xt7ghx15n565_193 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers April 1896-May 1897 text April 1896-May 1897 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_20/Folder_1/Multipage19922.pdf section false xt7ghx15n565_193 xt7ghx15n565 //-/ V977




Dal/as is Headquarters of nearly all the

state agencies, implements, machinery, in-
surance, loan, real estate, immigration and
commercial travelers.

Dallas is (1 Railroad Center. Five trunk
lines enter the city, giving an outlet in ten
different directions, covering every import.—
ant part of the State.

Dal/as the Distributing Point of Texas.—

Dallas jobbers and manufacturers ship

their goods all over Texas and into the.

adjoining states and territories.
territory,” within four hours ride, or 100

miles of Dallas, comprises 40 out of 247i

counties in the State.
Area of Texas. . . 267.429 square miles.
Area of Dallas Territoiy ..31.416 square miles.
Population of Texas 111 1580 . .. , , .. .. . . . .. .. “1.591.740
Population of Texas in 1890. . .. .. .. .. 2.2351523
Increase. . . . ”643,753
Population of Dallas 'leirltou 1*Htl ...574.897
Population of Dallas Territory. 1890. . . , H‘ 21605
Increaso . . 249. 708
Or .718 per cent. of the increas e of the entire 51: no.
Assessed value of property in the Slate ...... $5131 120,989
Assessed value of property in Dallas
Number of cities, to“ 11s and vi ages in
Dallas Territory” . . ..
Number of business houses' 111 Texas ............ 27,325
Number of business houses in Dallas Ter1-1mry,.16.875
01' 61.4 per cent.



These cities, towns—and villages are sup-
ported and backed up by the agricultural
and live stock interest surrounding them.
Drouths never visit the Dallas territory,
and hence grass and crop failures are

Summing up the Dallas Territory (40 out
of 247 counties) with less than one-third of
the tillable land in cultivation, contains:

37% of the population of the entire state.

319—106/0 of the assessed values of the
entire state.

(31 4-1071. of the business: houses of the
entire state.

325/‘37/11 of the cotton produced in the
entire state, or one-ninth of the product of
the United States.

(55% of the wheat produced in the entire

32% of the corn produced in the entire

05% 0f the oats produced in the entiie

tiply by tluee' the pioducts, population and
wealth of this section.



\Vhen this district is populated on a basis.
\\ ith the oldei states, you can safely mul—;


Texas Supremacy.


1 Texas is greatest in area.

Texas is greatest in good lands.

Texas is greatest in cheap lands.

Texas is greatest in Public School

3 Texas is greatest in Cattle.

Texas is greatest in Horses.

‘ Texas is greatest in Cotton.

Texas is greatest in W'ool.

Texas is greatest in natural re-
sources and probable possibili—
ties, and offers the greatest
opportunities for profitable
employment of money.



L/ 0’


(Successors to J. M. BEATIE,)


s: LOANsls






DH 1.1.1:: 3. TEXFXS.





if! E1









At Dallas, in the State of Texas,
at the close of business, March 9, 1897.—No. 3132.


Loans and discounts ............................ $ 427.578 30
()verdrafts secured and unsecured ..... . 3‘4,151) 112
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. .. .. 200,000 00
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits .. .. 100.0011 00
Premiums 011 U. S. liouds ................ .. 1 00
Stocks. securities 1-.tc . $0.784 20
Banking- house furniture and fixtiires.... .. 136, 9119 ()0
Other real estate and mortgages owned ........ 11 "07 24
Due from national banks (not I'L serve agents). 107. 37:5 .1
Due from state banks and bankers 7. 3'11 43
Due from approved rese1ve agents ...... .. 156.263 17
Chen and other cash items. . 1.5.11 51
Exchanges for clearing house. .. .. . 4.5193 36
Notes of other natoinal banks .. 82,050 00
11 I‘ll! tional paper currency, nickels and cents. 110 10

Lawful money rese1ve in ban 1. '
Specie ............... .. 1 '
Legal tender note 1:10 000 00— 260, 841 25
Redemption fund with .S. treasurer (5 per

cent. of circulation) ............................ 9,000 00

Total... .. ..$I,491,636 16


Capital stock paid in .......................... $ 200 000 00
Surplus fund 150.000 00
Undivided profits less e\penses and taxes paii 5.117 20
National bank notes outstanding .. 130 000 00
Due to other national banks ........ . ...

