)uke stu—
dents show throughout the game.
hence the nickname “(iaiiieron

Now if UK fans could give
Rupp Arena that same type of
atmosphere. the (Tats would have
the biggest home—court advantage

II at l blows out
Morehead State

By Chris Duncan

. lmuhlfn/ I’l'co

l.( )L'lS\'ll.l.l‘?, Ky. , l)e_liian
\l'licat scored ll points to lead
sen-ii (Iardinals in double figures

Vlt appears Bernadette Locke-
Mattox has the women‘s basket—
ball team heading in the right
direction. Maybe sotiie of l’itino's
magic rubbed off on her and she
can turn this program around
much like l’itino did when he
arrived in Lexington.

Vlt would be great publicity
for the Southeastern Conference if
l’lorida's football team could
knock off Nebraska in the Fiesta
Bowl on _Ian. 2 to win the national
championship Then to top it off
L'K could rim the table in the

NCAA Tournament in March to
win the basketball title.

“vitb the SEC also having at
least three or four women's has»
ketball teams ranked highly by the
polls, there is a possibility the con
ference could become one of lllt
first, if not the first. to have three
national champs in the same sea

Throw in UK gymnast Jenny
Hansen, already a three-time
national champ, and the Sl".('. is
looking at .1 big year in national

VDerek Anderson was ranked
heading into the UNI—()3 season
as the l(lth best high school player
in the state of Kentucky. Ranked
ahead of him, 1' of L‘s Jason
()sborne and Tick Rogers.

Shows you how much the so
called experts know.

Vl, for one, was disappointed
that lndiana's coach Bob Knight
had skipped his postgaine news
conference after UK beat his
lloosiers on Saturday.

I was looking forward to hear-
ing a expletive—filled tirade tiiuch
like the one he had after TU was
knocked out iii the first round of
last year's NCAA Tourney by

Vl wonder if former Arkansas
star and UK heartbreaker Scotty
'l‘litirman would have gotten an
agent last year if had known he
would be unemployed in Decem-

.'l\‘\‘l,\'filllf Spam Iii/Ilill‘ (flint [fatter/mg
n .1_/mmmlmn li'rr/vmim.

as Louisville routed Morehead
State 1]” (ll last night in Free—
dom llall.

Tick Rogers scored l‘) points
for l. oi‘la

Louisville (473) scored the
most points in a game since a lil-
H.‘ \Ictory olei' ( icorge Mason on

_lan. 4, l‘l‘H.

Mark Kinnaird scored H
points for Morehead State (3.3).

The §8~point victory matched
the most lopsided in Denny
(Irum‘s 3‘ seasons. Louisville
defeated Bellariiiine l 1658 in
l‘)7 l.

'l‘welve (iards saw action iii the
first half. Sophomore center
Samaki \\'alker sprained his ankle
in practice 'l‘tiesday. \VJlkCl‘
dressed but did not play \\'ednesv









