xt7ghx15n565_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Agricultural Experiment Station Reports text Agricultural Experiment Station Reports 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_4/Multipage2577.pdf 1906, 1910-1911 1911 1906, 1910-1911 section false xt7ghx15n565_16 xt7ghx15n565 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS, A. C. TRUE, DIRECTOR. STATISTICS CF LAN D-GRAN T COLLEGES AND AGRICULTURAL EXPERI— MEN T STATIONS, 1906. COMPILED BY MISS M. T. SPETHMANN. [Reprint from Annual Report of the Office of Experiment Stations for ' the year ended June 30, 1906.] WASNINGTON zoovEHNMENY Pflummo OFFICE :1907 CONTENTS. Summary of statistics of land—grunt, cullegos ___________________ Summary of statistics of the stations ........ . Stutistivs of the land—grunt colleges and universities ..................... Statistics of the agricultural experiment stations ________________________ II STATISTICS 0E LAND-GRANT COLLEGES AND AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS, 1906. By Miss M. ’1‘. SPETHMANN. The following statistical statements relate to the institutions estab- lished under the acts of Congress of July 2, 1862, and August 30, 1890, most of which maintain courses of instruction in agriculture, and to the agricultural experiment stations, which, with few exceptions, are organized under the act of Congress of March 2, 1887, and are con- ducted as departments of the institutions receiving the benefits of the land—grant act of July 2, 1862. These statistics have been compiled in part from replies to a circular of inquiry sent out from the Office of Experiment Stations. and in part from the annual reports of the presi~ dents of these institutions made on the schedules prescribed by the Commissioner of Education. Tables showing the annual disburse— ments on account of the acts of Congress of March 2, 1887, August 30, 1890, and March 16, 1906, prepared from figures furnished by the Departments of the Treasury and the Interior, are also included. Owing to the complex organization of many of the institutions, it is impracticable to give exactly comparable statistics in all cases, and in some instances the data furnished are incomplete. SUMMARY OF STATISTICS 0F LAND-GRANT COLLEGES. Educational institutions receiving the benefits of the acts of Con- gress of July 2, 1862, and August 30, 1890, are now in operation in all the States and Territories except Alaska, Hawaii, and Po'rto Rico. The total number of these institutions is 65, of which 63 maintain courses of instruction in agriculture. The aggregate value of the permanent funds and equipment of the land—grantcolleges and uni— versities in 1906 is estimated to be as follows: Land-grant fund of 1862, $12,500,558.29; other land-grant funds, $3,988,068.60; other perma- nent funds, $13,829,945.72; land grant of 1862 still unsold, $1,005,- 736.10; farms and grounds owned by the