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1999 PROGRAM JJJJff' Twenty-Fifth Annual 3'
8:00 a.m. Registration and_Coffee - Room HG-611, to produce ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins. We term '22. ;J;"." SympOSIum on far:
Hospital Auditorium, UK Medical Center the resulting molecules carbohybrids since they contain a sugar, . .J' .J . V :2 2.62:3):- .'
_ J a small organic ring spacer and a derivatized amine, usually an 3. - 1;; 3.3,: 3;. 12';2-".I
8:20 a.m. Welcome by Dr. Fitzgerald Bramwell, Vice _ amino acid. The solution synthesis of such compounds has al2 2. " el I S ry f .;jg:.;gzs
PreSIdept for Research and Graduate Studles, ready been reported [Nilsson et al, Biorg. Med. Chem, 6, 1563 end...  J; 51.24
Umversrty of_Ker_itucky ' 909m Ci-511, (1998)], and the chemistry has now been extended to the solid a ,l't.'_.~._2;}f-f{ & a; 2;"
HOSPItal AUdItOflum, UK Medical Center phase using unprotected sugars and a trityl linker. The synthesis  13-95193." gig"- fie, ,3}
_ of a (BOO-member B-GlcNAc carbohybrid library illustrates the "23:24" _ .2'.r.'.":""'-:.'
8'25 a.m. Elfgoggfggrnggggs 6f Egn'TSElfyn 8' method. The compounds, produced as mixtures, are screened "$5.53.:.,",:"9",9;e"1 Molecular 9333i
s i y using Frontal Affinity Chromatography with MS detection [Schriemer gait: as: a;
8:30 a.m. Dr. Chi-Huey Wong, Scripps Research Institute gt 2'! Angel/VJ qurfme. 3d7" .338? (1998)] \g/hich cantd'etermine tlhe "'4" ": "'9 ' i a? " 4".
Chemoenzymatic Approach to Carbohydrate- in t'nrg cons an s or in WI ua compoun s presen in a comp ex J, J BIOlogy J;-
Mediated Biological Recognitions "M u e.  . x3..}i';{."l:2. 5.7; :
g /_ Th2.- 7333373352 9 2 '2'."
This lecture will present our recent work on the development 0 0H "23., ' .'  fs; 9" fag-731:3: "3.
of new chemoenzymatic approaches to tackle the problem of car- 0  \ NH t 'J 3* 2 NJ ""I._.,1Z252':r$:""2'.
bohydrate-mediated biological recognition processes. Studies of H0 5 7;;2'i..'f J 75.; "2'2
selectincarbohydrate interaction associated with infectious and on 2'  e'::":;t'2l":"2";3z 55.2.2355'ST'1339 Ti;
inflammatory diseases and development of new methods for the - 2% a? 2'?
synthesis of carbohydrates and their conjugates, carbohydrate A Carbohybrid ff; ff}, 2":ng {-"2J.{$
mimetics and mechanism-based inhibitors of glycosyltransferases . . ""2 ' .9. 1i '2.
will be discussed. 11:35 a.m. Discussmn 5. as g) 9
.: '2 2t 2' 1223;: :1; "EL; 72'
9:20 a.m. Discussion 11 :45 a.m. Dr. C. Fred Brewer, Albert Einstein College of i. ,.}'.:{{'. 9:959 92.} $99.2" ;
Medicine fair. 9.22 '53.
