xt7gf18sff08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gf18sff08/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-06-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 09, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 09, 1994 1994 1994-06-09 2020 true xt7gf18sff08 section xt7gf18sff08 l


. .- 4%"




SPORTS: UK basketball signees
Antoine Walker and Allen Edwards

qualify to play next year. Story, page 5. Stories, page 7.8.



DIVERSIONS: Bluegrass, Broadway
music provide week-end entertainment.



OPINION: UK administrators: Cut tuition
and raise salaries before building new
library. Editorial, page 10.




Vol. XCVI No. 148 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Thursday. June 9, 1994




GOING TO POT: Jason Owen. UK senior and president of UK Hemp. relaxes in a Kentucky 'pot patch.‘ Cultivating
hemp is illegal in the Commonwealth

Hemp war
firing up
across Ky.

By Perry Brothers
Managing Editor

America is at war.

The government identifies this
battle as a war on drugs and their
harmful effects on society.

Advocates of marijuana legaliza-
tion view the government as the
enemy of personal freedom and
public welfare.

State law enforcement officials
claim that the actively illegal mari-
juana trade is controlled by orga-
nized crime bosses. Also, they cite
severe social. economic and politi-
cal drawbacks of legal marijuana.

Proponents of legalization.
including local attorney. Gatewood
Galbraith — who recently
announced his second bid for gov-
ernor — and Kentucky Hemp. an
organization based in Lexington.
say they have indisputable evi-
dence of the benefits of decriminal-
izing the plant.

Galbraith said the supporting
evidence is so convincing, that he
and pro-hemp author Jack Herer
“have a $10,000 bond for anybody
who can prove (them) wrong about
what (they) say about hemp and

Captain William Lewis, the
Liaison Officer for Governor
lones’ Strike Force on Marijuana
said that, like Galbraith and other
hemp advocates. he too has undeni-
able proof that supports a comin-
ued ban on the hemp plant.

The debate circle around the
alleged benefits versus the alleged
hazards of hemp legalization.

In Herer‘s book, “The Emperor
Wears No Clothes," he stats that
hemp was legal until 1937 when
several corporate groups organized
to ban the pint.

Herer argues that these
tions participated in this effort

because they feared the plant
would interfere with the budding
synthetic market.

Galbraith said the plant can also
serve as a fuel.

“Rudolph Diesel." he said, “cre-
ated the diesel engine to run off
hemp oil so farmers could create
fuel, and become self-sufficient."

Nutritionally, Galbraith added,
Hemp provides eight essential
amino acids recommend by the
Food and Drug Administration
when used in preparation of meals.

The president of Kentucky
Hemp, Jacob Owen, an
English/political science senior at
UK, added that “it would take four
acres of trees to match the quantity
of paper producing pulp found in
one acre of hemp."

Lewis said the task force’s
research of the issue revealed no
“empirical research that states that
marijuana is beneficial, economi-
cally. environmentally or for
medicinal use.“

However. hemp advocates say
that legalization will lead to an
expansion of the medicinal uses of

UK pharmacologist, Mike
Gosland. disagreed with the notion.
saying: “The debate over the
medicinal use of hemp is mute
because it is already legal."

Gosland was referring to the syn-
thetic drug, marinol, an appetite
enhancer and an anti-nausea drug,
which ins as its active ingredient a
synthetic form of tetrahydro—

Gosland said marinol is preferred
by the medical community over
smoking maijuana to treat AIDS
patients because of the threat of
lung career posed by marijuana

See He

arbhfla‘izec- “wax?!“

-~- 5 — a .“k




.. main». 5-, ,




2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 9, 1994





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FDA questions UK
tobacco researchers

Assoclated Press
and Statt reports

A federal agency interviewed
UK researchers as part of an inves-
tigation to determine whether
cigarettes should be regulated as a
drug. a Kentucky newspaper report-
ed June 4.

The federal Food and Drug
Administration focused on a wide
range of topics in the interviews —
from research on the effects of
nicotine on the body to cigarette
marketing, reported The Courier-
Journal reported.

