xt7ghx15n565_154 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Board of Trustees Materials text Board of Trustees Materials 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_15/Folder_1/Multipage13759.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_154 xt7ghx15n565 e}. To The Executive Committee of the Stste University.

We hereby submit to you a plan for the establismnayt
of a medical departnent of the State University, proposei and
reconneniei by a joint committee from the medical profession
of LexingtOn and Louisville.

The purpOse of the men of this committee in making
this propositiOn is the establishment of a medical school con~
nected with the State University of such high standard of I
medical education not Only to compare most favorably with other‘
schools of sister states conducted under like conditions, but
also such a school as will be an honor to our state and its

We believe that from an econOmic standpoint it is
important that the state shouli provide prOper facilities for
the training of its doctors as for its teachers, lawyers and
engineers, and we further believe that the best interest of v,
the cannOnwealth render it imperatively necessary that such

facilities should be prOVided at this tune. A recent unaut—

ment of the legislature recognizes this fact, and makes the

establishment of a medical department mandatOry upon the Board
of Trustees. While the tflne limit is not stated in this en-
actment we believe that the best interest of the commanwealth
and of the State University and its medical depaxhnent could
be best couserved at this tine. We feel sure that there never
has in the past, nor will there ever in the future be so op-

portune a tine as now for this establishment. Certain conditions


are present and. patent now that if taken advantage of would
acrue gx-eatly‘to the success and honor of the State University
medical department.

We are now able to advise you that we can cammand
the active support and cooperation of a number of high cl ass
citizens of Louisville, who are ready with us to help you. es—
tablish this department, and conduct it along lines that are
right and. reasonable. These citizens Will be a power in as—
sieting us to present to the future legislators from time to
time the n :e'is and necessities of a great universitg.

Trusting that you will at once give this plan a care-
ful consider-8301021 and study, we herewith submit it~ with the
understanding that if it needs further elucidation or expla—

nation, the comnittee is at your cmmand.

D3.$, woéfirbM r

«‘75: ‘- r i I , /

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 ' The department of medicine shall consist of two divisions.

l. The Scientific, located at Lexington.

3. The Clinical, located at Lanisville. .

The work of the first two years is to be given at

Lexington under the directiOn of the dean and a corps of pro-
fessors at University of Kentucky. It is to consist of the
fundamental scientific branches: anatomy, histology, enbryolOg..',
physiology, patholOgy, chemistry, bact,;iglogj, etc. 'hese

to be taught in well~equippea University Laboratories, under
the direction of special scientific professors and physicians .
Medical students are to have all the aivantages of the libra-

ries, museums and lectures that are comon to universities.

Students are :0 matrhcfilat¥}‘:nd register for the first

two years in Lexington.
eitaoxhwkxmnv Q

The third and fourth years are to be given in the
laboratories, clinics and hospitals of Louisvillc‘nadml—fihG'
chaage_a£_aamaa¢baéahv—ieqn. The students will have Opportu~
nities to work with about one to two hundred ambulant patients
daily in the various H & D. The hospitals of the city contain
acme six hundred beds thus affording ample material. The in-
struction in the last two years will consist of a minimum

amount of didactic work, ani a maximum amoant of clinical

werk. The section method of clinical teaching will be largely





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January 8th, 1909 Dr. Fritchott visited me in Lexington
and urged mo to apply to become a beneficiary on the Carnegie
Foundation. When in How York somewhat later, Mr. Carnegie him!
self urged me more than once to make application to be placed
upon the Foundation. At the Juno meeting of the Board of Trus—
tees, 1908, I announced my intention to resign at no distant date.
A committee was apfiointod by the Board of Trustees to consider
and report conditions of retirement and to canvas oligiblea and
reoommonfi a successor. The committee appointed consisted of my-
solf as Chairman, H. S. Barker, Claude B. Terrell, Tibbis Car-
ponter and R. O. Stoll. June 50th this committee met in Louis—
ville and unanimously adopted conditions, one of which was a re-

tiring allowance of sixty percent of salary. On this condition

of course I did not vote. It was unanimously agreed that the

committee roquest the aid and co-oyeration of Dr. Pritohett to
select my suooaaoor. In oral and informal conference with Mr.-
Stoll and Judge Barker, I was requested by them to soak on intor~
view with one or more prominent men in and outside of Kentucky
who hofl mafia a conspicuous record as leaders of education. Messrs
Barker and $3011, to whom I roportod results, oxoressed themselvu
as wall satisfied with the results ofxxy inquirr.

