xt7ghx15n565_172 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. June-July 1887 text June-July 1887 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_18/Folder_4/89702.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_172 xt7ghx15n565 ' J4: 4 244% :4 ‘2», 451 4M, :4.“
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. 1‘
___—___————————-————————'—‘—— _._
No. 180. [nor NEGOTIABLEJ m 18 8
I NI 4 ”5
AAQ—W V alue________
(93064: “Mix/é 4‘ 777/ea
”XI”, Which it is mutually agreed ls'to be forwarded to our Agency n-: at or most convenient to destination only, and there delivered to other parties to ‘
' .r complete the transportation.

It is part 0 the consideration of this contract, and it is agreed, the he said .'. ress Company ARE FORWARDERS ONLY and are not to be held liable
or responsible for any loss or damageto said property while being conveye by the y = = !Z.‘ 2': to non .-e sen/nay be by said . :7 es, Compan n ed,
or arisingfrom the dangers of Railroads; Ocean orRiver Navigatio r: .. Fire ' tores, I - : . -, . I ‘ :.n: ., .“. t 2.35; rfr u an- a. "’e ver

» unless in every case, the same be proved to have occured from - - Iran or 1 - ; : - e ’- ence 0 said Express Contlipany 01' the ~' ' 9 “i, ' ' y I 7 ' ' e y
_ the holder hereof demand beyond the sum of FIFTY DOLLA ' , at 1ch theartic ‘ - warded where y value unless otherWIse herein expressed, or

specially insured by them, and so stpecifiedin this receipt, w»; . I urance shall consti , - the limit of the liabilit of The Adams Express Company. d
i the same is entrusted or delivers to any other Express Company, or gent, (which said i ..: us ress Company r e hereby authorized to do), suc / pany
or person so selected shall be regarded exclusively as the agent of the shipper or owner, and as an - x one liable, - I he Adams Express Company shall not be, in
any event, responsible for the negligence or non—performance of any such Company or person; and in - : - . . - and owner hereby severally agree that all the
stipulations and conditions in this receipt contained, shall extend to and inure to the benefit of each and ever Comfiany or person to whom The Adams Express
Company may entrust or deliver the a ove described property; for transportation and shall define and. m -e ability therefor of such other: Company or
person. In no event shall The Adams Express Company be he le for any loss or dam%e unless the cl n th efor shall be presented to_them, in writing, at
this oiflce, within thirty days after this date, in a statement to which this receiplt shall e annexed. All rti s of GLASS, or contained in glass, or any of a
fragile nature, Will be taken at Shipper’s risk only, and the Shipper agrees t at the Company shall n t be held responsible for any injury, by oreakafi‘e or
otherwise, nor for damage to goods not properly packed and secure for transportation. It is turtheragre - t - : t said Company shall not, in any event, be ble

‘ for any loss, damage or etention, caused by the acts of God, Civil or Military authority, or by Rebellion, ' i y, Ins ./~ . on, or Riot, or the dangers incident to
a time of war, or by any riotous or armed men - age. 11 any sum of money, besides the charge for tra-Insortati . is to be collected from the consignee on
delivery of the above I . -_ i .- , d property 4 i - e .ame is no aid within thirty days from the date hereof, I e S er agrees that this Company may return said
property to him a .- e expirat v - 0 th I me, ,zy » ‘ect to : .- o : - ‘ n'ons of this receipt, and that he W111 A" ,- = - urges for transportation both ways, and that

he lability of u ; company reach ..I upei- « w e .. 1 :,I ssession 0 an . ; ,,.. u: . makin_ such co :,Ith shall ethat of Wareho- amen only.

. ', v or t ' Company, \ 41‘ .

Frei ht A /
g,,. L.'.? 'erlin J; Jones Envelope 90., N. Y. I
l .

 o - '
6 0' ‘ .No. 180. [NOT NEGOTIABL . c, l. 18 :
J'\ ‘ . ~‘4 " - / '
(9 REGEIVED o / ' “0' ’ "
C/ h . i
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\ M a ue__n___*
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Which it is mutually agreed is to be forwarded to our Agency neares or most a : .1 . o i : ». . - c - o- y : re delivered to other parties to
complete the trans ortation.

