xt7ghx15n565_188 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. April 1900-February 1901 text April 1900-February 1901 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_20/Folder_4/1508.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_188 xt7ghx15n565 Property 32333::13 not subject to Uniform Bill of Leading Conditions, Will be charged twenty (20) per cent.
. higher than as herein provided (subject to a minimum increase of one (1) cent per 100 lbs.) and cost
’ of Marine Insurance. (see Rule 1.)
new ..MMW With—ego
g i . . FAST“ FEE: Idle '11 Li. 5. n,
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f; F. I). STOW, Gen'l Central Agent. 0. J. VEDDER, Agent 0. deK. TOWNSEND, Gen'l N. E. Agent-t,
Q. .
E : huh—._.,» . .. .
'.f GEORGE LOWN, Gen'l Eastern Agent - 8 1’ BEST. Agent. 336 Broadway, New York
T: . ‘ WILLIAIK GEAGEN. General Trafi‘n Manager. new York.
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» / , x i. I‘he propert described below, in a arent ood order exce t as noted (contents and condition of con. .
Mc— . 1M flflZWGd/e/ lfli‘c ” tents of pacia‘fes unknown), marlafd, consgizned and destfned as indicated below to be carried ovee
/ the Line to sai destination. or to be delivered to another carrier on the route to said destination.
3 ,' It is mutually agreed, in consideration of the rate of freight hereinafter named, as to each carries
c ' ' r /-—‘ of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination and as to each party at
_g’ C any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be periormed hereunder s all
, -a /)< (7,7410 m (’0 be sulziject to all the conditions. whether printed or written. herein contained. and which are hereby
g ’ ' 1/ , agree to by the shipper, and by him accepted for himself and his assxgnees as Just and reasonable.
1; n"
I: u .
, g » DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES. iSubjectm Common
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.5‘ Upon all the conditions, whether
:3 printed or written, herein con- 90‘
2 mined, it is mutually agreed that
.— the rate of freight from
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E: 12......13. Class Goods. .cts. per 1001be. ‘ / i
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m HothClassGoods......... ..cts.per1001bs. SUBJECT TO ESTABLISHED MlNllMUMS.
3—: “MW—”__—
‘. Speczal ...........ctsper1001bs.
° ' ' Afi- SPECIAL.‘§»
- . E For shipments to points east_of Buffalo. Black Rock, Suspension Bridge. on the N. Y. C. d: H. R.
tan R.R.. the minimum rate for any Single package will be 25 cents. For points on the Rochester a: Pittee
< burgh R.R., it Wlll'be 25 cents additional or 50 cents through. For points in Canada. via Buffalo, Black
c 7 __. ; Rock and Suspensmn Bridge. the minimum rate on a. single package will be the regular proportion oi
... the first-class rate at 100 lbs. Weight to the last-named places. and 50 cents additional from thence to
l . . ‘ .
w MARK PACKAGES competing pomts on the Grand Trunk, Michigan Central and Canadian Pacific Railways.
E a? Any package containing articles of more than one class will be charged at the tariff rate for the
5 highest classed article contained therein. -

E R C H A N T S It? No single package or small lot of freight classified first-class or lower will be taken at less than
lOOlbs. at the class to which it belongs. or. if classified higher than first-class. at less than 100 lbs. ail
first-class rate; and in no case will the charge for a single consignment be less than25 cents

