xt7ghx15n565_124 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Programs, Addresses, Arguments and Replies text Programs, Addresses, Arguments and Replies 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_12/Folder_9/Multipage11853.pdf 1903-1915, undated 1915 1903-1915, undated section false xt7ghx15n565_124 xt7ghx15n565 2%113111211'111 611111112 1111 61111111111-

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111(1‘11CNYH2111C.KYHJUNE ‘13, 1855‘







The next session of this Institution will open under favorable auspices, on the tint Monday
of September next. Its success during the two years of its existence has exceeded expec—
tations, and inspired confidence in its future support and enlargement. It is the desire onus
conductors to render it an efficient agent for the promotion of sound and useful education,
for the ditfusion of moral and religions truth, for the preparation of young men for the. suc-
cessful prosecution of the studies connected with the learned professions.

The government will he parental, mild, yet firm. No youth will be admitted who refuses
to comply with the rules ; nor will any one be retained who repeatedly violates them. The
absence of the usual incentives to vice, the general morality, the quiet retirement, and the
remarkable saluhrity of the village, makcl it a safe and eligible place for the instruction or
yout .

The Academia building is large and eonimodious. It is already furnished with a Library of
1000 volumes for the use of the students, and will from time to time be supplied with all no-
cessary apparatus. The course of study will be somewhat governed by the previous acquire—
nients of the pupil, and the extent to which he proposes to prosecute his education. Four
ygai? will siiiiico for the entire academic course= tho youth being reasonably well prepnrmi on
s in ssion.


rmsr ssssiox. sscoxn sssssos.
Town’s Analysis, Town‘s Analysis
ingl [tending Continued,
English Grammar, (Biillion‘s,) English Grammar continued.
Arithmetic, (Ray’s,) Arithmetic, (Ray's,)
Geography. (C(ilton‘s,) Physical Geography, (Coltun‘m


rise-r snssios. snooker) sizssim.
Latin Grammar and Reader, Builion’s, Latin Reader, Unasar's Commentaries,
Gresk Grammar and Render, EBullinns3 Greek Reader,
Elementary Algebra, (Davies’) Algebra to Qiiiulrntics, (ltobinson‘m)
Analysis and Synthesis, English Language, Plane Trigonometry, (Davios‘,)
Plane Geometry, (Davies' Legendre,) Surveying, (D.ivies‘.)
riasr session. sseosii session.
‘Yirgil, (Coopor’sJ Latin Prosody. Cicero‘s Oratiuiis—liivy, (Liiiooin's,_l
Xenophon‘s Aiiahasis, (Owen’s.) lierodotus—llind of Homer, (Owen‘m
Latin and Greek Prose Composition. Analytical Geometry, (Davies‘,)
. Solid and Spherical Geometry, (Davies') Latin and firm-k l‘rnso Composition William-xi.
Spherical Trigonometry, (Davlos'.) Ancient History, (\Veimr.)
rum snssios. nature» sixfliofl.
Lilli/i Horace, (Lincoln,) Tacitus Gerinuiiia and Agricola,
Iliad offlomer, Gieek I’rosody, Demosthenes Du Corona, (Cliainplin‘s,)
Analytical Geometry, (stios‘,) Natural Philosophy, Pneumatics, llydrostaties.
Natural I’hilosophy—Meclianics, (Olinsted,) Hydrodynamics, Acoustics, Magnetism, Elm-—
Modern History, (Weber,) tricit , Optics,
Rhetoric, (Blain) Logic, Wlinvoly.)
nasr sizssiox. sneosn Mission.
Cicero, Tusculnns-Quintilian, Moral Philosophy, (Stewart,)
Eschylus, Prometheus, (Wolscy,) Sir W. Hamilton's Metaphysics.
- Political Economy, (Wayland’s,) Geology, Botany, ,
Psychology, (Walker‘s Reid.) Political Philosophy,
Chemistry, (Silliman,) Evidences of Christianity,
Natural Theology, (Palcy,) Anatomy and Physiology,
Astronomy, (Olmsted.) Lectures on Latin and Grant; Language»: and

' Those who do not desire to study the classics may omit them, and taking Mathematics and
the Natural Sciences, complete a scientific course in two years. From the above scheme, it
may be seen that the course will he as thorough as in any of our Western Colleges.

