xt7g1j979m7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j979m7f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1937 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.8 n.2, October-November, 1937 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.8 n.2, October-November, 1937 1937 1937 2020 true xt7g1j979m7f section xt7g1j979m7f  

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Volume 3 October-Number, 1937 Na‘ 2











Lou‘svflle Municipal College
David A. Lane, .112. Dean Raymond A. Kent, President

"An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child”

















- o





 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association


Vol. VIE October»November, 1937 No. 1
Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky



Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor.
W. H. Fouse, Lexington, President of K. N. E. A.


I. L. Bean, Versailles Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
R. L. Dowery, Manchester V. K. Perry, Louisville
Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription to
the Journal

Rates for Advertising space mailed on request

Present Circulation, 2,000 Copies. 1937 K. N. E. A. Membership 1,420



Officers of the K. N. E. A. for 1937-38 .
Greetings from the President
Editorial Comment . ......
The Western High School at Owensboro
Minutes oi? the 1937 General Session of the K. N. E. A..
Departmental Sessions of the 1937 Convention.
17th Annual K. N. E. A. Exhibition. .
Report of the Legislative Committee.
Report of the K. N. E. A. Research Committee
Report of Resolutions Committee.
Lincoln Institute Honor Key .....
1937—38 Committees of the K. N. E. A.
Secretary-Treasurer’s Financial Report .
The Auditing Committee Report ..
Address of Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune.
Address of Dr. John W. Davis.
The 193'] K. N. E. A. Honor RD
K. N. E. A. Membership by Counties.
K. N. E. A. Kullings ..
K. N. E. A. Announcements ..





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 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS FOR 1937-38

W. H. Fouse, President ...Lexington
H E. Goodioe, First Vice- President....... . ..Russellviiie
Mrs. R. E. Cabeii, Second Vice President . .Henderson
Atwood S. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer ..Louisviile
L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secretary i
G. W'. Parks. Historian .............






w. H. rouse, President ........... . . .Lexington

W. M. Young, (Term Expires 1939) . . . . incoin Ridge

R. L. Dowery, (Term Expires 1939) . Manchester

J. L. Bean, (Term Expires 1938) . .. ”Versailles

Victor K. Perry, (Term Expires 1938) . ...Lou.l.svi]le

T. R. Daiiey, High School and College Department ...... Frankfort

Lucy Harth Smith, Elementary Education Department....Lexington
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Department. .Hopldnsvifle
R. L. Carpenter, Music Department...... ,.Louisville
Whitney M. Young, Vocational Education Department.Lincoln Ridge
Nora H. Ward, Principals‘ Conference. .Newport
Blanche Elliott, Primary Teachers' Conference ...Greenville
Ouida Wilson, Art Teachers’ Conference....... ..i_ouisvilie
David H. Bradford, Social Science Teachers’ Conference..Frankfort
Gladys Spain, Science Teachers‘ Conference. ..... ..Louisviile
Nancy Woolridge, English Teachers' Conference... Louisville









Hortense Young, Librarians’ and Teachers’ Conference. Louisville
Lyle Hawkins, Adult Education Teachers' Conference. Louisville
H. A. Kean, Athletic Directors’ Conference....... Frankfort
Marguerite Parks, Guidance Workers‘ Conference ..Louisville

Augusta M. Emanuel, Foreign Language Teachers' Conference

1. H. S. Brown, Paducah .. ..First District Association
2. C. M. Cohen, Henderson. Second District Association
3. E. T. Buford, Bowling Green. .. . .Third District Association
4. Amos Lasley, Hodgensville Fourth District Association
5. Mayme Morris, Louisville. Jefferson County Association
6. H. R. Merry, Covington. .......Fifth District Association
7. Theda Van Lowe, Lexington District A, Bluegrass Association
8. W. E. Newsome, Cynthiana. District B. Bluegrass Association
9. W. F. Mudd, Jenkins... ......Seventh District Association
10. W. L. Shobe, Middlesboro ...... Ninth District Association
11. .1. H, Cooper, Ashland Eastern Kentucky District Association
12. Wt M. Wood, Harlan. Upper Cumberland District Association









 Greetings From The President
Dear Friends and (Jo-workers:

Allow me to extend to you the greetings of the season and to
hope you have spent not only a profitable and pleasant vacation
but that you are beginning your best school year.

