xt7g7940w12p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7g7940w12p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1998 1998 1998-11-25 2020 true xt7g7940w12p section xt7g7940w12p .m «at» an.

.__..__ ..A. -W. ._




Getting the

The wishbone

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Headin' south
Heshimu Evans
and the Cats
prepare to play
in the Puerto
Rico Shootoutl 3


superstition dates
back to the
Etruscans. 322 B.C.
In those days, when
the hen announced
the coming of her
egg. it was believed
the hen could tell the
future. This made the
animal mystical and
led to the "hen

Anyone could get an
'answer' from a hen
by placing kernels of
corn in a circle
divided into parts
with corresponding
letters of the
alphabet. It was
believed that the hen
would then spell out
symbols by which
corn it ate first. After
writing the message.
the fowl was
sacrificed and its
collarbone was hung
out to dry.

Then you would get to
make a wish on the

November 25, I998



_ http://www.kykernel.com

UKAA issues ‘zero tolerance’ plan

Athletics department takes major stance on drinking by
its student-athletes; those caught could lose scholarship

By Ellen Lord

Athletic Director C.M. Newton an-
nounced a “zero-tolerance" alcohol policy
for UK student-athletes yesterday that
would suspend without scholarship varsi-
ty athletes convicted of driving under the

“As a result of the increased number
of alcohol-related incidents involving UK
student-athletes. we feel it is important at
this time to review and revise the student-
athlete alcohol policy." Newton said.

Although Newton said the department
has been reviewing the alcohol policy for
about a year, the change comes only 10
days after an alcohol-related accident
killed one UK football player and seriously
injured another.

The new policy. effective immediate-
ly, outlines stricter penalties from be-
ing kicked off the team to probation _,
for athletes involved in alcohol-related

Unlike past policies, which did not
outline departmentwide penalties. the new
penalties apply to all UK varsity sports

(about 400 student-athletes).

Under the new guidelines. any athlete
charged with a DUI will be temporarily
suspended from practices and competi-
tion until the UK Athletic Association
personnel investigates the merit of the
charges. If an athlete is charged with pub-
lic intoxication or underage drinking. the
individual will be put on probation and
required to complete an alcohol-counsel-
ing program.

Any student-athlete convicted of DU
will be suspended indefinitely and forfeit
scholarship money.

“I've had this policy on every team
I‘ve ever coached." Newton said. He
added that he has dismissed several play-
ers on his own teams under those condi-
tions. but would be willing to consider re

bone. Our tradition
comes from the
tradition after this.
Two people then got
a chance to make a
wish by snapping the
dried bone in the
same way we do
now, with each one
pulling on an end.
The person with the
larger end of the
bone got the wish -
and it became known
as a “lucky break."
The Romans brought the
wishbone tradition
with them when they
conquered England,
and that's how we
got it.
- Source:


For the

The heaviest turkey ever
raised may have been
the 75-pound turkey
raised by a turkey
farming company in

Turkey meat from wild
or domesticated
birds was a staple in
the diet of many
Indian tribes:

The Cheyennes feared it
would make them

The Apache considered
the turkey to be timid
and wouldn't eat it or
use its feathers on
their arrows

In the Southwest.
lndians revered the

Northern tribes felt the
turkey was a friend
of man and could
battle evil spirits.

In Mexico, the turkey
was a sacrificial bird.

- Source:

- Ron Norton

woa ther

5.3 4.9

gonna be great all week-
end long. Be safe, eat lots.

~—~—-a—-- ..



instating a player under special circum-

"We recognize the reality that college
students anti studentvathletes are going to
consume alcohol." Newton said. “It's my
hope that our new zero-tolerance policy
will get the attention of our student-ath—

The new policy will supplement edu»
cational and counseling programs. drug-
testing and monitoring currently in place.

“lfl could have one wish. I would wish
to have an alcohol-free program." Newton

Newton also announced that UKAA
will not renew advertising contracts with
Anheuser-Busch. Miller Brewing and
Maker‘s Mark. a decision that Will cost
about $4(X).000 a year in revenue,





safety at

SafeCats provide escort
service for students
looking to travel safely

. across Lexington Campus

By Pat Clem


It's a bird. it's a plane. no it‘s
a SafeCats Escort.

Alright. they may not be Super»
man. but they certainly resemble
him. especially when they‘re escort-
ing students home late at night.

l'K‘s Air Force ROTC runs the
Safet‘ats Program. which is spon
sored by the Student Government
Association, Its mission is to pro-
mote safety in numbers.