The FDA would not comment
last week on its investigation.

John N. Diana, director of the
Tobacco and Health Research
Institute (THRl) at UK. said two
FDA investigators interviewed him
for two hours Friday. The institute,
which is funded through the state
cigarette tax, studies the effects of
smoking on health.

“They were looking for scientif-

ic information mostly related to the
neurobiological activities of nico-
tine, but also other related health
effects of tobacco smoke," Diana

Diana said THRI has conducted
research and is still studying how
nicotine affects the brain.

Diana said he gave the investiga-
tors several THRI annual reports.
which describe research projects,
and he volunteered to give the FDA
any research that has been pub-

FDA Commissioner David
Kessler has said that if the agency
finds that nicotine is addictive and
that the cigarette companies are
controlling nicotine levels in
cigarettes to keep smokers hooked.
the agency could regulate their sale.

Diana said the investigators did
not ask him if he believes that nico-
tine is addictive, but when asked by
The Courier-Journal Diana said:

“I think that when people begin
to smoke there is a continued desire

to have cigarettes. If you want to
call it addiction or dependency,
which is the more scientific word
these days, then yes. I believe peo-
ple want to smoke. However, I
don’t believe it is impossible to
give it up."

After a June 6 meeting that
approved THRl's budget of more
than $3 million for next year, Diana
wm confident that despite congres-
sional inquiries and possible regula-
tion of the tobacco industry on the
horizon, people will continue to

“Every society on the face of the
Earth has tried to abolish (tobacco
smoking)" he said.

“I don’t think there’s anyone in
the state of Kentucky who doesn't
believe there are health risks asso-
ciated with smoking. Yet, people
continue to smoke.”

THRI‘s approved budget
includes $1.6 million for research




From Page 1


This threat of lung cancer is one
of several negative aspects of this
plant that cast a dark shadow on
legalization efforts.

Lewis said other drawbacks to
legalized hemp include: “murder.







stolen property, and a breakdown
of social, moral fiber.

“We have credible evidence of
(marijuana’s) corruptive influence
not only with the general public,
but also with law enforcement and
elected officials," Lewis said.

“It is controlled by organized
crime, and it causes a corrosive
influence on society." he added.

Owen responded to Lewis‘ com-
ment with frustration. “Captain

Lewis is ignorant of the facts," he
said. “He is misinformed, and
much of the public is misinformed
as well."

Lewis conwded that he was not
aware of the synthetic drug man'-
nol,buthesaidthatthose “whoban
together to push marijuana legal-
ization do not care about the envi-
ronmental or medicinal uses, they
just want to use it"

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Ploskonka gives back
$3,000 to University

Residence Life

By Matt Felice
Stall Writer

Former Associate Director of
Residence Life Jim Ploskonka, who
resigned following an audit of
Residence Life‘s financial policy,
has returned more than
$3,000 of misappropriated

UK's legal counsel, Paul
VanBooven, said the
University has received the
amount of $3,155.61 which
it was seeking in “restitu-

tion" from Ploskonka.

The audit, directed by C.
Leslie Dawson of UK CLAY
Management and
Organiration, uncovered abuses of
the Residence Life “Pride" account,
which was originally designated for
residence hall maintenance and
damage repair.

Items described in the audit
included several home appliances,
many of which have been recov-
ered from Ploskonka’s personal

However. the auditors' report,
released Jan. 19, left no clues to the
exact amount of misused funds
attributed to Ploskonka.

Tire University reached the final
restitution settlement by combining
the price values of items in the
audit which could be traced directly


to Ploskonka. said VanBooven.

"this amount represents payment
for those items purchased by, or
for, Mr. Ploskonka, which the audit
report determined were inappropri-
ate," he said.

According to the audit, missing
funds not linked to Ploskonka and
not recovered from former
Residence Life Director, Bob Clay
(who committed suicide before the
audit was released), remained unac-
counted for when the report was

University officials would not
comment on the present status of
those funds.