Our association continues to have problems whose solution will
challenge our concerted actions based on intelligence and a willing-
ness to accept mponsibilities. To this end we wish to emphasize
the request that has recently been released by Prof. A. S. Wilson,
Secretary-Treasurer at our association, asking you to fill out with
caretulness the questionnaires and send them to Dr. G. D. Wilson.
These reports will furnish the data for completing an investigation
begun under Prof. Blanton’s administration and will be of vital im-
portanoe touching the salarstsue of the Negro teat-has of Ken-

Permit me to call your attention also to a few other edumflonfl
high poins that have occurred during the summer. I wish first to
mention the 80th annual meeting of the N. E. A. which convened in
Detroit in June, 1937. One of the high points of this meeting was
that it represented the active membership of over 200,000 teachers
in the public schools of America. Plans are being made to increase
the membership by an additional 800,000 new members Within the
next decade. The N. E, A., with a membership of one million teach-
ers, will not only be the largest and richest organization of beach»
ers in the world but its influence in setfing educational standards
and policies Will be unlimited. For this reason, all groups dissatis-
fied with present inequalities and differentials based on sex were
present creating sentiment for their cause and disseminating propa-
ganda for themselves. However, for that American group that suf-
fers most because of inequalities and the introduction of differen-
tials based on race and color, there “ms no active propagandizing.

This brings to the fore the fact that Kentucky, like all the other
states having a dual system of education, with its K E. A. and its
K N. E. A., had no authorized representation in the “Delegate As-
sembly." Her seven representatives were selected by the K E. A.
When it is recalled that the "Delegate Assembly" is the legislative
branch of the N, E. A, in whose hands standards and policies are
fixed, it will be seen how impormnt it is that all groups have a rep-
resentative in that body.

We hope not to ignore the tenets of becoming modesty in re-
porting to you that the situan‘on for Kentucky was saved somewhat
by the local unit of the Lexington Association of Teachers in Co]-
ored Schools becoming an affiliated unit of the N, E. A. which gave
this unit representation in the “Delegate Assembly" of the N, E. A.
This is the first Negro unit in the state to have ever had this dis-


 fincflon. The L. A. T. C. S. of Lexington has now acquired aniliated
membership in the N. E. A.

The K. N. E. A. hopes to acquire a new N. E. A. smtus. We
believe you will be interested to know that encouraging and hope-
ful steps have been taken looking forward to a new status for the
K. N. E. A. in its relations with the N. E. A. The Association will
meet in New York next year. Mrs. Caroline S. Woodruff, oi Ver-
mont, was the successful candidate over her Louisiana rival in be-
ing elected as the next president at the N. E. A.

A brief discussion of the annual meeting of the National Asso-
ciation of Teachers in Colored Schools along with the progress that
has been made in “Teacher Retirement Fund” for Kentucky and
other pertinent issues worthy of consideration will be taken up in
the next issue of the K. N. E A. Journal.

In closing, however, may I state that it is the hope or your
president that each member of the committees thus far appointed
will hold himself ready to start the work planned for each com-
mittee. He wishs also to extend to the members or the Associa-
tion a welcome to make suggestions for the improvement of the

Yours very respectfully,
W. H. FOUSE, President of K. N. El A.


Privileges of Active Membership
in the K. N. E. A.

‘l. The privilege of attending all general sessions of the Association
2. The privilege of participating in the departmental sessions.

3. The privilege of speaking and holding office in the Kentucky
Negro Education Association.

-4. The privilege of voting and participating in the business snail-s
of the Association.

.5. The privilege of receiving all literature of the Assodation includ-
ing the ofiicial publication, The K. N. E. A. Journal

No Kentucky Teacher Should Fail to Enroll
Send One Dollar

To A. S. WIISON, Sectehnryll‘reasuer
1925 w. Madison Street, Louisville, Ky.

