xt7ghx15n565_160 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. July 1882-October 1882 text July 1882-October 1882 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_16/Folder_9/101682.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_160 xt7ghx15n565 PROPRIETEEE’SE EM , /”/ELEX;I—%N;KY’% ..
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July to L_L0LGZ‘L___, 1889. l iFrom filly, _ 1‘0 L,A()LL__L, 1882, $403
BOX Rent____________$_LQ0_ ‘ Received Payment,
Memorandum_______- __ l _ _ , P. M.


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 .H'JI. "31131414311303: E (iii/{2 '1" I 3’! I I. 93.1. 1:. WILLIAMSON.
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If not called [or in ten days return to w : ‘)’\"‘

H. P. MCDONALD <52 BROS. +3!
ARCHITECTS, \3\ S V/ i; E ifqfl

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W'hich it is mutually agreed is to be forwarded to our Agency nearest or in convenient to destination on ni there teilvered to other parties to
complete the transportation. . , ' _ .

It is part 01 the considerauon ot this contract, and it is agreed. that the said Express Company ARE FURWARDERS ONLY, and are not to be heldlinhie
or reeponstbiu for any loss or'damage to said property while being conveyed by the CARRIERS to whom the Eilulc may be by said Express Company mtrusted
or arising from the dangers 01 Railroads, Ucean or liivei' Navigation. Steam. Fire in Stores, Depots, or in Transit, Leakage. Breakage. or from any cause whatever
unless, in every case. the same befroved to have occurred from the fraud or gross negligence of said ESpl't-si Cniiiptiiiy, ortheir servants ; nor, in any event, shad

, the holder hereof demand beyon Hiesuiirot’ E‘lb’l l DOLLARS. ntwliich the lll'llxle forwaidt-d i: hereby \alued, unless otherwise herein expressed, or unless
‘ specially insured by them, and so specified in this receipt \\liich insurance shall constitute the limit ol‘ the liability of The Adams Express Com any. And
i the same is entrusted or delivered to any other Express Company, or Agent, (which said Adams Express 0 mpaiiy are hereby authorized to do), sac?) Company
or person so selected shall he regarded exclusively as the agent of the ehlppel‘ or owner. and as such, alone liable. raid the Adams Express Company ehallnot ba,in
any event, responsible for the negligence or non performance of any such Company or person ', and the shipper and owner hereby several] agree that all the
stipulations and conditions in this receipt contained, shall extend to and inure to the benefit of each and every Company or person to whom 'lv‘he Adams Express
. Conp‘tny may entrust or delivar the above described property for transportation. and shall define and limit the liability therefor of such other Company or
person. In no event shall The Adams Express Company be liable for any loss or damage unless the claim therefor shall be presented to them, in writing, at
; thlspfiice, within thirty days after this date, in a statement to which this receipt shall be annexed. All articles of GLASS, or contained -1n glass, or any of a
i fugue naiure, will be taken at Shipper‘s risk only. and the Shipper agrees that the Company shall not be held responsible for any injury, by breaka e or
2 otherwise. nor for damage to goods not properlv packed and secured for transportation. It is further _agreed that said Company shall not, in any event, be flab]:
; for any loss damage or dete ion. caused by the acts or God. Civil or Military authority, or by Rebellion. Piracy. Insurrection, or Riot. or the dangers incident to
| a time of war. or by any r‘ one or armed assemblage. If any sum of money. besides the charge for transp tation, is to be collected from the consignee on
dEhVEI‘Y of the above d ribed property. and the same is no' paid within thirty days from the date her-ent, [he hipp . agrees thamhis Comgangpa'y return said
Property: to him at th expiration omhatximer snbiect to the conditions of this receipt. and tli the,will pav t e warn s for transportation 0 ways, and that
the liability of 1111 .impany for/5pm; giopeity while in its possession for the purpose of ma nah co t ii, iii ,l-be that o Warehouiémon nly.
,. ' ..’ / . . I " ‘ " 4 .v" . '
, / , I. “s 591-th Company, ' ,v .‘ i - .,__ ‘ \ ,-" '
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Frel , ' ‘ ,_ . ,. . «~:.—._’) ’/ r ' "' - 1 g.,& \\.."
L/ l ‘,Bsrlln & Jone: Envelope Co., N. Y. ‘