Due to state b mks and bankers ...........

Individual deposits subject to check

Demand certificates of deposit. .. . ..

’l‘iuio certificates of deposit ............. '
(‘erilfled cheeks .............. .. 1. 600 ()0
Cashier’ s checks outstanding ......... .. 1, 521 50
United States deposits ............. .. 79.3130 91
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers .. 10.001 32

T01a1...........,$i,491,633 16
State of Texas, county of Dallas, 55:

l. E. J. Gannon, cashier of the above-named bank, do
solemnlyswear that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. E, J. G \NNL)N Cash'r.

Snbsmibed and sworn to before me, this 131h day of
March, 1897. H

Notary Public, Dallas county, Texas.

Correct—Attest: J. B. “ilson, \V. C. Padwitt, “. H.
Thomas, Directors.






At Dallas, in the State of Texas,
at the close of business, March 9, 1897.—No. 2455.


Loans and discounts ..................... . ....... 8701.824 66
Overdrafts. secured and unsecured ........ . 44,064 57
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ...... . ...... . 50.000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds ................... . 4,000 00
Stocl1s,securitie~', etc .. 37.500 00
Bankiiig- house, furniture and fixtures ......... 60,000 00
Due from national banks (not reserve Ingents)” 100.040 47
Due from state banks and bankers. . 74.515 70
Due from approved reserve agents. . . . . .. . 209.284 65
Checks and other cash itcms.... 6,321 70
Exchanges for clearing-1101150. 22,992 53
Notes of other national banks. . . .. . 12,610 00
Fractional paper cur1cnc_y, nicke s 1.111151111135113 75

Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:
Spccic ................................. $161 607 00
Legal tender notes ..................... 322 000 00—483, 607 00
Redemption fund with U. S. 'Ireasurei (5 per

cent of circulation) 2,250 00
Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent

redemption fund .............................. 000 00

Total ......................................... $1,990,605 42


Capital stock paid in ............................ $100.000.00
Suiplus fund ...................................... 30. 000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid

National bank notes outstanding ................

Due to other national banks... .

Due to state banks and bankers.

Dividends unpaid

IndiVidual deposits subject '11". check.

Demand certificates of deposit .......

Time certificates of dcpostt. . . .

(‘ertiiied checks ................ .

Cashier’s checks outstanding ....................

Total ......................................... $1, 990, (30;) 42

State of Texas, county of Dallas 55:

I, E. 0 Tcnison, cashier of the above named bank, do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.

E. O. TENISOV Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11111 day of
Mar,ch 1897. B. i). HARRIS.

Notary public. Dallas county, Texas.

Correct—Attest: J. C. O‘Connor, J. E. Schneider. Guy
Suinpter, Directors.



or THE


At Dallas, in the State of Texas,
at the close of business, March 9, 1897.—No. 3023.


Loans and discounts. .. .. $721,703 85
Overdrafts, secured and linsecuied .. 18.311 03
U. S. bonds to secure circulation” .. 50.000 00
Premiums on U. b.onds. . .. 4,500 00
Stocks, securities, etc .............. . 50,375 86
Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures... 8 500 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned ........ 75,1430 03
Due from national banks (not reserve agents)” 60,004 86
Due fi' (mi state banks and bankers 20.749 44
Due from approved reserve agents. 163,652. 22
(.‘liccks and other cash items... .. . 933 88
Exchange for clearing-houso.. 6,1106 75
Notes 01 other national banks 24,070 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. 3,259 50

Lawful money resolve in bank, viz
Specie .................................. 111110.079 65
Lngal tender notes .................... 55, 000 00— —195,07 9 65
Redemption fund “11“an S. treasurer ”(5 per

cent of' circulation). .. . . 2,250 00

Total ........................................ $1,119,111.77


Capital stock paid in ............................. $300. 000 00
Surplus fund ...... . 11 000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 18,281 93
National bank notes outst inding ................ 45.000 00
Due to other national banks .............. .. 309.3111 85
Due to state banks and bankers .... . . .. . 58,431 29
Individual deposits subject to check ..... 631, 061 86
Demand certificates of deposit... 13, 538 60
Time certificates of deposit.. .. ,-
(‘ertih'cd checks.

