xt7ghx15n565_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. United States Department of Agriculture text United States Department of Agriculture 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_6/113775.pdf 1885-1908 1908 1885-1908 section false xt7ghx15n565_65 xt7ghx15n565 %‘ {ramimwmvm W Mfimwmmzag
-' - WifliMYM/ETMM, Nammmfi'gm,
“eggsg-gzgxrgw «I gala/6%” ,fl/ééélfth
fig/fl/Kflflm; ‘ , ,
,4/ z a 67, . MIC/464% , _ >
‘ I“ (
(flfiWX/I/h/ ///
Qffl%; 2
A: W A” W 2%
’ /FLWkI/L 72‘le p; Iymmt 77,6 WW
II; 7:3“ IIIgI ” III: II 3:26:
, I AW ‘ -—\ ,' '
w (:4 W 757 7ijijw
£1226, , www, MAM .
“Km WM” fiW%_filaa
' mm W” W ' ”4“”

 B®ARB a? camwaaL. . 1 . .
_ ew ork grlcu tural Xperlment tatlon.
GOVERNOR HILL. Albany. N. Y. ‘ ' f .; k~ 1“». . ‘.-
ROB'T J. SWAN. President, Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y. ‘
N. M‘ CURTIS. Secretary. Ogdensbmg St. Lawrence Co” N. Y_ Director---Dr. E. L. STURTEVANT. Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y.
PATRICK BARRY. Rochester. Monroe Co., N. Y.
W. A. ARMSTRONGI Elmira. Chemung Co., N. Y. C\\>./_.4)
jAMES McCANN, Elmira. Chemung Co.. N. Y.
JOHN O'DONNELL, Jamaica, Queens Co., N. Y.
DANIEL BATCHELOR, Utica, Oneida Co.l N. Y.
J. S. WOODWARD. New York. 84 Lockpofl, Niagara Co., N. Y. @GW % my. ( 2g: 2' O 0 e 7’ j 2 2 4885
C. C. B. WALKER, Corning, SQeuben Co., N. Y. ) )
President James K.Pdt?€r60M,
, L e x i n U f 0 fl, F.9-
My Dear Sir:— I regret to say Ina? 1 fidd if Vfizfé
imoosaibze for me i0 accepz zae pacific“ of airecror
of Vow? inoefiment diariod,fifli0h JOE Add the KiddHEdd
20 offer me. MU PeZarioms here are antremeZy,ozeasanr,
and 1 have many faciZiZie; for original investigation
in ecomowic botany,a svuject tau: 1 am €q0€u7uiiy ia—
reredted in,and do not inimk that rue addflmeiOM of oth-
er dvfied would be advantageova. 1 am sorry 1 fluUe 096”
a0 long in giviwg you my fiflwz ueui¢i00,auf it depended
somewhat uvon the dCfiCU of rue uaracrifiea mere,¢ud it
was 220 2‘ [do ..' ..- z‘ .92 9 2‘0 «20.28 7‘ came to ....on ucj :':. 2' :5 com: Z 2;;—
) .
diOfl. 1 wouZd Zine to Aeao iqformed of your JPOgFBSJ i»
reference to the £n0.dtution,add may yet come JUZOWQ
fine be inZiwg $0 reco¢¢ider rue quadriom OJ yorking iw
coanecrion wiZh it.
Believe me
Very tryiy Joann”
/ 42 (gm/W.
( I

 ~i\"%“ {Iiifififiéifiiifiyfifl‘ 6M" AG)??W WET? 1571.,
' ”‘”"i fifliflfi'fli Efi'i’ifllfl ’19.“??? §TAF§§TZ€§.
" ‘C’Jfi‘fi‘gigé‘YJiE' jgwf/z/ @wé, xfi‘wa
M/gfi My 7/%/ .,
2W 4%”. 46% w . % M
W06“ M 2pm MW /gflw0&m WWW?
p532“ @214, fi/ 71)wi fl; .wW%-@f%
aétmvfkw \ D MM, [2A 7%? . %‘7Z€» Wt yaw/Z;
4m - 445M waWW W
W ”W {91 kWh/@M/ jw/ amzoéwwi
W”? 2”“