DESPATCH. m”??? , ’ __
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‘» Per-Cg 571* ‘-
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 4’/'fi-,‘-(/e/ .
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- C? O N D I 'I' I O N S -
Circular No H24, Join! commutes. _
‘ I. No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the property herein described, shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage
hereto, by causes beyond its control ; or by floods or by fire from any cause or wheresoevcr occurring ; or by riots, strikes or stoppage of
‘ labor ; or by leakage, breakage chafing, loss in weight, changes in weather, heat, frost, wet, or decay ; or from any cause if it be neces-
- sary or is usual to carry such property upon opcncars. _ , ,
2. No carrier is bound to carry said property by any particular train or vessel, or in tim ‘ for any particular market, or otherwise
than with as reasonable despatch as its general business will permit. Every carrier shall have the right, in case of necessity, to forward
A said property by any railroad or route between the pomt of shipment and the point to which the rate is given.
- 3. No carrier shall be liable for loss or damage not occurring on its own road or its portion of the tbrough route, nor after said
property is ready for delivery to the next carrier or to consignee. The amount of any loss or damage lor which any carrier becomes liable
shall be computed at the value ol the property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless a lowar value has been
agreed upon or is determined by the classficalion upon which the rate is based, in either of which events such lower value shall be the
maximum price to govern such computation. Claims for loss or damage must be made in writing lo the agent at point of delivery promptly .
alter arrivaf‘of the properly. and if delayed for more than thirty days after the delivery of the property, or after due-time for the delivery
' thereof, no carrier hereunder shall be liablc in any event. ,
4. All property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route Cotton is to be I
carried hereunder, shall have the priVIlegc. at its own cost, of compressing the same for greater convenience in handling and forwarding,
and shall not be held responsible for unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. ' Grain in bulk consigned to a paint where there
is an elevator may (unless olhrrwise expressly nolcd herein. and then it it is not promptly unloarledl be there delivered, and placed with
_ other grain of same kin'l, WIthout respect to ownership, and if so delivered shall be subject to a lien for elevator charges in addition to all
other charges hereunder. No carrier shall be liable for differences in weights or for shrinkage of any grain or seed carried in bulk.
5. Property not removed by the person or party entitled to receive it within twenty-four hours after its arrival at destination, may be -
kept in the car, depot, or place or delivery of the carrier, at the sole risk of the owner of said property. or may be, at the option of the
carrier, removed and ollu-rwxsc stored at the owner’s risk and cost. and there held subject to lien for all lreight and other charges. The
dEllvcl‘lng cazricr may make a reasonable charge per day lor the detculion of any car and for use of track after the car has been held forty-
eight hours for unluading. and may add such charge to all other charges hereunder, and bold said property subject to a lion therefor.
Properly destined to or taken from a station at which there is no regularly appointed agent. shall be entirely at risk of owner when
unlmdcd from cars. or until loaded into cars; and when received from or delivered on private or other sidings, shall be at owner’s risk
until the cars are attached to, and after they are detached from, trains. ~ :
6. No carrier hereunder will carry, or be liable in any way for, any documents, specie, or for any article of extraordinary value not
specihcally ratcdlin the published classifications, unless a. specia agreement to do so, and a stipulated value of the articles, are endorsed
7. Every party, whether principal or agent, shipping inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, without pi‘Evious full written dis-
closure to the carrier of their nature. shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may be warehouscd at owner’s