 . SHEE§FI§IO§EAD, . fl
' LEXIfingbBllfw? W-A Y, KY. J a 11‘3","
53%;} '3‘} i; ‘3
Elizay/gm/ df, % / 5" #3547).
WQV/éjdzzm 62M. ,7”? M Mgaf
J’OM/ 3:9/ ‘ _,
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gflflé W M
K: Wu?“ ‘ ”f” A“
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__/ J No, 44 North Broadway.
.‘ .M?f‘.._“m “A?” ,

 gaWWa—u 1
$3M; ’ ’ ‘T

734 linoAnww,
NEW \'oRK.
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Please send the number of books
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R; ; i ,,..e A WW 7 ,,,,_. "if: lag—g}! it?
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~ 3 l "c ,.3 - -~ u. 9
Eu 1 ‘ :1 .25;:‘~ 1":
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‘ __i11_1—.A.._1_Ei,1 “Whi , ., 41,, ,, Willy.“ -_ 1-. ‘_i_1fi
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 1",”: 1 ‘H'V/ wt,- T ) w )71'1 '.r-‘i
11H: LAleIAR Ah D LILL 551101} 1 hi i 3:. in l?)
‘t 1 ,

S. l’. Walters, President of the First National l’iink offlinhmoml, Ky, havin:
liven selectcil lty certain citizens of Rioltntontl to \ti4it antl examine 'l‘he l‘hsttitan .tnil
The llill Short mines, belongingr tn Wiiltrtl Davis antl associates, Hilltlllltq the following
report : ——

ToMioiii, (‘xtiNNtsoN Ca, (Join, July 28, 1883.
To l/u ksllt/IS’V'NM'I'N (I/ ”I“ CIU’i/u/ Stark of Tilt; Emit/H171 um] ’l’lu; [If/l S/zur/ (In/11' (not

Si/t'r'l‘ ilfLitillfj (jtllltjlflJIl-t‘h‘ U/i Ooh/Mutt) :

ln pur-utunce of your request, matle on the —;l11y of May, 1882, that l Hlloultl go
to Colorado and examine the mining properties of said ()otttprtnies, aml to 141111: in
writing thereafter whether Willartl l):tvis,11s part owner of Haiti mining; Itl'titittt'li' ,
amt :19 the agent of said ('onipzinies, (lid, :11 the time you tnmlw your +1131,
scriptions to such stock, truly represent the facts“ as to the lot-ntion nt saiti prop»
erties, the richness of the ore: taken lt-ont amt twitntl iii the mints nt" saitl (Tutttptnties,
the contlition of the development ot’ said mines, aml the titles therein, ll.Vt‘t‘1-‘tt' 11: till“
place, amt having perforated the duty assigned me to the lit-st nf .ny ability, 1 t' ptt-t-
tully submit theinllowing as the result of my visit to amt k'thllllllztllolt of smut miningr
properties: , . '

first, The representations made by sititl l)‘iVl~‘, as t'ontziinetl in his personal state
mentrprintetl antl IlublPlle at the time, and on which you 211:: to your slltir'ul‘t'ptituP to
the capital stock of Haiti companies, are not only trite itt every particular, but more tit 1H

. true in the iollowing pornts: ,

.l. Developments mntle stitce hi-z statement, prove hevontl question that the ore-s
in some of the mines are much richer than he represented them.

, 2.. Recent developments prove increased richness in certain mines in hotlt group:
W Second, , So much impressed am I with the richness and value ul these mint-s tittt
l have doubled m su‘tscri ition and have no hetitution in mtiliimr the im'e‘tment.