Diviaioa of Forestry,
Iashiagtoa. u. G.,Apr.7th.1886
. Dear Sir. ,
.' . The appropriation tor thie Divieion calla
' for marinate in toreetry work in an indefinite way, and as far K
an I an fiat. nothing has beenaoae by ay preaeceesors‘ in office
30 eoaply with thedrequirelaentp It is evident. that in a-aireet
way nothing- “ wen mount could have been done eith the wpropri-. '
“ion In it etude, in addition to the my other requirements or
work from the Divinioa. _ ‘
0n the other hand nothifi .eeena to he tore urgently fieeeeeary.
than 9109" methodical marinatation, by which the aimuraging
failurea of the tint tore» planters, an an men an possible be.
reduced and upon which" flue principle: of future American foreatry
lifllt be eetabliahed. It is alao evident that the value of nuch
‘ eaperiaentation tor. a eountry like the United States. so vast, and
‘ Varied in all eonditiona of climate, e011. flora «ten will be great~
1y enhanced by a eyetenatie and methodical proeeture. eimultazfouely,
by all. those to whom properly belongs the furtherance of agricul- '
tural development.
iconvineea that it may be possible to arrive at some plan, by >
"which the Agricultural fluorine!“ Stations and nuch of the Agricul-
— tural collegee .‘. are equipped for web merimenie, eouid use the ..
, faailitiee and material assistance of this Department,“ carrying
on’eueh forest experimentation, I take the liberty of asking you
to consider the matter and to kindly expreee your viewe on euch a
plan in general and in particular. a
In thing so, please state what thapreeent facilities at your
station are, whether any and what work in this line has been, or is

 4‘ I ~ ~ ' ' 2 ‘ ' i
going on under your cherge. in whet manor. 1 fineneial assist-.13”
in‘the work on the port of the Department out of the fund for for-
estry work may be poeeible.

I know thet some of the Colleges and Stations have made a be-
ginning in forestmtroe pleating, but I suppose thut they thema-

- delve: have felt that their isolated attempts do not carry with f n.
then the value and benefit, ethic-h a. more methodical, end unit ed ef— . 5
fort in ell ports of the Union would bring. And while therefore ’
their. euueeeore will benefit by their experiences, I believe. '
thoee firefly tamed in'tho work will be moot ugly to enter upon
3 plan of compaction. ' '

4 .31 m of terminating: we to. odd, that in German-wherefor-

ojtry has been pretest idea underwent favorable circumstances for

.4 mere than a centursr, not only .theineed of methodical and 534st emat ic
experiment at ion has been organized. to supplement’ernpiric knowldege
but the experimentzstat ions organized by each St ate, to insure the
best results have formed an association in which. they wo‘rk harmo—

niously together. . 4 , ‘ 4 .. .
Be kind evnouggglrto give seriousthough‘t tothis proposal, also a
frank expression oilfyour views. . Reggae: fully, '
- - -» flaw/142 tfig .gflfl‘)
, . / ohiém’womm Bunion.

 4 ‘4 1,. H
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y .2

 + - +
£1 5% amendment all Agriculture
%§M/M’y/Ew, Q g, Aprllagth. MM
Lexington, Ky. ‘

In order that the value of the forage plants
recently imported from Russia may be determined with a greater deg—
ree of accuracy than is attainable by miscellaneous distribution,
and that the climatic influences upon the varieties referred to
may also be determined,l take pleasure in forwarding to you by to—
day’s mail such a quantity of each as will enable you to make the
needed experiments.

Thanking you for the hearty interest you have manifested in
seconding my efforts to bring about a system of successful coopera—
tion between this Department and the Experiment Stations, ‘

l amiyoursmycryflresgégggul1y
4257" ) 497/Lie/
U. S. Commis% ' 1 turc.