It is part of the consideration of this contract, and it is agreed, that the said Express Company ARE FORW : ' I - RS ONjLY are not to be held liable
or responsible for any loss or damage to said property while being conveyed by the CARRIERS to whom the same may be by said ress Company entrusted,
or arising from the dangers of Railroads. Ocean or River Navigation. Steam, Fire in Stores, Depots, or in Tranmt, Leakage, Bre. , or from any cause whatever
unless in every case, the same he proved to have occured from the fraud or gross negligence 0 said Expfess Con‘iipany, or their . vants;.nor, in any event, shall

' the holder hereof demand beyond the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS, at which the article forwarded ishcre y value unless othe ise herein expressed, or unless

specially insured by them, and so specified in this receipt, which insurance shall constitute the limit of the liability of The Adams Express Complany. And

i the same is entrusted or delivere to any other Express Company, or Agent, (which said Adams Express Company are hereby authorized to do), suc Company

or person so selected shall be regarded exclusively as the agent of the shipper or owner, and as such, a one liable, and the Adams Express Company shall not be, in

any event, responsible for the negligence or non-performance of any such Company or person; and the shipper and. owner hereby severally agree that all the

stipulations and conditions in this receipt contained, shall extend to and inure to the benefit of each and eyery Comfiznypr person to whom The Adams Express

- Company may entrust or deliver the a ove described property for transportation and shall define and limit the hility therefor of such other Coin any or

person. In no event shall The Adams Express Company be liable for any loss or damage unless the n n therefor shall be presented to them, in writing, at

this oilice, within thirty days after this date, in a statement to which this receigt shall 9 annexed. : l : icles of GLASS, or contained in glass, or any of a

fragile nature, Will be taken at Shipper's risk only, and the Shilaper agrees t at the Company sh-l - -t be held responsible for any injury, by oreaka e or

otherwise, nor for damarre to goods not properly packed and secure for transportation. ,It is furthe .'a_ : d that said Company shall not, in any event as gable

, . V for any loss, damage or detention, caused b' the acts 0 e -d Civil or Military authority, or bly Rebel ion, ' iracy, Insurrection, or Riot, or the dangers incident to

a time of war, or by any riotous or u u e : semblag/ ‘ a . sum of money, besides the c ergo f t-cnsp ,;.. A , is to be collected from the consignee on

. . delivery of the above described p . er 13'. d the : :m e is not paid within thirty days from the date hr 53 , t - 3?: pger agrees that thi Company may return said

property to him i . = ._ iratio-fi t 37% e = . ' c o the conditions of this receipt, and that he n: the c arges for trans- nrtation both ways, andthst

- he iability - = a. 's :Co.p:.- - to am :vnfi - y w- e ’. its possession for the purpose of making such yah'cn, ; e that of Wu ehousemen only.
For the Company, [AK
‘ Frei l
. gh ' H v_ Berlin & Jones Envelope 90., N. Y. '

