xt7ghx15n565_185 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. April 1896-May 1897 text April 1896-May 1897 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_20/Folder_1/0070.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_185 xt7ghx15n565 g”,;{-2’./.--r *3 ' . ' - ' A
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rr-————————————«>I< >14-—————~——~——-~—-~———————>I4 s———-——————————————&« 3 m———E———,4——————————T——vy
DALLAS. I These cities, towns—and villages are sup-I I .~ - ' ' , .
____ ported and backed up by the agriculturalI I exas Supremacy. BE ATlE BROTHERS

[MI/as IS Headquarters 0f nearly all the and live stock interest surrounding them.I ' , . I 9
state agencies, implements, machinery, 1n-I Drouths never visit the Dallas territory, .

,, . . . . . ' ' .. ' . (Successors to J. M. BEATIE,) .
surante, loan, leal estate, lmnnglatlon andI and hence grass and crop fallures are
connnercml travelers. I unknown. I

Da/Ias ’3 a Hal/road Center. hive trunkI Sunnning up the Dallas Territory (40 out i Texas is greatest in area. I ._ Miamwljww _

111185 enter the Clt)’: gleg an 011131917 111 tenI of 247 counties) with less than one-third of I Texas is greatest in good lands. I \\\; I < )R N S I44,

' . - ' - . ' , . v -' , v - ' . _ I , _ _ ' . I I _._; 7.?—
dlffelent (1116019101155 (’0‘ 01mg 9‘ 31y unp01t. I the till-able land 1n cultlvatlon, contalns: I I ’7" l’.\\
ant part Of the btate. I 37% of the population of the entire state. .__“: I , , .

Dal/as the Distributing Paint of Texas—I 31 940% of the assessed values Of the I Texas is reatest in chea) lands *
Dallas johbers and manufacturers ship I entire state. ‘ g 1 ‘ ' . . .pmn. . . .
their goods all over Texas and into tlieI ($1 440% of the business: houses of the Tex:slsiglreatest1n Public SOhOOl

. . . . . . ,- . . . . un . .
adjounng states and terrltories. “Dallasi entue state. I

. ., . . . I ,.5 / f I] . It . I d - h __ nvestment
terrltory, \Vitlun four hours ride, or 100 I ‘ ‘ /3 " 0 19 CO on P10C uce 111 t e *
unles of Dallas, comprises 40 out of 247% entire state, 01 one-mnth of the product or I [‘3an IS greatest 1n Cattle. . . .
counties in the State. I the United States. Texas is greatest in Horses. Securltles.

Area of Texas..,... .. 267.429 square miles. I 6570 of the wheat produced in the entire I '

Area of Dallas Terr1tory,.,.,. .. ....31.416 square miles. I I '

Population of Texas in 1580. . .. .. . . . “1.591.740 I SttllIC. _._—I .

l’.?é’.‘;‘.“.‘;°.“.°.‘T‘ff‘fTSfT‘, 2:: I 32/ of .1... produced I. the ...... I —_* -

Population of Dallas Territory, 1550.. .. .. ...574897 I state. I I Texas is greatest in COttOD. - : ’ ‘

Population of Dallas Territory. 1890.... .. .,..\“21.605 I __ __ . . I . . Y I

Increase... . 249.708 ‘ 00% 0f the oats produced 111 the entire. Texas 1s greatest 1n Wool. DELLRS- TEXHS- -

Or 38 per cent. of the Increase of the entire state. state. . I - ,

Assessed value of property in the Slate. . . . . $863,120,089 I 1 E - i

A s 55 1~1 r ~ t" 1) u; ’ ' . . {"‘f #7- . .

s oTefxfltli‘ueopumm3m£115 ...._,,§275,S‘.’l,796 “ hen thls dlstnct IS popu ated on 'L l) 151s Texas is greatest in natural re- I I I (7)$»:IOM_ .