TUITION FEES—Preparatory Department, per session of five months, 815. Academic
Department, 820, with 31 extra. No deduction for absence except in cases of protracted ill-
:nsss. One-half fees in advance. Genteel Boarding in private families at from 8'2 to 8'.) 5i! pur
week, including fuel, lights, washing, and lodging.

Enwann Rimsmr, President, Professor of Rhetoric, Logic and Political Economy; Jun:-
Ksimnnr Parrsnson, Professor of Mathematics, Latin, and Natural Science; Wime KEN"
not PA'rrnxsoN. Professor of Mathematics and Greek.

(see thini piigi- of cowr.

 u. aoa:


gtlxulmly @ulture and @Imrmter.




gullibersm‘y of fig: @rnmbills figmhytcriul 30mm],
GREENVILLE, IiY., JUNE, 93, 1858.



1 8 5 8.




.. ...( .Au.i‘.s_...~._.‘_.



Dear Sii'——Tlio undersigned—u committee on the

part of the students and friends of the Greenville, Prosbyto
rial Academy—~respectfully requst a copy of your Address for

0. F. WING,


E. R. W'EIR, JR.,



GREENVILLD, Kin, June 24, 1858.

The Address to which you refer is at your disposal.

To Hon. EDWARD RUMSEY, C. F. \VING, and others.

LOUISVILLE, KY., June 30, 1858.



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”L Young Gentlemen of Greenmlle Academy, and Fmemls

"or . of Education .'

WE meet on this occasion to express our affection for
this Institution and for the cause of human learning. The
friends and managers of this Academy design that it shall be
a school Where young men may receive that discipline of mind
4 and heart which shall fit them for duty and destiny. The stu-
. dents and their parents, the teachers and directors, all have the
" same object in View, and that is, to lay the basis of a sound
and valuable scholarship. In accordance, therefore, with this
purpose and the spirit of this hour‘ I would speak to you on
the great topic of human culture and character. With be-
coming modesty, “ I, also, will show you mine opinion.”
Some one has said, “Speak the true word, and live the true ,
life.” Such a word would I now speak to you, and such a
life be it yours to live on earth and in the skies. “ Lend me
your ears ” while I endeavor to analyze the elements that
enter into the constitution and character of the true scholar.
I would draw an outline or running sketch that may serve as
a picture for the student to gaze upon. Thus he may be stim—
ulated to an honorable exertion, and cheerfully and success- l.
fully put forth his intellectual energies. My theme is, the '
Scholar—the grand characteristics of his culture and charac—
ter. And certainly it is a question of the deepest interest to
every human being—so thought the king of thinkers among
a nation of thinkers—“ Man cannot propose a higher and he-
lier object for his study than education and all that appertains
to education.“ So have thought the wise and good in every
age. Some of the profoundest problems of civilization and
humanity are connected with the educational question. As the _
great laws of the human mind must remain the same, so the 1

'3" Plato.