institutions, $7,873,237.68; buildings, $30,322,457.04; apparatus, $2,132,339.88; machinery, $2,- 831,046.06; libraries, $2,819,614.26; live stock, $369,913.13; miscella— neous equipment, $3,222,469.12; total, $84,195,385.88. The income of these institutions in 1906, exclusive of the funds received from the United States for agricultural experiment stations ($867,617.70) , was as follows: Interest on land-grant funds of 1862, $758,753.34; inter- est on other land-grant funds. $106.185.17; United States appropria- tion under act of 1890, $1,200,000; interest on endowment or regular 177 178 REPORT OF OFFICE or EXPERIMENT STATIONS. appropriation, $122,980.91; State appropriation for current expenses, $1,308,150.31; State appropriations for buildings or for other special purposes $3,088,917.32; income from endowment, other than Federal or State grants, $677,138.21; tuition fees, $993,003.38; incidental fees, $631,936.99; miscellaneous, $1,659,663.77; total, $13,516,759.16. The value of the additions to the permanent endowment and equipment of these institutions in 1906 is estimated as follows: Permanent endowment, $1,215,081.73; buildings, $1,715,118.99; libraries, $152,~ 963.23; apparatus, $227,310.63; machinery $131,800.20; live stock, $56,211.87; miscellaneous, $133,597.19; total, $3,965,119.81. The number of persons in the faculties of the colleges of agricul- ture and mechanic arts was as follows: For preparatory classes, 180; for collegiate and special classes. 2,151; total, counting none twice, 3,020. In the other departments the faculties aggregated 1,667, making a grand total of 1,687 persons in the faculties of the land~ grant institutions. ' The students in 1906 in the colleges for white persons were as fol- lows: (1) By classes—preparatory, 5,890; collegiate, 22,823; short course or special, 5,695; postgraduate, 517; other departments, 22,038; total, counting none twice, 56,919. (2) By courses: Four- year agriculture, 2,779; horticulture, 132; household economy, 926; mechanical engineering, 1,351; civil engineering, 3,730; electrical engineering. 3,166; mining engineering, 1,061; chemical engineering, 377; architecture, 281. Shorter than four years—agriculture, 3,883; dairying, 720; horticulture, 161; veterinary science, 821; military tactics, 17,372. ' he students in colleges and schools for colored persons were as follows: (1) By classes—preparatory, 1,511; collegiate, 682; short or special, 310; other departments, 1,016; total, 6,552. (2) By courses agriculture, 1,798; industrial courses for boys, 2,106; indus- trial courses for girls, 1,120; military tactics, 1,798. The graduates in 1906 were 5,220, and since the organization of these institutions, 67,122. The average age of graduates in 1906 was ‘22 years and 3 months. The total number of volumes in the libraries was 2,161,612. The total number of acres of land granted to the States under the act of 1862 