Number of cities, towns and vlllagos in wlth the older states, you can safely mul—I sources and probable possibili— ' ,. '7

Dallas Territory.......... . .. ._......,,810 I- . , - , i ties and offers the reate't : - i
. Q . . , , 11 )l ' h ' three the )roducts )o )ulatlon andI ’ . . g ”
l‘Iumber of busruoss homes in I‘exas... .........2l,.I:b 1 3 3 - 1. ’ I I I opportunities for profitable s . . . . WRITE US FOR INFORMATION - ~ . .
.\umber of busmuss houses in Dallas Territory, 16,515 wealth Of thlS section. I 1 t f ,
01' 61.4 per coat. I I emp oymen 0 money. I '2
sfl———-—#~-~w#f———we ew—w—me . a————-——————_ —————————*I‘ ‘-j >14————————.. ' —————_‘ 1&4

 >1<——————————————->s rs——————————————»s ’1‘—‘——————&4 s—————— ———*————~ e
or rm: or THE W ““3 or THE
\t Dallas. in the State of’l‘exas. - ( '. ' ‘ ' '
l - . . At Dallas, m the State Of Texas. at the close of busrness, March 9. 1897.—No. 3623. At Dallas. in the State of Texas,
at the close of busmess, March 9. lbw—No. 3132. t t1 1 1. b . ess March 9 1897 —\'o 2455
a 10 c 058 0 usm ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' a ‘ at the close of business, March 9, 1807.~—No. 3935.
Loansanddiscounts”............... .........$ 497.578 30 ( ~. r9132 Loansand discounts............................ $721.70}! 85 RESOURCES.
()verdrnfts secured and unsecured... .. . , .. 36,150 62 83331-233 (islgggi-Eltsanti'unsecured . .. 8‘44 06% g? Overdraits. secured and unsecured. . .. .. . . . .. 18.311 03 _
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. .. .. 200,000 00 11 q Bonds to secure circulation " ' " 50‘000 00 U. S. _bouds to secure circulation. . . . . . 50.000 00 Loans and d1scounts.. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . $258,451 81
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits .. 100.000 00 Premiums on U S Bonds " ' 4'000 00 Premiums on‘U. S. bonds... .. . .. .. 4.500 00 Overdrafts. secured and unsecured.... .. . . . .. . .. 9.310 40
i'remiumsonU.S.liouds.......... 100 Stool—s securitiesletc 37'500 00 Stockpfiecurltlos,etc........... 50.375 56 U.S.bondstosecurecircuiation................ 37.50000
Stocks. securities. L-tc. , , . .. ., .. _ , .. , $6.784 20 IBank‘iii v-honse furniture andfixtures " 60'0“) 00 Banking-house. furniture. and fixtures 8 500 00 Stocks. securities. etc .. .. . . . .. 8,935 23
Banking-house. furniture and tixtiires.... ... 66,909 00 Due fro?“ national banks (not reserve Ll‘éb'u't's‘)’ " 100'040 47 Other real estate and mortgages owner]... 75.630 C3 Other real estate and mortgages owned. . . . .... 5.018 38
(ither real estate and mortgages owned _ _ .. 11 907 24 Due from state b'inl's and bankers ” 74‘515 70 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) .. 60,064 86 Due from national banks (not reserve agents). .. 22,240 66
Due from national banks (not reserve agents). 107.373 05 Due from In. , iroved\ reserve‘ agents. ' ' " 209T)“ 65 Due from state banks and bankers . . .. 20.749 44 Due from state banks and bankers. . . . . .. 10.506 13
Due from state banks and bankers.... ,, , . . . 7.302 43 Checks and 3h“. web items “ ‘6?)1 7‘9 Due from approved reserve agents..... 163,652. 22 Due from approved reserve agents .. 51.225 71
Due from approved reserve agents . .. 156.263 17 Fxcl anzes for clearing-house.” ' " 2597)., .‘3 (.‘liecks and other cash items... .. . . 933 88 (lhecks and other cash 1tf'lnS.... .. . . . . .. 290 78
(lhvcks and other cash items... .. .. . . . 1.581 51 £0.er Off othern'itional banks”. ' ' ' " ""' " ' " 1.2316 60 Exchange for clearing-house.... .. , . . .. . . .. 6.166 '75 Exchanges for clenring-house.... .. . .. . .. 3310010
Exchanges for clearing house... .. .. . .. 4.5193 35 Fractional ‘01 )8; currency uicirels and. cents " V503 75 Notes of other national banks .. . , . . . .. 24.070 00 Notes, of other national banlgs. .. .. . .. 2.69100
Notes of other imtoiiinl banks .. .. 82,650 00 Dawl'ul mo‘uxe 1.6.9.“; in, bank vis' Fractional paper currency, uickels and cents... 3,259 50 Fractional paper currency. nickels and cents... 00 65
Fractional paper currency, iilckels and cents. . 110 10 Specie y I ’ '.$161 607 00 Lawful money ”5“""9 “1 bank, “15 ,. _ Lawful money I‘OSOTVO ill bank. ViZ= 1
Liiwfulmoneyreserveiubank.viz: Lawliéfidéi'dbié‘s‘"'” 322000 00—483607 00 Spec1e......,...........................$110.019 60 Specie........................ $20212 26
Specie. . . . .. . .. . .. .. “$140811 25 Redein thou fund with. 'U Sui‘reasurer '(5 er ' Lngal tender notes... .. .. 85.000 00—105.079 65 Legal tender notes. . . . .. . .. 5.0510 00—$31,‘212 25
Local tender notes. . . . . . .. .. .. .. 120 000 00— 200,841 25 cent éf circulation) ‘ ' ‘ .... ' p 2 250 00 Redemption fund \Vltll U. S. treasurer (5 per _ Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per