The committee met in the Phoenix Hotel Rovember 33,
1909, all being grooent. 3r. Pritohett was olao grasont. Candi»
datoo were diocuooed. meoora. Carpenter and Terrell exyrssooa
no opinion upon tho names roportod. fly ih$roooion was that tho
former was not quite oatiofied with the gentleman whose name was
most yrominont, and tho latter was unfieoidafi. I oroyoaei a ten—
tative vote, in order to discover the senoo of the meoting. Judge
Barker said that he praforred to wait longer.

Hoxt day, November 24th, the Library building was dad:-
oatod, Dr. Pritohott delivoring the aflorosa. Judge Barker ana
others made aupplementary addresses, some before and some after
the delivery of the addrooo of dedication. In the oouroo of the


 .huascah a“ oadfi .ueg asapwaaco agp no hpfiHOnfifi s seam

nexnam amuse ngofipeuamfifiasv scfinz mo sac: .§$3 esp mo mgea
anch% Hanowaaonao dag oeufipnawoa gap as vmsakpa«flaoa .socefikawne
e>wpdnpafiawad¢ «o :55 a .bpfimno>fl:u agsflcspenfiu a mo easzwanm a
.ma gsaouzu vasoSm easpflso fins scapeosae amnesfid ms mug a pagp
azbfixza afloaenuxe as: H .kflemnu hus> mfimwba daaacamxe H flog; ca
.aaauaaca was ca 95 wow ca eggs mafiaagnam 4 .aowqonum ugfi was
assocong ennfi ufimoan uofisafizso 9‘935ufim smash mafingcmsm
.oamfi .mfl mhéanfih a>fiposmma $§ocen pa page pmescmp may
neat .accan a.noaaa«s.nocue>oo :« coauazmamen AS ueoaan H .mm»;
33¢ pap mo pa” hash an“ oamd .pmn massnan csazpen cwfiaea ca soap
iguana ha mo vasom one aeaaauon H .abapoemua oaaoen soflpacmfiman
ha ac>ecnsg :ofipaacnok oflmmsnsc any we hnfiacauenen a sfiooea
uflsoo H pgau pponoafiam .nm gong ce>aeomu seapgsnomnfi $a» kg was
coupes mfinv ha flamdnseocw .puogeu an» cebounaa vca ceagomw ha
tasoafimsca vngom 9:9 .oa senaemek hgaanag uneoaem kaxwm mo eoqa
:bcand madnfipau g2» mafiasaacfi ‘aeco aéaenfia 55th vapacaan puma
iguana“ mo macawqucoo. newfinmoo on maunfiommd awuymfifioo age. .mnfi
truancy noaaooon a” havnosa sconce an» no uofi maapaaha «a unsom
can .Mflmno«uca ca #009 wanesaz on page xqanu we: uwg H «as»
«aaacp any ca eem¢950omo each H mas ganaoanag hcuqavcwo man «0
cowvmomwau on» egg» was flaw H .aowawanc>:oo one an uopnmazooafiw
«ansmaoa was H eafink .naaa awn oadflsen av awn gang op @Nnoo
H «S; as 8 3% 3 3:8 H flat. 33 Joozom 5a 33 “8 fig
snags can on ooceaowoh n« man gags .nm>asoa «moonwu H .hoauam
taco was ewausooco was ufic H aoamaooo gasp no .Hoosom gag egg
no “3352 23 .338: .92: 3 32H 3%; Eu SE 3 BE.
tanasw «How an nouns hpdahobanb on» c« godpwaog nan mag cams»
«an» pan .coupamom egg new ”awkwaasw maomgfis xnwgu pea flaw an
pug» .hamsoanoa :owgaammSQ an» age» we: flag a: gag» .aomnoocsm
ha as unmom on» no mnoafiaa anon no a:o_hp gaunummSm dean fidg
case a“: was» ”wan was omauu ea xoou Reagan awash .mcfiaaoa