was 10,320,812, of which 798,053 are still unsold. SUMMARY OF STATISTICS OF THE STATIONS. Agricultural experiment stations are now in operation under the act of Congress of March 2, 1887, in all the States and Territories, and under special appropriation acts in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico. In Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Missouri, Ala- bama, and Louisiana separate stations are maintained, wholly or STATISTICS OF THE COLLEGES AND STATIONS. 17 9 in part, by State funds. A number of substations are also main- tained in different States. Excluding the substations, the total num- ber of stations in the United States is (30. Of these, 55 receive appro— priations provided for by acts of Congress. The total income of the stations maintained under the acts of 1887 and 1906 during 1906 was $2,017,492.12, of which $960,000 (Hatch fund $720,000, Adams fund $240,000) was received from the National Government, the remainder, $1,057,492.12, coming from the follow— ing sources: State Governments, $709,902.05; individuals and com- munities, $8,304.37; fees for analyses of fertilizers, $100,186.57; sales of farm products, $135,526.96; miscellaneous, $103,572.17. In addi— tion to this the Office of Experiment Stations had an appropriation of $197,900 for the past fiscal year, including $18,000 for the Alaska experiment stations, $15,000 for the Havaii Experiment Station, $15,000 for the Porto Rico Experiment Station, $20,000 for nutrition investigations, $74,200 for irrigation and drainage investigations, and $5,000 for farmers’ institutes. The value of the additions to the equipment of the stations in 1906 is estimated as follows; Buildings, $169,875.50; libraries, $22,080.29; apparatus, $57,439.98; farm im- plements,$22,706.52; live stock, 3351,97 7.68; miscellaneous, $22,812.75; total, $346,892.72. ; The stations employ 950 persons in the work of administration and inquiry. The number of officers engaged in the different lines of work is as follows: Directors, 52; assistants and vice-directors, 17; special agents in charge, 3; chemists, 171; agriculturists, 47; agrono- mists, 68; animal husbandmen, 72; poultrylnen, 12; horticulturists, 101; farm and garden foremen, 31; dairymen, 45; botanists, 54; plant pathologists, 21; entomologists, '76; zoologists, 4; veterina— rians, 36; animal pathologists, 3; meteorologists, 8; foresters, 9; mycologists, 5; biologists, 3; physicists, 5; geologists, 7; bacteri- ologists, 25; irrigation engineers, 13; in charge of substations, 26; secretaries and treasurers, 32; librarians, 14; clerks and stenogra- phers, 55. There are also 64 persons classified under the head of “miscellaneous,” including superintendents of grounds and build— ings, gardeners, farm mechanics, laboratory assistants, etc. Four hundred and thirty-four station officers do more or less teaching in the colleges with which the stations