leading principles in the philosophy of education, must be the
same, though they are susceptible of new applications with . Helen
the changing condition of man. Readjustments must be made ’_ . the g0
to meet and control the new forces that are evolved in indi- ~ the Inc
vidual and national history. Hence every generation must (:5 blusht
re-think the whole subject for itself—nay, more ; every student . lace, {11
who would be successful, ought to be able to answer for him- ' 30 1t 15
self the first and principal question in the catechism of the , the 59}
schools—“ that is it to be a scholar ? ” And it is to answer t1me 15
this question, in fact as well as in word, I trust, that you are . 0f 3101
now engaged in academieal studies. “ The science of science ” and 01]
is to improve the instrument of thinking, and develop the the ml
moral powers. And you have no time to lose in this work. . . have a
Now is the turning-point in your history. The innocence of fig; yet W5
childhood has passed away—the dreams of boyhood are ex- : known
changed for the vigor of youth—now, then, is the time to lay 3' j th?’ tra
the foundations of manhood, deep and firm and imperishable. 1 7 thmg 1
Says Melancthon, “ Juventidem rectc for-mare paulo plus 1 ‘ 0511 Bug
est quam expugnurc Trojam.” And so we say that every ,' ? throng
young man who masters his native indolenee, and the difficul— 5 3 the h“
ties that lie in the pathway of scholarship, has achieved a ’ ' ture.
nobler triumph than was ever won at the walls of Troy. A 59119131
good scholar implies an assemblage of qualities rarely to be 9i d150-
found in one man. In these Western States we have plenty mall 1
of Colleges and “Learned Faculties,” but no great abundance abrhty
of good scholars ; and surely there never was an ace or eouu- if obligat
try in which they were so much needed for every department 1;; 1111008 1
of society and every walk of life. Have we, then, no materials short,
here out of which scholars are made? Are there not mind we m1:
and stamina here—the pith and marrow of Lnianity? Yes; '5! small 5
over these ocean-prairies, and along these grand old rivers, give P?
are to be found many a “ village Hampden, and mute, inglo- 301” 0'
rious Milton.” We have the resources, only let them be de- be a p1
veloped. We have the minds, and we may have the scholars. depem
But What we need is a higher type of scholarship, presented 01 “Qt
to our minds as an object toward which we may direct our must i
energies and aspirations. I would hold up before your mind’s truth .
eye the elements and accomplishments that should be har- {nhSt'I
moniously united in your character and life, and which may 191mm
elevate you to the throne of beauty and power. to eng
We are told that Zcuxis, when he would delineate fe- SWVO
male beauty upon the canvas, had six of the most beautiful mm C
maidens of Crotona brought before him, that he might mingle all Of
their excellences together, and condense their beauties in one c It

DiCture, which might stand as the ideal of his mind—and fig“.



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Helen remains the masterpiece of genius. So in delineating
the good scholar, we have to combine the characteristics of
the most finished scholars. And as Zeuxis could not get the
blush of the sixth maiden, who was too modest to unvail her
face, and thus could not give his work the touch of perfection,
so it is impossible to imagine or execute a finished portrait of
the scholar. Perfection can only be reached when the vail of
time is uplifted to let in the flashes of light from the realms
of glory. Still we can group together the various elements,
and out of these draw a picture of beauty upon the canvas of
the mind. If we cannot have a perfect circle, yet we may
have a good circle; so if we cannot have a perfect scholar,
yet we may have a good scholar. How, then, is he to be
known? What are the elements of his culture? What are
the traits of his character? Without attempting to give any-
thing like an exhaustive analysis, we may make some practi-
cal suggestions that may be of use to the tyre while passing
through the different stages of education. And this suggests
the fundamental characteristic, and that is exccllency of cul-
ture. What, then, is the kind of culture essential to the
scholar? And here we have opened up before us a wide field
of discussion, comprehending the whole educational system,
in all its gradations, of schools, abademics, and colleges; the
ability, aptitude, and enthusiasm of the teacher; the mutual
obligations of Church and State to furnish the requisite appli-
ances and incitements for the advancement of learning. In
short, here lies a wide range of philosophic thinking. But
we must content ourselves, on the present occasion, with a
small segment of such a circle of speculation. Thus we may
give practicalness to our views, and build our argument upon
your own consciousness and moral judgments. In fact, it must
be a practical and personal question with each of you; for it
depends mainly upon yourselves whether you will be Scholars
01' not. It is not a paradox to say that “Every scholar
must be his own teacher, or he will learn nothing.” It is a
truth having all the force and clearncss of an axiom, and
must remain true so long as the constitiftion of the mind
remains unchanged. Hence there must be mind upon which
to engraft the scholar, and that mind must be essentially
active in the process—not the more passive recipient of the
dlcta of other men. There must be living forces within the
soul of man to shape and mould the materials of knowledge.
l‘he mind becomes strong as it energizes, and. the student
grows into the scholar by the continuous exercise of his facul-

