xt7ghx15n565_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. County Student Appointments text County Student Appointments 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_5/102907.pdf 1887-1889 1889 1887-1889 section false xt7ghx15n565_17 xt7ghx15n565 A
WWW Ky. W01 188; a
James K. Patterscn, I
President State College, fequtingtun, Ky. ;
Sir: - N r ',
I hereby appoint WWW
a properly prepared student, cfgocd nwrat :1
character, and within the age prescribed '
51 law to represent the County of"...
Wzn the State C'ct- Ii
teg‘e at Lexington and to receive free mitten :
in the same as provided for by Jet cf the
Legislature of 1879-80.
Respect/ally years, i
a "7, W 3
MU‘Wfl’I/‘j/der mam/{l7 V I

 e ' / ,
WW [1y./”$1887
(QM/mas R". Puffersmz, /
J’r(’8z'r/mil Nfflln (l'ollq/r, Luring/~27, [Cm '
Sil’.’ W” / , j ¥ 7
I hereby appointaw W V. M
d properly prepared studem", offload moral
character, and 107225723372, Nae age prescribed
. by [my 2‘0 7‘0])/' sent file 007mm nf
m @fl/ééaéfl/zn Hze Sfer 00(- ‘
IleQ’e at Lexington and f0 receive free huff/bu
in the same (68 provided for 521/ Jet of flu:
Legisld/ are of 1879-80.
. Respecfi'zr/LU yon/us,

 flew Ky. «(i/“(0188 7
James R”. Patterson, . -
President State College, Lcrz'ngtm, Ky.
‘ Sir:

I hereby (tppOtItt@mgM%W
(gt properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
character, and within the age' prescribed
by tau: to represent the County of
”Men the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free twtttou
tn the same as provided for by .,Jct of? the ,
Legislature of'1879—6’0. " ‘ I ‘A 1'

‘ Respectfully you/us,

\\K V

 g . ‘ II ,
W740 [flaw/16V
James K. Pat rson, ‘
President Stale College, Lexington, K1 . ~
Sir: % '
I hereby (tppoinL/%/ .. -......____.
(b properly prcpwr student, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed ,
by [M .7 to 7‘6])l'"686,llt the County of
fitht the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in, the same as provided. for 521/ .:1 ct of {he '
Leg‘ipslafurc of'18'79-SQ. .
' _ Rcs‘p‘c Folly yours,
. , ' /t)7/ a” ,3 1../ted"

 ‘ t
- fiWw/é) Ky. %fley
James K'. Patterson, .
President Stale College, Lexingtun, Ify.
Sir: @
I hereby appcintufijflkyf,“ . £1
a properly prepared student, of’geod NLOTUZ
character, and within the age prescribed
by law to represent the County cf
_ flWQ‘C/thn the State 00t-
teg’e at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for (By Jet of the
Legislature of" 1879-80.
Respectful/lg [/011/‘5.

 ‘ /2
WumM/a/ Ky. «$171557
James K. Patterson, .
Prwsidwnt Sir/tr College, Lewingtun, Ky.
Sir: /,

I hereby (tppOZntx/MM/WL/I-Ms'gm .
a properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
oil/araeter, and within the age prescribed .
b'z/Mtau: to represent the County If
WWW/W172 the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive flee tuition
in the same as provided for by lot of the
Legislature of 1870-80. ' -

k/ Respectf/ttlg yours,
£074? f‘. v, AIL/(loamy Ca—rJé/ I
. ' fl

 VA A ./ f ’3
. . W.% Ky. z/ {188
Jan??? K'. Patterson, /
President State College, Lexington, IQ].
A Sir.- (—
I hereby appoint Mfléw
a properly prepared student, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed
by law to represent the County of
.. W Mm the State Col-
lege afgsington and to receive free tuition,
in thesame as provided for by ..Jct‘ of the
' Legislature of 1879—80.
Respectfully Iozu's,
My 42%

 /Jy¢w/Wi/zm Ky. XXI/Jeozee 7

James K. Patterson,
.Prmz'rient State College. Lexington, Ky. _

Sir: . 5 ‘—~

I hereby rippomtfi/OZUOTMW/CM/UL
(,6 properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
character, and ,within the age prescribed
by law to represent the Count/,1 0f/jWIW . 5
.5 In the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by Jet of the
Legislature of 1870-80. 5