are connected. During the year the stations published 463 annual reports, bulletins, and circulars, which were supplied to over 758,000 addresses on the regular mailing lists. A larger number of stations than formerly supplemented their regular publications with more or less frequent issues of press bul- letins and other special publications, and most of the stations report a large and constantly increasing correspondence with farmers, on a Wide variety of topics. & N O I T .A 1 S T N E M .1 R E .P X E F O .E 0 vi M. F 0 T R .0 E R 180 .993 Ad; 3 23.5ng 5m; 3 253% A939: 2 .Suibv gm: .3: m .8 d .54. .32on .25.:8 mm Amuse? 8 3:50: Amie: m: £355 .EEom 85:53“. .MEEE: 5.3: A9695 8 3: 59:58 :2: 25:: E 236:3 EH 3on8 .5553 52:25: rm; 8 35$ 83:: 7:08 2:0: r59: r95: .8 :9. .Amfifiz: my Am: .3; my do: in: 6:: .Ew 0335 .0: 76m 03850: E 3:50 1:50: :54. A5895 3 :Bmmom SEE—2 Amie: E A? RESP: 3 5:0 RESP: my 5.35:: £33.: S @932: :39: BEE: rum: 8.3% S 62: :95 .2: my .995 . 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EOumOMH ........ 020254 . .053. 3005.5 . .. dram wwwzoo .......... OGOHO . .. €310 >62 ....... 38:22 £852 . . E20324 m0 23925220 09500 $220285 0:0 Eudfiaotw< Eco; 4&2 .200 2000202005 000 10.532354. Efimmmmma .3032 -32 H0 summuwfiap 0:8 .0Mw200 3.25 -3224. 35m 32:32 2.932200% “0 35 -52: 300320232 03:00 EH3 M5029... 3003:0332 . Eucaoauonudqmmoontm 03:00 Eudfinoiwaq 0022.52 .05..“ “0 3200325 25. .0 0:00 203022002 05 Eusfisotmdw 0:: wwwmuwkrfigb F5520m ....... Eammmmmma . . . . vdHOmofidE ......... “SEES . . .muavmflfloflmmdz ........ 0:52.35 ............ onwg . . .SSmmsofl .mmmHBOO whonm .3230 0:0 82300 262.50% .Aoawnwduwumcndv 325m «0 33:00 303230 .pdoEmBm 203.302 253522: «0 0502 .203 +23. .5 350 00250200112032 \0 8958 $2: N22. .063 .m 33. \0 2:. “5202023 2: .6023 330.2323 $023§§|A 225d. 3 8 1 STATISTICS OF THE COLLEGES AND STATIONS. .3; 8 Ad 42:5 >5: .32 .> .Q :2.» 3 . 2.: .2?» .3233 ed .52 .8253 3 M5 :6 .62.» 5 .223 $55.: .322 .56 A: Em 888522 £2558 2.5: “E: 2m< .52 .6 5 32:8 .93.— .30 A926 03 Mime—2.2 55m 0:: 293m .953 9:33 288 323252 .3283 NC gma .45.» 8 .295 £52023 28 gm: .3 2:3 .35» SEE: .208 Sumo—:02 r523 $23.22;. .2298 228.5 4.9:» 8 qm< .3283 8 math—Ea 2.82023 .23 So on 235522 . $283 as .msuE 3523 . 52.58 “:22 um: Ad; w and S .3525 Sand: 6:: dun .3 E $9581:qu .25» 8 362.583 3:222 .252: 2323 .mfid 2282.: 7.52. 6.8233 .23 3.53 .oonmcnommobou 3.252.. 825 -22 .2233 .23 30:8 .8522; .333 b.8255 and 2255 .28 3959.. 9:.ch .328? 22 233.5 .208 220: :23: ram—22 b.2502 $52ch :umd .63.» N .8 3 295m 2522 and am: 3.55m E 3328 :82 250on Ad?» m :m .A‘Hv 255 An; C $37.22 4.5» G doum 2:25 -295 An; 3 .23m .43.» 8 .282 5m...» 8 .285 .352 6m; 8 .fion 22¢ .54 .393 $2.95 NS wings» 202.522 can .MEBEM £5: .MEES F226 Emu 12.8 -28» 5m; 3 mBEan can Manic? 