, ‘ and expense, or destroyed without compensation. ‘
8. Any alteration, addition. or erasure in this bill of lading, which shall be made without the special notation hereon of the agent of
(3 carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be void. » -
9. It the word “order ” is written hereon immediately before or alter the name of the party to whose order the property is consigned,
without any condition or limitation other than the name of a party to be notified of the arrival of the property, the surrender of this bill of
lading, properly endorsed. shall be required before the delivery of the property at destination. If any other than the aforesaid form of
' , consignment is used herein, the said property may, at the option of the carrier, be delivered without requiring the production or surrender
' of this bill of lading.
.. 10. Owner or consignee shall pay freight at the rate within stated, and all other charges accruing on said property, before delivery,
, and according to weight as ascertained by any carrier hereunder ; and if, upon inspection, it is ascertained that thearticles shipped are
not those described in this blll of lading, the freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped, and at the rates and under the
rules provided for by published classifications. "
u. If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage shall be performed subject ‘
to the conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of ladmg, including the condition that no carrier or party shall be liable ,
for any loss or damage resulting from the perils of the lakes, sea, or other waters ; or from explosion, bursting of boilers, breakage of
shafts, or any latent defect in hull, machinery, or appurtenances; or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of nav1gation; or from
the prolongation of the voyage. And any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall have liberty to call at inter- ,
mediate ports ; to low and b‘ towed, and to assist vi ssels in-distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. And any
carrier by water liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have
been effected upon or on account of said property. “
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- . . 7.1321333113455311; {3:7 LL " , '_ . ;.i:;9“-Li L- L;- , ’} ‘F:§“r‘:2_ .3 ,
No. 1. Little Lady of Lagumtas. No. 7. The Princess of Alaska. , {:qu gmggz: LL‘LZ,
“ 2. Prince Schamyl’s Wooing. - “ 8. The Flying Halcyon. _ .“L‘?§~k‘ ._
‘ “ 4. Delilah of Harlem. “ 9. A Daughter of Judas. Jr ”7-1:“,- -.thL
L‘ 5' 5““ S‘gm‘s' “ ‘0- ‘" “‘c 0'“ Chm“- .. , :*;:>"
“ 6. For Life and Love. “ 11. Miss Devereux of the Mariquita. F;—* . ,. ,fdzyyrigygé
«a; .':: . {32:63:33, 2,123 ,,M,::~;
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Are now BFEING ISSUED In an entIrely new and attractIve “,1 3, ,F r15,” I3~Y£§a ,
serIes of Paper Bound Books, with speciaIl y F £11,; f‘r‘fi:,§ . .
deSIgned Colored Covers, - x; f. F
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unnuuun-AT C PER VOLU MEI F ‘.’,FaliFfifl LLLLL‘stgfiiyL—L’VL »,ZF..".F r.,' (a .
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3» #1235153?" LL31?“ 3' ' ' ‘ 'r.
Rand McN ally & Co ““0““, NEW YORK, ea . ~..- . . .2 .3 -. .
9 . 166 Adams St. 61 East 9th St. f2, {Riffi‘LjF‘f *' ' L » *2
-' ;< ’.nt » ' ' .'. ;. _. » v“ - . '
F ._.".j'. :L./ -. ‘ ,, -._-“ _ ,
Please send ma 1 “'.’: .‘.Lf»‘L-,"3}ff'3£i:;v F . . r F ...,fi H:
"13,» 3:3: 'F_.jj7‘:-r" , ' F k ' I .- ,jF'i"
"y. . . ; F f F_ - F F F:
No.82#._.eopies In the Swim. F . » .. _ F , . L675: 2,
No.79_.,_copies For Her Life. No.76 . .-conies Lost Countess Falka. ’ ‘ ' g- ' , 5133 F, ' .
“ 77.. “ Modern Corsair. “ 73W- . . “ Checked Through. " ‘F F .f
“ 721__n “ The I‘Iaskechnus. “ 8Liwe “ IntheShadoonthePyramids. [2F , F j 3
L' 1 wig-h: “iv-,‘.! 1...»: ' 13y . .‘:.
No. ilflcopies Little Lady of Lagunitas. No. 7___copies The Princess of Alaska. F
“ 2f “ PrinceSchamyI’sWooing. “ 8’ “ The Flying Halcyon. ‘
“ if.” “ Delilah or Harlem. “ 9_._ “ ADaughter or Judas. /M M
" 5,___ “ Storm Signals. “10____ “ In the Old Chateau.
“ 6 ._.# “ For Life and Love. “ 11___ “ l‘liss Devereux of the AUTHOR OF
. Name, n, iflw,i , ,, ..’._47.._###_,_.____lmi-g,_,__ . “ CHECKED THROUGH." “ DELILAII oi: I‘IARLEM," “ FOR HER Lina,"
Address, fl.

