xt7ghx15n565_151 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Undated text Undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_15/Folder_5/107020.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_151 xt7ghx15n565 (1‘ r ~lfl‘. ,_...‘ ; T' “..r 3,113. " r".‘\ "ff“T’T m
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The State College or Kentucmy is no atoll aorcast ox tne ooner
Land-Grant Colleges — easily first south of the Ohio River and in many
respects the equal of the best in the Northwent although its income and
huilfiing accouxodatione are far behind those of the great states North
and Poet of no. Ohio,Indiana,lllinoie,?ieconain,filnneoota,hienouri and
Iowa have provided buildings for their reenactive iflntitutionc at a
cost far corp esing ours and supplied annual income from three to mix-
fold WI“ than that at 01707 {E‘TJTJ'E’THnd‘
Hy adequate support our Engineering courses of stud? Will supply a
a large yerocntnya oi the trainee “aginccrn required in the ficwthiand
, our ficiontifio cowreoe o; etadv will nwyylr a like progorticn of Scien—
tific rmjnaizr‘e; '1: iv the a:‘:j.rile.7f.cl:tf:.il“x_ :3:“ Vivi. J to 1". Wt”: ilzdurztsziul Arts.
How it a. ram oypm-t13511137 3‘70)" il_re:.r‘r'l.‘.-‘-eil;7r 9; <1. 1.1216 the 155. ad. ii"! the Fla-11th
muchetaunltc matthdn it.
The authorities of the fltqfir f lingo Bring thean facts Enforo you
Witt garden filo urine. its growth within the lnnt fin yearn snrpaeaes
that or any athur ix tiiution in ngtuchy. Amt thin we hope in only the
beginning of greater thiNflo ?at t: no. If, Drover,it in to expand in
the future no it has =rown in the peat,the State,rcalinin3 its moccas-
.itios and its synortmqitiem Punt footer and sustain it with no nifigard-
1y hand. Inoowe has not kept ence with expaneion and with its ever grow-
ing neoeseitioe.?ho inconc from the Federal Government accruing from the
groomeda of the sale of lande donated by c agrees in I862 and from the
arpropriation made unaer the Morrill Act of 1890 la divided — Ia 1/2 i
being given to tho colored Normal School in Frankfort. In most of the
. other states of the Union these incomes in their entirety are given to
tan colleges and Universities organized under the law of ISGB.
Our income in tune diminished to the extent of $5060.50 mach wear.
.. )_~. . 3 5 . y
Moreover one income 01 the College from the I/2 cent tax imposed in
1880 is quitgflinelaatic anddhggyetood at practically the same figure
for noverwl years past. étx”h . 3 (i
a; ? :u,e ‘ :Faszfl l
r“ '3 ' . ~',Jj:'§' if» j! '
«’ . , -r. { 3;";
. x I 3‘, , 3 . : '.iiiés‘,’ ;
’, 931 .* gE£§ .

