xt7ghx15n565_55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Immigration Restriction League text Immigration Restriction League 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_22/111942.pdf Jun-05 section false xt7ghx15n565_55 xt7ghx15n565 IMMIGRATION RESTRICTION LEAGUE.
Room 621, 60 State St.,
Boston, Mass. June 7,1905.
Dear Sir:

Indications are that immigration for the fisCal year
of 1905, ending June 30th., will be about one million, or con-
siderably more than one per cent. of the total population of
the United States. Such a number exceeds the population of any
southern city and is greater than the population of any one of
eighteen of the United States.

Of this multitude, the larger part will come from south-
ern and eastern Europe, and will be composed of the Slavic and
Iberic races, far less capable of being absorbed and assimilated
than those from northern Europe. Three—fifths will settle in
four eastern states. Less than one—tenth will go to the South
and West. One-fourth of this million will be absolutely unable
to read or write a single word of any language. It is the
coming and competition of undesirable southern Europeans, with
their low standards of living, that have caused a decline in the
number of assimilative immigrants from the north of Europe.
Slight judicious discrimination would counteract the artificial
stimilation,by the steamship companies,of the less desirable
part of this southuEuropean immigration, and would allow the
better classes of aliens to come and get a foothold in out inc
dustrial regime.

In as much as a scheme for distributing the aliens now

 landing, as well as the aliens in the slum districts of our eastern
cities, into the country districts of the various States is under
consideration, and is being advocated chiefly by transportation

‘ agencies, we feel that it would be of great value to learn what
are the wishes of your State at the present time in regard to
the kinds and nationalities of immigrants desired. By far the
greater part of recent immigration has settled in the large cities
of three or four eastern States, increasing the congestion, sick—
ness, poverty and misery there. It is now proposed to distribute
thousands of just such people throughout the South and West. Are
they the kind of immigrant labor you want ? Host of them have an .
inherent aversion to country life and are likely to give rise to
another difficult race problem.

This League is not an "Anti" immigration society. It
was formed in 1894 by a voluntary group of business and profess-
ional men to make a study of immigration. Investigation revealed

' a startling change in the nature and character of immigrants;
that they were beginning to come in large numbers from Southern
Europe; and that there were among these newcomers many undesirable;
such as paupers, ex-convicts, persons defective physically, men-
tally and morally, the selection of whom was left to the profit—
making choice of the steamship companies, and to foreign nations
anxious to get rid of their social refuse. The bulk of this new
Slavic and Iberic immigration is averse to country life, has an
indeflectible tendency to congregate in the cities, and is unfit
to take part in enlightened democratic government. .
It will be a great favor if you will kindly answer
I the enclosed questions. . a m I
- —~Q ‘_{SLWMTZQZW ..
t g H / - Assistant Secretary-

 l b'..

Wishes in respect to immiération of the State bf _ a _ _ _ _ _ _

Is any further immigration needed or desired ?

If further immigration is desired, please check the classes of

persons mentioned below which are desired, in the order of

preference. ‘ -
1. American, native born.
2. Persons from northern Europe
3. Skilled persons
4 Families with some money, intending to settle
in the country .
5 British
6 Scandinavians
7 Germans , .
8 Any other nationalities desired.
Please check below claSses of persons not desired in your State.
1 Foreign born
2 SOuthern and eastern Europeans
5 Asiatics
4 Illiterates '
5 Those settling in the cities and averse to '
.ccuntry life.
6 Lmnigrants distributed from eastern cities

Have you a surplus of labor in your State ?

Do you favor the exclusion of immigrants of poor physique ?

Do you favor an increased head tax of say $25, in order to
improve the quality ?

Do you think the United States should exclude "assisted"
immigrants, i.e.persons who have been unable to pay their
own passage ? ~

Would you be in favor of restricting immigration so as to get
the better classes of immigrants ?