xt7g4f1mkr57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g4f1mkr57/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1988 1988 1988-09-19 2020 true xt7g4f1mkr57 section xt7g4f1mkr57  





Hoosiers hold true to promise, down
Cats 36-15. See Page 3.



Georgia Satellites cover their
tracks. For review, See Page 6.



Independent Since 1971


Rose to head up student committee

By .i.-\v BLANTON
Editor in t‘hiel

FRANKFURT. Ky Student Govern
ment Asstx-iation President James Rose
was named Friday to chair the student ad
voeates committee of the (‘ouncil on High
er Education

The committee. part of the t‘HE's Stu
dent Ady'isory t‘ommittee. Will be responsi
ble for the Student Advocates For Higher
Education. which addresses student con
cerns in higher education

Last semester SAFE staged a rally at
the capitol steps to call tor increased fund
ing to higher education in protest of (iov
Wallace Wilkinson‘s executive budget
which allotted only small increases in
higher education funding About moo peo.
ple attended the rally

Rose's appointment came at the first
meeting of the advisory committee at the
(‘HE on Friday The advisory committee
includes student government representa
tives from each of the state‘s eight tiniver
sities and is used primarily to assist the
student member of the council in higher
education issues

Rose. who was head of SGA s lobbyint.t
effort last year. said he would try to torin
an outline of the lobbying program at 't'K
to help coordinate similar efforts at the
other state universities

Rose said he wants the advocacy com
mittee to encourage students to contact
their legislators and county officials about
the need for increased tunding tor higher

Jim Hill, student t‘llli member and head

of the council's Student Advisory (‘ommit
tee. said he tabbed Rose for the committee

because of his experience and contacts
with lobbying legislators in Frankfort

In particular. Hill noted Rose‘s efforts
last year as the head of SCA‘s lobbying efr
tort. saying that he believes Rose can sell
the idea of student advocacy beyond the
(K campus to the other state universities.

t‘hristy Bradford, SGA's administrative
director of student appointments. said
ltose has several contacts in Frankfort

“via the SAFE program of last year
which make him qualified for the (-itmmll

“I think that they realize that lit‘ has a
certain speciality” in lobbying the lt-gis
lature. said Bradford u ho attended the :id
\isory committee meeting Friday ile‘s
definitely qualified for the iob "

The Student .\rlyisor\ t‘ommrttee is toe

\xc R()\I HJ,l P~gc

CHE student representative
not normal student activist

It) .I \Y Iil..\\'l'l)\'
liditor in ( ‘hief

l“lt.~\,\'l\'l“tllt'l‘, Ky Jim Hill is not
w hat you would call a student activist at
least not in the traditional sense of the

Hill the student member of the t'ouncil
on Higher Education. is not likely to take
part in marches on the capitol. carrying
protest signs and clamoring tor funding iii-
creases which have been the hallmark of
recent student members of the council

That's ‘,ust not his style

l'd rather have a meeting With those
that have the influence rather than
time to rieal with them) in confronta-
’lllll. said llill .t secondevear I'K law stu-

1' is a style that linds Hill more comfort
able at the meeting table or conference
room where he believes issues can be Ltd-
'lressed headron. instead of registering
cries of protest

It's also a style that s in (Ill't‘t" tiiittrist
to last year's l'lil‘l student representatnc
David Holton

llolton. a (K law graduate organired
march on the capitol last semester t . pro
test what he saw as the anemic ltindini.t lf‘
creases given to higher education it) téoy
Wallace Wilkinsons proposed budget

About ittlott students tactilty and admin
istrators from the state‘s eight universities
attended the rally .‘iltlioiigh the rally r-ttez:
resembled a cheering session rather than t:
protest. overtones of discontent
Wilkinson were registered throughout ' it»

Sean lrohnian. a Student Government
sociation senator at large. doesnt see i'='t
that way Instead. Lehman \tlltl lilii
someone w ho is ' \t'l'\ business ! ke
"straightforward ‘

‘l couldn‘t see him ritflllltL‘ -l'
speaking on the steps of the tourit 2;
man said

u m. :mt

'chIII I .2 :1L"



MUSICAL PANS: Sheryl Lang (left). Aisha Bakkar. Magie
Sullivan, and Fawn Mink partiCipate in the the Sigma Chi

Derby The Alpha Delta Pi and Pi Phi Sororities placed
first the second in the overall derby events yesterday




Quest to succeed on the field takes toll

Associated Press

LUL'ISVILIL‘. Ky High schools in
Kentucky are doing whatever it takes to
win in sports. with the quest taking its toll
in the classroom. The t,‘ourier-.lournal re
ported yesterday

Winning is the name of the game for
coaches who want to keep their jobs and
athletes seeking college scholarships. the
newspaper reported in the first of a series
of articles on the issue.