 ’ I ‘HERE is no more picturesque figure among the American ‘= Yacht Club on the Neva. His studio in the Hotel Gerard is filled
fiction writers of the day than Col. Richard Henry Savage. with personal mementos of those who have honored their American
This union of the qualities of soldier, traveler, scientist, poet, friend, who is a fascinating conversationalist and a loyal and devoted
and novelist, has been produced by a romantic career in patriot, with no sectional bias. The range of his acquaintance, from
which early and late experiences of cosmopolitan nature, education, Mexican bandits, Indian chiefs, frontier desperadoes, and the
and adventure have molded an interesting figure. picturesque waifs of the civilized world to Pope Pius IX, Cardinal

No American can voyage to any part of the world that he will Antonelli, the great Ismail Pasha, the King of Sweden, and Russian
not find some of Colonel Savage‘s twenty-four volumes of novels, Grand Dukes, is astonishing. As a boy he knew the gray-eyed
stories, and poems on sale in the American, the English Routledge, W'illiam \Valker, the bewitching Lola Montez, and has a vast
or the German Tauchnitz editions. ‘ acquaintance with the stars of art, song, letters, and those who sit

His first novel, “My Official Wife,” has been translated in in high places. Neveratuft hunter, Colonel Savage has exceptional
seventeen languages and holds the stage all over Europe to-day, personal connections in England, France, Germany, and Russia, and
having been both dramatized, burlesqued, and plagiarized. He is but one sealed chapter in the book of his life will never be given to
an indefatigable worker at fifty-one years of age. His essays, the public. Though many times solicited to give his personal
speeches, and addresses before colleges, patriotic societies, and recollections of Generals Grant, Sherman, Stone, and Thomas, and
learned bodies would add several volumes to his collected writings, Roscoe Conkling, and to unveil the inner life of many of our
these having been uniformly given without pecuniary reward. He diplomatic, military, and public men, he has always held the inner
avoids the newspaper and magazine field, being wedded to the view to be sacred, and not at the disposal of those who market
romantic novel and to popular appreciation. literary wares.

Born in Utica, N. Y., on June 12, 1846— he reached San Francisco It is not improbable that in the evening of his life that he may
in 185 I, in time to become one of the first public-school children of ‘ issue a volume of carefully edited “Personal Recollections,” avoiding
San Francisco, and, as a growing lad in the mines of California, saw all the delicate revelations of the staff officer or the trusted agent. The ’
the wild life of the miners, the early development of the Pacific past of great men is guarded only by the seal of honor. In Norway,

, Coast, and the great Vigilance troubles. Educated at the \Vest Sweden, Holland, and Belgium, all of Colonel Savage’s novels meet
Point AIllltill‘y Academy, where he graduated \Vlth the highest the eye_ Translated into Fi‘cncl],Ge1‘n]an, and even Russian’thcy
honors in 1868, he served three years on the \Vestern frontier as a find hosts of readers in Europe and wherever the globe trotter moves!
favorite staff officer of Generals Halleck, Ord, George H. Thomas, “ Prince Schamyl‘s IVooing ” is used as a guide book in the Caucasus,
and Sehofield. A superb horseman and a deadly shot, he was “Delilah of Harlem” greets the eye on every Russian bookstand,
always an ardent sportsman, and his athletic frame has stood him in . and “My Official Wife ” is published in Bulgaria, in Buenos Ayrcs,
stead, in later years spent on the mesas of Arizona, the Sahara ' in Italy, and Spain, and is read in Iceland and Ceylon. As Prince
Desert, the Llano Estacado, the wilds of Siberia, and over the whole Lobanoff said to a distinguished American traveler: “ Tfll’l‘ z‘lzc [iii/e
world save India and Australia. » [zoo/c ./ fl is 7271/ Russia—am! {mom/unable ./ ”

His W'est Point training gave him qualifications in engineering, Avoiding general society, Colonel Savage gives himself up to the

7 available in his service with General Stone in Egypt, his chief- pen, and the charms of a circle of friends whose motto is, Cordiality
engineership of a Texas railroad, and his ten years of practical and Sincerity, He has, since his professional career as a writer
engineering in San Francisco, geographical studies in Asia Minor, opened in 1891, aided many others with kindness and friendly
in the wilds of Central America, in Corea, Japan, China, and Siberia suggestion. He avoids all form of public fife, and is essentially a
have given a graver cast to the studies of social life and manners man of home and the study, believing that the literary worker
found in twelve years' residence in Europe, including Russia, the should delve alone in the inexhaustcd fields of fiction. He is not a
Baltic, and Mediterranean. club man, being only a member of the lVest Point Club of Graduates,