 maapmhm Havana0§oaaaa esp mo massages; epasapza as “meonsem Han

$.33 £23 5 £33 3328 3 333$. :5 Es .éfim Ea ugcm

.xeskc .hpdacapcg mo maeamka flaUfigmomOMflnfi emu spfia moswacaasw

tug avwzfipcfl :6 aces pd as mzflnfisfion .Haam up pafioflmgwm pmoa
as» me one %:a pcapuogfia sacs wgp mo one as meapfiane>fica Had
hp fiamficwooen “wage a .mofispm vsa moamhggsaax .o«mon mnnodupfio
.bgfiomoafisa mo paeapnagem exp sapaeno .amSa ow gang ow none:
939 ad: H gown? vuogen «26M may :a gowaaucogaoosn psawus ha
co .oama mnfipoafi czfin egg #5 .eemvazha no wacom e59
.vsaofiaom eoaaameooa asahom age nc¢ wagon as» we museumau
cap a“ swag haaafiuom was godgmcdmfluog age .ecsh gfi pang wasonm
gnaom age Hflacs aoaaaoamupan a>acoan o» cesaaoes cm .noapeeaa
mas no gas hfidpon av .ssfinaaac ma “gamma Spas .wopnaoama was
oeopdaaoo 4 .Haaumecosa soapsapaanascs mag sgfifi ca .phommsa 6cm
aoqacopnsoo 38 hp safioo H page 0% sages H .acafiaaaaa uaacoaa so:
aas an as .He>uao: .nossme:« pan» “aaaoammo ace cannnn snowmen
you pan .afissahm adaomnmm,:c go: .a«: Scam anommsm ha vaog
lap“: H page a“: @auSaaa H .ovonanu pzcfivomabm caawofioa so«mmo
ha 2« wnapaea s :H .aaaunoo ha anondnaa gases» .cenaaaea was;
1950» ago: no cage swap Gong mcoaesacn filo hanfinsaaz
.fiaan pang“ pa «and» ha m>ws pnmaa
on was“ nacho ca .naxnam emgsn on aonaapanofien as“ agapohg
can no hmoo a uaou H .vuoooa as» mo pang ovaa on fifisonm «fl
was» nuance“ esp neat .pnogah hufiuocfia a no «advan use a“ .uawp
ohm ucw commupanoaou a wepnomonm H .Haaanca fins Haoam wmfiaaoa
up wounomenn gag ooawaaaoo can no hpuacnmfi as“ me whoman exp
.ncaaoaosm ha «ooao ow .oama .cum hugsnnom .noamaoa weaaac :«
pea finfiom any coma .oasuaacaa vasomoam as» vacaama sac and
you as» voopa pa .ae>oson .nogap as; one» egg cons .oouuuo
any new uncapuoauwfiasv Adapcauma Haw go eccmmpw an» mo unnonw
can no .havnoaane> soapoeaaa amp sausage H .woaaoaeum was
new: m.nounam awash .usoaoug anoayo% hano any snag «damha dag
Haoam .aacauaa .aammam “nonmmoosa m snefiaooan uua pouflaa o»



 .pncw :« .ooc.omw Ea? apaana>flnb 92» eggs .devao: as: aoameu
team pgdaafiaaa as we akéfiaa 3:9 ca aofi>nca HQEOfipfismm as vgnp

.pmafim .mzomaon 03» new :oaaamogong an» fiamozao H .CEass fie mflgm

anaea egg easy av“; cawsd 0p wig .nofiwgaoag 0p mnfixcca hacaumsofi
szfl 953 .aseweam pa opagfiunossa .zmfiawzm we uneavuamea an“ :«
eowfim a has e>fim op es¢§ gay anomma acepafiaaaa ace financeagm