I, , . _i , 7 , ' n

1111111, Hail 1 not satisfied mysell trout prson ‘.l OlFeerttiUH it: to the min tgem; :t
oi the companies by Mr. E. ll. Prescott, l’res‘itlent amt (,ir‘ll'd'ill M nager, 1111i of his
integrity and biisinesscapacttgv. energy, push, and sntiml jll‘ltz‘tiluttt in >-v:;r;~' partimtl :r,
1 would not have invested a dollar in them, however gtrnl the prospect of success

Very Respectltilly,
' t S. P. ‘1Vi'\LTERS.

.l’. S. l herewith submit it statement of E. B. Prescott, l’t‘iNltlt‘llt anti (letter-til
.itlaiiager oi suitl' companies. The statement 1 believe to he, true, .1;! ,l h':\" no it 1i:
taitcy in euyingthat i believe that the (liVlthlltl will he paid as stated in the, resolution

. . . , . ' S. P. \VALTEBS.
. ' ' DENVER, (10110., July ES, 1882.
n \tVe, the undenignerl, state that Wt) tllKl in person, amt in company with 5‘. l’.
Walters, examine The Etlstlllllil_:llltl Bill Short. mining pr :1 rt it“, ’ttntl \ll~l ‘llildl‘lilitn: I
. V - ‘.‘. , .‘t . . E .
the :eriLYb‘ made in the camp by J. 18. i\1|'.tt, aml lty Hurling _lilL‘ matte, at lh-nvvr, and
we Itillt'.eittlor'sc all that Mr. '_\V:t‘ltcrs rtates in his report. . ‘
r . , . ‘ M. -’.‘. ll tCATli,
. _ ' 5. W. WlLLlS.