M l/ '
No. 180- [NOT NEGOTIABLEJ . C, 1 3 g .
‘ I
J «,1 W’
- ‘ ' V alue_______..___
, /.= . .
y ‘ J04: M 247% Wad—__...“—
ewmaéed v _ - ___,_.
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Which it is n 5.; y agreed is to be forwarded to o Agar ~x. -VV 0’. s . . . nut = z . 'stina (,:,, anl!-e ".'- iveredto ' he : :. nesto
complete the trans o ation. / ' l ’ _
It is part 03? the consideration of this contract, and it is : 1 - ‘ - : the said Express Company ARE F0 ' " ARDERS O . Y and are nt to be held . do
or responsible for any loss or damage’to said property while being - ; - -ed by the CARRIERS to whom the s u : maIbee by said Express Company e- .-. sted,
or arising from the dangers of Railroads. Ocean or River Navigation. Steam, Fire in Stores, Depots, or in Tr - ; Lea ge, Breakage, or from any cans "hatever
, unless in every case, the same be proved to have occured from the fraud or gross negligence 0 said Ex -res mpany, or their servantsinor, in any event, shall
the holder hereof demand beyond the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS, at which the article forwarded ishebv, .- : ued unless otherWise herein expressed, or unless
specially insured by them, and so specified in this receipt, which insurance shall constitute the hmit - ' the liability of The Adams Express Complany. And
i the same is entrusted or delivere to any other Express Company, or Agent, (which said Adams Etxlpress Company are hereby authorized to do), one Company
, or person so selected shall be regarded exclusively as the agent of the shipper or owner, and as such, one liable, and the Adams Express Company shall not be, in
. any event, responsible for the negligence or non-performance of any such Company or person; and the shipper and owner hereby severally agree that all the
stipulations and conditions in this receigt contained, shall extend to and inure to the benefit of each and every Comfignypr person to whom The Adams Express
. Company may entrust or deliver the a ove described property for transportation and shall define andlia- the bility therefor of such other Com any or
person. In no event shall The Adams Express Company be liable for any loss or damage unless the cl ... th- efor shall be presented to them, in writing, at _
this oflice, within thirty days after this date, in a statement to which this receigt shall be annexed. ; article of GLASS, or contained in glass, or any of a
fragile nature, Will be taken at Shipper’s risk only, and the Shipiper agrees at the Company sh not be neld responsible for any injury, by oreakafi: or
otherwise, nor for (lama e to goods not properly packed and secure for transportation. It is further. greed th said Com any shall not, in any event oe ble
for any loss, damage or fietentiou, caused by the acts of God, Civil or Military authority, or by Rebell on, Fire _. , Ins v ‘ - - , or Riot, or the dangers incident to
a time of war, or by any riotous or armed assemblage. If any sum of money, besides the c urge to transp rta - , is to be collected from the consignee on
delivery of the abo . , . - ; . . -d property, and the same is not paid within thirty days from the date h- eof, t - . a mer agrees that this Company may return said
property to bin x the en . ation o - . time, subject to the conditions of this receipt, and that he ' -a . z -. %es for transportation both ways, and that
he iability a ’ this 00 .. ,u . y or :37 piper ' ' : . its ossession for the purpose of making such ti , shall 6 that of Warehousemen only.
/ ,V V or the Oompa I , i‘ ,4
' . Freig i t, A“'
Berlin & Jones Envelope 90., N. Y. -
M —

 . > , , l, .1 —- . I ’
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\ ' .
V l I . ‘ . A , L ‘1
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an): 1]] Data] 13111121111. PosimasterGeneral. stating the date of the . POST OFFICES ESTABLISHED. STAR seam: DISCONTINUED.
) establishmentgof such station.its proper ___—._— 5‘ /
- ISSUED 3.30M THE: OFFIOE or name or designation. its official organiza-
7 tion and the names of its officers the . ‘
G..N'L SUP’T RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE name of the university college school or Gianni}, Marsha115C0., oNn Egute 171130, %- Route 17283. Renrroc to Cyprian. From
, . . .

» T- E- NASK- GEN'L SUP’T- institution to which it is attached, irany. SE [lessmggvfi- ms. ., enryv “as s. June 11. 1887. [Iggffggi '