“There's more emphasis on winning and
losing than ever befoe. said Glyn Rob
erts. a sports psychologist at the t'niversi-
ty of Illinois “If you observe kids playing
informally. they compete. they win and
lose. but winning isn't the issue The issue
is the importance that adults place on win
ning and 10sing

"Mom and dad smile when kids win
games, Winning becomes the only thing "

Statistically. an average of only one Ken
tucky high school basketball player in 35
will compete in college. and only one in t.
100 will play professionally

Nevertheless. Roberts said. colleges look


Moro problem exist In tho my

Kentucky high school attitudes
on run; 500


upon high schools as feeder systems and
encourage them to use such tools as sum-
mer camps and weight training to produce
athletes who can contribute as college

The newspaper interviewed more than
47.3 mar-hes. teachers, students. parents
and officials associated with approxi-
mately l20 of the state’s high schools for
the series. It also reviewed thousands of
documents. including Kentucky High
School Athletic Association case files on
each of its 292 member schools.

Many high schools increasingly encour
age athletes to devote virtually all of their
extracurricular time to a single sport and
to spend their vacation months in training.

“Playing in the summer is (ssential if
you don't have great athletes." said Mike
Reitz. boys' basketball coach at Maysville

High School in northeastern Kt‘llltlth)
"For a small school to keep up. you'ye got
to do something.

“If the kids don‘t have the desire to tom
pete during the summer. we dont do :i_
and we don't look forward to a suctesstul

Summertime basketball is mandatory
for varsity aspirants at .\l.(‘ Napier in
Perry County, Jobs and vacations are
planned around Napier's summer basket
ball schedule.

"If a boy wants to loaf during ttic sum
meri. you just let him loaf during the sea
son. too." said (‘oach I)enn_\ Frigate.
whose teams have played as many l.~ to
games in a summer.

When the competition heats up. .in do
tempers Poor sportsmanship including
verbal abuse and physical assault is be
coming more frequent. according to Tom
Mills. commissmner of the KHSAA,

The newspaper found that about To Ken
lucky high schools have violated or ap
pear to have violated . one or more
KHSAA rules during the past five years.

See M“ \L‘. Page ‘

l___-.,.._. ., “a fi. . .


In .fl‘CU'WTO'" C)

lO't‘sr'ow l" rowan” ‘3

Monday. September 19. 1988

DUI violations
on a steady rise
in state. campus

[his ~frir‘v - in >

‘tiri'wttay' .tr.i-s ‘ir,.'

problems (.‘ssttr irtt't‘tl t
rtemge (irtttlzrmt

h .It I Hi I'..\'.\Ir.l.\l \\
~peeiai l'i‘oiei-ts \‘kri'w

,t'tttuifit' HAHN! ttt'tiiiii-
‘.t‘2‘\ ..::ittltlt r ulkt'
t'll:'l;_‘ ..iit Itit'I'ill‘i: r .111,
. ”tritiuattw
avtttttii. i tesiit '
'.l(ltit;. t-~‘t,‘tt‘.t.st' 1'35. '-
' [worm-z 7.i' l
k1lleri tact. jv-ai r.
.:.i .i‘vi'l'tltlt' i' .‘.IIIIII .
'1 remark: ms: _
..cllllt)l t‘t'itiftr:
:lhlUi 4.. lit‘ltt‘li‘ t i‘


’tt‘ t attest t tiltill‘l
:it‘ti 'l'ctlllt‘ tlt'dilih s,tti't t n
he pioltitiiis i ' «12in.»

