xt7ghx15n565_127 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Newspaper Articles on President Patterson text Newspaper Articles on President Patterson 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_13/Folder_1/Multipage12402.pdf 1887-1919 1919 1887-1919 section false xt7ghx15n565_127 xt7ghx15n565 .imont' ntt‘tchres much itntmrlancel
‘e annual conventions. V.’ .hington '
its own stenozrstphers to .tttemi
nntl transcribe the husi11e.=s of all. meet-
A Snocensfdl Pro‘fe'snor.

\Vv‘hen Alderman John IE. LPet caught
sigh-t of Prof. Patterson of the Kentucky
university. president of the institution, he ‘
at once transformed from an active poli-
tician to st Ithoroutrh student in agricul-
t't'ire‘ttntl metaphysios. Twenty-five years
two Mr. 'lieet (L'LU'lltlt‘d Prof. Detttm‘son's
(“misses and half way regrets he did not
stick to the business. Many of his (ElIlSS-
mates did well. lnticod, Prof. Patterson's
college is said to have turned out more
sum sful men than any other similar in—
Qtitut on The only mztn other than :t
i‘ rettchrrmn who obtained the ( ross ot‘ the
L0 n of Honor 101‘ hotaniortl \\01k 'tlS
a. clztsmnuto of Mr. Lam’s. and :m Oltl stu-
dent of Prof. Jnttt‘rson. This is T. B.
Mnnsen now of Toxus. One at" the grout-
(1st. industries of Frnnm is wint- ”taking:
and the ravages of ina (‘tS among the,
vines amounttd to imillions of frnn ' :tn—
nuniiy. 'Mttnson (llF‘CUVt‘l‘Qtl in TV ~: u
\"i’lil grape thztt “'th fatal to the French
pest. lie want. our to l“l‘tiil(‘t: with his
roots, grafted minus on to them tint] ttho
result was :1 totztl snow 5‘. For this Mun-
sen was «it rnvtetl. From :L commercial
standpoint I unsetl seems to have been

‘ equally sum-e ‘ful for he mutit- u, fortune
growing now: sr‘ientiticuily in Texas.
Scope of Such Colleges.

Speaking of the work of agricultural
colleges and their mission, Prof. Putter—
eon saitl:

"Agricultural rolloges are misunder-
svtood. The idea. that they are to 1.11.1511
farml‘ g; is not well comprehended. They
do thts but they do InOIE.’I‘hQ}'11t‘l€l
students. for sue ttl anriuuitutuii 1
and itt so doing tnuip
wnlks of life. ’l‘h(~ Aior ‘ \Vlilc‘ll
stztt‘ttwl thrise cnllvt, tin ' not contint,1
titt-it' utiet‘:ztt.iott:~' to t'.ttnt't t, pure and sim~
110, but to brunt-ht»: of tit. l court-55 we
tinvi t‘iitlil'illiy itt otht.;tinttt;.: stutlvnts for
our :tgrtt-ultttrni twiivg'os. li‘tll‘llivl‘S tin not
thn't their boys to in.- fitl‘lllul‘n‘, nt~ithor
(in t-iurgynuln, lttwyt-t‘s or otht-t' nrut't
sinnttl pennin, pill‘titfllliti'ly sint-o the am -
vulittt Ll inlet ' thaw,- bnt'omn so (it:—
DI‘USB‘L'U. 'l‘hu lilt‘IL is thttt by Mulching :1
stutlént botany so lintt llt) may under-
Stilllfl tilttnt lit‘e; entomology so thztt he
tntty lllitlt‘l’b'ii'tlrllil tho itliSl“t'LH which are
lllClilt‘llt to arming; (*humistry. so- that he
ntzty lili'ltjl'stilnt’l tho nature and origin of
soils, t-lw sttttlunt lli‘tJJIlli‘S tittml for fol—
lowing :tgrit‘ultut‘u."