9:30 a.m. Dr. Laura L. Kiessling, University of Wisconsin X-Flay Crystal Structures of Lectin-Carbohy- fias'wv; x. J _ xi, ;
"Probing Saccharide Recognition with Syn- drate Cross-Linked Complexes" 1 w established in the memory of 1,. . s
thetic, Multidentate Ligands . _ , _ _ '5; A S N ff Tiff. -'
J J _ . J Lectin binding to the surface of cells leads to cross-linking of ;t22_2;-JJg.ggiae. nna - a "2:9. $19333
Saccharides employ unique mechanisms to mediate biologi- glycoconjugate receptors, including glycoproteins and glycolipids, ,2}; fr @511. fig; ATE-"$7 96:25:13.1}
cally and medically important recognition events. One key fea- which, in many cases, is related to a variety of biological signal ii, waif}, 4392
ture that distinguishes protein-carbohydrate interactions from tra- transduction processes. We have observed that many naturally $1 "" t?
ditional receptor-ligand binding events is that the former often re- occurring cell surface'oligosaccharides are multivalent and capable :9}? Carbohydrates and if, JJJm
qu1res a multivalent display of saccharide ligands. We have de- of binding and preCIpitating With speCIfic lectins [C. F. Brewer, 22.90% . . ".._;2':"I;22<.,29;
veloped the ring-opening metatheSIS polymerization (ROMP) as a Chemtracts  Blochem. & Molec. Biol, 6, 165 (1996)]. These cross- In if: C6 Recognlllon :i'Liff:1~"'.:;:.-.;~.Ss'-J'
new method to synthesize multivalentarrays. Using this approach, linking interactions lead to a new source of binding specificity, B j; ,','i.-":.;=".;-;2": 25.92,".5 W
we have been systematically exploring multivalent proteinsaccha- namely, the formation of homogeneous carbohydratelectin cross- Z O is g $9.2. $.53. at"?! . .2. .3
ride binding to illuminate features that give rise to high functional linked lattices, even in the presence of mixtures of the molecules. :73 >- 6 J33 '-.;(.Z.ET_2"JJJEJ;"3 2'2';'-,z.'f"';f,>f2r_sf
affinities. In addition, we have found new functions for multidentate Our recent studies show that many of these lattices are highly g '2) o i," SPEAKERS 'at.
saccharide ligands, suggesting the in vivo display of saccharide ordered and often crystalline. For example, the soybean aggluti- a) B 3 '5;  is? _ yiTge
clusters may have functions beyond proteincarbohydrate com- nin, atetrameric GalNAc/GaI-specific lectin from Glycine max, forms .4: : 1 '43 g " a; ' 85 g 1' we}; 'rf-g
from the cell surface, and to control signal transduction pathways chemistry, 36, 15073 (1997)]. We will describe the x-ray crystal ._. o M J' g'zf Ole Hindsgaul eTQTY'
in bacterial chemotaXIs. structures of these complexes as well as more recent structural 5 3., c1" J'tvtagfi' C Fred Brewer 15339493;
J J studies which prowde in3ight into the structurefunction properties E 3; g ' 345:3T5{'3;'~";'Tt-;="i'~
10:20 a.m. DIscussron of multivalent lectins and carbohydrates. 5 5 c1) thJfa we Esta; 2f
:2: 2:922; ;{:'6;21"2' firs. 
10:30 a.m. Intermission 12:35 pm. Discussion % E 'Q :2 if? ? FfidayJ Apr" 16 1999 32:93::
G) ":5: f7 2'3' VII/ET", Jr T 241;
10:45 a.m. Dr. Ole Hindsgaul, University of Alberta 1:00 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club (Please return D D 31 75:33 gif
Solid-Phase Synthesis and Screening of registration form by April 9, 1999 for reserva- 7"- "9' 2' ' 31'"2i"'""3""*' ' r
. , . ,, . . . . -. . 2 22 ruff
Carbohybrld Mixtures tions. Cost $10.00 to be paid at registration.) 2.x"; wife" Department Of ChemIStry :rirgLJJ
. . . , _ _ J :55' ,2 UniverSity of Kentucky ei'rrsitttiig'kr;
SoIId phase combinatorial chemistry has been used to add 3:00 p.m. Drscussron wrth Graduate Students, Ftoom f f; . ci . James
molecular diversity to minimal carbohydrate structures in an effort 137, chemistry-Physics Building (46" Lexlngton, KY 40505'0055 @4335?
_ _. . . . it 4; 92299925
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