"Statistics show that people
walking in groups are less likely to


be attacked." said Major Peter Per-



Angle Bryant (above), a marketing management sophomore, held a slgn In protest of the proposed ordinance yesterday at the Lexington Government Cen-
ter. Senator at Large Keisha Carter (below, left) addresses the council at yesterday's meeting, while Landlord Association President Andy Slone watched.

win fight
on proposal

SGA gets rally mobilized, marchers descend
on government center to watch debate unfold

By Hark Vanderhoff

Students furious with a res
olution to limit the amount of
occupants in a single dwelling
unit rallied. marched to the
City Government Center and
watched the Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Council kill the
proposed ordinance in its early
stages yesterday.

“The students put the pres
sure on. and look what hap-
pened." said George Brown. 1st
District council member. who
motioned to withdraw the vote
to pass the resolution on for fur-
ther consideration.

“You all (students) saw
government work today."
Brown added. “This (the reso-

than three unrelated adults to
live together in a single

The Student Government
Association. fearing the effect
the resolution would have on
students' ability to find afford
able housing. sponsored a f0»
rum Monday night to address
concerns and mobilized a rail
ly. The rally began in front of
Patterson Office Tower and
was followed by a march to the
citv council meeting. where
the resolution was being de-

SGA members passed out
signs at POT sporting mes
sages. such as “Future home-
less student" and “Where‘s our
voice?" and encouraged the
hundreds of people gathered



say that only three unrelated
people can live in one house
hold." Kennedy said.

More than 100 students
marched to the government
center. prompting honks from
passing motorists en route.

There were so many people
inside the city council cham-
bers. designed to hold 200 peo-
ple. that the fire marshall or
dered those unseated to go
downstairs to watch the pro-
ceedings on closed-circuit telc‘

Participants for and against
the resolution addressed the
council for about an hour.

Students. landlords
some residents blasted the ordi-




Many residents argued
that overcrowding was caus-
ing parking problems. in
creased nuisances and
overusage of an antiquated
sewer system.

“There is a desperate need
to control some of the problems
in this area." said Mark Barker.
who owns a house near UK and
rents to two students.

Mike Meuser. president of
the Aylesford Neighborhood
Assocmtion. called the the prob-
lems a density issue and said
the ordinance is not the solu‘

Brown's motion to forego
the vote to send the ordinance

ry. an assistant professor of aero-
space studies and Commander of

The program provides an Air
Force ROTC cadet. free of charge. as
a walking escort to anyone affiliated
with UK. Perry stressed that Safe-
(Sats is not just a service for female

The escort carries a hand-held
radio. equipped with a global track-
ing system and an alarm button. If
sounded. the alarm alerts the ROTC.
L'K Police and Lexington-Fayette
County Police bases into action. Per»
ry said that in the event of an emerv
Qency. an officer will be on the scene
within one minute.

Escorts are dispatched from
three spots around campus
William T. Young Library. Blazer
Hall and the (‘otiiplex (‘ommons In
the past. cadets were only stationed
at Barker Hall.

“We wanted to make it quicker.
more effective and more visible"
said Nate Brown. president of SGA.

SGA puts money into the ROTC
program in exchange for the service.

"It's kind of like our big fund-
raiser ofthe year." said (‘adet Nathan
i’awbush. a foreign languages and in»
tertiational economics senior and
Safefats escort. “We (the escorts) do
this on a strictly voluntary basis."

The service works in conjunc-
tion w ith the UK Police Department.
The police teach cadets to use the
emergency radios and serve as ad-
viser“ to the program.

“It's important that people walk
in groups." said Stephanie Bastin.
I'K crime prevention coordinator.
“Even if some people choose not to
use the service. it at least heightens
awareness of safety in numbers."

Safet‘ats is available Monday
I through Thursday front 8:28 pm.
1 to 1:31 am.