 M a o

Editorial Comment



The Gist Convention of the Kentucky Negro Education Asso—
ciation, which met in April of 1937 at Louisville, marked the end of
sixty years of existence for the organization. This convention was
one of its most successful, the enrollment being 1420 of the 1500
colored teachers in Kentucky. The theme of the program, "Educa~
tion for Improving the Economic Status of the Negro." was featured
in all of the major addresses of the convention. Two of these ad-
dresses, that of Pres. John W. Davis of West Virginia State College
and that of Ms. Mary McLeod Bethune, President of Bethune-Cook-
man College, are published in flais issue of the K. N. E. A. Journal.

The Annual Musicale, State Spelling Bee and programs of the
various departments and conferences were much better than heretns
fore. The 17th Annual Exhibition was well attended and featured
the sixty years of progress in the education of the Negro. The K.
N. E. A. on this, its sixtieth anniversary (1877 to 1937) portrayed
the history of Negro education in Kentucky in the pageant, "Educa-
tion Marches On.” The details of the happenings at the 1937 con-
vention of the K. N. E. A. are outlined in this issue of the Journal
and each teacher is urged to read its entire contents.

The 62nd Convention of the K. N. E. A. will be held in Louis
ville April 13 to 16, 1938. The newly elected president, W. H. Fouse
of Lexington, and the executive secretary, Atwood S. Wilson of
Louisville, are already at work studying needs in the education of
the Negro and planning a program to help our teachers to teach
for building more adequately the type of citizenship desired in our
youth. Features of the 193738 program will include the Annual
Spelling Bee, the Annual Musicale, the 18th Annual Physical Ex-
hibition, an Art Exhibit, subject conferences of teachers, depart-
mental programs. and addresses by leading educators of the United
States. During the school year various committees will be at work
and will report their findings at the April convention. Chief among
these committees will be the Research Committee, which will make
a study of. the salary inequalities among white and Negro teachers
in Kentucky. The K. N. E. A. office will send out three issues of
the K. N. E. A. Journal and K. N. E. A. Newsettes twice each month.
The K. N. E. A. Newsettes are for the bulletin boards of our vari-
ous schools. The office of the Secretary or the K. N. E. A. will
be ready at all times to cooperate in anything that leads toward the
improvement of the youth of Kentucky. Let us work together to
make this a banner year in the colored schools in Kentucky. While
we have done well l'n the past, We must not rest on our laurels.
We must press on. The command comes at this, the beginning of
another school year—"Forward, March!"



The research committee of the K. N. E. A. is headed by Dr. G.
D. Wilson of the Louisville Municipal College. The main work of
this committee at present is the making of a study of salaries for
Negro teachers in Kentucky. The spirit of the school code passed
by the Kentucky Legislature in 1934 was to set up a single sched-
ule for salaries of all teachers based on merit, training. and experi~
ence. There has been a general tendency to pay the Negro teacher»
a lesser salary than the white teacher, the contention being that
the Negro teacher can live on less salary. The K. N. E. A in its
study will analyze the economic status of the Negro teacher and
compare his needs with those of the white teacher to determine the
merit of this contention. Questionnaires are being sent to all teach-
ers and it is hoped that they 'will he returned promptly to Dr. G. D.
Wilson at the Louisville Municipal College. Each teacher should do
his part and get his questionnaire in at once. These questionnaires
have been sent to all principals and county organizers for distribu-
tion. Write for a questionnaire if you did not receive one. The
findings or this study will be reported in the February, 1938 issue
of "The K. N. E. A. Journal.”



In September, 1937, there appeared the first issue of the Na—
tional Educational Outlook, 3 monthly magazine featuring the edu<
cation of the Negro. Chief among the leaders sponsoring this pub-
lication is Dr. Ambrose Caliver, senior specialist in the education
of the Negro in the Office of Education at Washington, D. C. Else—
where in this Journal will be round an advertisement concerning
this magazine. The subscription rate is one dollar per year and
those who would subscribe should mail their subscription to the
office of the K. N. E. A. secretary. The K. N. E. A. has planned to
cooperate in the circulation of this new publication. Each subscrip-
tion sent in by the K. N. E. A. will permit the organization to re
celve a fee for the subscription. The publication also plans to pub-
lish articles of special interest to Kentudty teachers. The K. N. E. A.
secretary is one of its contributing editors.


Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal is the picture of the
new annex at Western High School at Owenshoro. This annex con-
tains an auditorium gymnasium and also rooms equipped for the
teaching of industrial arts. The annex is modern in construction
and cost the city of Owenshoro $42,000. The superintendent. Mr.
J. L. Faust. and the Owensboro Board of Education are commended
for this evidence or their desire to have an up-to~date colored high
school in their city. Prof. S. L. Barker, an ardent supporter of the
K. N. E. A. and its activities, is the efficient principal of this pro-
gressive school. This schoool has an A rating by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.



The cover of this issue of the Journal carries a picture 01 the
recently-remodeled Steward Hall on the campus of Louisville Muni-
cipal College. In this hall are the administrative offices, the library,
faculty and student lounge rooms, the auditorium, and classrooms
~01 the social sciences and humanities divisions. The library, which
is open to the public as well as to students, contains 6300 bound
volumes, not including magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals,

The college occupies an entire city block hounded by Seventh,
Eighth, Kentucky, and Zane Streets. There are three other campus
buildings: Parish Hall, which houses the science lecture rooms and
laboratories; Student Building, in which are the music rooms, the
college book store, the health center, and an assembly hall some-
times used as a Little Theatre; and the central heating plant. The
value of buildings and grounds is estimated at $350,000.

David A. Lane, Jr., formerly dean of West Virginia State Col
lege, assumed the deanship of Louisville Municipal College at the
beginning of. this school term‘ The staff associated with him is
composed of fourteen instructors, two librarians, a physician, a
nurse, an administrative secretary, and a part-time coach of athletics.

The College offers four-year curricula leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science and is fully accredited as
a class A institution by the Southern Assodation of Colleges and

Secondary Schools.



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 Minutes Of The General Association


E. A.


Louisville, Kentmuky, April 14-17, 1937

vThe Kentucky Negro Educa»
tion Association held its sixty-
first annual session in Louis-
ville on April 14 to 17. 1937. This
session was featured as the
Sixtieth Anniversary Session of
the K. N. E. A. and appropriate
exercises throughout the con‘
vention served to commemorate
the sixty years of the existence
of the K. N. E. A. The K. N. E.
A. was organized in 1877 and the
year 1937 marked sixty years of
its existence. The first general
session was held Wednesday,
April 14 at 8:15 p. m. at Quinh
Chapel, with the K. N. E. A. of-
ficers, directors, and past presi‘
dents seated on the rostrum.
~President R. B. Atwood presided
at this session in the place of
VicerPresident H. R. Merry, who
was detained and could not be
other sessions of the K. N. E. A.
featured the theme of the 1937
convention: “Education for Im-
proving the Economic Status of
the Negro." The opening mus}
oai numbers of the program
were rendered by the Girls‘ Glee
Club of Central High School, di-
rected bv Miss N. C. Board. The
invocation was rendered by Rev.
E. C. Ransom, Jr., pastor of
Quinn Chanel, A. M. E. Church,
of Louisville.

The opening features of the
program consisted of welcome
addresses by Mrs. Mayme Brock,
secretary of the Louisville Y. W.
C. A., and Prof. Henry s, Wil-
son. lnsh'uctot at the Louisville
Municipal College. The response