Attnchuti to all 21;;‘1‘tt1ultttrttl r‘oi‘legos are
lllirt'liflllll‘ul tlt‘rtill'tlllcll‘iri, chemistry ittb—
«irztjorivs, imtundmtl gardens, irrigation
illltl ‘llydl‘iLUllt: departtnonta and other
higher t‘rdut‘xttionni brunt bus

(in Thursday l’r tivttt Alwtnn I‘llis i,
itin- ("olortttin Agrttultutul (ollugo “lit
rt‘ml :tn intorusiing‘ tittpt- 1‘ upon \Vlltlt stu-
illt- =houlvi be (‘()llll)lil(‘t] in :L (-uttt‘su at an
zigtttulturul z-olh-gt‘, :t1ttl why they should

This will in1 out: (it‘ the most inur—

. ,tnp; punt-rs rum] :tt tltt: mnvmttion from

a. popular point of VitMV.
0n u "up: llunt.

Although the reinvention LlOt’S not be—
;,-‘in until tliiS morning, the Httutnolw'i
or “-iitttv,'oio',;'ist<," as llltV :t1u
rt1i' t‘rI-nl do 1) their 'lit‘ut‘ltct .~ ,
st trteti last night. i’1".ot(Jut-kt1tt1il nt.’ lizts
. N,iu.ui<1tl :L party downtown
lélfiti. 11 "ltt on :L hug-catching uxptwlitiion.
“U boru with tlllill and for tin1 purpose
of t-nsztring :1nythin't,r ot a. tlt‘Sii thin kintl
whit it might ht nvt irn Sl“llt :tnvl he l‘Lt'ilIHtl
a. rutgulu harvest 111 “the \itinity til :11“.
In htx It 'is. nun thing to Know llOtV to

row :L ('I‘OD anti (illolillt‘l‘ NOW to 5' \t‘ it
' in (.t-rts. l’rot’ Snow or l
who iiitwnohui thn i'lmiiig i‘xvi‘i-iw-z iii' the
ninth \‘t-Ssifin of that in: tiltitiun. iliii in}: tho
piist t'mr "years tho, SCilUifll'hiliI) iiiiii inquivitiw
of this voiii-gu hiiro, iilt'l't‘llfié'li until ting tll'tl
nuw tho Pqtlfli til‘ :iuy Stuii- institution in this
Uniti-ii Nitliw‘h. This l‘OllI'\L‘ is Iiillll'Ollgil. ziuii
to g 'utillltiiU is to ‘tiltu'Ulig'liL‘r' know thu i-(iursti.
Tho graduating honors worn i-(iiit'orrcri (in
Messrs. '1'. \V, Slizir'lzlui'nrii and \‘i', \. i'JlLA
thrill“, of Lexington. ’l‘lii: (le‘l‘thN worn
opened with pi'iiyur. foliowt-ii h); u snliui'itury
atidl‘lfhs by K. L. liii‘llt‘l', Lit‘ Nulltil i'iliihnrn.

Mr. W. A. i'ntiurwn lnlimrmi with :i.
thesis 0D “The Mystery «it Life. ‘ Muvli
tililupfilh was (whit-ed in the pi'mitu‘liuii lli
this initiross LhnL was l‘l‘fl‘osililig null inVig—
rating" 1.0 the lil‘I'Nin uwl tn) the‘ inniiutunrius

sort that vluirm-tcri ethu ('iofililg EXOT-
cises of tho ninjiirily iii" St‘illitliH.

An tirittiun uii “Political l‘urrnplinm nnri
thm'r itvniwliiis" was ilniircrcii hy Mr. (,7. (J.
(Ziilhiiun, In' (hrieiishnrr).

Tim Vtiieiiit-tni'y address wnsdoin‘erm] by
Mr. ’1‘. W. Shauklui'urd in a clear zunl well-
IJI't‘pal'ell spew-h.