Cashiers checks (31115131151111, 7,671 10

Total ........................................ $1,419,750 (37

State of Texas, county of Dallas, 55:

I. A. V. Lane. cashier of the above named bank, do
solemnly suear that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. .

A. V. LANE, Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of
March, 1897. R. C. AYRES,
Notary public, Dallascounty, Texas.

Correct—Attest: John N.Simpson, W. H. Gaston, S. I.
Manger, Directors.








At Dallas, in the State of Texas,
at the close of business, March 9, 1897.~—No. 3935.


Loans and discounts ............................. $258 451 84
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
U. S bonds to secure circulation
Stocks, securities. etc ..............
Other real estate and mortgages owned . . .
Due from national banks (not reserve agent .
Due from state banks and bankers. ..............
Due from appioved resolve agents.
(‘liecks and other cash items .........
Exchanges for clearing-1101150..
Notes, of other national banks. .. ..
1' ractional paper currency. nickels and cents.
Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:
Specie ................................. $211. 212 26
Legaltendoi notes ..................... 5. 010 00—$31,212 25
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per
cent of circulation) ............................. 1,687 50

Total ......................................... $443,736 66


Capital stock paid in ............................. $150, 000 00
Surplus fund ............................ . l5
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes
National bank notes outstanding:

Due to other national banks. . ...

Due to state banks and bankers

Dividends unpaid ........

Individual deposits subject to check .

Demand certificates of deposit. ..
Certified Checks. . ...

Cashier s checks outstanding. .
Reserve for taxes ................................

Total .......................................... $143,736 06

State of Texas, county of Dallas, as:

I. J. D. Estes, cashier of the above named bank. do
solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the
best, of my knowledge and belief.

J. D. Earns. Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of
March, 1897. D. W Canvas,

Notary Public, Dallas county, Texas.

Correct—Attest: J. B. Adoue, James Moroney, J. M.
Harry, Directors.




 THIS COMPANY reserves the right to
issue the above named certificates at its
option, and when it cannot find profitable
use for the money to withdraw them from

THERE IS NO very profitable invest—
ment which is as safe as these interest
bearing certificates,


THE LOANS made by the Company
are in nearly every case to contract—
holders, who mortgage their homes to
secure loans. Therefore the incentive to
make prompt payment is strong, and de-
fault is very rare.

TO INVESTORS of large or small
amounts the Kicx'rvcnv GUARANTEE
COMPANY invites a careful investigation
of its plans and methods.

1kcntucm2 Guarantee Company},
Office. 315 jfiftb Sr.

Imusvillc, 1RD.


1Rentucksz (Buarantee

tflncowm‘atch. ‘I



Ghoice A...

6 Ipcr ccnt.



1Rcab Garcfnllg.



315 jfiftb Street, Ionisville, 1kg.


 6111‘111111t1‘1:“0 1121101115.
JHERE ARE MANY 1111'1st11is \‘1'l111
{11111111111111 1l111scc111'i‘1y 11111l 111111s

profits possible 11111l111' the 111'11li1
sharing system as practiced by ‘1l11 Km:—
'1‘1'1‘1;\' 01'11111\1\'T1<:1: 0311111111: l111l 11h»
111'1‘1‘1-1' i11\1sli11g sums of 0111 l11111511l1i1‘. is iss1111l. T111111 this 111*1'lili

1:11.111 1.111 ' ;_ _1 ~11d 1111‘ .1 1 ('51

1111‘ 1111111. 1111 111111111111 paid 101‘ said 111'

(1’1) 111'1'1‘1‘11t. 1'111‘11111111111) i

1:11 1l11~ s11111 11r1i1l 511' lliis 11111111111111.

