xt7ghx15n565_87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Pecos County, Texas text Pecos County, Texas 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_8/Folder_10/Multipage6881.pdf 1886-1909 1909 1886-1909 section false xt7ghx15n565_87 xt7ghx15n565  


‘93 U3.

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Dryden, Pecos Co., Texas, March 28th. 1586.
Mess. Henry Kimberg et al.,

London, England.

Gentlemenz- .

Carrying out my understanding with you on leaving England, I have visited Pecos, Co.,
Texas and haVe made a careful examination of the lands owned by yourselves and the lands alter—
nating with them (amounting in all to 322560 acres) with a view to ascertaining their adapta—
b1lity to the breeding and fattening of Cattle and now submit the following report.

I find the principal body of these lands (comprising 296960 acres) are situated in the
forks of the Rio Grande and Pecos river The Galveston Harrisburg & San Antonio R. R. runs
through this tract of land for 40 miles and has the four stations of Langtry, Samuels, Lozier and
Watkins situated within its boundaries. These lands are situated between the 34th & 35th degrees
of North Latitude and the 101 & 102 degrees of Longitude West from Greenwich. They have an
elevation of from 2700 to 8500 feet above sea level and an average rainfall according to the
Signal Service report of the United States for the last 10 years, of 24. 2 inches per annum. The
.country is all of a Limestone formation and is broken up into hill, valley and table lands, pro-
ducing the Mesquite and Gramma grasses, on which Cattle, horses, sheep, goats and indeed every
kind of stock feed and do well the year round, without other food. As to the capacity of this
land for sustaining Stock- I have found by inquiring from Stockmen who are now grazing it that
about 30.000 head of Cattle and 20.000 head of sheep have been on it for the last two to three
years and whilst they all concur in saying that this (present) has been the dryest SeaSOn for six
years (and remembering that this is the end of the winter when stock always look at the worst) I
have in five days continuous riding over the land, seen only five carcasses of Cattle or sheep;
this I consider a very favorable sign and I attribute this favorable condition of the stock to
the nutritiousness of the grass, the good shelter the hills afford, the permanency of the water
in the rivers and the general healthfulness of the climate. The last which the Stockmen here
agree in saying is very healthy for both man and beast. To render the whole of the grass avail-
able it will be necessary in the interior of _the tract to make basins of sufficient size to let
water accumulate that stock might be well carried through these dry spells. I found a number of
places where water is even now seiping out that would be suitable places for these basins and
where they could be made at small expense. The Rio Grande and Pecos rivers both form a fence
across which Cattle cannot pass. Taking these rivers and 50 miles of additional fencing the
entire body of 296960 acres can be enclosed. In selecting a location to conduct a successful
ranching business certain conditions are necessary. The locality where the smallest loss of stock
in winter, the largest increase of young from a given number of females can be had; where Stock
can be held, managed and fenced at the smallest expense and Where they can be received and
shipped to market with the greatest fa ility, is the most desirable. On all of these points the
land under consideration is strong. I find from careful inquiry that loss from cold and scarcity
of food in this range is rare and that the increase of calves from cows has never been less than
70 per cent. and averages fully 90 per cent. As the two rivers form good fences and the hills
afford excellent protection, stock can be held at small expense.' With the G. H. & S. A. R. R.
right through the tract and said R. R. being leased and controlled by the S. P. R. R. Co., one
of the largest of the country and connecting with the entire Railroad system and markets of the
coutnry, Stock pens can be put up within the boundaries of the ranch and when stock are boughtthey
can be delivered immediately on the ranch or when sold can be loaded on the cars for market without
the expense, delay and loss incident to a long drive. All things considered, it would, in my
opinion be difficult to find a more desirable location for a ranching business-than the lands I‘
have now examined.

Yours Truly



 A. The Galveston Harrisburg & San Antonio R. R. Co. has never yet procured the right of way
over the sections owned by the proposed Cattle Co., and at Langtry the R. R. Co. are new
pumping out of a large spring situated on one of the Daugherty sections. Langtry is the cost
important water station of the R. R. from thence to El Peso, 400 miles. This could be made a
source of revenue to the Cattle Co., or might be used as a means of securing favorable consider-
ation from the R. R. Co., as to transportation rates, etc. The spring being unfailing a“d of
great use to the R. R. Co. The Cattle Co. would be in a pOSlLiOD to ask a good deal.