Kenmokv Iution) was against you. There nearby to march with them. nance for its ineffectiveness as any further was unanimously The 3an") 3‘??? "33k: 1:99;)”
Kernel was a resolution on the table Beth Kennedy. an unde- a solution and its harmfulness approved by council members. rem‘alhmt ”full: su amrtusthgdlgl;o_
vor 3104 ISSUE “5 and it was going to. move for clared freshman. held a sign to people who live with several many of whom originally sun I am " u‘ on ‘ ‘ m l
' _ ward. and You participated in that read “Soon to be homeless roommates to cut down on 0X» p011“d lht’ ”‘Sfillltltm- l gr. lt . m les 1 lot of x,“ le with

ESTABLISHED IN l892 the system.“ why won‘t the council help pense. ‘ "I hope we can all work to ‘ safe acgés :0 where tliev [heed to
INDEPENDENT SINCE '97] The fervor was over a rec- us?“ “The interests that the stu- gether to do more things in the g0 .. said (‘ourtnev \lilliner an ani-

ommendation made by the city “There's so many housing dents have are to have housing future to better the city of Let» .I ‘ . ifr \shman ‘

neighborhood planning com- units in Lexington that contain that is near campus." said Nate ington for students and for the ma gums). f; , ‘cort an 'where
News tips? mittee, led by councilman Dick enough space for more than Brown. SGA president. "We entire community." said Sena ' 0 re“ m“ f;'l;i€i?REF 3
Call: 257-l9l5 or write: DeCamp. to prohibit more three people. it's ridiculous to also have the interest of low tor at Large Keisha Carter. 0" campus. "1 ‘“' "