‘,eRpeetf/iZl/j yon/r5,

 / /
5., __, flt/W Ky. M’ 1887
'. .1; James K. Pattereon, ,
5 4 :5 5 Fresh/{ml Siam Caller/c, Laying/(~71, Ky.
& Sir: ’
5 I hereby ropjjoilzt‘yg/QW.
a; prOperl/j prepared Jule/cf, ()fguod moral
chmwez‘er, and within fhe age prescribed
by [my #0 represent fhe 0071/71/55! n/fda
5 ,. 7n the Sfr/ie 00/,-
leg’e at Lexington, MHZ to receive free fuifz'rm
7312/ the same (LS provided for )I/ .:lef of flu: -
Legislmure 0f518‘79-80.
_ FRespge/r/N/[j/ ..'/()Zl/‘N.

 firy/M K'yJ%.../azee 7
James R. Pattersmz, - /
President Slate College, Lerzinglmz, Ky. /
I hereby appointw%‘ Will- .. .m/
to properly prepared .St’ztdel'zt, ofgood Ihoml A
character, (Mid within the age prescribed
by ZI/zr to ’epreseht the County of“?
.. . . . /é7zn the State Cot-
leg'e (at Lexétjjton and to receive free tuition
in the Sdnte as provided for by ..:‘lot of the
Legislature of 1879-80.
‘ ' Respectfully /()lI/‘..\'.

 ‘9/ ' / é / , [5-

James Jill Pafteitson, .
Pram/(int ASE/([0 College, Lentinglm, IQ].

:5;-,7»; / , g /

I hereby appointmu%£4£in __ V. , 7“??th
a, properly prepared shale/u", ofg‘eod moral
c/mrwezfer, (marl wiflzin Hze age ])I’(’.SE97"I:/)(‘fz
711/jinn: f0 repgeselzfi the Cozmi‘y effiéulidzuzém"
E/e/ZZ/z/f/flfi/zn the Sfafe (.701-
leg‘e at zexizz/Efion and fa receive fl'ee //Lifi0u
7,372,, the same (68 provided for by .:lezf 0/ Nu:
Leg‘islaiztre of 1870-80.

fie.5‘]2(x(é/‘/'/z,/EZ./,t ,{m l/ 138'.

 éj ' / . cl/ ['1’
fl/zflfl/z [////%188 7
Jib/2mg Rf. Patterson,
Prom/ml SWIM Culley/c. Lcrrtz'nyluw, IQ.
Sir." a)
I hereby (appoint Wfl/flflc {fig/Wi11< aa/
(.1,. props/"lg prepared, strode/M, ()fg‘ood man/l
(JAIL/716187", (and xvii/Lin HL/f age ]77’().5‘(’ 7'6“]
Dy/é/L’Iv {’0 7”6]))":\8/.3'/6}Zf Hoe 0071,.7'2f1/ Of'dgermxfl 01%
g” L/Jx é/Q/cég I 12' Iii/2 (3 Stan _ Col -
' [69’6 at Laxiizg'éou am]. 1‘0 receive free /ILi/f/T0/.a
in HM same as provided for by Jet of flu:
LIL’Q‘I'VS'Zfbf‘lH‘B 0]” 1879-80. v
71’,asynrcff'IL/lf/ _l/(HI/‘S,
. . J, 77/, ,/, 7. V [r2 1.21/41. 20

 .1‘ Jr.) .‘. : i‘l ‘ I
W Ky. W/Omy
James K. Patterson, _ .2‘ I "'” '
*1 Prom/(ant State College, Lexington, Ify.
Sir: . . m
Ihéregy’: (0%]90ilzéW-tvjk..}.,a..._........ .. . '
a properly préfiarec Shula/LA ofpéobd nwral
character, and within flu.» age prfism'ibefl
by law to mpr'esent the, County of
hm.....§..._...,ilz the Stafé 00l~ '
[age at Lexington. ran/(Z to receive free 2:11.5th
in the same as provided for 523/ Jet of Mo _
Le§islafure of 187.960.
‘ A Respect/”lolly yours,
. \
' V , a.