This session and all

to the welcome address was
made by Mrs. Bettie Davis, prin-
cipal of Edward Davis High
School, Georgetown, Kentucky.
After music by the Glee Club of
Madison Junior High School, di-
mated by Miss byline Good,
Praident W. S. Blanton, princi-
pal of Mayo-Underwood High
School of nankfort and presi-
dent of the K, N. E. A., after be«
ing introduced by President At-
wood, made the annual address
of the president. President Blan-
ton reviewed the achievements
of his administration and point-
ed out that the association had
accomplished most of the things
Wthh he had Set out to do at
the beginning of his adminis-
tration. '
Following the address of
President Bianton, Dean H. C.
Russell. of K. S. I. 6., introduced
Dr. John Davis, president of
West Virginia State College, who
spoke on the subject, “Educa-
tion and the Economic Status of
the Negro." President Davis
urged our youth of Kentucky to
enter business in a larger way
and to fit themselves for those
vocations which would lead the
Negro to a higher economic
status. The address of Presi-
dent Davis is shown in the Octo~
her-November, 1937, issue of the
K. N. E. A. Journal. The last ma-
jor feature of the program was
me presentafion of a trophy to
Secretary Atwood S. Wilson, on
the occasion of the fifteenth an-
niversary of his secretaryshio in
the K. N. E. A. This feature of


 the program was sponsored by
Mrs. M. L. Copeland, of Hopkins-
ville, chairman of 'the Rural
School Department of the K. N.
E. A. The presentation was
made by Dean H. C. Russell, who
reviewed the progress of the K.
N. E. A. during the fifteen years
which Atwood S. Wilson has
served as secretary of the or"
ganization. He expressed the
general appreciation of the as-
sociation for the services which
he had rendered and especially
commended him for his excel»
lent business management of
the affairs of the Kentucky
Negro Education Association.

Thursday, April 15, 1937
9:00 A. M

The Second General Session
of the K. N. E. A. was opened
with a band concert by the stu~
dents of Central High School,
under the direction of W. J. Ed-
wards, Jr. Mrs. R. E. Cabell, the
second vice-president of the K.
N. E. A., presided over the ses-
sion. After opening ceremonies,
Prof. S. L. Barker, chairman of
the Resolutions Committee,
made his report. Resolutions
adopted are shown in the Octo-
ber—November, 1937, issue of the
K. N. E. A. Journal. The next
report was that of the K. N. E.
A. Legislative Committee, of
which .1. H. Ingram, of Frank-
fort, was chairman. The report
of this committee is shown in
the OctoberNovember, 1937, is-
sue oi.‘ the K. N. E. A. Journal.

The next feature of this pro
gram was the annual report of
the secretary-treasurer, Atwood
S. Wilson. The secretary-treas-

urer’s report was received and
adopted by a vote of the asso-
ciation. Following the report of
the secretary-treasurer, Prof. P.
L. Guthrie, chairman of the
Auditing Committee, made a re-
port, in which he expressed to
the association that; the reports
of the secretary-treasurer were
correct in every detail and also
commended the secretary—treas-
urer for his efficient handling of
the funds of the association. A
report of the Auditing Commit»
tee is shown in the October»Nu-
vember, 1937, issue of the K. N.
E. A. Journal, following the fi-
nancial report of the secretary-
treasurer. Both the auditor's re-
port and the secretary’s report
showed that there had been re
ceived, within the year from
April 1, 1936 to April 1, 1937, a
total of $2872.49 and that there
had been gross payments of
$2262.17, leaving a balance in the
Lincoln Bank of Louisville of

The next feature of this ses-
'sion was a report of the Nemo
logy Committee, chairman of
which is Rev. J. Francis Wilson.
The exercises sponsored by this
committee paid homage to the
memory of teachers who had
passed away during the year
April 1, 1936 to April 1, 1937.

The closing feature of this
session was the report of the
Nominating Committee. which
consisted of district organizers
of the K. N. E. A., Wlth W. E.
Newsome as chairman. This
committee reported the nomina-
tions of S. L. Barker, of Owens-
boro, W. H. Fouse, of Lexing-
ton. and Mrs. L. H. Smith, of
Lexington, for the presidency of


 the K. N. E. A. Those nominated
for vicepresident were Prof. H.
E. Goodloe, of Russellville, and
Mrs. R. E. CabelJ, of Henderson.
Those nominated for the Board
of Directors were Whimey M.
Young, of Lincoln Ridge, R. L.
Dowery, of Manchester. Miss
Nora H. Ward, of Newport, Prof.
E. T. Buford, of Bowling Green,
Prof. P. Moore, of Hopkinsville,
and T. R. Bailey, of Padumh.
For secretary, Atwood S. Wil-
son was nominated; for assist-
ant secretary. Miss L. V. Ranels,
of Winchester; and for historian,
G. W. Parks, of Richmond, was
nominated. The election com-
mittee consisted of Mr. H. A:
Kean, Mrs. Theda Van Lowe,
Prof. G. W. Adams, Prof. C. S
Posey, Prof. L. W. Gee, and Prof.
Kenneth Meade. Prof. P. L.
Guthrie was appointed to over-
see and supervise the general
handling of the election.