ltgggnigtfigiiicfuulgttllm>th U. S. treasurer (5 per Q 000 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer;otlier than tiller-cent ' cent of Circulation). . .. .. .. .._ 2,230 00 cent of Circulation).... .. .. . . . .. 1.687 50
' —_ ”demlmonfund““ 60000 Total ....$1,419.78067 Total........... $443.7:J666
Total...... ......$1 401.006 10 Total...... 01030000 42
LIABILITIES. . . . LIABILI’IIES‘ Capitnlstockpaid in $300.00000 Capital stock paidiu............................. $150,000 00
()npitalatockpiiidin ....$ 20000000 Capitalstockpaid1n.......................... ..$100.000.00 Surplus fund....... 11.00000 Surpliisfund 1.50000
Surplus t‘uiitl.... . . . . .. .. . . ,. .. . . . .. 150.000 00 511112105 f1111d~--_- . - ~ » ~ ~ ~- 30.000 00 Uiidivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 18,281 93 I7111IiVlderI profits, less expenses and taxes paid 22.002 21
Uiidivlded prnilts,less expenses and taxes paii 5.157 20 Qlullvmed prehts. 1055 expenses and taxes Paid 8.029 0" National bank notes outstanding.... . .. . . . .. 45.000 00 National bank notes outstanding.... .. .. 29.7“) 00
National bank notes outstanding... .. . .. __ . . .. 130 000 (,0 Ramona] bank notes outstanding. . . . . . . ~ - . - . 453.000 90 Due to other national banlrs................ 30936-185 Due to other national banks. . .. .. .. ..... 20.628 07
Due to other national banks... .. . 61,077 0:) Due t0 other 113110331 banks... ~- . - - -- -- . -- 31034154 Due to state banks and bankers .. . 58.431 29 Due to state banks and bankers . . . . ... 3.116 35
Due to state bziiiks and bankers 10,500 05 Due to state banks and bankers.......,......... 41999 01 Individual deposits subject tocheck............ 631,061 86 Dividends unpaid........ 50 00
Individual deposits subject to check. .. 774.569 73 ledeflds ““9314 -- -- .. ----- - -- ‘ 3.30 90 Demand certificates of deposit.... .. .. .. 13,538 60 Individual deposits subject to check .. .. 212.432 16
Demand certificates of deposit... .. . . . . 0,430 00 Indmdual (190051“ sublect t(tcheck -- . .1.120.698 1,? . Time certificates of deposit.... .. . . . . 25,200 ()0 Demand certificates of tieposit..._ .. . , . 160 00
'l‘iuiecertitlentesofdeposit...............,...... 53143 Remundcprnficmes ofdeiwsxt......--....-..... 5.40065 Certified cliecks................. 105 04 (lortifiedeliecks................................... 50000
Certified eliecks...... 1.60000 1imecertiiicatesot deposrt........ [-51’059 Cashier’s checks outstanding.................... 7.07110 Cashier’s checks outstanding.................... 8.00000
Crisliier’scliecksoutstanding . ... 152150 (‘eriihedcliecks...... 1-1’37 00 ~——-—— Resorvefor taxes....... 637 87
Unnedsmtcs deposits......,fii':,fi.i...'.".'..... 79.000 91 Cashier’schecksoutstanding-mun----~------- 8.955 04 Total ..................$i,410,750 07 T l _—
‘ ' C ' ‘ . ‘.‘.l ' ’7" "" Ola.........................,................$443,73606
Deposits of U.\.disbursiug onicers - _DL'R Total,........................................$1.990.605 42 State of Texas,couiity0f Dallas, 55: State of Texas count'of Dallas as.
Totnl.... .. . . . . . $1,401,633 16 State of Texas, county of Dallas, 55. I. A. V. Lane. cashier of the above nanied bank. do " I J D E-‘t L II'e - f th ’ 31);“, . d b k 1
State of Texas. county of Dallas. 55: I. E. 0. Tenison, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the = )1' 1111]" whegn’thginthre oabov: tater: mthE’ t u‘m‘ ‘61"
l. E. .l. Gannon, cashier of the above-named hank. do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best best Of my knowledge and 1391180 , J m 5 S r. . 5 on 1" r 0 U "3
solemiilv sweiir mm the above statement is true to the of my knowledge and belief. A. V. LANE, Cashier. be“ or my k110“18dg° and belief. J D E C l .
best of my knowledge and belief. E. J. GANNL)N. Cush'r. E. O. Taxisox. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th d1 - ' _STES' as ”0‘"
. ( y of - . ,
Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 13th day of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of March. 1897. R. G. AYRES, 3533?;ng and 5“ 0m to belgorar 1331:1112: 13th ddy 0f
March. 1097. . . L. A SMITH. March. 1897. ' B. 1). HARRIS. . Notary public, Dallasrcounty. Texas. ‘ ' Notary Public. Dallas county, Texas.
Notary Public. Dallas county. Texas. Notary public. Dallas county, Texas. C . h \l S‘ W H G t S I
(lorroct—AtteSt: J. B. Wilson. \v. c. Padgitt, w. H. Correct—Attest: J. C. O‘Connor. J. E. Schneider. Guy Muggrec‘szt‘fst- J0 ’1 l - ““Ds‘mv - ' as 0“) - - Correct—Attest: J . B. Arlene, James Morouey. J. M.
Thomas, Directors. Sumpter. Directors. 59“ ”9° “5‘ Harry. Directors.
VI‘H “E—VE tit—~— ——‘—“—h PB '1‘_——*——q— ’1‘ '’I‘ __.—__th