__‘— the legislation of the State or Territory ARKANS as ‘ '

' . . . - - Route 22505. South Bend to Sum tion
WASHINGTON. D. 0.. JUNE 9. 1857. providing for its establishment, and any Sutton, Pike Co.-Special from Itock Creek. Prairie. From July 1, 1887. [4 jungtfl.
___—___ other granting it the benefits of the provis_ 30mg. E-SVROUWS 29317 and 29392‘ ILLINOIS.
_ . , inn made by ongressasaforesald (nccom- may ' , Route 23344- Hanove '
, NOTE—Tins number of the Bulletin pmed We, saw of the act 0, ‘t d . CALIFORNIA- my; 1337_ ”mg...” savanna' Fm“
consists of two sheets N 2214 (1 ac 5), an Madeline. Lassen Co.—Speclal from Likely, ‘ '
2214a. . 0§. an whetherany othersuch station in the same 30 ms. N., Route 46429- [14 may 37 IOWA“
, . State or Territory is considered. or claims IOWA. Route §7503. Sumner to Buck Creek. From
___-E— .‘
_ H to be. also entitled to the privilege; and MgseweyaCeli-o Gorgoaoqloln RouthWOSé/é u y ' “387' [4:553:28 ’
a so the lace ofits location a d h ' e mon ms. ' ' ason ty ' E
ORDER OF THE PDSTMASTEH GENERAL. fth p n t e name ms. N. E.’ [23 may 87. ' ‘ Route 33477. Lyons to Sterling. From
.. o e post office where the bulletins and KA‘ISAS June 18 1887. |4june 87
’ reports will be mailed. The application A " , ‘ '
AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMEN _ Ego. Gray Co.—~Special from Lone Lake 6 MINNESOTA-
» TIONS. T STA gustatbteisigned by the officer in charge of ms. N. [20 april 87. ' Route ZQZSS. Winsted to Glencoe. From '
0e 5 at 0'3' Jaqua. Cheyenne Co.—Rpecial from Wano, July 1' 1887' [4june 87-
Re , lations f h_F - _ . .. If such application be allowed after Route 38102. Rogers. 14 1115- N- Wu Lands- NEVADA-
tlfuM _ or t e reed‘ransmissmn in examination by the DepartmentJhe post- man, 15 “15‘ 5- W- “6 may 87- Route 45142. Galena to Battle Mountain
7 e 9.11s of the Running and Reports master at the proper ofl‘ice will be in- LOUISIANA. From June 15. 1887. [i'june 87.
. of Agricultural Experiment Stations; structed to admit such bulletins and re- Gonzales; Ascension Co.,qn' Route 30134‘ NEW JERSEY"
Under the Act of March 2,1887. ports to the malls in' compliance with ggtgh Efmfz'i'rga'fi'y E" paint, Amant, 6 Route 7218' Barnegat to Barnegat City.
‘ P 0 these regulations, and the officerin charge MICHIG'AN _ From June 11. 188 . [ijune 87.
‘ Orrrcgsorr 1:13:22? DEPAETMENT" or the station “ll“ be notified thereof. Gladstone, Delta. Uta—Special from Braln- R t 193.37 :El‘lNElbldeE. -
W'ASHI‘IGTONAESEEE? JENE§<\IM_> 3. Only such bulletins or reports as shall L0H. 7 mS- N- Wu KONG 21l03l- [241115131 37- 23:03.; June 3i),pllt418r7l.g Eijuttlg sglarksv1lle. ‘
‘ - . . ., une , 5‘57. have been 19511.3(: gff/er the station became We-que-tonsing. Emmet Co.. on Route Rou‘e19537_ Rives to Troy. From Jun'e
Order No. 232. ‘ entitled to the benefits of the act can be. $10.36, ”a"‘?°‘“5PY“FES’3 ms. W1, Petoskey, 11,1“87- [7111'16 37-

The Act of Congress approved March 2. 80 tWallsrl’lllled free: and they must, be en- ms. 8’ [17 may 6:. “___. ”7&777——————. ‘
1837. contains. among others, the following closed in unsealed envelopes, or so Sid , NORIH bAROLINA' . E E ‘
Provisions: wrapped as to admit of easy and thorough ‘ es%§%iigfig%?‘kf§‘§ 3.3;? Route 134'33' Re- POSTMASTEBS COMMISSION“)

“Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of examination. 0n the exterior or the en- PENNSYLVANIA ‘