,lit‘llkt‘ 1. l'icttlitl. tilli‘
’lII\Iit1Il\'IIlIIIIl it; :n
.itl_\ t". ti‘tcli twigs
«ittit' t' titet rttsct‘ht’uw' '
'Iltll’i.\ to Cop it‘ttiik taut.
cuisiattoti Ilia: .i’l\tlll ».
‘es tot l‘llt’lltit‘l‘ ‘t
‘Tllttlt'i' itt‘iiv 't-i t»
«illMlIlnll ,tiighiiii-s
llt‘i\\t \t‘i. il‘ l’l.\ :t it.
t‘ltttl'lfi .tlt‘ ; tying
: .ilieiliei lliillt. i.- ti..\
\ ittiisitlt'l'tiiilt ..t.~it...
fits ltl'tll l‘KU.‘Ufl it w.» .
stlu' 'K dim):
v.lllt‘tl izcai‘iy fxyi,

-'.ii iii strict. site was Lac

v «IIIII-UI(1III;Iillllltf|lcu t"l\"‘l'

l'illt itti .‘t‘yt'llut
fiat; ii ltotiiaw min t 4 t t\
‘illlklllltlll a? 'tit
t'eiitcr i.l\I l‘t.;_'li?

flx' ainot itiati strips...
of the tar. has ltt'Lll it ‘
.tig itlltlt'l lllt .ntiuci..t
lillI tit‘gl'n 'ittitsiatigii‘i;

Kt‘liitlkh) was t'l-k'
tttii sluit‘ ill it‘l Ill.‘ wt l ,

alcohol related tYllllt s

\'ii/iiit’t y i ‘

lI‘\ lli.i.. .,.



1988 —
as of





SOURCE. UK record.


‘llf‘MAS J SilillVAN ‘- e


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday. September 19, 1080

State’s top Dems talk of breaking open ‘dead heat’ race

Associated Press

FRANKFORT. Ky. ~ Gov. Wal
lace Wilkinson and other ranking
Kentucky Democrats said Friday
that strength of organization and ii
whopping edge in voter registration
would mean a breakthrough for Mt
chael Dukakis in his deadbeat
struggle to carry the state against
George Bush.

“County by county. precinct by
precinct. Democrats are gomg to
do the hand~to~hand combat nec
essary to Win this election." Wil»
kmson said in a news conference to
announce additions to the Dukakis
Bentsen state campaign organizar

Wilkinson said the race is even at
this potnt. The state Democratic
party is united behind Dukakis and

'Wlll not be defeated" on No\ . 8

\sked how the race could be
eyeii if Democrats. who outnumber
registered Republicans 214-1. were
united. Wilkinson said "We'll have
to wait until Nov it to answer that
with any degree of certainly. but
ll tell you right now the Demo

crats are coming home. This
campaign hasn‘t begun yet."

Wilkinson. who chairs Dukakis'
state campaign. said he would
begin personally stumping for the
ticket about three weeks before the

"Voters are not yet focused on
this campaign." Wilkinson said.
"We are going to be out there when
they begin to focus."

The iLouisville) Courier-Jour-
nal's Bluegrass State Poll. pub-
lished Friday. showed Bush with a
lead of 47 percent to Dukakis‘ 45
percent in the race for Kentucky‘s
nine electoral votes The poll.
based on interviews of 586 likely
voters. had a 4 percent margin of
error. making Bush‘s advantage
statistically meaningless.

"We know it‘s going to be a very
tight race. . Every vote counts.“
said former Gov. Martha Layne
Collins. an early supporter of Du-
kakis who campaigned for the Mas
sachusetts governor throughout the
South during the primary elections

Many voters will be holding back
until nearly Election Day. trying to
decide which ticket will win, (‘ol-

lim said. adding: “We have to
show them we‘re going to be the

She also said Dukakis was finally
starting to "take his jacket off“
and fire back at Bush. which many
of Dukakis' supporters had been
waiting for. but that it was critical
for Dukakis to take a lead in com-
munication to voters.

“Unless we get our message out.
we‘re going to leave people with
some misinformation." Collins
said, citing in particular Bush‘s ap-
parently successful criticism of Du-
kakis for vetoing a Massachusetts
bill making the Pledge of Alle-
giance mandatory for schoolchil-
dren. Bush has used the veto to
question Dukakis' patriotism.

“If anyone thinks for one minute
that Michael Dukakis is not a patri»
085118020tic man. then they just
don't understand." Collins said.
"We let the Republicans develop
an issue that really wasn't an

At the news conference. Wilkin~
son announced six co-chairmen of
Dukakis‘ state campaign: Louis-
ville Mayor Jerry Abramson. who

Community saddened by accident

\ssociato-d Press

I’IKEVILLE. Ky - In the wake
of an accident in which one Pike
t'ounty boy was killed. a consultant
for the state Department of Educa
tion says drivers should be more
attentive to schoolchildren getting
on or off buses

‘tlbviously we have a prohlerii
or this wouldn‘t happen.
Perry Watson, a program consul
tant in the department's Division in
Pupil Transportation l)t".\'t‘l‘\
should “be on the lookout for chil
dreii standing by the side of the
road waiting for the bus be on the
lookout tor the bus that may he



stopped just around the curve or
just over the top of the hill."