ties. Without this, there can be no thoroughness or depth of






culture; and this is much needed in this time-world of “shams
and shows.” The tendencies to this superficialism are seen
everywhere through all the ramifications of modern society.
Depth is sacrificed to brilliancy. Men will not toil for the
golden substance; while they will clutch after the gilded
shadow. They will not labor for the solid wealth of erudi
tion, but will bound away,])e7' saltum, after some pictured ’
phantom. Everything seems to be conducted on the principle 3.1;
of making an impression, of startling the million by some '3
“ cficfd’oauem” of shallow pageantry. The whole is but— .3;


“ A painted ship
Ilpen a painted oceanf’ TV

New this system of outward seeming, everywhere so de-
structive of depth of character, is producing among us a sap-
less and lifeless form of scholarship, with no roots taking hold
of the substance of the mind. There is no evolution of the
faculties from the center of being, but an outward whirling , .
pageant,like “the fantastic pictures of an ever-revolving Ka- -.
leidos00pe.” The orb of youthful genius and talent that rose
with so much promise, and flashed athwart the morning skies,
is at last quenched in darkness, and eclipsed l'orcver. There
can be no permanency where there is no thoroughness 01'

The sciolist is like the “Bird of Athens—all face and feath-
ers.” It is with mother-wit as with mother-earth; we must
cast the seeds of discipline deep within her bosom, if we would
see the golden harvest waving over the fields of manhood.

We must not deceive ourselves by the sounds that run to
and fro over the surface of human life. There is much talk
at the present time about popular education and the march 01'
science, and so we trust that there is substantial progress, ' 1i
that the bark of man is carried forward by the trade-winds '
that sweep across the seas of time. But the mightiest forces
are silent in their operations. Amidst the “sound and fury” , F55



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and the din of rattling wheels, where is that quiet strength _ .f
and vorceless energy that can only come from thorough men- , ‘3

tal training? The shallow brook leaps with impetuous noise _<
among the rocks and hills, when nature reigns around in
silence; but the deep river rolls on in silent majesty, and on .‘
the face of the unsounded sea is mirrored the sleeping energies
of omnipotence. So it is with the minds of men whose pow-
ers move in the deep channels of discipline. There is a force
within them working silently for the good of man. And just
as it is when the storm strikes deep into the bosom of the




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ocean, that it is lashed into fury, and sends its volumed waves
in wrathful voices to the shore ; so such men are prepared for
every crisis, and, ride upon the whirlwind of revolution.
Thorough culture, which can only be obtained by patience, by
everything for toil.”*‘ It is a great law of life in every hu-
man acquisition, and it is a postulate in education which can-
not be set aside by the innovations and flashy schemes ol‘
erratic thinkers. “ There is no royal road to learning.” We
must toil on day after day, in the laborious ascent, until we
reach the pinnacle, from which we may have a Pisgah-view
of the landscape of truth ; just as the traveler must begin at
the bottom, and labor upward, step by step, until he reach
the apex of the pyramid. But how different is all this from
the ideas of “Young America,” as he struts across the field
of vision, and plumes his “feathers of ostentation” for a flight
among the stars! This is “ Old Adam,” converted into
“Young Diabolus,” impatient of restraint, intellectual and
moral, and away he bounds with the swoop of an eagle; but
alas! like Icarus, he finds he was not made to fly, and he
lands at last in a worse than Egaean Lake !