A return to the law, his earliest destined profession, led him and yet, on his visit of 1897 to theBaltic, he was received with
toward literature, after having filled several appointments in the signal honor by the Literary Congress at Stockholm, and enjoyed
diplomatic service, United States Vice-Consul at Marseilles, Vice- the distinction of a presentation to and a supper with the erudite
Consul General at Rome, and Commissioner to Texas to settle the and accomplished King of Sweden,

Mexican and Texan Border Troubles Of 1872—3. In his youth, the Colonel Savage, in the prime of his intellectual life, is a brilliant
boyhood friend 0f Archibald C- Gunter, Charles \Varren Stoddard, exponent of the remarkable men turned out by the “ Old Professors ”
Clay Greene, andother distinguished Californians, he was the fourth at \Vest Point, the group of Malian, Bartlett, Church, \Veir, Agnel,
of the brilliant military coterie at West Point in 1864—5, which gave French, and Kendrick never having been excelled as educators.
Arthur Sherburne Hardy, Charles King, and John Brisben Walker, Among his classmates in the high—standard class of 1868 are such
as well as the subject of the sketch, to letters. officers as the accomplished Professor Bass, the erudite Fletcher,
Colonel Savage’s military services in the Corps of Engineers, the the able Majors Knight, Hoxie, and Marshall of the engineers, and
Egyptian Army, on the frontiers, and as commanding a National the gallant Philo Clark, IVill Volkmar, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hall,
Guard Regiment in California ill the Kearney RiOtS have gained “rho have richly earned the highest distinctions and re\vards for
him the especial commendation of Generals Grant, W. T. Sherman, bravery and effectiveness in the stubborn Indian wars since 1868.
George H. Thomas, and the lamented Stone. His diplomatic Of the class of ’68 a number nobly died in service, and the Modoc
appointments were made by General Grant personally, and General ‘and Cheyenne scalping knife was the fate of some of the gallant
Sherman himself gave him the position in Egypt and selected “fellows who stood up in a row,” when Savage, even then
(30101161 Savage for a high command in Japan. distinguished for his private West Point scrap book, was the life and
' Avoiding politics and religious discussion, Colonel Savage soul of the gathered cadets chanting “Aura Lee," “Army Blue,”
possesses an almost unequaled personal acquaintance outside of and “Lorengf,” under the leafy summer shades of “Benny Havens,
merely show circles and is at home from the West Point Mess to the Oh! ” HALLIE ERMINIE RIVES.

qukee, Wis., February lst, 1901.
///’ L/rilfi/
/‘ -""-‘““"""-___’—_—_—’_'-‘—__'”é""“‘/‘:V7"_:"__"'“"‘""
TheM Premium of $:/;7/,//
on your Policy No/颢/%/, will fall due
{2 1'
before noon on the_._,_L\:f-.,t,,-,,,day of March, 1901, ‘
and the same may be paid at the office of the Agent of
‘ this Company in
Yours respectfully,
J. w. SKINNER, '
‘ .~ : L Secretary.

