xt7ghx15n565_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Walter K. Patterson text Walter K. Patterson 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_8/Folder_6/Multipage6784.pdf 1885-1904 1904 1885-1904 section false xt7ghx15n565_83 xt7ghx15n565 J

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 \\'11Ulill.\‘.\1.lvl l’lilf‘li LIST .11-71’171‘21‘11405' (‘OFNTY NI'IIEI‘IllY.


Nature has given America such vast natural resources and such a
variety of climate that we, should lead the world in the production of all
raw material and manuta’ctures. livery year many millions of dollars
are sent abroad to purchase raw and manutacturcd silk. all of which
should be retained at home. and added to the material wealth of our own
land. l‘lxperiinents show that the \l'estern States with their dry atmos—
phere are better adapted to the culture of silk than many of the ,l‘luropean
countries where silk has been cultirated for centuries. The silk worm
should never be fed damp leaves. Here beneath our sunny skies there is
hardly a day during the season but what dry leaVes can be picked from
the trees. The culture of silk is better adapted to home industry than
any other branch of work which opens as large a field in the commercial
market. it being valuable as a commodity and largely in demand. it par—
ticularly commends itself to women and children of the rural districts

as an occupation ol' an intelligent and moral bearing. not re .i 'ring con—

nies. and

o n
stant duty but enabling the parties to pursue their household di

it is attracting a wide—spread attention throughout the lvnited States.
The great drawback to silk culture in the past has been the want of
mills to mann'tacture the raw material a want which no longer exists.
for at the present time ‘lllll silk mills are in daily operation. wearing last
year 1.309.006 lbs. of imported raw silk at. a cost of >31H.UUH.UHU. ltaw
silk commands tram 5:1. to 558' per lb.. according to its quality. and cocoons
and iloss silk $1 to "$1.31) per lb. ("All mulberry trees will grow well on
two acres oi' land. which will yield about 2111111111 ll_1$..1)l: leaves. About
11') lbs. of leaves are required to make, 1 lb. of fresh (‘ocoons which would
yield aliout 1.7133 lbs. ot‘ fresh cocoons: these stitled would yield about
SSH 11w, llried cocoons of good quality are worth >32 per lb.. or $1.171}.

and the 3ivolton silk worm prmluws two crops a year. The expenses of

producing a crop are as follows: Lahor$1t21lz other expenses 331: all
not exceeding $51431). lleducting this from $1.176 would leave {41.11113 on
two acres ot' land in one month’s time. and two crops per year can be

The above figures are taken from the reports of those who have had
actual experience in the business.

Silk worm eg by mail post paid French Yellow. T?) cts. per M.:
per oz. $3.111). \lvhite Japanese 81 per M; per oz. 813.011. ‘

.-\ complete text book on sill; culture tor '33 cts.

“1M” dblu‘r Pairenm’h‘u)’ About «burr E’aeking.
'l‘reiw received in line eondiiioner. .\1. 11oi.r.\.\'i>. Plymouth. Indiana.
'l‘hoze were niee l]‘l‘(‘<.“-"llHH\'|»‘,i; .\-. H \[NIZS. l);1_\‘lzil]. Hhio_
Trees are in gooil shape.—'l'no\i \s Rom 'rs. (ireen (trove Springs. Florida.
(‘uitings arrived in good ('llllllill'lll."”ll. .\I. Monias .\~ to, ltaluool. Illinois.
'l‘rees are all rights—41. 1’. Nikon \ii. \\'asliiiiglon. 1’. 4'.
Think the trees will all grown-"1 ‘eizire Mort-land, l’enn.
’l‘rees came in nice i'IilltlliiHi).-A.\- .\l. l’i'nm‘, l’alioyra. New York.

Address. ' ('AIU’ENTER d‘r GAGE.
limem'. Jefferson (Qualify. Nebraska.

GM::'rnI. i’rlul. l‘airl-nr : Nab.


111‘ 'i'illf





:{iiml Size.

IBIK/‘Hld A.

Jan, Mi

IMP 3W1?



