xt7ghx15n565_205 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Insurance Papers and Contracts text Insurance Papers and Contracts 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_21/Folder_4/Multipage21458.pdf 1880-1883 1883 1880-1883 section false xt7ghx15n565_205 xt7ghx15n565   

171111 [1'1 act, 1'1111"111l iuto thi<.. 2/2/ 7/ ........ 1l1VV 11 tf7L/A/ /$ Yd
111VV1111 7/14 ”$40 / Z @1121 /: ((14 17‘ %Ie znufa. Z /.,1 7 K
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J ' A
WWf/m /? :1< 11111ly 111' the .<11'111111 111.11 and 5/ «fl/Z 45/ fG/L .1.


party 111' the thil'd 111111 a< <1'1'111it '111'1111'1111'1_V'11t the .t 111111 11__:'11'1.< 1111111111111< 6/:4 / 'Z/ that " é/flkfl' will

in 1'1-11,t1tte<, 11111111 the eertitieate 111' the,.<11i1l111'1'hi11'.'t.<, that the .>2 ' 1 ' l(‘

E .J ’ , I s {
1 C t‘ AAA (’14 ,r 111 (t. Zm ? W‘WézCA/ Mag/.1 “,1. 1111* WI”), 1'11 ,1“,
11111. 111 11111111 11 1.; A22; W

111 cx'ict accordance with 1111* plans and sp11*1ficati11ns pr11 1:11’1'11 111(‘1'(‘1111‘, 11V 11. l). Mt‘llilV \111) 1% 11110
and under their supervision, furnishing 1111*111 all 1111c lucilitics tor inspecting the work and to their
entire satisfaction. 1

2d, The party ol' the first part agrets and binds W M that (1- will
~ ~_‘\—l

1 ‘ 1. X", . ,1 1 i V, . 1 ' - 1 . . . I
111 1-111s111111111on 111 1111 111\1n1ints heicin 111*111; strictly cirried 11111 by second party, pav to the second party the sum of

; ¢%C> flak!) W 9" fi/(x/‘e/Q" M dollars in lawt'ul money

ot 1111* l 11111-11 T‘talcs, upon 1111* certificate 11 11111 said :ti‘cliitcr'ts, 111111 1111* s:11111* is due, and also upon second parties t'urnish-
”11—" ‘ ‘1 l""lll”'*.“l1) the U'l‘llllt‘illt‘ 111'1111‘ hropcr 111111315 that there are no 1111*clianic's liens of record twaiiist the 111111111111r The
r: ' 5'

7WMwé—QM1 W a: W
éfiwgodw VfifiW~W$

A ml if is further (1 greed between the pc es.

3311. 'l‘hat the drawings and specifications are intended to co-opcrate so that any works exhibited in the drawings, and
not 1111*11ti1111cd 111 the specifications or rice 1'1'i's11, arc to he executed by second party the same as if they were mentioned 111
the spcciticitioiis and set forth in the drawings to 1111* true intent and meaningr ot' 111(‘111‘:l\\‘ll);_"s‘ and specifications, without
extra charge.

~11h, Should the first pai'ty at any time during the progress, of the work rc1piirc any additions to 111' omission from this
contract, or to make any change 111 plan 111' style 111' work, it will becarriedout by the second party. The value of said
change being first agreed on in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this contract, so that the amount may be
added to 111' deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

3111, That the labor, materials and workmanship furnished will be such as is described 111 the specification, and it' any
that is interior to that so described, be substituted by the second party without consent of first party, second party will be
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified during the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses or neglects to supplv
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to be so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsihility for non compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior workmanship was not discovered at the time

the work was going on.