 State Coflege ofl(entucky,
Jas. K. Patterson, Ph. D., LL. D., President. ‘
—-:-3—- Lexmgton, Ky.,
'- . an o-m ‘.' m, r‘ ..
Matriculates increase 1n numbers every year,elauses Slop propcltlon
' ' -‘ ‘" ~ 5 'v‘. 3+ 4“" 1 ‘.‘ “...; to P3" ".- ‘v-f.‘ .'.111‘1 4 3": 71”-
etely,new courses of study age added to Lent one AUCQU st toe ,lslte,3mu
' '~ . ‘- n -—~.n—J-' 5"“; r r; . .-.+_--p_c.+~;_':q
phe income 01 the Cellebe lo glaflblCuLm} at a MUSLU howl”.
I - .2; . .. 4;- .r....--.-. -.,-. 4n. war-r: :11‘11‘.‘ "a”. "1“ “L'rn arr-1H
a largely luereasod autendanee or ; aha wCRUfl l“ eon ogasavo oh .no LJM
r . / —-\ -,‘
. r‘ . q , ,_ n, v .0 , u‘ “’.' .. . .t. ‘.‘ .5! .,', ,' ‘ ‘.7"‘.“' 1~-‘..-,_,’~:F...: ,. .,‘ ;,
pletlen 0: tie dolluée hell to: eoaldlaa a_e l dgllj Jelaw .UHVN ttJ"
' ‘ " " ‘~ ‘ ~‘| "'~'- r t» 'a-e ~--' -1 r- ’7;':"." ”3‘1" '7" ‘1 'l 51'7". ‘I " " "W ’f‘e"~.'-:__
the GTGCBlOH 0t ULlCfl the Lease approprlated goo.tad)klll Sub~¢ out-aw.
‘ - ~~ » VJ. ,....- .. ..- . J an - . A "44”,;- —-, 7“,». p1 . arm"; _A-l
hers across all yTGCddUML and cup;&S;LC Gov QBCCCwsu; g$¢ were fish JMJ*C4
- - -» ...-- «.m :_-. —. . , J—~-..— ~ ~ . +z—,- .~.»1-.- 4 .3...lfim__
ascommcdfltgcfisu tau will Juaellx see twat aLlos: 4H5 celeetloual _uuu_
it . - __ . _-'. ,e A. -. .»_~-, r".:.,..+- 'v ~r; ..»_ M . --.~.,~,~‘,l—1n,»i ~74 "1".
cats 01 the State HE SUQTCLEJtUd 1n buC stage COliubb 3:6 :lu law“ hAUL
. . . , - s. - .. . ,w s ”1,... “a: ,.4 , \~ .1 v—n»: -.-»J~,~1«fim as +‘L: "fl’Ir‘.:‘:'“‘aI‘.Ofi -'.‘~‘-’ “7. -""‘!3(“.37+7". Cr
$119.1“; 10:11.“..1. Ell’jililij .1. C: ljxxl.Ai.L‘s.ZL~J;~JLi ciliLL :‘1C~,L.‘_.JC7_-:t.;i1b':.' , ULLG 144. ‘4C)_‘. \t’)‘.) ‘_....k. 3% .1.: v-1 .~
~ - . . .. _ v“ mu ~.».- w" --L 4» . n ”Ln‘r‘... J-ii‘ -,~-.~<'~+ ;:-c ,..;g-w...
tge lDSElEUClSJ must be but saelz,mle. ecre to a stand st_ll,noeu,at .wm
' w ‘_.. '..‘.\ ... .. .,‘ .L‘..-‘ .1. A‘ ~»‘~~_
pared Wltfi otnm: Stun: Colleges :Dlablihl: dLGllnC.
- a - ~_ n «..t - \.,. .-,.L,. -- ,..;-:....~..:,., 4»... . ‘1 +1 s.
' TC cease to go Ioruard is to co Jack. No state lastltotloa 4L dl_ uae
. . w ~ _ -. < _ _, __,, ‘ ~‘,... -, ' _.“. r..\l_..e..~',_ \- n 'l '1 firms :_,— ,-. ,-_.1-_-!.—\nL 1,1.
U310: 313 and a StCLleQ and a mealtalel bLthn. a0 Vollebe nun gradualte
able: non and women. If the progress of which we are all so proud 1? t:
- ~ - ...-.. 4. 1.. a... up” n ..», a . . s , "V1.1. ms.» '= + '. ‘ , r. -. .1 ‘,.,, '.—_. ”Hang—p
{Zol‘t 1:11.13? 1 :15 $.11. .i; k.‘ LAZA v {J .7 L‘«_».i.‘\i 1:51.11sz rind. t ‘.L‘Ix 3'3143.C!1t'\iu'.ii_ u . L 1:, KILL: CHEM“ .. ‘.4 \L‘. V2:
- w “_.e-‘ » "'.‘ P' ~. a M. r .‘ " , 1. ' ,__ —-. ..." u r. 1w,“ " ' '.n 1... ~ —' a a ta: ,
or supply. rne Cuilfibfi will dCL tau luglslnttlu GI Hole“ foo Wiml or a
a -. .....r._»., -.. .'.‘- . x ‘ ., p. ‘ ' .., .. ‘ -. ,.-.-l 1. 5.3,: _ . 2.‘ ' 13.1“ -.
memoer for muggy to; toe ereetloa of additional and one; 1;.oed sellqlngs.
' ~- ' w ‘ ~ ~ ‘ " 4" *1 ~‘»- -.- x '. .- f "4 - >' ' J‘ J 'L " ‘,‘; -~.""'_", 5 1‘ *v': 3:321 “- '.~-'.-
It Wlll also use tel a substaatlal adultlen b0 lo? lupbmm lg o-oel “use
--:-L ~- ‘ . an J- rm NJ. w ...—7' .. 7.,— -. .. am
Lb may oe dole to meet wrcnlng elpeuditalu.
r :1 . :~' ~ ' *‘r‘r ' u -.~' ~. a -. - _ 7n- '-4- ~- “rib 3:; =~ n.
. flue State College 13 toe Calld of tae Cc mmnuealth,1t Rppzalg t-
we q». —; t —~ '».~ ”L .~ ' .L 3 - ~ ~ .. '.,‘, ,» ‘ .— , ”......” .- '.': ,
¢Ou¢ protectloa,to your latelllgenee,to fOUl luthCStS and to you; i..1‘1...c
.L ,.,.L ' J- a .7, ‘w n ..
90 deufllJ 1t ole; no fllbgdldlf nand.
~~ -. ._ ‘ .A -,' , ‘--. , .1. ‘1 1V t». t, .... ' 114 t».-. m, .. fl ‘ “1.. ~. r~_
Tae Stuuc ls :lCh 1n actual QCSUQICGS,£10LCT tar 1a potentlal resca;eoe
..v-q' . a La“ c, .1. ,..a, - . A .- , ... ~ “I .. ,. - .. . , a v, .,
Halon emu Jeane College lb a potent factor 1n dove oping.
.. on a" .,4“ w . u ., . - , . . .o . r . - w . ‘ , r. '_
the state,mozeover, l8 new qulte free LION dobt,tae moment seems a“ ,1
, .' . .. v 4.1.. . :- Nx - ' ~ ' . . _ . .. N ‘ ‘I -_,n.—_.
Claus for the exercise 01 a generous llberallty to enamle you: bulldhe
4. ,. ,,. _. . , A.” . . J. . , .. -. ‘ '-,‘ ’ ‘ - ‘,"v’
to grow and alpand\and become a still greater power for gooo 1“ Rentaea,.
H, , _. .- .- . w ..L , . - .L . a '4. ‘
lo JQu it appeals.to yo; 1t stretches iorth 198 hangs.
L7 ‘ 1.. ' .L ~ - 4. V. . J. c ,- ..1 ‘ _.. «m :I
lose lb all lo ought to be and this and future generations Mill aceold
J. . .. >
to you you; meed oi honor.