Rep7esentdtwes of the United States of velope or wrapper must be written or . x . V 1 Co ' ' d J 8 1887 ‘
. America. 1.71 Congress assembled That in - . By romtown, Forest (”0" on Route 8086' mmwswne une '
order to aid in acquiring and diffusing printed the name of the station and the Pigeon,2 ms. NuPenOkeeiz IDS- 5- FOURTH CLASS Canons
among the people ofthe United States use. place of its location, the designation of [21 may 87' " James A l-Iod s A h .‘11
eglhfiggei’fasvtilffilalgnrfflfixflfitrléma‘fi'a 53:18:38 the enclosed bulletin or report. and the K’ellettvfllie. Forest,Co.—Spccial from New- Henry I-lerr ge lila‘cbne’firll:
mote scientific investigation and expiri- word “Free" OVer the autograph signa- 2%“:1118. NEE. “6151:3552? Panther ROCK' Fr-ee Mam“? ...............,........Waldron, Ark
glifiibnrsejpggiligfillfiafriqc‘plesfind appll- “"6 0f the officer in charge of the station- SOUTH. CAROLINA , Eéiifibilheiféé‘mw ummmfi-lgE‘E‘ellll’ lid: H "
‘ °_ sclenc _ . . . ‘.....m. .
be established. under directioeu oltpllEeslrctElll. NO other person can frank them. If any Hester, Abbeville 00” on Route ”023' {oseph‘.M. I-Indges......hpr1ng Warrior'. Fla
legs or colleges or agricultural depart- other matter printed or written be added. Mount Carmel, 6 ms‘ 8‘ E" Dry Grove. 6 (C‘has. g'lw‘ l‘empelmeier.........V enedy. ill
2§5§§i9qc gleges llniefich stage or Territory the whole will be unmailable tree. “‘51- N- W “0 may 37- ReTér‘iehlfirlfei"""""""'""""”""%‘§i§'erl‘<é’?i§
is he or W 1 c may ereafter be es- - , T N i ‘ . ‘ - ‘
tablished. in accordance with the pro- 4.’The bulletins may be mailed to the Keathlev R0 fl: ESbEtE t 19022 W b ghas.A.€luulenbeck ...........Canton', knns
vislons oi an act. ap(fl'oveci July second. Stations, newspapers or persons to whom ster {ins Ea 614/0" on87 on e , e I €41“th B N‘Vlflgley..............‘(Holly, K'ans
Eighteen hundred an .sixty.-two. entitled they are by the..foregoing act‘aulhorized ' ' ' [. may ' OElOa d' Ldlll‘im """"'P°mln’ hays '
An act donating Dubl‘c lands '0 the sev- to be sent' and the annual’r "rt t FEXAS' L in I? W b‘nmons .................(‘)nton. I‘y "’
eral states and Territories which may ‘ . epo S (“my Fisherburgh. Cook Co. — Special from “on s . ' e ’8 ‘”“‘"“"/“""':‘mbdgm‘d‘ La
Prowde colleges for the benefit of agricul- address W‘t’hm tile United States. Galnesville, 3011395 31032 and 31054. Child' l rlrl) t(1} gngirews "m“bp‘ammqm' Me
culture and the mechanic arts.’ or any of WILLIAM F. VILAS “955.8 ms. 5. E. Saint Joe abOULS ms. .21 a >7 S orne........... h-lk Mlns' M”
the supplements to said act. a department P ' N. W. [16 mar 87'. ‘- James McDevitt............... ‘ ”"rad' ”on"
to be known an designated as an 'Agri- ostmaster General. Zana San Au ustine Co 5‘ ' l f georgelg. Newcom..............Pickrell.hem;
cultural Experiment Station :’ Provided, “__‘_. San Au ustiEe 30 ms NaB‘opem'af “(Em i‘imue éISherman.....East Palmyra. A‘: V’
glut inhEmfi-‘ltatelgr Territory In which ’ “mm 10 ms‘Ng n lOng tee: i-‘a mgegl a“; I 8' ClerlgjlcseLwQ‘ligol-éwm WHflfilglllg E§z

osuc co eges ave een or ma b ‘ . ., l . , . . . e -. . i
esmbllshed the appropriation hereyuagzg INNER REGISTERED SACK EXCHANGE. [i dec be. Martha Brinkley ........Birlton, N 0
model to Isuccill Stale or Territory shall be — '——— WEST VIRGINIA“ Egggifibflllfigrw "ale-agility. NFC
equa y ( vi e between such colleges P Flatrun. Marlon Co. (Tn correct BULLE- ' i "0“" a
unless the la islature of ‘ . osr OFFICE DEPARTMENT . _ ( .. Rosa E. (,zlrnes ..................Bisholelle,NC
Territory shatlgl otherwise (11:23,]. state or Ofli‘llvcfsgf SENERAB SUPyT R. M' 8' 381932.10, the «county being incollectly JEmhn lll Agasterson Dew Drop, Tenn 1'