The iliplonizis wnre conform! by Gov.
Kniitm in u t'uw wuil~ch0mn and practicnl

Mr. George Brynnti, one of the students,
than dt.1ii\'t31‘t,‘(l to (£01. Phelps :1 iJI'ttlllHlll
Ltikcn 01' Lilt‘ friendship thi-y liriro him, in
which he l‘t,‘\'[)tl!](i()ll in a fueling llllti ini—
pl‘PhSin! manner.

The great feature of the day was tho tul-
dress by Gov. J. Proctor Knotty. Thu rw
sources (if Kentucky were shown up in :i.
clear and ('Ollllil'flilt‘l 1V1) wary.

1L has heien pronunnr-cd hy zill who heard
it, one (it the must Cililllll‘t‘ilt'llhiVl‘ :inii (‘illii-
hl‘uiOutilil't‘Sfl's thaL hits been dulhei‘eii on
illel‘t'dtilll'l'trrlnf Kniiturky in niiiny yours.
livery (iiti '1] in the Stilts hiltflliti ruwl it. iiiui
put; in array t'ur tuturc lino. JSi-luw we give
1L in hill.

(“1". KXtri"i"s ADDRESS.

,‘iiL PHESlDl-JNT. Linings Axii ti'i \HJJIICN "Win-n
l i-iinKiilnr Lliu hlllll‘l'llfil‘ llil‘iiiigt‘lli‘t‘ null rt‘iinu-
m n: of ii!” )Il'l“wl)t't, in whinh 1 hurt: the hiiiiur
mayhem; l wry seriously luh'lrIHL my :iliilily,
{Hiilt'l'ill('Hllil'iillii ,(iyiilir (-ntwiniiununl, or to
“in lll_\'1)lH' pm-m-nt tuck rii' iiiiin'niiitiun. hy u
ih~i 11 ion 01 iinysiihjm \Hitit tr. ’t'hirro i
iii»vi-,iilio-li-<.~;_uiiiiri \Vilit'il l nim'. Intrhiir


“r \olu‘m-s “tin-h is It:


{mind in :‘i'lltlSI t‘wr.’ élgl'ic Illuril wumty in tha
Hiiilii 1('0igi':itu‘a'i~ iiiym-it‘thiuLhi-i'iiiiro iuini-
emin- 9‘1" 1'” St 1' lwutun' ’ which rival, it' thI-j.‘ (in
nut \Ill‘[)t!.$ HIBI‘IHVH ilii‘ rililli‘ti "Hint-grass Ill-,-
giqn” III many Iif iht- lli‘Hiil‘it'iS iii. 11!!!" Niiil,

Jn l‘iii-i. tlii-ru is .‘iL'i‘ll't' ‘y H. t'O'llliy in thv Film:-
in \\'1iII-li,\rith prohirr t‘liiiiViIiiUH, ltilllUk‘L :iiiy
(‘Illllll «iviity \rithin iii» :igrivnlliiml run: nt' iiur.
t'iilili’lit' illi;‘i|l nut hi- piiiliu 'i-nl. nut viiiiy in wt
ilt‘il‘lli tui:iiitilio~_; i'iir illtllll‘ ('4lll~lll|l]iiitnl‘ hut with
:i piniiliziih- iiu:r,;iii tiir i-yim't in l--~~: i'inrrr (i
xi-t‘lirlllh iii S‘JHH‘ iiiii: Iir JlliJH‘ iil'
niviiiiin-x' iht'i'V‘ h l“ I u iii-nu :i vie wt“ il“rlll ln‘lll In
thuiiria-i-iu in \ lit'il liwiitiiwli'_\‘lui\ uni i.ir lrliir
1'~ii'i]>ll“ti till hi-r «i [or Swim. ll’li‘y\llil\iillltiill‘,f lhv
fiiw: ih'u iu il‘fl unwhuli' iii“ illilih‘l“; iit’ hur
ltl'illl"\'1[i I‘mro-Jx‘ ill. in to lili\ li1l\' ii friit‘iil“i in};
this \viuuhiinii’wix. l'hix ix Minn-i li_\ ‘i‘ill‘lil' in~
lmwiwi. \\'illt'il hzia ir tinlirit' l"ii| 1'. Hit 1i rum: iii
tiii'ni'tliiil \\'t‘.'lit'l vii' lhw 5w t-,' \t him lil‘ iw‘l
thil'H Muir‘s. Iiiiiii .‘Iii lulu-r '1' iii: t‘tbllli/Hi"li imi ,
in: Iir'l‘iih'l‘li ii. iil" mum: r rilll‘i'l" ili.ii 10 'in l.
:ll'i‘ .i-ilzny iii :‘l’il'liliq‘ ri-i'iirii», iiiw . 'iN'JMigilir 0
mi :i‘»?‘l‘;{‘(>‘ nt' Sin-Mir hi t'JiKH p l «lltllilill. ziihl an
,uvn iriii ililh ilw lii‘iiiiHHHJII nt' iiiiu Mini»
l|:v-. Tillllill‘iillli thn Nuiv th.u iill'i't‘i.‘
s til: 1‘: .: ‘i1ii_l~-r-wiii- \\i||1'i| ilH< nut rw-wiuvl
H‘ii‘r‘luii‘MUII HI} )i , . iz’ll‘i i'llt'll" l‘ fillii” "’Hi
luxiiiiu lhiit in tilii‘n,i|i-Iiitiii'ii rv 'ilI‘I'i ;iil“lll'
fi‘i‘t‘i \Vt‘ l-iNuNK i iv luv Hi \'.‘.-ulth |':\\ “t'iiill",' ‘
the wild iii~ tiniiiuri, it