 or ,
. THIS COMPANY reserves the right to
issue the above named certificates at its ‘ ' EDC ' '
option, and when it cannot find profitable / .
use for the money to withdraw them from .II/{cutuCkY fillalantee
m1 (Company,
THERE IS NO very profitable illvest— tflncoworatcml
ment which is as safe as these interest ~ - . ~ ~ . ~ - . ~ ~ - . . . . . . . - ~ . - ~ .~
' hearing certificates,
‘ ...As...
THE LOANS made by the Company al301ce ’4‘
are in nearly every case to contract—
lmlders, who mortgage their homes to ,
.\L‘CUI'C loans. Therefore the incentive to “Ilvestme‘1t8o
make prompt payment is strong, and de-
mu is very rare.
TO INVESTORS of large or small 6 :5 H ~.
:mlouuts the Kicx'rvcm' GUARANTEE 3;: ll)“ LUIL
CHMPANY invites a careful investigation \
and it. x “c
of its plans and methods. é lllltLlLJt
~ ‘5‘
1kcntucm2 Guarantee Company}. 8 ::: fillalallttu '
Office. 315 jfiftb St.
101115\7illc,1l(\2. 1R (3 a f [I
03 are 11 9.
Office 2
315 jfiftb Street, Ionisville, 1kg.