“Sec. 8.,That in States having colleges I Gm" 'C"‘I""e 9'1857' WISCONSIN ' FE um~ ' Haw“ """M'RO‘CK Hm’T?“
entitled under this section to the benefits Austin and Taylor, Tex, Cocllrane Bufi‘alo Co on Route 23073 (To W [EHJ 3531?:WWuWWWUCMIESOD' “ is ‘
or this act and having his? agricultural An_ order has been issued discontinuing correct BULLETIN 9213 the number or ' . y...... or cit, Wyo
experiment stations established by law the inner registered sack exchange be- the route beiugincorrectly stated )’ PM, Office Names Changed. ‘ '
separate fromsald colleges. such states tween A ustlu and Taylor. Tean. to take ' Win-R- Cl‘l‘lS‘yv carltonv '
shall be authorized to apply such benefits effect after the 12th instant. Folsom, Vernon (IQ—59%|!“ “'01“ Tower- ' late Clements Cal
to experiments _at stations so established ALEX. GRANT, ville. 4 ms 5. W., Home 25238. [211 may 57_ Wm. B Cullen, Glendora. late Alostn' Cnl
by such htatefi; and In case any State Acting General Sup't. Manitowoc Ra. )ids \Ianitowcc Co on Marion A- Duncan Buxion ' '

shall have established under the pro- ' Route 25292 Alverlio‘ 3y ms 8 w" R ‘ late Jurett Kans
Visions of said act of July second. afore- __‘_-m established [24 may 1572 I ' ' e~ JOSBDll H- Ritchie Ritchie I
said. an agricultural department or ex- R P 0 SERVICE ' . . ' . . ‘ ’lm-e 3413110911 City Kalli! '
perimental station. in connection with . . . CHANGES, Manning, Vernon‘ (.0... on Route 25243, Govan D. Graydon Vanceville ' .
, anymungyerlsity. college or institution not. ———-—-——— glfifiygf‘ d ”‘3' E" Liberty, 4 ”‘5' l" W' ' late Pandora l a .

s no we y an agricu tural colle e -- ' ' ‘ ' ‘ : l ’
school, and such Slate shall have gem? BELLE PLAINE AND KINGMAN. KANS — ___—_._._- IOhn W. Pratt“ Needmole,late Pecan, l‘ex

lished or shall hereafter establish a sepa- R- P- clerk extend run to, end ntStaf— ”AA—ga“— New 0171““ ‘ .
ram agricultural college 01' school. WhICh ford, Kilns. increase in distance 36.50 POST OFFICE NAME AND SITE EHAEEED Henry D- Walls, Grant, Marshall cow A13 1
Shall have connected therewith an experi- ma. making whole dlstance 91.91 ms. To ' Sidney D' Sutton. Sutton. Pike 0°" Ark
mental ffirl’rDOI‘ station. the legislature of take effect June 20, 18%. The line to be ————————————- Elmer Van 140“”, Madeline, ‘
such State may apply in Whole or in part knows as the - . x Lassen CD" Cal
the appropriation by this not made. to BELLE LMNE & STAFFORD R. P. 0' LALIli ORNIA Charles W. Reinke, Meservey,
such separate agricultural college. or [9June 87. Alosto. LOS Angeles Co., 10 GlendOlfl. % m. 09”") Gordo 0° ' Iowa — ‘
SCHOOL find no legislature shall by con- TOLEDO.THURsi‘oN AND COLUMBUS mum W.,on Route 46379. [29nprili57. Caleb Sutton, Ego, Gray Co. Kans
FEES: S3133}? or implied disable itself —ii1. l’. clerks change and extelld'run to ’ KANSAS. Ci‘S-‘ms ,M- Jaqua; Jaqua, ' ‘
,, ,.u- , em at Charleston W. Va. increase in . ~ - i‘lleyenne 03' Kan: ‘