220 .3233 cc ME -2526 .3233 S .2352V um: .63.» av um< .3522: E mfihdmwd :Em 2.50506 .2on taco rue: .mEbEc dw< 22:2 5.2: .383 C M2292: .328? S 286QO $2255 .3283 8 .52 .92 12.326 4.5% S 3.; .285 .35» 3 .Emno 2:35 2.2.» m :2 .26 E: 2.2.» a 222 .ano .5» C MEEEBE .2825» :Bw 2232.82 Ada.» my -232 Ad; 8 289: 532.5 8m?» 3 at»; 2.2 .2V .525 .288 2.2 .2 :2 .25 .2320 .uoEo. TE .mC .EmcumEEEquEu -8 up: wage? 3:... .32 .UV .325 :30 :22... 22:22:: in: .265 :52? :Em 2.2.55 .32 $53.28 as: .fio: Adm< .m .mC um< .A.m AC .5523 22.2an .232: ram dom rum< ém .3 .523 .265 2.2 .3 a: 2; .6m 2523 rims“. MEEE .595 .283 rims... :30 :EME. .285 .454 .mv .um< 2.2 .> .3 .62. .2: 2.2 .2V 255 .2 .w .5 .52 2.52 .8 .20.; .32 .B .525 .820 .22 .2v .9.» -5 .202: 2.2 .8 .525 :30 2.2 .5 2.2 .5 .mv 28 S 22.8an Jam 323522 :EME. .nooE rum< .322 .5 .sm .22 gm .mC mEEduuo 2:5 manic? >20 :22 :2qu r2520 r2285 U52 .Emfi. :3o 7.2 < 5m .mC Eumfiwm 75M -5 .2223 .2298 202m .2525 .285 3&4 . ém .mv .Em Euoawm :59; ~36 r5228 .2282: Jam oSmoEoc Ema .232: can wEEE Aéa .mC mfid 3.525 A. .23 69: .A.w .mv 2.53.28 2an rag—22¢ rEMQm. .22er .2595 22:22:22 inn .5 2:82.. biwzo .32». 75mg :30 .258 2:02 .23 Mom 382% :4 .mV .2: £50 .235 fa. .2 .o .5 .525 :E 2.2 .2 .8 .525 .520 A2 . A .mV .595 .282: .2 .m .5 282 .2: E2. .23; ESE: ruckus 5m .mv Em Emma—20¢ Jam 22.556 ‘ .1222: 232: .222 .2: and , .2 .2 :2 .2 :2 .< as as? .o .3 :2 .22 528$ .2 .2 p . . .2 .22 .2 .< .3252 .2 .2 . . .2 .22 .2 .< 5253 .2. .w .2 .22 rum .2 2.: .< :Hflihugflom .MV .5 .4 .m .2 28.3.2 $2222 .223an .m .2 .3 ..:m .2 .326 .2 .3 . .Q MAR 70 .Q .< .2 mafia—um .M A. .2 .22 £322.52 .2 .2 . .m .2 .cofimfidfl .5 .2. ....... mDQEN—dunw .eMozo 2:22:23 < ..... 95933.20 ......... 22232 .......... SSE .oMBEO Euafiaoim< 233252 m .592 ........ 252.2an ........... Oflwm ......... HH—OOHSNH ....... EdawNOm ...§E§Eb 83m 220 dweaoo :23 .2523 8825 £32 .852 2.8200 25 .28 muozoo 262222822 2222 225223232 25. .332 2222322 222 2333~m< «o awa— 200 2228205222 25. .3333: 202.80 a: 3:23th we “$2 -200 3.3m 2.8% 3oz .35. 2528 $2 2.5. 2:282? we mmgoo 02285 302 .52 3225 .32 one was 9:525 .23 Ho 2282 as 28 “.2260 33m hem .23. >52 23. goosom 052228 m H w m a a m .324 252822 and Egaoim< we owe—Bo 8332.239 >62 32.2. .56 LEED 33w 32392 £232.29 .2 2o .§E§Eb one 3.2 322282 mic whfiiotw< no aw»: -Bo 83m 25282 2:. ........ 5:220 . :éuoumafi 5.82 :2520220 5.52 ....... MEG? .302 ...... O aim: 302 ...... >823. 392 6.2335de 302 .......... dUd>ez ........ fin Gupcz ......... dfldw—HOE REPORT OF OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. 184 ABE»? 8 32.853 .SH 3028 .8545; . 323 $895 9 .Eo: £88 2202 $5282 won :53: 2.5262 :85: 2.52. ..nmnn Enid rams Ad; NV .35 23.5 .4m 423 >2: 2.2% m :0 AFC .52? .523 Fawn 4m .Q .Qv .2533 25.2.5 .235 2.9;. 8 a; .2.» G .EME. 55pm Jom 230.5888 @522? -093 and .2me .3282. NC .593 Edmpm $5.42.: 88:0 .9522: .2325 .28 832206 its: .3285 8 ...ma .10 .52 ..mb’. 6 ASE 42% 8 ...Ma 52.» my :2:qu A»: 6625 .6265 .8023 2602 A...» 3 .993 5m; 8 .265 2623. A309: 3 083.95 2:5 .9339; NC 602% 2.5262 A3603 NC .52: 5.23 A422 my .55 .3; my .265 5m; 3 3&4 awn 5 59:8 .9823 £328.: 8 30an SEEM £980.: mv .CoEmBo 6:: ”2:25.26 .3209: NS wEEE :52 42>. 