11'1'1‘1'11'1‘ \‘.'i‘1l1i’Ls 1‘11ll 1'1’1‘1'1i‘111l1l1-111'111'1111‘ll1111
ll11‘ C11111111111§"s 1-111i1'11 (11‘1“111:

111-11131s 1111 1l1c i11\'1s11111:11 11x 11:.\'1'1:ss 111'
T111126 111511 CENT. 111511 .1.\‘.\'1‘:11, 11.1111)
111111111111s 111 (1111 h11111l1'1'1l ($11111) (l1)ll{11‘.\,
{1l011l1l11l1c C11s‘1 111'i1‘1~) 1l1111 s11111 will l11:
11'1i1l 111 Lhc 1111i 1C1111 l111l1l1-1 111' his 11s:
si111s, 1111011 Lhc s111‘1'11111l11'11f sz1i1l 111-1'1i1‘ii
111111 1111l11 C11111111111y. 'l‘l11‘i11'1‘cs‘1111 \11ll
‘h11s 11cci1c (l1111l1l1‘ ll1'1- 111111111111 i11\'cs‘111l.
1111111111151 (l11111'115ix ((31 1111-1111111. 11117

1111:1lLli1i1111ls1l1111i11§1 the 11 111i1'1- 1i1111-.
1.711155 “1‘." 01' jf11!117:11.11‘11 1i- 111111135.

IN CONSL ’ L“ ‘ 11(l\'C1'111c
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111'111'11l‘1i11l0s1111111111”, :11‘1-1'li1’ici1‘11;isissuul
11111111111 1\'11 \111-1 ss 31:11.11. T111111.

’1l1is C1‘1’ilil1‘zllk‘ 1'1 sc111i»111i1i11:1l1li\'i1l1‘11(l 111'

111111' (1) 111-1' 11111. ('11i11'l'1‘ (8) 111-1 0:111

n111111111) is 11ai1l: ‘ i1 “mi

.11. 11., (1,.
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7 “.11‘1111muu1 ‘7
llL‘ \.lLl:‘ll1‘,\\li

V ,N' 4'l. 111. ,
.1 1 1111'111111;’




Consolidated Mortgage Five Per Cent Bonds.

Both Principal and Interest Payable in Gold Coin of the United States of the present standard of
weight and fineness.

Dated May 1,1895. Due May 1,1910. No Option. Trustee, Old Colony Trust Company, Boston.
Principal and May and November interest payable at the office of the Trustee.

These bonds are secured by mortgage on the entire Metropolitan Street Railway system, serving practically the entire
territory of Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas, and the surrounding suburbs containing a population of
over 200,000.

(In June 1, 1895, the Metropolitan Street Railway Company acquired the properties formerly owned by the Kansas City
Cable Railway Company, Grand Avenue Railway Company, Kansas City & Independence Rapid Transit Company,
West Side Railway Company, and also acquired the controlling interest in the stock of the Kansas City Elevated
Railway Company. The gross mileage of the combined systems is 134.95 miles of single track.

The Official Report and Balance Sheet of the. Company, dated June 1, 1896, show the following:

Capital Stock . . . . . . . . . $5,586,800
Bonds outstanding . . . . . . . . 7,519,000

Year ending June 1, 1895 :—
Gross earnings . . . . . . . . $1,544,160.58
Operating expenses, including taxes . . . . 906,941.53

Net earnings. 5 6371219-05
Year ending June 1, 1896 :—
Gross earnings . . $1,622,888.48

Operating expenses, including taxes . . . . 934,815.12

Net earnings . . . . . . . $ 688,073.36
Interest 011 bonds . . . . . . . 364,564.46

Surplus earnings . . . . . . $ 323,508.90
above does not include the earnings of the Kansas City Elevated Railway Company, the interest on whose bonds has
been guaranteed by the Metropolitan Street Railway Company. This guarantee is an obligation of the Company,
out not a lien.
Company has expended a large amount of money in the past year in improving, bettering and extending its system,
and it is expected by the officers that the result of these improvements will show increased earnings during the
ensuing year.