During this session, mimeo-
graphed copies of the financial
report were given to all mem-
bers of the‘assoclafion present.


Thursday, April 15, 1997
8:15 P. M.

The Third General Session of
the K. N. E. A. was opened by
music furnished by the Glee Club
of Jackson High School, directed
by Wiley B. Daniel. After the
invocation by Rev. W. P. Offutt,
pastor of Calvary Baptist Church
in Louisville, the first major ad-
dress of the program was given
by Dr. J. Max Bond, who spoke
on “The Racial Differential and
Its Implications for the Educa-
tion and the Economic Status of

the Negro.” Dr. Bond pointed
out that the Negro should seek
to enter other vocations than the
professions and that he should
elevate his economic status by
participating, to a larger adept,
in business. What he termed
‘the racial difierential’ makes it
necessary for the Negro to be
very efficient in his methods of
doing things in order that we
might conunand the respect of
all people and thereby gain such
recognition as would improve
the economic status of the

After music by the Lincoln
Institute Chorus, directed by

Mrs. Alene Martin, Mr. T. E.
Brown, assistant director or N.
Y. A. in Kentucky, presented Mr.
Robert K. Sayler, state director
of the N. Y. A. in Kentucky, who
spoke concerning the work of
Mary McLeod Bethune, assistant
national director of the N. Y. A
and fittingly introduced her to
her Kentucky audience. Mrs.
Bethune, in a most eloquent
manner, outlined the opportuni-
ties offered by the N. Y. A. to
the Negro youth of America and
urged teachers in Kentucky to
teach our boys and girls to hold
up their heads and to be real
American citizens. The complete
address of Mrs. Bethune is shown
in the October-November 1937
issue of the K. N. E. A. Journal.

Near the close of the program,
Prof. T. W. Talley, of Fisk Uni-
versity, was presented to the
audience by President Blanton.
This session closed by music
from the Bourbon County Train-
ing School of. Paris, Ky., under
the direction of Mrs. M. M.


Friday, April 16, 193')
2:15 P. M.

The Fourth General Session of
the K. N. E. A. opened with a
hand concert by the Kentucky
School for the Blind, under the
direction of Mr. Otis Eades. A
number of selections by this
band were rendered and the
audience showed its appreciation
by extensive applause.

This session was conducted
by Dean R. E. Clement, of Lou-
isville Municipal College, and the
invocation was rendered by Dr.
M. B. Lanier, president or sim-
mons University. After music
by the Sixth Grade Chorus of
S. Coleridge Taylor School, Dr.
R. E. clement fittingly intro-
duced Mrs. Willa C. Burch, 01
Washington. D. C., president of
the N. A. T. C. S. Mrs. Burch
outlined the objectives and work
of the N. A. T. C. S. and empha~
sized its program for improving
the economic status of the

The next major feature of the
program was a short talk by
Prof. Whitney M. Young, of Lin.
coin Institute, in which he out-
lined the Lincoln Institute
Award, to be given hereafter to
the person making the most
outstanding contribution toward
the improvement of education of
Negroes in Kentucky.

After music by the Jefferson
Jacob School, under the direcflon
or Mrs. Mayme Morris, Dr. J. A.
c. Lattimore, one of the leading
plwsicians in Louisville, made a
short address on "The Relation-
ship of Health to the Economic
status of the Negro."

Following the address of Dr.

Latfimore, Dr. Roscoe Brown,
Negro specialist in the National
Healfli Department, was intro-
duced and made remarks along
the line of better health and the
economic siatus of the Negro.