11111. Should aiiydispute arise concerniiigthcti'ucconstruction and meaning of the drawings oi' specifications, it shall he
decided by the said architects, without appeal. Should a dispute arise concerningr the value of any extra
work, 111' work omitted, as provided in section tour, it shall be decided by two competent persons, one selected by each of
the two parties to this contract, and it' they two cannot agrec, they shall have power to call 111 a third, and the decision 111'
two of the three shall be final. Any deduction on account of substitution ot interior work 111' material provided 1111'111
clause five of this 1' )iiti'act, shall be fixed by the said architects at the time they give notice to the second party that claim
will he made 1111' it, and that shrill he the basis ot' settlement.

7111, The second party will, at all times kccp a good and ctlicicnt foreman upon the work, who shall receive any in~
structioiis from the said architects, with regard to the work. and they shall he carried 11111 the s:1iii1* as it’ given to second
party hiiiisclt'. It is understood that it' sutlicient cause
work, shall he removed from the work, and not re-eniploycd, but others substituted in their

Nth, The work shall he cmnmenccd L‘Lfigt"

appear to 1111* said architects, this thrciiian or any 111~chziiii1~ 111'

laborer employed upon the

pl ace.

and safety will permit, and shall he completed by or be-

fore 1111' W f/ZO play W Lax/[L Mold? , and should stcoiid party fail to

the work at 1111* time agreed, he will pay rent tor the premises, at the monthly rental ot Sfl 7‘ _"

and shall he pushed forward to completion as rapidly as durability

date fixed for its completion, until it is formally accepted by the said architects, unless said 111*-
liich second party could havc no control, and this clause of this contract
accruing shall be deducted from

dollars per month. 1111111 1111*
lay shall have been causel by circumstances over w
shall be a valid lease upon thc prciniscs 1111111 such l'ormal acceptance, and the rental thus
the amount 111' this contract. 111 case any charges are made by the said architects, tor supervision of the work, extending
over :1 long'cr time than that :lg‘t'tx‘tl upon tor 1111* completion of the work 111 this contract, on 11cc 111111 of sccond party‘s fail-
ure to complete it within 1111* time agreed on, they shall be deducted from the amount of this contract.

”111. Second party 1 'suincs the risk of any accidcnt or damage that may occur to the building, or to persons about the

building duriinr the 11'11'r1'css of 1111* work and avrrees to make good any damawe that may be so caused and to hold first
1 r3 1 1'3 1 D 1 . a . ‘ ’

party harmless from whatever source they may come.
111th, The said third pirty, surcty 111' 1111s contract, 11s zit-11111111111111 with its contents and
for thcconsideration ot‘ one dollar, receipt of which is hereby ackiiou'lcged.

guarantees that sccond party
will p1*1'111i'111 all the stipulations contained therein,

1N ‘d'l'l‘NlCSS \Vlll‘llllitH". 1111* said partics. have signed their names, the day and date above written 111

/.1 2/

/ K?)///&//llrfl/& /)/ ( (/fl/a/l (it (((y lFirstparty.

, I f ///)1//(/ r ( 7 ‘)

f/% /)//7/ l////( K/ 5/ 4’, m
(1'75(/i(\1(§1111 02/01/11 X 1111.11 (1" f (it (4.11111/ICL “A 6“ 411 (/1
(* i731? /_/( ‘1 ((11 (KZLK ((u- (1.
I ( /\L ‘(LAZ’i (FY/l, :f/WtA’f 51¢, Gnu/K L4;

_ 7? /I /c¢ 1L / ,

’1 L411 4 V/{t
, / ,, 7/, 2p,
2/ / é/ / ”\5/ 3‘ ’1 ”1"’/ Ti )Sccond party.

, V/_ A? be? t

\V i t ncss.





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« 51;.