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington
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5.." E I I IIIE NEWS I“ BI ['15 report also estimated there would be 2 mil- W
. . .~ 1 lion AIDS deaths in the region by the end of
". . ."Z 2 F this year, four times the-total for the rest of
‘ ~ -' '. " " ' the world. Nearly 6 million more people
- . ‘ ' . n e w. own will be infected this year with the virus e sea 9
.' ‘.~ .' . _ that causes AIDS. two-thirds of the cases in ’
. ~ Africa. according to the report by the Joint
United Nations Program on. HIV/AIDS and
‘ "m "m“ m" "6"" W 311110111109 deal
. ’ ‘ WASHINGTON _.. Attorney General Janet
“ \ Reno yesterday declined to order an independent "'3" Mtinues “on. SW"
counsel investigation of Vice President Al Gore If It cones u . . .
over campaign fund raising. Reno said there’s"no bl. em BAGHDAD Iraq —‘ The lraq1 govern- Major Internet superpower to be Created With
reasonable grounds" to warrant further investiga- at.“ a“... merit wedged “0‘ [9 relent m "5 standoff . . . .
‘e . tion into whether Gore lied to investigators last ed filed Ymh the med New?“ 0V9? documents 0" paCt worth about $4.2 bllllon, OffICIBIS say
year about how a Democratic media fund was fi— {.23 ”Iv "5 weapons 1hr 0*" “mi“ poutrintg hutndr eds 0f
. - . - _ e s peop 9 into t e stree 5 yes er ay 0 protest . .
wamwmm ........... nevennennn e
, - deputy White House chief of stafl Harold lckes. Carmen Electra words came a day alter it acknowledged an WASHINGTON ._ Not long built. . . . .
' ' mu“, assassination attempt on one of its most ago America Online cajoled in Barksdale W111 10m AOL S
'n‘ , Iedm's powerful officials. The assailant was report- vain for a closer relationship board OfdleeCtOI‘S. ,
‘ Proposal SOCKS to censure Cllnton "W" told the edly shot to death in thetattack on lzzat with Netscape. whose pioneer AOL Will operate Netscape 5
. Ne York p t Ibrahim. a deputy With the influential Revo- browser software had hel ed Web Site separate from its own,
- WASHINGTON ’4 A Democrat” member 0f ' °‘ lutionarv Command Council. ularize the Web p Case said. Netscape‘s site draws
the House Judiciary Committee said yesterday that t“ ' pOp - . . 20 million visitors each month;
. I he will offer a resolution to censure President eccentric AOL offered to distribute the other three most popular
‘ Clinton rather than impeach him. It was the first basketball snark lulls boy on Florida coast fistscfii’e S “Piaget .Stfft“’at1)ruet {3 Web sites are operated by AoL,
indication that the panel will have a choice when player ll: too ., . . . . -- 5 m} ions 0 5“ 5°“ ers. Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo!.
it decides on a recommendation to the House. drunk to know VERO BhAtH. Ha. —— Authorities ise retuin wanted a coveted seat on “It was already one of the
The proposal by Rep. William Delahunt of Massa- what he was sued new ,wa‘thiRfi tyt'estertltayttaifterha 9'y‘?"‘r‘ Netscapet'tts hoarler (mild @016 major portals, and Netscape has
Just 88k chusetts WOUId condemn Clinton’s sexual “313‘ delnq when he OLd btoiio“ as d‘1 rfl. )m )slfoiealrt v35. tigvhir; Eggage e scapes popu ar 8 just a terrific brand," Case said.
tionship with Monica Lewinsky. but would not get mauled a 0” yar {‘1} ~ : . 5 ~ ‘ ~. . “We just want to take that Net-
. e HIM include any punishment luck on Nov fatal shark attack in Florida in a decade. Netscape 5 response. No center strategy to the next step
' ' ' James Tellasmon was attacked Saturday. deal. . . .
mt . _ . “- some 70 miles north of West Palm Beach "I'm tempted to just hang Eggeieam an even WIder and"
qw- Starr: Deallnq Wlth TN”) "3*“! along Florida‘s east coast. Authorities re- back. be patient and wait fora Th d l . AOL k
’t ,, covered only the boy's torso and legs. The kinder. gentler. pragmatic bl e hea (giives h . rfimar ’
m- WASHINGTON “ Independent Counsel Ken- last confirmed fatal shark attack in the state Netscape to emerge." AOL Chair- a 9 mac an. enoug ".1 uence
' ' ' ‘ ' t h ll (1 t t M
neth Starr said hls office had no Idea Linda Tripp was in 1988 in the Florida Panhandle. man Steve Case wrote in an e- 0 C a .enge 1.“ ”5 ”.313“ 1'
-W was aiding Paula Jones‘ sexual harassment law- mail to his Netscape counterpart 02:50“ 3 dominance 1n key ar-
‘m suit and should have kept better control of the . . . at the time. 8 . . .
tonal- woman whose secret tape recordings triggered Marllyn Monroe IS SEXIest On Tuesday. more than . “We do recogtntize Micrlosoftf
«undil- an investigation of the Monica Lewinsky scan- __ \l' (1 'n Monroe to S the three years later. America On- is_ a major compe 1 or ‘ln a 0t 0
«comm dal. In an interview with ABC to be broadcast to list Efflggfitiig magaizlilnze's 100 sexiestpstars line announced it . will hhy different areas. but we ve always
Boyd. 6“ morrow night. Starr said he was unaware that of the century The top five also includes Netscape m a dramatic $4.21 bu. satild we (1 1.1:“? tokwork With them
Mot Mrs. Tripp. after leaving a meeting. With his staff Jayne Mansfield. Raquel Welch. Brigitte lion deal that turns'the tworlds w terever 1 ma es sense. asc
m flask on Jan. 16, then proy ided information to a Jones Bar dot and Cindv Crawford Rounding out largest Internet prov1der into the said. _ .
mm lawyer to use in questioning President Clinton . : , ' . ‘. newest superpower 0f the high- Although AOL conSiders Mi-
With! the next day about Ms. Lewinsky. 3:9 £101; 1gstfilhtzrtgopjéllbigfgghg 3:912:31; tech industry. crosoft a rival. it. agreed in 1996
mg... p g p. El‘ yb th Ta lor Pamela AOL. already with more to incorporate Microsoft‘s Inter-
mm are SOphla Loren. Ila e y ‘ th 14 '11‘ b 'b b net Explorer browser not
mm W court "ixes Florida abortion law ON A TEAR: Anderson. Bo Derek and Jean Harlow. coiliiles ”thew“ gigging}. 3f Net 5 cape's into software for
Marilyn Manson . ' -
tn" like! ' ‘ Netscapes browser software and AOL subscribers. In exchange.
‘ ,_ V. h h nt 0 e c . . , t ‘
age “3' sata‘ie‘aéhfit‘mea‘éflinr‘Sf‘nE: chain t‘iéipSt‘faé 33:33:“ DIMaiiIi-o battllno lune cancer the olwnetvofbtwo orthe route 319st x3335;itnfigugtgdggggpggg-
. M . - - ~ , _ , ouar e Sites—incuing _ ’ . -
w, I ‘5. term abortion. is uhconstitutiohal and cannot be polish lils image NEW YORK __ Joe DiMaggio marks thlS Fhep Netscape site it originally ing system.
MW enforced. a federal judge ruled ”Sada?- The law as a shock 84th birthdav today in a Florida hospital asked to manage in 1995 That agreement ends in Jan.
hm prohibited an abortion ”Used?” dfismhfifii hy ofp rocker. After where he reportedly is battling lung cancer Netscape. once a trailblazer uaryt but Case said AOL will
“when ponents as Iffinéalthhdatmhngnst meg 506:0: reportedly and had a heart attack last week. of the Internet age confident continue to diStI‘ibUtfii Mi-
mm “15.15 pa?” 31 19139,? “I? tes Vgi‘q- ed ta startinnflre DiMaggio's lawyer denied reports by enough to rebuff AOL. will be crosoft‘s browser. AOL wxll dis~
. mm testified t, att e awt oug 95 mm fiddlmr'h a 1 In: my.“ two television stations that the Hall of run as a separate West Coast tribute a customized version of
flhldfi- ”313th 913 Far? “'93 ofalaborttion. wou ma e a ' Sheraton Hotel. Famer had a bean attack or is gravely ill. AOL division and cease to exist Netscape's browser to the 20 mil-
clIM “Ap- most all abortions 1 eg m t 8 state. the 5'09“ used “This is totally false.“ Morris Engelberg as an independent company. lion customers of its free. ICQ
m‘ In American said yesterday after TV stations in New "The way great companies Video chat serv1ce.
M - ° ° York and Miami reported that DiMaggio‘s get built is through combina- “At this point. we are intend-
mm Report‘ 33 IIIIIIIOII have HIV mmhfita condition had worsened. “Mr. DiMaggio tions. and this is a combination ing to continue using IE (Inter—
fined. LONDON ,_ About 33 million people around concert on and his family heard this information on of a smaller company with'two net Explorer) and AOL because
the world are infected with HIV. two-thirds of "OM the telev1510n and were very upset. much blgger companles_" we believe it .15 very 1mportant
them in sub-Saharan Africa. according to esti- ' Netscape Chief Executive Officer that AOL continue to be bundled
mates in a UN. report released yesterday. The Compiled front wlre reports. James Barksdale said Tuesday. With Windows.“ Case said.
Mum u - -- 0/ ~ __ ‘t __ r..." 7’
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. v . .w AqM’M“‘1X'. , . . '5’.