a was .eansnoazn as fivcoussaa soap fig: moaacceaw tea hsoamfim

mo agadpaagen agu no hsmoucflaga we pagaphgnec can *0 gfizmfiaoa
an» nsg e>fim op aoapamcaong ax» .pafi gaunwgaoo e>fiuznexm eafi
can: .gaaamsm no pneauasgam 93¢ a“ hwafi 93» kc“ annam a scam
ow.maeoaona was «a .anng sung» fig anaflfiam .hfiaafi vases psafi
apndogma nesvae xofiaa hpoakfiohg oafinnn mo ansmahafic mug hfiaom an»
gfinom mmwppea .haooaaagam ueppaaaoc e>apsoaxa aaa mo maenaoa ea»
ow sonanpmqoéoa flaw euopoaa a vaaaoafifig haaudwcaaaw H .hsgom
toads; me mango egg ham fiagggfisn omofig op .xact epssewhmcuaOQ
a“ mafia afidge aa 536 mcwgagap hpwsao>wcs meaaseceafioo .pamflau
”same weanazvek :oauaaoa a .hfionoom Haowwaaoa gag hmoaofloow
.hkopmfim mo «caavaaagn saw no magnuamn on» «om Gawaaua on

Gados can «was» :« mafiaaam vag» accumuewzs H .pseapsao%m¢ new
.aaauaaaoo e>prbeum ax» enema» eggs neg magnn on :Ofionepna e«n
mo flaw .menmow a aaonawz .mzanfimnp hvfianebwnn no epwfiweuaoo on
nu“; .mnflw>mauon nu Nassau aoa>flag a no «agavcfium huafl a :oapam
Ion pcapnogaa many new acwoaaea was hexadm sauna pan» gamma on
.noflvdfiooww< vemowpdonvm Hanoupaz map mo mafipaas one any“ can“
son 52 no oadnause ha oamwaaH .hpganebunb emu o» ¢oaponwvmfiw
And: was pcofiawa 93a on admonn gnu: gauge a scam mcaadwm new
ahacdaon mopaaasvou agfiaqommo on» and mwcnna mam ago; «a xnoa
euwsedumtamon Ava: mcanaanp huamkebwcb .eoampa standa«a«aa

usa Hucoflpanaau no asapaha omw up“: flaw came” mo maaamha env
new: eonsacauseoa caus««:« as «maandwano Hanna a“ maewamu
nmumuom flack o» hoaaaaa any and .noawuum vca aofiun «flawom
.mp£o«m .«awm .oSdE .hodoanam .daq:«fim .uvwcnuoa .anonuupcada
.uopuaoaen Mo agooahm asp .mfinchavn «a fidha>am on» aenwa


 tog manfiascgaoa a o» :ouaasam mafig mo «casuzaoggs as“ up Soapfia

togmo ha mo easaoon 62a .aa geasofim op hadfidunao a“: mnfinss an:
up eggpavaa 5E mo casaoez .ea nenmfianng havao§o£s> mafi swans
hennam mmfiSh .paga aanaeoen :a pug wasom any sung
.thszmM mo kafimnebficn epspm asp mo paafifimcka
mo coapfieog any mom unanpamzx nag figpdauacoamfi sag a: «Heppca
wage :a :ofiaoé a“: mo wag“ 55a o>fipafiawcfi mo a>uuem0hoam a“: mag
swung mag a: asap aesy 952 no: fiance H .Mflemha flaw hexafim amfifih
camapmg ncfimna map pflofifi psmsonn mamucowspca amama
.AQAamzm mo gazanoaaauoua waxwoomm< fig op weaeefia
hamsauaecoa we: :opawaam mafia .sappfiaQSm cams gun vampoag ha
ewe .aoxgsm mwwnh op me>ama§eSa fioppagfioa we: eeppflfifioo as» asap
was» a; gum .wwam H 95g: mo monegw>e mapfipaeycocsfl afinan ha a“
anon H waxy 6:5 .waeufi oflquOHafiw a“ maggonEa an ¢zmfl§ aa @053
am>osoz .fiapuouxe haafifianfib a5: agcaawficoo gnaw Macaw noaasa
gaflaen a «as» Nagasau adaoammo and ”scanneg a mo hvauonpsa was
occaoflmflsmwa on» Hfld av“: .enenpo gwficnnp no gnamaan.an was on
fioaaonqva nanaosx .auaa fiaaaangaemaa fie»ae>g« gem» av afiem age
zvfins zowpamaaao mo oazea 9906 on» fine bafiaam mfig gag uemkam
”wuzu no“: «Scam gaug no acofipasoa oaafiapna any «ax» vmzmnd
H .zoupscwnafiu noa_aougoadao§ nwuzp has up wowMfianw .hxong
hp no hflwomuafi .hae>wauaflwoc no bflfimuoaneg gebon fixn smpufifisou
as» mo mneaama 559 go mmwmawlwaana .non op saga men wfi eaap
as» aw “may on assuagco eowzc wan hae>fimsfiocoo cayene H soaps
aqmfiopmpm m .nowpammaama no: wanna: unupfiaaoo can no hufinonsfi a
awnu ‘nmn ca mafia sacs man page pcofieuwgm use on 05% ad; awn»
wag» gwfiumu on meccmdaaafia summaaa no; 09 findmen cu .uosmna H
.canunmnoo a“ noun» mmfipmohm fins hpaswwu use no“ hanwan «« nasaw>
can «finp .nowaamoa ax» angom hamamde was can page “heavens non
oouaa a aaaw ca “cake a” .naea «o mowumo an» mo cowaanmfimon
huapdamo> mnaaeem can“ vaoaaoo haamsaaab an ace vfisosm .coaom no
name mnaon .ufiopm .unz ease ccsouw honpasa an» no aw camommo H
.anou p50 as .aapauuog Ma .vafionm .huaueancnamsu a mo vamocma