Just before his death,
Clay left a voice mail mes-
sage to Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs James
Kuder, defending Ploskonka
as “absolutely innocent,"
claiming Ploskonka had
been misled by Clay's

In mid-April, UK Police
Chief W.H. McComas. said
the audit investigation
would conclude “shortly."

“We're close to being finished,
but we have a few more things to
do," be said.

The investigation. however.
remains incomplete.

“i don‘t think it'll be too long,"
said Vice President of University
Relations Joe Burch. “I think it's a
matter of finalizing things with the
Commonwealth Attorney 5 office.
My impression is that it' s nearly
finished "

McComas declined to comment
any further on the' investigation.

The Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus' office currently is
involved in restructuring the man-








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agement of all discretionary
accounts of Residence Life. as rec-
ommended by the auditors, to avoid
misuse of organizational funds in
the future.

“Residence life has moved on,”
Kuder said. “It‘s a history lesson
for us to learn, but it is history."






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4 - Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, June 9, 1994



;' , The Graduate SchOol
Doctoral Dissertation Defenses


Name Jerry Wayne Campbell

Program: Electrical Engineering
Dissertation Title: ”Dielectric and Mag-
netic Relaxation Study of Certain Oxides
and Polymers"

Major Professor! Dr. F. G. Bradley
Date May 5, 1994

Time 2:00 PM.

Place: 453F Anderson Hall

Name Mary C. Bolin-Reece

Program: Edintional i Couleling Prydidogy
Dissertation Title ”Knowledge. Atti-
tude, Expectations, and Utilitization of
University Counselin Carter Services:
Do Urban and Rural tudents Differ?”
Major Profane: Dr. William Stilwell

Date May 6, 1994

Time: 3:00 PM

Place 122 Taylor Education Bldg.

Name: Autumn Grubb-Swetnam
Program: Communication

D'Isertatioa Title “Women's Use, Ne
gotiation, and interpretation of Women's
Magazines: Generating (iynergetic Tales
Through Standpoint Epistemology"
Date May 17, 1994

' Time Mil—4:“) PM.

Place 223 Crehan Journalism Bldg.

Name: Marcy Ellen Rosenbaum
Program: Anthropology

Dissertation Title ”Cultural Analysis of
Women, Breast Cancer Surgery and the
Meaning of Breasts"

Major Professor: Dr. Susan Abbott—laminar

. Date May 20. 1994

Time 1:00 PM.

Place 104 Lafferty Hall



Name Michael Schinslti
Program: Business Administration
Dissertation Title ”The impact of the
Federal Reserve's Source of Strength
Policy on Bank Holding Companies”
Major Professor:

Dr. Donald 1. Mullineaux
Date May 9, 1994
Time: 10:00 A.M.
Place: 446 Business & Economics Bldg.

Name Am Suwu Wong

Program: emistry

Dissertation Title ~Proton-induced
Gamma-Ray and X-Ray Emission and
Their Analytiml Applications to Coal Re-
source Development”

Maior Professor: Dr. J. David Robertson
Date: May 20, 1994

Time 1.30 PM.

Place 137 Chemistry-Phystcs Bldg.



Name: Scott Below
Program: Business Administration
Dissertation Title: “The Existence of Mu»
nicipal Bond Insurance: Theory & Evidence"
Major Profasora: Dr. Merl M Hacltbart

Dr. I. Keong Chew
Date: May 9, 1994
Time 1:00 PM.
Place 446 Business 8: Economics Bldg.

Name: Nin Xu
Program: emistry
Dissertation Title “Transient Molecular
S trosmpy of Cu Phase Species in
E ectrothertnal Atomizers”
Major Profusors: Dr. Vahid Ma'idi
Dr. William D. Ehmann
Date: May 23, 1994
Time 10:00 A.M.
Place 137 Chemistry/Physics Bldg.



Name Scott James Cross

Program: Chemistry

Dissertation Title: "Bioanalyiical Sens-
ing Applications of l’olynivr-Mtxlifit‘d

Major Professor: Dr Thomas (luarr
Date May 13. 1994

Time: 1:00 PM.

Place: 137 ChemistryJ’hysics Bldg.