There are many who seem to think, in a a telegraphic age,
many a silent struggle of the soul and by the severer studies
that task the mind, is the right arm of power It was no
new-born strength that gave the Athlete his victory upon the
Olympic plains, when he was crowned amidst the huzzas of
his countrymen. All this vas but the concentrated might of
seven years’ gymnastic training. So it is no spontaneous
flash of precocious genius. but the severest culture of your
powers, that will tit you for labor and triumph in the
realms of thought and action—“Posse tolm’c taurum gui
uitulum sustulerit.” Milo, when a boy, carried the calf, so
when he was a man he could carry the ox. In the same way,
let the boy learn his lessons thoroughly every day, and he
will grow up to be a man with a scholar’s power, able to
carry a mightier burden than was ever laid upon the shoul-
ders of the Crotonian giant. There must be mental effort, a
continuous drilling of the faculties, in order to intellectual
Improvement and high literary attainments. The comic poet
uttered a serious truth when he said that “ The gods sell us
in an era when almost everything is done by machinery, that
the process of youthful culture may be completed by a few
months at ’an academy, or at least by a few walks around a
college campus. But “Festz'na lame ” is the law of human

* Epicharmus





culture. If machine-poetry can never take the place of the
inspirations of genius, so neither can machine-scholarship be
an equivalent for a thorough training of the schools.

Perhaps there is nothing more ruinous to the substantial
discipline of the young, than the multiplication of institutions,
misnomered colleges, attempting to do the work of a college,
but in reality bringing ridicule on scholastic culture. “ Uni-
versities ” spring up like mushrooms, which ought to be, and
in fact are, huge infant-schools. In one respect, they are un-
like the poem of Coleridge, which was said “ to be eternal,
because it had neither head nor tail.” These are headless,
but they are not tailless—-—ascephalous monsters with an eternal
tail !

' And then we have institutions that seem to be established
for the express purpose of exchanging flash-accomplishments
for eash‘payments. All the severcr studies, that may serve
alone as a gymnastic for the mind, and a basis of scholarly
training, are carefully excluded, doubtless on the principle of
cxhibitingthe “ Play of Hainlet,\vitli the part of Hamlet omit-
ted.” These are the establishments where girls are manu—
factured into ladies, and boys into gentlemen. Epitomes of
~ history, scraps of science, called Cyclopiedias,clegant extracts
of poetry, and homeopathic doses of philosophy, take the
place of solid instruction ; and if the pupil learns to think at
all, it must be in spite of such pedagOgie trifling. It must
be because he was born with the scholar’s star shining bril-
liantly over the horoscope of life, or rather because there is a
soul within him that, like Psyche, “ uncaught by net or
snare,” mounts to her native skies.

This training and taxing the mind to its utmost capacity,
is at first‘fl know, a painful process ; but we cannot fight with
a law written by the finger of God upon the tablet of con-
sciousness. These pangs and throes of the young thinker are
but preparing him for the pleasurable exercise of his faculties,
for free spontaneous energy. As Aristotle says, “ The roots
of discipline are bitter, while the fruits are sweet.” If, ac-
cording to Lord Bacon, there can be no atheism where there
is “depth in philosophy,” so there can be no sciolism where
there is depth of culture.

But the scholar must have breadth as well as depth; he must
have a comprehensive as well as a thorough culturing of his
powers. I am not now speaking of that obsolete, and, in
fact, mythical character, “The universal scholar.” Such a
being never has existed, and, from the nature of the case,
never can exist. Besides, the scholar is tested, not by the ex-



tent, but by the form of his knowledge; or, what is virtually
the same thing, the touchstone of every scheme of education
is not the amount of knowledge injected into the mind, but
the amount of thought generated there. The scholar is known,
not by the number of his facts and isolated knowledges, but
by the compass of his ideas, by which he breathes into the
“disjecta membra” the breath of life, moulds them into
graceful forms by a plastic power, and links them together
like a twisted chain of adamant. He is not a reservoir that
only holds what is put in it. but a perennial fountain with
gushing streams. , _