may now ueauencnw magma no fifiaauna .mauspwvnofixm ads» aux


 an scammo :mag any go camafiuaaflsfigaé exp new §w¢ameoem
acoausofiuafiasa gs #06“ aways was go aoflpuahcoa #5 >3
hamog; wauasneasfi ma; usamaaaafia fins mafiaceam mfig mcwscu
tuna 5%: an 3u§¢flaaé ,fi gasp 55w .aaab psaa mo puogag ha
%0 seag$06Hgsg wag mzfipcaafifi .mm$ ma kflmsbawcm:5.:cmm§m
anacm as» we mafipnficsaa any a“ anus amasmnmfl saw as dofigcm
3%» was mafia he “scum easaummuscoua “5gp «nowpmupganeaw
hfi_wmaaodse uga fiuuuogmsm hdfihdg wax fiaa aszefluu Hdcom
aasm “a 99 av gasmfipgca was swag flag as¢¢m ea» mo awaken
:65 emnwd d .cowuaaumflc«avs ha no afiona ana wufinss page
«cowpwfimflom guaspag hadgfida Had an»; .a«g awcwfima aewuwfifioc
aflsayefiogum amwoam as» was acaaégfifiam gammchau asp gaOflgfin
10.3% 66.9” H $65..» .pvaaHOvfihrm 3,5 ”no.5.“ Hapvafi @fiw fiéémmwmgu
so vehaamcfi fi¢n H gag» aansfievdpm cap egg» wonswepfin a“
wewwaan eagaazgug>aa H .mmanayfim mp hfiaona cuxaa
.saupna mgv a“ mcfimflaoaaaoo “dong“? ago: an
psaag awn» any amnacflfinw saw nawnfizcfia gn agmfig configOHHa
mzuhfipah mg» péfip‘vmaafiapcfi nogfimnanp om .uucbwm gauge“
Haw wad afiga may awspmwaamsfi ha mags afihmp enm>ea ga ms“
cpowmmsh wna muaaenmcmm £30 a“: mgauuefiaoc «veafieoua.%aafioa
ganacs fins has» gonma find unaom ox“ ow segaaaficueu wan wasfi

naafiuey m0 mzoagawaoo accwmnoo on gmucwofima cavaafigno exp

ma muonfioa nanpo cap @fid on mufima hpasnnx man up vcuhemon

am .mmnadmv a ma puaoagw on nocam>o¢ asu Uaosfima was

a; .cawawumamen wmwcmpcfi 55 weoasqnga H seam «an» and
"can mgac» anuaondwmu knapcwflo>c« hfi mnwnne>eaa g“ “magma
aahuncw haawsa amen van muggsfimnw a“; wasp nag acvmsha a
ofisuan on m3ap age ad mufindanmomua mg no vuaom em» @wpam
tad Roxanna em .nmmama a fig H mung mo .emwufiamou mama
Indmonom mavonm on» on afis acavcmuoanenuwa Ma 05 fieuuooa
omflm mm .noflpomaa was nepwa awn vanfiwwa cedauunzom
mfimozuno exp wzfioufisnanfi mo vcfi .aofiaomfia was anowea