Students and teachers in the Pike
County schools were struggling to
cope with the double shock of a tea-
cher being charged with man-
slaughter for striking a student mo
merits after the child stepped off a
school bus

“We are numbed." said Blanche
Branham. principal at Millard
tirade School The Victim. Stefan
Eric Coleman. 9. of East Shelbia—
ria. was a fourth~grader at Millard.
where he had attended since kill

Feelings were similar at Elkhorn
(‘ity High School. where the driver.

Phamon Tackett. 53. of Virgie. a
26~year veteran of the Pike County
system. teaches history. Assistant
principal Lee Ratliff said Tackett.
whom he described as a sensitive
instructor. was distraught

State police said Stefan got off an
eastbound bus in front of his home
on ['8 460 at 4:05 pm. Thursday
and made it across most of the
two—lane highway. With his parents
watching from their front porch
and eight students still on the bus.
he was struck from the right by
Tackett's westbound pickup. police

originally backed US. Rep. Rich-
ard Gephardt; Joseph McMillan of
Louisville. who was statewide coor-
dinator of Jesse Jackson's cam-
paign; state Rep. Greg Stumbo of
Prestonsburg and Agriculture
Commissioner Ward “Butch" Bur-
nette. who were early supporters of
Sen. Albert Gore Jr.; state Sen.
David Karem of Louisville. an
early leader of Dukakis' state cam~

paign; and Wilma Bowlds of Camp-
bett Cmmty.

Collins and US. Sen. Wendell
Ford were announced as co-chair-
men of a statewide advisory com-
mittee for the Dukakis campaign.
Collins said the committee would
be offering advice on strategy and
on tailoring a campaign message.

Committee members are Ken-

tucky’s four Democratic congress-
men — William Natcber. Romano
Mazzoli, Carroll Hubbard and Carl
”Chris" Perkins; Lt. Gov. Brere-
ton Jones; Attorney General Fred
Cowan; Secretary of State Bremer
Ehrler; Auditor Bob Babbage;
Treasurer Robert Mead CPA; Su-
perintendent of Public Instruction
John Brock; and state Sen.
Georgia Powers.

Campaign headquarters for
George Bush open in area

Staff Writer

The Kentucky headquarters for
the Bush' had “ii prim-
on the held. ‘ t'lx' tieri‘ i‘tiii Kim
said ';\ndthey did

A tired-up lndiana «iiiian 'noi.
Kentucky ill 7ht‘ sectilhl 'tail. 't'yi'r».i‘iL’
the ‘immune tit last .eai‘ . .;.iiiic \llt'li
I'K whipped the llt)tt.\it‘l"~ .it l’illllltiill
wealth, H-tJ In that tlitiitst l r; at
most doubled 11' in totai ;. .ii its

ll.‘ outran and outpasseti l l\. t '_. mil
mg up 432 yards iii iotal tillt'HM' mini
pared to the Wildcats '..'l‘rl y art: citvii:






‘iit‘t't t‘

“They wanted I. t. ix «oinciiiat l\
l)it\’l(l Johnson \illtl \tt- i t'ihlii ti 'llt in
last year and they \yilitliifi ~ .‘ihll 1‘
this year. and they did.

lndiana. 34!. led only grit itEi-i St;
Joe Hunters yard llili .nd 1|.it'lxllit
quarterback t'huck Hiotiaiimi s .t pain:
conversion run ior l\t’liilltl(_\ 1am- in 'lii
third quarter

llut on the second play til the totn‘n
quarter. ll' quarterback l)£i\t‘ \(‘llllt’ll






e i .

UK outside hitter Kim Thompson tries to smack the ball past an awaiting West-
ern Michigan opponent Saturday night UK throttied the No 14 Broncos. 3-2.