The Metropolitan Street Railway Company was organized in 1886 and the system has been successfully operated under the
present management for the past ten years, and has paid dividends 011 its capital stock every year, except one, since
its incorporation. The report of the Company shows payment of dividends for the fiscal year ending June 1, 1896,
amounting to $111,736, and the transference to surplus account of $151,934.06.

The topographical situation of Kansas City is particularly favorable for the development of a large street railway traffic, and
the city is now 011 a thoroughly substantial basis and its prospects for the future are most promising. The Company's fran-
chises are favorable in their terms and extend until 1925, or 15 years after the maturity of t/u's issue of bonds.

Considering the good physical condition of the property, its conservative management and occupation of all the available terri-
tory, we are satisfied that tile srnzrity back of these bands will steadily increase, and that the bonds themselves will Mllltllll‘é'
in valm’.

The bonds were purchased by us after a thorough investigation, and we recommend them as a safe and desirable investment.

The legality was passed upon by local attorneys and by Messrs. Seward, Guthrie, Morawetz & Steele, of New York City, whose
opinion will be furnished if desired.

Additional information furnished 011 application.

These bonds are offered on very attractive terms. Write or wire for price.


Circular No. 765.


N.W. HARRIS 6: COMPANY, Bankers,

204 Dearborn Street.

15 Wall Street.

70 State Street.





We own and offer, subject to prior sale and advance in price, the following bonds:

' coupon on REGISTERED.


Quotations made by wire 11 on all the issues of Government
bonds, cou on or registere , either for National Banks to use
as a basis or circulation, or for investment by institutions,
trustees or individuals. We have, in very compact form, a
full statement of the Government debt and finances, together
with the highest and lowest quotations on United States
bonds for a period of twenty years, which Will be sent upon
request. Correspondence invited.


$50,000 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Registered 4’s.

Dated October 1, 1895. Due October 1, 1915. Interest payable
April and October, at National Bank of Redemption, Boston.
Denomination, $10,000.

Assessed valuation ........................... $80,850,260

Total debt, including this issue .............. 4,971,500

Water debt ........................ $2,215,500

Sinking fund ...................... 511,816 2,727,316

Net debt ...................................... 2,244,184

Population, 81,519.

Legal for New York and flfzzssarhusetts Savings Banks.

Price on application.


$42,000 Cambridge, Massachusetts, Registered 4’s.

Dated October I, 1895. Due October 1, 1925..
Denomination, three of $10,000 and one of $12,000.

Legal for New York and [Massachusetts Savings Banks.

Price on application.


$l00,000 Corning, New York, 4’s.

Dated July 1, 1896. Due in installments from 1926 to 1935.
Interest payable semi-annually in New York City.
Denomination, $1,000.

Assessed valuation ............................. $3,126,800
Total debt, including this issue ....... $227,000
Sinking fund .......................... . “#34930



Net debt ........................................ 193,000 ;

Population, 12,000.
Legal for New York .S‘rwz'ngs Banks.

Price on application.

$25,000 Elmira, New York, Registered 4%’s.

Dated September I, 1896. Maturities given below. Interest
payable March 1 and September I, by the City Chamberlain
of Elmira, in New York Exchange. Denomination, $5,000.

Assessed valuation ........................... $16,407,788

Total debt, including this issue .............. 964,500

Population (estimated) 40,000.

Legal for [Vew York Savings Banks.

$15,000 due September 1, 1930.
10,000 due September 1, 1931.

Price on application.


$2|,000 Binghamton, New York 4’s.

Dated August 1, 1896. Maturities given below. Interest
payable semi-annually, February and August, in New York

Assessed valuation ............................ $19,731,950

Total debt, including this issue ..... $414,500

Water debt .......................... 109,500

Net debt ....................................... 305,000

Population, 37,000.