 61111111111613?) 113101115. 111-1111151111111c111\'c\1111c:1111_\‘ 11jxc1sss 111‘ .
7,,, -. '1‘111: (1 11151: CENT. PICK .v\.\‘.\'1‘:11, 11.1111)
-’-‘A’"':j":71LIERE ARE MANY invastm‘s \‘1'1111 (1111011111S 111 (mg 1111111111111 ($11111) (1011:11‘.»
11 {1111111111310 11111 scc111'11y 111111 1111115111. (1111111111; 1111: C1181 111111) 111111 811111 \\‘111 111:
.‘4 111-01115 possible 111111111 111g 11111111 119111 111 111C Ct1'1111C111c-1101dt1‘ 111‘ 1115 11>:
~111:11:111g sys1c111 as 1'11'11c11ced 1,11 111g K13:— signs, 1111011 111C 3111111111111 (11 811111 01111117
’1‘1'1‘1;\' GI'ARANTEIC 0311111111, 11111 11'1111 mtg 11111111 611111111111. '1‘111‘ 1111151111‘11‘111
'1 [11111-1 111\‘1;S1111g 8111118 01‘ 0111‘ 111111<11‘c<1 111115111‘91‘1‘c (11111111111111-:11111111111 111\‘c.<1g11.
(511111) 11011111‘8 U) 0111’ 1110113111111 151.0110) (111:1 112111115: (11'11'11'11S1x ((31 111-1‘ L‘c111. :111
11111131:. 111‘ 11101‘c :11 11116 11111c 111111111" 1111111 1111111 111111111119 1.1111111}; 111L- 1’11111'1- 111111;.
11c 110111111 111 1191111511 :1 0111:1111 ~«11111 11114117
1:11‘15’. 1.711155 “C." 01' jf11ll1j:11.1111 C.:1‘i‘1i'11::111:5.
To meet thL~ 1131115 (11‘s11c11 1111151111> " '
211111 111.90 10 :1cco1111111’111z11c 1111- 1111111911115 IN CONSIDERATION of 1111‘ 211113111:
1111' first—dag 1113115 111C 1i1:,\:’1‘1‘u;\' G11\1<— '1'f‘13'111c111 <11 01m 111111111311 (5111,11 (1111111131,
1x11111311; CU;1,fl1_\Ny 1:0“- issucg 1‘11'11 ClagsL-g 111'111111111110:111c1'c111, :1 (111-1111191311; is 1S811u1
111 (1111111011 Certificnu-s 11111111 which 11111 311111.1’1‘113‘AN“NC‘A‘V'V‘fiSi‘F-‘i‘t711-1:- 1‘1“”-
11:11- 111-1111511 <15- 111:1111-1 :15 111111111‘5: 1111> C1‘1’1111C’d11‘ r1 Sc1111»11111111n1<11\'111u11(1 111'
111111' (_1) 11:1 L‘c111. (@111111 (8) 111-1‘ 0:11L
1311155 “:15" 01' 1015111110 C51‘1‘1J1CJ1‘CE, 1“?“ “““’U1 11" 1‘31‘11 1‘11? 11“» ‘1‘” ‘”‘":
, , sham 111 1111 111111115 111 1111; (‘1'11111121115'
11x1 CONSIDERATION 111‘ 11111 1111112111111 3171511111‘ 01111113111 71111-1115 1111- 153311 '1“
1‘:1,\'111¢111 111‘ 171133 1550 L) 111111;11'.<_ 111‘ 111111 1311111111111111111161 1116:; 1‘ 1113111311113 (11 11'1"
111116 1119111111", :1 11111111111 cutificzug 1111117 113111? 111‘11‘1“‘111‘< 3333'-
11\S:>S:l111g. i.\ 1.9511111. U111111 1111:: 031111 W
133.111 :1 SQ;111—:‘_111111£‘;1 1_11\'11:1;11d1111‘ “1.11136 ('51 THE FUNDS 1111‘1;.~i‘1;1;a1 111 5111151 111' 111:-
111-1:111:11. 1111 (11111111111 11:1111 1015:1111 cc1'1311— {1711111 L‘1IZS$;$ 112;; 11;- ‘1‘31111111'31‘1‘11 113' {411'
1:111 (51:11?) 1111111111.1117101111111111)1>1111111 111g 111g C111t1311111}:53:13,- (1'11 1) anvg' 111/1111'
\Vhez‘. 111C $11111 111111 1111' 11115 1‘1'1‘11111‘211'. 117.9111: ‘1‘1‘1111111'x1vz11. 1:1 111-1113:; 1111 12111111~~
111511111111111111511111 1‘1’1111111111c111'111‘1111‘111111 f11:‘:11<11;1 1:1): 11:: 1311111111233 CL 111: 111111;
1711' 111s C111:111:1:1y'> 1-11111'11 (10(1111111111111 111;:11131111'111' 111 1111 111115.24 011111 '1