lut I Y‘l‘lllill‘kl‘li :l iunnii-iit 11,17” Hint fully ."l

rout, (it (”11' Kirgili twink! :«iiii :t:i!iii-. \\ Ilt'l‘r' .L '~ n
[-luiitml 1'.» ill" illilui iii ‘Htl!!il)tiit‘l|l"' t'v‘llilllil‘¢
z'mi. 'J'hru z~ iruv: null if you \tiiuhi Minn 5|)? 1"
li-iu‘. mtiiuzue hf tht- "ill I'lll-i‘i‘w ..\ "'lli niiil wiiil"
f f tii‘it it'l‘illt‘ntinll\ *itllll‘l'l‘ Ht \M‘l! Th ;.. ’llii' Shit".
ynli h.i\-- hut ill llitix Ili‘lll; ththi‘r-iitimv \‘ill"il
tinil ii‘t‘li' htllii't'“ Ill iiiir ilitl‘ijiii‘ '1'.n‘i.‘li r0 Iizi lhw
thwi ()‘Ili~ illlti tlmi'wiiiin: t-t' Hut-4 \rl ii’il | Ii - lh -u‘
h: nr-i. till iiizuin urinl' i‘w i‘ilil t \::|u. h.i.wlr
\nvmits in h»- i'vuiuil nu lilt‘ I‘lliiiiiit‘iii .‘iihi _\‘o-t it'
3‘ III rum ii H“ in 1?: ‘i‘ Mll‘iJHi hr-itLix‘ yiiili iiiiiii
lit‘ .iiiimcwl t-ii.liri ‘l|l‘ti17'iiiliiitiillli i‘l" HI‘l,“|ll ll
aim” ' . ll il’»‘.iii|\‘,fl:ililllh this
L-iu. :l .‘llidu‘lllilllitlli: l'j‘lil'll.

“A'Hiii 1'!!! “\i- '.