B. At Langtry is situated a Uuited States Military post and there is now stationed one
Company of soldiers. Being on the borders of Mexico it is probable that this force may be
increased. In that event the contract for supplying them vith beef, hay, wood, etc., might be
easily taken by the Cattle Co., they being the wners of the lands thereabout. Th: present
contractors for these articles both to the R. R. Co. and soldiery are trespassing on the
proposed Cattle Co’s lands to fill the contracts. I counted 107 cords of wood cut .nd ready to
be drawn to the R. R. Station at Langtry. The contract is let at $10.00 per cord, t e contractor
is cutting it on the proposed Cattle Co’s land. The wood costs him nothing, cutting and carting
about $3.00 per cord, so he is making a clear $7.00. This the Cattle Co. might do.

C. Along the Pecos and Rio Grande Rivers are good bodies of land. Thse could b . ily
irrigated and if properly cultivated would produce Corn, Oats and Barley well, also . ables of
all kinds; these would more than supply the ranch. It might also be advisable to lo
families on theSe lands, who understanding cultivatiow by irrigation would for the use
land pay rents and at the same time furnish a permanent and reliable supply of ranch hands when
needed. Grapes, in these valleys and lands on the river banks could without dout be g own to
the greatest perfection. I have never seen in any locality such fine specimens of mi d grape
vine as here; in one pla;e I saw the hill side literally covered with the vines, some of them as
much as 3 inches in diameter.


D. Ranchmen here are paying their Mexican Cowboys $12.00 to $15.00 per month and feed them,
the rations consisting of 2 muttons, 1-2 bushel meal, 3 pounds Coffee & 3 pounds sugar, and I am
told they have no difficulty in secureing all the help they need.

E. I found situated within one half mile of the R. R. near Lozier an outcropping of shale
saturated with Coal oil. Whether Oil is there in any Quantity I do not know, but the rock burns
fiercely when put in the fire. In other localities minerals exist, but of what kind I do not
know. I have secured specimens of the ore and will have them analyzed. I mention this in the
way of information concerning the land and it may or may not materially affect its value in the
future, as the owner of lands in Texas owns all the minerals it may contain.

F. “Dining Station” is a place on the R. R. where the passenger trains stOp for meals.

v day and all day in every direction on


the morning of the 28th when I arrived at
I rode 35, 25, 22, 33, 45 agd 7 miles
nformation as to the having examined

G. Li morning of March 23 I rode eVer
this tra ‘ by the rivers and inland until
Dryden : ~ . x." . -‘ report. In the respective day
or a tot I can therefore give reliable
it thorou '



Ade. a: When the above report was made there was in contemplation by the parties to W"
was addr~ssed, the organation of a large Cattle Company, with a View to stocking all the
(296,960 acres) bet‘-.-Veen the two ri shown on the above map. But owing to 'the depression
in the Cattle business it has been in dad to defer it until the business improves and the Com—
panies heretofore organized make a be" er showing. But to parties who now have Cattle without
lands, or who have confidence in the future of the business, it would be difficult to find a place
where so much Grass and water can be controlled with so little money. One half of the 296690
acres is owned by the State School fund and can be leased for a term of five years at four cents
per acre per annum, with the option to lease again at the expiration of that time. In order to
close up a partnership business it is necessary for the parties owning the sections shaded on the
accompanying map to sell them. And a good bargain will be given any one who Will buy the land as
a whole. Special inducements will be offered to Agents who can work up a sale of ten or more
sections in a body. The owners have determined to sell and parties looking for a landed invest—
ment should write at once for prices, giving the numbers of sections they wish to buy and stating
the amount they can invest. For prices and further particulars address

Rooms 15 and 16, Merchants Exchange,

' Dallas, Texas.


Dallas Texas, August iotli 1887.

I solicit C(11‘1‘CSPU1HiUllCC with Saw—Mill men and him Land investors, I have information that will enable me to buy Pine lands on and near the
projected lines of 3 Railroads, the land can now be bought at from $1.00 to $.50 an acre, and \thn the roads are completed,(Within 12 to 18 months) will
sell readily, at from $3.00 to $7.50 per acre.

Also with parties who wish l<)i)uy01‘iCuSC Grazing lands on short notice. I can gct up fcnccd and watered tracts, in size from 640 acres to
[00.000 acres, to lease for a term of years.

Can furnish agrict‘dtural lands in tracts to suit purchasers, whether as individuals 01‘ for colnics.

In 'wrz'tz'ngfor descriptions of lands always state for what pulpose you wish to use the land, and how much money you can invest in it. Then I
will present you such tract as I have best suited 2‘0 your purpose within your moans.



 , , fl ereyor.
@ffice Of , Qegobflg T. R. OWEN, Chle Deputy.

J. P. RANDOLPH, Surveyor.

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Attorney at Law. Abstracior of Tltles and Notary Publlc.