 W A / 7°” '
A2]. 9/”188;
Juli/mas ix". PLLHI’I'SOTL, '
Fungi/Inn! Sialc Calla/(c. La'rtingtun, [(3/1
I hereby appoint .
a, properly prepared Shula/M, ofg’ood moral "
07Larucf€73 marl Naif/Lin, HM) age 777""5’~(‘7’i7)(‘f]
bi/ [fl/I - 10 represent Hm. Con/nip (f
' WNW/12 Hm Sit/f0 00/—
]6‘9‘@ (015 Lexingfou. MHZ f0 I'M/(Jim free /’//,i/I'()//
in HM: same (08 provided for by .:/(:f of Hm
l;z/g‘7?.sl((,riurc of 1870—80. .
H (Lew/1,] Zr] '0] r5.

 W Ay/éfiyt/t‘fl 1887
James K". Patterson,
.Prcsa'I/rnt State College, Lexington, IQ]. -

Sir: -

I hereby appozntafim'rw%n
a properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
character, and within the age. 7,77'esorioed
by law to represent the County (7m
,, 7n the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive: free tnitton
in the same as provided for 51/ dot of Hm
Legislature of 1879-80.

Respect/ally 1,101/st,
.. sftttestoleg erase.

 ”WM/{W455 Kg..//%471718y
J (ll/2.13.3 A". Patterson,
Prod/land Slum College, flooring/(uh, IQ. 1
Sir: /
_ I hero/1y appoint/éW/t/fl/fiw‘

V ‘ (o properly prepared Shula/1,1", ofo’ood moral
character, (marl wit/2,3772, Hm age prescribe/Z .
by [our /0 represent HM: 007mm of,”
WWWJJL r3710 SIR/fa ()‘ol—
logo (1135 Lexington and fio roorfzw free fut/Hon
m the some (as provided for 401/ .:Icf of Nu?
L(‘Q'7..Sl/((/flll’(fi of 1879-80.

[foxyoroff (fl/,1 you ‘rx,
. Mgr MT 6‘ é .

 ‘ film/ME Ky. Jag/176; Z867
Jtmws K. Patterson,
Prom/(ant Shale Colli‘gc, Lenin/jun, IQ].

Sir: ,.q _

I hereby appoint 4/M/éfl7‘54/u/L/m
(b properly prepared shale/1f, o/{Q‘ood moral
Ola/(trader, (15'.er within, the age prescribed
by hm: /0 represent the County of'm
flhciuA/n the State Col-
lege: at Lexington ful/(Z to receive free huff/on.
in the some as provided, for by .,:/(:t of flu.»
Legislature of 1879-80.

RBS'pcc/f'lo/Zy you/25',
/yu>L/,(/ uni/«4 go (“Z/.7)

 ' 07mm [fag/1.7418488]
James K. Patterson,
President Stale College, Lexington, Ky.
I hereby appOLnta/.W0d5(
a properly prepared stacleht, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribefl
by law to represent the County of
V flR/M’W‘Azn the State Col-

lege at Lexington.- and to receer free tatttou
tn the same as provided for 51/ ..1 ct of the

Legislature of 1879—80.

‘ Respectfallg you/rs?

 . M Ky.¢%//f1887
James K'. Patterson, ‘
2 President Stale College, Lexi) tun, Ky.
Sir: ’ XO'/,'(/1,)il Slulc’ Colflgc, Larinytun, IQ.
, Sir: , ‘7’ ” \A /
I hereby app/)mf/éflw/C’Jr/CU
(I; properly prepared Shale/M, ()f’g‘OOd 1110171];-
ciz/anwfm', (Mid wif/Lin HM: age 7)‘/'(».s'(:773,/)€r7r"
by lifflf f0 represent the Gamma (;:/°_____
. //% ,
. L//\ ng/jfi’l«€//L«Cfl a W
J F? ’
¢®% M06 szm ,p‘L/g 42’?
W. .
’ /%‘ M‘ W
“y/% 07 41%

 %%J/% Ky. flfl‘f/ 1887
James R". Patterson, . .
President State College, Lexington, Ky.
SUI hereby appointémflgfim’CIZ/MZ fl
d properly prepared strode/if. ofgoo moral
character, and within the age prescribed
by law to represent the County of
.. fifl/Zflzn the Store Col-
lege at Lexington.- and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for by ..1 ct of fhe
Legislature of 1879-80.
A Respectfully yours,
J, fgfflV/ij/ fl/Masmfly
. Lfiflfigkw‘w'éé