 7 .’r’ /‘ (7 r/‘
' Circular NO. 6 .
’ .
N . . H RR , an er 59
Consolidated Mortgage F1vc Per Cent Bonds. cmcmo- NEW YORK: BOSTON:
TA 204 Dearborn Street. 15 Wall Street. 70 State Street.
Both Principal and Interest Payable in Gold Coin of the United States Of the present standard of .----.W .-,.7-A__.._:____—.:.,w"_:;::—____———¢_—*——ivi::: "‘fi’fj3::Z’Z—":‘T:i:’w"'i:fi:'7
. weight and fineness. . , CHICAGO, JANUARY, 1897.
BONDS MAY BE REGlSTERED- _._...7._ AAA, uvr#,——*A»————:::———:w:f:::::—T—_:#f:iifif:
We own and offer, subject to prior sale and advance in price, the following bonds:
Dated May 1,1895. Due May I, 1910. No Option. Trustee, Old Colony Trust Company, Boston. _IIIIIII . .,--A___i,__--cfi--. __IWI“HIV_I#_#__A_WA_W A,” .,._-_-#-____. -..-..#__.-._.._..-v-. . A
. . . . . —~——~--**-—‘~————#——‘—"#_—._—_I V,,,.__,,,,.,.-_.. WT~Am ..,_-_7.,.I.__.__.-_.__.
Princrpal and May and November Interest payable at the office of the. Trustee. . UNITED STATES BONDS. 1 $25,000 Elmira, New York, Reglstered 4%’S.
W i I I RED, 1 Dated Se tember I, 1896. Maturities given below. Interest
T hose bonds are secured by mortgage 011 the entire Metropolitan Street Railway system, serving practically the entire COUPON 0R REGISTE i payablepMarch I and September I, by the City Chamberlain
territory of Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas, and the surrounding suburbs containing a population of INTEREST PAYABLE QUARTERLY l 0f Elmira, in New York Exchange- Denommatlon, 351000-
""9‘ 2001000 . . Quotations made by wire u on all the issues of Government 1 Assessed valuation . ....$16,4o7,788
()11 Junc- 1, 1895, the Mclx'OpolIlan Street Railway Company acquired the properties formerly owned by the Kansas City bonds, coupon or registereE, either for National BIanlgs to use E Total debt, including this issue. . I . .. . I . . . . . . 964,500
Cable Railway Company, Grand Avenue Railway Company, Kansas City & Independence Rapid Transit Company, 2153 basis qrfirgélla§i011,&r ior IHYESthflt by InsttIEUtIOHS; I population (estimated) 40,000.
1.. v . ~ . . ‘ , , - , - - . - - « trustees or In 1V1 ma 5. e 1ave,1n very compac orm, a I
\\ est bulc leua} Company, .11I1d also acqmrcd tIlIe controllmg Interest Ill the stock of the Kansas City Elevated full statement of the Government debt and finances, together ! Ltgalfor IVEZU York Savings Banks.
leway Company. llIc gross mileage of the combined systems 15 134.95 mIlcs of smgle track. ' with the highest and lowest quotations on United States ,
The Official Report and Balance Sheet of the. Company, dated June I, 1896, show the following: bonds for a period of twenty years which will be sent upon l $151000 due September 1» I930-
. . . ’ 1 10,000 due September I, 1931.
Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . $5,586,800 request. Correspondence Invited. > .
Bonds outstanding . . . . . . . . 7,519,000 —————~-——-————————————-—-——— ‘ Price on application.
EARNIVGS AND EXPENSES. ambrid e Massachusetts Re istered 4’s. _— . ’T 7’77
m, ending June ,I 139, ,_‘ $5030" 0 9 ’ ’ 9 b1 $21,000 Bmghamton, New York 4’s.
Gross earnings . . . . . . . . $I,544,I6o.58 Diggiggfiglbgcgogggsét 13:90:19? (131:5; bfl glggdemrplggiftBlbiTZme Dated AugustII, 1896. Maturities given below. Interest
Operating expenses, including taxes . . . . 906,941.53 , Denomination, $10,000. gggiblc seml-aunually, February and August, In New York
Net earnings. - - - - - - - - 3 6371219-05 $856252“; vaIluaItigp "'t'h’i' ' i. ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ '580’852’260: Assessed valuation. . . .. .... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . $19,731,950 I
Year ending June II 18961— ota e t, “C U “g S ssue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4’97 15 I Total debt, including this issue. . . . .$4l4,500 l
Cross mminr , , Water debt........................$2,215,5oo W t d bt lo 00 I
, . gs . . . . . . . . $1,622,888.45 6 aer e 9,5
0 , . .- , Sinkingfund...................... 511,816 2,727,31 l N dbt —— o
peratmgexpcnscs,Includmgtaxcs . . . . 934,815.12 Nt d bf; -————-————22 184l et e 305, 00