flan cu reagenaum .nQan nopgfiag Heaven 3 wnwuanacw flaw

managemwfia mo ea fiaasaus cm .cowanpwpaaa an» n« acauwm


 o>dn won game? 93 pasy .aflaega¢ yo 93599 saw fifl mafia

13a: casoofia a» aflaa>gwnbé we huge exp.§caw goapmawaon 5

wcficfispac as acagmcaa hag 9309 fig: aganp ma .kwdflaamnoug
”Ma g“ asap gag n» mafia“ ha mg wgfifid H mmwga H

.acakammfifiaa hog ebficasm

acnpfiec 5a aafiga H .a>«péfiafizfi map egg» 9; m6 pmfi finaundm
ovah swag saga” haw aafiéa my xaaa we; cm H


pom o6 flag aonx go: go: a? m§aa #5:; saggy up a an"; fiwp
:asam 93p ap fiaé skfiaaaaamafi ang o» .avnsou an» a» %a«:§n
unogao ca whemma Hawg pH .Hweg 09 we; eea on nfimpfles new
tang wage; a; aosg .gmuefiue ansgaa ma znflpesaoag may gag
Haaags op aapfio an age acomgma .macfipaaanaua mama» Hag
gags pnwwa gflusa s 302:9 Qua finsya enema“; any ow ugmmao
gag aw: magma ”Mega H .amsao :20 ha fiaeaa fisa momkam cw
adagma Haase H .maflev a“ cage asmaw exp aacfi a» hfiamh aw
H .nofiwaammsm an accapacfl asssfl>fiwsfi afln as as finaom use
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 MEETING of the Board of Trustees of State Univer—

sity of Kentucky, held at the President’s Room,

Gymnasium Building, College Grounds, Lexington,

Ky., on Tuesday, December 8th, 1908, being the
regular fiecember meeting of the Board.
Hon. Augusus E. Willson, Governor of Kentucky, in the

The Roll Call showed the following:

Present: Messrs. Hon. Augustus E. Willson, Jas. K.

Patterson; John G. Crabbe, Basil EL Brooks, Charles

B. Nichols, Judge RObert L. Stout, JUdge Henry S. Barker,

Tibbis Carpenter, Claude B. Terrill, Cassius M. Clay,

Hywell Devices, and R. C. Stoll, 12
Absemz: Messrs. David F. Frazee, Frank A. Hopkins, Donny P.

Smith, L. L. Walker, Richard N. Wathen,

These being a quorum present business was prooeeded with.

Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded and
carried Cassi us M. Clay was selected as Temporary Chairman, to
act in the absence of Governor Willson.

Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded and carried
the standing Committees appointed last June meeting, were'continued.

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the reading of the
Minuted of the last meeting of the Bd§rd of Trustees was passed,
and said minutes were referred to Committee on Minutes of Executive

At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the Executive
Committee since the lastxe sting of the Board, and after.discussdon fix
they were passed.

At this point President Patterson read his Report,

whiCh is as follows: (here copy President's report.)



 Upon duly made, seconded and carried said. Report was referlfed
to the Committee on President's Report.

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the Treasurer's
Report was referred to the Finance Committee, with power to

refer to the Board W any nutter in it which their thought should


be considered by the Board/

At this point Governor Willson made a short talk to the Board

relative to the apxr opriations made by the last Legislature and
as to the chances of said appropriations being, made.

He further refe‘rred to the military Department of the
University, and insisted that the student: should be requir ed to
attend the military exercises and in suplort of same read a letter

fromGeneral Bell, which upon duly seconded and carried was referred to

the Milk CommiitSee on Military W. W

At this point the Board adjourned for the noon hour, to convene

at two o'clock P.M. of the same day.


 Met pursuant to adjournment at two o'clock P.M. of the same day.

Presen.: Same membess as present in the forenoon and—Judge—Steu$7

chept Governor Villson was absent.

Mr. C. M. Clay, in the Chair.

Upon request the Business Agent read a summary of his report.

Said report was received and filed.