--...-._.. _, _ fl/ll 3‘. .--- ,/ _ _ Q“\

_ i l 2 . /’/ j (,I .

ll Hale County Land and J Lulicin l é/fl/é’éfl/Z CflflJ./
l .‘
‘ .

l l

.District. is composed of Swisher,
l Hockley, leiley‘ Lamb and Coch- l


. Correspmxdents ““111 please glvew ......
llcounty, abstract, survey, cel‘tifi-‘l Will examine and PerfectTitles to Lands, pay Taxes on lands in any
lcate and Block number. part of Texas; will furnish abstract of titles, buy, sell..and leases

l lands. Special attention given to Panhandle Lands.



Plainview, Texas.


“11/ (74¢: 1 L757fl7 r' 4;;4

fab/WT; 2W. {/7 74 31/747! ”Z; (7LII/ZZW
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7‘3 #71444! I,
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Attorney at Law. Abstractor of Titles and Notary Public.


Hale County Land and J11Il1c111 ’ ’ / fl ,- / ¢fl4,/
Dist1ict 1S composed of Swishe1,
‘ Hockiey, Bailey, Lamb and Coch-
ran counties.

Conespondents 1111 please givei‘
county, abstract SUlvey, Gertifi- Will examine and PerfectTitles to Lands, pay Taxes on lands In any
cate and Block number. part of Texas; will furnish abstract of titles, buy, sell and lease

“‘ lands. Special attention given to Panhandle Lands.

/ //<4
Plainview, Texas, ........ ‘18 1111111111






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To F. W. J 11/1133, . 1 1 11131111111) NATIONAL BANK,
President First National Bank, :1 ‘ —0F_ ' 1

The undersigned her-eh} subscribes for. , , .M shares of the capital stock of the Ezlstlnnd National

Bank, of ,l'lastlaud, 'l‘exns, of the par value of $100, each, to be paid to I“. W. James at Eastland, Eastland County,
’J‘exas, on or before ()eteher 16 1890. or to said F. \V. James at. the First National Bank of Baird within said

1ime fur said purpose. And I herein bind 1111 seli to comply w ith the terms of this subsc1iptio11' 111 due time

(iiYCllelldCI‘ my huu<1z1t.... . . . . . . . WWI/37.5mm of. .7W'1‘his the .W.
1):!)‘01‘.4........ .1390. / fwd
l’ustOihee 91%

stue. 7W6


 «r 7;



President First National Bank, ‘0T—


The undersigned hereby subscribes for ................. shares ot'the capital stock of the liastland National

Bank, of Easbland, Texas, of the par value of $100, each, to be paid to F. \V. James at Eastland, liastland County,

Texas, on or before October 1, 1890, or to said 14‘. \\'. James at the First National Bank of Baird within said

time for said purpose. And 1 hereby bind myself to comply with the terms of this subscription in due time.
Given under my hand at ........................ State of ................ This the ..................

Day of .................... 1890.

Same ............................................
Post Utiiee ....................................

State ............................


 «OFF-:62 OF»



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‘ “I“.
EASTLAND, TEXAS, ........................... N ______ Q34 .......................... 189 0


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EASTLAND, TEXAS, N ____,_189
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EASTLflND, TEXflSFW/O ....... T .f ..... 189 2.

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DAuAsTExM; JUly lBth, 1893‘
Dear Sir:—-
During the present strained condition of money and Confidence,

there are many who wish to sell their securities. If you have stock in

any of the National Banks of Texas, and desire to dispose of all or part

of them at a reasonable price, we are satisfied of being able to find
you a purchaser, or if you will kindly advise us what Texas stocks you
own, we will be pleased to post you frOm time to time as to their market

Municipal Bonds are now being generally recognized as the safest
class of securities in the market after Government and State Bonds, as
indicated by the enclosed clipping frOm an Eastern paper. We have a
number of Texas City and County Bonds listed, and with your permission
we will be pleased to submit offerings.

Yours very truly,


 1', ’2‘ ' 2' , 67 J,’ '7
‘Jbttlctloi’l J) Elfin/Admit. W (_/. ”ad—14!?!“-

tit/AM g” gmém, ‘ " ‘
.QZ/ flaws/74 flwfl/ fim-Mdfled’ a?! agave.
//5% d/Am %


lglm‘ Q/LZ/ fisfld September 1st.1895.

Pres.James K.Patterson5

Dear sir and friend:- I have recently located at this
place anabengaged in the practice of law in the firm shown on the
heading hereof.

Our practice is quite extensive and we are meeting with fine suc—

we have a town of about 4qp00 inhabitantsaprogressive and fast
increasing in population and material development. Thirteen systems of
Railways enter the city and as soon as the financial depression is over
others will build in. It is the Ry.center of the state.

I am now located for lifeghaving seen the state in its entirety.

I would be glad to hear from you and of the prosperty of the State

College of in. Kentucky;for which I have a strong attachmen