llut kiw ihlii': .i;' 'ilt'xt‘ i'i-iuillm'»; rail: iii \‘Jlilli'l
ilil‘ iiiiitw, it'illill‘i‘i im~ t)‘ iiiivilhr-i' n.itlir:l :iii»
\Jllliill‘t‘ ii.iu \'.n: viii: y. tho illllltrl'ifl’H't mi” nthivh
il \.Ililivi I'l‘ iihiiul lllliltmxlilll' i'! Ii\l‘l'l‘~ilill.!il'
luliwi» in ”MY v-iir'iuriluiui'i tiii‘iiuin. hr with r
i‘vill‘lH-HJ i Itl. livwhn. lllli' n.i\i .iiih- \‘m »r
liniiiiiiiii-i U i'iJiHIli"\, iiiii-lwr Wil'} s i-v-ii .r.ii i
h}, iii-iri- Illlil‘v HI iiului'iil Hi wrung; tl4i1'jli-‘li Hr
t‘t'illllit‘l'l llti ll‘ Il‘lwl‘ii‘lili-lltlli inn) l\'i‘ lit'lltlhiiN ul' iiiiiii miii'iimiviuly illipl't‘gr
unimi \‘y'llil ii-h iiuii sutln lo l't‘iitix'i' irilt‘lll iimri-
\utluuhli: its i‘i-i'tiii/ms rill‘ N‘illtf of nur with:
[him ”In iihoslihiilw Iii-its at Smith t'.iriiiiii.L il:l\'(,\
iih'i-iuly hPLEII tll‘l'UYL‘l'l‘ti in t‘ it) sun, ltiilinimwii,
il'vt'hllll'llitzt‘, i‘i‘idvht'”. Uhri. Hut and Jil\ii'|j[\illil
I'UlliiiiU‘, iiiiil rm , no (hiuiii, to hi- iiiiiiiit in iiiiuul
llI' urmitt-r (iiuuititivs in utht-r :it-i-tiuiir: of tin)
b'liih- \rhoru Hiiuilitr m‘lilug‘ii- (‘UllfiiiitlliK exist.

liri', niiii yo {wry t'hin 01' the ”maxi. quiility (nu
t‘lil' in gm \l ilillliltii‘llh’“ hunt-nth lhi- Lfl'i'th‘i his is
int’ thw ’i't“| -- our rim-ruin IItlillt‘I‘UHEt pint-v4 in ('t‘ll-
trill KI'iiti , :iiiil lhriiiiii'liiiul ti‘ii- i-xii n~ir<~ ('Uili
JIll‘ZlSlll‘tSill huth Liu- L‘Zlh'it‘l‘ll lllli \\"‘tx:"i'll Imr
tiiiiisni'iiir Hziiii. \\'hzit rhv inl'iu ul' win- (if
thiww‘luys inigiu In it' thi- t‘XlN humus lllv\\ i)!“
in: “I'ltil‘ with ii \'it‘\\ (if priuilit-iiii: :tlulniiuini iir,
11W»! ihiit \riiuhl I‘L‘lltil'l‘ it an ni'lii-li- iii’ i-iiini-uiii
Urit‘ is in) ill-uht. :i llltllit‘l' iit' [tiL‘ll iiii: sinn'iilnii tip,
in gun v-pi-i-iiiiiy~ \ViIU Mir :il ”ii?“ noun n: \\ il hiii
in“. than :iii huur‘n~ Iriu'i-l til" at hiiiigli- (it‘lMl‘vli
zuiunuuiiig in llliiiinliS on niilliiins nt' tuiis, \i iiicli
wutihl yin-til t'i'mii lit‘iy l0 Sixty iii-r cent, 01' lh.it
very l't'ln ii'liilhlii 21nd \‘iilliiihlv- ‘lll‘ii'li.

iliit um- 01' lhv- iiivNI. striking illiistrutinns of
Hull singuhir lilhililii“ (ion 02' it \‘iu'lvty of natural
‘ )I‘ found iu‘nrly l‘\'l!l'y\\'ht‘l't‘
bt‘t‘ll'ill ii. to.“ hours 01’

' (If, \Ui'tit‘l' Ol-

(iltvxc mum

hi} "i



lx'oiitiivh'y iiiity h
[.I‘uw-l tilting



nurih 14/5 ll'lil‘ili' rzi r .
Imrn tn iiihwll iiiv. iiw.
fruiii i’i‘iiu-niiiu [.I; "lair