 (2) (3)
STATEMENT OF E- B. PRESCOTT» GENERAL MANAGER" are completed, we can take out dollars for less than twenty-five cents. In closing will
TOMICHI, 00110., July 29' 1882. my, I .- take what reputation I have on tlievabovc sItalement :uid above my signature.
ery tru y yours
manner or run BILL snom GROUP or mums. ’ E. B. PRESCOTT,
As soon as a tramway is up and running, 120 tons every 24 hours, worth at lean President and General Manager.
$30 per ton in amount; total $3,600. I make no mention of the first-class ore. Thit _ , ‘
is based entirely on second-class ore only. Further developments will increase the OFFICE OF BILL SHORT GOLD AND MINER MINING 00-, 01’ CGLORADO-
product of these mines. TOMIUHI, COLo., July 25, 1882. ,
PRODUCT OF THE EASTMAN GRUOP 0F MINES. The Board of Directors met pursuant to call of the President.
» I estimate as follows, per day of 24 hours: On motion of \Nillard Davis, it was resolved that a dividend of four per cent. on
Sleeping Pet . . . . . . . . . $1,400 the P“ value 01 a“ “(001‘ 501d 1)" dedared‘ml the first day 0" Januaryi 1333, and three
Little Minnie. . . .. ........... . .. 130 1'" cent. 0" ”"3 par value “f 33“] “oak every ninety days tlierealter, for the full period
Grey Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 0f five ”“5“ . '
Amount brought down— Second, Resolved, that Willard Davis, the Secretary of this Company, be author
Bill Short. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ............ . . . . .. 3,600 ized to sell not exceeding ten thousand shares ot the reserved stock at not less than six
—— dollars per share, the proceeds of which are to be used in the building of concentration
. Total. . . .... . . $5,195 Works, tramways and other machinery and appliances, necessary to the further devel-
Expense of running both properties...... . . . . . . um................... . . . . 205 opment and operation of the mines of this Company.
To enable us to carry out this. we need a tramway from ‘The Bill Short Mines to Sem'ctary. Prestdent.
gui- C(gnqelgthinE Worklsl. Abmtilil ofacaaaicltydof120I0n10fsore,ev§ry%%tl‘i‘0llrilhiflhliow OFEIOE OF THE EASTMAN GOLD AND SILVER MINING 00., OF COLORADO.
eing ui . e ope to ave o comp e I an running y ep em or . pro a y. ‘ . .7
I may state the time short, but with everything favorable or seemingly so, I think not. , TfmmHI’ COLO" July 25’ 188‘“
I think the tramway will cost from $17,000 to $25,000 '.i‘his tramwaywill save in cost The Board Of Directors met pursuant to call of the Preszdent.
0‘ handling ““5 019 per day, over and above “'3 1993‘ possible figures “I would 005‘ to . On motion of Willard Davis, it; was resolved that a dividend of four per cent. on
move 1'- with'teams, $80 per day, and 300'} 3’ Funmngi 005” "DIV $6 993' d‘W- N? I?“ ‘ ‘ the par value of all'stock sold be declared on the first day of January, 1883, and three
0" BDOWIWlu 1“ any way prevent the running 0‘ the tramway. 398’“de our “0111“?“ per cent. on the par value of said stock every ninety days thereafter.
for getting our ores to market I have to say, our nearest station is Sargents, on the . . , .
D dz R. G R R 14 miles frdm Tomichi and a good wagon road. A station named _ Second, Resolved, that Willard DaVis, the Secretary of this Company, be author-
Woodstock 0;! the Denver and South Pai‘k R. R. is only four and a. half miles from V ,, ized to‘sell not exceeding ten thousand shares of the reserved stock at not less than six
this cam ’but as yet no wagon road connecting ’us with it is limit but the County . (l0llula per share, the proceeds otwhich are to be used In the building of concentration
Commissiliners have ordered one burl! and that within ninety days. ’This road when works, tramways and other machinery and appliances, necessary to the further devel- ~
built will give us good access to the best market for our ores. The rerult of a opment and 09‘ ”mm M the mines or ““3 Company. ., ‘ ”I
few moments‘ talk with Mr. Myers, Division Superintendent of the Denver and Rio WILLARD DAVIS: E- 3' PREbLOIl‘,
Grande Railroad was, that as soon as he could give the matter attention, I . Secretary. President.
should meet him at Sargents and visit our camp With the view of building a branch ___——
road from Sargents to this point. The road he promises to build on (a guarantee of titty , w ‘ ; -_.———-—-— \
tons per day. I told him that as soon as we were in running shape I mean the tram- ~ 4 , ' ‘ v ‘
way to move the ore and the mill to concentrate it), we could give them more than that '. THE EASTMAN MINES.
ourselves. This road can be built at: very lit‘le cost, as the grade is very easy and the , ‘
use of a little judgment will confirm any outlalin the belief that that road) will an aIneces- . - . “' ‘i ‘ ;
sity be built. In my judgment the road wi not have a better paying ranch. have ; ' ' ' j
carefully estimated the amount of ore that we have actually now taken out ready for ‘ Report'Of Examinahon by 'R' H JOHNS, 0i Leadvflle, Colorado.
transportation to the concentrating works, and will state. that in my judgment we have ' , , *‘w‘
now on the dump at the Montgomery mine 1.000 tons of ore running from $30 to$55 per ton , OFFICE OF GRANT SMELTING COMPANY l
and are now taking out every twenty-tour hours from twenty to thirty tons of such ore ' . ‘ LEADVILLE COL. May 26th 18,82. }
per day. We have at the Legal Tender mine several tons of low grade are ready for I PD A 1‘ E . ’ ' '
the tramway. We also have at the Red Cloud ore suitable for the mill, all of which W I‘LA “ D V b! SQ ’ '
Will be put into money as soon as transportation from mines to mill is provided. I TorEKA, KANSAS. ‘ ‘
have been asked at how much I won d value the property. My reply is this : I . ' _
should be disappointed if both these properties are not worth par inside Oi three years Dear Sir :——In a conversation With you a few_ weeks ago, you. asked me, “What _I
with good and careful management. The mineral is here and of good grade. What is knew about the Eastman group of mines in Tomichi district, this State‘;” and haying
needed is to take it out at a profit. I think as soon as our facilities for handling our ores been employed by my uncle (Mr. J. P, Harley) last September to examine and report
on said group, as he was negotiating with the Owners for the purchase oi the property, ,
, l

 <4) (5)
I will give you the result ol that examination, feeling more than a common interest in have for years been addicted to dissipation, and these habits have faste