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The following letter was received by President
Patterson about the middle of last monthz~
"fly dear Hr. Patterson:—
"In connection with the resolution
unanimously adopted by the National Civic Congress last
. December, providing for the establishment of a "National
Institute of Civics", for the study of our civic problems
and the propaganda of fundamental political knowledge, I
bag to announce that you were elected President of the In—
stitute. The complete list of other officers is as follows:
I "Vice—Presidents: Judge Ben B. Lindsay, Denver,
Colorado, Theodore harburg, A.M., Political Economist, Bal-
timore, John heLaren thrydo, Ph.D., LL.D., President Emeri—
. tus Virginia Folytechnic Institute, William Oxloy Thompson, \
D.D., LL.D., President Ohio State University, Bion J. Ar— if
v nold, former President American Institute of Electrical En-
- gineers, S. W. Fordyco, Esq., St. Louis, Thomas Burke, former
Justice, Supreme Court of Washington, Thomas Kearns, former ',
United States Senator, Salt Lake City, Richard Olney, former
, United States Senator, Wisconsin, Truman H. Neuberry, former
Secretary of the Navy, Michigan.
"Secretary: Prof. William B. Smith, Ph.D., LL.D.,
Professor of Philosophy, Tulane University, New Orleans, 2
1 Louisiana. ‘
.4 "The yresent plan for the practical work of the
Institute is first to form an Advisory Board of fifty
, prominent citizens from every rpart of the country, and
then to select a body of competent educators and publicists
who shall prepare a course of progressive study in civics,
embracing the fundamental knowledge requisite to every
citizen for the intelligent exercise of his civic function

