xt7gb56d596r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gb56d596r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-04-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 10, 1942 1942 1942-04-10 2020 true xt7gb56d596r section xt7gb56d596r  










1942. with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were J. E. Adams,

Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E, Evans, J. H. Graham. Henry H. Hill, and Edward


Minutes of the University Faculty a March 20, 1942

President Raymond F. McLain LL.D. 6%.
Dr. Irvin Abel D.sc. t;
Dr. Fred W. Rankin D.Sc. .

Mr. Irvin s, Cobb Litt.D. ~ ' ' ‘ ‘ ”4

Dr. A. L. Crabb Litt.D.

Mrs. Mark Ethridge (Willie Snow Ethridge) Litt.D.

Dr. John Co Metcalf Litt.D.

On motion duly made and seconded the list was approved.

On recommendation of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics,
the proposals of that college with respect to courses, credits, and course
numbers were approved. They are incorporated in the minutes by reference
to the files of the Registrar's Office. Also approved for this college
was the catalog material for the year 1942543, including all curricula in
Agriculture and Home Economics, and the titles, descriptions, credits, for
all courses in all departments of the college. This catalog material is I“

incorporated in the minutes by reference to the files of the Registrar’s ‘
Office. I

On recommendation of the College of Commerce, the graduation require
ments for the curriculum in Industrial Administration was changed from 213
quarter hours to 216 quarter hourso The adoption of this recommendation
rescinded the action of the previous meeting at which 213 quarter hours was
approved as the requirement in this curriculum.

The next meeting of the Faculty was scheduled for April 16.



April 10. 1942 ‘

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday, April 10.

The minutes of March 20 were read and approved.

The special committee of the Faculty appointed to make recommendations

respecting the summer cemmencement convocation, reported as follows: ”3“



Minutes of the University Faculty a April 10, 1942

1. It is recommended that commencement exercises shall not be
held this year at the close of summer school:

2. It is recommended that in future only one commencement exer-
cise be held and that to occur at the close of the spring quarter.

3. It is recommended that the program for the commencement at
the close of the spring quarter include the names of all students who
may have completed their work during any one of the other three quar-
ters and that these students be asked to appear for the graduation

40 It is recommended that arrangement be made so that where it
is necessary and advantage ous, students completing their work at the
end of any quarter may obtain their diploma of graduation from the
registrar's office°

5. It is recommended that for this summer's session, the annual
banquet for graduating students be held.

The report of the committee was approved by the Faculty.

The following recommended amendment to the constitution of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky Student Union was approved:


Provided that, at the option of the Board of Directors, the
Board may consist of five men and four women who shall have at
least junior standing. This is to be effective for the duration
of the War. These prospective board members must have shown inter-
est through some outstanding work in connection with the Student
Union Board and its activity.

This amendment is to be inserted at the close of Section 1 of Article 5.

The Rules Committee reported the activities of a special subecommittee
appointed to discuss with representatives of the Student Government Associar
tion the proposed amendments to the Student Government Association Constitution.
Dean Hill, Chairman of the subcommittee reviewed for the Faculty the conference
with the students and offered the following recommendation:

The Committee recommends that the revised Constitution of the
Student Government Association be approved by the University Faculty,
with the proviso that the Constitution of the Student Government
Association is to be carefully studied and revised during the early
weeks of the fall quarter, and that all conflicts with present rules
and regulations and byelaws of the Board of Trustees. or any other
governing body, are to be eliminatedo

In the case of a conflict between the rules of the Board of

Trustees and the Constitution and By—laws of the Student Government
Association, the rules of the Board of Trustees necessarily apply.



























Minutes of the University FaCulty - April 10. 1942

After some discussion this recommendation was approved, with the understand-
ing that this action of the Faculty does not in any way constitute approval
of any part of the Constitution of the Student Government Association that
may now or at any time be found to be in conflict with the rules of the Board
of Trustees.

On recommendation of the College of Agriculture, classes in Animal
Industry 125 and Animal Industry 137, involving 33 students, were given per-
mission to be absent from classes on May 7, 8. and 9 for the annual visit
of these classes to dairy herds in the vicinity of Louisville and Cincinnati.

The Faculty approved the petition of J. V. Adams. Jr. to be allowed
to complete his requirements for graduation in the Department of Electrical
Engineering, without credit in Military Science 6a. This petition had been
approved by Dean W. E. Freeman and Colonel Paul C. Paschal.

The Faculty considered a letter which had been addressed to President
Donovan by Mr. Allenby Winer. Mr. Winer is now in military service and he
was requesting that he be allowed three hours of credit in elementary French
without completing the second half of this course, and that in addition he
be allowed to graduate still short nine hours of the 127 credits required
for graduation. The Faculty declined to approve this petition and instructed
the Secretary to write Mr. Winer.

Dean Hill called the attention of the Faculty to the necessity for
care in formulating the schedules of classes in order that class assignments
to the different days of the week may be fairly well balanced. It was pointed
out that concentration of four-hour classes in the first four days of the
week might permit a great many students to arrange schedules in such a way
that they could leave the campus on Thursday night and not return until Mon-
day morning. '

Dean Hill announced that summer quarter contracts would be sent in
the near future to those members of the faculty who are paid on a ten months'
basis. He indicated that no contracts would be sent to members of the staff
employed on a twelve months” basis, since there is no additional pay involved.

Announcement was made of the meeting of the Kentucky Education Associar
tion beginning on Wednesday, April 15, with provision for the usual University
headquarters and the reception on Thursday night, April 16. It was suggested
that President Donovan write all members of the staff, urging attendance at
the Louisville meeting.

Dr. Adams presented for the College of Education the curricula and
course changes necessary to put into effect in that college the operation
of the quarter system. These curricula and course changes were approved,
with the provision that minor Variations might be made by mutual agreement
of the Dean and the Registrar. These curricula and course changes are
incorporated in the minutes by reference to the files of the registrar's


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Minutes of the University Faculty - April 10, 1942

Curricular and course changes for the College of Engineering and for
the College of Arts and Sciences were similarly approved. These also are
incorporated in the minutes by reference to the files of the registrar‘s

On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the £0110wing
request from the Department of Political Science was approved:

Resolved: That the Political Science Department be authorized
to give five quarter hours for each course numberleO or above
in the Department, with the discretion to limit the meetings of
such courses to four per week. The Department is to report to the
College of Arts and Sciences within the academic year 1942-43 upon
the success or failure of this plan.

Dean Cooper announced to the Faculty plans for the Inaugural ceremony
on Wednesday, May 6. He urged the attendance of the faCulty at all parts of
the program and requested that members of the University staff act as hosts
to delegates from other institutions. He suggested that wives of members of
the University staff be asked to serve as table hostesses at the luncheona

President Donovan discussed with the Faculty the advisability of schedur
ling for next year a relatively large number of late afternoon and evening
classes, these to be offered as residence courses, using the regular faculn
ties of the University. In this connection it was suggested that salaries
in as far as possible be budgeted in a single item without supplementary
amounts for extra or special services.

President Donovan read to the Faculty a letter from Dr. Bigge, Chair-
man of the Committee on Commencement, in which the recommendation was made
that attendance at the baccalaureate service in June and in subsequent years
be made compulsory for students unless excused by their respective deans.
This recommendation was approved by the Faculty and the Registrar was re-
ouested to notify each graduating senior of this actione

President Donovan recommended that all changes in faculty status, such
as resignations, new appointments and promotions, be reported in as far as
possible in time for action at the next meeting of the Beard of Trustees.

The next meeting of the University Faculty was scheduled for April 24,

with the understanding that consideration of the new rules be the first order
of business.