*’ lwtutcnfl. C!) k‘ W 7/W wt"
L7 VI: Mr; W as party of thc tirst part, and /6 y W V» Cb
WW ' /¢Y as party ot the >t‘t‘4llltl part. and M’W


party ot‘ thc third part as security tor thc party ol' thc second part.
viv‘ [‘17 \i‘i‘v \l , ‘ .' 1;; . . ' '
3, d 1.3115512 I‘d], flu fol/4m my] «(/1 4 (1m His and cmulmons (win-cc): the parties

{>K lltt patty ot thc second part. hereby agrees and binds himself that he will t'urni‘h all
manshp, labor. implements, models. [It ltlds. mat 'liill‘. cartan and sc.1tl3>ldinr ‘tnd d) all \\ tl l ‘
‘,_. t l . vbi\'

Eris QumtractW W7 2 c

Illl'cssm'y for 1])“

W W . .
‘I i ‘; M
WW it 1 71“ MM) TflWWm' thc party of the
tirst part. to be situated on a lot o‘ca/ [a GJj~ 7 MW’S \.
in I] d

theretor, by ll. 1’. )l<'l)().\'i\ld) tk' Bllt).,

and under thclr supcrvtslon, tnrnlshing lhcm all due titcilitics tor inspcctiiw thc worl' and t) tli
. g \, . ( 1clr

exact :u'ctn'dancc with the plans and >lttt‘illt‘:ltil)ll>‘ pl'cp:

cntirc satisfaction.

2d, The party ot‘ the lirst part agrees and binds 7" that fl), 7 ’—‘ .1]
‘ wl

illt‘rlr‘. ' -~ , i-i' '. .' -
t 1 hit] ition of tin (oytnants llt,ltlIl being strictly cn'rted out lw second party, 1“" 1,, the second p.11.” the ‘um “1'

7m W7 WW ‘ h, -
Pgwg dollars in lawl'ul money

of thc United States 11)ontl1*ca"'*‘ * 4 "i ‘ "l. ' i i
, l t t t1lu.1t(,,ot the said an into: ts, that the same 1s due, and also upon sccond parties t'urnish-

ing (it rcl uircd ) the ['t'l'liiiU‘liU o' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ i ' i ' ' i
., 1 v . t the proper otlice, that then .nc no mechanics liens ot record against the budding. The

km 7 Mmgdflaww 445M
Wm VIZ? W W 1/4“ W WV
mi? lb W ymw7m7asm'”
1- are, 7/7W- 757% W 440W W
42W ML» Lit/é M77 W M

A ”(I if (is further agreed between the parties.

lid. That the drawings and specilications are intended to cwopcrutc so that any works exhibited in the drawings and
not mentioned in thc spccitications or rice rv rva, are to be cxccutcd by second party the same as it' they were mentioniid in
the spu‘iiioltiotts and sct t'orlh in the drawings to the true intcnt and tncaningot: the drawings and specifications. without
:xtru charm:

4th, Should the tirst party at any time during the progress of the work rwluire any additions to or omission from this
contract, or to make any change in plan or style of work, it will be carried out by the second party. The value of said
change being first agreed on in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this contract, so that the amount may be
added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

Sth, That the labor, materials and workmanship furnished will be such as is described in the specification, and if any
that is inferior to that so described, be substituted by the second party without consent of first party, second party will be
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified durimr the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses 0r neglects to suopplv
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to he so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsibility for non compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior workmanship was not discovered at the time

the work was going on.
W V— a. W Z 7
Af—‘Z ., 61/! (4.4.2; A/

firm») W747 M JxW , 7
477:;977137/w 47) /W W #7474 M [Ma

lith. Should anydispute arise concerning thetrucconstruction and meaning of the drawings or specifications, it shall be
decided by the said architects, without appeal. Should a dispute arise concerning the value of any extra
work, or work omitted, as provided in section four, it shall be decided by two competent persons, one, selected by each of
the two parties to this contract, and ill they two cannot agree, they shall have power to call in a third, and the decision ot'
two ot' the thrcc shall be tinal. Any deduction on account ot' substitution ot interior work or material provided for in
clause livc ot' this contract, shall be lixcd by the said architects at the time they give notice to the second party that claim
will be made t'or it, and that shall be the basis ot’ scttlcmcnt.