> “ 3

"The work of the Inetitute for the present will be
in charge of a committee of three, consisting of yourself,
the Secretary of the Institute and myself. The thing to do
now is to select an Advisory Board, and I should very much

9“ like you to make suggestions as to who in your judgment ought
to be appointed on that Board. Then we shall have to see ,

‘ about selecting proper persons to prepare the course of study.
d "This Institute of Civics is designed to be the

‘ ‘ educational arm of the Alliance, by means of which our civic
propaganda will be carried on, and consequently its work will
be guided to a great extent by our Board of Trustees, of which
you are a member, and also our Executive Council.

"When you have relinquished the dutiee in connection
with your present office, yrobably you can come to New York
and take an active interest in the work. In the meantime, if
you will permit me, I will do the work. We believe that this
plan, when properly carried into practical effect, will great—
ly contribute towards raising the standard of citizenship and
thereby benefit our country.

' "Believe me to be ,
I ' Very sincerely yours,
. ' .‘ N. Lnfgyette—Savay,
' , President, American Civic Alliance.

The American Civic Alliance was organized about a
year ago and has already made very encouraging progress. At
the meeting of the Civic Congress referred to in the letter
above, held in New York City in December last, there were
more than 600 delegates present. A very gratifying degree of
enthusiasm was manifest during its proceedings. Many of the
best men in America are enrolled in its membership, amongst
whom are: David Starr Jordan, Admiral Schley, Henry Clews,
who is the Treasurer of the Alliance, John Wanamaker,

Admiral Dewey, President Alderman of the University of Vir—

 “ I
ginia. It is doubtful whether any organization in America
contains in its membership an equal number of men of in—
fluence and standing, of light and of leading in America. ‘


In order to stimulate the movement in favor of
good reads and to make lsginlaticn for that purpose effective,
the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky
have cotahlichod a department of Rural and Highway Enginoor«
ing and have conceded and granted the privilege of free
tuition to two properly prepared atadentn from each county,
for a period of two years, or so Bong as may be necessary to
complete the two years course of Rural and Highway Engineer-
ing published in the catalogue of the State University. The
selection of such students shall be made by the Fiscal Court
of each county and the scholarship thus awarded shall be
tenable for tWQ years of uniVoroity work, via. For the Trash»
can and Sophomore years, the period required to complete the
two years course in Rural and Highway Engineering. The up»
relates selected hr the Fiscal Court will receive free tuition
but he shall not be exempt from the payment of matriculation
and laboratory fess. '

An appointment by the Fiscal Court will not entitle
the azpcintee to instruction in Civil Engineering, Mechani-
cal Engineering, or any other course of study. Matriculation
in any one of these will require a county appointment nude
on compatitite examination by the County Superintendent an.
der the law. If than a matriculate in Rural Engineering,
under an appointment by the Fiscal Court, desires to change
from the short course of two years in Rural Engineering into

1 any one of the other feur~yoar courses in the institution,

V which leads to a degree, he muut either get a county arpcint~
went from the County Superintendent on competitive examina-
tion, or pay the full {one due for the neuron which he pro»
zones to enter.

The two years course in Rural and Highway Engineer—
ing is not identical with any of the ccuroen in engineering
proper in the University, nor is it a preparatory course for
either or any of them.

Students aypointed by the Fiscal Court must have
the equivalent of a high school source as a preparation for
entering the first year of Rural and Highway Engineering. If

. -. If

a student be inadequately preparad for the firm year's work, 2
he will. obtain the necessary preparation in the Academy,
without pamzent of tuition face, but will be chargeable with
all other fem.