 @epatimenl of Wgticulfiure,
%fi4;72;w/ @% W4 mm
' .fWM JAM: a?
Z7 9W r43”. '
%W by? @431? 42,74 / fl: .5442”
WM @7 0% . g/ {/W‘L’W 41w 4%
52%” W/ %m a/zM fl/JMZ/ a/ZZZ/ @m a“; m
Q4/W/ a, wag WW“, (5% M~ mac/My
z/WZp/I Adm mm WWW /gflflm/P~ 2M;
4%” m 444/g4} 4:4/wwm/WM WM
fM ? /L¢va m @flzgz Wag/M/ym/X»?
WAWW W ,/ Wag/fl /[MJZ 4;” 1,2,,47/MAM/~
zumvmw MWa/Lw/zz MMW/
V WWW”; fi/flm MW «Wag W.

A WWW w W W24 wag/7
if/meyz WMM M. M W394 444

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Wm. M WW“ ‘9ng m; /i:»
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igwoé fiWwA K fig? 24/1‘ ,
flmZLpZ % x2r - h
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£6242.ng MM (5% MM avg/6f
Mam, 42AM % M am mam/A W
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éflWfl, M01 c/Wflal?‘ (g
m C/Ww%m Mac/(W Aazaa du/ie?
M/ZW L/w/u/“f/Zéz; WWcW
(in AZLT a”? 4‘ng1 Zn/zgwy %r M/
4/ , :22. We. km %W ‘M Q/oazj‘. 7%; flag/4;“
(KIM/*4 £17 f/Am 7m7 Zzgflm {la/km gm];

@epatimenl of Qlifgticuflure,
%l;7m, 97% my . -
mil W91 a: W/%/Z?Waw
“WW/aria /z:‘ WWW/My Mai/MU
/W a mam l/W Mam,
Jm Wm: aifma beg/awn” /aza
. fl va/vw aka/z. /:l/y'Z/L/’ Wye / We! o/WM a,
flaw a7/% fmuzaa é/a dam/i aw
W #29 XM lam m ;z ai/LWW/«w;
/mm low,» /c/éz;}wz M1: /Z€” WWW
fl? @1477 M2” éWWWMzZM W
W W fauna/é /f 7% ..V/4M4 /W [WW
gal/7W .47 W Madame, MA 91% MW 420%
WWW Wave/W “77c 6W7 ....
M gm:- ,/WW a; A: WW .wza WWW/fl-
a/W £244. z/aM/v 5%” aim/7 r/wL/x. ma 4‘:
W l” ”7“” ”7”“ ”“3 ”fifigfifiw W mag. M, '

 L/7 . A/vé/V
/M¢W ZZZW’W/ w\flm;j flaw W‘
J’. 3x

 finited $tams
Elmaltnwnit @‘éf gkgjstfi'mflfillm,
, (W //7Q/,/7g /cPoa,’5“.
o/Wyzm £7”
WMVZ/m 5W7 (AA/W oi W¢“‘%
%; mma 7W/W #WW
W445; MK 7%34W~
prmufilz/(z‘uq W“ W Mfi WW“
flmm %~ Mary/WV 54W «La-(:34,
Wn/~WW m W— %3 HWWW_

 EH 0%. gepattmmt of ggumlture,
, Wad/W44, :04. 4., "142444.41:_~_:v;:_¢_s;;,:;”":/444
3744,54 »Mg,/1/z,m,{m;4/// 14 1114417; A106 5_//1L/a e5»-
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6%; 47/41/14)”?7412-1 <14: 47/ Z7111. 12,4, fem: .243 441-446 14.5241? (714/1442 m1»

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Wk]; 04477111" ,(fA411406/61-1v55M1dZJ/ 4&1. émzyh/k Lmnza,» 4c (Cw-14:47.24};
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aux/C 154143454761 /