Name: Harold Ieffcoat

Program: Educational PolrcyStudies
Dissertation Title ”Univcrsity Presrdt‘nts,
as Autobiographcrs"

Major Professor: Dr Richard Angelo
Date May 26, 1994

Time: 10001100 noon

Place: 131 Taylor Education Bldg



Name Abdullah Y. S. Mohammad
Program: Political Science

Dissertation Title: 'l'he Role of Transna-
tional and Nongovernmental Organizations
in Hegemonic Contests Case Study of
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and lran'

Major Professor: Dr. Chung-in Moon
Date: May 26, 1994

Time 1:00 PM.

Place 1645 Patterson Office Tower

Name: Mucharromsh

Program: Plant Pathology

Dissertation Title: "The ffect of Sterols
on the Resistance of Potato Tuber Discs and
Foliage to Phyto hthora lnfestans Compati-
bility/incompati ility and Metabolic
Responses in Potato- ungia interaction”
Major Profc—on Dr. kneph Kuc

Date: lune 1,1994

Time 10.“) A.M

_ ' Time 21mm.
Place N-320 Ayicultural Science Ctr. N ~»

Name: Nelson Noel Messone

Program: Political Science

Dissertation Title ”Japan's Foreign Aid
to Africa: International and Domestic

Major Profusor: I}. Kin-n 'Vlingst

Date: May 31, 1994

Time 3:00 PM.

Place 1645 Patterson Office Tower
Name: Sang-Tau Kim

Prom-x Political Science
Dissertation Title ”Beyond Assertive
Technonationalism: The State. Market.
and Technology Policy in South Korea”
Major Meson Dr. Chung-in Moon

' Date lune 3, 1994

Place 1645 Patterson Office Tower



Name Drank Tolliver
Program: rmamiogy
Dissertation Title: "Be avioral Genetic
Analysis of Sensitization and Tolerance to
Major Professor: Dr. john Carney
Date: lune 6, 1994
Time 1:00 PM. (Seminar)
2.00 PM. Defense)
Place MN Chandler Medical Center
M5303 Chandler Medical Center

Name: Vincent Austin

Program: Microbiology

Dissertation Title ‘Effect of Nuclear
and Cytoplasmic Suppressor Genes on
RAS induced Malaignancy”

Major Prof-son Dr. Stephan Zimmer
Date: lune 6, 1994

Time 1000 A.M.

Place M5403 Chandler Medical Center



Na-et Todd C. Shields

Program: Political Science

Dl-ertatloa Title: ”Network News and
Attribution of Resporliibility: The Role of
Visual linsges'

Mapr Profc-on Dr. Melt Mey

Deter lune 8,1994

Ti.- 1000 A.M.

Place 1645 Patterson Office Tower


Name Kun—lung Lino

Program Political Science

- Dhertstion Title ”High Technology
Devdopment and the State: The Cue of
- Tstwm"

Major Profane D. Chung-in Moon
Date: june 10, 1994

Time 1000 A.M.

Place 1645 Patterson Office Tower





Name! Liqun Tang
Prop-It Chemical '5an
Dlsssrtstlon Title 'A -Squsres Fi-
MnElementMethod for Fluid Flows-rid
Transport Phrriornerl“

Msjnr Pail-son Dr. Ta! T. 14.ng
Dstsl lune 14. 1994

Time 10m A.M.—12m PM.

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. Nanci laolutellen
: DbssrtatlosTltl-‘StudiedlldlingTex-
' mteuithumnureEvolution-well
‘ ssPI-ticArisotropydAl-MgAlloys”
Mfiorhnf-na D.I.G.Morrb

» Date lune20,1994

. Tl.- HIN’M.

i- Place 309C“(Motics€emer)








0 University
support tests on
abortion pill

By Jen Vinson
Staii Writer

Despite UK’s interest to partici-
pate in medical trials concerning
the RU-486 abortion pill. one UK
official says that the chances of
participation are very slim.

The Lexington Herald-Leader
earlier reported that researchers
showed no interest in participation
in the drug's testing trials.
However. most researchers say
they an: thwarted by the law rather
than interest.