Legal for New York Savings Banks.

$3,000 due August 1, 1916 $10,000 due August 1, 1929
8,000 due August 1, 1917
Price on application.


$l7,000 Grand Rapids, Michigan, Water 45é’s.

Dated October 1, 1893. Due October I, 1913. Interest payable

April I and October 1. Denomination, $1,000.
Assessed valuation ............................ $26,017,277
Total debt ......................... $1,863,000
Water debt ........................ 887,000
Net debt ...................................... 976,000
Population, 60,278.
Legal for New York Savings Banks.

Price on application.

$23,000 Grand Rapids, Michigan, City Hall 5’s.

Dated July I, 1884. Due July 1, 1904. Interest payable January 1
. and July 1, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Denomination, $1,000.


Legal for [Yew York Savings Banks.
Price on application.


 $I04,000 Town of Windom, Connecticut, 4’s. J $l0,000 City of Moline, Illinois, 476’s.

D . . . . .
agar: i, 1ggghmfliiiltlearteiztnpgyagfi seiclliiéannually, April 1 and [ Dated January 2 1897 Due in twenty years opt' 1 ft
. , ’ an 500. fif’ , ._ r ., iona a er
Assessed valuation .............. $ ‘ oflEESnoyeepl‘lsé gifterTSt payable annually January 1, at the
Toml d b ' .............. 4,455,666 , h y reasurer. Coupons may be collected
e t, this Issue included lllllllllllllllll 141 762 ,1 t rough our New York, Boston or Chicago house free
Population, 10,036. ’ l Denommahon’ $1000 ) .
True value of property, estimated ............. $7,409,920
Assessed valuation for taxation ............... 1,852 480
W , , 7 Total debt, this issue included ........ $92,000
7 , fl. Less water debt..........
$8,000 Danvers, Massachusetts, 4’s. Net debt ----------------- 9919(5)
Daltleg iJ)ueiée 1,1 1896. _ Due June 1, 1926. Interest payable June 1 ‘ Population, '7’000 (official estimate).
, 7 cm,” 1, m Boston. Constitutional limit of debt, five per cent

Assessed valuation
. ............................. $4,515,395 Moline is one of ' - ' ' ' '
3:11;;132; lnCIuding this issue ........ $315,415 northwestern _Illtiii:i:10515iftiizstle)telrodii Itrlliimll'flzigéislsigiimléieisvdrn
_________________________ 268,515 . only three miles above Davenport the cit is di Yid d f ,
Net debt ............................. x .... the_ island of Rock Island by a very narroilv cha‘nnel Thu
Population, 8,181. ----- rapid flow.of water at. this point affords immensee inotiv:
L 61!?" l for j] [assar 11 my / [3 Savings Banks. power and is at the baSis of Moline‘s industrial importance.

. . Four found ‘ 1 ' ' '
Plice [o . ries, two flourink nnlls, t ' 1
7 M _,Z§é and Interest, netting about 3.60 per cent. l plow and cultivator factorgies, besid:oesizlilisllliiiiZhl‘sV‘foi‘atlgig
_ _ ,, a,” ,, , , ,,,,,,, ”m” , making of boders, pumps and scales, all indicate the city’s
prominence as a manufacturing center.

,l Price 105% and interest, netting 4 per cent.

Legal for (former/I'm! and [Vassar/mic!“ Sailings lion/ts.
Price on application.

$27,850 Malden, Massachusetts, 4’s.