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'\ [VIII/uh [\u'm/ Haunt/in. l)t’it'”//’t’/ [993‘ 3
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Cats heat Phoenix College athletes ”Bing
[I '
espite sloppy play 0|“ 3" 8 V 399" 8
[ By ClII'lS Hayworth are not paIt ot the \'( I \ \." \Jlil
i BY Jason Dattilo crowd," l’itIno said. “\Ve'll he a “WWI/WIN: H Wit L Ks ( onlpliante l)irettoi‘_lohn
Vin/1i III/NW great loh team and lime soiiie litttlti He saiil the \( \ \ «an
‘ spectacular dunks and we'll lose hy L K LIIllMLls \loe \\'i|liaiiis is not lz'\\ penalties against talents
I It \\;|\n‘[ a Mme“, and u (up Hor It) points In otireonlerenee a l’lslll}: star on the (Ullt‘t‘IIIlt' lHt time (-t the” latk ot ”m“
l tainly wasn't much lit”) to watch, each night" giidiroii w hose e\ploiis .iie stiie iioii
i hut when all the ugliness tleared, \Vhile the (iats needed to get to draw attention and attioii lit]! the \'( \\ tan |)t‘ll.lll/t‘
.’ L'K emerged with an unexentl'iil hack to the hasies on offense, it “W“ \P‘W“ "EJH'" """th lhe the student athletes lt\ t’t.'\til\|ll‘,‘
" "4—62 \ictory oier the L'niversity was the defensive perlorinanee nation. tlit tr eligthility while ieiiiainiiiy
I ot'\VisconsIn-(ireen Bay last night that really irked l’itino, especially “I can guarantee. he's getting pow eiless in \lt‘tet'HII}' agent I
' at Rtipp:\rena. in the second half when the plenty of tree adxiee rte-ht now troiii sohtitiiig talented ctillet'e
The Phoenix hrought its‘ Phoenix shot ‘l percent and cut from another \(illl't't‘ the athletes
i slow'vtlnw‘n style to town, the \Vlltlt'dts' lead It) ll) at agents,“ said L'K lootliall coat h “lt‘s a Hit Insidious and (lllll
: while the (lats spent most of Huli with 9:“ left. Bill ( ItirryI eult thing to pohi, tg" \Ilttl
I the night trying to turn tip The (lreen Bay rtiii lioh Bradley. L'K‘s assistant 'l honias (i, llaiiseii. toinniis
V i the tempo. It looked as prompted l’itino to w'his— athletic director, acts as a ll.tlsti!t sioner ot the l’at itit ltt ( ainler
l though the physieally stipe~ tle tor a :30 tinieout. Fol— hetween agents and student ath ente in an opinion written ltil
; rior \Vildcat squad was lowing the hi'eak. Lr'K lctes, Bradley and L'K's head \'(.I l,l \eg. it
i .L’oing to put away the is‘uard ’l‘oii) “elk nailed a Ut-It'hCN CAI“ 11'” ““11 A'IJC'HNI 1HI! “I think we‘xe tittl. set-n the
' l’hoenix early the (:ats ll) tooter, hut Norgaard not players or assistant coaches tip of the HltilIHIIIIII lt we ll.l\L
I led hy asinany as 33 points Delk answered with a dunkolla “I would tell .\Ioe that he more ot this, I'm at the em?“-
‘ i in the first stan/a htit haseline drive. UK again needs toget help. since there .iie where \\e ought to let kid-I get
i l (ireen Bay just wouldn't go traded haskets with Nor~ good ones and had ones." agents," the opiiiior. t, ”It
' ‘: away. v gaard. htit a \Valter Bradley said. lliit agents alrtaI‘jI Let-p sLtiI't'
b ' “'lt'sierytough to knock I\1c(3arty layup and two Bradley said that the_"good" with the athlete o: lltI‘-\ HHILlI /
Vi ‘ l otit this team," said L'K I: Antoine \\'a|ker free agents deal through him tor tootr iiioney L l‘. tttt‘t's hands \s report
‘ head coaeh Rick l’itino, .‘ throws gave the(Iats' a H— hall and hasehall players l'K ed In \’(f I I \I g . one toi'iiiei'
whose squad raised its ‘ point lead with tiiiieotitoii haskcthall (Hath Rick l’itltw l‘iloritla tootiiall ptaxei who, after
record to 37 l. the lloor and 7:53 left. handles thC haskethall I‘l:l_\'t'l\ i'eeen llty' a sILjIIIHL" hontis lroiii
“'l‘hey just stay with (lreen Bay (3—3) never But thc tll—Slttmcst 3146”” art an NH. teaiii, was surprised at
fi I their tenipo. You're not got closer than H) the rest not going t” 463' tllt‘HUth llH‘ how little ot the money was actur
going to heat this team hy Nordgaard ot‘ the way, htit the delen— administration, :HNl I'm h “ht‘f‘c ally his,
it) or i; hoints." \ch pcrl'or— 1h" Pml’lt‘m hegins. 'Rtllllt'!‘ thin a hettt eheek to
I l’itinosaid, F“"”“~’_“fi‘ " 7" " inanee still led Kentucky State Law delines a ‘l's'l“"”‘ It“. “MC“. ‘ruww‘t J
l’ach tinie L'K “K 74: "W‘anm BAY 62 to sarcasm sports agent .is “a person who detailed \Hmmm ”Hm Im J‘Js'llt