 AN ACT to provide an apprOpriation for the erection and
equipment of Buildings for the use of the Agricultural Department
and of the Nprmal School of the Agricultural and Mechanical College
of Kentucky.
I . WHEREAS the Buildings and equipment for the Agricultural and
Horticultural education and for the training of Teachers in the Agricul—
tural and Mechanical COllege of Kentucky are no longer equal to the annu—
ally increasing demands made upon the College for instruction in these
branches of learning, '
_ AND WHEREAS the failure of the State and of the College to
provide_education and training in the branches of learning relating to
these important avocations must compel citizens of this Commonwealth ei—
ther to farego the advantages of such eduation and training or to seek
them abroad under conditions disadvantageous and uneconomic,
THEREFORE, be it enacted by the General Assemhy of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky:
‘ Section 1. That Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00), be and
the same is hereby appropriated for the erection and equipment of a
Building for the use of the Department or Agriculture, in which shall
be provided class rooms for instruction in Agriculture, Horticulture,
Agricultural Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Soil Physics, Animal Husbandrv,
Dairying, Forestry, and other subjects related to Agricultural Science, ‘
with the museums and laboratories needed for instruction theoretical and
ipraotical. Temporary provision may also be made in this Building for
the class rooms and laboratories needed for instruction by the School :
of Mines, until separate and commodioue arrangements can be provided
for its use.
Section 2. That Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000.00), be and g
the same is hereby appropriated for the erection and equipment of a f
building for the use of the Department of Normal School Work, in which i
shall be provided.the necessary recitation rooms, Library rooms, museums, :

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"‘~--..\ PARTS OF LETS 00:71ij 330}: 53:33 KEZIETUCTIY STATUTES

 1 ‘ p
i la;-3 0? ll; Lh‘? COTIID thfl TIP HTITUCEY TTITTTTS .
‘ R?GU1.TINC 1?? Sl.r7 COIL GE? AFB BY)T.'S ADCTTTE BY 11: .
Pec.l , The Eoerf of Trustees shall meet regulcrly as requir-
ed by les on the Euosf.y ncrt iroceCVir; the an utl comne cc- '
- menu in June, rnd on the sec nd Tuesday in Secember in each
» year. In the absence of the COVernor of the Staie,e:~officio
‘ Chairman oi the Board, a chairman fro tem shall be elected.
'* 4 Call meetings n.y be held is rccuired hy 15w.
~ Sec. i ihey shall at the June meeting of each year elect a
, iecretery,Tre‘surer and Business agent,each of Whom shell
‘? ‘ eriorm his fluiies as hereinafter so: forth. ‘
¢ec.5 The Board oi Trustees sh ll from time to time deter—
' mine the :umber of do ertments of study or investigrtion
“hich the Colleje shell comjrisc rnu the scope of same as
' the low he" provides.

Sec.4 The Borrfi of Trustees shall 53 oini r “resident, ell '
necessary professors,assisttnts, tutors, and other Officers
or agents, and determine the salaries, duties and official
.rel:tions of each, and {rovide .or the salrry of each as nor

, ‘rovifleu 3: 1r”; in the a oixt ert of same, no "refe:ence
=shcll be shO"n to rny religious denominstion, =n€ mey remove
or sus_end any of them at Will. They shall do all oihor rots
“hich mry he neediul for the “elf re of ihe institution.

390.5 They shell grant defrees to the slumni of the institu—
tion, -nd prescribe conditions upon which post-graduste
honors shell be obtained by its alumni and others, and lo con—
fer such honorary degrees ujon the recommenfirtion of the fac—
ulty of the institution s they thin}: “proper.

fiec.6 They Shfill estrblish pro;er regul tions for the gov-

, ernment oi ihe Collefe and file physical tr€inin3,militsry or
otheruise of the students,and to authorize the suspersion rnd

, fiismissel of students for neglect or violation of the regula—
tions,or for other conduct yrejudicaal to the characier ind

_ Heifers of The institution.