Due in installments from 18 8 t i "
payable. semi-annually, in Bogstmf 19”, 111Clusn e.
enommation, $1,000, $1, 011d 8
Assessed valuation ....... 75-11 $1. 50. $23 07' 940 , $20,000 Terre Haute, Indiana, Refunding 4’s
Total debt including this issu ............... ’ ’ Dated N l i I
’ e .......... member 2,18 6. D ' ' ' '

Water debt ................... $580 00.0 '1563fl00 ten years. Interestgpayabll: lilaty‘}ezlliihideabldveiiiggogahl‘ltlir
Sinking fund . ' I . . . . . ‘ . I ~ ' ‘ . _ ' - .... 78,3 0 6 8 ‘ CentralTrust Company, New York City. Denomination,’$I 000‘?
Net debt ......................... 5’s 7 5 ’37“ True value of pronerty. estimated... $33 oo‘o’ooo
Population, 31,331. ----------- 9041730 Assessed valuation for taxation. . . . . .. ..... 20,244,510
Lara!f£".fl/'afoUr/Iusclls Saving-s Ban/er. Cghgitjef't’ illcll'Uding this issue .............. 380:000

rice 0 any maturit t _ u Iona 1mit of debt two .
> , 7 , , ,, , ‘3' if“ 3% per cent. Population, 43,000 (official estimifiécent

$5,000 Winchester, Massachusetts, 4’s.

Dated June 1, 1896. Maturities a1 1 "
payable June 1 and December 1, iiilliolsjfdlfs below. Interest
Assessed valuation ...........
Total debt, includin .................
g this issue .......
Water debt ....................... $323,322
Net debt ""‘KT

1.13311! for [l/(ISStZl‘lII/Sz‘f/S Savings Banks. .


Lz‘ga/ for zl/assar/msn’z‘s Savings Ban/lay.

Price on application.

6 8 . 1 . .
$ , 72,150 $3,500 Rivei Forest, I|I1n01s, 5’s.
(Cook County.)
Interest and principal payable 'lt the Cl' '
‘ ' . . ._ . 11c r N ' z '
136,500 JChicago. gtgiqmination, $500. $2,500 ofgllie 313331181 13:11:23
7, A . 'unc 3o, 1 9 , )ear 11110. a l D i ‘
Ezra) 3:: Beccmpei 1, 1923; 103 and interest. ‘ issued for water purpgscs. 11:11: 5ooedfelt1liéel§oiiii§rditt ‘a1nd l‘YCI'e
’ eccni er 1, 1924; 108% and interest. 1 1896, bear January and July, interest and were isisiiedlfl )tIlD'
Netting 3.55 per cent. ( purpose of erecting a village hall. I H 01‘ 1e
, J ,, 7 , ,,_ 9 @7777 “A , ., ,7 7 5 1 True value of property, estimated ............ $1
7 5 _ _ . ' l Assessed valuation for taxation . . .. . . .
$ , 00 City of Milwaukee, Wisconsm, 5’s. 1’ Total debt, this issue included
bl;1t11r111g$2,000July 1, 1908; $4,000 July I, 1909; $500 July 1 ‘ Population, 2,000. ..........

1911’; 131,000Julv1,1 in, I , . l - - . .
January and July-1, in gay X6336“ pa) able semi-annually) ‘ COHStltutionaI limit of debt 5 per cent.



Assessed valuation River Forest is a wealthy suburban villa ‘ I
......................... V Y ' ‘ . y ' k - ge on tlle Clllcago
Tom. debt, this issue incmded $5 8 6 .$l42,926,395 , é lslo'rth-u estern Railroad, Just outside the municipal limits
water debt and sinking fund .. _ , 7 ,750 the filecggpimit 11: beautifqlly Situated, right 011 the banks of
. , , , , . ‘. V3 ' ’ r ‘ G" I ‘
Net debt ............... men of Chicago £51.53 11:11;- 111.111} of the suceessful business
Population, 204,416. The water bonds mature as follows :
55500 June 30, 1901 ; price 101%
,, , , , ,, , , ,, , 1 500 June 30, 1902; price 101%
. ,.,‘ ,,, 5 ‘00 une 30, 1903; price 102
$6,000 Boston, Massachusetts, Registered 4’s Smilme 30’ 1904; price 102%
Dated January 1 1896 Due J’lllll'lr I i 500 Hue 30’ 1905; Price 10255:
. . , . . . y 1,1916. Interest ' b1 i ' I
se?11~annuall,\'y January 1 and 11 . - , . paya e 1 The VlllflO'e hall bonds mature :
ofhce. Deno111ination, $1,000. J 1" I, at the CH) Treasurer’s l 0 $500 July I5 I906 ’ price I077
Lrg‘a/forNcw York Sari/I '5 1’ It .500 Jilly 15: 1907; nice 10: 8
Price in ;;;li;tio Accrued interest to be added to alllprices (juoted
n. .
Price to net 454,? per cent.