“Sued. liint bulletins or reports 01 distance 133 56 ms), milking whole dis- Radicafil} City, Mom-3931mm} 0" to 111601116, P Alcide Gautreaux,Gonzules. ' E
progless shall be published at said stations tmlcellllAS ms. This extension taking up m' " on Route “051' [A may or. Ascension 00- L3
at least once 1n three months, one copy of and discontinuing the Columbus Ohio .Iurcti, Wilson (30" to Buxton. 1 m. N‘ E“ Richard MGHZ- Gladstone, De't‘CO‘ 313““
which shall 128.509" to each [)e‘vspflper in and Charleston. W Va. R. l’. 0 service on itoutcs 33066 and 3333.). [iii may c7. Josiah it. La Force. We-que-ion-sinv‘
the Stages 1or llcl'ritorlcs in which they are between Thurston and Columbus, Ohio. LOUISIANA. , Emmet Cor-“1'0“ '
rcspec ve y ocnied. mid to such indi- to be performed by the Redfield dz (10- p d . p . x . H'Jlll‘y U HewlllgWfiyi Sidney. ‘
\lduals actually engaged in farming as lumbus R P 0 The line to be knoivn on our, “351.9! (40" to Vancovxllc,1 "1' Columbus Co ‘1 (‘
may request the same. and as far as the as the ' i ' N" on Route ”121' [2"; ”my 57' “19'1““ Cameron Byromtown ., ‘
means Oi the station will permit. Such TOLEDO & CHAR: ESTO‘I R i’ 0 ___—___ ‘ Forest Co Pa
bulletins or reports iindthe minuu] re- [gjune 87 ‘ ‘ ' ' ' _.._._._.__.*__-L_ Mal-lull Andrews Kellettvillc ‘ .,
ports of said stations shall be transmitted . 1 . l ' Fbl'eSt C0 1"
in the malls of the United States free of —'_—-'——. __ M“ L MESSENGER SEBWCE CHANGES' Samuel J Hester He‘ll” ‘ a
charge for postage. under such regulations #777” ~ ’—' —-———————-———~ . > , ‘ JA‘hbcvllle Co. S (l
it):3:191;SEEISIEEEIEEE’Ueneral may from time POST OFFICE NAME CHANGED. lOWA (Bitis “102011. \léolfltllleywlioalm CO" Tenn ‘
‘ - ellJlllillll r, i iulns. ‘islicl‘bul'lrli. .

The following regulations are prescribed _ “_—“‘——""‘—'——- Route 02261. licllllout, Wright C0 . from \Cookc 50.. Tex
‘0 govern the use of the l'rnnklug pl'lvi- , CALIFORNIA' Eng}llflgllltebzcl'tlllg; ltlelplhis $181102??? (“Hues C. Andersmlflngnxzu'wustlnc (‘o T ‘{

. . ’. . . ‘ ., . .. .‘ - e. - - ‘ a ‘ . l‘.

lege above given: “€1,113???“ quum WW0 leion. qull'ed. Establish service l'rom the loiln 'l‘. O'Lenry, Folsom. Vei~non(:o.. Wis

1. Any claimant of the privilege must . TEXAS .‘,\363?P111l.(,3;[‘% “‘2 1;?” 910113011? 1“};- Route Lorenzo Spitz]bergclufilnnllowoc Rapids,
. . ‘ .» . ‘ 4 J 7 ..l .l ._o s. ‘l‘Olll Line a 3’4. . illiiinwnci'b _ \\"‘
'ipply 1‘01 'ultilmity to exercise it to the Pecan, Delta Co., to Necdnlore. [12 nov 86. [7 jiillc Si. ’ Jullll Benson. Manning, Vernon Co., NI:

,_ .

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(8133—3M.)' ‘

 J “a fitment amt iiflfiiitmfinmte fleets,
> \_/ ‘ ‘ . No.51 Noun; BROADWAY,
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No. 41. l’l’ashington, June 13, 1887.

The following orders have been received from the War Depart-
ment, and are published for the information and government. of all