 Jam/442‘ Kyégérf 788/
> James K. Patterson, ., \l ,
President State College, Lexington, Ky." V
Sir" - W )1
I hereby appotnt W
a properly grepared student, ofgood moral;

, character, and ui'tthin the age pnescrtbed by V
law to represent/[the County offlsmflR
flew ...1/1% ’ “in the State Col-
lege at Lextng on and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by flct of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

Réeflspectfutty yours,

 t I /{~
Q; 3W4 , KW‘ I88 f”
James K. Patterson,
President State College, Lexington, Ky.
Sir: . W
I hereby appomi
V (L properly prepa/Igstnde it, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
Zhw to represent the County of'.__.._._........_.__._.___._
W%,_Zn the State Col-
lege at Lexington and f0 receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by floi of the
Legislature of 1879-80.
Jfies )ooffuily yours,

 fljW , [eye/i794 288 VI
James K Patterson,
President State College, Letz'nyton, Ky.
Sir: ‘
I hereby appoththa/WWA
a properly prepared student, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law represent the County 0f_l___.l_..«_...___._...
% M “M -“in the State Col-
/g"c at Lexington and to receive free tuition
l in the same as provided for by flct of the
Legislature of 1879-80.
. Respectful I yours,
e //‘

 57224422211} [(7/771887?
James K. Patterson, I
President State College, Levinyton, Ky.
I hereby appoint 272sz
a properly prepared student, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law to represent the County of”...__....__._._.
2~M_-in the State Col-
lege at [Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided forty flct of the .
Legislature of 1879-80. '
Respect ally yours, '

 v ‘.\
James K. Pafierscn,
President State College, Lurington, Ky.
. I hereby appeznt \N‘SVK- .
(e properly prepared Sell/(lent, ofgcod moral '
c/mra/czfer, and within (J he age prescribed by
law 250 represent the County of”.._,wmw..._______‘_
\- \ _
x5 sv . . w s.
xxx/Wm m we bmz‘e Col-
lege az‘ Lexinglon (Lil/l .10 receive free tuition ,
in [he smne as prcl'fded for by flee Of the
Legixlwfzere of 1879-80.
Respectfully yours, '
\W‘V \ \o s,
N's." '4'“ 5 : A z s W“ ?‘ xiv I)!” . , ‘ ,.- ' '

awn , Ky. fight/M 786’ f
James K. Patterson,
President State College, Lcszrz'nyion, Ky.

Sir: ‘ ’
7 I hereby c1/7790i71p/(2MWZQ19M
a properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law to represent the County of__-.._-...........
l%TV€/7ZI/kc/C/--in the State Col-

‘ lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by fist of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

_ Respectfully yours, ‘7

 I I r \ %' ‘J‘:~ ‘~‘.
James K. Patterson,
President State College, Lexington, Ky. ‘
Sir .3‘
I here?) y appouzlsmmvv‘-
% ’3
(oproperly prepared .‘,"fithe/uf, of good moral
character, and within z‘he age prescribed by
Z(Lu.~\z‘.o represent the County of"-._wl._._.__.........V.A
WWW in the Shore Col—
lege at Lexingfon (oh/Z z’o receive free tuition
7772, file some as prorz'decl for oy .401: of the
LegiSZMJW’e of 1879-80.
Respectfully yours,
\Ws Em A
c \ V I
K ' 7‘ . '
$(\AA\,C’{7 \\ Q‘W {SD/O g2.“ .
.9: ' e

 flagcéaoc/ try/.23 188 7
James K. Patterson,

President State College, Lexinyton, Ky.
Sir: /

, I hereby appoiizt...{/QK.7SMW
a properly prepared student, 'ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law to r present the County o‘f____-._..._-___._.___.
QM .__....MM.................in the State Col-
lege at Lexinggh and to receive free tuition _

i in the same as provided for by flat of the
Legislature of 1879-80. .

 , “.‘.." -
,, a .’

W Ky, (be? ..3/__..,..188 57

James 1:". Purifierso/z,