l seeined poised to V liotn l’itino. solicits, personally orthi'ough an that ,mimtmt ”Hm-M, I,” by“
y ”ML“ a run. ( ”11‘” mt”): Notdgaatti 1e t? 4 4C4 (st/ask “I‘m lU“t ' ‘ ‘ agent employee. J ‘m‘lcm'fll‘ t'et eIitd during tollege i
Ii llay‘s only legitii 1-1 002 Bettiiwskii‘f‘i 56%- Ht"; “ it going! togo out V _ JVAMESCHISH‘W’“"M lete to enter Into a UIHIFJUUJl \o \\ll\ «lo college athletes
in l inate scoring 6 JdChSOrtUfiltjrk‘t} 00th not)” I: and get the hest BAIILEM "IE BOABBSL [\VX .Uilrk l’ii/ieimd. liigime H Miller Itilrt/t' relationship.“ 'l he legislation “mum”. U, atcept the we}, “in
3 3mm”, .lk‘” Nor 32)”ng STétakis)2/tflfli:itftt: 1" U390 hottle 0" wine L U (i/i’\_7t'/].\ui1{qamt/flirt: re/tuimi/u/ the (am .4 li.‘ :t'm lim rug/tr also detines what are considered :itts. U L.” though the\ km,“ ,,
. TUM‘L 71““ II“: Iltl74):Mercpt:56 34 HIV/304040257 and eelehrate didn't iust come In here to play unlawful “Hymn by my agents L‘Hlltl “ll” Illl‘H‘i»\'(:t\'\i k‘lifliltlll
1 l’hoeiii\ hack into t3,Mt:Carty‘/J 9 3-410 {)plk'i~8.1~6t7 with my wife," Kentucky on their schedule ~~ ' L nlaw'lulpractices can he Clflle’ t\: ‘
' tontention, Etips 2-4 17-? D Andb‘I’Stfiilt‘ 7 7 7 “1‘3“ij l’itino (ll'lMW‘l- In th" lir t l . Hi I) ‘lk l 1“] lied as a (.lass l) lelony. ' Seeond \ear Kansas ( :m, m”
If it wasn‘t 1'2'0'02 ‘Ume'o‘l 3‘“ BMW?" M" u pm she'll t N ”0' L ”L, U L nlawttil aetn'ities ()L'Llll , ”i ‘k ('u.” 11'” . . ' . .
I . H . 0 PrickettO-t 2792 SttPDthOs‘i U-(I‘t‘ unstoppahle. storing nine ot the 1 ‘ . ,. ‘ 'l _ . h . . ”Mr W itsb I 51-1!” NH“
\"'§1"-”‘l‘ “h" Totals 2062 26-35 74 prohahly‘ haVe (2 ts‘ p 't i) 4 I , \\' ll “ ‘3” "E”‘” siower l”_”‘l’“““ al reasons, hut as he told tht
I led all scorers with ”(III)”,II' m (p, "' I.“ 1 lmn‘n‘ “‘ t‘“ ,l in proles‘s‘imi;il athletes with money \1‘: H .\'i';:‘\ the main new,” ,\
3t) 1min“ includ- Hat'ivtm‘m‘f Utiche; Fat-z In i-ltix H l r . cats huilt a H I» lead with i i and gifts, with hopes their 1 .\.(.\_\ \‘1 _|
I - ‘ ‘WMM’ UWGBzg‘N Wildfl” 'W'” “Hi ‘ "K lclt. liut the l’hot'liu closed the ' . 7 x , ”L ' " ‘ ‘ .lttlla. . .
me Its in the see PG tiw tr MLCMV ‘t ttnayl; reign Pat.— heeause ”I our I It. } ll ‘ . Inyohenient with the yoiingstei -~[ think ”Nye ”In. \( N\V\'e
"”‘I halt. it “M the tritcpalinijiflii‘;itIiIlliuiiidtijI :tmldx.‘ 1I. _, m delense." M .. “H 1 an ‘ HI” “1“ I”) ‘h‘ldml‘h “Ihc” m“ "‘I‘ tatilt hetause otthe stritt restrit
_1' (‘.its. lllllltltllltg e T ieztt:' I” As '0 UK “ ELL“: \Vhat's the . III “K" II” Hill WV“ "”‘l lete signs a professional contF-lt't tions on how long Qll\s can wml
I. and lllltlliltltfj the i “A: f’ f“. 'VJEE‘;[’;‘.‘ij‘UYV‘fj" "' " prolilein: “'1'”? "l“y Ilmt l‘lil hole that lirequently agents use a mid and [1,,“ ,mltl,‘ tililItIIHLIIll my
i: E hall I,” ”man“ MI IIKJLHAI ILMII Stilt-iii? ’jflx‘, "\Ve‘re not killed tisI \ordgaaitl saiil. ".\ltet’ dle iiiati called a “runner." who in,” get." \mi Hill. “I“, plan-it
g M ”m. l""”‘ t tIuin-s UK it tti‘itstiea F ‘IlS UK ‘4 \lttHHHL! the [It-'1 l“tltlltl\ \H' PIJM‘II ”WI“ JIWUI ser\ es as a tontact hetween play lumps” at [time \‘\- \l, '
IT , eai'h in the set‘tintl W1,“ iii L an N W T“ in) N i. A kind «it. heart e\en, er and JI—W'W and JI‘“ ‘ll*["l|"'lt“ lhe .\.( iI\.\‘s .\lantial alsw
i IN“: ”W (1-1“ , , , , and deteriiiina “”1.”“fl-\K‘lvklnw(h‘lnil In)", mm”) “M fill“ I“ 1"“ “”le drew tritieistn from Rome l
(I 1 “WI” attning tor “H” that we Its t-‘lllst'. [he liltoenn t-Iiininitttsl athlete. 'l‘his PI‘JL’IIH‘ ]e an \Iola \pmm. ”whim” id “”1““.
Il , the spectacular missed a tollow mm] I,” (pamwf ”HI \Valker‘ _‘4 personal totils. and the \Vilil tion. htit the .\'( I.-\ \‘s iiietit tilotis (Iln-istiaii L'iinersm.
‘ tip dtiiik and mishandled two loli “ht, t'jmehul “uh 1 { points. “\\"- cats were ahle to sink 3o“: {% monitoring ot college athletits is "'11“. _\'(j\ \ [fie “mum, A.
“ ILINNL‘N (llll‘lltg Ll [\Hrllllltlllc \IHH, ;||\\;iy\ l’l‘l." lLH'tl‘ but i[‘\ HHC [hing ll‘lllll llk' L’lttll'll) \Il'lpt‘. rendered IHL‘llL‘t’IHL' \\ ltt‘lt II \Ql’y t'lllHlK‘l'MHllL' lilH't'IIUL'IJL‘y .
' "I told the team rather than get to play hard and it's another thing Delk led the (Iats with l- YIBIEN THAM Artm/«nit' eoines to t‘tlnll’ttlllng this proh in my