Or to change the figure. The Miss1ssipp1 must have water
to constitute its stream ; but the Missouri, rolling its volumed
floods from the Rocky Mountains, gives that water its peculiar
color and character by intermingling its dark and furious waves.
80 it is with the scholar. There must be the stream of knowl-
edge, but that knowledge must be impregnated and tinged
with the stream of ideas gushing from the springs of his own

Locke compares the mind to a blank sheet of paper, and
Upham to a musical instrument. But these are both decep-
tive analogies. They overlook the essential characteristic of
the mind. The mind is not only acted upon by external
influences, as the paper and the harp, but has original, sug-
gestive, and spontaneous energies, that analyze, combine, and
vivify the objects that pass through the “five gateways of
knowledge.” Rather compare the mind to a garden, as inti-
mated by the Baconian Antithesis: “As man’s nature runs
either into herbs or weeds, let us seasonably water the one,
and destroy the other.” Now, as it is the quickening power of
the soil that causes the seed cast into its bosom to germinate
and grow into graceful plants ; so there are vital forces in the
human soul that make the germs of knowledge to shoot up
into forms of beauty. And as good horticulture requires the
cultivation of the whole garden, so good scholarship requires
the cultivation of the whole mind. We cannot put every-
thing in the garden, though we may cultivate every foot of it;
so we cannot put everything in the mind, though we may
cultivate every faculty.

Oomprehensiveness of culture is not to be confounded with
universality of knowledge. And there need be no such con-
fusion, if we remember the limitations of the human facul-
ties: “ There can be no proportion of the finite to the influ-
ite.” We cannot know everything. We must even remain
ignorant of much that may be known. God only is omnis-
cient. Universal knowledge is to man an impossibility.




The German philosophers, by a few shufflings and evolu-v
tions of the “mes” and the “not mas,”can prove to their
own satisfaction that everything is nothing—an absolute nihil-
ism; but methinks it needs no transcendental metaphysics to
prove that a “Universal Scholar” is a universal nothing. The
idea is about as definite as the conception of “a man standing
on infinite space, and whacking away at eternity.”

Such “ walking libraries” and animated Cyclopaedias as
Solomon, Aristotle, Leibnitz, the Scaligers, Grotius, Hamil-
ton, and Whewell, may occasionally appear to astonish the
world with the vastness of their erudition; but these are the
exceptions. And even these had to be trained into scholars
before they had the power to carry on their backs the “ Lum-
ber of ages.” The training of the whole man is the best
introduction to the cycle of knowledge; and by the whole
man I mean the body, mind, and heart, with all their diversi-
fied capacities and powers; man for this life and for the life
to come; man as the incarnation of a soul that must live and
think and feel, and will, when—

“ Flames melt down the skies.”

The grandest thing in creation is the human soul. “ What
a piece of work is man! How noble in reason I How infin-
ite in faculties l in form and moving, how express and admir-
able! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like
a god 1 the beauty of the world ! the paragon of animals!”‘*-’

No part of man, as the masterpiece of the Creator, is to be
neglected. Even the body as the organ of the mind—the shell
of the soul—must receive its share of attention. As a good
scabbard is essential to preserve the brilliancy and metal 01'
the sword, so good health is an essential condition of the
highest mental stamina and vigor. “Aims sum in corpora sano,"
is a maxim never to be forgotten by the student; and if he
would realize its truth, he must have recourse to the prelec-
tions of the four great Doctors—Pure Air, Active Exercise,
Strict Temperance, and Clear Water. Under these he must
pursue his studies and train his physical powers. Like the
flowers, gather freshness and bloom from the Zephyrs of
heavenwfish, or hunt, or swing, or meet in the l’aliestra, and
take a full course in the “ Pancratium”; or if you have no
better gymnastics, “ Shovel sand, or saw wood in a cellar.”
If such athletic exercises are considered undignified, why.
then, leave dignity to pedants and dandies ; but let scholars
retain good hard sense. Eat little and drink less. Do not