3.892.750 j
Price 011 application. I



$57,000 Ford County, Illinois, Township 5’s.

Dated November 18, 1892. Maturing serially, as indicated
hereafter. Principal and annual interest (July 15) payable at
the American Exchange National Bank of New York City, or
at the State Treasurer’s Office, Springfield, Illinois.
Denomination, $500.

True value of property, estimated ............ $3,850,000
Assessed valuation for taxation ............... 550,000
This issue is the only debt ................... 60,000
Population, 3,000.

These bonds were authorized by Drummer Township, Ford
County, Illinois, for the purpose of funding an original 6 per
cent. loan of 1882. The bonds were issued in accordance with
the well-known Illinois refunding act of 1879, under the
provisions of which the bonds have been registered by the
Auditor of Public Accounts. Taxes for the payment of
interest are levied and collected with State taxes, and are
turned over to the State Treasurer, by whom coupons are
paid, thus making them a quasi Slate oblige/ion.

Drummer Township is situated in the southwestern corner of
Ford County, less than thirty miles east of Bloomington.
The township includes Gibson City, and covers an area of
fifty-four square miles. Probably nowhere in Illinois is the
soil more fertile or farming lands more productive. Land in
Drummer Township readily sells at eighty dollars per acre,
and property in Gibson City is, of course, still more valuable.
The agricultural products of the township are easily marketed,
owing to the ample transportation facilities offered over the
\Vabash, the Illinois Central and the Lake Erie and \Vestern
railroads, which center at Gibson City.

The bonds mature :

$2.500J111y Is. 1897 $4.000 July 15. I906
2,500 July 15. 1898 4.500 July 15. I907
2.5001110 15, I899 4.500 July 15. I908
2,500 July 15, 1900 5,000 July 15, 1909
3,000 July 15, 1902 5,000 July 15, 1910
3.000 July 15. 1903 5.500 July 15. 19H
3.500 July 15. I904 5.500J111y15, I9I2
3.500 July 15. 1905

Price of any maturity on application.


$I3,000 St. Joseph County, Indiana, 476’s.

Dated December 1, 1896. Maturing in series as shown below.
Interest payable June I and December I, at the Chemical
National Bank of New York City. Denomination, $1,000.

True value of property, estimated ........... $50,000,000

Assessed valuation for taxation .............. 27,508,285

Total debt, this issue included ............... 313,000

Population, census 1890, 42,457; now over 50,000.

Constitutional limit of debt 2 per cent.

' I
These bonds are part of an issue of $273,000 four-and-a—half’s,

authorized for the. erection of a new court house at South
Bend. Prior to this issue of bonds the county's debt was
merely nominal, and even after the handsome edifice is
completed the total bonded debt of Saint Joseph County will be
[055 [/1021 one and out-sweat]; per [elztof 11/16 assessed valuation.
Saint Joseph County—one of the oldest and wealthiest counties
in Indiana—is situated in the north central part of the state,
immediately adjoining Michigan. Large manufacturing
interests at South Bend, however, have brought the county
into industrial importance, so that Saint Joseph County is
known quite as much for the variety and extent of its
manufactures as for its heavy harvests of corn and grain.
South Bend, the county seat, is a substantial city of about
30,000 inhabitants, only 86 miles east of Chicago. It is the
seat of the University of Notre Dame, probably the largest
Catholic educational institution in this country.
The bonds mature :
:5 6,000 December 1, 1902 ; price 103%;
2,000 December 1, 1903 ; price 103;;

$7,000 Marshalltown, Iowa, Refunding 4 l-2’s.

Dated July 1, 1896. Maturing twenty