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512/444 4‘50“,» %M M/L 42/2641} 4» x1992 424041 fir 444224? V 4146144232444:
flf [74—5 WW 4% W M; 127122441 442 7,41,“.1‘464‘5415/41177’7 /
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25M 444451491641 , W We, 1% /L.Mziu1 7‘2 ‘z‘z’fiia/
531/75 «£4.44? 4% Uith'W/ 5‘4" #7274161 fwflu 4%fz'a 42/1: 4% £44441
JWM-o 44415:, 2745 #:7415517 247414444, 1'; 4624/7, '141-6'4‘44447
4444411131 M 224:“ 114/ 4.4 4144494 444% 52444.4 ,4“. 4../1
/Ma/.W / pm 4021. W,10(.1‘L£Jél fizz/144441 4m 41 4%4/414444’2717'
414w WW4 4% 4411.447 W 44444 447 44a
Manta/M‘s ‘i/Wu/Ca-u W [:1 44147144444441 mfg/4444741 '
M1 ##4##?! $34.14 WW I WW1 ’M'WLZXWAWM
014%;erwa Wu 2%5 am” 42427 W4 W4 4141;4442" 44224424,»
' 4W. cam/414,4 444.447?) 11501471235151 clam-2014441447 4% df’P‘Z/f/éww
K. 0‘

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- t ‘rltt ,5 .. filtttttt Lama a . A at 1m tea. L;
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t W'aJ/ze (am/1 overly/(then, of observer: ,, , . ,1 ,
‘ ‘ Place of ()ZJS‘K’I'Z/‘(IZL/OYI.’ State, ,, ,, County. _,
’ 5 i - Tow/11,__,,,,.,, , , Langl'fllde,_m,,, Latitude.,,___,,_,,_, .le‘z'fz(,(ie,,,
, . . I; .Genercol short description of locality as to .9077 exposure:
. i .. W...“ ., ....ewewwfimwe...,.__.._,‘_______,____._~.m, ,,.‘_____¢:_..'-.-_._ New.“ -. > 7,141
. ‘-‘ ' ' l OBJECTS.
\ 1 1. To note progress ot' loeal developments in tree lite, tor the purpose ot" enlarging knowledge ot' biological
. ' conditionx.
- 2. To arrive at eonelusions as to relative elimatie (renditions expressed by phases ot’ plant development, and also .
‘I rice 1:0er as to dependence oi" sueh developments on sueh eonditions.
i 3. To determine period of ref/umz’ion ot' diti'erent speeies (time from appearanee ot" first leaf to general ehange of t
' 3 ~ foliage) ,
i 4. To aseertain the relative dependenee ot' (_li’tlel‘eltt speeit-s on elimatie eonditions, determining relatively time for
l planting.
l - n I 4 - . ~ r. n . u n .
5. To enable emnparison of heliavror ot same SpL‘t‘lt‘S under elimatle conditions 01 ditlerent lm-:tlit1es,tlius allowmg
l . preliminary estimates of capacity of (/20 species for acclimation.
2 77”- MW “w
1 Only suoh tree speeies may he taken into aeeount whieh eonstitute the bulk ot‘ the natural forest, or have been
. planted for eeonomie purposes. A‘prroximate dates must. he so noted.
‘ It is not required to note exeeptionally early or late phenomena, but mean eonditions ot' each station. The, obser-
' L l vations should tllel‘t'llfl‘fl he taken in places whieh represent the general eliaraeter ot‘ surroundings.

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‘ ‘ ' REMARKS. | RAINY DAYS. SNOWY DAYS. , ’“Wj’?” 2'0“)”
Eiits'r Biimr l I q COMPLETE SEEDS l ['lldll (li.).] _ A. 3 .4 _ Soil F 1. fl . REMARKS.
. , , .. , , ., FULLY— L‘ULLY- ”111.1. {1r}: , , . o “41.“, a A, ,, -; . , , 1 _ '11? s , t, MONTH. . Nunil’wl' .: E , _: in _ . .: g ,: 2“
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