3 .gww .3; 3 9:55 r585 r523 ...:u/w _ .323. 03 gm: A939? 3 952:5. 8.5.2 3 £223 .MEEE 4m; my .295 0328 5m; 3 2.2320530 2:;qu .923 9:33 22.359 22:.” .23 um: .98.: C 2383.2 3% 2?. 9:92;. 28pm A969: . 2v gum .E csa 3.25m 925:: E 2.23:3 28 252% H.255; .9339: S 23:15 wag—Eu EB .52“ .3209: 93 .522 4.; C $0263; .2: 5 .6m “58:86 222" um,“ .mmeEOo \tOflw Aug—€392.55 325m Ho momuzou 359500 2.2 .2v .88 6m .8 .522 5:3 :59: .593 .22me MEEE :2:me .poflm Sim—E .285 £2me 520 Jam ...wa Jam 54 .MC #5 .Q .8 .522 :23 .2225 sums and :30 refine .320 rim: ABS: ..Bm 3.85m ..Em Semafioc rum/.1 2.2% 3 :5qu End Among AA .Qv 122.82 .29.. .5 .2? ém .mv .285 .3. .5 Same: éw .5 .265 25.8 :13 E; .232: :22.an :30 :Emmo .82“. HE: .282: .525 222:5 Una Qua :fion cud ..de Ad .MS .Sm Euwcom ..Emg .820 :65 :53? .235 222329212595 29:: rum/a 4m .8 .332 i .MEEE 92.. 3:2: rim—B .202: :55: 5:2? .m: 2: .2595 .93? ..EmE :Eo F ..Eoso ... gm: ..mozza ..6m .8 :2 EB .mE; .coE :Sm 282% 54. MC .220 Am .5 .mZmEE £58525; A: 9:23 7 m 32225: .2725 MESS ..EM :5 :3; :Emzo .339 :szm .52.: 54. 2.2 .2 .5 .28... EU ..5m -28 .203: r598 .32: .23.. .m .mv ..rwn 5Q .m AC EELofiém .MC .Em .74. .MC .220 éw .m :9; 3 .E E: gm ..Ewna .329 :5.me :39 :EmE .28: .um :Codwm Jud W .8836 23 3258 592.25% .Q .‘HA :9 .2m $824 2?on dim ..2 .... .235 .2 .2 ...Q .AA .55: .E .E . .2213 ..m .5 .22 €2.22 .Q {HQ re. .H’. .miziwm Madurai . . .Q .7H~H firfwflcm ..zw .h. . . .2 2.2 .4 .2 :35 .2 .e .112 .26me .H .H . . .2 :5 .2 .4. 38m .0 .4 .EwEwEg ....... BENCHMVH ...... mmnfloem . . . .munnomcduo 33:00 :8 EEO ....... :OemeuA ....amgoo 85m ........ m_:fi>.—CU ....... 2 85,25 .SCMHHEC‘H 683558 20 323:3 D .ommwzoo :25 -252}. 8822 58m £38 .25 Show No muozoo “dowcanomz E; .325. lamina. 22.5365 .12:ch 68200 any... .25: [9:5 fizom «o 33:00 253:6:me 289220 .324 252.0 -82 65" Ssfizoima. Ho 03:00 35:3 35:2 63:00 3.5m 55.2.3575 one .03on 2.55 -Eotmd 3.5m :cmEO ....... :oammcdfl , ..323325 2:507. _S:S:o_._w< .umfl -60 2225382 cs: :C:fi=.:..m< 5:05:30 52255.5 we 5:52 .coscflcoolfizsm \c $2.328 5:2: E3 £1.92 .m 55. \c Ea Eeéicfi 3: .822: E23333 mfiosfiwtémlé 21:: B ........ commando—H. . . . daoxug nanow . ..aszofimo 226w .. . .2532 SEE . . . . 55573559 ........... come“ 0 ....... Eco—EEO ..C 3 .259 .3 33m S N O I T A T S D N A S E G E L L O C E H T OF STATISTICS defizo: A723: £539: 3 flaimci 2:: €§:cu._:::: Asepmé>z rut: Jam 352:2. 53:36 :3: ESE: A 4.5.: 8 55:: .E Ecz. f. 21:99: a: .E: 94...; m c: C .E: .7 . NV .53 do: :62: :95 .r z 3 43.:— RE??? 8 7559. 5:555 £33.: 3 .755: .525 H .22: #:sz 2:256: £375.: NC 309% .2 6 .236 mu??? 3 .zo:.:_ou :35: .9 :m: 55:: .42..“ m5. .5: ..:..::;.: :TC BEA .62.... 5 95:2: ; .5. my :85 5%.... S — .55 .5852: 3 95:55:96 .335. 8 mgsum A3951: .25: 9:: : Amaze: a: 85:5 2.5—5: .wE>..: : (pr: .3: c:: ”3:53; :95: :3. .9: :fic: rpm: .15. C .95; .75. 