Dell Collins, vice chancellor for
research and graduate studies, said
that the Commonwealth‘s law is
the main reason that no trials will
be conducted on the pill, which
induces the woman's labor prema-
turely, by the University.

But Collins commented that UK

-486 trials
stopped by Ky. law

will continue to research the possi-
bility of using chemicals within
RU-486 as a therapeutic agent for
certain types of brain tumors that
are difficult to treat surgically.

Current Kentucky law prohibits
the UK Albert H. Chandler
Medical Center from conducting
therapeutic abortions. Collins was
quick to point out that there are
other factors involved as well.

“RU-486 is licensed to the
Population Council. They will
likely use some of their own hospi-
tals and the hospitals in the New
York area. rather than coming to a
place like Kentucky," Collins said.

The Population Council is a
research foundation associated with
New York‘s Rockefeller

Collins remarked that since UK
does not have the patient popula-
tion to carry out a major trial. UK
would be unlikely to participate in
the Phase 1, 11 or III of the clinical

“It’s not that we don‘t have peo-
ple who have interest in it and that
we don’t think it is important," he

RU-486 is currently available in
France and several other European
countries. its use has yet to be

Have a Fine P335 Summer





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mm Mummedmmmm


approved by the United States gov-

The Clinton administration has
worked to allow for importation of
RU-486. This is in sharp contrast
to former President Bush’s admin-
istration who blocked importation
of the pill.

Although the pill makes abor-
tions simpler, women who have
used the pill say they experienced
considerable pain, or more pain
than they expected.

The controversy surrounding the
pill has sparked to action pro-life
groups, who oppose importation of
RU-486, to threaten boycotts of
any company that tries to produce
the drug in the US.

Before the pill can be made
available to American women,
clinical trials must be conducted.
Collins said that any kind of Phase
111 trials would be at least two years

Phase III studies would be con-
ducted to assess the actual effec-
tiveness of the pill.

Because RU-486 involves a
chemical abortion rather than a sur-
gical one, Collins said that the
Commonwealth law would have to
be carefully researched for proper

faster for '95
UK students

Stan Report

A new initiative to be offered by
UK will provide for quicker and
more effective financial aid for stu-

Beginning in fall 1995, UK will
offer federal direct student loans
under a new program designed to
cut student loan costs and make it
easier for students to get their

Robert Hemenway. ctnnccllor of
UK‘s Lexington Campus, said UK
is one of 983 colleges offering fed-
eral direct student loans.

Some important parts of the new
one-step loan service include debt

counseling for students, a debt con- ,

solidation plan. and a graduation
rewrite"! plan-

Under the new program. student
loans will be disbursed by the
University. This shortens the time
medal to process the low lid cuts
initial studmtloanfecsbyonepcr-

Hemenway said UK processes
about 9.500 mplicstims fa formal
student Staffsrd loans annually.
with. out $24 militia per year.

















Walker, Edwards
score big on SAT

By Brett Dawson
Sports Editor

Antoine Walker and Allen
Edwards haven't played a single
game at Rupp Arena

And though neither has recorded
a rebound or an assist for the


Wildcats, both incoming freshmen
‘ have scored some
“’ basketball coach

. Rick Pitino.
Walker and
Edwards found out
this week that they

. a , had scored the

" required minimum

on SAT tests they

The NCAA requires that incoming

freshman score a 700 on the SAT
or a 17 on the ACI‘.

“He's real excited.” Cuna said
of Walker, who scored a 790 on the
SAT. “Actually, excited is an
understatement. I think the phrase
he used is ‘super-geeked."'

big points for UK

had taken rn May.
Walker, a 6-foot-8 forward,


attended Mount Carmel High
School in Chicago. He averaged
29.1 points and 11.7 rebounds per
game as a senior.

Walker was clearly one of the
nation‘s top players in the major
high school all-star games in the
spring. He scored 18 points in the
McDonald's All-American game
and 19 in the Magic Johnson
Roundball Classic in Detroit.