 . I . . / ",1
Hnnual Statement, january 1 , I900.
Annuities 37,054.08
Interest and rents............................. 5,564,083.79
Profit and loss 47,828.31
Total IllLOlnC ..“ ’ $24,605,143.46
Claims by dcath.................. ............$ 4,71 1 1518.44:
Matured endowments..................... 872,130.52
Annuities.......................................... 8,809.58
Surrendered policies.. . 921,874.56
Dividends to policy—holders.............. 2,515,029.21
Total payments to policy-hold-
Lrs$ 9,029,471.31
Taxes 507.411.28
Internal Revenue Taxes......... 55,643.49
Expense of Examination 549-30
Commissions.................... 2,460.44297
Medical examinations and inspec-
tion of risks 160,063.10
Salaries of officers and employees,
Trustee’s, building and traveling
expenses, ctc.. 481,284.20
Legal, loan, loss and real estate ex-
penses.......................... . 377564-150
' Advertising”... 3.881175
Supplies and expresxnge................... 62,438.96
Exchange and postage..................... 95,964.77
Rent (Home Oflicc)..... 35,800.00
Profit and loss..... 18,400.16
Total disbursements.................. $1 3,280,006.79
Loans on bond and mortgage.........$70.558.96+.76
Loans on policies as c011nteral........ 6,580,965.00
Premium notes... 283,101.98
Real estate (including Home Office) 4,305,550.56
United States bonds, market value. 609,350,00
Other bonds. market value..........,... 36,2()0,834.63
Cash on hand and in banks............ 4.094.646.82
Accrued interest and rent................ 2,047,175.15
Due and deferred premiums (less
cost of collection)..................... 1.996.135.16
Deduct credit balances,
(Agents' $29,164.19, others $5,-
831.42)............... 34,995.61
Total admitted assets............... $125.645.728-45
Present value of not due install-
ments$ 235,941.34
“Losses and endowments unadjust-
ed, etc......... 362,846.47
Dividends due and on deferred pre-
miums not due, etc. (estimated).. 185,758.45
Unpaid accounts not presented, etc. 70,235.45 -
fReserve required by law, Actu-
zu'ies’ 4% 08,705,735.00
Reserve for Annuities............ .. ' 159,131.00
Surplus accumulations held to meet
tontine and semi-tontine policy
contracts (approximate)..”HUMM3;O£
Total 1iabilities............ w
General surplus............................... $5,534,697.74.
" Including $96,613.92 of losses for which notice but no proofs
had been received Dec. 31 , 1809. . . . '
1' Including items of special liablllty amounting to $336,223.00.

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/~ ”Waukee, Wis., February lst, 1901.
/ // I U
/ ‘ / Xi}
The/ékl/ Premium of $///7¢’1//’
on your Policy No/é%’%/§’&, will fall due
, A 3
before noon on the, , 35,, day of March, 1901,
and the same may be paid at the office of the Agent of
this Company in
Yours respectfully,
(ovum) ‘

 5),"), l . _.’

Hnnual Statement, january 1 , 1 goo.

Annuities.......................................... 37,054.08
Interest and rents............................. 5 564 083.79
Profit andloss.................................. ' 4732831
Total income...........................if "i" $24,605,143.46
Claims by dcath.................. ............$ 4,711,618.44
Matured endowments...................... 872,139.52
Annuities 8,809.58
Sui-rendered policies.............. . 921,874.56
Dividends to policy—holders.............. 2,515,029.21
Total payments to policy-hold- '
crsS 9,029,471.31
Taxes 507,411.28
Internal Revenue ’1‘nxcs......... 55.643-49
Expense of Examination 549-30
Commissions 2,460,442.07
Medical examinations and inspec—
tion of risks 160,063.10
Salaries of officers and employees,
Trustee’s, building and traveling
expenses, etc 481,284.20
Legal. loan, loss and real estate ex-
penses 377.564.50
Advertising..." 3,882.75
Supplies and expressage................... 62,438.96
Exchange and postage..................... 95.964.77
Rent (Home Ollicc)..... 35,800.00
Profit and loss..... 18,490.10
Total dishurscments.................. Silt-1,289,006.79
Loans on bond and mortgngc.........$70.558.064.76
Loans on policies as cullntcrul........ 6,580,905.00
Premium notes... 288,101.98
Real estate (including Home Oflice) 4,305,550.56
United States bonds, market value. 609,350.00
Other bonds, market value.............. $6,200,834.63
Cash on hand and in l)nnks............ 4.094.646.82
Accrued interest and rent................ 2,047,175.15
Due and deferred premiums (less ‘ ,
cost of collection)..................... 1,996,135.10
Deduct credit balances,