5 gm: €1.72. 8 2:22:55 5:; $qu 1:: .52: . SW4. Amie: 3 2.52:: :8 30:3 8:38 355:: Ad; 5 25:: £575.: S :5: .6595 wv 9.1.56 .75. 5 52:2: 5.9;. m 1:: C 55: A25 .2: 8 4.3:: 4m .> .Qv .8m .2... :5: 52>. 3 3:5; 7.2% .._...mo_:.5::: US: .Bow :93: :: womb—:5 .C::E:S_:::m .2: : amp—5:: :2». a 25.5: .3; av 52:5 3&4. nogcfimfimoflw .42». 5 3:2,: .4323. 3 Bonow SEE—7. 4.2% 8 :85 :54. .35» m .8 G .uw’a . 3:8,: 3 223:3 :3 Hocnom SEE—a A9395 NC 082:5: ii: :03: .3: 3:353: 2339: 3 4w: 2.2% NV .55 Adah my 8:25.:8 Jom 058:8: Ema. $5.33: 6:: £78: :5: um: .35 :82 . $3095 03 .fio: $5.336 .9553 x005 .oo.§::5o. 5: .7m .MC .595 $2.: ..:.. :.. xii... .535 :32: :5: .5 3.57% 37.3 . . m £3; .25; A: 1.5.5: A). .M: :3 L55 :3. 3.: 51:5 . 52:: . :3 ..::E :_:.,:o -9:— .. 1.59:. :59: 1:25: 73mg :79... ..:R:: .zoi: :59... 2.22:: rEu 1:: 2:: ”7.52.. .m .MC . m: .2: .mC 1:: .3: 2.4. .mC 8:25:30 ..:ou.. 0:8: 78w. ..................... :m: ._:::c: 6:22.:3. 22:: Em d5 .5: .Ffl..rn:_. .w A: :m: .A.:.:..m.m:.:.&:..uE=E_;.m s. .5 ..:w:: :2: . h .5“ :m .MC .Em:.. :33: 6:: .502: gm .MH :4 .MC 952:0 :zEEC .64. .MC 5.2"; :mE; 5.52: FE 2—: .mE: :uza :Ecm 4.: 4H ..w .MC .EwEo ”WEE”: ring :02: . E98 .75? r: E c: . .55.. : gm :5 :5: :5: Joe: 1:: do: 3:33 :5: 7:09.. ofimoEcc ::E:: :56 35 it“: ............... . . . émuv. 3 0:56:04. 4m .5 .8: 4:5 3:: .12: .995 :15m @275: xfiEiwczfioE ME: .232: :59; .52: 75mg :02: r59? :56 :3. Ego—Em 5:23 @375: rfio: 59. Ad :6 62: gm .5 :08 6:: 35558 ram: r530 r595 .502: 7598 :33: 35mg 5:: -::m “E: Féogd AFC .Sm 4.: 2.1.. .mv .mEu .25.. ABS: 3:: 3.5 023:5: E mEEEp 13:5: rdm .mC .Ew ESEM :Emg :02: 7595 :30 £98558 :3 033:8: 5&4. :35 1:65 .Efihc: .44. .m :5.» 8 .8m 1:: .230 ém .mv .Emg .32: .._:w:o :30 rims .202: 3:98 #86 3.35 35:3 7&4. E: 4.: .32.: .2 4: .Q :h .03: 5...? .fi .0 2: J. 5:3. .5: .H . :45: .5: 522:: .: .: .Q .QQ .2 .::.?fl .4. .mm . d :5. ..: .: __..mm.:.: .: .: . 5:93.: .5. 25:8,: .7. g. :41: .: 5:238: .: .2 ..... em .Q .202 .H .>w ..... ucozmxofim .A .3 .D {HA igmfibdm .HH .3 . . . . . . Owrfldhd‘H ...... :széz ..... SEES :28::m:3m .5552: ..... 559.5: . $53335 . . 455:2:an ........ 5:qu . . . .30; 3:5: . :ofidam owe—Bo $559,530 kmfimpobED .55 .5533 Ho 23:33:.3 .ofififimi to; , -3; £535 3., w 25 93mm IMP/:5 £59; awe? .nfimsfifis :0 9:230 33m 2? .83 .Zm:H :ES:SEm< c5“ EESZ :cEEEH 6:53.25 0E £0330: ES emu—EU 325582 9:: :23 -_:o:w< :Erwb,» 2E. .oszoo 1:3 -Eoiw< 33m 6:: ”Bo—Ens we 35:99.55 :SD «o @3200 Epzflzotm< .omEEO Ffiemavg 6:: 1:: J52. 35m 23> Shim .3me Mo 03:00 32.330 $2 HE: Eunfigtm< 2......wEEoka ..... . .5383? .......E:m:> :3: . .. . deem—Hag? . . . . ...... SEE; ......... uncauaxr 186 REPORT OF OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. TABLE 2.#Gcneral statistics Faculty. I 1 pm ‘ 3311: wigAs—w——»7~—~ffi~fi l 01‘ es- t- lslil‘h— College of agriculture and l tnblish— $111111} 111cch11uic11rts. l State or Territory. 