Mr.Stoll offered the following resolution:


RESOLVED That the Business Agent of this fixxxxgn he required
to furnish to each member of the Board of Trustee, each month, begin~
ning with March lst, 1909, a monthly statemen,, on a form to he des~
ignated by the Executive Committee, showing the actual financial
60ndition of the Univessity at h‘ d end of each month; and that if
necessary, the Executive COmmitteo be authorized to employ an expert
accountant to prepare a form to be used by the Business Agent in
making such statements.

Said motion was seconed'by Mr. Daviess, and by unanimous consent
the cousideration of same was passed for the present.

Mr. Nichols stated to the Board that under a Resolution of the
Executive Committee of June 27th, 1908, the Chairman of said Committee
and the Secretary of the University executed a note to the National
Bank of Kentucky for the sum of $15000; that said note so executed
fell due on the let day of December, 1908, and that the bank had sent
to the Busimzss Agent a note to be executed in renewal of the above
described note, payable in sixty days, and'bearing six per cent.
interest from date; that the Business Agent, under the advice of
the firesident had asked for this extension; that the bank had latex

M ”La-«LAW
also asked the Business Agent 73 return to the Bank/3.00py of a

resolution passed by the Executive Committee, authorizing said renewal.

Instead of doing that I now move ~c

That the Board of Trustees of State University of Kentucky,
r, \. _



 authorize and direct the Chairman of this Board and the
Secretary of the University to execute the note of the
University for $15,000, payable to order of National Bank of
Kentucky, with interest from date, at six per cent. per annum,
and payable in ninety days and bearing date December lst 1908, in
renewal of a note for like amount of date June 27th, 1908, due
December lst, 1908; and be it further reso ved;
That the Secretary he directed to inform the Bank that in

the event the University receives its money fronxthe-State before the
Note becomes due, that-it desires to pay off the note and obtain from
the bank a rebate on the interest.

Said motion was duly seconded, placed upon its passage and

At this point a Committee, consb ting of Col. John R. Allen,
Judge J.I? . Mhrton and Mr. McLeod, of the Central Kentucky Traction
Company, came before the Board Kn mxkxxx and made a s.atement with
reference to the desire of said COmpany to obtain 25 feet of land off

the front of the Experiment Station lands on the Nicholasville Pike,
for a right—of—way for the interurban line to Nicholasville.

After said gentlemen retired, Judge Barker offered the following

Resoived that we now set aside the resolution heretofore intro—
duced by Mr- John McChord and passed by fliis Board, relative to the
employment of counsel to resist the acquisition of a right—of~way
through our property by the Central Kentucky Traction Company.

Said motion was seconded by President Patterson, and after
discussion was placed upon its passage and carried.

Thereupon President Patterson offered the following

I move that Judge Barker, Judge Stout and hr. Carpenter

be appointed a committee to take up with the Centrw. Kentucky



 Tractien Company the matter of said Company's application to have
conveyed to it a right—of—way off the property belonging to the
Experiment StatiOn on the Nicholasville Pike.

Said motion was duly seconded, placed upon its passage and

carried. 6%Qfiuhge Stout offered the following resolution:

Afi an amendment to the last resolution, I move that Prof. M. A.
Scovell be appointed fir this Board to advise and consult with the
Committee composed of Judge Barker, vrl Carpenter and )vshif, in
regard to the matter of the right-of-way through our property by the
inter—xufban railroad.

Said:motion was seconded by President Patterson, placed upon
its passage and carried.

At this point the Resolution offered by Mr, Stoll, relative to
monthly m3 statements of the condition of the University to be
made by the Business Agent was called up, placed upon its

At this point a 00mmunication from Prof. Mustaine, requesting
parmiss ion to use the gymnasium twice per ave-.3}: at night from 7,30
to 9:00 o'clock for basket ball practice during the rest of the pres—
ent term, and the seemid term at the expense of the college was
read to the Board.

Upon motion of Judge Terrell, duly seconded an? a
request of Prof. Mustaine above outlined was granted.

At this point Judge Stout made a statenmnt with reference to N-
wortk of the Young Women's Christian Asscniation of the College,
and stated that this Association asked the Board to make an appropri—
ation for its benefit of $50 per year.