~Ul‘l':"('lt'tl on .. t-‘t y 1nd worth: inim.‘
‘toti i'i:i'i‘:ii ‘-ti‘er 'L'iw t\ll._i Liu‘ltl
:i;iii:i L‘l'i'llilio'fi 1i .hr] min... '

\‘i‘ ‘t'l't' i‘ttiti' »:t “i‘ lutllllilll‘t‘ ‘

oact‘. .'i‘t':‘\

"ial .i’i-

iirii'iit- utl'l ‘ilt w

; .iss, :\'
'iti‘tiitit 1x
Milan llit'

"‘llll‘l .i’i’l ”6* i‘i‘ .' , .I‘


itU tailback Anthony Thompson
gieaeems himself i‘lllh ‘66-t‘did
{effort against UK. See

is :Iittl l'ittmt'u iii
“1 «rent; and rint .' 'heir i
Ll’dlllltlt'tl in: 'inni.
anti 'irokc 'fas' ; l\ iirnrii'iatr.
lurks llltl brain: ‘tii- ‘nd win

"it‘ twine

'it ‘nnci:


\\{' I‘iii t!
'iliili 'iiiiaii tt'H‘l tL't'. ‘i'lll‘tll'in

lltt‘ ltllll tlidnt pet rain \chiit-n
litii'i' Hen ritiiit' rinse \tii:
\lit'll you lilill, .illll dorm we: inn "ht-t
(in ,1 corner Haiti-rt:
"Ul t‘t'it'.’i.\l\t‘ ltrit‘k 5.4) M with} . Hit .9

tlil‘e. tt

‘iltl! :llll :tt'y 'rw

"iii s ray:

lilll is! llllll)t“i

tiriiturk‘y Unhinged '1\t itlii‘y\ Main

itlllilli’iL‘, on the ilt ,\t >c. .iis .tl..l i‘ ii. ;i-:
the .»iiii hack

that was soiiieininu that l‘l.lL;Ut'il i l\
‘iri =ntiri grilllt‘ lltL
Hum-ii illt :iai if inniiiies ‘iiiiili-i ’tiriii
l K. including an lint

iliiiisiiis »..

lillii' ‘i‘ivi’ a‘x-

l‘hcy iiiiitiolleit tsic E‘iic ii il.it

“iigc t~tteiis.\cly ind ‘t‘it’li t

151V 5 _

ustting '-.‘wl-.'icfits “x" ;.

”69‘0" -(.‘D‘3t‘tlr‘,-’7 " Ht") . ‘

1.,1Iniim ‘ullll

.sl l'f ll

yin; vitiitiJiti'i :‘l ~
'~‘ tho \it"\ lntli

‘.ll-\ 'iitil 't‘tt



,Nnfli ~


Up-and-down Cats survive Bronco attack

B) “Kl \.\ .ll‘;\l

Stall \lritet

illllt l l\ ‘illll‘.';\ll¢1ll "‘tiili anti. 'lit
poi. t.. we? flirt
the .;'.".'.iii'r.ct1 iiiont it:~ »: ‘~\e~'iuii '
i.‘( Ulli

’l'fii ititmu'ti ‘.\llll

(.il strum: it ..t .2

.liilii_\i\:t‘.it ii tn-
manila: niaht .it ‘tletiwiia.

'1 llit xiii 2:
a with -\i!l lIUt ll \\.\\ t --\i;. .i,.; 'yi‘.-‘

taki-ii. i iv with harhy ilt'iitn i «Hat
l'l\ rotated then llllt' in: hark .‘l'lil ‘iir‘h
thcrnust at scyi'ial llltlilit‘i ulill
\M' iiseil

i ltli at people hi -i.. Mi LI.
'\\lll\ll is iiidictiyi- of an
llldlt h lit-lsoer sari We
the momentum :oi a long; ‘iiiltl ot Iniic

Alli-r coasting to an rainy if) :1 ‘ :c'iory 'ii
Liuitic itiw. i'. looked i.» ‘f The 'als awn'tt
ham no ‘roulile .yith the iiionws. y:i«-
wtri swept iii in .i ll.¢lltll xiztli
I'niyersity l‘lltld) night

Howeyer. the llltllllt rituni
throughout aaiiie “U. as tlic
jumped 'o .i iii lead V K not .is
before “(‘slcll‘i \licliic..ni rolled on ~L“.i i;
straight point.s ‘o pad their mad l‘hi-y
Weill on ‘tiwtti lint

lntllit‘ ”tire was .. repeat iii the Mist. .is
the ’ ".its ciuised ti. a iii-2 triumph