111e11t oiug- , »~ 7,_~.._--..-‘ Other 1' “1111‘ ricul- l‘ro— Collogi- 1 depart- ments. Alubnmn (.Vuburn) ................. ‘ Alabama (Nornml) . . A 11201111 . A rkuns A rk111 Florida (T11l Georgia. (Athens) ...... Georgia (Savannah) . F (l’inc Blull‘) Califori .1 .......... Colorado. . . . Connecticut ..... Delaware (Nex Delaware (Dover) . . . . Florida (Gziincsvillc) . tion. course. tory speciul 1 classes. clusses. 1872 ayettevillc) . 51—13332):— rl\) 11111113501”. . , l stitu— tul'al pam- ittenndi Total. I l 1 1 l , Experi- ment stutmn nmcers. i111111 (lhuou Rouge) _ ' 1121. (N w Orleans). M.11ne ................... \Izin 1111111 ((1 ollege Park) I '1 land (l’rinccss \111111) chusetts ( \mlmis') sncllusetts (Boston). . ppi ( \g1imiltl1111lColl1-ge 1551ppi (Lounan) ......... Missouri (Columhi 1). ........ Missouri (Jefl‘erson City) Montana ........... Nebraska” ........ . Nev11d£1.. 6 20 1 New Hamp ........ 24 E New Jersey ..... 11 27 3 New Mexico. 4 20 ‘ New York .......... 95 5 North Carolina (Rnlmghm) _____ 40 5 North Carolina (Greensboro). ........ 11 ? North Dakota ................. 24 26 ’ Ohio .................. 123 Oklahoma (Stillwater). 31 Oklahoma (Langston). 6 Oregon. ........ 36 Pennsflh . . 5 (35 Rhode Island .................... 11 24 South C111olinn (Clemson College). 2 41 South (‘ 11rolim1 (Orangchnrg)... 12 6 South Dakota 15 32 Tennessee” .. 53 Texas (College 8 on) 46 Terms (l’ix1iric View). 5 U t11h30 V vimonl ..... . 38 V irginin (Blackslnumg) . _ "2 ........ 56 V‘11gini11 (Hampton). __________ VV1isl1inifton ............. 13 57 West V irginin (\Iorgnntmm 7 3S VV est V irginn 1 (Institute). 7 15 Wisconsin ....................... 75 Wyoming ........................... 14 15 Total .......................................... i 480 2,404 a Total counting none twice. b Including all departments of the university STATISTICS OF THE COLLEGES AND STATIONS. of land-gram colleges, 1906. 187 Graduutes. 111 1905—0. 3 1 Number of 7 . . . —2 9r 0120101. 3:20:01.“ 11215.22: ', number 131111133111 t%Stut(t>u}1- ‘grafit 011807 f‘ll'l’fl ‘md land-gram . ., since 01'- 1 ¢ '- “30 0 , - ' ‘ ‘ ,. Number. Agelélge gnnim— 1802. ’ suII unsold. grounds. fund 011802. g ' tion. ‘ Per cent. 887 210,000 1 .............. 1,140 ......... _ 50 ........ . . 442 150,000 183 ............................. 4, 44" 150, 000 285 00,000 i 240 180,000 384 00,000 30 107 101 420 100 150 , b 4, 534 ‘ ‘ 5 2,424 189 } 5 ............ .041 1 0,7,8 1,210 430 ‘ 0 556,7 533 258 1 0 148 310 ‘ _____________ 410 210,000 004 j 4, ' 359 _________________ 104 ............. 1,050 210,000 373 , 5 ............ 210,000 _ ' ' o 40 090 3,425 1,175 '7 1'), 05! 425 171 2,054 372 50 D1050 205 302 009 64 b S, 000 989, 920 304 270,000 1. 50 ............................ 51 130.000 ............. 2, 157 030. 000 143 ........ . 1 . 9 .. 593 90,000 ; .. 905 780,000 1 400 (1 110 120,000 1? 300 180.000 383 ............... 304