Most recnriting analysts consider
Walker among the top 15 or 20
incoming freshmen in the country.
One who is particularly impressed
by Walker‘s game is Rick Bolus,
who operates a recruiting service in
Shepherdsville, Ky.

“He am go outside and shoot the
three or post up inside," Bolus said
of Walker. “1 really think he‘s the
second best (high school) player in
the country behind (St. John's
signee) Felipe Lopez out of New

Bolus has even gone as far as to
compare Walker to possibly one of
the greatest players in UK history.

“l‘ve seen Walker play several

times. and I firmly believe that he is
the second coming of Jamal
Mashbum,” Bolus said.

Edwards. a 6-4 point guard from
Miami Senior High, is considered
by many to be a key element for the
success of the 1994-95 Wildcats.
Along with sophomore-to-be
Anthony Epps. Edwards will serve
as the heir apparent to departed
floor general Travis Ford.

Edwards averaged 20 points,
seven assists and five rebounds per
game as a senior.

UK’s only other signee, 6-8 for-
ward Scott Padgett from Louisville
St. Xavier High, had qualified for
freshman eligibility earlier this

In addition to the three signees,
UK could have two more new
names on its roster.

Cameron Mills, a 6-4 guard from
Paul Lawrence Dunbar High
School in Lexington and Eric Scott,
a 6-4 guard from Lawrenceville
Academy in New Jersey, have
announced their intentions to walk
on at UK next season.

Gray transfers to Houston

Stall report

Although the four weeks since
school finished seem so short, there
has been plenty of activity in the
UK sports community. Here‘s a
quick round-up to get you caught

Bray headers to Houston

Eric Gray, a transfer quarterback
from City College of San
Frucisco, recently minounced his
intentions to transfer to the
University of Houston.

Gray. a Houston native, was
fourth on the depth chart at the end
of the spring behind Jeff Speedy.
Matt Hobbie and Billy Jack

Gray cited personal reasons for
the transfer. He and his wife. who
lives in Houston, recently had their

he! lakes USA a-

Lady Kats guard Stacey Reed
was recently named to Team
USA's 1994 K Willian Jones Cup
m. which will compete line 25-
Jrrly 3 in Taipei.

Reed, a senior, led UK in scoring
(18.2 points per game) and
rebounding (6.8 rebounds per
g-re) Int seam. She was also a
lie-her of the 1992 USA Junior

The Jones Cup team will train in
Colorado Springs at the US.
Olympic Training Center June 13-
22. The team will be coached by
Sylvia Hatchell. who coached
North Carolina's women's team to
the 1994 NCAA Championship.

”K Wl fill! academic



IRISH PuB'z‘V&"Musrcr.ua

For the fourth time in eight years.
the UK football team was awarded
College Football Association aca-
demic honorable mention honors
for graduating over 70 percent of
its players.

Duke took home the academic
title for the second consecutive sea-
son, graduating 95.7 percent of its
football players.


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 6 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 9. 1994

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Jones among four
Cats in MLB draft

By Doc Purcell
Senior Staff Writer

The UK baseball team solidified
itself as one of the Southeastern
Conference‘s elite last week when
four Wildcats were chosen in Major
League baseball‘s amateur draft.

'lhe silver lining wasn't without
its black cloud. however, as all four
players were underclassmen. and at
least three of them have already left
the ranks of UK baseball for good
by signing contracts with pro

And the news might not be all
good for UK football coach Bill
Curry. who could lose quarterback
Pookie Jones, a two~sport star
whose future appears to lie in base-

Center—fielder Jeff Abbott, right-
fielder Jones, relief pitcher Paul
Morse and shonstop Eddie Brooks
all were taken in the event’s first 19
rounds, marking the first time the




UK program has accomplished
such a feat

Abbott, a second team All-
American selection by Baseball
America, was the first UK player
picked, going in
the fourth round to
the Chicago White
Sox. The
Dunwoody, Ga.
native completed
last season batting
a torrid .445 and


smacking a
school-record 23
ABBOTT home runs.

Abbott signed a
contract with the organization last
weekend, ultim