Nt . 688 6 P: ul:tion8[l. ’44, I P0pulati0n,37,000.
I k earnmgs ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' $ ’073'3 p ’ ’5 9' . chalforNew York Savings Banks.
IItCYCSL 011 bonds - - - - - . - 364,554-46 Legal/or New York and flfzzssarhusetls 5:221:7th Banks. I
”_..—_— ‘; $3,000 due August I, 1916 $10,000 due August I, 1929
Surplus earnings . . . . . . . . 1‘, 323,508.90 Price 0“ application. I 8,000 due August I, 1917
The above does not include the earnings of the Kansas City Elevated Railway Company, the interest on whose bonds has —T“”"—‘“‘”—"“’——-_—AW I Price on application.
been guaranteed by the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. This guarantee is an obligation of the Company, $42 000 Cambridge Massachusetts Registered 4’8. _____________*___—______
M "‘” ” ”"’“ ’ ’ ’ ‘ 5 $17000 Grand Ra ids Michi an Water 4r/’s
The Company has expended a large amount of money in the past year in improving, bettering and extending its System, Daged OCFObte,‘ Iv 3395- Due OctoberdI, 1925f 12 l ’ p ’ g ’ ’2 ' l
and it is expected by the officers that the result of these improvements will Show increased earnings during the euomma 1011’ Ireeo $10000 an oneo 5 ,000. l DatedIOctober I, 1893. Due OctoIberII, I913. Interest payable
ensuing year. Legal for New York and [Massachusetts Savings Banks. l Apnl I and October 1- Denommation, $11000-
Thc Metropolitan Street Railway Company was organized in 1886 and the system has been successfully operated under the Price on application. Assessed valuation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,017,277
present management for the past ten years, and has paid dividends on its capital stock every year, except one, since " Total debt... . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . ...$I,863,000
its incorporation. The report of the Company shows payment of dividends for the fiscal year ending June I, 1896, LI . l Water debt. - -' - . ~~ ‘1 ~- ~ - -' ‘ ‘ " ' ' ' ' 887’000
amounting to $1 I I,736, and the transference to surplus account of $151,934.06. 2 $00,000 Comma, New York; 4,3- 1 Net debt. - - - .. ~ . - - .. - - . - . - . - - ~ - - - - - - . - - - - . . - - - 976,000 .
The topographical situation of Kansas City is particularly favorable for the development of a large street railway traffic, and Dated July I 1896. Due in installments from 1926 to 1935 1 Population, 60,278. :
the city is now 011 :1 thoroughly substantial basis and its prospects for the future are most promising. The Company's frau- Interest payable semi-annually in New York City. l Legal/"01‘ New York Savings Banks.
clIises are favorable in their terms and extend until 1925, or 15 year: afler [/16 maturity oft/11's issue of bonds. Denomination, $1,000 l - -
K I. , . , . . . . . . . . . , Price on application.
Lonsnlcnug lllL good p11) 51ml condmou of the property, Its conservatlve management and occupation of all the avaIlable terrl- Assessed valuation $3,126 800 II
tory, we are satisfied that 1116 security back of these bands will sleadfly increase, and that the bonds themselves will enhance Total debt lncludhi ‘ this issue I I ' ' . $22 ' .666 ' V V "'““""‘__—"_”W’_“ A "—
in 21:11”. Sinking fuhd.... Ig . . I . 33:00,, l $23,000 Grand Rapids, Michigan, City Hall 5’s.
The bonds were purchased by us after :1 thorough investigation, and we recommend them as a safe and desirable investment. Net debt. . . . . . . . . I I I . . I I I . I I . . . I . I . I . .#:i_'._.193,000 Dated July I, 1884. Due July I, 1904. Interest payable January I r
lhe legalIty was passed upon by local attorneys and by Messrs. Seward, Guthne, Morawetz & Steele, of New York City, whose I Population, 12,000. I . and July I. in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Opinion will be furnished if desired. . l Denomination, $1,000.
Additional information furnished on application. I Legalfor New York Sal/mg; Banks. Legal/”07' A’ew York Savings Banks.
These bonds are Offered on very attractive terms. Write or wire for price. Price on application. Price 0“ application.

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