71h, 'l‘hc second party will, at all tintcs keep a good and ctlicicnt t'orctnan upon the work. who shall rcccivc any in-
structions from the said architects, with regard to the w old and thcy shall hc carried out the ,‘Illllt' as it' givcn to second
It is, understood that it' sutlicient causc appear to thc said architccts, this t'orenmn or any
work, shall be removed from the work, and not rc-employcd, but others substituted in their

party himsclt'. m 'cltaiiic or
laborer employed upon the


day of \ \

oth, The work shall be commcn ' cfore the
. . . \
v and safety Wlll )ermit, and shall be completed by or be»

at d shall be pushed torward to compl tion as rapi ly as durabill

1:“ , and should second party fail to

com ilcte the wor at thc time Igrecd, be ‘ill pay rent or the premis s, at the monthly email ot

dolla 's per month, from the dat tixed for i ‘ completion, until it is for tally accepted by he said architects, unless said dc-
lay sl ill have been :aused by cit 'umstances vcr which second party eo tld have no control, and this clause of this contract
shall i c a valid lease upon the prc niscs until such t'ormal Acceptance, an the rental thus a *ruing shall be lcductcd from
Ires are made by the said architects, for supcn 'sion' ot'ithe -wo 'k, extending

the am mnt of'this ('t ntract. ln 0 40 any cha .
wunt of st-ctmd\party's fail-

over a mgcr time that that agreed Mil tor the unnplction ( ' the work in this contract, on a
are to c mplctc it will in the time agreed on, they shall be det tctcd from th x amount of this (‘1

filth, Second party assumes the risk of any accident or damage that may )ccur to. the building, or ,
ss of the work, and agrees to make good any damage that may lie so caused, and to hold tirst

to persons about the

building during the progrc
party harmless from whatever source they may come.

illth, The said third party, surety ot' this contract; is :u-«plaintcd with its contents and guarantees th
hcconsideration of one dollar. receipt of which is hereby acknowlcgml.

at second party
will pcrthrm all thc stipulations contained therein, tort

[N \VI'I‘NICSS \Vlll‘llll‘itll“. the said parties, have signed their namcs, the day and date above writtcn in

j? % 771(//////%\/L/fl/t (/75; If / x2 /fl/p§l l Fm WW-
7 m7. 7/ 7 777,. 7,. 4 . , ,
l ‘W.

, / » w
él/Lf/‘(//<\C ((t“\ V/(LL/(c xflkfi («W/At“ (‘ 6‘s,(('lk K!!\l‘

(quuxt/‘le a» é/U. 5 (/{Yfll‘é/{G ( (’f‘lu (($926; ,
/ 7727744717? 77AWZ§¢ flumm , Q(6~.-7<'w K4477 47/"
‘ rz/Z (y %‘/‘(/\

. ” }
’/é//)/) 71/) {fl Va )Second party.
/ 7 ,
7 « /’. {r 2/7’7/11/1/Lfl [a 7'2 x. \wimm


t .
t , {/4 71/? 172/ 77/7/2 z l “111” W“)?

, /./l/l/V14/L/l/Vl/ 7 //\ 1.51/77/1/1/ \ Witness.


 “a H. “H? W rm! \w WGW;

: 3—. 5‘ H 32

\NN\ ‘ $0? 8 513?
g um RSJTHJSX E 33.
\nwrhx.‘ g mg «.2?


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. 11'1

fligi—juolil'unon 111111111 11'1112111Is l'111111i11 111111M 7
fiL “114m 111 121111111 money

11. 1 V I 1 “ ( 1" 1 . ' . I ll . ' . .

'1 1111 1 1111111 \I.111 , 11111111 11111 11111111.1I11 111 11111 .<:1111 111'111111111'I<, Ih'11 Il111<21111111<1lu'1, 111111211<1111111111 <111111111l 11'11'1111< 1'111'11i"h
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.—' 1111011111111.) Ih1 11111111.1I1 1111110 11111111'111111'11 11111 the1'11 :11'1, 11 111 ' "' '1 ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' '

11 , 1 11 111. 2 1.11111, s 1011<111 10111111 .11111111st the huildum l he

said11111'1111111ts111110111211111111Ihet'ollo111n1r11121111101'. W f1” W W7 k» WV







A In] if is further agreed beheeen the parties.