(1 through ill" t'llillitit’\
Lin‘ tithiw-ll in iiit‘, t]"rii>'ti. . .nilzi:
ill“ [ill'tl‘i"4)" HI. thi- In Hm" am
tllllhiilfi' [ll'V‘llill’ilIit H» [‘H' thew: M I..-1‘v“lil.|,lilliil':'

Aiiiiri. iltr'i\'t"y't"‘. l'i'niii :iil i‘ivri r f iii-Aria iiIlI ‘Iu
fi’\it‘lilit'tittl']'i'ii Liti‘ i'iiii iil‘i'i iri‘ ui 1w furl-1A
"i'll llvll'tllli'l tri tflill'.‘ltt e iii!‘ 1" i. iliiti
ii- nruliyiu l!l"| iiitiii’“iilii“ t-ni'mw'
gin i: mni M ii ‘ilu iii" ‘.\ili"l‘ l'”
I»! 15: ‘ fw'ith .‘ll‘li niiiiiimwt. lli‘
Mini ii mt ‘llII till'll'igil ii- ‘. .i~
Iil'i-u‘ii, iiint iiui‘ Ui‘ iw i~ - .t:. iviv
(lilti'f"!~i lli‘i', ill" I”, ill’_"1'.'v
iiiuiiniiw :; iii -~l i' in I! ll
llll\ it": Ami . i »».i.i.l l.‘IiI‘ )vi .

ilii‘ !:'l ~' ' i'iirzi ”Jr'll ‘Hi :.i iiil‘

Ifi't‘ll iii'

' 'I:i,. ;ii:iill~‘i

.J‘lt l ii“IIl‘
i .miii







'llli.t" "
~i:.i,i mi ’
i'tl “i‘ii-

irniiiiv. , -' ‘ , . - u.
.‘iliin‘i'itnl .; ‘ - - ,:
in tho 1' 1i . l3
\xhzitut'm‘I' . '.I-'
I ‘.

t".t 5*. I"

t'< [till‘iiL‘

ihl \ 'ii li

.iw um”- ..3 l .“y.


.'1 ii

.‘I‘li':-illllih ll i'.ii" ll
in. .-. .u t‘li-.i-

:» Hull-lunar

. uwli, rim
inn-rim." tt‘l‘i i- hi ii !'\“i
ntH"-l‘il.lli'.l,-li iiv..r
Hutiihiim Hi: I:
illi". li i'i~ it' 5 thin
ilt‘iti'» lit ("ll\iii‘, I iii
hut I-l iit'll \lit‘ il.I>l"‘ c i~:i»i\r~ il
li"]U l1» «it .hi-wii i'i illl'i .\i.‘ iii:.iii,
1. v-u_ ‘I'ii‘iiii'Wi h' .i- illili lv‘?
i~._i.~.-..;.,1. .. . - - . ' .
.rvi_\'uiiiin~._ v.ii'~r iii- '
slii-i.1ii.«l\\liivli. uii’i “’

(2 iii llii iii-liu-rr-il in ilit'

Iiinzil‘jfi t‘nn‘ii mp;

«huh.» .iiiii it il :l; l

in nihiiliuii in lillw. .lz'r‘ \tjl'n'i iiiVi'
rinmii wt ii|t‘ iii 1! ii\v-i' iriiii .. i v'. Hum: t in
Iiiiriii-m ul' i'm'ilii. .v I“ I’imull. .2 ll!
('nuiui.~ illlri tho Hiiiuzuiv’: in. i LHII n‘.
ii]i.t“ii.v-t:l1w.:tii.inl i,i\\i‘l‘,H'
ll)‘|\'4'ill"lli iii ihw i'll ll'l .: 5 wt ii >.\
U|l\i|(‘illltiit‘illlliI‘iil"! . (I: l-
itinllpf ihi- ii-iiiiiizls ii: iiil‘ t‘iiiniinriniv 1 till
juxi iii-rm», ih- ii ii- i‘i'uin i\'«~uiii« ' ',
Illlifwi ilwlu‘uu tipnii the l'l'ilikli \llii' .\ i‘i
nu: ]|lll'i \Jn‘t‘b'.