This session closed with the
passing or a motion, which ex-
pressed the sentiment of the
Kentucky Negro Education Asso.
ciation regarding the Anti-
Lynohing Bill. pending in Con~
gress. The secretary of the as-
sociation was authorized to send
a telegram to Congressmen
Creel and Robinson and Sena
tors Barkley and Logan, urging
them to support the Anti-Lynch-
ing Bill.

Sahlflky, April 16, 1937
10:00 A. M.

The Final General Session of
the K. N. E. A. was held in Quinn
Chapel Sunday School room and
was given over largely to re-
ports ot the business of the as-
sociation. After an invention
by Prof. J. Bryant Cooper, of
Louisville, the audience sang
"The Negro National Anthem."
Prof. G. W. Parks, of Richmond,
then made the report of the his-
torian, which was received and
adopted. A substitute motion
requested that the historian
make his annual report in writ-
ing to the Board of Directors.
Prof. Moore, of Hopkinsville,
stated that there were certain
amendments which he would like
to propose to the constitution.
Prof. Moore was advised by the
secretary that any proposed
amendment should-be submitted
to him for publication sixty days
before the annual convention.


 in accordance with the provisions
of Article 12, Section 3.

Reports of other departments
of the K. N. E. A. were then
made by various chairmen. Prof.
Whitney M. Young reported a
very successful meeting at the
Vocational Education Depart-
ment. Mrs. L. H. Smith reported
a successful session of the Ele-
mentary School Department
The Library Teachers‘, Librari-
ans’ and Teacher-Libm’lans’ Con-
ference made its report, through
the secretary, Miss C. E. Johnson.
Dean '1‘. R. Dailey also
made the report of the High
School and College Department.
These repom and others that
were not read were received and
ordered to he condensed and
placed in the annual proceedings
of the K. N. E. A. Mr. H. S.
Smith, of Kentucky State Indus-
trial College, reported an or:
ganiution meeting of the Social
Science Department of the K. N.
E. A. The request for the or-
ganlzation of the Social Science
Department was referred to the
Board of Directors of the K. N.
E. A. Prat. W. H. Fouse, of Lex-
ington, reported on the Princi-
pals‘ Conference and the Princi-
pals’ Banquet. Prof. Marcus
Rambo, of Cincinnati, who was
the principal speaker at the
Principals’ Banquet, made a sug-
gestion that we have a K. N E.
A. night, prior to the convention,
at which time other cifies in
Kentucky might do something to-
ward sharing in the financial ex-
penses of the K. N. E. A. Dean
PL E. Clement then made some
suggestions, recommending that
the election, during the K. N. E.
A. convention, be made at some
other place than in the vestibule

of. Quinn Chapel Prof. G. w.
Adams. at Springfield, also join.
ed the previous speakers in
making suggestions for a still
better K. N. E. A. Mrs. L. H.
Smith, of Lexington, expressed
her deep gratitude to all who
supported her in the election and
pledged her cooperation to Prof.
W. H. Fouse, of Lexington, the
newly elected president.

At this point, the newly elect:
ed offioers of. the K. N. E. A.
were installed. The report of
the Nominating Committee show-
ed the voting to be as follows:
for presidenthw. H. Fouse, 304;
S. L. Barker, 151; and Mrs. L. H.
Smith, 152. For vicepresident—
Mr. H. E. Goodloe, 286; Mrs. 11
E. Cabell, 232. For secretary
treasurer—Atwood S. Wilson,
607. For directory—R. L. Dow-
ery, 221; Whlmey M. Young, 220;
E. T. Buford, 17s; Nora H Ward,
138; T. R. Dalley, 107; P. Moore,
92. For historian—G. W. Parks,

After fitting remarks by Pres-
ident Atwood, it was moved and
seconded that we affiliate with
the N. A. T. C. S. by donating
$50.00 to that organimdon. The
motion was carried. It was then
moved and seconded that there
be three delegates to the N. A.
'r. c. 3. meeting at Philadelphia
during July, 1337. The delegates
finally , selected were—President-