‘11], 'l'h211 1110111'1111'111Lr< 111111 <11111~ilie21111111<111'11 11111111111111 111(111-1111111'21111.<11Il1111 21111 \\'11l‘l{.<‘11_\11111111‘ll 111 11111 dr2111'inLrs, 111111
11111 11111111111111-11 111 11111 s111111iti1'11111111s111' 111110 1'1/2w. 111'11111 he executed 111' second 11111'13' 11111 .<21m1121.< if Il1111' were 11111111111111111 111
11111 >11"1‘lllt‘111111]>‘ 211111 s1-11'111'Il1111 11111111'2111'111e's1111111111'1111111111111 211111 111112111111g11t' 11111111'1111'111L1's 211111 s11111'ifi1~11111111.<, 11111111111
1'\111 1 ('111 11L11.

4111 5111111111 11101 first 11211'11'21121111'111110 durintr the 11111r10<< 111' the work 1'0111111'0 21111' additions to o1 omission from this:
1111111',11.ct 111 111 11121120 21111 01121111411 111 1112111111'st_1'le 111 1111112, it11'1111100211'1'icdout 111' 1110 second p21111'.The value of said
11121111111 heing first 211410011 1111 111 11 11111111, 211111 the suhsidiury contract endorsed on this c1111r2101,so that the 211111111111 111211 he
21111 led 111111 110111111 ted from 1110 211111111111 of this contract, accordintr as it 1111) increase 01 diminish the 101211 00st of' 1110 work.

1111, T11: 11 the 121111. 11r, materials and 11orL1n.111<11111fur111

“— ~ We Kn
W71. .wzmmwmfi; '12.;

1'11111Lrth11t1'110con<'11110111111 211111 111021111111; 01' 11111 111'2111ings 111's11110111021111111s,11 shall be

11th. 511111111 1 21111 1li<111110 .111<11 011100
21 (11111110 211is0 concerning 11101211110 01 21111' 0\tr21

1100111011 111' 1110 s11i1l 1111'1111001s, 11111111111 21111111211. Should
11111'12, 111'11'111'k omitted, as provided in 11110111111 four, it 

RE» Kg? i‘

I _‘H._. 1. E :2

mbNJn NNA E Amfi 13¢:

KBVy \§/.Nawm13
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I11'11'1IV 111 1111111111‘11I1.11'1:1~ ‘1'1‘lll‘llIY 1'111 111.1 111111 111' 111.1 111.1111 I1.11'1. ' ' \

‘1' " ‘1 1 1 I - , '. .
_\ .'l I 1\ 1‘1.“ I. I H.) H11 1111 (mi/11] (If/1f1’HHHIN ulul 1'muldilous IH'I‘IN'I'H flu' pal'iitw'

'{‘I .111‘. 1'1111' . "‘ii'l 11-1111 11111'1111'.' :1"‘ "'\ ‘ 1 ' ' ' ' '
SI!“ [I II I. 1 I 1 1 1111 11111115 I11I11I1>1111 111111 111: \\‘111 1111111! 1111 W1
”,h'11wfi1-1m1111111 1111 1111 \\I1l‘lx 11111'1~\:11'\ " ‘ 1111.1

((.’[¢A1 4 («1 . ( Q, l % gm /&A (( ‘. 1111
f/M' /?(/‘: (kg/«,4? Lou/([4 1 /Z:... [ZLJA—cl r}. K/ (74:91:; 7.8504“,

W’A/ [1‘ '[ttLl)1'§‘A(£ L C. (1.4..
f’nuga 1, An-..“ r6514” /.é:.74' “W [W"" "" ‘3‘“ 2’23:

(11"1 I1111'1.