l:i xii-iv ni' Mlt‘il l‘iir‘ii: vs thew. i:

it“ thin tlw JLi")iIlllL iii iit ‘leth mm 011'
'l t‘lllL'. i _ liLilti‘i\ i4 lu-iii-y-‘iruiiui t't uL-t-iuru-
t, ~ii l-II -n iill\ iii: i'\l‘il" q l_""iii'll_~iii'i‘(l"41::Hll.
mitis ii.ilu'.‘iil n tiiiiil. \_ Nut iiiil‘: ‘Zl\'t‘llii'ir\'
(Ii [i|t' I|lHI‘|‘ m iiillir iiii l 1 ii , (‘llllth' l) 1: 5111!“
01' nur <>\\‘ii Stiitu illilt‘t‘ iill'J‘ lll h ix'i-V «it inn!" 1'
“Lil illilll‘fili hunt» in this l't‘illlll ii‘ili
" .‘ lll\‘,‘\ll!it'l\i>’ liiiw iii-i n it' 'Iiiiuli- liy
: \i“i‘i.’|ii\l1'11)“Iiiiiiiii‘l‘i‘fllli'l‘i"i“iiiiAi‘l'i‘i.ill
Ihn- i‘iflrll'l'lt Hiatus. :lllii liiv‘ ii‘liii'i‘JiiHI'i 5-iit it“\'
tliiui'ml, lllt'ililllt‘5 ut' L'ili.il.‘lltltl_,.£l unit iiil‘iHilJn"

'i‘ilt’t‘t‘l‘nihYUyK fix in tho North izihl “XML-ah
IUlti} llill‘tiilih' (autumn-ii ii, i'»- ii-zivhui; tar the
HM il'l‘u‘vllh :iivi~ lhi; \Ui- Alt‘l l ri-Fiim. thin tip
thi- t'iiiiilii-i|.i::il 'iiilii-i .‘r izu L ,l‘ illiiifiWiili' 'Iliti
i\lltr.\\ iilv l‘lllii'-\Il l. iiirim uni." i.ii .‘Hi'l'uii inninww
tixiii \\ilii Ulli' on it >iln'l‘tilti tun-iitziu‘w'im i‘\"‘l‘ii,ii|‘
h» .iiiii illt‘ git-.it viii u ml t'llli‘ll'” ' ii 3. iii
N. Louis iii nlii- lill‘v‘4'iiwll :iu«l r. ll'lti
c \iliuulr i-\i-:iiiilini; _\~.ir-'ii tit . '3\ i‘.:il-
ninth iii iil'ii- thi- i\,;-:u'iit'.i\ lilltll|.‘\\|li\'n|
\rill nu .li ll'li liii‘li . t' Ir Iiiiil ml ~ nt' i1~..uriiiiiiii.i
)iiir tmn hiuiiitllVIt ”l" w iiit' iiii:.i u]ilhi>
\i‘lill‘) Ul thi- liii; Siiiui ‘ it, i i.; Haunt! . ill lli<
iiimi iillillt‘liiflit‘ t'l'ili.li . lltll' iinit'ii Vil‘i'll
(\l'(‘~ .iutl Ullr- {Vi thn rii-.i ;it 11-: nt' (‘EI

Tilt‘l't‘ili't‘ tuiu- uthi-r i «mix iiwx' iii 1i

iiix’lriivtli-n t‘riizii ii~;l :L‘lvi mi'it i, it'HHA

quitting lll‘O'l \‘l H" l.‘.i"liiil.\i_\ ‘iuu'i-il
~'fil\ll1ri tini‘ Marv. \iu'r' lii\ :lllti ‘.\ B-it‘l'lh

.. i«, ' ‘

"i 1 ; ..1.'_ .


Gov. lCnotl’s Address.