chew,.but eschew the weed. Crucify every vile passion that
would corrupt the heart and darken the understanding. Prae-
ticc baptism in all its modes—dipping, pouring, sprinkling,
plunging, and immersing. Take the sitz-bath and the douche-
bath, and every kind of lustration known to the hydropathic
faculty. A tub of 'pure water, with a good supply of soap,
will be far more favorable to the inspirations of genius, than
the fabled fountains of Hippocrene and Castalia. A neglect
of this simple hygienic discipline has wrecked many a noble‘
mind, and quenched the light of genius forever. It blurs the
Attic graces of Addison, the elaborate finish of Pope, and
spreads a gloom over the wild egotism of Byron, and the in-
imitable lays of Burns. It is written in letters of fire, as
plain as the “ Two Records,” in the death of Hugh Miller.
An overworked brain and a neglected body tell the sad tale..

“Reason outsoared itself. IIis mind, consumed
By its volcanic fire, and frantic driven,
He dreamed himself in hell, and woke in heaven.”

The casket must be preserved in order to save the pearl
ennshrined within it. It is unscholarly, unwise, and sinful, to
trample upon the laws of health, for without health the most
splendid abilities and attainments are worthless. It is to
build a palace upon the ocean-wave, or on the whirlwind’s

The mind of man is a unit, yet it has many sides; or, to
speak in the language of psychology, it is a congeries or com-
plement of faculties. Now, all these faculties are to be com-
passed by the discipline of the schools.

The memory must be improved; its susceptibility, reten-
tiveness and readiness developed. The reason must be
strengthened and enlarged—in its intuitive sagacity, logical
acumen, and compendious trains of thinking—as an instru-
ment of investigation and popular instruction—“ Reason dis-
cursive and intuitive.” The imagination must be spurred and
guided in its operations, as the soul-inspiring energy of elo-
quence and poetry, sculpture and painting; or, to use a
Uolerid‘gean jaw-breaker, as the “ esemplastic ” power of the
mind. The taste must be trained to detect the beautiful and
the sublime, and to pass its “ extempore judgments,” in ac-
cordance with the eternal standard that has been reared in' the
consciousness of man. There must be a culture of the
esthetic sentiments. The conscience, too—God’s flaming
Vicegcrent, the kingly faculty—must be educated to a quick
and clear discernment of moral distinctions, of the march and,





majesty of law. The will, too, must be disciplined as the
executive power in man, and as the basis of force of char-
acter. And the heart, with all its affections and dispositions,
must be touched with “ hallowed fire,” that, like the helio—
trope, it may turn towards God as the orb of light, and, like
seraphim, “adore and burn.” And, then, there are those
vast stretches of the soul—those flashes of heavenly light—
those aspirations after the perfect and the infinite—these must
come within the scope of spiritual culture. All this is but——

“The Divinity that stirs within us,
And intimates eternity to man.”

It seems to be an element of our nature, in which the poetic,
philosophic, and godlike are combined. And the proper man-
agement of this, is the highest and‘most enduring culture.
“Wou‘ldst thou plant for eternity, then plant into the deep,
infinite faculties of man, his fantasy and heart.”"'~‘

These, then, are the grand characteristics of the mind, and
that education must be partial which does not embrace them
all within the sweep of its discipline; and therefore only those
studies should be selected that are best adapted to reach the
highest number and order of the faculties; not those that im-
part the most knowledge, but those that impart the most pow-
er, and best prepare us for subsequent acquisitions; those
which are subjectively the best as a “gymnastic of the mind,”
those that may serve the best as a Whetstone to give the whole
mind razor-like keenncss, that the owner may in due time
lift it up like a polished “ax against the thick trees” of know»
ledge. What those studies are will be mentioned in the
course of our argument.

Moreover, there must he a symmetrical culture. Every
faculty must receive its proper proportion of training—the
weak points strengthened, the asperities chiseled ofl'— so that
the scholar may appear a finished result, “a rounded abso—
lute.” We may make this plain by one or two illustrations.
‘We all know what proportion means in architecture—such a
relation of the parts in the whole as to produce a pleasing