Sec.7 They shall at tech regular June meeting appoint an erv
ecuiive committee as required by law,said committee shsll be
charged with the gererrl administration of the effeirs of the

‘ College,under such by-lews rnd regulitions as shall be pre-

V/ schibed by the Board. They shall also appoint 6 Board of
Control for the I: eriment Station,Vhich Borrd shall have gen—
eral management Oi the Exjerinent Station; said Borrfl shrll
report its procecfiings and recommendations to the Berra of
Trustees at its regular meetings.

Sec.8 All moneys accruing from the Fertilizer Lei,the Food
Lau,end the Feed Lru,rnd all moneys arfrorrioted by the Rosrd

V’ of Trustees from whatever source to the EX erimert Station
shall come under the su;ervision of the Borrd of Cortrol. The
.. Director shall be er—o ficio Becretcry of the Bo rd of Control.

 , ‘ ’
Sec;9* .' - The Yoerfi of Trustees Shfll m.ke to the "eneral gs—
' ' 3 sembly,"ithin the first month of e ch regular session,a
1 full reyort of the condition end orersiion of the College
i since the date of ihe fireceding reyort,uhich such recom—
' imendstions concerning the College as may be deemed neces-
}‘ ssry.
Pec.IO The Bozrfi oi Trustees shrll apioint three prudent,fiis~
crest and intelligent *omen ”ho shell consitute e Boerd of
f j Supervisors or Coutrol,to m nege nsd suyerintenfi,un€er iLe
V' ‘ direction of the Boer of Trustees,?he flormitory for yeun;
1 'omen. ThéSEosru shcll he govern by the fitste ltxs regulsi-
j ing same.
Sec.II For further l'rs regul:ting the various functions of
‘ the itste College,but not deemefi necezsrry to be copied here—
’ in,reierence is reds to fentuchy Statutes under the title
7 ”griculturul :nfl Iechanicel College.
i The “ecretsry shill et,¢nd all The regular enfl call meet—
: ings of uhe Bosrd of Trustees and the 22ecutive Committee
j sud shell carefully record the proceefiings of all such meet—
‘ in s in e book or books suited for said purpose,end vhich
K shell be furchssed by the Business lgent. The seia Secretary
: shall hold his office in the main builoing of “he College
' and see that all his booksgpapers,records or memorsnfie irust—
ea to his crre or the proyerty‘thet belongs to his office ore
’ safely cfred ior in said Gfiice. He shell submit reports st
any time he may be crllefl upon by the Bosrd of Trust es or
by the Taecutive Commi tee.
wrist? or '31s. Taurus???” '

The Treesurer shall enter into covenant with the Common-
wealth of Len uchy with one or more good and sufficient
sureties bound Lherein, o be ap~rOVefi by the Boerd of Trustees
conditioned for faithful performcnce of his duties,enf the
psymert of all moneys thst Shfll come into his hands, to his
suécessor in office,or to such person or persons TS m5y be
lawfully entitled to receivefl the same. Io shell keep an
itemized recount of receipts nfi e: enéitures, n6 shrll re:

: out no money except on suhhorizetion of the Bosrd of Trustees
, given directly or throwgh its rrecutive Comuiitee. Fe shell
- render to the Executive Committee,monthly statements of re—
‘ ceipts and e:penditu;es and amount on hens, fnfi a full detail—
‘ ed ststement with vouchers for informstion \nd fiction of the
, Board of Trusteeset its regulsr annual meeting uni rt other
‘ periods waen required. '
‘ Evans OF THE assume.“ AGENT

‘ It shall be the duty of the Business Asent to rake ell
‘ purchases for 511 uep.rtments of the College and to Fttend
‘ to all the business under the direction of the Boerd of

Trustees. He sh ll submit monthly reports to the *recutiVe

‘ Committee,enn in said reyort he shell set forth such ernen~
é flitures confirscteh by him, n6 t1: same if yrorer shall be
‘ ordrier paifl by the said Committee.

 ‘ l
he mry be given sgecicl yorer cnfi authority in the iischorge
of his duties as