The address made by Gov. Knott
at the closing exercises of the State
College in this city, Thursday, was
the ablest and the'most exhaustive
presentation of the natural resources
of the State and her true condition as
an inviting field for capital and emi-
gration ever given to the world. It
is the result of a thorough research
into the facts touching the great nat-
ural wealth of the State as discovered
by close personal observation, the re-
ports of the State Geologist and the
figures and facts laid before the peo-
ple of the State by the Auditor’s last
report, with logical deductions 'both
astonishing and indisputable. From
the time the speech was fairly op encd
to its close it grew in interest to the
audience, and notwithstanding its
length and the usual soporific ell'ects
of statistics, continued in increasing
interest to the end.

It is not only the best emigration
doenmeut the State has ever had, but
it is the bestcampaign paper that can
be used in the present contest. It
will take the wind out of Col. Brad-
ley’s stereotyped wailings set to the
notes of the dead march, make it nec-
essary for him to make battle on an-
other line and spend another five
years in getting up a bill of com-
plaints against the State and a new
line of statistical data with which to
fortify his ignorance.

One very valuable feature of the
address is the position taken in point-
ing out to the young men of the 'State
the incomparable wealth of her re-
sources, the great value of her cli-
matic influences, 2' 11d the greater prob~
abilities of their success if remaining
at home rather than going to the West
to seek the rewards of persistent cour-
age and intelligent industry. One
very valuable feature of the address
is the suggestion that the State Col-
lege shall be made a great school of
technology where a young mancan
be fully equipped to undertake the
development of any one of the ve1'3
many sources of wealth now hidden
away in the soils, the waters, the

woods and the hills of the State. “1'

has been estimated that one then an


pupils than any ten entire books. in
the lang111 L, There is in earliest i11-
i'anry a «ruse ofjustice and right that
demand :1 reason forevery act oflil'e .
There ‘Ts an intuitive judgment in
chil 41111111 that requi1es satisfaction.
G111: 1l111t satisfaction, promptl3,
kin-H3, :11'.1,1'.efully, and the child ap-
previa 111.11 lesson, enters cheerfully
into the line of duty required, and
only moral strength and
111111211 courage, but intellectual power
and progress as well. There is 011
the. 1h 11' hand in every human heart,
3'0111111'111111ld, a God-given instinct to
1'11~ :1'. and resist injustice and wron g.
’l‘h " ild destitute of this impulse,
31111 (111' old, is hardly worth the

guns 11'1!

11111 'I'1hc that 111111135
“‘1‘“ ‘you 1 ,.

Wighat ,.,,1-£111m11'.1 of inspired
s1' rigiiyou "’11 5 no passage. Of more
pr 1911.151! value in temporal affairs
1h :11.n 1!. 1.1 wh1chsay~1, “Parents, pro-
1111.13 11131 your child1en‘ to wrath.
The violation ofthis injunction is one
01 111.(1r11)st potentiufluences to crime,
111111". hourly adding to the already

., .
01111.1. led highways to the .pe Pite11tia1'1
and .11--g.1llows. Men. aye Studied
the 11 1' itings of greatédv jiiors , i'xom
C1111t'11 ins to Horace n11, in vain
i'o1'liu'11i0nthis subject It is not to
111.1 found there. It? is .to be found
alone in the life of the Great Teache1.
The ge11tle11ess'Jgi11duess,conciliation,
love that 111a1'ki‘1d tnc daily teachings
t (3 hi tare' thfitrue lessons of the
sch; 01 100111' and the key to the only
succ ,ss worth recording.
I‘is 1s '11 subject; worthy tho atten-
tioli fthe pulpit, and we thank Mr.
‘1 w for his services thus far, and
tonly of- 111m, butof eve 'y min-
11 the city and State, repeated
efi‘ tsiuthe samedireetioii. Throu gh
lpitand the-press the new edu-
cation may become dominant through-
011371-1111; land and the pathway of ed-_


neaii'onbecome beautiful and dutiful .51." .

to 91.22 end.

ever enjoy ed. The, weather w ,deli'g

licomt‘ortably filled witli
from. all parts of the
tform ' Were '11 large
ed State officials and


y institutions. 1 The




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