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Matt May, Aaron Sanderford
Sportsoailv editors
Phone: 2514915 I E-mait mlmayOOpooukyedu. underfudflhotinaucoin

. - “ , v. a .' . :1 .’ " . .‘ .* 1' .’
.‘ . ’ .1 ' "._ .' 1;." ', '




Puerto Rico
to challenge


No.4 UK faces tough field at island paradise,
including Colorado, Xavier, Maryland, UCLA

By Jen Smith


Hawaii and Puerto Rico
are not exactly home to a lot of
intensity or pressure. But
while the UK men’s basketball
team visits during the Puerto
Rico Shootout, intensity and
pressure are just what viewers
are going to see.

“We want to win," senior
forward Scott Padgett said.
“Not like last year in Hawaii
(at the Maui Invitational)
when we wanted to win it all
and came up short. We have to
be more focused and dedicat-

Part of that focus will be
on figuring out the LOGO-piece
jig saw puzzle that is the UK

“We have to figure out who
has the endurance, the stamina
to handle three games in a
row.“ head coach Tubby Smith
said of the Shootout. “It will
help us figure out where we are

Smith expects the seniors
to be effective, because they
have been deep in NCAA Tour-
nament play every year they
have been at UK. He said this
will be a big test for the fresh-

“We‘re going to have fun
for sure." said Smith. whose
wife and mother will both
make the trek. “But we’ll
spend a lot of time practicing
and breaking down film."

Here are some early break-
downs for those of you who
won‘t be sipping margaritas on
the beach or snorkeling the
clear waters:

0 Colorado (4-0): UK‘s first
opponent in the Shootout takes
another young team into its
campaign. but this year‘s team
will be anchored by experi-
ence. Headlining a list of seven

returning letter winners is se-
nior shooting guard Kenny
Price, the Buffs’ leading scorer
from a year ago and one of the
nation’s most dangerous out-
side threats.

. Xavier (4-0): Last season
was a memorable one for
Xavier, a potential second-
round UK opponent, except for
the unhappy ending. Xavier
ended a Atlantic 10 Champi-
onship season on sour grapes.
They fell to Washington and a
bad shooting day in the first
round of the NCAA Tourna-
ment. Coach Skip Prosser and
his seniors James Posey, Gary
Lumpkin and Lenny Brown
lead the Musketeer's run-and-
stun style, that enabled them to
lead the Atlantic 10 in scoring
(83.5 ppg), scoring margin
(plus-14.7 ppg), field-goal shoot-
ing (.484) and steals (11.7 per

0 Pittsburgh (30): Another
potential second-round oppo-
nents is led by one of the best
backcourt tandems in the
country in junior Vonteego
Cummings and sophomore Kel-
li Taylor. The Panthers play a
fast. in-your-face style with a
barrage of threes.