The four Russian trees named in this list were brought to this coun—
try from the steppes of Russia. latitude 40”, by the Mennonites. The
mulberry and olive were the favorite timber and fuel producing trees of
that country, and after eight years trial prove equally as valuable upon
the prairies of the \‘Vest. They all seem to be perfectly hardy, having
stood thirty degrees below zero on our grounds without injury and in York
county. this state. thirty—five. The Mennonites brought other trees. but
the ones mentioned in this list are the only ones we deem of value. al—
though some of the others may prove valuable when better known.

Trams AND eoxm'rioxs.

1st. l’aeking done in the most thorough manner in good boxes or
bales for which we charge only enough to cover cost.

2nd. l“ree delivery at railroad depot or express office. after which
our responsibility ceases.

3rd. Terms, one—tourth cash with order. balance befiu‘e shipping. ex-
cept from known parties.

Remit by draft. l’. 0. order. registered letter. or money by express,
not private check.

l’. (l. order should be drawn on Fairbury, Nebraska.

“"e ship by Denver & St. Joe branch of the U. l,’. and ii. 8; M. rail—
roads. (lrders should be sent in early as our stock is limited. (Ibrres-
pondence solicited.

5 trees at 10 rates: 50 trees at I00 rates; .300 trees at 1000 rates.


Thos. Harbine, li‘airbnry. Neb., and First National Bank of Beatrice,


This valuable fruit. timber and ornamental tree, was brought to this
country from Russia. latitude 40 degrees. by the Mennonites. and is
as near as we can learn a cross between the marl/s Ila/m. or black mul—
berry of Persia. and the morus 'I'm'hu'rmr, a native Russian variety. The
tree is a very rapid grower and grows to be very large.often reaching the
height of fifty feet and from three to five feet in diameter. and is perfectly
hardy. The timber is hard and durable. and is used in the manufacture
of cabinet ware and proves as lasting for fence posts as catalpa or red ce-
dar. lt commences to bear when two years old and is a prolific bearer.
the fruit being about the size of Kitalinny blackberries: ninety-five per
cent. of the berries are a jet black. the balance a reddish white. They
have a line aromatic flavor and sub-acid sweet taste. and are used for (les—

sert as we use blacklwrries or rasplwrries. They also make a pleasant,
light wine. The leavvs are mostly lobed or cut. and are valuable food
for silk worms. The bark is grayish white. branches drooping. The
Mennonites use it as an orumnental hedge plant. and it makes a beautiful
hedge and stands shearing as well as any tree on the list.



The following named gentlemen have seen the fruit of the mulberry
and will testify as to its size, color and quality:

Rev. T. Johnson, Bower, Nebraska. \V. D. Galbraith, Treas. ThayerCo., Hebron-
Rev. G. 0. Clark, Bower, Nebraska. J. R. Nelson, agricultural implement dealer:
H. T. Bower, justice of the peace, Bower. Fairbnry, Nebraska.

M. (J. Hnrlbert, farmer, Bower, Nel). \Vm. Allen, grocer, Fairburv, Neb.

S. S Stacy, farmer, Bower. Nob. J. V. Switzer, lumberman, Fairbury, Neb.
1‘). D. Gage, postmaster, Bower, Neb. H. H. ’l‘odt, boot and shoe dealer. Fairbury.

Our stock is fine, and we offer at the following prices:

Per 1. Per 10. Per 100. Per 1000. Per 5000.

4 to 6 inches, 06 50 $2 00 $15 00 .3 65 00
0 to 12 “ 10 75 2 00 20 00 90 00
12 my. “ 13 31 oo 4 00 :55 00 150 00
2 m 3 feet, 20 1 50 a oo 70 00
3 to 4 feet, 2.5 2 00 15 00

We propogate from cuttings and Prof. Budd, of the Iowa Agricul-
tural College, says this mulberry is propogated more readily from cuttings
than any with which he is acquainted. We offer No. 1 cuttings, 10
inches long, at: 100, 600; 1000, $5; 5000, $20.

Small trees by mail 10 per cent., and cuttings 50 per cent. extra.

RUSSIAN APRICOT, (I’l'lllllls Sibericu,)

The hardiest of all the Apricots, has stood 30° below zero without injury,
while the Moorpark and Breda were frozen to the ground, and is free
from all disease, worms and insects that have been so destructive to trees
and fruit of the peach and plum. We have seen a great many of ,these
trees growng in the Mennonite settlements of Kansas and Nebraska
and have the first tree to see that was not perfectly healthy, Vigorous
and symetrical. Fruit medium size and of the best quality, and brings
the top price in market.

Each. Per 10. Per 100.
1 to 2 feet trees, $1 00 S 8 00 $ 60 00
2 to 3 feet. trees, 1 50 12 00 80 00
.‘5 to 4 feet trees, 2 00 15 00 100 00


A beautiful dwarf tree or shrub. The leaves when they first put
forth are a, rich silver color. Bark green. Flowers in droops, a bright
golden color. It stands shearing and makes a beautiful ornamental hedge.

2 to 3 feet trees. 75 cents each.


A thorny tree, which attains the height of forty feet. The leaves are
a bright silver color and are. formed like the Willow. Flowers small yel-
low. in dense racemes: very fragrant. The fruit is a violet color, and is
produced in large quantities. it is about the size of cherries. The tim-
her is very valuable. being finely mottled and also takes a beautiful
polish and is much prized in the arts. The tree makes a perfect hedge
which will turn all kinds of stock. it grows well from cuttings.

One year old trees, one dollar each. '

Cuttings. ten inches long. one, dollar fifty per 100.


 J, S. HUGHES, President F. J. CAMPBELL, Mnnagev. I

Authc rized Capital $50,000; Capital Stock $30,000;4Capital paid in $20,000.
7,], ,, ,5
3 r,’ , J


JQMMWCC: 7974.4“: :,/L::, W /7 70/64”
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 J, S. HUGHES, President. F. J. CAMPBELL. Managen

Authcrized Capital $50,000; Capital Stock $30,000; Capital paid in $20,000.


Roszisasmua SPRINGS s; mmme 60., PROPR’S.

JR, A3 2, L716 2 , 957999199, /(


~224L2 // /d"6‘ //


7/7422 /22 27:72

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Z? 7422 2L& //L2/2/é , 929,22 92:4;y4 /7~2._ wLL M
2/11’ZZL22 .(2, ”22%. //C /

v— 72: / /: £42 2/ z @— /&‘[{ 3/721. 25.42%
[2! M Q% Z/Z/x‘f/ 4/[7 72/ LL /9/ é/W $774,472
22’27‘77 (2(2{rl/ {273/3 ///22' 7‘- ZLLLXL /2¢—27(2 jff/ 2/ 2% 6m

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2155:1752 /" 2% ,2/"77/ /47 43/ it ,/7 3" '25 fl 47/1“pr
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 J, S. HUGHES, President. F. J. CAMPBELLl Managen

Authcrized Capital $50,000; Capital Stock $30,000; Capital paid in $20,000.

57 57713775757 $1377 ES 777777742515

Romgsgsmua Spgmss a; (DINING (50., Emma’s.

X55 :5 5555' 53/5555
Agc’Z/Zz/V /.777 7g/
///7‘7tl @dL7&i% VZMLAfi/Z7 574.4555/4

5} EWZ7/57 /7% 55 (37555 (555 ..... Z7 5 77557 5Z5 //5 55s; .
777775 7557/17M 555575 f 5Z2 /755/ 55555577557555 (,7
7775777577. 5 17/? 255 5‘; 7%51577/7/25 756/517 mf‘
7775777 77 755 7145 5/»; 57/ 7525 7:174 75
5} W45 75/7/ 244/455 7/ 55575 7%“? MM 5557:5777
7,7177%. 755.

W A74» [AM/U k/ “’9’4’4/(4’ 7”,,7—77—4'L—

K )Za/Z’Zf/L/ fif‘é’ éétA/L/l/I/L/ 2:46;, 1/?(7557 “Zr/i /IL W-

Zia/7,7557; f A55K/55. 71/4/55 M55~4 754754. 77W¢
77/5 7 774* /“7 :4 M

/bfl5?/%L 614/ UV7707’177B, //7Z/Z775L.
fl %méa24fl7%zm/¢ /‘//f/// ¢ZJ /(:.L' //Z:MV~01¢/(~
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77 75M777Z7 555577“ 7 7:5 7775 55 5.
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~¢/:'/'2/T7 1i_/

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1724/ “7762/ VXWZ/k’; QM W W Z,

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