' l iUst don‘t think that we were really
toiniwting.“ Western Michigan coach Hub
Huck said "We were really just too tenta
ll\'(‘. ‘

Tlll‘ fourth game could haye gone either

"it was tied lZ—l2,'

.iii .liltl down
t-Iillillll limit

llttl‘ci m


losi‘ (M 'w

Huck said. “I think


y\i'~lt 5'3.
'lilt't t‘tiitt .\

it Him-H

3’” int :.
ii‘HIlix '.
'l .ziiii le ‘ll‘ ,i
‘lili”. At “\Kle'tlt
2hr. thi l by“,
“if unit out ‘
'llllli in ’hci:i
minl \M‘ ki’i- .y
right "itl‘i 'y- ~-ta:".
lliul \k.l ‘ llit‘ Kt R
Willi 'lll w on c.

'ir To}

EJ‘tl Honour» ~i : ~.;.i,_‘.
-t to litiitiiils
sorlaunort l\.tit'li .
'tic berth.
mi .: block for
l'lll‘lllllr-I'li. who Ir-f 'ii

star'ei’t f‘ir


lliitllfll‘ ii srtii'til-‘u.

liltiiiittnttli tcaiiy Mu“
\llt - superior athlete. he: .".i to": '

:\ \io'

iiill. is \lillll iii? i:>.li It" i.
Vl’\ 'uii ill 'liii't f‘ "it in ‘.."ii.\ “t2 '1'
kiwiy '.\‘- ‘im' 1 I lylll.‘
”up," ‘1 oz: lit siltiiix is) -t.\::_.. '..l

\\.- nil - t'a.
Lisa Hos-it. wt \irlllt'litn‘i

l'iic tilts mint on ‘ii wzii :-'n as: 't:«
.natt h Odin ti.” mini i-ttoii

i think that we came back 'oectiiiz.
creates silltl 'l'hcre wctc tiiiii-s '.\llt‘l. u
wen kind nit itown .llltllltl playing. .is m .i 1 k
l notircd towards the end that .~.
play ingas .. team ‘

~ Tutti) ;~t'il|t'1. .i' .i

iHl‘ 'lIt
i ,, _
“aunt I. .d { H .



kliislt .’-n'.i J'\.i"i


l\. \imit iiiiiipttl 'o . ' i;

'i-iiiiimkh l‘t‘l‘l'ltllttlllt l ist't's. ‘

lithimlitl‘. linuhs‘iiht‘s \tC
lt Tlit' l l\ l\ti‘;..l ‘i l':t‘i‘i i‘li


 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. September 19. 1000

Thompson redeems himself
after falling short last year

By ALI-IX MON'I‘t “it‘ll-SKY
Staff Writer

BLtXIMlNGTUN. ind ., tin the
final play of the game. Indiana tail
back Anthony Thompson leaped his
way into the end zone to notch it it;
15 Hoosier thrashing of [K

Although the game was in the
bag. the red~andrwhtte crowd «it
more than 51000 at Memorial Stu
dium stood and cheered. as 'I‘honip
son dove over the goal line at the
00 mark It was icing on the cake
for Thompson

All the Junior tailback did was
rush for 169 yards on 39 carries and
two touchdowns lle ayei‘aged
more than tour yards per carry
Hts longest was a 17 yard run

"He did a real line job oi running
today," It quarterback [lay e
Schnell said ‘lle's a good. hard
runner and it showed through
today '

Last year. it didn't show through

Irt last season s embarrassing .H
15) loss to l'K, Thompson was lit-lit
to only 44 yards on 13 carries.

‘last year he tried to run

UK reserve quarterback Chuck Broughton eyes
his offensive line late in the game Saturday

straight up the middle. and I think
be kind of got his feelings hurt.“
said UK linebacker Chris (‘henault
"This year he had something to
prove and he proved it today."

Saturday, Thompson switched
course and took to the outstde,
Punching through some big holes.
courtesy of his offensive line, he
rattled the [K Wide—tackle six de-

The 64!. 205-pound Thompson
rushed 23 times for 187 yards and
three touchdowns in lll's 41-14
blowout ot ltice last week. Those
statistics were good enough to earn
the ’I‘erre llaute. Ind. native the
Al' and [PI Big Ten ()fferLs'ive
play er-ot the-week honors.

t'oming into Saturday's game
\kllil l’K. Thompson was ranked
second in the nation iii rushing 1187
yards . an