Judge Sout offered the following resolution:

I move that the Young Wumen's Christian Association of the

University be given the sum of $50 to assist them in 1:}!er work-

Said motion was seconded byFMr' Carpenter, and placed upon its


 passage and upou the roll—call the vote stood as follows:

Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Brooks, Clay, Carpenter, Davies, Crabbe,
Stout, Nichols, Patterson, Stoll and Terrell, ll


The resolution was unanimously adopted.

Thereupon Mr- Stoll offered the following resolution:

Be it resolVed that the portion of the salaries of the Busima ss
Agent and flnxxxniizx Comptrollerwwhich the Experiment Station has
been directed to pay, be paid by the Station out of such funds as
may be available for that purpose; and that the Board of Control be
directed to designate the fund out of which these salaries should be

Said motion was seoonded by Judge Stout, put upon its passage
and carried.

At this point President Patterson offered the following

In as much as Mr. Andrew Carnegie has added $5,000,000 to the fudd
already pkzced by him in the hands of Trustees and.known as the Care
negie Foundation for the advancement of Txeaahdng ~«—~

In as much as this addition has been made for the purpose of
including State Universities within the scope of his benefactions; and

In as much as the proceeds of this fund is to be used for provide
ing retiring allowances to teachers who have by length of service
and other conditions hecoww eligible for the benefits of such

Therefore, resolved that the Board of Trustees of the
State University, estahishedin Lexington,Kentuoky, respectfully re~
quest and memorialize the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement

of Teaching for the privilege of being phcedupon the list of Institutions
whose professors shall be eligible and entitled o fiw:benefits of

the said Carnegie Foundation.


 Said resolution was sea>n1ed by Judge Stout, placed upon its
passug e and carr is d .

At this point President Patterson made a statement to fit
Board to the effect that.he had olfinzhs d from Mr. Carnegie a
benefaction amounting to $26,500, for the purpose of building a
Library Building on the CollegeGBounds; that said hmtifiingxmax

nanxnnaxingxcnmplntimn gift had been conditionhupon the obligation of

the Board to raise a fund of at least $2650 per year from sources
other than the then sources of income for the up~keep of said building;
that said building was now nearing completion, and would he ready
for the reception of books before the next meeting of the Board, but
that the College was in .he anamolous condition of having a library
building and no books mexxxax of any very considerable extent to
ph ce therein; that it was necessary to expend the above sum in some
way in order to keep faith with Mr: Carnegie, and to meet this condi~
tion he offered. the Following resolution:

I move that a Committee of two persons bn;appointed from
this Board to select and look out for the purchase of hooks for the
Libary to an extent of not exceeding $1500 during the remainer of this
fiscal year.

Said motion was duly secondfigpkaoed upon its passage and

Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried
President Patterson and prof. Crabbe were appointed as such Committee.

At this point the Board entered upon a consideration of the

Minutes of the Executive CQmmittee, and especially the matter of
the action of said Committee in securing rooms outside of the dormiu
tories for County Appointees Who came to the University. After an
informal discussion, Judge Barker offlered the followimg resolution:

Resolved that the action of the Executive Committee in furnishing



 rooms to County Appointees outside of the Dormitories, where
that was necessary, be ratified; and that said Committee be directed
to continue to follow that plan whenever necessary in the future.
Said mdzion was seconded by Mr- Stoll, placed upon its passage
and car r‘ ied. .
At this point uponnrequest Miss Laura Spurr came before

« l.

the Board and made a statement with refere~re i», dazeufl

*-‘- ‘57,".(374

eh ~is doing at the xxiisgn university, and made a request that
she be recognized by the Board, and her work made a part of the
dirriculum of the university and she be paid a salary.

After Miss Spurr retired Judge Barker offered the Following

I move that Miss Spurr's applicatidh to have her art work instalta
ed in this Institution as a part of the t curriculum he declined,
and that the matter of her renaining in the rOOm she now occupied be
referred to President Patterson with power to act with all the facts
before him.

Said motion was seconded by Prof. Crabbe, placed upon its passage
and carried.

At this point two students of the university, Nessrs. R2yan
and Blumenthal came before the Board and made a statement with
reference to the College Annual to be issued hr the students for
the curreot year,— stating that they proposed to Bet out a much
handsomer annual than any heretofore iss