0 UCLA (3-0): A potential
championship game opponent.
The No. 10 Bruins boast the
second-youngest team in the
country. Coach Steve Lavin
has a group of blue—chippers.
including four McDonald's All—
Americans , sophomore Baron
Davis and freshmen JaRon
Rush, Dan Gadzuric and Ray

0 Maryland (40): Three
huge starters are back for the
No. 6 Terps. a potential finals
opponent. But it may well be a
newcomer. guard Steve Fran-
cis. who causes trouble. Fran-
cis joins the most talented
Maryland lineup in years.


Adam Spaw


Smith keeps hoop
fans on their toes

Tubby Smith does it again.

Somewhere Monday night.
in a part of Kentucky far. far
away. Elmer Fudd sat next to
his transistor radio and lis-
tened to Ralph and Sam call the

He thought that maybe his
hearing had gone bad ,- perhaps
that shotgun finally got the best
of him. Surely he didn't hear
what he thought he heard:
“And at guard. No. 4. Steve

“What in tarnation?" the
disgruntled Wildcat follower
thought. The faithful fan soon
learned that Wayne Turner and
Heshimu Evans were being
punished for missing team cur-

That was understandable to
him. but he still couldn't under
stand why Richie wasn‘t start~

Now. let‘s bring our atten-
tion to Norman Dale. from the
movie Hoosiers. In Hickory.
lnd.. a place that takes its bas-
ketball as seriously as its reli-
gion. stands Hickory High

A once-hailed, nowfailed
college coach. Dale has taken
up the inevitable task of coach
ing Hickory High‘s eight~man
hoop squad.

Right away, the whole town
has something to say about his
suspicious training methods
and unorthodox bench manner.
The school and the town want
him fired.

But Coach Dale believes in
two things himself and his
team. Amazingly. kids become
captains. players become a team
and losers become winners.

Together. they win the
state championship end up
making history in Hoosiers.

Then there's Tubby Smith.

In Lexington. a place that
takes its basketball more seri-

eer'f. ‘

ously than its religion. stands
UK. A once-hailed, now still
hailed college coach. Smith has
accepted the inevitable task of
coaching UK’s ‘4-man hoop

Right away. the whole town
has something to say about his
suspicious training methods
and unorthodox bench manner.
He saves his timeouts and is
awfully stagnate when com-
pared to his predecessor. Rick

His 21—2 team loses at home
to Florida. and that fan from an
unknown part of Kentucky said.
“I haven't given up on them
yet." After another home loss to
Ole Miss on Valentine‘s Day.
Mr. Rudd calls Smith‘s squad
“The worst 22-4 team I've ever

Big Blue faithfuls from all
over the country question the
coach. but Smith believes in two
things himself and his team.
Amazingly. kids become cap-
tains. players become a team
and losers become winners.
Together. they win the National
Championship and end up mak-
ing history in Kentucky.

With all this in mind. it was
really no surprise that. during
Monday‘s game against Wright
State, Tubby elected to keep two
of his senior captains on the
bench and start the “human vic-
tory cigar."

Masiello worked hard in
practice all week. so he was
rewarded by the UK coach.
Discipline, so they say. wins

Tubby did it again Monday
night. but is anybody really sur-







Senior forward lieslilrnu Evans drove the lane against Eastern Kentucky
last week. Evans is leading the Wildcats into Puerto Rico this weekend.







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Parking Bulletin

Students with valid C, R, or
K hang tags with bar codes
are able to park in the two E
Lots located behind the WT.
Young Library between
4:30 pm. and 5:00 am.
on Monday-Friday and all
day Saturday and Sunday.


For questions,
Call Parking Services .
257-5757 -










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The Campus Calendar ls produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at http://wwwgkyggg(Stgggntggntgr.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to appear
In the calendar. For more information call 257—8867.


Building (corner of Woodland & Columbia Ave.)

New Student Dinner and Fellowship. Newman Center-320 Rose Lane.
Room #8. 5pm

Jewish Student Organization Hillel Foundation Weekly Dinner. 6pm.
Commons Market

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm